Who give a family business. The thorns of revolutions on the same criteria

In general, Russia was evaluated about five hundred higher educational institutions and twice as many branches. The evaluation criteria was somewhat:
- average score of the exam received;
- the calculation of scientific and design works per employee;
- share of foreign students in the total number of graduates;
- Revenues of the university from all sources and the area of \u200b\u200beducational and laboratory audiences per student.
If "examined" in one of the five indicators was below the threshold, a certain Ministry of Education and Science, it was recognized in an ineffective.

"We appreciate yourself on the same criteria"
Such "generators" of scientific thought, as Ryazan Radio Engineering and Medical Universities, among the Favorites. Rector of RGRTU Viktor Gurov basically agrees with the selection criteria:
"We inside our university themselves we appreciate it practically in the same parameters as in the ministry," says Viktor Sergeevich. - 10 years ago, the concept of the development of higher educational institutions was prescribed, and I did not surprise today's evaluation criteria. The only thing that I do not agree is that agricultural universities are also assessed with others. They must be supported by the state, because they carry a meaningful social function. After all, their graduates should be returned to the village - it is this criterion that should be taken into account.
The rector "Radika" did not accidentally sharpen attention to the universities of the agricultural profile. After all, Ryazan Agrotechnological University in the same "table of ranks" is recognized in an ineffective.

"No support, and the requirements are elevated"
The leadership of RGATU, for obvious reasons, abstained from comment, but the teachers did not be silent, however, on the conditions of anonymity.
- I do not quite agree with such a definition of "inefficiency," says Ruslan, candidate of science, graduate of the Ryazan Agricultural Institute. - I don't want to praise my university, I will say one thing: it's a shame that the state does not support us. We do not see normal funding from the Ministry of Agriculture (and we treat this ministry in this issue, and not to the Ministry of Education and Science, like others). Salaries in teachers are lower than in other universities of Ryazan, for three to five thousand, students scholarships - respectively. Therefore, to survive, you have to work in several works. And this, you know, abnormally for the scientist. Rumors about reorganization go for two years already, I think that now they will reality ...

The fate of another Ryazan university will decide on the last autumn month. The list of "ineffective" is relatively recently reorganized from the State Pedagogical University - the RGU named after Yesenin. In the 2005 reform, when the PSU from Peda was made, and remain as supporters, and those who are skeptical to innovations.

One of them, Alexey Mudzov, graduate 2004, graduated from Fizmat with a Red Diploma, worked for two years in a rural school, now he is a high position in the capital:
"I just finished the peduncate, when reorganized was reorganized," says Alexey. - We wondered what diploma would get. RGPU made not just teachers, he produced scientists. If you study further in graduate school, you are already a scientist with a teacher's diploma. There were a lot of young people in the university. Our course was dominated by Retyunsky: "Science-Science" on the one hand, and on the other hand, I understood us, because myself was recently a student. I am very glad that she was led for all five years: he knew everything well, could explain. There were no random people at all ...

Three streams in one?
From November 6 to 14, a group of specialists from Moscow will work in Ryazan, which will pre-decide whether a list of "ineffective" universities will approve or eliminate certain educational institutions from it "on the basis of their special significance for the development of the region or industry." This is how it is said in the preamble to the results of the study. And only then the interdepartmental commission will put the final verdict. This is the official point of view.

From sources that should be trusted, it became known to us that the association of three universities: RGTU, RGAT and RSU - still happen. And the scientific "conglomerate" will be headed by the Radio Engineering University, and ... Three financial flows will be united in one. It should be noted that the Minister of Education Dmitry Livanov said that in the next three years, universities are planned by 20%, and the number of their branches is 30%. At the same time, he stated that during the reorganization, the interests of all students will be taken into account. True, it is incomprehensible - will the opinion of teachers take into account?

A complete list of effective and inefficient universities and branches:

Ryazan State Medical University named after Pavlova;
Ryazan State Radio Engineering University;
Ryazan Correspondence Institute (branch) of the Moscow State University of Culture and Art;
Ryazan Institute (Branch) Moscow State Open University. V. Chernomyrdin;
Ryazan branch of MASI.

Ryazan State University named after Yesenin;
Ryazan State Agricultural University of Kosticheva;
Ryazan branch of the Moscow State University of Communications;
Branch of the Ivanovo State Textile Academy;
Branch of the Moscow State University of Technology and Management of the name of Razumovsky.

Pavel Averin

In total, in the long list of ineffective five Ryazan state universities and branches. This was reported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Science on November 1 on its website. In general, Russia was evaluated about five hundred higher educational institutions and twice as many branches. The evaluation criteria was somewhat:

Middle score exam received;

Calculation of scientific and design work per employee; - share of foreign students in the total number of graduates;

Revenues of the university from all sources and the area of \u200b\u200beducational and laboratory audiences per student. If "examined" in one of the five indicators was below the threshold, a certain Ministry of Education and Science, it was recognized in an ineffective.

"We appreciate yourself on the same criteria"

Such "generators" of scientific thought, as Ryazan Radio Engineering and Medical Universities, among the Favorites. Rector of RGRTU Viktor Gurov basically agrees with the selection criteria:

We inside our university themselves we appreciate it practically in the same parameters as in the ministry, "says Viktor Sergeevich. - 10 years ago, the concept of the development of higher educational institutions was prescribed, and I did not surprise today's evaluation criteria. The only thing that I do not agree is that agricultural universities are also assessed with others. They must be supported by the state, because they carry a meaningful social function. After all, their graduates should be returned to the village - it is this criterion that should be taken into account.

The rector "Radika" did not accidentally sharpen attention to the universities of the agricultural profile. After all, Ryazan Agrotechnological University in the same "table of ranks" is recognized in an ineffective.

"No support, and the requirements are elevated"

The leadership of RGATU, for obvious reasons, abstained from comment, but the teachers did not be silent, however, on the conditions of anonymity.

Not entirely agree with such a definition of "inefficiency," says Ruslan, Candidate of Science, graduate of the Ryazan Agricultural Institute. - I don't want to praise my university, I will say one thing: it's a shame that the state does not support us. We do not see normal funding from the Ministry of Agriculture (and we treat this ministry in this issue, and not to the Ministry of Education and Science, like others). Salaries in teachers are lower than in other universities of Ryazan, for three to five thousand, students scholarships - respectively. Therefore, to survive, you have to work in several works. And this, you know, abnormally for the scientist. Rumors about reorganization go for two years already, I think that now they will reality ...

The fate of another Ryazan university will decide on the last autumn month. The list of "ineffective" is relatively recently reorganized from the State Pedagogical University - the RGU named after Yesenin. In the 2005 reform, when the PEDA from Peda was made, and remain as supporters, and those who are skeptical to innovations.

One of them, Alexey Mudzov, graduate 2004, graduated from Fizmat with a Red Diploma, worked for two years in a rural school, now he is a high position in the capital:

I just finished the peduniversity when reorganized was going, "says Alexey. - We wondered what diploma would get. RGPU made not just teachers, he produced scientists. If you study further in graduate school, you are already a scientist with a teacher's diploma. There were a lot of young people in the university. Our course was dominated by Retyunsky: "Science-Science" on the one hand, and on the other hand, I understood us, because myself was recently a student. I am very glad that she was led for all five years: he knew everything well, could explain. There were no random people at all ...

Three streams in one?

From November 6 to 14, a group of specialists from Moscow will work in Ryazan, which will pre-decide whether a list of "ineffective" universities will approve or eliminate certain educational institutions from it "on the basis of their special significance for the development of the region or industry." This is how it is said in the preamble to the results of the study. And only then the interdepartmental commission will put the final verdict. This is the official point of view.

From sources that should be trusted, it became known to us that the association of three universities: RGTU, RGAT and RSU - still happen. And the scientific "conglomerate" will be headed by the Radio Engineering University, and ... Three financial flows will be united in one. It should be noted that the Minister of Education Dmitry Livanov said that in the next three years, universities are planned by 20%, and the number of their branches is 30%. At the same time, he stated that during the reorganization, the interests of all students will be taken into account. True, it is incomprehensible - will the opinion of teachers take into account?


A complete list of effective and inefficient universities and branches:


Ryazan State Medical University named after Pavlova;

Ryazan State Radio Engineering University;

Ryazan Correspondence Institute (branch) of the Moscow State University of Culture and Art;

Ryazan Institute (Branch) Moscow State Open University. V. Chernomyrdin;

Ryazan branch of MASI.


Ryazan State University named after Yesenin;

Ryazan State Agricultural University of Kosticheva;

Ryazan branch of the Moscow State University of Communications;

Branch of the Ivanovo State Textile Academy;

Branch of the Moscow State University of Technology and Management of the name of Razumovsky.

Research organization "Levada Center" noted almost two-time increase in the number of Russians dissatisfied with rich.

In the case of Machinations with real estate in the corporation, the former general director of the Daughter of Corporation - OJSC MiG-Growth "Alexei Ozers and deputy director PJSC" Tupolev "Egor Soskov learned" Kommersant "
According to the newspaper, we are talking about the events of 2001, when MiG decided to get rid of its allegedly non-political asset with an area of \u200b\u200b22 thousand square meters. m in Moscow on Polikarpova Street. The property was transferred to the MiG-Growth Economic Department, which headed Ozerov. Subsequently, when a plan appeared on the centralized sale of space, released during the conclusion of the production facilities of the RSK from Moscow, the assets were burdened with the lease agreement, which was then extended for 49 years.

In 2004, the complex of buildings on Polycarpov Street was sold to the business-asset established in the same year. And after a year, this company with an asset hundreds of millions of rubles is only 10 thousand rubles. I bought a businessman Egor Soskov, who is now the deputy general director PJSC "Tupolev" on the property complex. "Business Asset" ceased to exist in 2010, and "MiG-Growth" - after another two years, the newspaper writes.
The investigation also found that in 2005, the entire real estate owned by Miga was alleged for almost 50 million rubles. LLC Liebert Investment, which for the ten years she leases it, including the structures, included in the United Aircraft Building Corporation (UAC). Claims to LLC "Liberta-Investment" as a conscientious buyer in the investigation, writes the publication.

What will accumulate explosives of discontent in society? Madness of the hedonists who live live can cause a social explosion.
After all, everyone see how sociable is cut against the background of the fierce-hysterical consumption of small groups of citizens covered at the highest state level. Here officers Ulyukaev, and talks about the tax system. Say, no progressive scale!
Rich - will pay the same incidents of NDFL as the poor. Is that Europe? Not. This is robbery and the life of the elite, who has stolen during the gangster privatization, popular property, and tightly sucking her.

What do you really need a new October? Continue to press the people juvenile technologies, destruction of education, income falling, opaque political games. In parallel, shrite three throats and take a bribe with millions of euros.
Well, naturally, wait.

"- Okay, okay, kids, give only a term,
There will be to you and squirrel, there will be a whistle! "

The certification of the working professions is quite well developed - these are tariff-qualifying exams and assigning regular discharges / rates. The greatest difficulties causes the assessment of managers and specialists. According to various data, more than half of the domestic enterprises do not hold this procedure at all, somewhere it is formal, and only units can boast of devotioned attestation policy. Meanwhile, the certification can be a powerful tool that stimulates the development of personnel.

The main thing is that traditional techniques are extremely cumbersome, laborious and ineffective. Attestation commissions, which are created in some enterprises, do not justify themselves due to the large proportion of subjectivism in estimates: certificates represent their head, which gives its subordinates, as a rule, the most flattened characteristic, as a result of which members of the Commission cannot objectively evaluate employees of other units. Naturally, the results of such certification do not comply with the requirements of modern enterprises.
In recent decades in the West, and for some time, a special methodology for assessing business and personal qualities of personnel has gained popularity in the domestic business - "Certification 360 °".

We note its main advantages:

  • easy organization and execution;
  • practically does not distract the staff from work;
  • does not require the formation of attestation commissions;
  • covers all major aspects of the lecturer of the team;
  • not only measures the quality of employees, but also significantly affects their development.

The essence of the "circular" certification is that the employee assesses its environment (experts): Head, colleagues for work, subordinates for certain competencies-criteria. According to the same criteria, the specialist carries out self-esteem, which is compared with the characteristics of experts.

Such a scheme assumes a triple feedback: from top to bottom - from a direct supervisor, horizontally - from colleagues and from the bottom up - from subordinates. In contrast to traditional certification, with this approach, the assessment is obtained by the multilateral, most complete and objective.
Let us dwell on the applied aspect of the methodology.

"Circular" and the massive nature of the estimates minimizes in estimates a factor of subjectivism, multi-factor allows you to get an integral assessment of both a separate employee and the rating of specialists in the comparable group.

Thus, it turns out a peculiar "photo" opinions around the business and personal qualities of a specialist.

For any company, the goals and objectives of the staff attestation are approximately the same, namely:

  • reveal the level of staff qualifications, their ability to evaluate professionalism and quality of each other's work;
  • establish adequate wage levels;
  • adopt justified personnel and displacement solutions;
  • motivate employees to achieve concrete results and a certain level of quality of work;
  • develop an employee training program, set goals and objectives for the next attestation period;
  • install status ratings, trace the dynamics of their changes.

When preparing for certification, the qualitative selection of evaluation criteria is very important (a list of what an employee must be able to fulfill its duties). The basic evaluation criteria (competence) of a specialist, as a rule, cover the most important areas:

  • knowledge (general and special);
  • work skills;
  • ability to master new activities (technologies, markets, customers);
  • personal qualities and behaviors.

Over time, the criteria can change slightly, if necessary, to be replaced by others: it is necessary to strive to ensure that you ultimately all correspond to the specifics of the company's activities and requirements.
Special attention should be paid to the fact that, on the one hand, not everyone is able to express constructive criticism, without fear to offend a colleague, on the other, few can adequately perceive it. Therefore, the most important factor in the high objectivity of certification is an anonymity of assessments and confidentiality of the results, which is achieved by survey. After computer processing of all the questionnaires, the results of the certification with deployed estimates, integral characteristics, rating, etc. In the sealed form are awarded an employee. In addition to it, only his immediate supervisor has access to attestation sheets. This allows you to assess the qualities of each other, without fear of repression and a negative attitude from the certified.
The staff themselves tend to show great interest in the results of the certification. For them, it is important to compare the results obtained with the results of previous certification, analyze how their self-esteem differs from the collective assessment. This will help everyone identify its strengths and weaknesses, think about how to fix the shortcomings and in the future to achieve better results.

Another significant difference between the methodology "Certification 360 °" - the establishment of feedback between the head of the division and subordinates. Objective information on how the head of the staff, management, customers will be evaluated may become an incentive for its further personal and professional development. Moreover, participation in the attestation of the direct supervisor on a par with subordinates significantly increases interest and trust.

Personnelians using this technique note significant discrepancies in estimates of certified by managers, colleagues and subordinates, inadequate self-esteem, etc. The results of the certification are opened before manuals and personnel, a wide field of activities for planning and implementing the company's personnel development programs.

Poshibit Certification "360 degrees"

"Certification 360 °" is widely used; forming a personnel reserve; choosing a specialist in a vacant position; identifying the needs of personnel in training and analyzing its effectiveness; creating plans for professional growth of specialists.

  • Advantages and advantages of the methodology compared to other methods (certificates of traditional, modern complex - for example, through the assessment center):
    The assessment of the certified (or homogeneous functional group) on the basis of individual criteria in combination with sincere estimates of colleagues makes it possible to make the most objective conclusion about the compliance with the company's requirements;
  • comparison of self-assessment with the assessment of the team stimulates an employee to develop the best qualities and eradicating deficiencies indicated by colleagues;
  • comparing the results of the current and previous certifications, the head can trace the dynamics of the specialist.

Recommendations for the preparation and conduct Certification "360 degrees"

Experience in various companies allows you to formulate several general recommendations on the organization of its preparation and certification:

1. The certificate is recommended to include only those who have worked in the company at least five to six months. Such a period is necessary so that the employee can objectively assess his colleagues and that others can appreciate it.
2. In one group there should be no more than 20-25 people: in such a team, everything is quite close in contact and have an idea of \u200b\u200beach other's work. In addition, the risk of getting a lot of "empty" or random estimates is reduced.
3. The group of experts for a complete and objective assessment should include at least 6-7 people (linear and / or functional leaders, colleagues and subordinates - at least two or three people).
4. On the eve of the certification, all employees must be familiar with the rules for its holding.
5. For each position, 10-12 most important from 30-40 corporate evaluation criteria are selected, for example: work experience; professional knowledge; Business relations with the leader, colleagues subordinate; Labor discipline; independence in work; use of authority; labor intensity; Conflict.

Similarly, special criteria are formed, taking into account the professional characteristics of the group (for example, for managers - organizational and managerial abilities; the ability to motivate subordinates, interact with the client).
6. The results of the first certification are not recommended immediately to lift with administrative decisions - personnel movements, changes in wages, etc.
7. Conduct re-certification We recommend planning no earlier than six months - a year, since the employee needs time to work on its disadvantages.
8. It is advisable to conduct a pilot (trial) certification in a typical division to use the experience gained in branched organizational structures.
The openness of corporate culture in the company is extremely important, when each employee is configured to an objective and reasonable assessment of other employees and is used to counting on a similar attitude towards his colleagues.

Well-developed and clearly organized allows not only to evaluate the personnel potential of the enterprise with all the opportunities arising from here on its optimization, but also makes it possible to take a new look at every certificate employee, it is better to appreciate the potential that he has to understand that he needs to improve Create or adjust the plan for its further professional development or clarify a career plan. Those. Certification of employees can be built so as to bring mutual benefits to both parties - both organizations conducting certification and its employees.

What should be the questionnaire?

The questionnaire, which is used as part of the 360 \u200b\u200bdegree method, should not simply offer to experts, that is, those who will evaluate the employee, the scale to evaluate, but to explain what it means each wording, otherwise experts with different experiences will interpret the values \u200b\u200bof the scale - Essential. For example, if the questionnaire issues formulated as follows: "Evaluate the management potential of Ivanova I.I. On a scale from 1 to 5, "for the usual Russian officer, the scale from 1 to 5 is a direct analogy with school estimates, where 5 is excellent, 4 - well, 3 - satisfactory, and 2 - unsatisfactory. As you noticed, the scale of five-point turns into a four-point. In addition, the values \u200b\u200bof the points in the understanding of the expert may differ from the values \u200b\u200blaid down by experts.
Many Western-oriented companies to assess the business qualities of personnel use a five-point scale with the following description:

5 - the level of skill, allowing to exercise this quality in excessive conditions, develop its standards and teach others;
4 - the level of expanded experience, allowing to show quality not only in standard, but also in difficult conditions;
3 - the level of basic experience, allowing to show quality in most working situations;
2 - the level of development when business quality is not always manifested, but the employee already understands the importance of its manifestation and tries to develop it;
1 - quality is not manifested.

In addition, inviting experts to give a digital assessment of human qualities, we can judge how much it is sympathetic and how efficiently it is able to build his relationship with colleagues. This means that we will get the opportunity to estimate the ratio of the collective cohesion rather than business qualities and the competence of the tested.
For example, a block of an account in which we offer experts to appreciate the employee's creativity should not look like this:

  • badly
  • below the average
  • in high degree
  • above average
  • high

Before leaving the expert to assess the level of creativity, the organization should clarify what importance is invested in this term, and which manifestations of creativity are unacceptable for it. That is, it makes sense to assess the quality of the employee not at all, but in relation to this company. For example, if the organization encourages creativity manifestations from its employees, the corresponding section of the questionnaire may look like this:

  • never acts with new proposals, rejects the proposals of others;
  • in work, seeks to adhere to proven approaches, with caution relates to new ideas, implements new methods only under the pressure of the leadership;
  • readily responds to suggestions auction to think about new methods and technologies;
    Initiative to the leadership of new approaches and decisions;
  • always filled with many new ideas, uses every opportunity to offer a new solution;

Give a specific example, which in your opinion most fully characterizes the relationship of Ivanov I.I. To new ideas and approaches.

If the company is not important to the creation of employees by itself, but its positive results, the same section of the questionnaire may look like:

Mark those points that most accurately characterize the behavior of Ivanov I.I. at work:

  • does not perform with new proposals or its proposals often go to the harm of a common cause;
  • his ideas and approaches sometimes allow to reduce some costs or avoid costs;
  • its proposals often bring tangible optimization of business processes, technologies, production processes;
  • his approaches and solutions increase the efficiency of the company;
  • his offers are significantly developed by the company's business. Bring a specific example, which in your opinion the most fully characterizes the contribution of Ivanova Ivanov's proposals. In general.

It is very important that the questionnaire for estimating the "360 degree" method was built on the basis of a certain universal criterion system for this organization. Only in this case, the information obtained as a result of the survey can be compared with other data available.

It is also desirable that the questionnaire suggests experts not to simply set digital estimates, but contained an indication to select a behavioral indicator and clarify an example. Ideally, the questionnaire must supply high-quality information that an automated system or personnel assessment specialists will translate later into digital. Thus, as a result, we can get two types of information - high-quality and quantitative. Quality information allows you to describe how it is an employee at work, and quantitative makes it possible to compare employees with each other.

If the evaluation system is built into the company from scratch, then the questionnaire has to solve an even more difficult task - to create a competency model, competency assessment scale, a description of behavioral indicators.

Forms of survey

The form of evaluation, first of all, depends on the purpose of the procedure. If the target of the assessment according to the "360 degree method" is, first of all, collecting quality information about a small number of employees (up to a hundred people), then the questionnaire can be both on paper and on electronic media. Questionnaires are distributed, filled and handled manually. At the same time, as a rule, each estimated can talk about the results of the assessment with specialists.

If, according to the "360 degree" method, a large number of employees are estimated, then this process is usually automated (mailing, collecting and processing a questionnaire with the help of special automated systems). Employees are practically deprived of the opportunity to maintain feedback with information handlers. As a rule, the questionnaire is obtained by its assessment in electronic form.

Automated assessment systems according to the 360 \u200b\u200bdegree method are used in cases where a primary value is the collection of quantitative data to compare employees with each other according to certain parameters (for example, when forming groups for learning). Some automated systems themselves form a recommendation for employee training, offer a list of references, e-courses, a list of trainings. Such programs are offered by several companies, and they are standing from several hundred to several tens of thousands of dollars.

Evaluation by the "360 Degree" method: an example of the questionnaire

The number of questions and time to fill the questionnaires are essential factors for the success of the method. If there are too many questions (more than 50) or they are difficult to perceive, there is a risk of formal attitude to the procedure, people will notice to respond, which will lead to a decrease in the reliability of the results.

Let us dwell on the compilation of the questionnaire.

Questions approval

It is of great importance to the proper formulation of assessment issues (the questionnaire may consist of closed issues, although this statement is quite often a more versatile and convenient form). They must cover the main competencies that are planned to evaluate. The more likely the quality for the company, the more questions about it should be included in the questionnaire. It is very important that they are understandable and complex or ambiguous terms have not been used in them.

An example of an unsuccessful question of approval: "Tolerance to the peculiarities of other people," this term is not all responsible to know. Another example: "The conflict is inclined to compromise solutions." The answer depends on how a person understands the compromise strategy. Perhaps he perceives it on the household level as the desire to go towards another or considers it not the most successful, because she prefers cooperation (especially if he successfully passed the training of conflict management). As a result, the assessment will not be completely reliable.

In the preparation of statement issues, in most cases, the wording should not be used, imposing extremes in the responses ("manifests itself", "never manifests"), since then they will not be able to be at the same time honest, objective and unambiguous. For example:

"Never and in any form criticizes the decision of the management and strategy of the company";

"Always ready to sacrifice its interests for the sake of common";

"Always manifests the initiative, introduces innovation proposals";

"Never annoges, does not show negative emotions."

Thus, when formulating statements, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • avoid complex terms and ambiguities;
  • use all clear words;
  • avoid extremes (exception - checking the sincerity and objectivity of responding).

Scale Evaluation

It is clear to avoid a 5-point scale, since this leads to the manifestation of school and student stereotypes: 3 is bad, and 5 is good. It is impossible in a short time sincerely believe that 3 is the norm (not perfect, but meets the requirements), and 5 is excellent (this assessment is extremely rare). Therefore, it is recommended to move away from points to descriptive characteristics. In addition, it is worth using a scale in which there are no more than 6 points, since, with their larger quantities it may be confused.

Together with the scale of estimates, there should be a graph "I do not have information", since not all employees have the opportunity to see the manifestation of absolutely all competencies from the colleague. Accordingly, when determining the average score, the number of estimates actually adopted into calculation decreases.

Scale, including extreme options ("always" and "never"), allows you to increase the validity (reliability) of the answers.

Ensuring the accuracy of answers

Scale sincereness

The questionnaire is recommended to include several statements issues that do not imply "extreme" response wording. They help to find out the sincerity of the research participants. For example, it is impossible to give unambiguous polar estimates in case of such allegations:

"Does not allow mistakes even in small details";

"Never affects people always avoids personal sympathies and antipathies";

"Definitely perceives any decisions of the manual and so on.".

If these questions approval gives an "extreme" answer, it speaks or about his insincerity (as a rule, to overestimate estimates from the best motives, for example, from sympathy for a colleague), or on a formal approach to questionnaire.

When such a response occurs 1-2 times, it is worth a decrease in the calculated score by 1 unit, if there are many such options, then it is necessary to exclude this questionnaire from general analysis, since the accuracy of the results is questionable.


Some tend to choose to assess colleagues predominantly the same answers. Most often, this is not an average estimate ("manifests itself in about half of the cases"), and the stable choice of answers like "manifests itself always" or "manifests itself in most cases." Choosing this approach, the employee is not particularly thoughtful to the questions and meets formally. Avoid this will help the inclusion of questions in the questionnaire, the best answer version to which - "never exhibits".

It is worth warning employees about the presence of such "flutter", and this will increase the likelihood of correct answers.


These questions allow you to analyze the assessments on the subject of objectivity and reliability and eliminate those that do not meet these criteria. The bottom line is that two or three questions have different formulations, but content is absolutely identical (it is important that they are not located nearby). An example of such a double:

"I know how to manage conflicts from the position of cooperation, that is, in such a way that all parties are in the maximum winning";

"The conflict usually does not seek to drag the situation towards their interests."

There is another kind of issues of this type - close questions. Not a complete oak, they suggest a break in the answers no more than 1 point, otherwise the result is estimated as low-ending.

Solutions based on survey results
It should be borne in mind that the score according to the 360 \u200b\u200bdegree method in any case is subjective, so it should not be considered as a tool for adopting administrative decisions - promotions, sentences, progresses, etc. In addition, if employees learn about such consequences of the assessment, then the answers will either Heavy due to the reluctance to "substitute" colleagues or understated in order to reduce the scores. In most foreign companies, from where this practice came, the "360 degree" questionnaire serves as an employee self-development tool or (less often) by the subject of joint analysis with his leader.

According to the evaluation, it is necessary to identify zones:

A - overestimated self-esteem compared with the assessment of others;

B - understated self-esteem compared with the assessment of others;

- high and low marks;

D - differences in the assessment of the same competencies in estimating different levels.

In cases of A and B, it should be found out from colleagues and managers the cause of discrepancies. Probable conclusion - a person cannot see himself from. It is definitely worth it to initiate the receipt of feedback from others, to compare behavior - its own and those people who are considered as a standard, that is, they have significant competencies for this company.
The situation in the most complete picture of the strengths and weaknesses of the employee. Big plus in this case is that a person can see himself from the side to understand how others react to him.

Section M is very important for the analysis of both the estimated and its leader. It is worth clearly determining the cause of discrepancies and adjust its behavior during communication at those levels to which employees include low estimates. The leader, if his opinion differs significantly from the estimates put equally or subordinates, it is necessary to relate to the behavior of the employee: to focus on the merits (if the assessment of the boss was lower than that of the others) or learn to identify socially desirable behavior (if evaluation above).

We give an example of the questionnaire, which was used in one of the companies (should not be considered as a universal, suitable for any organization). Try to check yourself and highlight:

  • competences that are verified by this questionnaire;
  • questions related to the sincerity scale;
  • questions-translation;
  • questions (there may be 2 or more of them), the discrepancy in the answers to which should not be more than 1 point (an example of the question-duplicate).

Questionnaire according to the "360 degree" method (example)

Instructions for survey participants
Dear employee!
This survey will help your colleague (estimated) better understand its strengths and weaknesses, to see the potential for further growth and development. No promotion or punishment measures will be taken on the results of the study. We guarantee anonymity and confidentiality. In this regard, we ask you to give the most truthful, frank and deliberate answers. If you, by the nature of the interaction with this person, do not see the manifestation of some aspects of the behavior and cannot judge how it manifests itself in the situations described, please choose the answer: "I do not have information." In addition, some of the questions suggests as a better option, the answer "manifests always", and some "never exhibits." Be careful! There are also a few questions, the answers to which will allow us to evaluate the accuracy of the result; In the case of low reliability, the questionnaire will have to fill over, which is undesirable.
The survey takes an average of 30 to 45 minutes. We recommend that you fill out the questionnaire immediately from beginning to end, not distracted. So you can save time and increase the accuracy of the results. You can have substantial assistance to a colleague in understanding its strengths and weaknesses and planning further development and growth. Thank you for my sincere answers!

Question Answers *
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Able to take and defend unpopular solutions
2 In case of problems with the client, solves them on their own, seeks to do it as quickly as possible.
3 Understands that the efficiency of subordinates depends on their leader, seeks to correct the situation and prevent its appearance in the future
4 When justifying the decision, it considers both the pros and cons, the resources are correctly calculated correctly.
5 Enhances the qualifications only when it offers guidance or staff development department
6 In terms of priority, it takes into account that it is fundamentally important for business and difficult in execution, so such work seeks to do myself, and the rest delegates subordinates
7 When problems appear, it seeks to overcome them on their own, finds several solutions, knows how to justify the pros and cons of each of them.
8 In the case of a long stress, he knows how to maintain a good mental shape.
9 If there is a problem, first of all carefully analyzes the causes and finds responsible for their elimination
10 Colleagues and subordinates often refer to an employee for advice and help with him they feel psychologically comfortable
11 In case of problems with the client, the fault of other people or units immediately redirects him to the perpetrator of the problem
12 In difficult situations, it is easily annoyed, it may be sharp in communication
13 It seeks to get the most complete information about the market, related fields and effectively uses this data.
14 Knows how to effectively act in conditions of uncertainty
15 Does not allow mistakes even in small details
16 Positively characterizes the company and its values \u200b\u200bin conversations with other people
17 Knows how to admit his mistakes and take responsibility for them
18 Never annoyed, does not show negative emotions
19 Trying to find the same interests and a common language with colleagues in solving joint tasks
20 Recognizes its responsibility for the result
21 Shows the desire to solve the client's problems, takes responsibility in difficult situations
22 Never in any form does not criticize the decision and strategy of the company
23 Does not welcome change, prefers proven, confirmed by long-term solutions
24 Always ready to sacrifice his interests for the sake of common
25 In the stressful situation is not lost, looking for and finds solutions
26 If the problems with the client arose due to the incorrect actions of the subordinates, trying to involve them in the decision, teach how to avoid such situations in the future
27 Proactive, adjusts the work of its unit under the change in the company's strategies
28 Sees the relationship and interdependence of various units and functions in the organization, understands its interests in general
29 Knows how to analyze opportunities, risks, and also to count and plan resources
30 Never seeks to conflict to drag the situation towards your interests
31 Motivates people based on their results
32 Believes that employees must be professionals and actively act as part of their duties, otherwise people need to part
33 Never happens to people who always know how to avoid personal sympathies and antipathies
34 Knows how to determine and take into account the individuality of the subordinate when interacting and motivation
35 Differs in a systematic approach, sees the interests of the organization as a whole and divisions in particular
36 Performs predominantly control functions, believes that the censure and punishment - the most effective methods of working with people
37 Charicismatic, uses the power of his personality in order to motivate subordinates
38 Subordinates are noticeably progressing since the arrival of this person in the company
39 In advance forms staff, correctly determines the need for employees
40 Customized to motivate staff, competently chooses the ratio of encouragement and censure
41 Knows how to manage conflict from the position of cooperation, i.e. so that all parties be in the maximum win
42 Organizes training and carries out coaching of its employees, develops people
43 Knows how to concentrate on the task is attentive to the little things
44 Knows the external environment of the organization, competitors
45 Defends his position if the opinion of the interlocutor considers the wrong, trying to cut the conversation
46 Clears the initiative when the process really requires improvement
47 In behavior and decision-making, takes into account the values \u200b\u200bof the company and its interests
48 Always manifests the initiative, introduces innovation proposals
49 Takes into account the interests exclusively by its division, leads a competitive struggle for resources
50 It seeks to solve the problem as quickly and efficiently as possible, and not always independently, but with the involvement of experts (if necessary)

* Answers:

  1. - I do not have information;
  2. - always manifests itself;
  3. - manifests itself in most cases;
  4. - manifests itself at about half of the cases;
  5. - is rarely manifested;
  6. - never manifests.

Answers to the questionnaire (deciphering types of questions and competencies)

  1. Questions with reverse screening: 2, 3, 8, 14, 19, 20, 36, 37, 46, 49. If the answers to other questions are at 4-5 points, then the answers should be assessed at 1-2 Point. If the answers to questions with reverse screening correspond to the level of 4-5 in two or more cases, their accuracy is considered low.
  2. Definitely positive answers to questions 6, 15, 16, 30, 33, 41, 50 indicate a high degree of probability that they are socially desirable. If there are more than two such answers, it is recommended not to count the results, and to propose again to fill the questionnaire.
  3. Groups of issues, assessment for the answers to which should have a discrepancy of no more than 1 point (two or more discrepancies allow us to consider validity as low): 10-12, 18-22-25, 34-38-40-41, 39-45 , 43-44.

Distribution of issues on groups of competencies

Compliance with corporate values \u200b\u200b(questions 1-29, 43-50)

  1. Customer focus - 11, 21, 26.
  2. Loyalty to the company, patriotism - 16, 22, 47.
  3. Orientation on the result, responsibility for it - 17, 20, 24, 49, 50.
  4. Initiative - 23, 46, 48.
  5. Adaptability, openness New - 27.
  6. Independence and decision-making skills - 14, 29.
  7. Understanding the business environment - 13, 19, 28, 44.
  8. Resistance to procedures and detailed operation - 15, 43.
  9. Stress resistance - 25.
  10. The desire to communicate and communication skills with people in the company - 12, 18, 19, 45.

Management skills (questions 26-42)

  1. Management of current work - 30, 35, 41.
  2. Management team - 28, 33, 34.
  3. Planning - 27, 29, 39.
  4. Training - 26, 32, 34, 38, 42.

Motivation - 31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 40.

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