Lisin and his marital status. Confrontation between Lisin and Potanin. Vladimir Lisin in his younger years, the beginning of his career

Ten years ago, Vladimir Lisin chose a target. Aim for a long time and did not miss

Valery Igumenov

He cuts the cigar and sets it on fire with a disposable lighter bearing the NLMK logo. The cigar will be finished in two hours. But Vladimir Lisin is in no hurry: the ending year was the most successful and calm for his business. The proceeds from sales at the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant owned by him in the first eight months of the year have already exceeded last year's - 78.8 billion rubles against 75 billion rubles. Profit amounted to 39.3 billion rubles, almost twice as much as for the entire last year. The company became the second largest company in the world in terms of profitability among ferrous metallurgy enterprises, and in Russia it is ahead of everyone else in the industry in terms of profitability. Over the past six months, NLMK's capitalization has grown from $ 4.6 billion to $ 6.1 billion, with the RTS index falling. “All my work is aimed at improving the company's performance,” says Lisin in an interview with Forbes. This year, Novolipetskiy Kombinat bought two seaports to “protect export channels,” and Stoilenskiy GOK to control ore supplies. Lisin gave it for a controlling stake in the GOK former owner, the founder of the bank "Russian Credit" Boris Ivanishvili 15.5% of its 96% shares of NLMK. Finally, in October, he bought a package of licenses for the exploration of gas condensate fields on the shelf of the Kara Sea: "We need to think about resources in the long term."

A ready-made portrait of an apolitical owner who cares only about the development of his company? One could believe in such an image of Lisin, if not for his past. And there were scandals, corporate wars, and close ties with dubious businessmen.

Forge of personnel

Vladimir Lisin is one of the two "real" metallurgists among the industry magnates. Where were his current colleagues 15 years ago? Anywhere, but not in metallurgy. The co-owner of Norilsk Nickel, Vladimir Potanin, and the head of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, Iskander Makhmudov, worked as clerks in state foreign trade organizations. The owner of Severstal, Alexei Mordashov, and the founder of Evrazholding, Alexander Abramov, were engaged in scientific work. The owner of Russian Aluminum, Oleg Deripaska, was just studying physics at Moscow State University.

At the end of the 1980s, the main shareholder of NLMK was already a deputy general director at the Karaganda metallurgical plant, where he came as a young specialist. In addition to Lisin, only one tycoon in the industry worked his entire previous life in the specialty - co-owner of Magnitka, Viktor Rashnikov. Maybe that's why Rashnikov and Lisin easily find a common language in business - for example, for two years now they have been talking about a possible merger of assets. However, while it does not seem that they will ever lead him. In addition, history shows that the owner of NLMK will sooner or later part with all partners. He only has temporary allies.

The first of them - not even a partner, but a patron in business - was Oleg Soskovets at the end of the 80s. By the beginning of the era of private capital, Soskovets was the director of the Karaganda plant. Under his leadership, Lisin acquired his first commercial experience, which he still recalls with pleasure. The Karaganda combine, together with Swiss partners, created subsidiary "TSK-Steel", the general director of which was Lisin. The firm took advantage of a loophole in the legislation: only state intermediaries had the right to export metals, but substandard metal (containing defects) was allowed to be exported freely. Abroad, such products were bought at a big discount, but the company "TSK-Steel" had its own $ 20-25 million in annual turnover.

In 1991, Soskovets became the last minister of metallurgy in the USSR, and in 1992 he entered the Russian government. Following him, Lisin moved to Moscow, where he met an American businessman of Soviet origin, the former head of the central grocery store in Odessa, Sam (Semyon) Kislin.

Kislin's company Trans Commodities supplied raw materials to metallurgical plants, partly Russian and partly imported. At some point, his business stalled - several factories at once, as if by agreement, told Kislin that they could not pay him either with money or metal. Kislin risked losing the $ 30 million invested in the business. It was then that Vladimir Lisin appeared next to the American, who promised to solve the problem.

“It all ended with the fact that we pulled out the money,” explains Lisin, without saying, however, how exactly he managed to do it: he simply used his acquaintances. And at the same time, Lisin denies that he received help from the most influential of his acquaintances, Oleg Soskovets. “It's a legend that Oleg Nikolaevich invited me to Moscow,” says Lisin. "After Karaganda, we met only a few times in passing."

After the first successful experience, Kislin and Lisin started a joint business. They were the first to put on a large scale the practice of tolling - in exchange for raw materials, they received finished products (mainly ferrous metals) from factories and sold them for export. Customs duties were not paid under this scheme. “I alone, together with my secretary, controlled 50% of the export of Russian pig iron, except for state foreign trade associations I had no competitors,” Lisin recalls. The turnover of the business has already been measured in hundreds of millions of dollars.

Despite successful work, Lisin remained only hired worker at Trans Commodities. Apart from Kislin himself, only one man, a native of Tashkent, businessman Mikhail Chernoy, had the status of a partner. Another “simple” employee of the company was Iskander Makhmudov, the current owner of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, a large copper producer.

The meteoric rise of Trans Commodities looks incredibly easy. Lisin explains this by the fact that Kislin was the first person who brought big money into the industry. “We paid specifically,” explains Lisin, meaning that the shipment of the goods was paid for with “real” money. "At that time, nobody was interested in metallurgy anymore, there was a complete ass."

But already at the end of the same 1992, Lisin and his Russian colleagues found a heavier money bag. British non-ferrous metals trader David Ruben is their new foreign investor. He was brought to Russia by the younger brother of Mikhail Cherny Lev. The two brothers, as well as Ruben, created the Trans World Group (TWG), whose sphere of interests included not only ferrous, but also non-ferrous metals. Lisin and Makhmudov became members of the group. And Sam Kislin's brothers somehow persuaded him to leave the business - he left for the USA. Forbes failed to contact Kislin.

Later, the beginning stock trader Oleg Deripaska joined this group. He managed to convince Chernykh that he would be able to organize the purchase of a controlling stake in the Sayan Aluminum Plant, and received money for this operation. (Now Deripaska, with his company Russian Aluminum, owns a dozen aluminum and alumina refineries).

So Lisin had new temporary allies.

Metallurgy color

Already in 1993, Vladimir Lisin received the status of a partner in TWG. Soon, most of the country's largest metallurgical plants fell under the control of the group. TWG became the third-largest supplier of aluminum to the global market - annual sales in 1993 were estimated at $ 4-5 billion, and the group did not yet own a single plant at the time. The tolling scheme made it possible to control enterprises without buying shares. And the main defender of tolling in the government was considered the same Oleg Soskovets, who had already taken the post of Deputy Prime Minister.

Lisin, as a representative of TWG, was a member of the boards of directors of five plants: three aluminum and two steel - Magnitogorsk and Novolipetsk plants. The TWG was not legally structured as one company... It was a typical conglomerate of Russian firms and offshore companies of that time, formally independent of each other.

In 1995, a wave of contract killings swept through the industry. In April, an attempt was made (failed) on the commercial director of the Sayan aluminum plant Valery Tokarev-Lisin at that time was a member of the board of directors there. In the same year, the heads of firms that had interests in aluminum plants were killed - the head of the Yugorsky bank Oleg Kantor, his deputy Vadim Yafyasov and the manager of the Russian business of another large exporter of metals, AYUS Felix Lvov. After these murders, TWG's image in the business community became demonic.

However, TWG's meteoric rise was followed by an equally precipitous decline. Already in 1996, the group began to disband. It happened a few months after the scandalous resignation of Oleg Soskovets from the government post. The most influential people at that time in the corridors of federal power - the head of the presidential administration Anatoly Chubais and the prime minister Viktor Chernomyrdin - did not favor TWG. The Blacks' positions in Russia have become precarious, and their opaque business is too vulnerable to security forces. And then the brothers quarreled with each other and began to divide the business.

Vladimir Lisin didn’t let go of his own. Working at TWG, he looked more and more closely at one of the controlled plants - NLMK. In parallel with the Cherny brothers, he gradually bought up shares. By the time TWG collapsed, the brothers had accumulated 34% of the plant's securities, Lisin - 13%.

The plant was unprofitable, like many others. The tolling scheme made it possible for export control structures to make billions, but did not help the factories themselves very much. The Cherny brothers, winding up the TWG business, decided to bankrupt the plant and sell its assets to someone. Vladimir Lisin was offered compensation for his work and 13% of the shares.

If Lisin agreed, he would become a multimillionaire, but he would never have amassed billions. (In May, Forbes estimated his fortune at $ 4.8 billion.) However, he went against his former partners and began to exercise own plan... He decided to take over control of NLMK.

“I had to concentrate on one thing,” Lisin explained his choice in an interview with Forbes. “And in Lipetsk I already had a large package.” In addition, the plant had equipment that was modern by Russian standards.

In a word, everything led him to part with partners. Without sentimentality, but with litigation - “with lawyers, lawyers, with all the personal belongings,” as Lisin himself says. To win this fight, he entered into another temporary alliance - with Vladimir Potanin.

Sole proprietor

In the mid-90s, NLMK shares were bought not only by TWG. In early 1997, a 25% stake belonged to the structures of the American financier George Soros. Another 25% belonged to two citizens of Monaco, businessmen of New Zealand origin brothers Richard and Christopher Chandler. (It's amazing how many brothers worked in metallurgy in the 90s! David Ruben also had a brother-in-arms).

These 50% of shares of the structure of Potanin and the financier Boris Yordan were managed. And the plant was actually managed by Lisin. Having broken with the Cherny brothers, he transferred all NLMK financial flows to own company Worslade Trading, incorporated in Ireland.

TWG responded with lawsuits, accusing the former partner of breaking contracts, as well as inappropriate use of a loan of $ 65 million. However, TWG lost these courts.

After establishing personal control over finances, Lisin decided that it was time to become the largest shareholder of the plant. According to information from his inner circle, he turned to Potanin with a proposal for cooperation.

Vladimir Potanin and his associates have always denied the existence of any agreement. Lisin does not confirm or deny the existence of an agreement. According to a source close to Lisin, the two businessmen agreed in the first half of 1997 that Potanin would not prevent Lisin from buying out 50% of NLMK shares from foreigners and, if possible, would interfere with the attempts of the Cherny brothers to bankrupt the plant.

Lisin reached an agreement with Soros and the Chandlers in a year. After the purchase of NLMK securities from them, Lisin's stake grew to 63%. The amount of the deal was not disclosed, analysts estimated it at $ 200 million.

For the next two years, the new owner of NLMK, in his own words, “discussed options with TWG working together". During this time, the plant experienced a disastrous 1998 and a turning point in 1999. After the devaluation of the ruble, the profitability of exports increased, which accounted for 60% of NLMK's products, the plant increased sales and production levels, and Vladimir Lisin began to return financial flows from offshore companies to the company itself. As a result, for the first time after privatization, NLMK made a profit of 9.5 billion rubles with revenue of 25.7 billion rubles.

Lisin planned to take another big step in 2000. The June meeting of shareholders was offered a restructuring program for $ 1.1 billion. The plant was ready to provide the company with Lisin's money in exchange for an additional issue of shares. After their release, TWG's share would be cut in half.

Judging by the fact that the issue of the issue of new shares was included in the agenda of the meeting of shareholders, Lisin had reason to believe that former colleagues from TWG would not or could not object.

But on the eve of the shareholders' meeting, just before the close of the register, Lisin was in for an unpleasant surprise: 34% of the shares owned by TWG changed the owner. The new owner is Vladimir Potanin's company Interros.

For the first time in Vladimir Lisin's career, a strategic partner broke off relations with him. Moreover, he began hostile actions. At the meeting of shareholders, representatives of Potanin voted against the issue of new shares. After that, Interros struck blow after blow. Potanin's lawyers began to challenge (without success) the sale of a non-core asset of NLMK, the Stinol refrigerator plant, which took place in the same month. And a little later, the auditors of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation raided the plant and counted damage in the amount of more than $ 160 million that NLMK allegedly inflicted on the state. However, this was even before Lisin - the Accounts Chamber discovered that the company's authorized capital did not take into account the funds that the state had once invested in the construction of Stinol, and, moreover, they were illegally included in NLMK's property (according to the Accounts Chamber) educational institutions.

The actions of the state auditors had no consequences, but it all looked like an attempt to create maximum problems for Lisin.

Vladimir Potanin at that time felt pretty confident. He was not afraid to wage a war on two fronts: in addition to the Novolipetsk Combine, he fought for control of the Sidanko oil company against the Tyumen Oil Company (TNK).

Lisin accepted the challenge and even launched a counterattack. He chose not to overpay Potanin for NLMK shares, but to use the money to buy up securities of Norilsk Nickel, Potanin's main asset. Then 8% of the shares of Norilsk Nickel, bought by Lisin, cost almost half as much as 34% of NLMK.

New rules

In 2001, Vladimir Potanin seemed to be replaced. The co-owner of Interros has ended all corporate conflicts. He sold the controversial Sidanko shares to TNK for $ 1.1 billion. And he offered NLMK shares to Lisin for the same amount that he paid for them in 2000. (Analysts of the United Financial Group estimated this deal at about $ 180 million.) Lisin also sold his shares in Norilsk Nickel in 2003 on the open market through the Swiss bank UBS.

Since then, both metallurgical magnates are only interested in their factories. And they earn themselves a new reputation. Increase business transparency and management efficiency.

Lisin succeeded in this matter. Having invested about $ 30 million in the reconstruction of its own CHP, which meets almost half of the plant's energy needs, it has reduced production costs. Energy now costs him 15% less. The purchase of Stoilensky GOK provided NLMK with its own ore for many years. At the same time, Lisin received an influential partner - Boris Ivanishvili. The two ports that Lisin recently acquired () will allow him to supply metal for export without interruption.

Now the owner of NLMK has time to do more pleasant things. Even in his youth, he became addicted to shooting, and now actually maintains the national team of the country, leading the Shooting Union of Russia. He even built a shooting complex "Fox Nora" for himself and for professional athletes in the Moscow region.

Another personal project of the businessman, which he himself calls “social,” is the publication of the daily newspaper Gazeta. It has been published since 2001, but it still hasn't made a profit. Lisin says that he was happy to create an "independent mass media" and does not need anything else from Gazeta.

So now Vladimir Lisin is a quiet billionaire who sponsors athletes and invests 90% of his personal funds, as he himself says, “in russian economy". But what about the 90s? You don't need to remember that time. The owner of the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant does not even wear a wristwatch.

Brazilian profitability

Comparatively modern equipment helped Vladimir Lisin's plant to outstrip all Russian competitors in terms of profitability. And low costs for raw materials and energy make NLMK one of the four most profitable global producers, along with Brazilian companies.

* Ratio of net profit to revenue for 2003.
** EBITDA-to-sales ratio based on 2003 results.

TASS-DOSSIER. March 6, 2018 in the new ranking of the magazine Forbes richest of the Russians with a fortune of $ 19.1 billion (57th place in the world) became the chairman of the board of directors of PJSC Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works (NLMK) Vladimir Lisin. He first entered the list of billionaires in 2004, then his wealth was estimated at $ 3.8 billion.

In 1979 he graduated from the Siberian State Metallurgical Institute (now - the Siberian State Industrial University, the city of Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo Region), received the qualification "metallurgical engineer". In 1984 he completed his postgraduate studies at the Ukrainian Research Institute of Metallurgy. In 1990 he graduated from the Higher Commercial School at the All-Union (now - All-Russian) Academy foreign trade, in 1992 - the Academy of National Economy (now - the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation) with a degree in economics and management, in 1994 - the Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics (now a university). In 1996 he completed his doctoral studies at the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (now the National Research Technological University).

Doctor of Technical and Economic Sciences. He defended two doctoral dissertations: in 1996 at the Lipetsk State technical university on the topic "Mathematical modeling of combined processes and optimization technological characteristics casting and rolling modules ", in 2006 - at the State University of Management (Moscow) on the topic" Formation of conceptual foundations of the organizational and economic development of ferrous metallurgy in the context of global competition. "

He began to work in 1975, having entered the Novokuznetsk production association "Yuzhkuzbassugol" as an electrical fitter. In 1979 he was hired as a steelmaker's henchman at the Tulachermet research and production association, left it in 1985 as a deputy shop manager.

In 1985-1991 he worked in the Kazakh SSR at the Karaganda metallurgical plant ("Karmet") in the positions of deputy chief engineer, deputy general director (the plant was headed by Oleg Soskovets, later the first deputy prime minister of the Russian government in 1993-1996). At the same time, Lisin headed the joint Soviet-Swiss enterprise "TSK-Steel", which was engaged in the export of "Karmet" products. In 1991-1992 he worked at the Pavlodar aluminum plant.

In 1992, Vladimir Lisin became an employee of Trans Commodities, which was managed by Sam Kislin and Iskander Makhmudov. The company acted on the principle of tolling - it supplied raw materials to Russian metallurgical plants and in return received finished products (cast iron, other ferrous metals), which were then sold abroad.

At the end of 1992, Kislin left Russia, Trans Commodities left the market, the vacant niche was occupied by the Trans World Group (TWG). It was founded by Mikhail and Lev Cherny, as well as David and Simon Ruben, almost immediately Lisin joined them. By the mid-1990s, the group effectively controlled the exports and activities of most of the large metallurgical plants in Russia. In 1993 Lisin received the status of a partner in TWG, in 1993-1995 he was a member of the boards of directors of a number of leading Russian metallurgical enterprises: Sayan and Novokuznetsk aluminum plants, Krasnoyarsk, Magnitogorsk metallurgical plants.

In 1995, a conflict began to brew among the partners of the Trans World Group. The Cherny brothers were going to bankrupt NLMK, Vladimir Lisin by that time had bought about 12% of the company's shares and was against its bankruptcy. Almost 50% of NLMK then belonged to foreign investors - George Soros, Richard and Christopher Chandler, about 23% were owned by TWG. The last state-owned stake in NLMK (14.84%) in December 1995 was sold at a loans-for-shares auction to the structures of Vladimir Potanin. By 1997, Lisin took control of tolling from NLMK, pushed aside the Trans World Group and began buying shares in the plant from Soros and the Chandlers.

In 1998, Vladimir Lisin was appointed chairman of the board of directors of NLMK, in 1999, the company first made a profit thanks to the devaluation of the ruble. At the same time, the main competitor of Lisin was businessman Vladimir Potanin, who bought out a block of shares owned by TWG. In response, Lisin bought 8% of Norilsk Nickel, Potanin's main asset. In 2001 Potanin sold his stake in NLMK to Lisin, who gave Potanin a stake in Norilsk Nickel. Thus, Lisin became the main and only major shareholder of the plant (in 2005, he put part of his shares into free circulation on the stock exchange).

Since the mid-2000s, Vladimir Lisin also began investing in transport assets, acquiring the Sea Port of St. Petersburg in 2005, and in 2011, the largest Russian freight railway operator, Freight One.

In 1998-2010 he was the general director of OOO Rumelko (for a long time it was the main holding company of Lisin), in 2010-2015 - its chief consultant. Currently remains the owner of this company.

Since 2002 - President of the Shooting Union of Russia, Chairman of the Board of the National Sporting Federation. Since 2009 - President of the European Shooting Confederation, since 2014 - Vice President of the International Shooting Sports Federation.

Since January 2011 - President of the All-Russian Association of Summer Olympic Sports, Vice President of the Russian Olympic Committee. Founder of the Russian Olympians Support Fund.

Member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of physical culture and sports.

In 2001 he founded the newspaper and the online edition "Gazeta" ( The publication of the paper version was discontinued in 2010, in 2011 the news site was closed.

In 2001-2012 he taught at the Academy of National Economy.

Vladimir Lisin currently owns 84% \u200b\u200bof NLMK shares (through the Cyprus offshore company Fletcher Group Holdings Ltd).

Lisin's transport assets are concentrated in the Dutch company Universal Cargo Logistics Holding B.V. It includes the First Freight Company, the Sea Port of St. Petersburg, the Tuapse Sea Commercial Port, the Taganrog Sea Commercial Port, the Volga Shipping and North-Western Shipping Companies, and others.

He also owns minority stakes in the energy companies Severneftegaz, Lipetsk City Energy Company, FGC UES and others.

The owner of the complex for active recreation, trap and bullet shooting "Fox Nora" in the Dmitrovsky district of the Moscow region.

Winner of the 1989 Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in the field of science and technology. He was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky (2017), of Honor (2000), a Certificate of Honor (2010) and a commendation from the President of the Russian Federation (2009).

Other awards include the Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh, III degree of the Russian Orthodox Church (2001).

Author of scientific articles and monographs, several dozen patents in the field of metallurgy, among them: "Charge for the production of briquettes for washing the hearth of a blast furnace", "Method of preparation of work rolls of cold rolling mills", "Heater of lump raw materials", etc.

Married. Wife - Lyudmila, owns the Moscow private gallery "Seasons". He has three sons: Vyacheslav, Dmitry, Alexander.

He is fond of sports shooting, master of sports. Collects cast iron castings from Kasli.

Vladimir Sergeevich Lisin is a tycoon in the Russian metallurgical industry. His biography is the secret of the success of a simple steelmaker who managed to earn a billionaire fortune. And this is not an empty phrase, since he really is one of the richest people in the Russian Federation.

Childhood and youth

In the spring of 1956, a boy was born in an ordinary Soviet family in the town of Ivanovo, whom his parents named Vladimir. Growing up, he did not show any outstanding ability or talent. IN school years was withdrawn and shy, not standing out from other boys. Studying was not easy for a child, since he often listened not to teachers, but thought about something of his own. But, having an excellent memory, he could easily tell any school theme, getting good points for it.

In 1973 Vladimir was enrolled in the Siberian Metallurgical Institute at the Faculty of Engineering. Getting an education, the young man understood that his parents needed financial assistance. Therefore, at the age of 19, he already began his labor activity as an electrical fitter at the Kuzbass coal mine. After completing his studies, the young specialist went to work at the Tula Metallurgical Plant as a steelmaker. Showing remarkable diligence, Vladimir began to move up the career ladder. The head of the workshop appreciated the diligent young man and appointed him his deputy.

But Lisin decided not to stop there and took up scientific research, thanks to which he became a graduate student at the Kharkov Research Institute. After completing his postgraduate studies, he was appointed as a deputy leading engineer at the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant, where he worked for about 4 years. Here he also received his first experience in commercial activities, under the auspices of Oleg Soskovets - director of the plant.


Soskovets created "TSK-Steel" - a subsidiary of the plant, and appointed his deputy head of the company. This company had a turnover of $ 20-25 million. In 1991, Soskovets was appointed to the post of Minister of Metallurgy, and 10 months later he is already a member of the government. Having moved to the capital, Oleg did not abandon his deputy, taking him with him.

Here Lisin met Semyon Kislin - the owner of Trans Commodities, which supplies raw materials to domestic metallurgical plants. A friendly relationship began between the men, thanks to the fact that a novice businessman was able to help Kislin out in a difficult situation for his business. They started a joint business, where Lisin's connections were widely used. At the same time, Vladimir Sergeevich makes acquaintances with Chernov, Makhmudov and, who are not the last people in the metal industry.

A year later, V.S. Lisin is a member of the board of directors of the aluminum plant in Sayanogorsk and receives membership in the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant. And in 1993, the entrepreneur was finally accepted as a partner in the Trans World Group, which he had dreamed of for quite some time. The TWG company was already at its peak and was rolling in billions until 1995, when a wave of contract killings mowed the leadership.

Vladimir Lisin and Dmitry Medvedev at NLMK

TWG began to disintegrate in 1996 when the entrepreneur brothers took over the business and their patron Soskovets was fired from the government in a huge scandal. But Lisin, foreseeing the sad end of TWG, managed to hedge himself and bought up part of the shares of NLMK (Lipetsk Plant). Later, having agreed with, he even seized control of this company, becoming the owner of NLMK. The entrepreneur created the offshore company Worslade Trading, through which he not only sold metal abroad, but was also able to take the remaining 50% of the shares of the Lipetsk plant.

In addition to developing financial schemes and earning capital, Vladimir Sergeevich successfully works in the field of science. It boasts many original developments in steel rolling and casting. An incredible mind and folk ingenuity allowed the future oligarch to receive a diploma from the RANEPA in 1994, and then a couple of years of study in a doctoral program at the University of MISiS followed. His photos are adorned with many scientific journals and articles.

1997 was marked for the entrepreneur by membership in the board of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works and by the presidency in the Russian Management Metallurgical Company. In 1998, when he became the head of HLMK, he sold his shares in TWG to Potanin. From that moment on, Lisin began to actively buy up shares of the country's largest metal rolling mills, taking control of the controlling stakes. And immediately begins an active confrontation between the two oligarchs - Lisin and Potanin. There was everything: civil strife, buying up other people's shares through intermediaries, and a lot of conflicts. But by 2001, they suddenly stopped conflicting and became interested only in their own factories, increasing their reputation and managerial efficiency.

Large investments of money

Having gained billions, Lisin continues to build momentum and invests in many industries.

  1. Thus, in 2004, he acquired the Stoilensky Mining and Processing Plant, thereby providing NLMK with ore for many years to come.
  2. In the autumn of the same year, he buys the Northern Oil and Gas Company, justifying this by the need for a platform for investments in the energy sector.
  3. A year later, HLMK placed some of its own shares on the London stock exchange, receiving $ 600 million for the deal. Then this money was used to invest in Moscow real estate, in particular, the Moscow City project.
  4. In 2006, it acquired 2 seaports, thereby opening export channels to Asia, Africa, Europe and America, and reducing port costs.
  5. In 2012, Vladimir bought shares in Freight One (Freight One), which includes rail, shipping and stevedoring services.
  6. In 2013 Lisin becomes the owner of Universal Cargo Logistics.
  7. Purchase of radio station Business FM.
  8. Acquisition of a printing house and publication of the Gazeta newspaper. Lisin comments on this by the fact that he needed a print publication that did not depend on anyone.


Money must constantly work - this is Lisin's favorite motto, whose fortune by 2008 was more than $ 20 billion. But then the global crisis intervened, and the assets of the oligarch fell to $ 5 billion. But a year later, the situation stabilized, and the amount grew to $ 16 billion. In 2011, Forbes magazine announced the figure of $ 24 billion, which is owned by Vladimir Sergeevich.

According to the latest estimates of the American edition of Forbes-2016, the head of NLMK is ranked 115th in the world and 7th among the richest Russians.

Personal life

Vladimir Sergeevich does not like to advertise his personal life and carefully hides it from the press. But it is known that he is happily married, having married his classmate Lyudmila. The couple raised three sons, who also prefer not to expose their lives. None of the businessman's family is on social networks.

The oligarch's wife loves the canvases of Russian artists and organizes their work in chronological order. She also heads the Seasons painting gallery, where private exhibitions of paintings by private collectors are periodically held. Lyudmila also took a great interest in collecting, but this happened at the suggestion of her husband, who presented her with the Petrov-Vodkin painting.

Vladimir Sergeevich loves to read, smoke noble cigars, relax in his mansion in Scotland. He is also fond of shooting and collecting samples of Kasli casting. According to the tycoon, he owes all his achievements to his children. He says that only for their sake, he strove to get to his feet and make a fortune.

Now that Vladimir is at the pinnacle of well-being, he can quite afford to do what is interesting for himself. He recently built a shooting complex for athletes. This club is located in the suburbs and is called "Fox hole". Since the tycoon heads the Russian Shooting Union, he constantly pours into it own funds... At the same time, claiming that this does not bother him at all. They say that in his youth he adored shooting sports.

Vladimir Lisin is actively involved in charity work. He donates a lot of money to the charity fund "Mercy", gives gifts to orphanages and the department. Lisin is the only philanthropist who began to pay Makariyev prizes at the request of the Metropolitan of Voronezh. With the active support of HLMK, about 40 churches were restored in the region, and the patriarch himself presented the head of the plant with the order. You can ask for help and write an open letter to a businessman through his official website. This option is available to every citizen of the Russian Federation.

Now Vladimir Sergeevich is a member of the Committee of the Bureau of the Management Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, where he holds the position of chairman for tax policy, and is also a member of the board of trustees of the Foundation for Supporting Olympians of Russia.

In 2016, several sources flashed information that an outstanding entrepreneur was sick with cancer. This information was not confirmed by anything.

IN ladimir Sergeevich Lisin born on May 7, 1956 in the city of Ivanovo. In 1973 he graduated from secondary school number 41 in Novokuznetsk.As a child, he was withdrawn and laconic, did not like to stick out his "I", trying to keep in the shadow of his classmates. I was not a bully and a bully. But he was not devoid of positive qualities: his concentration and attentiveness helped him get fours and fives in subjects. There were twos and threes too, but there weren't many of them. From a young age, his parents instilled in him such qualities as perseverance and determination. That is why in the future he could bring to the end all the things he started.

After school he went to work as an electrical fitter at a mine. However, he quickly realized that without higher education a career would develop slowly, and entered the Siberian Metallurgical Institute with a degree in Foundry of Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals. After defending his diploma in 1979, Vladimir Sergeevich was sent to NPO Tulachermet, where he worked his way up from an assistant steelmaker to the deputy head of a workshop.

V.S. Lisin prepared his Ph.D. thesis on the basis of the postgraduate study at the Ukrainian Research Institute of Metallurgy and successfully defended it in 1984.

Since 1986, Vladimir Sergeevich worked in Kazakhstan: he was deputy chief engineer, and since 1989 - deputy general director of the Karaganda metallurgical plant, one of the four largest plants in the country.

In 1990 he graduated from the Higher Commercial School at the Academy of Foreign Trade, in 1994 - from the Plekhanov Russian Economic Academy (REA) with a degree in Economics and Management. In 1994 he entered the doctoral program at MISiS, from which he graduated in 1996, having defended his doctoral dissertation.

Since 1993 V.S. Lisin was a member of the boards of directors of a number of leading Russian metallurgical enterprises: the Sayanogorsk aluminum plant, the Novokuznetsk and Bratsk aluminum plants, the Magnitogorsk and Novolipetsk metallurgical plants. Since 1998, Vladimir Sergeevich - Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC NLMK. In 2011, he was elected as the head of the board of directors of United Shipbuilding Corporation.
In 1998, Vladimir Sergeevich could head the administration of the Lipetsk region, but later refused to participate in the elections in favor of Mikhail Neyrolin.

Vladimir Sergeevich Lisin - Professor of the Department of Market Problems and Economic Mechanism of the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation. Is an author of 17 monographs and more than 160 scientific works.

V.S. Lisin - laureate of the USSR Council of Ministers prize in the field of science and technology in 1990, honorary metallurgist of the Russian Federation, holder of the Order of Honor, master of sports, honorary citizen of Lipetsk (2009), laureate of the national award of business reputation "Darin" of the Russian Academy of Business and entrepreneurship (2001).

Vladimir Sergeevich is considered to be the owner of one of the most complete private collections of pre-revolutionary Kasli casting (there are more than 200 exhibits, despite the fact that the entire pre-revolutionary assortment of the plant was a little more than 300 types of products). These are small sculptures, household items, interior furniture.

Since the age of 12 he has been engaged in sports shooting. Today he owns the Lisya Nora sports and shooting complex near Moscow. VS Lisin is the president of the Russian Shooting Union. Since July 2009 he has been President of the European Shooting Confederation (ESC). Since December 2014 - Vice President of the International Shooting Sports Federation (ISSF).

VS Lisin's main asset is a controlling stake in Novolipetsk Metallurgical Combine. The entrepreneur also owns 14.5% of the shares of Bank Zenit, the transport holding Universal Cargo Logistics, which includes such assets as OJSC Volzhskoe Shipping Company, OJSC Sea Port of St. Petersburg, Nevsky Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Plant, Okskaya Shipyard, OJSC Freight One (the largest rail freight operator in Russia). Lisin's media assets include the Business FM radio station.

In 2011, Vladimir Sergeevich Lisin took the first line in the list of 200 richest businessmen in Russia (according to the Forbes magazine), in 2012 - the second line in the same list.
At the end of 2017, Vladimir Lisin was in 57th place in the list richest people planet (according to the magazine "Forbes"), while taking first place in the list of the richest people in Russia.
Fluent in English.

V. Lisin is happily married, he has three children. Vladimir Lisin's wife is his classmate. She owns the Seasons chamber gallery, which displays paintings by private artists. Lyudmila (this is the name of her spouse) collects works of masters who worked in the 19th and 20th centuries. The pride of her collection is a painting by Petrov-Vodkin, which her husband gave her.

He does not compete with the rich in buying luxurious villas, luxurious yachts, he does not even have the habit of wearing expensive watches. His passion is the Kasli cast iron collection. He loves to read scientific and fiction literature, loves to smoke a quality cigar. The businessman is sure that rich people do not have much more joy than poor people. “Financial independence can provide more opportunities, and nothing more, but things like the sky, sun, sea are available to everyone,” he emphasizes.

Is engaged in charity: repaired the Novokuznetsk school number 41 (2008), donated to the department foundry SibGIU melting unit (2010).
At the end of January 2018, Vladimir Lisin, as a private investor, signed an agreement with the Head of Novokuznetsk, S. N. Kuznetsov, on the construction of a sports building for school number 41. “It will be a large sports facility connected by an overhead covered walkway with the school building itself. It will contain all the necessary equipment for full-fledged physical education and sports for students of this educational institution... There will also be a modern shooting range, fully equipped places for the theoretical training of athletes, ”said Grigory Anatolyevich Verzhitsky about the advantages of the future sports complex.

On December 14, 2018, Vladimir Lisin opened a new gym in Novokuznetsk at school number 41. The gift to his native school cost more than 160 million, its construction took 9 months. The structure of the complex includes a game sports Hall with spacious dressing rooms, showers, hygiene rooms, toilets, including for people with limited mobility. On the second floor there is a gym, a fitness room designed for choreography, gymnastics and physiotherapy exercises. There is also a shooting range where you can seriously learn bullet shooting. The structure also includes an office of basic military training. On the territory of the school, there are grounds for volleyball, football and workout, jogging and bike paths, covered with special material for safe sports in any weather.
The head of the city Sergey Kuznetsov handed over to Vladimir Lisin honorary gold badge "Novokuznetsk".

A life Lisin Vladimir Sergeevich - a mysterious and powerful man, like the Count of Monte Cristo himself, is divided between, where he has his own castle, and Russia, where, in addition to the metallurgical giant in his possession, he still has a special place with an ironic and somewhat unusual name "Foxy burrow". It is here, in the "Fox hole", tired of numbers, calculations, faces, names and smiles, the famous puts on soundproof headphones over an ordinary baseball cap, charges a rifle with a firm hand and, as if challenging the sky, accurately shoots at its serene heights ...

The childhood of Vladimir Lisin

Vladimir Sergeevich Lisin was born on 05/07/1956. in the city of Ivanovo. A little later, the family moved to Novokuznetsk. From an early age, the boy was laconic, focused and somewhat closed - a child and an old man rolled into one. Childhood was calm, which cannot but grieve those who like digging in other people's crypts. To people with a very rich imagination, it always seems that it is in Lisin's childhood that the most intimate secrets are hidden. However, it is foolish to look for a black cat in a dark room, especially if it is not there.

At school, Vladimir studied well, and those things that he chose in childhood, later became his companions for life. So, at the age of 12, Lisin took up a weapon for the first time - a rifle from a school shooting range. Since then, he has never betrayed his hobby - sports shooting. Today Lisin considers shooting to be the best means that can make a person concentrate, but, at the same time, not think about anything, because it is impossible to shoot accurately if you do not free your head from unnecessary thoughts.

Some of the journalists once said that if Lisin was born in a different era, and not in our country, but in Japan, he would become an ideal samurai - devoid of emotions, calm and striving to achieve perfection in everything.

How Lisin became an oligarch

In total, there was some predetermination in the fate of Vladimir Sergeevich Lisin. His childhood and youth were spent in the city of metallurgists - Novokuznetsk, in which there was, in principle, nothing to choose a sphere of self-realization and interests from. Therefore, the future entered the Siberian Metallurgical Institute, after which he acquired the specialty "metallurgical engineer". It is interesting that Lisin earned his first big money (almost 1000 rubles) during his student years, honestly working in a construction brigade at BAM. After graduating from the institute, Lisin was assigned to Tula, where he began working at NPO Tulachermet, and went through a difficult path from an ordinary steelmaker to the deputy head of a shop.

A new round in Vladimir Lisin's life coincided with the beginning of perestroika, when he, no longer seeing prospects in NPO Tulachermet, moved to Kazakhstan and began working at the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant, where the future Minister of Metallurgy Oleg Soskovets was the director at that time. It was under his leadership that Lisin acquired his first commercial experience, which he recalls with great pleasure even today. Soon Lisin became Soskovets' deputy.

Not much time passed when Soskovets' career quickly went up, and he moved to Moscow, Lisin followed him. However, as he himself claims, this is a simple coincidence, according to him, Soskovets never invited him to the capital. But, one way or another, Soskovets and Lisin still managed to pull off a good deal with american company Trans Commodities, after which they started a joint business. They were the first to put on a grand scale the so-called "tolling", the essence of which is a virtuoso bypassing the customs regime and taxes.

In 1992, a new metallurgical empire TWG (Trans World Group) was born in Russia, where Vladimir Lisin moved to work and literally a year later received the status of a partner there. Soon, the company took control of most of the country's large metallurgical plants and took third place in the supply of aluminum to.

In 1995. after a series of contract killings, TWG began to disintegrate, and while competitors were fighting, the cautious Lisin looked after the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant for himself and began to slowly buy up its shares. Having acquired 63% of the shares, and practically becoming the owner of the plant, Lisin succeeded in almost impossible: the unprofitable enterprise not only survived the crisis years of 1998-1999, but already in 2000 turned into profitable production... And in 2003, Vladimir Lisin first appeared in the well-known rating of the Forbes magazine, where he took sixth place among Russian billionaires. Today Lisin's fortune is estimated at about 15-16 billion dollars.

The life of a quiet oligarch Lisin

Lisin Vladimir Sergeevich leads the life of a quiet and even, as paradoxical as it may sound, modest. He prefers business and saucer shooting (by the way, produced by his own metallurgical enterprise) to wars in his own shooting club. The Lisin plant annually produces more than 1.5 million shooting plates, which are used for the needs of the owner himself. By the way, Lisin fulfilled the master of sports standard in sports shooting.

Lisin can hardly be called a "new Russian"; in fact, he is a great worker, doctor technical scienceswho has authored 10 books, 47 publications, almost 50 copyright certificates and invention patents.

Unlike many others, Lisin does not compete in buying luxury real estate, does not collect yachts, he does not even wear expensive watches... His real passion is books, the Kasli cast iron collection that the oligarch has been collecting for many years, and shooting sports. But Lisin considers his own family to be his most important asset: his wife Lyudmila and three sons - Alexander, Dmitry and Vyacheslav.

Concerning material goods, then Lisin's only truly expensive purchase is the only estate in Scotland, surrounded by quiet, unspoiled nature. But this acquisition can only be associated with the desire to hide from prying eyes and fully enjoy the solitude, because in Scotland, Vladimir only needs to go beyond the threshold, as it is already possible to start hunting or just take a walk in the blessed silence. However, Lisin is sure that such simple joys of life are available not only to the rich, but also to the poor. “Big money can give more opportunities, but everything else: the sun, sky, air, sea are the same for everyone, regardless of the amount of money,” he argues, and this is difficult to argue with him.


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