Control tasks. Solution of typical tasks produced products in the reporting period, thousand pcs

Example 1. The following data on the sale of fruits in the area are available:

Name of product



Estimated graphs, thousand rubles.

Price per 1 kg., Rub.p. 0

Sold, t.

q. 0

Price per 1 kg., Rub.p. 1

Sold, t.

q. 1

p. 0 q. 0

r 1 q. 1

p. 0 q. 1


Calculate summary indexes of turnover, physical volume and prices. Changes in turnover as a whole and as a result of changing individual factors.

Product Index:

Index of the physical volume of turnover:

Price index:

Thus, the turnover in August decreased by 3.1% or 20 thousand rubles. Due to the increase in sales by an average of 8.6%, the turnover increased by 55 thousand rubles. Due to the decline in prices on average by 10.8%, the turnover decreased by 75 thousand rubles.

Example 2. The average cost of the product and the totality of companies decreased by 2.8%. At the same time, the cost of the product and in some companies decreased by an average of 4.1%. Show the relationship of magnitudes and explain the economic meaning of the indicators.

The variable composition index is 0.972. Fixed compound index 0.959. Determine the index of structural shifts:

If the index of structural shifts is greater than 1, then the share of companies that have the most expensive production of the product of A. It explains the decrease in the average cost of the product, but only 2.8%, and not by 4.1%.

8.1. The following data on costs for coal and its production volumes in the Russian Federation in the II quarter is 1996:

Provided 100% coal sales in each month determine Chain and basic individual price indices, physical sales and turnover. Check the relationship of chain and basic indexes.

8.2. The following data on the sale of meat products in the city market are available:




Price per 1 kg, rub.

Sold, c.

Price per 1 kg, rub.

Sold, c.



Calculate Consolidated price indices, physical volume of sales and turnover, as well as the amount of buyers' recalculation from price increases.

8.3. Determine the change in the physical volume of the implementation of consumer goods by enterprises of the city retailers in the current period compared with the previous one, if the turnover has increased by 42.3%, and prices increased by 13.7%.

8.4. Turnover in 1, 2 and 3 of the store sections amounted to 16, 18 and 20 million rubles last year, respectively. Determine the general index of the physical volume of the store turnover in the reporting year, if it is known that the turnover in constant prices increased in 1 sections by 20%, at 2 - by 16% and 3 by 12%.

8.5. In the reporting year, leather shoes were sold by 50 million rubles., Rubber - by 20 million rubles, and combined - by 10 million rubles. Calculate the overall shoe price index, if it is known that prices have been reduced on leather shoes by 3%, on rubber - by 15%, on a combined - by 20%.

8.6. The following costs about the cost and production volumes of the industrial enterprise are available:


thousand roubles

Produced, thousand pcs.

Cost unit products,

thousand roubles

Produced, thousand pcs.

Determine: a) individual and consolidated cost indexes; b) the consolidated index of the physical volume of products; c) Consolidated production cost index. Show the relationship of consolidated indexes.

8.7. The following data on the sale of dairy products in the city market are available:

Calculate Consolidated price indices (using two types of formulas), turnover and physical implementation.

8.8. The following data on the plant of construction plastics are known:

Make Consolidated assessment of the increase in production (in physical terms).

8.9. The average price in the reporting period increased by 3.8%. The average price changes in all forms of sales amounted to + 5.4%. Determine, Changing the average price due to a change in the quantitative factor.

8.10. The index of the foundation of the variable composition was 1.026, and the constant composition of 0.94. Show The relationship of indexes and explain their economic meaning.

8.11. The following data on the sale of potatoes in the city markets are available:




Prices for 1 kg, rub

Sold, c.

Price per 1 kg, rub.

Sold, c.

Calculate: a) the price index of variable composition; b) the index of prices of fixed composition; c) Index of structural shifts.

8.12. The construction and production activities of the two DSC of the city is characterized by the following data:

Calculate The indices of the cost of variable and fixed compositions, as well as the index of structural shifts. Explain the results of the calculations.

8.13. The following data on the complexity of the enterprise products and its production volumes are available:

Calculate: a) labor productivity index; b) the index of physical volume of products; c) labor cost index.

8.14 . The following data on an industrial enterprise for two years are known:

Type of products

Produced, thousand pcs

The average number of workers, people.

Wholesale price in 1996, thousand rubles

Determine: a) the index of the physical volume of products; b) labor productivity index; c) labor cost index.

8.15. The level of market prices for dairy products and the volume of their implementation in two cities are characterized by the following data.

Calculate Territorial price index of city A with respect to the city B, using various formulas.

8.16. The following data are available:

Type of products

Number of products issued, t.

Cost 1 ton, thousand rubles.

Based on the given data determine:

    Individual and general cost indices;

    Individual and general indices of the physical volume of products;

    Product cost index.

Show The relationship of the calculated indices. Make conclusions.

8.17. As prices have changed, if the physical volume of trade increased by 12%, and the turnover in actual prices increased by 9%.

8.18 . As the turnover has changed in actual prices, if prices have been reduced by 5%, and the physical volume of turnover increased by 10%.

8.19. As the cost of the unit has changed, if the index of the physical volume of products amounted to 1.22, and the cost of production costs increased by 15%.

8.20. What is equal to the cost index if the cost of costs in production increased by 5%, and the physical volume of products is 8%.

8.21. The physical volume of products rose by 8%, and the volume labor costs increased by 4%. How the productivity has changed.

8.22. How the productivity changed has changed if, with the same volume of labor costs, products are produced by 10% more.

8.23. The following data on the sale of washing machines are available:

Determine The average change in the prices of washing machines and savings (overrun) of buyers from price changes.

8.24. The following data on the indices of state retail prices in 8 groups of goods (in% to the average annual prices of 1950) are available:

p / P.

Commodity groups

Meat and poultry

Fish and herring

Animal oil

Vegetable oil



Determine Price indices in %% by 1990, 1995 and 2000; Using the data given, calculate the average annual price in 2000, 2001, 2002 and 1980: 1) on meat and poultry, if in 2002 the average annual price for them was 80 rubles. per 1 kg; 2) on fish and herring, 95 rubles; 3) Animal oil - 105 rubles; 4) Vegetable oil - 82 rubles.

8.25. The following data on prices and quantities of goods sold at the collective farm city market A:



Average annual price, rub.

Milk, thousand l.

Potato, t.

Eggs, thousand dozen


8.26. The following prices on prices and quantities of goods sold at the collective farm city market are available:


Sold, thousand pcs.

Average annual price, rub.

Occhat Price indices: 1) 2002 by 2001; 2) 2003 to 2002; 3) 2003 by 2001. Explain the discrepancy between the work of the first two indexes and the 2003 index 2001. Excuse the amount of population savings from lower prices in 2002 and 2003.

8.27. The following data on the cost of manufactured products at the factory are available:


Produced in the reporting period, thousand pcs.

basic period

reporting period

Occhat Group aggregate cost index: 1) products A and B; 2) b and in; 3) B and g; 4) G and D.


Determine index of the cost of variable composition; index cost of constant composition; Index of structural shifts. Make conclusions.

8.29. There are the following confectionery factory data ::

Types of products

Products have been developed, thousand pcs.

Price 1 thousand pieces, thousand rubles.

Determine index of price variable composition; permanent composition; Index of structural shifts. Make conclusions.

8.30. The following data are available:

Determine General index of physical volume of products. Using the relationship of indices, determine how much prices have changed for manufactured products, if it is known that the cost of products in the reporting period increased by 12%.

8.31. The following data on the confectionery factory are available:


Average monthly salary of one employee, thousand rubles.

The average number of employees, people.

basic period

reporting period

basic period

reporting period

Determine: The average monthly index wages variable composition; The average monthly salary index of a constant composition; Index of structural shifts. Make conclusions.

8.32. There are data on the extraction of coal and the average number of workers on two mines in January and February:

Determine Indices of the productivity of the variable composition, fixed composition and the index of structural shifts.

8.33. For two plants there are data on the production volume and cost of the unit of products of four types of products:


Plant No. 1.

Plant No. 2.

Cost of products, kopecks.

produced products, thousandscl.

cost of product units, kopecks.

produced products, thousand pcs.






Report- period

Basis- period

Report- period

Determine Indices of the average cost of variable composition, indices of the cost of direct composition and structural shifts: 1) on the product 1; 2) on the product 2; 3) on the product 3; 4) on the product 4.

8.34. There are the following data on the workshop:

Determine The labor productivity index of workers workshops in two ways.

8.35. The following data on the consumption of materials for the manufacture of products of AO-6624 (actually made products 500 pcs.)

Determine Index of specific consumption of materials and the total amount of savings from reducing the specific consumption of materials compared with scheduled standards.

Example 1. The following data on the sale of fruits in the area are available:

Name of product



Estimated graphs, thousand rubles.

Price per 1 kg., Rub.p. 0

Sold, t.

q. 0

Price per 1 kg., Rub.p. 1

Sold, t.

q. 1

p. 0 q. 0

r 1 q. 1

p. 0 q. 1


Calculate summary indexes of turnover, physical volume and prices. Changes in turnover as a whole and as a result of changing individual factors.

Product Index:

Index of the physical volume of turnover:

Price index:

Thus, the turnover in August decreased by 3.1% or 20 thousand rubles. Due to the increase in sales by an average of 8.6%, the turnover increased by 55 thousand rubles. Due to the decline in prices on average by 10.8%, the turnover decreased by 75 thousand rubles.

Example 2. The average cost of the product and the totality of companies decreased by 2.8%. At the same time, the cost of the product and in some companies decreased by an average of 4.1%. Show the relationship of magnitudes and explain the economic meaning of the indicators.

The variable composition index is 0.972. Fixed compound index 0.959. Determine the index of structural shifts:

If the index of structural shifts is greater than 1, then the share of companies that have the most expensive production of the product of A. It explains the decrease in the average cost of the product, but only 2.8%, and not by 4.1%.

8.1. The following data on prices for coal and its production volumes in the Russian Federation in the second quarter are:

Provided 100% coal sales in each month determine Chain and basic individual price indices, physical sales and turnover. Check the relationship of chain and basic indexes.

8.2. The following data on the sale of meat products in the city market are available:




Price per 1 kg, rub.

Sold, c.

Price per 1 kg, rub.

Sold, c.



Calculate Consolidated price indices, physical volume of sales and turnover, as well as the amount of buyers' recalculation from price increases.

8.3. Determine the change in the physical volume of the implementation of consumer goods by enterprises of the city retailers in the current period compared with the previous one, if the turnover has increased by 42.3%, and prices increased by 13.7%.

8.4. Turnover in 1, 2 and 3 of the store sections amounted to 16, 18 and 20 million rubles last year, respectively. Determine the general index of the physical volume of the store turnover in the reporting year, if it is known that the turnover in constant prices increased in 1 sections by 20%, at 2 - by 16% and 3 by 12%.

8.5. In the reporting year, leather shoes were sold by 50 million rubles., Rubber - by 20 million rubles, and combined - by 10 million rubles. Calculate the overall shoe price index, if it is known that prices have been reduced on leather shoes by 3%, on rubber - by 15%, on a combined - by 20%.

8.6. The following costs about the cost and production volumes of the industrial enterprise are available:


thousand roubles

Produced, thousand pcs.

Cost unit products,

thousand roubles

Produced, thousand pcs.

Determine: a) individual and consolidated cost indexes; b) the consolidated index of the physical volume of products; c) Consolidated production cost index. Show the relationship of consolidated indexes.

8.7. The following data on the sale of dairy products in the city market are available:

Calculate Consolidated price indices (using two types of formulas), turnover and physical implementation.

8.8. The following data on the plant of construction plastics are known:

Make Consolidated assessment of the increase in production (in physical terms).

8.9. The average price in the reporting period increased by 3.8%. The average price changes in all forms of sales amounted to + 5.4%. Determine, Changing the average price due to a change in the quantitative factor.

8.10. The index of the foundation of the variable composition was 1.026, and the constant composition of 0.94. Show The relationship of indexes and explain their economic meaning.

8.11. The following data on the sale of potatoes in the city markets are available:




Prices for 1 kg, rub

Sold, c.

Price per 1 kg, rub.

Sold, c.

Calculate: a) the price index of variable composition; b) the index of prices of fixed composition; c) Index of structural shifts.

8.12. The construction and production activities of the two DSC of the city is characterized by the following data:

Calculate The indices of the cost of variable and fixed compositions, as well as the index of structural shifts. Explain the results of the calculations.

8.13. The following data on the complexity of the enterprise products and its production volumes are available:

Calculate: a) labor productivity index; b) the index of physical volume of products; c) labor cost index.

8.14 . The following data on an industrial enterprise for two years are known:

Type of products

Produced, thousand pcs

The average number of workers, people.

Wholesale price in 1996, thousand rubles

Determine: a) the index of the physical volume of products; b) labor productivity index; c) labor cost index.

8.15. The level of market prices for dairy products and the volume of their implementation in two cities are characterized by the following data.



City B.

Price per 1 kg, rub.

Sold, t.

Price per 1 kg, rub.

Sold, t.

Calculate Territorial price index of city A with respect to the city B, using various formulas.

8.16. The following data are available:

Type of products

Number of products issued, t.

Cost 1 ton, thousand rubles.

Based on the given data determine:

    Individual and general cost indices;

    Individual and general indices of the physical volume of products;

    Product cost index.

Show The relationship of the calculated indices. Make conclusions.

8.17. As prices have changed, if the physical volume of trade increased by 12%, and the turnover in actual prices increased by 9%.

8.18 . As the turnover has changed in actual prices, if prices have been reduced by 5%, and the physical volume of turnover increased by 10%.

8.19. As the cost of the unit has changed, if the index of the physical volume of products amounted to 1.22, and the cost of production costs increased by 15%.

8.20. What is equal to the cost index if the cost of costs in production increased by 5%, and the physical volume of products is 8%.

8.21. The physical volume of products grew by 8%, and the volume of labor costs increased by 4%. How the productivity has changed.

8.22. How the productivity changed has changed if, with the same volume of labor costs, products are produced by 10% more.

8.23. The following data on the sale of washing machines are available:

Determine The average change in the prices of washing machines and savings (overrun) of buyers from price changes.

8.24. The following data on the indices of state retail prices in 8 groups of goods (in% to the average annual prices of 1950) are available:

p / P.

Commodity groups

Meat and poultry

Fish and herring

Animal oil

Vegetable oil



Determine Price indices in %% by 1990, 1995 and 2000; Using the data given, calculate the average annual price in 2000, 2001, 2002 and 1980: 1) on meat and poultry, if in 2002 the average annual price for them was 80 rubles. per 1 kg; 2) on fish and herring, 95 rubles; 3) Animal oil - 105 rubles; 4) Vegetable oil - 82 rubles.

8.25. The following data on prices and quantities of goods sold at the collective farm city market A:



Average annual price, rub.

Milk, thousand l.

Potato, t.

Eggs, thousand dozen


8.26. The following prices on prices and quantities of goods sold at the collective farm city market are available:


Sold, thousand pcs.

Average annual price, rub.

Occhat Price indices: 1) 2002 by 2001; 2) 2003 to 2002; 3) 2003 by 2001. Explain the discrepancy between the work of the first two indexes and the 2003 index 2001. Excuse the amount of population savings from lower prices in 2002 and 2003.

8.27. The following data on the cost of manufactured products at the factory are available:


Produced in the reporting period, thousand pcs.

basic period

reporting period

Occhat Group aggregate cost index: 1) products A and B; 2) b and in; 3) B and g; 4) G and D.


Determine index of the cost of variable composition; index cost of constant composition; Index of structural shifts. Make conclusions.

8.29. There are the following confectionery factory data ::

Types of products

Products have been developed, thousand pcs.

Price 1 thousand pieces, thousand rubles.

Determine index of price variable composition; permanent composition; Index of structural shifts. Make conclusions.

8.30. The following data are available:

Determine General index of physical volume of products. Using the relationship of indices, determine how much prices have changed for manufactured products, if it is known that the cost of products in the reporting period increased by 12%.

8.31. The following data on the confectionery factory are available:


Average monthly salary of one employee, thousand rubles.

The average number of employees, people.

basic period

reporting period

basic period

reporting period

Determine: The average monthly wage index of variable composition; The average monthly salary index of a constant composition; Index of structural shifts. Make conclusions.

8.32. There are data on the extraction of coal and the average number of workers on two mines in January and February:

Determine Indices of the productivity of the variable composition, fixed composition and the index of structural shifts.

8.33. For two plants there are data on the production volume and cost of the unit of products of four types of products:


Plant No. 1.

Plant No. 2.

Cost of products, kopecks.

produced products, thousandscl.

cost of product units, kopecks.

produced products, thousand pcs.






Report- period

Basis- period

Report- period

Determine Indices of the average cost of variable composition, indices of the cost of direct composition and structural shifts: 1) on the product 1; 2) on the product 2; 3) on the product 3; 4) on the product 4.

8.34. There are the following data on the workshop:

Determine The labor productivity index of workers workshops in two ways.

8.35. The following data on the consumption of materials for the manufacture of products of AO-6624 (actually made products 500 pcs.)

Determine Index of specific consumption of materials and the total amount of savings from reducing the specific consumption of materials compared with scheduled standards.

  • 1. Determine the change in the physical volume of the implementation of consumer goods by enterprises of the city's retail trade in the current period compared with the basic, if the turnover has increased by 42.3%, and prices increased by 13.7%.
  • 2. The volume of the sale of vegetables in the city markets in physical terms in October compared to September increased by 18.6%, while the price index for vegetable products amounted to 92.4%. How did the turnover change?
  • 3. In the reporting period, the physical volume of comparable products increased by 5%, and the volume realized products increased by 10%. Determine the change in the average price unit of products.
  • 4. In the reporting period production costs increased by 12%, the cost of the product unit decreased by an average of 6%. Determine the index of the physical volume of products.
  • 5. The following data on prices for coal and its production volumes are available:

Determine the individual and general price indices, production volumes and turnover, as well as absolute increases of turnover due to changes in prices, production volumes and joint action of both factors. Show the relationship between common indexes, the absolute increases of turnover.

6. There are the following data on the implementation of meat products in the city market:

Determine the individual and general price indices, the physical volume of implementation and turnover, as well as the amount of buyers' recalculation from price increases.

7. The following data on the sale of fruits in the city market are available:

Determine the general price indices, the physical volume of the implementation and turnover, as well as the absolute value of saving buyers from price reduction.

8. There are the following data on the cost and volumes of production of industrial enterprise products:


  • 1) Individual cost indices;
  • 2) general cost indices, physical volume;
  • 3) general production cost index.

Show the relationship of common indexes.

9. According to available data, determine the cost of the cost of products of the enterprise A compared to the enterprise B, having calculated the total production volumes.


Enterprise A.

Enterprise B.

Cost, rub.

Produced, thousand pcs.

Cost, rub.

Produced, thousand pcs.

11. Labor costs and labor productivity on the furniture enterprise are characterized by the following data:

Determine the productivity indices and physical volume of products.

12. According to the following data, determine the average change in the cost of products on the enterprise:


Changing the cost in the reporting period compared to the basic

Produced in the reporting period, thousand pcs.

13. There are data on the complexity of the manufacture of products and specific weight labor costs. Determine the general product productivity index.

Determine the general price index.

15. The following data on the sale of dairy products in the city market are available:

Determine the consolidated price indices, turnover and physical volume of turnover.

16. The following data on the supply of dairy products to Russia importing countries are available:

Determine the indices of average exports of variable, direct composition and structural shifts.

17. There are data on the physical volume and price of homogeneous products of two industrial enterprises in the basic and reporting periods:



Number of manufactured products, thousand pcs.

Price unit products, rub.









Determine individual price indexes, indices of permanent, variable composition and structural shifts.

18. The construction activity of two enterprises is characterized by the following data:

Determine the indices of the cost of constant, variable composition and structural shifts. Make conclusions.

19. The following data are available:

Determine the wages of permanent, variable composition and structural shifts. Make conclusions.

20. Rising prices for foodstuffs In the first half of 2015, in general, Russia is characterized by the following data:

Determine the total price change for the entire period under review.

And for railways It is better to save the bark.

Goat rods. Fruits randomy

Sales of goods

Determine the average price change in commodity groups.

To determine the average price change, the formula of the average harmonic index is used:

Or 101.8%.

Consequently, prices for this product group in 2202 compared with 2001 on average increased by 1.8%.

When calculating the general index of the physical volume of products (), you can use an average arithmetic form. In this case, the numerator produces a replacement:

q 1 \u003d i Q Q 0 .

Then the index will take the form:

Example 7.The factory has data on the release of products:

Table 6.6.

Type of products Products of products in 1 sq. M., thousand rubles. () Changing production of 2 square meters. Compared with 1 sq. M.,% Estimated graphs
BUT +3 1,030
B. -2,5 0,975
IN +1,2 1,012

Determine how much percent has increased production by enterprise.

To determine the change in the physical volume of products as a whole, the formula of a medium weighted arithmetic index is used, since, according to the condition of the problem, individual indices of the physical volume of products are known:

Consequently, the physical volume of products in the whole enterprise increased by 0.9%.

Calculations using index systems of missing indexes.Many economic indices are closely related to each other and form index systems. Thus, the price index is associated with the index of the physical volume of the turnover (if we are talking about retail prices) or the physical volume of products (if it comes to vacation prices of the enterprise), forming the following index system:

Or I p. I Q \u003d I PQ.

The product of the price index on the index of the physical volume of turnover IL products gives the index of the physical volume of the turnover in actual prices, or the product cost index.

The product cost index is associated with the index of the physical volume of products, forming the following index system:

Or I z. I Q \u003d i zq.

The product of the index of the cost of products on the index of the physical volume gives the cost of production costs.

The productivity index (by labor costs) is associated with the index of the physical volume of products (by labor costs), forming an index system:

Or I Q: I T \u003d I T.

The ratio of the index of the physical volume of products to the labor cost index is equal to the index of labor productivity.

Example 8. It is known that the physical volume of comparable products increased in the reporting period by 15%, and production costs increased by 12%. It is required to determine how the cost of the unit has changed.

I z. I Q \u003d i zq,

I Z.:

The cost of the unit has decreased by 2.6%.

Example 9.. It is known that the physical volume of products grew by 10%, and the volume of labor costs increased by 5%. It is required to determine how labor productivity has changed.

Using the relationship of indexes

I Q: I T \u003d I T ,

calculate the missing indicator I T.:

I T. \u003d 1,10: 1.05 \u003d 1.048 or 104.8%.

Labor productivity has grown by 4.8%.

Example 10. The turnover of retail sales by enterprises in Severodvinsk in 1998 amounted to 1278.7 million rubles, in 1999 - 2076.3 million rubles, the index of the physical volume of retail trade in 1999, in% of the previous year, amounted to 91%. It is required to determine how prices have changed in 1999 compared with 1998

Determine the turnover index in 1999:

or 162.4%.

Using the relationship of indexes:

I p. I Q \u003d I PQ,

Calculate the missing indicator I P.:

Or 178.5%.

Prices in 1999 compared with the previous year in retail 78.5% rose.

Medium-sized indices: constant, variable composition and structural shifts.All indexes discussed above were calculated on several goods implemented in one place, or types of products produced in one enterprise. Consider cases when one product is implemented in several places or one type of product is made on a number of enterprises.

If only one type of product is realized, it is quite legitimate to calculate its average price in each period, Index of variable compositionrepresents the ratio of two medium values \u200b\u200bobtained:

This index is characterized not only by changing the individual prices in places of sale, but also a change in the structure of the implementation of retail enterprises or wholesale trade, markets, cities and regions. To assess the impact of this factor calculated index of structural shifts:

The latter in this system is fixed price price indexwhich does not take into account the change in the structure:

There is a relationship between indices:

Example 11.There are data on the sale of goods and in the markets of the city (Table 6.7).

Below are the conditions and solutions to tasks. Download solutions in format dOC Start automatically after 10 seconds.

Task 2.

The company for the reporting year envisaged uve- product release products"BUT" by 10%, the products "B" - by 8%, the products "B" - by 5% compared with the previous year. Actual production from- delia "A" in the reporting year was 1.2 times more, the products "B" by 2%, the products "B" 2 times than in the previous year. Determine the degree of degree- plan for the production of products "A", "B", "B".


We define for each product the degree of execution of the plan, dividing the dynamics index to the planning task index.

For product A: 1.2 / 1,1 \u003d 1.0909 or 109.09%.

For product b: 1.02 / 1.08 \u003d 0.9444 or 94.44%.

For the product in: 2 / 1.05 \u003d 1.9048 or 190.48%.

In the reporting period, compared with the basic period, the plan for the manufacture of products A was exceeded by 9.09%, the products B was not fulfilled by 5.56%, the products B was exceeded by 90.48%.

Task 6.

The following data on commissions trade turnover

Group of goods

Commodity turnover, billion r.

Changes in prices in Q3. Compared with i quarter,%

I quarter.

II quarter.










Based on this data, calculate: 1) a common price index; 2) general turnover index in actual prices; 3) Common Travel Index in- variable prices; 4) Changes in population costs as a result of price changes.


From these tasks you can see that we only have a turnover(- in the basic period - in the reporting period and changerening prices for each product,those. Individual price indices), but no quantity of goods and prices of goods. In order tofind a common commodity index to us enough data from the condition of the problem:

I PQ \u003d or 145.5%

IN the reporting period compared with the base period, the turnover increased by 45.5%.

D. in order to calculate the general price index by introducing the formula:

= We obtain the average harmonic index.

- Individual price index. In the condition of the task, we are given a change in prices foreach product:

for vegetables - \u003d 1.12; for meat - \u003d 1.1; For milk - \u003d 1.1.

AND ndeks price Count using a medium harmonic index:= or 111.1%

FROM leave equality:

from or 131%

In the reporting period, compared with the base period, the turnover in permanent prices increased31%. Due to the price changes, turnover growth was 11.1%.

We define an increase in the cost of the population caused by price increases:

73.2 - 65,893 \u003d 7.307 billion.

BUT ansform Community Rightin the reporting period compared to the base perioddue to price changesamounted to 7.307 billion rubles

Task 7.

For the basic and reporting periods at the enterprise produced products, respectively, by 20 and 22 billion rubles. (in existing prices). In the report- the number of prices for products were raised by an average of 15%. Defect- pour: a) change in the physical volume of products; b) Changing the cost of products (in absolute terms) by changing the physical volume of products and price changes.


Determine the product cost index:

I pq \u003d p 1 q 1 / p 0 Q 0 \u003d 22/20 \u003d 1.1.

Index of physical volume of products:

I Q \u003d i pq / i p \u003d 1.1 / 1,15 \u003d 0.9565.

Where I P. - product price index,I Q - index of physical volume of products.

Absolute change in the cost of products:

Δ pq \u003d p 1 q 1 - p 0 Q 0 \u003d 2 2 - 2 0 \u003d 2 billion p.

In the reporting period, compared to the basic period occurredcost products by 10% or - on 2 billion (in absolute terms).

Absolute value change due to changes in the physical volume of products:

Δ pq (q) \u003d p 0 Q 0 ∙ (i Q - 1) \u003d 20 ∙ (0.9 565 -1) \u003d - 0.87 billion p.

Absolute changes in the cost of products by changing prices for products:

Δ pq (p) \u003d p 0 Q 0 ∙ i Q ∙ (i p - 1) \u003d 20 ∙ 0.9 565 ∙ (1.15 - 1) \u003d 2.87 MDRD. R.

In the reporting period, compared with the basis period, the cost of production due to fromprice change increased by 2.87 billion rubles, and by changing the physicalthe volume has decreased by 0.87 billion p.


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