Natural gas. Its properties, extraction and chemical composition. Main gas production areas in Russia Natural gas in Russia

In 2018, Gazprom produced (excluding the share in production of entities in which investments are classified as joint operations):

  • 497.6 billion cubic meters m of natural and associated gas;
  • 15.9 million tons of gas condensate;
  • 40.9 million tons of oil.

Gas production strategy

In its strategy, PJSC Gazprom adheres to the principle of producing such a volume of gas that is secured by demand.

The strategic regions for gas production in the long term are the Yamal Peninsula, Eastern Siberia and the Far East, the Russian continental shelf.

The strategy of Gazprom in the development of promising fields is based on economic efficiency determined by the synchronous development of gas production capacities and the possibilities of its transportation, complex processing and storage.

Oil production strategy

The development of the oil business is one of the strategic objectives of Gazprom. The basis of oil production in the Gazprom Group is PJSC Gazprom Neft.

The key task of Gazprom Neft PJSC until 2030 is to build a new generation company, a leader oil industry in the main areas.

To achieve these goals, Gazprom Neft will strive for the most cost-effective extraction of residual reserves from the current resource base by disseminating the best practices for optimizing development, reducing the cost of proven technologies, and attracting and massively introducing new technologies.

Production facilities of the Gazprom Group in Russia

As of December 31, 2018, the Gazprom Group was developing 138 hydrocarbon fields in Russia. The Nadym-Pur-Tazovsky oil and gas region in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug remains the main gas production center for Gazprom. The Group's oil reserves are developed primarily in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, as well as in the Tomsk, Omsk, Orenburg and Irkutsk regions, in the Pechora Sea.

Gazprom Group's hydrocarbon production capacity in Russia as of December 31, 2018 (excluding companies, investments in which are classified as joint operations)

Indicators of gas, condensate and oil production

Gazprom accounts for 69% of Russian gas production and 12% of all gas produced in the world.

In 2018, the Gazprom Group (excluding the share in production of organizations whose investments are classified as joint operations) produced 497.6 billion cubic meters. m of natural and associated gas.

At the end of 2018, Gazprom (excluding the share in production of organizations whose investments are classified as joint operations) produced 40.9 million tons of oil and 15.9 million tons of gas condensate.

Taking into account the Gazprom Group's share in the production volumes of organizations, investments in which are classified as joint operations (1.1 billion cubic meters of natural and associated gas and 7.4 million tons of oil), the Group's hydrocarbon production amounted to 498.7 billion cubic meters. m of natural and associated gas, 15.9 million tons of gas condensate and 48.3 million tons of oil.

Development of hydrocarbon resources abroad

In foreign countries, the Gazprom Group conducts prospecting and exploration of hydrocarbon deposits, participates in a number of oil and gas projects that have entered the production stage, and also renders services related to well construction. The work is carried out in the countries of the former Soviet Union, states of Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa, the Middle East and South America.

Natural gas is formed by mixing different gases in the earth's crust. In most cases, the depth ranges from several hundred meters to a couple of kilometers. It should be noted that gas can form at high temperatures and pressures. At the same time, there is no oxygen access to the site. To date, gas production has been implemented in several ways, we will consider each of them in this article. But let's talk about everything in order.

General information

It should be understood that natural gas is about 98% methane. In addition, it may include ethane, propane, butane, etc. There is also the term “unconventional gas”. It stands for natural gas, which is mainly extracted from clayey rocks. It lies deep underground in coal seams, sandstones and other geofences, under extremely high pressure. Today, the share of unconventional gas is slightly less than half, and by 2030 it is planned to increase this figure to 56%. Currently, almost all gas producing countries have drilling rigs. But most of them, about 40%, belong to the United States. After all, it is this state that sells a huge amount of gas every year. Let's talk in more detail on this topic and deal with the questions of interest to us.

Gas production in the world

For many hundreds of years, people have sought to improve the way that in principle is quite normal. Human needs are growing every day, and there is a need for new mining technologies. Today, such as natural gas, is extracted all over the world from oil and gas fields, and it can also be found dissolved in oil or water. Speaking specifically about Russia, in our country it is mined from the bowels of the planet Earth. It is noteworthy that the gas in its pure form has neither color nor smell. In order to detect gas leaks as quickly as possible, odorants are added to it, which have a pungent unpleasant odor. This approach helps to reduce mortality among the population as a result of gas leaks. Of course, gas production in the world implies the use of safe equipment, since any open fire can lead to a large number of casualties at the well site.

Gas hydrate deposits

Not so long ago, it was determined that gas can be underground in a solid state. If earlier scientists knew only about the liquid and gaseous state, today we know about solid deposits, which are also of great importance for industry. Every day, more and more people say that there are large accumulations of greenhouse gases at the bottom of the ocean, which are there in the form of hydrates. Hydrates have not yet found widespread use, but they are already being used for water desalination; in addition, it is planned to use such deposits for storing gases. In fact, the areas of gas production may expand somewhat, since where there are hydrates, there may be other deposits of minerals. For now, let's go ahead and look at something else interesting.

Natural gas deposits

There is evidence that there are simply huge deposits of natural gas in the sedimentary shell of the earth's crust. There is a biogenic theory that says that gas, like oil itself, is formed as a result of prolonged decomposition of living organisms under the influence of high temperatures and pressure. In addition, the temperature regime is usually slightly higher, just like the pressure, than in oil deposits. This is due to the fact that gas is located below oil. Today Russia has the largest deposits. By and large, the reserves of this natural resource may last for many years. Gas production in Russia has been established in almost all places. According to the Ministry of Natural Resources Russian Federation total volumes are estimated at 48.8 trillion m3.

Natural gas reserves by country

Currently, we can say that, according to official data, 101 countries have reserves of this mineral on their territory. Benin is in last place with 0.0011 trillion cubic meters, and Russia is in first place - 47.800 trillion cubic meters. But these are figures given by the CIA, so in reality the data may differ slightly. Another country with inexhaustible reserves is Iran. In addition, the countries of the Persian Gulf, such as the United States and Canada, also boast rich deposits of natural gas. If we list the countries of Europe, then in the first places will be Norway and the Netherlands. It is also noteworthy that the countries that were once part of the USSR, such as Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, also have a lot of natural gas. As noted above, in the second half of the 20th century, gas hydrates were discovered. Today it is known that their deposits are simply enormous. Moreover, there are reserves both at great depths and under the ocean floor.

Gas production methods

Currently, the deposits are located at a depth of 1-3 kilometers. One of them is located near the city of Novy Urengoy, it goes 6 kilometers underground. In the depths, it is in pores under high pressure. Gradually, it passes into pores with lower pressure, and so on until it enters the well directly.

The main production method is drilling wells. Usually there are several wells in the field. Moreover, they try to drill them evenly so that they are approximately equally distributed over several wells. If there is only one well, then its premature flooding is likely. Today, there are practically no other methods of gas production. By and large, this is due to the fact that it is inappropriate to come up with something new, especially if the technology becomes more complex. It is unlikely that something will replace the wells in the near future.

Gas preparation for transportation

After the natural mineral has entered the well from the bowels of the earth, it must be delivered to the user. This could be a chemical plant, a thermal power plant and other gas networks. Its preparation for transportation is due to the fact that, in addition to the necessary components, there are other impurities in the composition, which make it difficult for its further use and movement along the highways. It is necessary to remove water vapor that can accumulate in the lines and make it difficult to move. You also need to remove hydrogen sulfide, which is a serious threat. gas equipment (corrosive). Various schemes can be used for preparation. The most expedient is the one in which the treatment plant is located in the immediate vicinity of the deposit. Drying and cleaning takes place here. In the case of a high content of hydrogen sulfide or helium, the fossil is sent to a gas processing plant. In principle, gas production in Russia is usually realized through factories, since the quality of the initial product is not always up to the mark.

Gas transportation

Currently, the main mode of transport is the pipeline. The pipe diameter can reach 1.4 meters, and the pressure in the system is 75 atmospheres. However, as it moves along the line, pressure is lost and the product heats up. For this simple reason, compressor stations are built at regular intervals. There the gas pressure is increased to 55-120 atm and cooled. Despite the fact that it is very expensive to lay a gas pipeline, today it is the most expedient method of supplying a natural resource over medium and short distances. In some cases, gas carriers are used, they are still very often called tankers. The gas is in special containers in a liquefied state. Transport temperature should be in the range of 150-160 degrees Celsius. This method has significant advantages such as safety


This article briefly reviewed the technology of gas production. In principle, the downhole method is the most popular. Other methods, if implemented, did not find application for various reasons. As for the scope of application of gas, first of all, it is fuel. It is used as a fuel for heating living quarters, as well as heating water, cooking, etc. Due to the high prices for electricity, this is one of the cheapest heating methods. Gas is also used as fuel for vehicles, thermal power plants, as well as boiler houses. use it to make plastics and other organic matter... Well, that's all on this topic. Remember that improper handling of gas can be fatal.

Natural gas, which we are all so used to in our kitchens, is a close relative of oil. It consists mainly of methane with admixtures of heavier hydrocarbons (ethane, propane, butane). In natural natural conditions it also often contains impurities of other gases (helium, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide).

Typical composition of natural gas:


  • Methane - 70-98%
  • Ethane - 1-10%
  • Propane - up to 5%
  • Bhutan - up to 2%
  • Pentane - up to 1%
  • Hexane - up to 0.5%


  • Nitrogen - up to 15%
  • Helium - up to 5%
  • Carbon dioxide - up to 1%
  • Hydrogen sulfide - less than 0.1%

Natural gas is extremely widespread in the bowels of the earth. It can be found in the thickness of the earth's crust at a depth of several centimeters to 8 kilometers. As well as oil, natural gas, during its migration in the earth's crust, gets into traps (permeable strata bounded by impermeable rock strata), as a result of which gas deposits are formed.

Five largest gas fields in Russia:

  • Urengoyskoe (gas)
  • Yamburgskoye (oil and gas condensate)
  • Bovanenkovskoye (oil and gas condensate)
  • Shtokman (gas condensate)
  • Leningradskoe (gas)

Natural (hydrocarbon) gas is a frequent satellite of oil fields. Usually it is contained in oil in a dissolved form, and in some cases it accumulates in the upper part of the fields, forming the so-called gas cap. For a long time, gas released during oil production, called associated gas, has been an undesirable part of the production process. Most often it was simply burned in torches.

Only in the last few decades has humanity learned to make full use of all the advantages of natural gas. Such a delay in the development of this extremely valuable type of fuel is largely due to the fact that the transportation of gas and its use in industry and everyday life require a sufficiently high technical and technological level of development. In addition, natural gas, mixing with air, forms an explosive mixture, which requires increased safety measures during its use.

Gas application

Some attempts to use gas were made as early as the 19th century. Light gas, as it was then called, served as a source of illumination. The development of gas fields was not yet carried out at that time, and gas extracted together with oil was used for lighting. Therefore, such gas was often called petroleum gas. For example, Kazan was covered with such oil gas for a long time. They also used it to illuminate St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Currently, gas plays an increasingly significant role in the world's energy sector. The range of its application is very wide. It is used in industry, in everyday life, in boiler houses, thermal power plants, as a motor fuel for cars and as a feedstock in chemical industry.

Natural gas consumption structure:

Gas is considered a relatively clean fuel. When gas is burned, only carbon dioxide and water are formed. At the same time, carbon dioxide emissions are almost two times less than when burning coal and 1.3 times less than when burning oil. Not to mention the fact that when oil and coal are burned, soot and ash are still left. Due to the fact that gas is the most environmentally friendly type of all fossil fuels, it occupies a dominant position in the energy sector of modern megalopolises.

How is gas produced

Just like oil, natural gas is produced using wells that are distributed evenly over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe gas field. Production occurs due to the pressure difference in the gas reservoir and at the surface. Under the action of reservoir pressure, gas is pushed through the wells to the surface, where it enters the collection system. Then the gas is fed to the complex gas treatment unit, where it is purified from impurities. If the amount of impurities in the produced gas is insignificant, then it can be immediately sent to the gas processing plant, bypassing the complex treatment unit.

How is gas transported

Gas is transported mainly through pipelines. The main volumes of gas are transported by main gas pipelines, where the gas pressure can reach 118 atm. Gas is supplied to consumers through distribution and building gas pipelines. First, the gas passes through the gas distribution station, where its pressure drops to 12 atm. Then, through distribution pipelines, it is fed to gas control points, where its pressure is again reduced, this time to 0.3 atm. After that, gas goes to our kitchen through the internal gas pipelines.

All this huge gas distribution infrastructure presents a truly big picture. Hundreds and hundreds of thousands of kilometers of gas pipelines that envelop almost the entire territory of Russia. If all this web of gas pipelines is pulled in one line, then its length will be enough to reach from the Earth to the Moon and back. And this is only the Russian gas transportation system. If we talk about the entire world gas transportation infrastructure, then we will talk about millions of kilometers of pipelines.

Since natural gas has neither odor nor color, in order to be able to quickly detect gas leaks, it is artificially given an unpleasant odor. This process is called odorization and takes place at gas distribution stations. Sulfur-containing compounds, such as ethanethiol (EtSH), are commonly used as odorants, i.e. unpleasant odors.

Gas consumption is seasonal. Its consumption increases in winter and decreases in summer. To smooth out seasonal fluctuations in gas consumption, underground gas storage facilities (UGS) are being built near large industrial centers. These can be depleted gas fields adapted for gas storage or artificially created underground salt caves. In summer, surplus of transported gas is sent to UGS facilities, and in winter, on the contrary, a possible lack of capacity of the pipeline system is compensated by taking gas from storage facilities.

In world practice, in addition to gas pipelines, natural gas is often transported in liquefied form by means of special vessels - gas carriers (methane carriers). In liquefied form, the volume of natural gas is reduced by 600 times, which is convenient not only for transportation, but also for storage. For liquefaction, the gas is cooled to a condensation temperature (-161.5 ° C), as a result of which it turns into a liquid. In such a chilled form, it is transported. The main producers of liquefied natural gas are Qatar, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia and Nigeria.

Prospects and trends

Due to its environmental friendliness and the constant improvement of equipment and technologies, both in the production and use of gas, this type of fuel is gaining more and more popularity. BP, for example, predicts that gas demand will grow faster than other fossil fuels.

The growing demand for gas leads to the search for new, often unconventional, gas sources. Such sources can be:

  • Coal seam gas
  • Shale gas
  • Gas hydrates

Coal seam gas began to be mined only in the late 1980s. This was done for the first time in the United States, where the commercial feasibility of this type of mining was proven. In Russia, Gazprom has been testing this method since 2003, launching pilot coal bed methane production in Kuzbass. Gas production from coal seams is also carried out in other countries - Australia, Canada and China.

Shale gas... The shale gas revolution that has taken place in the United States over the past decade has been on the front pages of the press. Technology development horizontal drilling and made it possible to extract gas from low-permeability shale in volumes that cover the cost of its extraction. The phenomenon of the rapid development of shale gas production in the United States spurs other countries to develop this direction... In addition to the United States, active work on shale gas production is underway in Canada. China also has significant potential for the development of large-scale production of shale gas.

Gas hydrates... A significant part of natural gas is in a crystalline state in the form of so-called gas hydrates (methane hydrates). Large reserves of gas hydrates exist in the oceans and in the permafrost zones of the continents. Currently, the estimated reserves of gas in the form of gas hydrates exceed the combined reserves of oil, coal and conventional gas. The development of economically viable technologies for the extraction of gas hydrates is being intensively pursued in Japan, the USA and some other countries. Japan pays special attention to this topic, deprived of traditional gas reserves and forced to purchase this type of resource at extremely high prices.

Natural gas has a bright future as a fuel and a source of chemical elements. In the long term, it is precisely it that is considered as the main type of fuel that will be used during the transition of the world energy sector to cleaner renewable resources.

Russia is a country in which the world's largest, even the most unique gas fields are concentrated, which provides the whole world with its blue fuel, and is not going to stop there

Energy is the main "food" of the economy; the life support of any country depends on it. For each state, the lack of natural energy resources is becoming a weighty reason for the development of new alternative energy sources. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that the currently existing types of fuel, oil, gas, coal and nuclear, will retain the status of the main types of energy production for a long time to come.

And in this sense, it is difficult to overestimate the role gas industry... The development and production of gas in Russia, as well as its supply to the world market, have brought the country to a leading position. Although Russia is endowed with this type of raw material very generously, it did not acquire such a role at once.

But before we get acquainted with the history of active gas developments in the territory of the Russian Federation, let's talk about the place that is assigned to natural gas in the world.

Blue fuel on planet Earth

In terms of natural gas production, more than a quarter of the global volume belongs to the United States, which remains the undisputed leader in 2016. In second place is Russia with about 20% of the total production of ten leading regions.

Figure: 1. World leaders in natural gas production based on the results of 2016, billion cubic meters meters
Source: website

But being on the list of leaders in gas production does not mean leadership in the world fuel trade. According to the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, only eight of them are export-oriented.

Figure: 2. Leaders in world gas trade, 2016
Source: website

Main mining areas

The map shows the geography of distribution of the largest gas production sites around the globe. It is believed that there are 20 of those on the planet - the largest gas fields, with gas reserves of about 1200 billion cubic meters. meters.

  • 4 in the USA - in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska;
  • 9 in the regions of Western Siberia, Of the Far East and Sakhalin, shelves of two seas - Barents and Kara in the Russian Federation;
  • 2 fields within Iran, Qatar and Saudi Arabia in the Persian Gulf;
  • 1 in the southern regions of Turkmenistan;
  • 3 in Algeria and Nigeria;
  • 1 in the Taris Basin of China.

There are also large deposits in the North Sea of \u200b\u200bNorway and on the lands of Canada within the northern provinces of Newfoundland Island, including the shelf of the Western Canadian Basin.

Of course, the main deposits are concentrated in the territories of the leading states in the extraction of this resource.

Figure: 3. Location of the largest gas fields
Source: website

According to information published by OPEC, there are no more than 180 trillion cubic meters in all state deposits. meters of gas. Still at least 120 trillion still unexplored reserves and inaccessible for global production due to too great a depth of occurrence. So, the remaining reserves will be used up in the next 65 years when the consumption of blue fuel is constantly growing.

Gas production methods

Natural gas is extracted from the depths of the earth using wells:

  • under natural pressure (the elimination of impurities in such a gas later occurs at a gas processing plant or at a special station);
  • from coal mines (in the practice of working coal mines in the States to prevent an explosion);
  • hydraulic fracturing (it is believed that this method can provoke an earthquake, therefore it is prohibited in some countries);
  • under water (at shallow depths, high piles are installed, at great depths - floating, and at especially large ones, above 3000 m - semi-submerged platforms with an oil derrick in the center).

Natural gas production in Russia

The gas industry plays a strategic role in the Russian economy. And for its budget, the export of natural gas is included in the list of fundamental articles. A large number of deposits of this combustible fuel, innovative technologies used on them, and vast reserves of minerals in the bowels played a role.

However, the history of the gas industry was not easy.


In the absence of natural gas production in Russia, gas supply to cities before the revolution was carried out artificially. He received the name "luminary". It was obtained at gas factories by dry distillation from coal and used for domestic purposes and city lighting. The first such enterprise was established in St. Petersburg in 1835, and the raw materials for it were delivered from abroad. This is how the Russian gas industry was born.

In 1855 German Bunsen invented gas-burner, and in 1865 a gas plant was built in Moscow, and in 1891 there were already thirty such plants in Russia, not counting 180 low-power gas generating plants. And yet this was significantly less than in the main capitalist countries of the world. There were about 600 gas plants in the UK alone.

With the discovery of natural gas deposits, which is much more economical than artificial gas, the gas supply system was to begin the transition to a natural combustible resource.

The first discoveries were haphazard. This is the release of gas with hydrogen sulfide together with water at a depth of 112 meters, when water wells were drilled in the Astrakhan region (1840). And the release of gas on the Apsheron Peninsula, in Saratov, Melitopol and others when drilling water wells.

Oil production was gaining momentum, and together with oil it was necessary to come into contact with its constant companion - associated petroleum gas (APG). Boiler houses in Baku and Grozny were the first to use it as fuel in 1880. Petroleum gas was gradually being used more and more for domestic and industrial needs.

Gas industry development

This is the name of the period since 1922, when the gas fountain started in Surakhany. There were Baku oil companies in Baku, interested in this event and started drilling wells for gas. The industry has already used metal pipes, and here, through them, gas produced from wells was supplied to the refinery, where it was used as fuel in oil refining.

In the 1920s, there were only 5 gas fields in young Soviet Russia:

  • "Dagestan Lights";
  • Melitopol;
  • Melnikovskoe;
  • Stavropol;
  • Surakhanskoe.

They produced about 15 million cubic meters. meters per year. Then, after the Civil War, the planned exploration of natural gas began.

And artificial gas began to be used for heating, food was cooked on it. It (coke oven, blast furnace, generator) was obtained from brown and hard coal, oil shale, wood and peat.

And although the first gas-petrol plant appeared in Baku in 1923, natural gas has not yet been appreciated at its true worth. The situation changed with the creation of Glavgaz in 1933. One after another, new, purely gas fields were discovered in Komi:

  • Sedelskoe (July 1935);
  • Voyvozhskoe (1943);
  • "Nibel" (1945).

In the Saratov region during the war:

  • "Elnashskoe";
  • "Kurdyumskoe",

And also in the Stavropol and Krasnodar regions, Kuibyshev, Orenburg regions, in the North Caucasus, Central Asia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, etc.

Even the first gas pipeline in the country (20 cm in diameter, 68 km in length) was built right before the start of the Great Patriotic War from the Dashavskoye gas field to Lvov, in 1943 - the Pokhvistnevo - Kuibyshev, Elshanka - Saratov, Buguruslan - Kuibyshev gas pipelines, Kurdyum - Knyazevka and others, and in 1944 the construction of the main gas pipeline Saratov - Moscow began.

No wonder the people of Saratov native city considered the cradle of the Russian gas industry. Firstly, it was here in 1906 that natural gas was obtained, which became fuel for brick and glass factories, built by the owner of the farm, where the very artesian well was drilled for water. And the field itself was named Melnikovskoe (Dergachevskoe), but the gas reserves here have already dried up.

Secondly, the famous monograph of Academician I. M. Gubkin "Ural-Volga or Eastern oil-bearing region" appeared, and in its brief summary in "Technology of Youth" in 1939 this region of the Lower Volga region was named "Second Baku".

Third, with the launch in July 1946 of the first main gas pipeline in the country, Saratov-Moscow, the history of “big gas” began in Russia.

Figure: 4. Give me a gas pipeline!
Source: website

And even though it emerged from the oil industry into an independent sector of the national economy only in 1956, the domestic gas industry has the right to consider 11 July 1946 as its birthday, when natural gas that burned in the apartments of Muscovites replaced:

  • 1,000,000 cubic meters of firewood;
  • 650,000 tons of coal;
  • 150,000 tons of kerosene;
  • 100,000 tons of heating oil.

The country's fuel industry has finally changed firewood, coal and peat for gas.

In addition, new gas fields of Western Siberia, unique in composition and reserves, were discovered. Their development was not easy: wetlands, permafrost, harsh climate

Figure: 5. Legendary gas project - construction of the Bukhara-Ural gas pipeline 1961
Source: site

The year 1966 became a turning point for the country's economy. Soviet gas supplies to many countries began.

"Natural gas is widely used as a cheap raw material in the chemical industry and an economical fuel in ferrous metallurgy and other industries."
(Publication of the Central Statistical Administration of the RSFSR in 1967 "The RSFSR for 50 years").

Fields of Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan (Karachaganak field) and Turkmenistan played a significant role in the history of the Soviet gas industry. They are among the largest today. But by the time of the collapse of the USSR, production on the territory of the former RSFSR reached 75% of the total volume of natural gas produced in the country, and from 6.2 billion cubic meters. m increased to 727.4 billion.

Figure: 6. The share of the Russian Federation in gas production in the USSR
Source: Rosstat (collections of the Central Statistical Administration of the USSR and the RSFSR, Goskomstat)

The industry did not escape the well-known crisis of 1998. We managed to overcome the crisis phenomena. New on the market joint-stock company Gazprom, which is engaged in the production and transportation of gas in modern Russia, which today is not only one of the, but also the largest player in the world gas production market.

Figure: 7. Gas giant PJSC "Gazprom"
Source: site

The modern period of the gas industry is inextricably linked with this holding.


The industry will never be so important and profitable, if not for the huge reserves of the specified fuel, on which it is based. At the same time, Russian blue fuel in Europe is now the cheapest.

Gazprom has named the current cost of gas production. Now it is at $ 20 per 1000 cubic meters. m is the lowest indicator in the world ”(Vedomosti, June 2016).

Deposits and reserves

According to estimates, Russian gas reserves are about 200 trillion cubic meters. meters, and by 2030 it will be produced for more than 800 billion cubic meters. meters per year (for reference: in 2016 this figure was equal to 641 billion), which makes it possible to meet their own needs and export a significant amount of it.

Figure: 8. Natural gas reserves in the Russian Federation
Source: website

Western Siberia remains the leader in production. This is the main gas production area in Russia, the most important link in domestic gas production, where 90% of this combustible fuel is produced. If we talk about Russian regions, these are Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (4/5 of production is concentrated), Astrakhan and Irkutsk regions, as well as Krasnoyarsk region and others, these are the shelves of the Barents and Kara Seas.

The world's largest, even the most unique, deposits are located in Russia:

  • Urengoyskoe.

    It belongs to the super-giant and firmly holds the third place on the planet. The volume of gas is 16 trillion cubic meters. meters - and this is only a rough estimate. It was discovered in 1966, capital production began in 1978, and appeared on the world market in 1984.

  • Yamburgskoe.

    Among the world's largest deposits, with reserves of almost 8.2 trillion cubic meters. meters of gas, where it is produced in permafrost conditions (40-50 m of frozen ground). Discovered in 1969 on the Tazovsky Peninsula in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, production on an industrial scale began in 1980.

  • Bovanenkovskoe.

    Also not inferior to many world deposits. The volume is estimated at 4.9 trillion cubic meters. Opened in 1971 in Yamal. Continuous production started in 2012. Gas is exported mainly to China.

  • Shtokman.

    It is considered one of the richest in terms of gas and gas condensate reserves. The volume of gas and condensate is estimated at 3.94 trillion cubic meters. meters and 56 million tons, respectively. It was discovered in 1981 in the Barents Sea at a depth of 300-400 meters, and already in 1988 the first test production was carried out. The plans are to start up the field at full capacity in 2019.

  • Leningradskoe.

    A gas condensate field in the southwestern part of the Kara Sea was discovered in 1992 and immediately estimated as gigantic. The amount of gas in it can be about 3 trillion cubic meters. meters, condensate - almost 3 million tons.

  • Rusanovskoe.

    A unique field in the Kara Sea on the continental shelf of the North-Western Platform was discovered in 1992 at depths from one and a half to two and a half kilometers. According to estimates, the reserves are 779 billion tons of gas (it is assumed that this figure can reach 3 trillion cubic meters) and 7.8 million tons of gas condensate.

  • Zapolyarnoye.

    Gas condensate field, the fifth in the world in terms of gas reserves. Opened in 1965 between Urengoy and the village of Tazovsky, put into operation in 2001. The reserves are estimated at 2.6 trillion cubic meters. meters.

  • Bearish.

    A unique gas field in the Yamal-Nenets Okrug. Provides about 4% of Russia's gas production. It was discovered in 1967, and since 1972 it has been in constant operation, but it is only half worked out. Initial gas reserves are estimated at 4.7 trillion cubic meters.

  • Astrakhan.

    It dates back to 1976. Discovered near Astrakhan. The reserves are estimated at 2.5 trillion cubic meters. meters of gas and 400 million tons of condensate. Operation began in 1987. And the new discovery in 2014 of another large gas field in this area only serves as confirmation that there are still plenty of surprises in the region.

  • Sakhalin-3.

    A promising project for the development and development of several large gas fields at once, which have been discovered in the Pacific Ocean since the late 1970s. The main ones are: Kirinskoye, Yuzhno-Kirinskoye and Mynginskoye. Gas production is planned at the level of 1.1 billion cubic meters. meters of gas. Initial reserves were estimated at 162.5 billion cubic meters. meters of gas.

Natural gas is a hydrocarbon mixture based on methane. In addition to it, it includes other components: propane, butane, ethane and substances that do not contain hydrocarbons. It accumulates between rock strata. Often gas reserves accompany oil fields. One of its interesting properties is that natural gas is colorless and odorless. Gas production is of great importance for modern industry and ensuring the everyday life of the population.

Deposits and reserves in different geographic areas

Our country is the owner of the largest blue fuel deposits. This is followed by the USA, Kazakhstan, Asian states the former USSR - Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and the powers of the Persian Gulf. The development of deposits is carried out all over the world. In addition to deposits on land, active production occurs in the world's oceans.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the main reserves are located in Siberia, and they are also present in the North Caucasus and the Black Sea basin. There are several of the largest deposits.

Urengoy. It is the largest field in Russia and the second largest in the world.

Find. It is also located in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District. Its development began in 2004. The volume of deposits in it is estimated at about 275 billion cubic meters.

Angaro-Lenskoye - on the territory of the Irkutsk region. The results of the assessment confirm the accumulation of up to 1.4 trillion cubic meters there.

Kovykta - in the same area. Due to the fact that this field is located in the permafrost zone, it is the most labor-intensive to develop. The volume of the deposits is about 2 trillion cubic meters. m of gas and up to 120 million cubic meters of liquid condensate.

Shtokmanskoe. Located near Murmansk. According to preliminary estimates, there are up to 3.8 trillion cubic meters. This field has not yet been taken into development due to the deep occurrence of gas.

Gazprom is a monopoly in the development of gas fields in our country. It accounts for the production of about 74% of all domestic reserves and 20% of the world. The tasks of Gosprom, in addition to direct functions, include gasification of the state.

Gas deposit classifications

Mineral resources, including natural gas, are believed to have originated in the Cretaceous era. At that time, large animals lived on the planet, now extinct. Adherents of biogenic origin believe that the formation of natural gas is connected with this.

Deposits are classified depending on the depth of their occurrence and the time of formation.

The deepest tiers are named according to the location. They are named:

  • Cenomanian.
  • Valanginian.
  • Turonian.
  • Achimovsky.

Gas deposits by tier

The Turonian layer is of relatively recent origin, its depth is about 800 m. It is characterized by a heterogeneous composition with a large amount of impurities that reduce the quality of raw materials.

Russia possesses huge reserves of gas from the Cenomanian stage. The depth of the deposits ranges from 1 to 1.8 km. This type of free gas contains almost no impurities, mostly including methane. Gas production under these conditions does not require its subsequent purification, therefore, it is most expedient from an economic point of view.

The Achimov layer is currently not fully understood. It is noted for a significant level of paraffin content. These formations are characterized by high internal pressures. The production of this type of gas in our country is also quite widespread.

The Valanginian Stage is located at a depth of up to 3 km and is the deepest in comparison with the others. These reserves are now being depleted.

Blue fuel extraction process

Prior to gas production, is the process of geological exploration. They allow you to accurately determine the volume and nature of the deposit. Several reconnaissance methods are currently in use.

Gravitational - based on the calculation of the mass of rocks. The gas-containing layers are characterized by a much lower density.

Magnetic - takes into account the magnetic permeability of the rock. Through aeromagnetic surveys, it is possible to obtain a complete picture of deposits up to 7 km deep.

Seismic - radiation is used that is reflected when passing through the subsoil. This echo can be picked up by special measuring instruments.

Geochemical - the composition of groundwater is being studied with the determination of the content in them of substances accompanying gas fields.

Drilling - the most effective method, but at the same time the most expensive of the above. Therefore, prior to its use, a preliminary study of the rocks is required.

After the field has been identified and the preliminary volumes of deposits have been estimated, they proceed directly to the process of gas production. Wells are drilled to the depth of the mineral layer. To evenly distribute the pressure of the rising blue fuel, the well is performed using a ladder or telescopic (like a telescope).

The well is cased and cemented. To reduce pressure evenly and accelerate the gas production process, several wells are drilled at once in one field. The rise of gas through the well is carried out in a natural way - the gas moves to the zone of lower pressure.

Since gas after production contains various impurities, the next stage is its purification. To ensure this process, appropriate industrial cleaning and gas facilities are being built near the fields.

Mining using coal mines

Coal seams contain a large amount of methane, the extraction of which not only allows to obtain blue fuel, but also to ensure the safe operation of coal mining enterprises. This method is commonly used in the United States.

Fracturing method

When gas is produced by this method, a stream of water or air is injected through the well. Thus, gas is displaced.

This method can cause seismic instability of destroyed rocks, so it is prohibited in some states.

Features of underwater mining

Gas reserves are present, in addition to land, and under water. Our country has extensive underwater deposits. Subsea mining is carried out using heavy gravity platforms. They are located on a base resting on the seabed. Wells are drilled with columns placed on the base. Tanks for storing the recovered gas are placed on the platforms. It is then transported to land through a pipeline.

These platforms provide for the constant presence of people performing maintenance of the complex. The number can be up to 100 people. These facilities are equipped with an autonomous power supply, a helicopter pad, and personnel premises.

When nearshore, wells are being drilled. They begin on land, leaving the base under the sea shelf. Gas production and transportation is carried out in a standard manner.

Storage and transportation of extracted fuel

After production, the gas is placed in closed impermeable containers - steel tanks, which, for reliability, have double walls. It is possible to manufacture them based on aluminum alloys... The space between the walls is filled with non-heat-conducting material, which prevents the gas from heating.

The most large-scale are underground storage facilities for liquefied gas. Rocks act as walls. For greater reliability, they are concreted.

When building such reservoirs, deep pits are pulled out, which, after concreting the walls, are closed with a steel ceiling.

Natural gas is transported through pipes made of large diameter. The system maintains a stable pressure of up to 75 atm. This is ensured by compressor stations located at regular intervals.

By sea, gas is transported using special gas carriers (tankers). For this, the gas must be pre-conditioned. Tankers are equipped with containers in which the gas is in special temperature conditions under a certain pressure.

Such transportation is economically feasible if the distance between the consumer and the development of the field does not exceed 3 thousand km. It involves the preliminary construction of a blue fuel liquefying plant and port equipment.

Impact on the environment

Gas production systems have a serious impact on the environment. Statistically, 35% of total airspace emissions are from this industry sector. Moreover, only 20% of them are neutralized. Emissions of harmful substances compressor stations occur during the following operations:

  • salvo nature of the release (during gas pipeline purging);
  • when lubricating the degassing tank;
  • in case of operation of pneumatic valves.

Shale gas production is especially dangerous for the natural balance. This process is usually carried out by the water hammer method. At the same time, the liquid used contains toxic components that subsequently penetrate into the soil. Their release into the atmosphere is also possible. This process is also dangerous in the field of seismology.

In order to minimize the negative consequences for environment, production and gas should be carried out according to the developed technology, taking into account these points.


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