Recommendations for improving the image of a social worker. Research of qualities that determine the positive image of a specialist of the Ministry of Social Work of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Federal Agency for Education

The formation of the image of social organizations is a section of philosophy, the foundations of the social and psychological theory in the Great English-Russian dictionary (M., 1972) are given the following lexical values \u200b\u200b...

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Chapter 28. Socio-psychological aspects of organizational development

§ 3. Formation of image of social organizations

In the Great English-Russian dictionary (M., 1972), the following lexical meanings of the word "image" are given: 1) image; 2) idol, idol; 3) icon, figure, statue of the saint; 4) similarity, copy; 5) mental image, mental performance; 6) sample, symbol; 7) Mirror effect. From a variety of lexical values \u200b\u200bof the word "image" choose two: image as an image and as a symbol. The two of these values \u200b\u200btransmit the psychological essence of this phenomenon.

The image of the social organization is otherwise called corporate.In this case, this is the image of the organization as a whole, and not some separate divisions or results of its work. Here and the reputation of the organization, and its successes, and the degree of stability. A similar type of image for financial structures is especially important. For example, airlines using their own symbols, a single uniform, etc. seek a positive one image.

Image: Social Organization -her image that has developed in the mass consciousness, in the eyes of partners, competitors, customers, inhabitants. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe company is formed not only by advertising of its goods, but also by the title, symbolism, the motto, public values \u200b\u200bthat the company supports the interior of the office, the impressions of the relationship of employees.

The positive image of the company saves its costs, negative increases much. In leading Western companies, often the cost of advertising goods exceed the cost of its production, remaining nonetheless economically justified. One successfully found phrase can increase sales several times.

Domestic firms came to understanding the need for serious investment in their image. However, the quality, targeting and style of Russian developments in most cases remain low.

The simple way of borrowing Western models of image formation cannot lead to success in the Russian market. Cross-cultural differences and the mentality of Russians are too large. So, a completely absurd Western bank to advertise his decency and honesty, this is entirely included in the concept of "bank". According to one of the studies that studied the attitude of residents of Moscow and the Russian Center for the activities of banks, 34.5% of the surveyed banks are expected to be assumed in honesty, and 30% in respect for the client.

They differ both positive and negative image of a social organization. The basis of positive image is the confidence in the organization, the corresponding stereotyping of its perception. Arriving, positive image works for a long time. It is always embodied in any stereotypes, attributes, signs, inscriptions, uniforms, habits, values, quality, fame, prestigiousness, etc.

The preliminary positive experience of the social organization is always transferred to specific services, which causes a stable confidence attitude towards them. This is necessary not only to financial, trade, intermediary, industrial organizations, but also power law enforcement.

The negative image of the organization is manifested in the absence of confidence in its reputation. Once the glued stamp to the name of the organization is difficult to transform. Extremely difficult to get rid of stigma. The organization, the appearance once in dishonesty, if it becomes known to the audience, risks losing trust in one time and forever. The same can be said about the parties, powerful, law enforcement structures, funds, health care institutions, education, etc.

The question of image of the social organization is of emergency importance for establishing and maintaining business relations. So, in Japan, during the first business meeting with representatives of firms "it is customary to exchange written materials about their firms. Such materials should include information on the following issues: your company's profile, the basic data on it (the exact name, address, surnames and the posts of the main officials, the range of products, the main types of development of the company), the biography of the head of your company, text and graphic materials, Which would have given an idea of \u200b\u200bthe products offered by your company to the Japanese market, technologies and services. "

No less picky about the definition of real image of social organizations in other countries. For this, there are powerful information and analytical centers, where there are data banks, including "black lists" of the unreliable organizations that are risky to deal with.

Image of social organizations, expressing confidence in her, fame, social status, attractiveness, depends on a number of factors:

a) quality, financial consistency, competitiveness of goods offered services, including in the field of health, education, tourism, recreation, etc.;

b) management efficiency (personnel policy, determining the strategy of actions, organization of execution of decisions, etc.);

c) organizational culture and ecology (norms, values, rules, socio-psychological climate among staff, office design, other executive institutions, organizations, symbols);

d) replicating the name of the organization through the media (advertising, etc.), the organization of public relations by introducing press services into the states or entalling any officials by public relations.

At the heart of the relationship between the individual with the social organization lies deep psychology, the phenomenon of the "collective unconscious". A person identifying himself with the organization becomes an element of the system "We-Organization" and distances themselves from "they" - others, others. This is expressed in symbols, attributes, priorities, etc. It becomes like a sweepete creature.

Choice namessymbol, the virus of the social organization should be based not only on a rational approach, traditional logic. Since the formation of the image is, first of all, creating an image, then this process should be based on the deep, emotional, and in the overall sense of the architectural sphere of the human psyche. As K. Jung noted, "... Consciousness is not the whole psyche."

In practice, there are 4 approaches to the selection of the company name:

Functional ("builder", "dentist");

Shaped ("alpha", "Pegasus");

Named founders, business owners (Lukyanov and Brother, Makarov and Sons);

Reducing the full name of the social organization ("ASKO").

Each approach has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, functional and figurative names are most accessible to perception, but it is difficult for them to remain unique. With high probability they will be used by new firms, disorienting consumers.

The name of the social organization named its founder has deep traditions in Russia. However, at present, if the names of Eliseeva and Smirnova are not forgotten and associated unequivocally with food and vodka, then other surnames are not talking about the profile of activities. This leads to the end of the fact that the consumer does not associate its needs with these firms. Consequently, such names, besides reference to the "domesticity" of the company, do not bring anything to the image, assuming in advance that its formation will go through other elements and can stretch for several generations.

The name of the company should be sought, based primarily from its fraud and relationship with positive depth associations. Designed names should take into account the psycholinguistic features of the soundness. So, the sound "A" is perceived as something big, and the sound "and" is small. For harmonious perception, their use is to fit the scale and specificity of social organizations. For small social organizations, the condition of understanding their profile for the consumer is very desirable. For large firms, this condition is optional - they may well, through massive advertising, teach the audience to the mysterious name.

Along with the title, no smaller role in the mass consciousness plays symbol.In practice, the use of characters has different bases. Symbols can directly reflect the activities of the social organization (wheel for transport) or to have a figurative meaning. The last case refers to choose as an animal symbol. This is justified by the fact that in the collective unconscious, each animal is associated with specific quality (the Lion means power, the cat is independence, bee - hardworking).

A great impact on the image is given semantic, graphic and color solutions. corporate (commodity) sign,which can sometimes coincide with the symbol. Here you can give a few recommendations:

The font, if possible, must comply with the profile of the company's activities (not a rough, heavy font to write the name of the cosmetic company);

Vertical or horizontal straight lines are associated with tranquility, solidity, wavy - with originality, ease;

Simple and symmetric characters are perceived much faster than complex, sophisticated;

The color scheme color scheme should also rely on the usual association (for medicine traditionally combination of white with red, for agriculture - green with yellow).

It should be noted that the associations caused by one or another color can differ significantly among various nationalities.

The next element of the image is motto.This is a brief shape or about the style of social organization activities, or about a unique trading offer (advertising slogan). The making of the maiden should also be based on the use of perception patterns. At the same time, the modality for which the impact is supposed to be imposed. The main thing in a visually perceived motto is brightness and brevity. In the "audio" - fragrant, primarily the optimal use of vowels.

When making a maiden, the use of keywords is considered to be effective: new, improvement, first desired, fast, easyetc. This is confirmed by the study, which studied the attitude of the respondents to the Customer's company's motto. From a number of proposed 48.4% of respondents preferred motto with a combination of "New Word". It is advisable to avoid the words "dear", "love", "fear", "black", "dirty". Choosing a social organization's motto, you should consume positively colored verbs, avoiding the use of cliché ("do not miss your chance"). The main principle of the preparation of the maiden or advertising slogan is an expression of a friendship and providing the consumer to the initiative in meeting its needs.

When developing a maiden, it makes sense to perform measurements of socio-psychological perception of its adequacy and efficiency.

The name, motto and the symbol form the image indirectly, through products and advertising. With direct contact with consumers, partners in the image priority begins to influence form style.This concept includes work styles, relationships, registration of documentation, interior and design of the office, the traditions of a social organization, the manner of dressing and habits of its employees.

The first people with whom partners and customers are found are security officers. It should be noted that even in solid firms, there is no justified tradition, when the SB staff stand in camouflage for forest or mountainous terrain with a baton on the belt. It is necessary to change the stereotype of the behavior of the secretary as a Wahter. The secretary is the face of the social organization, and on what it is - a friendly, correct or indifferent, incompetent, the image of a social organization depends directly. The impression of communicating with the secretary is the first impression, to change which is difficult.

Social organizations executive executive functions. Therefore, image representatives of the organizationno less important than the image of the organization as a whole. There is no one without any other, although there are no direct links between these types of image. There is a popular leader of the unpopular party, there is an unpopular leader of the popular party. The ideal case is the coincidence of two types of image.

Persted image has a specific nature. On-based, as in the case of a social organization, is confidence. Personalized image is fame, popularity of certain indexes. The image is important not only for managers of organizations, party leaders, actors, TV presenters, but also for teachers, doctors, policemen, vendors, employees of utilities, etc.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the personal image of the head, which, as a rule, personifies social values \u200b\u200bsupported by the company as a whole. Often, he is the only positive element of the image of the whole social organization and cannot negate the entire team working on its formation. Even a small example of the requirements for the efficiency of the interior of the head office shows the importance of this problem. It must have three zones: for personal work, for business meetings and for friendly communication. Each zone has its own functions and the corresponding design. The executive office is not only an activity room, but also an important component of the image element.

The internal corporate identity core is the psychological atmosphere in the team. It is important that employees relate to each other correctly and friendly. Competence, accuracy, efficiency, politeness - these are the basic principles of the internal style of the work of the company. The Japanese, for example, are not shy at the beginning and at the end of the working day to sing the anthem of their company. The worker who serve encourages the "team of one team" with the leader.

The psychological nature of personalized image is no less deep than the organizational. Therefore, to understand the personalized image, it is necessary to refer to the personality structure in the framework of the psychoanalytic approach.

One of the Archetypes K. Young, with whom the concept of "image" directly relates, is a person. Person is what we present themselves to the world. It includes social roles, clothing that we prefer to wear, etc. "Person" is a Latin word, meaning a mask that the actors put on to designate the role they played.

The person has both positive and negative aspects. The dominant person can suppress, chop personality. Those who identify themselves with their person are beginning to see themselves only with the "facade". Jung also called the person "archetype conformity".

But the person is not only negative. She protects "I" in general from various injuries.

Symbols usually used for person include clothing, symbols of classes (portfolio, etc.), status symbols (car, house, diploma).

The image of representatives of social organizations depends on both individual charismatic traits, their socio-psychological competence, as well as from the work of an image-maker associated with the conduct of socio-psychological training of group psychotherapy and the use of public rheleyshnes. The tasks of such work are:

An increase in social and psychological competence, personal growth based on the use of group psychotherapy and socio-psychological trainings;

Thus, the technology of formation of a personalized image includes socio-psychological technologies and public relations.

Almost in all the literature on imiperhetic, it is about the formation of the socio-psychological competence of a person who appealed to the image designer in order to increase its rating.

An increase in social and psychological competence from the position of the humanistic approach is an integral part of the work on the image. Personal growth in this case is achieved with the help of trains of sensitivity, business communication, group psychotherapy. In this regard, you can highlight a series of specific tasks for a specialist:

Transmission of the desired characteristics of the individual through the media by selecting and strengthening already available;

Enrichment of the person in the right direction, in some cases, liberty;

Teaching the human language proficiency, communication language with the audience;

Personality training to professional communication.

From a socio-psychological point of view, this means that you need to form:

1) Communicative competence, i.e., the ability to navigate in any situations; own verbal and non-verbal means; enter, maintain and exit psychological contact; be able to publicly act, conduct business correspondence, etc;

2) perceptual competence, i.e. insight - the ability to accurately study people, to make psychological portraits;

3) interactive competence, i.e. Ability to influence.

Undoubtedly, increasing the socio-psychological competence of the heads of social organizations increases confidence in them. In this area in the West, a rich experience has been accumulated. Leaders are taught there and non-verbal behavior and organization of business communication. Gradually accumulates similar experience in Russia.

At the same time, such a task is also set as the definition that the public from the leader wants (the search for those common characteristics on which reciprocity should be built).

There are already selected masks that meet the images formed as a result of social expectations from various social groups, targeted audiences, customers. At the same time, a manipulative approach is used to make sure that the mask is a true face that this person is his guy, he knows the problem, he needs to believe. This is explained by populism.

The technology of building an image is reduced to the following rules:

1. Movement to differences that allocate this object among others.

2. Emphasize personal characteristics that can be semiotically represented as the introduction of a person in the concept of "its own", in contrast to the concept of "strangers".

3. Insertion of the person in a semiotic (symbolic) idea of \u200b\u200bthe leader, the selection of its characteristics corresponding to this idealization.

4. Insertion of the person in the semiotic model of the already implemented leader.

5. Insertion of the person in the actor's behavior model, i.e. in the context of a symbolically saturated subject.

6. Active use of related characters in terms of creating visual characteristics.

7. Active management of media communications.

8. Fighting with autonomous streams of communication type of rumors.

9. Symbolization of autonomous areas of clothing, hairstyles, look, etc.

The concept of "image" is usually used in relation to the characteristics of the political leader, the head of the social organization, but less often - a doctor, teacher. Maybe it is legitimate to speak only about authority and professional skills, not an image of a teacher? In fact, there is a connection between these concepts. Image, the image of the teacher is an integral characteristic. It manifests itself in authority depends on skill and pedagogical technology. Therefore, the formation of a teacher's image is not a tribute to fashion, but a time requirement. This process is composed of many components, including social policy.

Thus, the formation of the image of social organizations and their representatives is what it is necessary to work.

Advertising and its role in the activities of social organizations

In some cases, a purely commercial purpose is pursued. Advisory firms (research and projective bureaus, in particular), banks, insurance companies, etc. Sell \u200b\u200byour services for orders or offer very similar products. At the same time, in any case, their advertising can be only an advertisement for the company. At the same time, this type of advertising should be extremely active: buying an organization, buying its services, goods.

In other cases, on the contrary, the company is not addressed to its potential customers, but to public in general, in order to create a favorable definite image in the eyes and protect it if necessary.

Advertising activities of the social organization are also used in cases where the company needs to raise the prestige in the eyes of partners, the public, their own staff. Such an advertisement is being made in order to create a sense of attributes, identification with a social organization. This circumstance from the point of view of motivation is much more efficient than the awareness of himself by anyone who receives a salary by the employee.

In order to build an advertising policy, be able to draw up a competent task for groups creating advertising, the heads of social organizations need to know the general principles and rules for creating advertising. The one who produces and advertises its services is called advertiser.Organization (group) that manufactures advertising is referred to advertising producer.Those who on the basis of advertising make decisions on the use of services or product acquisition are called consumers.

Indeed, to achieve your goal, advertising must first attract attention, then interest, be perceived - cause trust, after which the desire is to use the services or purchase the goods.


Information (sensation, perception, thinking, memory);

Affective (installation, deep motivations, emotions);

Content (stimulation and motivation).

Advertising is one of the funds with which a social organization has to implement its nearest and long-term tasks. First of all, the goal that needs to be achieved by advertising is determined. For its implementation make up the general plan of the advertising campaign. It includes a selection of advertising purposes; the audience on which advertising must be calculated; directions and topics; media and specific advertising carriers; Forms of advertising.

Bring to the attention of consumers that certain services exist, they can be found in such a place, at such a price, etc.;

Make thinking about these services, leading arguments in their favor (rational advertising);

Make this product (Associative advertising).

The audience is determined among consumers of different types. It uses three approaches to identify it.

The first approach is based on the use of sociodemographic and geographical criteria, equipment criteria and consumption:

Selective, periodically conducted and regular surveys, allowing to establish a relationship between socioprofessional characteristics, equipment level, as well as familiarity with the media and advertising means.

With a different approach, rely on psychological criteria, such as the motivation of the purchase, level of use, the nature of the consumer.

From the point of view of the third approach, when determining the target audience, the consumer's lifestyle is put at the head of the corner.

Researchers attempt to "identify the consumer in the situation of spatial-temporal accumulation" through various lifestyles that are manifested in the form of all kinds of characters, deprivation and installations. For example, in France, 13 main currents in sociocultural development were determined. These flows were combined in 4 species "mentality":

Anti-subenarist is characterized by standard consumption, desire for savings;

Mentality, prone to passive safety, is characterized by stability of behavior, desire for order, closeness to innovation, novelty;

Mentality, open progress and novelty;

Mentality, open change, is characterized by the desire to enjoy life.

The mechanism of exposure to advertising can be considered on the example of advertising circulation. As a rule, advertising appeal, on the one hand, represents information, on the other, images and hidden symbols. Advertising is based on two levels: obvious and subconscious. The symbolic significance of a set of some values \u200b\u200bconnected in a holistic way is of particular importance for advertising and for the client.

Promise or proposal;

Proof or support of the promise (Demonstration of advertised qualities, comparison, certificate, description of trademark or product itself);

Exact description of the target audience;

Clearly express thoughts;

To be an affordable audience, not to disperse with its opinion;

Be truthful;

Be original;

Personally convert;

Be recognizable;

Be connected;

Be on time rejected when the audience bounces.

Advertising media are conductors of advertising appeals. Under the advertisement means they understand the combination of carriers of advertising of one type. Usually 5 media are allocated: press, television, posters, radio and cinema; other means of information (salons and exhibitions, postal advertising, etc.) are called external means.

Advertising carriers are the press (nationwide, daily regional newspapers; magazine press; technical and professional editions; free publications of an advertising nature); a television; Outdoor advertising: wall posters; Road shields; advertising posters in transport (subway, buses, trolley buses); advertising posters at public transport stops; radio; movie.

New media: television programs through satellite and cable network; video text (telematics); Video tapes.

The main characteristics of advertising carriers: sales volume; the coefficient of treatment (determined by dividing the total number of the audience for the amount of implementation); Audience (a set of persons who read or browsing any edition, advertising frames, delayed before advertising posters); The type of accumulation (an increase in the audience of the same advertising agent several times).

Today, several thousand foreign firms and companies operate in the Russian market, which, competing with domestic producers, use advertising, oriented primarily on the psychological features of foreign consumers.

Russian advertisers, admirable foreign experience, often unreasonably imitate Western advertising. More than 60% of Russian advertising agencies chose themselves in English. At the same time, the Russian consumer is much easier oriented that he is already well acquainted. Clear titles are more trusted, more often memorized. Therefore, one of the main problems of the psychology of advertising is the adaptation of the Western (or made "under the west") of promotional products to the mentality of the Russian consumer.

Advertising activities cannot be submitted without controlling the effectiveness of advertising. In this case, the control becomes important during the preliminary test, that is, before the release of goods on the market and the final formation of advertising circulation, as well as during the subsequent analysis, in other words, after the release of goods to the market and receiving an audience of advertising circulation.

Advertising efficiency significantly depends on the sense of its authors. Moreover, zero efficiency, i.e., the full indifference of the audience is not the worst thing. Often advertising a social organization turns into its anti-advertising.

In many ways, the effectiveness of advertising depends on who the message is submitted to which time in which transmissions. For example, on television, more confidence is advertising, in which there are beautiful women, children or pets.

The effect of inspiring impact is determined primarily not the content of information, but its external form, expressiveness, emotional coloring report, authority and confidence in the source. The suggestion is based on the weakening of awareness and decrease the criticality of the perception of reported information. Among the applied techniques, there are, for example, such: phrases requiring uniformity in behavior, creating the impression as if everyone is doing this ("all normal people understand that ...", "None of a sensible person will not object that ... ").

When preparing an advertising message, it is necessary to take into account the effect of perception. For example, the "edge effect", which consists in the fact that the strongest arguments, information intended for a long memorization, are placed at the beginning and end of the message, in press advertising - to the right upper angle. In radios, for effective memorization, the name of the goods or social organization must be placed in every 10-15-second gap, and the maximum speech speed should not exceed 2.5 words per second.

Advertising efficiency does not depend directly on its intensity. An error of advertisers is that we often advertise a social organization repeated for several months. It is known that the audience of the printed publication increases from the first number to the twelfth only 2.7 times, and then practically does not grow.

In addition to reserves for forming and improving the image through traditional channels, it is possible to use other advertising tools. Outdoor advertising is quite widely introduced: signs, posters, shields, light settings. However, often instead of a catchy, a laconic message is given fine-fonts. Advertising on transport. But here to achieve high efficiency, it is necessary to consider the routes of movement of social and professional groups to which the impact was planned.

Despite the high cost, abroad actively use direct postal advertising in the form of letters, prospectuses, booklets. Only in Germany, 12 million grades are spent on post advertising daily. In this form of advertising, the effect of personal circulation is triggered. This advertisement is usually typical production, but has a particularly confidential nature of contacting the consumer and the signature of the head of the company. Advertising souvenirs and gifts are specially manufactured. Thus, "Ford Motor Company" during the celebration of the 50-year-old anniversary distributed 3 million calendars. Studies have shown that 75% have been saved by recipients.

Preliminary tests are conducted on a sample from the target audience with the involvement of advertising material, which is supposed to be used in the following advertising campaign (ads in the press, advertising posters, film and televisionils, brief advertising messages on the radio);

2) testing before the release of goods to the market: a trial issue of magazines, family conversation method; laboratory tests; watch observation test; test with an apparatus of observation measurement; Linguistic and semic tests; Complex imitation.

Techniques for measuring audience (press readers);

Audiemeters - automatic devices connected to radio and television receivers to determine the audience looking for commercials;

Evaluation of awareness with various techniques.

Thus, advertising plays an important role in the activities of social organizations: companies, firms, institutions. The trademark of the company, the image of a social organization, formed by advertising, is more expensive than specific services and products.

At the same time, it should be emphasized that at present in Russia there is a boom associated with the use of advertising. The tendency indicating violations of ethics and rights in advertising is clearly marked. This became possible due to the lack of legal regulation of relations arising in the sphere of advertising. In this area, in fact, there is only a decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

But it is not only the absence of rules that establish criminal liability for obviously false advertising messages. The ethical code of advertising workers is not accepted. This circumstance allows you to use advertising in the interests of illegal business.

There are numerous cases of hidden advertising through the media when the "promotion" occurs under the type of scandal.

From the point of view of social psychology, an analysis of the causes of the causes of ethics violations and the rights in advertising related not only with personal characteristics, but also with the deformation of social institutions and relations.

So, the image is a holistic image of a social worker in the minds of the surrounding, relevant goals, standards, values \u200b\u200badopted in the target group, and expectations for members of the Group to this employee. The integrity and consistency of the image should be ensured by the fact that all its components are interrelated and dependent, the external state must correspond to internal, professional competence, communicative skills and appearance should be a holistic impression.

The formation of the image depends on how all the details of the object image are agreed. In the image of a social worker, the following components can be distinguished, significantly affecting professional success: mental, mabital (visual), communicative, kinetic and environmental image.

Mental image - This is the inner world of man, manifested when interacting with other people. It is determined by the moral settings of a person, his worldview, latitude of interest, attitude to business, etc. The value settings of social work in all its species are reduced to universal values, respect for honor and dignity of man.

The image of a social worker includes not only natural personal qualities, but also acquired related both to external and inner appearance. To natural qualities, which in general, you can define as a "ability to like people" include: charm, communicability, empathy (empathy ability), reflection (the ability to understand others). The characteristics acquired in the process of education and education of the personality and the necessary social worker to successfully fulfill their duties include: moral values, psychological health, ownership of interpersonal communication technologies, as well as pupil, erudition, professionalism. This also includes responsibility, execution, punctuality, desire for self-affirmation, desire to learn. The social worker is also important to be stressful, possess the skills of self-control, self-esteem of their actions.

More than once, it was noted that such traits such as mercy, moral reliability, humanity, responsiveness, cordiality, goodness, humanity, responsiveness, cordiality, goodwill, selflessness, balance, calmness, self-demanding, restraint, perseverance, altruism, compassion, must be characterized by a social worker. Some of them are basic, others are secondary. The absence of some qualities from an employee does not always quickly generates negative consequences in the work, but under adverse conditions they are inevitable, it is particularly sharply manifested in difficult situations, if necessary, mobilizing all personal resources to solve complex problems.

For clients of social services, it is important that the social worker will be tactful, able to listen, comply with confidentiality. Indifference is not allowed, disrespect for people, nervousness, squeamishness, hurry, negligence, reluctance to help. The position of the social worker should be convincing, argued. Noticing that the interlocutor began to worry overly, it is necessary to propose to postpone the resolution of the conflict situation. The conviction in the absolute value of each person should be the determining factor in the professional suitability of the social services officer.

Gabitarian (visual) image - This is an image formed on the basis of the perception of information about the appearance of a person. Its components are the appearance and physical constitution. Usually, at the beginning of a person perceived by its appearance, and, as a rule, it imposes a fingerprint to further relationships.

The social worker his well-groomed appearance should make a pleasant impression and confidence in his professionalism. Well maintained requires small efforts and at the same time shows that a person respects himself and those who work with whom and those who are called upon to assist. Social workers have no uniform. The clothes that the specialist chooses should be neat, convenient to provide professional services. The hairstyle should be neat, makeup is not too bright.

Communicative image. As part of their professional activities, the social worker must own the communicative competence components of which the ability to communicate, to achieve success in the communication process, to successfully interact with others. Communicative competence allows us to talk about the communicative image of a specialist formed on the basis of verbal and non-verbal (mimic, gestures, intonation) of communication.

The formation of a positive communicative image of a social work specialist suggests: the ability to express understanding, sympathy, empathy during communication; Confidence in your words, etc. First of all, it is necessary to harmonize the interests of the client, his relatives, social organization and the very social worker. A specialist who is intended to assist other people within its professional activities should be able to adapt his behavior in order to establish the most optimal relations with communication participants. To demonstrate respect, it is necessary to communicate with the client as with a person, and not just like a "difficult person."

In communication with the client, the ethics standards should be observed. The effectiveness of communication depends largely on what signs of attention are a person. To refer to any signs of attention, the so-called strokes are exchanged, i.e. Approving, encouraging words.

The technique of verbal impact ("Communicative Mechanics") both on a separate person and a group of people develops from the following rules:

  • - emphasizing the most important words;
  • - changing the type and tempo of the speech (the sudden decrease in the tone or voice timbre highlights the word or phrase, the tempo of speech must be a kind of situation and age of listeners);
  • - compliance with relevant information and pauses;
  • - Visual contact with listeners.

It is necessary to remember the communication effects (the effect of the first phrases, dosing of information, relaxation), about the correctness, logicalness, speech expressiveness, as well as the principles of repetition (the information is remembered, which is repeated), "double call" (appeal not only to consciousness, but And to the subconscious of a person), continuous enhancement of impact (extension of arguments or emotional circulation).

One of the main indicators of the cultural of business person's communication is the ability to listen and the ability to create a favorable psychological climate. Effective techniques include:

  • - Greeting the interlocutor with a smile, a benevolent look;
  • - accounting for the emotional state of the interlocutor;
  • - confident behavior;
  • - interest in the development of relationships;
  • - respect;

responding to the client's problem so as to inspire confidence in the ability to overcome difficulties;

  • - compliance with the rules "here and now" that binds to urgently solve the problem;
  • - Satisfying the needs of the client.

Kinetic image Determined by the quality of non-verbal communication: position in space, facial expressions, gestures. The non-verbal communication component carries more than 90 % information. The aggregate of external signs - from the expression of the face and the direction of view to the adopted posture - is perceived at the subconscious level and helps to guess the feelings and intentions of the interlocutor. The social worker should be in all restrained, open, friendly, trusting and placing to himself.

Medium IMIJ. Forms based on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe environment, the surrounding specialist: office, desktop surrounding objects, etc. All professional and personal attributes should carry the semantic load, meet sanitary and hygienic and aesthetic requirements. Comfortable organization of the business space of the communicative process is especially important when communicating with children, older people, disabled.

Thus, the image of a social worker is one of the main attributes of his professional activity. It is very important that the created image favorably affected the quality of the social services provided.


Technology formation of the image of a social organization


Chapter 1. Image formation theory

1.1 The concept of image

CHAPTER 2. Formation of the image of the Ministry of Social Policy Rasseraskago Territory

2 Study of qualities that determine the positive image of a specialist of the Ministry of Social Policy

3 Strategy for forming an image of the Ministry of Social Policy for 2011-2012


Bibliographic list


Appendix 2.

Appendix 3.

Appendix 4.

Appendix 5.

Appendix 6.


In the process of social transformation of Russian society at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries. His social structure has changed qualitatively. One of the most important changes is the emergence of "professions from the category of helping (helping) or caring (caring), since their purpose is practical assistance, care for a person." "Among such innovations - social work, approved in Russia in 1991, simultaneously as a university specialty and professional activity." However, the professionalization of social work in modern Russia is seriously inhibited due to the limited material and financial resources, differences in the quality of the services provided by social services and agencies, the preservation of the "residual approach" to socio-cultural problems, the deficit of knowledge and the necessary skills in practical workers. All this negatively affects the prestige of the profession "Social work". And the low level of prestigiousness of socially significant professions, respectively, is reflected in the effectiveness of the implementation of national projects of the Russian Federation, and as a result, to improve the quality of social services.

If today at the federal level, activities in the social sphere achieved positive results are relayed due to central media, at the level of legislative and executive bodies, image technologies are professionally used to maintain the status characteristics of social institutions, then at the regions level it is not always possible to talk about efficient work In this direction. The situation of autonomy of the existence and functioning of social institutions in places to help solve certain issues to people in difficult life situations are consistent.

In the twentieth century, the concept of "image" was firmly included in our life. Under the image means the presentation of others about the personality and activities of any person or organization.

Special importance is the image for a social organization. Representations of citizens about the imjoin of social protection institutions of the population affect the effectiveness of solving problems in our society. In order to qualitatively solve the problems of providing social services to the population, it is necessary to have a positively formed image of the institutions of social protection of the population.

The image of the institution of social protection of the population includes both the image of social services, and the image of customers, and the image of managers, as well as the image of employees.

The identity of the social worker plays a very important role in society. Being a mediator between the state and a person who receives social services, a social worker is obliged to have a trustful understanding image. Often it is precisely the personality about the organization as a whole. Therefore, the problem of image formation becomes both more and more relevant for the social organization.

At the same time, the consciousness of a modern person is increasingly consolidated by an idea of \u200b\u200bthe image as a certain value, on the availability and quality of which the success of life, as well as the success of any activity, individual or collective. This generates the appropriate need for vocational consulting in the field of image, the provision of a variety of image formation services (imagineking). Work on the creation of the image is positively reflected on the personal and professional characteristics of the social worker, a desire to cooperate with him and with the organization he represents is. Consequently, an attractive image is one of the factors determining the success of the institution and its employees.

To date, a wide list of literature dedicated to various identities of the image. In turn, literature studies the image of a social institution, the image of a specialist in social work is practically absent.

Theoretical prerequisites for the development of scientific and theoretical foundations of the psychological theory of image are widely represented in domestic and world psychology. A special role in the study of the theory of image was played by the work of E.B. Redhead "Psychology of Image", L.K. Averchenko allowed in the theoretical part of the work to formulate and show the development of the concept of "image". Authors A.Ya. Kibanov, D.K. Zakharov and V.G. Konovalov was studied and set out information about the image, the main components were allocated and their essence is disclosed.

In labor G.V. Barozer is analyzed by one of the important components of the image of a business person - tactics of communication.

In the work edited by Professor V.N. Lavrinenko disclosed issues of business ethics, presented tests used in the preparation of the practical part of the work.

In the books of L. Brown, Sonter Sister, V.M. Shepels contain practical recommendations for building an external image.

The object of the study is the image of a social organization.

The subject of the study is the technology of forming an image of a social organization.

The aim of the work is to study the theoretical and practical aspects of the formation of the image of a social organization.

Based on the goal, the following tasks were allocated:

1)Explore the theoretical aspects of the imagine phenomenon, concept, characteristics and approaches;

2)Consider the technologies for the formation of the image of the organization and the image of the employee as a part of the image of the social organization;

)Characterize the Ministry of Social Policy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory;

)To identify and explore the qualities that determine the positive image of a specialist of the Ministry of Social Policy.

During the thesis, such research methods were used as a survey, survey, testing.

Practical research relied on the following main approaches to the image:

) functional, in which its types are distinguished, based on different functioning;

) contextual, in which these types of functioning are in different contexts of implementation;

) Comparative, in which close by the meaning of the image is compared.

Chapter 1 Theory of Image Formation

1.1 The concept of image

With high competition in the labor market, it is not enough to be a qualified specialist - it is necessary to create your own positive image. In recent times, the "image" has recently become since the English language and translated "image", "halo".

In the intelligent dictionaries of the Russian language, the word "image" is defined as a look, view, similarity, "Live, visual understanding of com or anything", "Generalized artistic reflection of reality, clothed in the form of a specific, individual phenomenon", type, character embodied In the artistic work.

Summarizing these characteristics, it can be said that the image is understood in an ordinary sense as a result of a mental reflection of a objective phenomenon; In the process of this reflection, the initial information transformations are possible, and, accordingly, the image does not necessarily represent a exact copy of the displayed; The process of creating an image may be active and targeted (for example, in art); This process may include analysis procedures (which allows you to display typical in the object) and synthesis (thanks to which the image has the characteristics of an individual phenomenon).

All of these characteristics are applicable in relation to the image. However, the word "image" is not an accurate synonym for the word "image". It is more correct to determine the image as a kind of image, namely such an image, the prototype of which is not any phenomenon, but the subject. Such a subject can be primarily a person, then the organization, team, group and, finally, any item, if in the process of creating and perceiving his image, personal, human qualities are attributed.

Under the image, they understand "developed in the mass consciousness and having the character of a stereotype, an emotionally painted image of anyone or anything; The formation of the image occurs spontaneously, but more often it is the result of the work of specialists; The image reflects the social expectations of a particular group. "

Often, the image is defined as a targeted or spontaneous form of reflection of the object in the minds of people. An object or carrier of the image may be a person, a group of people, organization and the like.

Image informative, he reports a certain set of signs that are inherent in the object itself. Moreover, these signs can exist objectively or arbitrarily attributed to the object by the creators of the image.

Many authors recognize that the image, since it depends on many factors that can change their meanings, is not something once specified and unchanged. It is dynamic, its attributes are converted, modified in accordance with the changes in the carrier itself or in the group consciousness.

An important feature of the image is its activity. It "is able to influence consciousness, emotions, activities and actions, both individuals and entire populations. As a result, people prefer any other goods, firms, banks or political parties. "

The concepts of the concept of "image" are the concepts of "opinion", "reputation", "authority". In the literature you can even meet the identification of the image with these phenomena. So, for example, A. Yu. Panasyuk believes that the image is essentially the same as the opinion, and sees the difference between the corresponding terms only in the grammatical rules for the use of relevant words in Russian: "Image" is more correctly used in the phrases of the type "Image" Human (politics, lawyer) "," Opinion "- in phrases like" Opinion about a person (politics, lawyer) ".

Often, the image is considered in the general context with a reputation, in particular, in the development of so-called reputational management, but this does not provide grounds for identifying the image and reputation. In particular, A. Yu. Nightmares characterizes the image as an expressive, expressive side of the image, meanwhile, as a reputation (from the Latin reputatio, the account, number) in Russian means "the general opinion about the merits or shortages of someone or something" ; "Acquired by someone or any public assessment created by the general opinion on the qualities, advantages and disadvantages of someone or something." In other words, reputation and opinion includes a significant and inalienable characteristic as an assessment of the object and, in addition, this characteristic is included in the reputation itself, in contrast to the image, which can also be estimated, but does not necessarily include the assessment as a mandatory element.

Another important characteristic of the image, which is often emphasized by the authors of the manuals, is its functionality. In other words, the image is not an end in itself. When we create or improve your image, no matter, we do it yourself or resort to the help of specialists, we assume that we need a good image for something that when we can achieve certain goals, more effectively solve some Tasks, make a more successful one or another activities that we do.

With the concept of "image" most of us met more than once. Most often under it implies appearance, appearance. This term can spread to a large number of objects and phenomena, which are somehow perceived by people and leave their mark in their consciousness. It can be individual identities, some social groups, organizations, widespread goods, trademarks, and so on. With regard to the personality of a social worker, this concept can be defined as follows: The image is a holistic consistent image of a social worker in the minds of others, relevant to the goals, standards, values \u200b\u200badopted in the target group, and expectations for the members of the Group to the Social Worker.

This definition has several keywords that allow us to separate this concept from what is usually understood as an image in an ordinary consciousness, in which the concept of style is often synonymous. The first of these words is "holistic." It means that the structure of the image of the social worker includes not only its appearance (hairstyle, clothing, accessories, and the like), but also everything, on the basis of which others make up their opinion about a person. Professional competence can be included here, the general focus of the personality of the social worker, its communicative and interactive skills, a speech manner and so on.

The second keyword is "consistent." Under it should be understood that visibility, or the external manifestation of the image, must correspond to the internal state of the person. Most of all, the concept of congruence is suitable for the description of this side of the image, that is, the compliance of some elements of the image of others.

The image can also serve as a basis for trust and a factor that facilitates influence, but it is first, not the only function of the image, secondly, the use of the image as a means of social influence is not always possible, and under certain conditions that the image must comply with.

Many authors do not give in their works of the definitions of the image, stopping only on the descriptive interpretation of this phenomenon. So, in the works of P. Berd, it focuses on the fact that "the image is a reflection of the inner world that is expressed through how you look, say, act." Polly Berd speaks about the image as a person's perception by others: "This is the full picture of you, which you represent others. It includes how you look, say, dress, act; Your skills, your posture, pose and body language; Your accessories, your surroundings and the company you support.

The image is often seen as "a set of properties attributed to advertising, propaganda, fashion, prejudice, tradition, and so on as an object in order to cause certain reactions with respect to it." The image as a social phenomenon arises or purposefully formed in a social environment as the norms (institutions) and functions as a regulator of social relations, including mechanisms of prompting and deterring various types of behavior. From this point of view, the image category is explored as a social fact. The image is based on the submitting a subject acting in a particular social role as a carrier of qualities desirable for society or relevant social groups. This understanding provides justification for the possibilities of forming an image in accordance with the social order. Consequently, it can be said that the social role and status of a person in the modern socio-economic situation are important elements of the image. The approach considering the image from this point of view can be called sociology.

From another point of view, the image is understood as a method and result of the entity of the subject, the achievement of the "attractiveness" subject for people. By definition, given in the psychological dictionary of the image is "the resulting in the mass consciousness and having a stereotype, an emotionally painted image of anyone or anything." The authors working within the framework of the psychological approach see the formation of qualities that would allow attractiveness to other people, and the use of the achieved attractiveness in the communications sphere is the main goal when creating an image.

From the standpoint of Public Relations, the image is considered as "an idea of \u200b\u200bthings and people who are formed (as a rule, purposefully) media, including advertising, this is a corporate sign, an external sign." The development of serial production and the media pushed researchers to study the image to develop a set of tools, methods, methods of its construction. Image in advertising - both verbal, and the pictorial, - should be bright and concrete to appeal to feelings. On the other hand, it is characterized by ambiguity and incompetence, since it is between imagination and feelings, waiting and reality. In order for expectations of consumers to be deceived, they themselves must specify a fuzzy image for themselves, adding it to their imagination.

As a separate category of image theorists and Practices, Public Ryleshnz considers the image image. Image policy is a targeted image created by the Media, an image that exists in the minds of large groups of people who have the nature of the ideas and relations of these groups to politics. The study of political image is present for researchers acting within the framework of this approach, the greatest interest.

Interesting approach G.G. Pumpped, presented in the work of "imiper". He considers the image from the point of view of the process, defining it as a kind of message or a set of messages, regularly broadcast audiences. Image management is represented as "intensive introduction of information with the predicted response to it." The creation of an image is a transmission process with a certain purpose of a set of messages, which can be viewed as "folded text". People, to simplify the processing of large volumes of texts, are beginning to use abbreviated options and notation, such as, for example, "oligarch" or "New Russian" - the set of various qualities lies in these capacious characteristics. Within the framework of this approach, which can be consecrated by communicative, the image is considered as a transfer of messages in the communicative process, including a source, message and recipient

Image-related is a complex practical discipline that uses certain results of a number of sciences, including social psychology, cultural studies and others, the purpose of which is the creation of methodological and methodological equipment for professional activities to create and transform the image.

The main function of the image is to bring a person's action in line with the expectations of the audience. This feature follows from the simplest requirement of human action explanation for others. That is, the more unequivocally, the actions of a person are interpreted, the easier it is to explain them, the greater the degree of understanding and, consequently, a positive assessment of these actions.

The image in most cases also has a motivating function. Most often, this feature is implemented in business and participative types of corporate culture, where the desire to be like a leader can become a good incentive for the development of subordinates.

The regulatory function follows from the previous two, and it consists in the fact that the manager sets the norms of interaction in the group (organization). If the norms are taken by most members of the organization, it becomes a prerequisite for the cohesion of the collective, reducing the number of conflict situations and, as a result, the formation of a favorable organizational climate.

The image also has an external function in relation to the organization, such as the functions of representation and positioning of the organization in the external environment.

Thus, the image is a universal concept. It has certain characteristics, such as activity, functionality, integrity and consistency, which distinguishes it from such synonyms.

1.2 Ways to form an image of a social organization

In modern conditions, any representative and public activity deserves close attention, therefore, work on the impeccability of the image is a factor providing intensive prosperity.

The image is a combination of a number of variables, with the prevailing form of a form, an option of self-protector, focusing on the best qualities, and, also, the key to success in the correctness of the concept of public relations. Whatever unpredictable public response during the formation of the structure of the structure, the entire system must necessarily obey a slim logical concept. The image exists in the consciousness of the average person as a interconnected sequential flow of information, a programming-shaped and emotional reaction. Work on the creation of the image is carried out purposefully and various means for each of the channels of perception: visual, verbal, event and contextual:

Visual dimension forms an external image: compliance with the standards of business and official clothing, accessories, hairstyle, behavior manner, facial expressions, gestures.

In the verbal dimension - the culture of communication: speech, public speeches, reports, interviews, articles, business correspondence, the ability to talk on the phone.

Event measurement is the normative-ethical side of the act, behavior, activity in general, i.e. It is about the reputation of a person: the dynamics of the formation of the image is determined by the reputation of the subject.

The contextual measurement is considered as the accession of other people's image (relatives, friends, surroundings), which also has an impact on the reputation of a person and the image as a whole. Therefore, in the work on the formation of a personal image, the question of reputation requires special attention.

The technology of creating an image involves the active use of two directions:

Descriptive (or information) representing an image of the institution;

An estimated, existing as prompting and emotions caused by the information of various intensity carrying a certain emotionally psychological response.

The evaluation of the image occurs when using experience, value orientations, generally accepted norms, principles. Evaluation and image have conditional conceptual differences and an inseparable connection.

By virtue of objective conditions, the image may be positive, negative and fuzzy. The purpose of the structure is to create a positive image that attracts the attention of society accelerating the process of acceptance and increasing the volume of supporters, which allows you to intensify financial, informational, human and material resources. The concept of formation of the image involves the following stages of development for a successful movement:

a) planning;

b) organization;

c) control.

The structure of the image includes the following components:

Image of the subject: Society's submission relative to unique characteristics:

a) the main advantages (benefits provided by the successful completion of this program);

b) Additional advantages providing distinctive properties (slogan, design, advertising, quality, etc.).

Consumer image (i.e., customers who provide a social service): ideas about the style of life, public status, about personal (psychological) characteristics of the population.

Internal structure of the structure: Presentations of employees about their organization, leader. The determinant of the internal image in the culture and socio-psychological climate of the Organization, requires a special attitude to these aspects.

Image of the leader and the nearest environment: includes ideas about the abilities, installations, value orientations, psychological characteristics, appearance.

Image of the structure representing its structure: a collective, generalized image of an organization that reveals the most characteristic features of the leader:

a) Professional competence:

mobility (speed and quality);

accuracy in fulfilling official obligations;

accuracy of fulfillment of obligations, promises;

awareness (willingness to give an answer to the question);

highly qualified level of training;

b) Culture:

sociability (friendly, openness, accessibility in communication, smoothies);

correctness of speech;

social and psychological characteristics of partners;

c) Socio-demographic and physical data:

the level of education;

the presence of physical defects;

d) visual image;

business style in clothing;

neat hairstyle;

restrictions on the use of accessories, decorations, decorative cosmetics; The image of the basic structure is formed on the basis of direct contact, in which each employee is considered as the person of the organization, according to which the state of the entire structure is judged. The role of representatives and proxies of the Organization has a direct impact on the creation of a positive holistic image of the leader, which means that the whole institution.

Moisy images

Visual image: a targeted impact on visual sensations that record information about the design, branded symbolism and other media of graphic information (advertising).

Social image: imposing the general public ideas about the social goals and the role of the organization in the economic, social and cultural life of society.

In the theory of Public Relations, the image is considered as an image of a subject or an object in the presentation of various social groups. In modern conditions, the emphasis is increasingly transferred from the very image of its creation or "imaging". The structure of the image includes such components as real, perfect, "mirror" image. If the real image is an image of the object, which has emerged from representatives of public groups under the influence of objective and subjective factors, spontaneously or was formed purposefully, the positive image is usually achieved by systematic work on the formation of the desired and correction of a really existing image.

Today it can be argued that professional image includes the following measurements: Installations and submission of members of the professional community; Performances in the mass consciousness about the social significance of a professional type of activity, the characteristics of members of the professional group, on specific knowledge, skills and skills, which are required to implement this type of activity, level of professional competence, about the professional system of values \u200b\u200band behaviors, i.e. Professional culture.

In the consciousness of the population, today there was a contradiction between the ideal and real imaging of a social work specialist, which has a negative impact on real and potential customers of social work, preventing them from the appeal to professionals in the establishment of a social protection system.

The level of estimates of various indicators characterizing these types of image, unequal: the population above evaluates those components that are associated with personal qualities of specialists and show explicit non-informality in assessing the powers and competencies of specialists.

Representatives of the media relaying the image characteristics of the profession as a whole, as well as "building" the image of a social protection system poorly aware of the content of the specialists of institutions, their level of competencies, opportunities and powers.

The real image of the profession. Social work and social protection systems are formed under the conditions of active influence in the mass consciousness of stereotypical ideas about social security formed in Soviet times.

In the consciousness of the population today there was a contradiction between these types of image, which has a negative impact on real and potential customers of social work, preventing them from handling for help to professionals.

Both perfect and real image have a positive orientation. However, the level of estimates of various indicators characterizing these types of image, unequal: the population above evaluates those components that are associated with the personal qualities of specialists and show explicitly not awareness in assessing the powers and competencies of specialists.

The actual image of social work is inherent in uncertainty and weakness. These of its manifestations have both objective and subjective reasons and sources (including installations and stereotypes of the behavior of various categories of the population in complex life circumstances). The degree of definiteness of the real professional image is higher than the respondents who appeal for help in social services. Their assessments have both positive and negative. Two consequences flow from this fact. The first is due to the understanding that as professional social work develops, the expansion of its activities in our country can be expected to be a change in the prestige of the profession towards its reduction due to the likely increase in the number of negative events: customer clashes with manifestations of non-professionalism, bureaucracy, etc. The second consequence, resulting from the fact of the presence of a tendency to increase the definiteness of the professional image of social work, is due to the understanding of the need for its conscious formation. This is a process in which many subjects are involved that make up not only internal, but also the external environment of the Institute of Social Work (including the media as one of the most important tools for exposure to public opinion). The content of the professional real image of social work is an element of distrust of the population to this Social Institute. It is not considered today by the majority as a real help. And although in public opinion there is no element of disrespect for this profession, tribute to the zeal and performance of its representatives, the effectiveness of social work is estimated at low. There is a need for the implementation of social managers, the introduction of effective technologies in which the internal potential is implemented, the system resources.

The advantages of positive image are obvious: it is achieved by systematic work on the formation of the desired image and the correction of a real image.

Each element of the structure of the image, which affects the representations of people for a long time segment must be filled with the organization itself: the missing element, by virtue of certain stereotypes, the mass consciousness fills independently, thus creating a barrier difficult to overcome the existing installation upon subsequent implementation of information.

Special importance is the image for large and well-known structures existing in the center of attention of the media, in sight of the public. It is such structures that are social organizations, namely the institutions of social protection of the population, from the image of which directly depends on the degree of confidence in the population not only to the organization, but also to the state.

The correction of the image of such structures is constantly carried out through the impact on public opinion to ensure the beneficial behavior of the public regarding social organizations of the organization.

Directions for the study of the image of the organization

The formation of image (image) - (corporate culture).

Assessment of individual components of the image (micro and macro-environment), i.e. study of the image of the electorate, internal image, social image, the image of the head, the image of the personnel (corporate image), etc.;

Identification of the organization (corporate identity, corporate culture, corporate design);

Creation of the organization's communication tools (corporate style, corporate design).

The first priority on the way of creating an image is the need for a clear and clear definition of the priority of the organization's appearance (friendliness, rigor, conservatism, etc.). The concept of image requires strict differentiation depending on groups of the population.

At the next stage, the organization is identified, the system of communication funds is being developed: names, slogans, symbols, logos, signs, colors. The company's identification reflects the mission, structure, goals and objectives.

Culture of the organization (corporate culture)

Specific, characteristic of the system of relations, interactions and relations, implemented within the framework of specific activities, methods of setting and doing business, a powerful strategic tool, allowing to focus units and individuals into common goals, mobilize employee initiative, provide loyalty and facilitate communication.

Based on the results of socio-psychological studies conducted in this area, the specific cultural values \u200b\u200bof the Organization relating to the following issues were identified:

The purpose of the organization, her face (top quality, industry leadership, technology innovation);

Seniority and power (powers inherent in positions or face, respect for seniority and power);

The value of various guidelines and functions;

Human handling (concern for people and their needs, respect for individual rights, training and opportunities for advanced training, validity of remuneration, employee motivation);

Criteria for choosing guidelines and regulatory positions;

Organization of work and discipline;

Decision-making processes (who make decisions with whom consultations are held);

Distribution and exchange of information (awareness of employees about the state of affairs in the company);

The nature of the contacts (preference to personal or written contacts the possibility of contacts with the manual);

The nature of socialization (communication of employees in working and non-working time, special conditions: for example, a separate dining room, and so on.);

Ways to solve conflicts (desire to avoid conflict or compromise, participation of management);

Evaluation of performance (secret or open, who is carried out, using results);

The identification with the organization (loyalty and integrity, spirit of unity, the emotional color of cooperation is the pleasure of working in the organization).

A targeted change in the image, which is reflected in the external environment to enforce environmental environment, ensuring the conditions for the effective implementation of strategic planning and management of the organization.

In a sociological aspect, corporate image implements theoretical and informative, descriptive and prognostic, practical, worldview and educational functions, and its applied functions are based on an objective analysis of social reality.

The most important factors for the formation of the concept of corporate image, subject to priority, should be considered the organization's strategies that determine not only the structure, but, in fact, the role and place of the organization in the social continuum. Mechanism Management should be considered in terms of a situational approach to an image.

Having studied the nature of the image, its principles, laws, perception processes, it is necessary to determine how all this is manifested in real life and which minitechnologies should master the social worker to create its effective and decent image of the institution.

There are several technologies for creating an image. At the heart of their division, specific tasks that need to be solved; There are technologies for creating an image of beginners who do not have serious knowledge in this area; And at the accumulating experience of imaging.

Social work as a profession requires a thorough preparation and continuous improvement of specialists in this area, the formation of their image. The concept of "image" includes not only the natural properties of the individual, but also specially accumulated, created, it is associated both with an external appearance and with the internal content of a person, its psychological type.

Different authors, studying the problem of the image, offer their technologies for its creation. For example, Shepel V.M. Sees the logic of introducing technology to the image of the process of successively implemented mini-technologies for the development of four system-forming blocks of qualities that constitute the charming image as a whole, namely: visual effect, communicative mechanics, fluid radiation, rhetorical techniques. He splits the whole process into six stages:

but) confirmation of starting conditions for technology development;

b) "Construction" of appearance;

in) communicative mechanics;

d) "Fluid radiation";

e) testing of rhetorical techniques;

e) the final is to combine all mini-technologies to one whole.

Lilian Brown is building its technology for creating an image, given the role of the media heavily in the last twenty years. In this regard, she focuses on such paragraphs as: appearance, voice, public speeches, communication with press representatives, appearance on television and maintenance.

The stages of the formation of the image are allocated:

a) appearance;

b) Communicative mechanics;

in) Psychological picture;

d) Moral reliability;

e) Analysis and improvement of professionalism;

e) Humanitarian education;

g) Communication with press representatives;

h) The art of a psychothechnologist;

and) Personal orthobiosis technology.

Let us dwell on these stages. It is believed that people judge us on the first impression that we produce during the first five-seven seconds of dating. No wonder there is an expression "I meet the clothes". Moreover, the concept of "clothes" is very widespread: it is a suit, and makeup, and gait, and facial expressions, and gestures.

Costume, hairstyle, accessories depend on the situation. Simple discreet clothing allows colleagues to see exactly you, and not what you are dressed. In this way, you can unobtrusively express your individuality. If you are sure that your clothes work on you and matches your image, you can completely forget about it, focusing only at your work.

Neat, tastefully dressed, tightened - such an appearance, friendly perceived by others. The appearance of such a person testifies to its respect for others, which causes confidence in society. The main requirements for clothing are its versatility, tidy. The feeling of untidy always causes a negative feeling and testifies to disrespect for others. And otherwise, it must comply with the goals that the social worker puts himself.

By how the social worker stands, as he walks, as holding hands and legs, judges respect or disregard for others. Choosing a pose, it must be remembered that it must be correct, natural and harmonize with the situation. Professor Bestistell investigated the act of communication and found that the verbal component of the conversation occupies 35%, and non-verbal - 65%.

The research results show that information about the professional image is obtained by the target audience in the synthesis of their senses approximately in such a proportion: vision is 75%; Rumor - 13% Touch - 6%; Smell - 6% ..

Body movements open a lot. It has its own silent language, completely independent because they say out loud. "Body language" reports on the mood, about the attitude towards others.

Gestures are designed to strengthen the meaning of words that a person wants to convey to the listener. Study of gestures were conducted, which are used depending on the social or official position. A person who is on top of the service staircase, in conversation more uses words, while less educated people rely more on gestures, that is, the higher the service or public position of a person, the less he makes gestures and various body movements.

Important attention must be paid not only to manners and poses, but also on the face. Modern brain studies clearly indicate that the character traits are closely connected with its physical structure, and they are best expressed in his face. Physical signs characterizing the methods of verbal expression are mainly concentrated in the field of mouth; Signs related to logical and estimated abilities - in the eye area and so on.

Development of communicative mechanics. At this stage, you need to teach a social worker to the art of public speeches, negotiating and conversations, and most importantly, the ability to listen to the right.

The effectiveness of its impact depends on the choice of the right word. Take the rule to say: "I willingly do it." Use predominantly words that have a positive value, that is, emphasizing the aspect of reliability, thoroughness, conscientiousness. Include active verbs in the phrases formulamable by you and avoid consuming passive nouns.

The social worker should own the technique of direct contact, both individually and at a massive level. To be good, use the following recommendations:

but) Accentuate important words and subordinate to them unimportant;

in) Change the tempo of speech - it gives it expressiveness;

d) Pause before and after important thoughts.

This should add the importance of using special tools - communication effects:

but) The effect of the first phrases - fixes or adjusts the initial impression of people; In the first phrases, interesting information should be focused, with elements of origional, immediately causing attention to himself;

b) The effect of argumentation - it must be reasonable, convincing, logical, causing reflection and understanding of information;

in) The effect of intonation and pause - the peculiarity of human perception is that the intonation and pauses contribute to 10-15% of the increment of information, causing the interlocutors of the Association and Proposals;

d) The effect of artistic expressiveness is the competent construction of proposals, the right lead states, the use of metaphor, hyperball, and the like;

e) The effect of relaxation -Ummor creates a natural pause for recreation of people, brings closers and configures to a benevolent way;

e) The effect of a portion emission of information is one of the effective rhetorical techniques to maintain the attention of the audience. This effect is based on a predetermined distribution over the entire speech of new thoughts and arguments, periodic interpretation of previously said.

An important term can be distinguished by the moral reliability of the social worker. Although today you hear less often - "Man of Honor". The moral person is aware of the need to take into account the criteria, verified by human experience. An immoral person is subordinate to his own interests, aspirations, desires. His way is permissiveness. Society needs a moral and reliable social worker, concerned about spiritual self-improvement. The subject of his special attention should be knowledge of man.

Analysis and improvement of professionalism (self-education, seminars, speaking at conferences). Any specialist working with people should be a talented person.

Modern science in the field of society problems does not stand still and therefore a social worker is obliged to track innovations and offer its own.

The next term allocated the humanitarian education of social workers. F. M. Dostoevsky has a statement, the essence of which is that humanitarian development facilitates a person to master any profession. Many facts, examples from the lives of great people, are evidenced by the loyalty of this statement. Humanistic values \u200b\u200bshould be the basis of its ideological positions.

Our education system was not always correctly preparing specialists of the worldview. It should be awe in her personality, recognition of the pricelessness of each life, the uniqueness of each person on this earth.

Insufficient demand for humanitarian knowledge negatively affects the development of man. For example, according to the results of psychological experiments, the Japanese eye is able to distinguish 47 shades of color, our - 7. This is the consequence of the decline in our level of humanitarian education.

Thanks to humanitarian knowledge, a person becomes possible to choose various information, to expose it sensual and rational processing. These knowledge acts as the most important conditions for the activities of the social worker.

In view of the fact that the role of the media has been very increased periodically or constantly communicating with their representatives. If you are interested in preparing for public life, you must decide what you want to change before you find yourself in the spotlight. It is undesirable that your image becomes the subject of discussion so that the public decreases, what changes you should produce, instead of accepting you as you are. Well thought out image may not become the main reason why you will listen carefully, and trust you. A good image eliminates the obstacles between you and people who occupy a different position in society, or people of different ages. This is important for a social worker, because it is in constant interaction with people.

The main features of the image in the event that they do not meet the standards of "beauty", "reliability", "virtue", "the overall positiveness", and so on, must be adjusted for the required standard and only after that publicly presented to society.

Since the audience of the image is the social groups, the communicative processes used in creating and changing the image are retal, that is, by such processes in which the signals are directed by many probable addressees. When the image audience is large social groups, media channels (television, radio, press) are used as information channels. Comparing mass communication with interpersonal communication. N. N. Bogomolova indicates the following its distinctive features:

but) Indirectness of communication with technical means;

b) Social orientation manifested in the fact that every specific act of mass communication is "This is always a message not for one particular person, but for large social groups, for the mass of people";

in) Organized (that is, managed) and institutional nature;

d) Increased demands to comply with the norms adopted in society;

e) "Collective" nature of the communicator and its "public personality" (expressed in the fact that the communicator is not as much from his personal name, but on behalf of the group he represents);

e) Mass, publicity, social relevance and frequency of generalizations;

The following important term for the formation of the image is that each social worker should be a psychothechnologist. Psychotechnology is a science of practical use of psychological techniques of human management. Psychotechnology is implemented in communication and is a system of interrelated, internally motivated psychotechnics, which relies on the analysis of communication and personal improvement. To do this, it is necessary to own a number of communicative skills: general self-supporting, socio-perceptual, expressive-impressive and skill of situationally adequate use of receptions and techniques of self-feeding.

In addition, when creating an image, the factors of identity subjectivity play a significant role: the motivation of humanistic orientation, a positive, flexible open "I-Concept". Subjectivity can be understood as an internal condition of Samopodachi "I" in communication.

In particular, one of the communicative skills is the basic empathy.

The basic definition of empathy is available at K. Rogers. Empathy, as it defines K. Rogers, is the ability to understand and penetrate the world of another person, as well as transfer it to this understanding. The deepest level of empathy is the "way of being", when the perceiving entity "merges" with perceived. Thus, the social worker is experiencing an empathic understanding of the internal system of the client and seeks to transfer it to the client. A social worker, centered on personality, is experiencing empathy to the client. By Rogers, empathy shows that the social worker feels the inner world of customer experiences as if he were his own, but never turning the condition "as if." Social worker understands. He is able to be freely transferred to the subjective world of the client, perceive the same way he perceives, feel just as he feels, worrying just as he worried. For this, at a minimum, the transfer of empathic understanding and the unconditional positive attention of the social worker should be transferred to the client. It is meaningless to experience such feelings if the client will not know about them. Therefore, the social worker should transmit its attitude in each word and action, and the client must perceive it as a reflection of the adoption and understanding of the social worker.

The next stage of the technology is given to personal orthobiosis. Ortobileizes is a reasonable, healthy, rational lifestyle, folding from three health cuts: physical, mental, moral.

A positive business image is closely related to health, since a healthy and cheerful person is always more chances in the acquisition of an attractive identity imagine, radiating charm and goodwill.

Human health affects not only his well-being, efficiency, but also on his appearance, his mood. We must not forget about the power of beauty.

It is very important for social worker his psychological health. No wonder the saying appeared in the people, that "all diseases from the nerves". Therefore, at this stage, it is necessary to learn to such methods of complacency as rationalization, visualization and relaxation.

Thus, from various techniques for the formation of a positive image proposed by different authors, we managed to simulate the universal technology for forming an image for a social worker. It took into account the professional and personal qualities necessary for the social worker to form not only their own image, but also the image of the institution in which it works. Personal component contains certain qualitative characteristics of the personality of a social worker and their corresponding professional skills. In order for the image of a social worker to contribute to the social adaptation of customers, the dedicated characteristics must be presented in it positively, should be manifested constantly and quite brightly. The behavioral component reflects the system of regulatoryly approved actions and actions in which personality-professional qualities are not only manifested, but the possibility of flexible response of a social worker on situational changes is being implemented. The component of the relationship contains a set of ideas about the relations of a social worker to the most important parties to its professional activities, meaningful to customers.

The process of forming an image of a social worker provides a structural and functional model, reflecting the goal (formation of a positive image), tasks (careful analysis of the external and internal conditions of the activities of the institution of social work and the employee itself), an approach (cultural), principles (humanization, democratization, systemism); stages (analytical and diagnostic, operational and activity, reflexive-efficient); Conditions and criteria for formation of the image (mission, internal image, external image).

Chapter 2. Formation of the image of the Ministry of Social Policy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

2.1 General characteristics of the Ministry of Social Policy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Minister of Social Policy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Pashinova Galina Egorovna was born on November 10, 1957 in the city of Sim Chelyabinsk region. In 1980 he graduated from the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in History and Social Science, high school teacher.

From 1980 to 1997 - Teacher of History and Social Studies of High School No. 22.

From 1997 to 2003 - Deputy of the Krasnoyarsk City Council.

Since 2003 - Head of the Main Department of Social Protection of the population of the city administration of Krasnoyarsk. Iyulya 2008 is the Minister of Social Policy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The Ministry of Social Policy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is the executive authority of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, which, on the basis and in pursuance of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Laws of the Region, the legal acts of the regional governor and the Government of the region carries out:

1) regulatory legal regulation and development of draft laws of the region, legal acts of the regional governor and the regional government in the field of social support and social services of the population;

) the provision of public services, management and disposal of state ownership in the field of social support and social services of the population;

) Control in social services and social support for the population.

The ministry is a guardianship authority, and guardianship in terms of the implementation of powers in relation to the property of citizens recognized as missingly absent.

Full official name: Ministry of Social Policy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The ministry interacts with the federal government bodies, the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the state authorities of the region and other state bodies of the region, local governments, institutions, enterprises and other organizations, citizens on issues within the competence of the ministry.

The ministry has the rights of a legal entity, may acquire the rights and carry duties on its own behalf, to act or the defendant in the courts, has a coat of arms with its name and the image of the coat of arms of the region, the facial account, open in the Treasury of the region, and other accounts in accordance with the legislation.

Financing the ministry's maintenance costs is carried out at the expense of funds provided for in the regional budget, including in terms of the implementation of the powers transferred to the Russian Federation - at the expense of subventions from the federal budget.

Location of the Ministry: 660049, Krasnoyarsk, Peace Ave., 34.

Structure of the Ministry of Social Policy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

She has a Minister of Social Policy, 3 Deputy Ministers, Assistant Minister, Advisor, Minister Secretary. Also, the structure includes departments:

-department of budget planning and execution;

Human Resources Department;

department of Accounting and Consolidated Reporting;

legal department;

department of State Order and Capital Investment;

social payment department;

department of Control

department for interaction with local authorities;

administrative and economic department;

department of Analysis and Projection of Social Development;

department of housing subsidies;

department for veterans, rehabilitated and servicemen;

department for disabled people and persons affected by radiation;

information support department;

department of the stationary institution of social services;

department of Social Rehabilitation of Children;

department of the family and organizing the improvement of children;

organizational department.

Tasks of the Ministry of Social Policy:

Ensuring the implementation of state social policy throughout the territory.

Ensuring the implementation of the Constitutional Rights of the Citizens of the Russian Federation for Social Support and Social Services.

Ensuring the creation of the conditions for the effective development of the sphere of social support and social services for the population of the region.

Ensuring permanent management of the property of citizens recognized as missing absent.

Competence of the Ministry of Social Policy:

Implementation of regulatory legal regulation on the following issues:

definition of order, conditions and size of stimulating payments for employees of regional government agencies subordinate to the Ministry;

approval of the list of paid services provided by regional government agencies under the ministry;

regulation of the implementation by local governments of individual public authority in the areas of social support and social services of the region's population (including powers on the organization and implementation of care and guardianship activities for persons recognized as incapable or limited in legal advisability, and adult capacitive persons who need guardianship as of health) in accordance with the laws of the region on the entry of local governments by individual government powers;

Development and presentation of the Governor of the region, to the Government of the Region of Projects of Regional Laws, Projects of Legal Acts of the Governor of the Region, Projects of Legal Acts of the Government of the Region in the Social Support and Social Service of the Region, including the following issues:

establishment and provision of social support measures and the provision of social services to elderly citizens and disabled citizens, citizens in a difficult life situation, as well as orphans, neglect children, children who remain without parental care, which are in social service institutions, social support veterans labor, persons who worked in the rear in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, families with children (including large families, lonely parents), victims of political repression, poor citizens;

definition of size, procedure for appointment, indexation and payment of a monthly child benefit;

establishment of a list of social services guaranteed by the state;

establishing state standards of social services for the population;

determining the procedure and conditions for social services of the population;

setting the size, conditions and procedures for the appointment and payment of state social assistance to persons in a difficult life situation.

Participation in the preparation of forecasts of the socio-economic development of the region, the program of socio-economic development of the region, the project of the regional budget, materials and documents required to be submitted simultaneously with the project of the regional budget, on issues within the competence of the ministry, in the prescribed manner.

Presentation of the Governor of the region of information on the state of affairs in social support and social services for the population of the region to prepare an annual report.

Generalization of the practice of applying legislation and analyzing the implementation of state social policy in the field of social support and social services for the population of the region.

Implementation of the implementation of targeted programs in cases established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the laws of the region, legal acts of the regional government.

Organization of social services for the population by regional government agencies, subordinate ministry, including the organization of social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in a difficult life situation.

Implementation of management in the prescribed manner by regional government agencies, subordinated to the ministry.

The organization of granting subsidies to payments for residential premises and utilities and other measures of social support to certain categories of citizens defined by federal laws, due to subventions from the federal budget, regional laws at the expense of regional budget funds (with the exception of categories of citizens, the authority to organize the provision of social measures Supports which are directly attributed to the competence of other authorities of the edge executive)).

The implementation of measures to prevent the neglect of minors and the organization of individual preventive work with regard to the neglect and non-vertical minors, their parents or other legal representatives who do not perform their duties on education, the maintenance of minors and (or) negatively affecting their behavior or brutally contacting them.

Implementation of control over the activities of specialized minors who need social rehabilitation that provide social services to minors and their families, as well as the implementation of measures to develop the network of these institutions.

The introduction of institutions and services that provide social services to minors and their families, modern techniques and technology of social rehabilitation.

The ministry is headed by the Minister of Social Policy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The minister has deputies, including the first deputy.

Minister of Social Policy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory:

represents the Ministry in relations with the federal state authorities, the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the state authorities of the region and other state bodies of the region, local governments, as well as institutions, enterprises and other organizations, citizens;

sign orders of the ministry;

represents the Ministry without a power of attorney, signs contracts and agreements on behalf of the Ministry and performs other actions on behalf of the Ministry;

organizes the work of the ministry;

the draft Regulation on the Ministry, as well as the proposal on the marginal number of civil servants and other employees of the Ministry, the Ministry of Commissices of the Ministry;

approves the staffing of the Ministry;

approves the provisions on the departments of the Ministry, official regulations of state civil servants of the ministry and job descriptions of other employees of the Ministry;

carries out in accordance with the legislation on state civil service and labor legislation, the reception and dismissal of state civil servants of the ministry, except for those appointed to the post and dismissed from office by the First Deputy Governor of the Region - Chairman of the Government of the Region, and other employees of the Ministry;

Distributes the duties between the Deputy Minister of the Region;

Gives instructions, mandatory for the execution by state civil servants and other employees of the ministry;

encourages state civil servants and other employees of the ministry and applies problems of disciplinary recovery to them;

approves annual work plans and indicators of the ministry's activities, as well as reports on their execution;

-it carries out other powers to leadership by the Ministry of the region, enshrined behind it by federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the laws of the region, the legal acts of the regional governor, the legal acts of the region of the region.

-The Minister of the Region has the right to transfer the implementation of individual powers to leadership by the Ministry of the Deputy Minister of the Region or other civil servant of the Ministry.

Minister of Territory bears personal responsibility for the activities of the Ministry.

2.2 Investigation of qualities that determine the positive image of a specialist of the Ministry of Social Work of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

The representation of citizens about the image of the institutions of social protection of the population affect the effectiveness of solving problems in our society. In order to qualitatively solve the problems of providing social services to the population, it is necessary to have a positively formed image of institutions of social protection of the population.

The image of a specialist of the Ministry of Social Policy is a direct continuation of the image of the Ministry of Social Policy and vice versa. That is, in any case, these things are interrelated and have a direct impact on each other.

The image arises only when his object-carrier becomes public, that is, when there are subjects of his immediate or indirect perception, this is a product of social perception.

The characteristic of the profession of a specialist of the Ministry of Social Policy through the disclosure of his real image allows you to clarify the content of its mission in modern Russian society, understand its place in the world of professions, understand how recognized by various groups of the population as significant.

In this graduation study, the real professional image of social work and social service institutions is investigated based on the measurement of such indicators as:

evaluation of the prestige of the profession "Social work" by the population;

judgments about the causes of circulation and non-social services in the event of a difficult life situation;

evaluation of the qualities of social workers by those who appealed to the institutions of the social sphere;

Basic indicator of the real image of the profession "Social work"

direct assessment by his respondents on a 10-point scale. High (from 8 to 10 points) appreciate the profession of social worker 25% - every fourth. The proportion of respondents who gave low estimates (1-3 points) is slightly higher - 35%. So, a disorder is noticeable in estimates, which reflects an important moment for our study - the image of the profession "Social work" in the public consciousness is unstable, it is still formed (which is connected with the relative "youth" of the profession itself, and with various concerns with its functionality of different groups population).

About the picture of the real image of a social organization can be judged by the responses to the following research issues

"If you have problems in life, to whom will you ask for help?". Data analysis has shown that 54% will contact relatives, to friends and acquaintances - 52%, in social services - 12%, to deputies-3%, local administration -2%, media-%, charitable organizations - 1%.

The greatest number of elections refers to relatives, more than half of the respondents will turn to them in a difficult moment. Approximately the same hopes to get help from friends and acquaintances. Social services are not particularly popular, they would add to them only 12% of respondents. And although in rank they occupy the third place, but it is impossible to name it, which indicates insufficient confidence in relations with social services and their employees.

Over the past two dozen years, the new generation of Russians has grown, in practice, convinced that in solving everyday problems should be counted for their forces on his family. Among the reasons why people did not appeal to social workers, the main thing - "I decide my problems." It was indicated on it 56% of the surveyed, not used services of social services.

When applying to respondents, their opinion was identified about the reasons for which people do not seek social services. To the main reasons can be attributed:

Just do not know where you can turn 36%

In order to help, you need to collect many papers yourself, 32% certificates

Do not know what real help can get 27%

They are afraid to run into rudeness or indifferent ratio of 16%

Most likely, to help you still do not have money 19%

There are people who do little can do 16%

Employees have no special desire to help 9%

Comparison of elections made by respondents made it possible to build the following sequence:

) People do not know where to turn;

) too troublesome;

) do not know which real help can get;

) do not want to face rudeness and indifference social workers;

) It is believed that social workers have no appropriate funds;

) Social workers are not enough;

) Employees have no desire to help.

These statements adversely characterize the professional image of social work professionals and contain explicit doubts about the desire, readiness and opportunities for helping customers.

The comparison of the data obtained suggests that many not positive or cautious characteristics given by social work specialists are related not to the real experience of communicating with them (or the experience of familiar people), but on the contrary, so that most of the population does not come into contact with social services.

Contribuability in the assessment of the characteristics inherent in social workers is also manifested in the statements of those who have direct contacts with specialists.

Respondents revealed the following typical qualities of specialists of social institutions - patientity, goodwill, decorated, honesty, decency, education.

Personal contact, direct interaction with representatives of the professional group have a significant impact on the folding image of the profession and professionals in the public consciousness. The audience involvement in personal interaction with social workers, as well as in cooperation with them, within the framework of social protection institutions of the population, is an important factor in the formation of the image of a social organization.

Among the respondents selected for the study, most (60%) communicated with specialists working in social protection institutions, respectively, 40% of respondents did not appeal to the institutions of social protection, and do not have experience with social work skills.

The main share of appeals is necessary, according to the materials of our survey on regional offices of social protection of the population. The share of family and social and rehabilitation centers and social rehabilitation centers are essential and the share of social assistance centers. It is obvious that submission (negative or positive) about the importance and content of the professional activities of social workers in this category of respondents were based on their personal impressions from the specific people with whom they interacted from the results of this interaction.

Conducting a survey on the quality of social services provided in the Ministry of Social Policy of the Krasnoyarskrgo of the Region, we suggested that the respondents appreciate the criteria for a positive image for the underlying institution in the extent of their importance:

90% of respondents noted such personal qualities as goodwill, sincerity, responsiveness;

70% of respondents - high professionalism of employees;

45% of respondents noted the availability of information on the activities of the institution, specialists, services;

40%-high quality social services provided by specialists;

From the obtained data with confidence, it is possible to state the fact that to form a positive image of a social institution a little based on modern material equipment or on the quality of the services provided and to post information about the establishment. The most important thing is the human factor, the presence of positive personal qualities and professional competence of employees.

Thus, the main thing in the formation of the image of a social organization becomes the formation of an image of its employees. Exodus from this, the main emphasis of further research is a more detailed study of the positive image of a social worker, as the main criterion of a positive image of the institution.

In this part of the study, people working at the Ministry of Social Policy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, students of the Russian State Social University participated in the Ministry of Social Policy.

To find out how many respondents are capable of creating a positive image, psychological tests have been proposed that determine the basic qualities characteristic of a social worker (Appendix A-E). The qualities of professional and social competence were allocated in this test group.

Table - 1. Subject tests for defining quality

Quality Professional and Social Competence PointsTestness "Can you communicate" influence "Can you influence others" skill listening "Do you know how you can listen to" responsibility "Who am I? Captain? Steering? Passenger?" Sulbitness "Volve Whether self-control in communication "

Tests taken from the book "Psychology and Ethics of Business Communication" Edited by Professor V.N. Lavrinenko.

The training of tension and stress is used by Trading José Silva (Appendix G).

The tests proposed in this study are not mandatory upon admission to work. They are held in order to determine the weak and strengths of the person. The study is intended to help, based on the data obtained, in creating a positive image of a social worker.

The formation of the image is not a change in the personality of a person. This process cannot be completely different from one person. Therefore, it is important for a specialist knowledge of the foundations of psychology in order to be able to assess the psychological features of his own personality and competently use their strengths and weaknesses. Understanding the features of the individual can help understand the reasons for the existence of the created, source image. Knowledge of own advantages and disadvantages (to perform any work, since there are practically no advantages and disadvantages "at all", with the exception of compliance with morality) is a significant advantage of each social worker. This knowledge is the key to the correct use of advantages and avoiding situations related to the manifestation of deficiencies. Already only this knowledge can contribute to improving the impression produced by the social worker on others, which, in fact, is an image.

Not every person can become a social worker. The defining criterion is the system of its spiritual values. The value installations of professional social work in all its species are reduced to universal values, respect for honor and dignity of man, the uniqueness of his personality.

The behavior of the social worker, due to the set of his personal qualities, its value orientations and interests, has a decisive impact on the system of relations, which it forms. Hence, the role of his personal qualities is very large in professional activities and the choice of profession.

Image of polyphonic, multiced: It absorbs the many characteristics of the subject, trying to demonstrate individuality through them. In the structure of the image, one or more traits constitute the basis of its basis, the so-called image constants.

That is why the problem of positive perception of the image of a social worker is relevant for this study. Respondents will evaluate their professional and personal qualities and, thus, will be able to determine what qualities need to be developed.

Imagine data testing of the severity of the qualities of professional and social competence at the social worker.

Under professional competence refers to specific knowledge, skills and skills in a particular area, the ability to perceive and process information.

In the course of the study, respondents allocated professional qualities necessary for the social worker. These are such qualities as educational, responsibility, competence, the ability to listen, the ability to speak, the ability to find a compromise, flexibility of thinking, tolerance.

At the same time, 70% of tested feels responsible for everything that happens to them, much take on themselves, overcome difficulties, not exaggerating them and not eating life problems into the rank. They can be called captains of their own life. They see the task and think about how it can be solved. That at the same time they feel what is happening in their soul - for those surrounding the mystery.

In 30% of respondents there are situations that they do not concern them in any way and for which they do not bear any responsibility, but, nevertheless, if required, they still take responsibility for themselves. Will eagerly come with steering, but they can, if necessary, transfer the steering wheel to the right hands. When evaluating the reasons for their own difficulties, they are quite realistic. Flexibility, reasonableness and sensitivity are usually their allies. And, as a rule, they know when to do it. They know how to live in harmony with other people without violating internal consent with themselves.

"Passengers" of his own life among the tested was not. Irresponsible people who accuse anyone in their difficulties, the whole white light, but not only.

These tests coincide with the public perception of the image of a social worker. A high level of responsibility allows you to effectively present a positive image in society.

Evaluation of the ability of influence showed that 60% of respondents who have magnificent prerequisites to effectively influence others, change their behavioral models, learn, manage, instruct true. In such situations, they usually feel like fish in water. We are convinced that a person should not get into himself, avoid people, stay on the side of the road and think only about himself. He must do something for others, lead them, point them to the mistakes made by mistakes, teach them to better feel in surrounding reality. The same, who does not like this style of relationship, in the opinion of the test, should not spare. They are valid to convince others in their right. But it is necessary and intensify that this position does not become excessively aggressive. In this case, they can easily turn into fanatic or tyrana.

% are often right, but it is not always possible to convince them of others. They believe that their life and life of others should be subordinate to strict discipline, sensible reason and good manners and its course should be quite predictable.

The impact of the social worker was not allocated among the qualities of professional competence among the respondents, but the author allocates it as necessary. From the right influence of a social worker on the client depends on which direction it will choose. It is the ability to influence that helps a social worker to send a person to solving his problem.

Therefore, pleases the fact that among the respondents a large percentage of people with all prerequisites for effective influence on others.

There are also many mistakes in the field of communication, which prevent not only a favorable impression, but also to hear and understand what the interlocutor says, to convey their thought before him. The most rough mistake can be considered the interruption of the speech of the interlocutor. This not only demonstrates disrespect, but also prevents the important points of the conversation. The inalienable quality of social worker is the ability to listen, since by the nature of their activities it is necessary to listen to a large number of people with various problems.

50% of respondents skill listen above average.

% have an average level. But 20% of respondents need to be observed in the process of communication, since their ability to listen to below average. This ability is necessary to develop.

Also, an integral quality for a social worker is the ability to present information to the client so that he can understand it. This is the ability to fascination.

Faccination (translated from English) - verbal impact on people in which minimization of information loss is achieved. You can speak monotonously and even funny or fun and interesting. Each of the performance manner has a different effect. It is possible that in the first case the listeners will want to rise. In the second case, the speaker can exacerbate their interest in their speech.

This ability to respondents need to be developed, to teach oratory, since most of them (60%) cannot convey information without loss.

Respondents working in the field of social work are constantly improving their level of education by participating in various specialized conferences. Success completion training for advanced training. Also publish their own articles in scientific collections. The level of social perception of the formation of social workers is adequate to reality, which certainly affects a positive image.

Thus, professional qualities in the perception by the Social Worker's image of the Social Worker are reflected in the form of the level of trust and the desire to interact with it. Therefore, the responsibility and educational, the necessary qualities of the Ministry of Social Policy.

Social competence includes the ability to communicate, cooperate, resolve conflicts, to the leadership, the ability to negotiate, achieve the goals, the ability to adapt, training, personal initiative, willingness to take responsibility and the like.

Social qualities isolated by respondents inherent in social worker are sociability, kindness, honesty, charm, humanity, the ability to empathize, emotional stability, tactfulness and external appeal.

Studying the level of sociability, we found that 20% of respondents in a certain extent are sociable and in an unfamiliar situation feel quite confident. However, with new people converge with a loan, in disputes and disputes are reluctant.

50% normal sociability. They are inquisitive, willingly listen to the interlocutor, quite patient in communicating with others, defend their point of view calmly, at the same time they do not like noisy companies, and the verbose causes irritation.

At the same time, 30% is very sociable, curious, talkative, love to speak out on various issues, willingly get acquainted with new people, there are in the spotlight, they do not refuse anyone in requests, although they can not always fulfill them. What they do not have enough, so it is a perpetuity, patience and courage in a collision with serious problems. If desired, it is easy to fix it.

Among the respondents did not find people closed in themselves, which predisposes them to communicate. But also they have braking factors that need to be corrected. According to public perception, society is an important quality of social competence.

For a social worker, such a manifestation of emotions is needed as an attraction.

The attraction (attraction, attraction) is a visually fixed emotional attitude of a person to someone as a manifestation of sympathy or readiness for communication. This state of people is characterized by spontaneity. You can even say so: an inexplicable activation or an exacerbated need for communication.

Such an attitude towards people are 50% of respondents. The remaining attraction is not absent, but manifests itself to a lesser extent.

For effective communication, self-control is needed. In 10% tested low communicative control, that is, their behavior is stable and do not consider it necessary to change depending on the situation. They are capable of sincere disclosure in communication, from which some consider them "uncomfortable" due to rectinity.

% have medium communicative control. They are sincere, but are not kept in their emotional manifestations. However, they are considered in their behavior with the surrounding people.

In 30% of respondents discovered high communicative control. They are easily included in any role, flexibly respond to changing the situation, well feel and may foresee the impression that is produced on others.

The development of communicative communication techniques is an important task of imaging. Each attempt to its serious solution is a real approach to mastering personal charm.

The most important quality for the social worker, stimulating the creation of positive perception of the image is the power of will. In 30% of respondents, the willpower is highly developed. You can rely on them, they will not let down. They are not afraid of nor new orders, nor long trips, nor those affairs that others scare. But sometimes their firm and irreconcilable position on non-profitable issues annoying. Rather, it is stubbornness. They lack such qualities as flexibility, tact, indulgence, kindness.

60% of the average willpower. If they face obstacles, begin to act to overcome it. But if you see a workaround, they will immediately take advantage of them. Do not overdo it, but also the word will restrain. Unpleasant work will try to accomplish, although they turn. By goodwill, unnecessary duties will not take. This sometimes adversely affects the attitude towards them, not from the best side characterizes them in the eyes of colleagues.

% Tested have a low level of development of volitional qualities. They simply make something that is easier and more interesting, even if it can damage them. Responsibilities are negligent, which causes different troubles that happen to them. Any request, any duty perceive, almost like physical pain. The point here is not only in a weak will, but also in egoism.

As a result of the data obtained, the volitional qualities of many respondents need to be developed. Social work is designed to solve various problems of people, and many of them are impossible to solve without the development of a certain level of volitional qualities. It is committing solving effort that can be created a favorable image perceived by society.

% I want to advise you to revise your attitude to work and life. Carefree childhood has already ended and need to go in adulthood.

In the process of work, the social worker has to face problematic situations that unknown effectively affects its emotional stability due to stress factors.

The proposed training of stress relief is a universal and effective way of relaxation and getting rid of stress.

% had small difficulties during the training due to non-seriousness in relation to it. But after a few sessions were able to fully relax.

% were able to immediately remove the internal tension. This indicates the relevance of this problem for them. Most likely, this group of respondents in its work often faces stress. In no case cannot be kept in any other way, it can lead to a nervous breakdown.

External appeal also plays a big role in the formation of a positive image of a social worker. Of all the respondents, no uses a purely business style of clothing. It can be resorted when there is a conversation with the authorities. Business style prevents trustful communication, which is very important for a social worker. It can be used by the heads of social institutions and is preferably not constantly.

% In their work, a personality-business style is used, which predisposes to communicate and does not exclude the share of the official. This is certainly using rectangular forms in combination with a man's sweater, which gives a person enough experienced, with high control over his behavior. For women - a suit with skirt and "manual rectangular objects".

The remaining 50% in their work is used by a personality-delicate style, which characterizes a person from ambiguousness, executive, cautious and diplomatic. Women with this style boldly playing with a color scheme.

It should be noted that respondents choose a certain style depending on the situation.

Thus, the formation of a positive image of a specialist of the Ministry of Social Policy is a targeted process that requires great effort from man. It includes such components as a level of professional characteristics, self-assessment degree or level of social characteristics and ways of presentation of the image in society.

The two sides of the image of a specialist - external and internal - must balance each other. For example, a specialist of the Ministry of Social Policy perfectly performs in the external environment, he knows how educated, modern, dynamic, and so on, they trust him, they are equal to him, but in his institution he does not consider it necessary to apply efforts to save this image. He can raise his voice to colleague, dismiss him, forget his promise. In such a case, the probability of the occurrence of the atmosphere, conflicts, the outflow of qualified, who know the price of employees, is very large. It is not necessary to talk about sustainable, healthy corporate culture of the institution. Yes, and hide it from the external environment is unlikely to succeed. Sooner or later, his perfectly built outdoor image can "collapse" under the imperfection of the internal. On the contrary, the specialist of the Ministry of Social Policy does not consider it important and necessary to go out into the external environment and "strategically" is verified. In this case, be prepared that the perception of the image in society will not be positive.

At the same time, a specialist of the Ministry of Social Policy can be a highly educated professional, but without the ability to empathize the problems of the client, hard, straightforward. This will create a repulsive attitude towards him, since in its work he is designed to help people, not only a scientific justification, but a sympathetic word, advice, listening to the problem.

On the other hand, he has very developed quality of social competence, but there is no corresponding level of education. He will impress an emphasis personality, but absolutely not competent in professional matters. Therefore, attention should be paid and developing qualities, both professional competence and social.

Successfully created image indirectly guarantees high quality services, serves as a testimony that the professional works exemplary, keeping order in everything. Thus, the image forms respect for the social worker as a professional, confidence in his proposals and recommendations.

Correctly formed professional image, in fact, becomes a symbol of the profession and actually helps to succeed, causing positive feelings from others (leader, colleagues). Such unconscious approval arises because a person complies with people's idea of \u200b\u200bthe ideal image of a representative of a profession.

The results of the study dictated to us to dwell on the image of the organization's employees in more detail, because when evaluating the criteria for a positive image for the studied institution in the degree of importance, respondents noted:

90%-adventureness, sincerity, responsiveness;

70% of the professional professionalism of the staff;

45% - availability of information on the activities of the institution, specialists, services;

40% is the high quality of social services provided by specialists;

20% - good logistical equipment of the institution, the presence of modern computer equipment, the sanitary condition of the building and territory.

But it must be remembered that only one component of the image is not enough to form an image of a social organization. The technology of forming a social organization's image includes the image of social services, and the image of customers, and the image of managers, and the image of employees, social and visual image, which was devoted to 1 chapter of this work.


image Social Policy

So, the study showed that the unambiguous definition of the concept of "image" is not. Many authors interpret it from different points of view. Also, many identify the "image" with other concepts as "image", "Opinion", "Reputation". Contribute these provisions should not be due to the fact that they all have common features with its own features.

Because of the various approaches to the study of the image, there are different classifications and technology of its formation.

Special importance is the image for a social organization. The representation of citizens about the image of the institutions of social protection of the population affect the effectiveness of solving problems in our society. In order to qualitatively solve the problems of providing social services to the population, it is necessary to have a positively formed image of the institutions of social protection of the population.

The image of the institution of social protection of the population is a steady, emotionally painted image aimed at creating, maintaining and strengthening a positive public opinion on the institutions of the social protection system of the population, quality of social services.

The personality of a specialist of the Ministry of Social Policy plays a very important role in society. Being a mediator between the state and a person who receives social services, a specialist of the Ministry of Social Policy is obliged to have a trustful understanding image. Often it is precisely the personality about the organization as a whole.

There are diverse psychological features of an individual image, and each of them affects the image itself and on his perception surrounding. Of great importance is one or another type of temperament, the level of openness to people. These characteristics cannot be completely changed, but you can make some corrections that will serve for positive perception.

The result of the study was the understanding that to form a positive image of a social institution a little based on modern material equipment or on the quality of services provided and to post information about the establishment. The most important thing is the human factor - the presence of positive personal qualities and professional competence of employees.

Thus, the main thing in the formation of the image of a social organization is the formation of an image of its employees.

A variety of image formation technologies were also studied. As a result, the technology was modeled for the formation of an image of a social worker - as the main component of the image of a social organization. She has concrete characteristics that the specialist of the Ministry of Social Policy should have. These are characteristics such as communicative mechanics, moral reliability, humanitarian education, the art of a psychothechnologist.

The specialist is in constant contact with people, so everyone should repel all over his kind and behavior. He must predict to communicate, emotional experience and confidence.

The practical part also proposed recommendations for improving the appearance to effectively interact with people.

Specialist of the Ministry of Social Policy - the person of the institution. They should pay great attention to creating their image, for this you need to know not only the main components of the image, and the ways of their formation, but also be able to use psychological and behavioral techniques in practice.

Specialist of the Ministry of Social Policy It is necessary to form a corresponding image, which is an important psychocorrection factor. As a result, it will become more confident, actively sociable. The knowledge gained remains an information bank to build positive relationships in various societies, help highlight their personal and business qualities, artificially shadow their shortcomings, gain psychological confidence in communication.

The paper reviews the system of marketing and organizational and economic ways to form an image.

Popularization of the system of providing social services, conducting PR events, the creation of the Foundation Development of the image, determination of the structure of the image management, the formation of a system of incentives is methods that can be safely recommended for use in work not only by the Ministry of Social Policy, but also other social institutions.

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48. Iimge /<#"justify">Attachment 1

Test. Who am I? Captain? Steering? Passenger?

If you want to know yourself, on each of the proposed questions, answer truthfully: "Yes", "no", "I do not know."

1.I always feel responsible for everything that happens in my life.

2.In my life there would be so many problems if some people change their attitude towards me.

.I prefer to act, and not reflect on the causes of my failures.

.Sometimes it seems to me that I was born (born) under a unfortunate star.

5.I believe that any problem can be solved, and I do not really understand those who have some vital difficulties.

6.I love to help people, because I feel gratitude for the fact that others have done for me.

7.If conflict occurs, then thinking who is to blame for him, I usually begin with myself (myself).

.Sometimes I think that people are responsible for much in my life, under the influence of which I became (became) such (such) as I am.

.I believe that alcoholics themselves are to blame in their illness.

.If the black cat goes to me the road, I turn to the other side of the street and waiting for someone to go ahead of me.

.If I climb, I prefer to be treated myself, and not to resort to the help of a doctor.

.I think that in the ride and aggressiveness that other people are most often to blame.

13.I am confident that every person, regardless of the circumstances, should be strong and independent.

.I know my shortcomings, but I want others to relate to them in condescending.

15.I usually labeled with the situation that is unable to influence.

For each answer "yes" for questions 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and the answer "No" for questions 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, check for ten points, for The answer "I do not know" - five points, then calculate the total number of points. The answer at the end of the test.

150 points. You are the captain of my own life, you feel responsible for everything that happens to you, much take on yourself, overcome difficulties, without eating them into the rank of life problems. You see the task and think about how it can be solved. What happens in your soul - for the surrounding mystery.

99 points. You willingly come with a steering, but you can, if necessary, pass the steering wheel in the right hands. When evaluating the reasons for your own difficulties is realistic: flexibility, sensitivity and prudence are always your allies. You know how to live in good agreement with other people, without breaking internal consent with yourself.

Up to 49 points. You often have a passenger in your life, easily obey the external forces, believing that the circumstances, fate and the like. In their difficulties accused anyone, but not only. This independence seems to you an unattainable and impossible.

Appendix 2.

Test. Your level of sociability

This test will help to take a look at ourselves "from the side", whether you know enough societies, are correct in relations with your colleagues, employees, family members.

For each of the 16 questions, answer quickly and definitely: "Yes", "no", "sometimes".

1.You will have an ordinary or business meeting. Does her wait for you?

2.Does the confusion and displeasure arouses the order to make a report, message, information at any meeting, meeting?

.Do you post a visit to the doctor until the last moment?

.You are offered to go on a business trip to the city, where never happened. Do you attach maximum effort to avoid this business trip?

.Do you like to share your experiences with anyone?

.If you are annoying if an unfamiliar person on the street comes to you with a request (show the way, call time, answer the question)?

.Do you believe that there is a problem of "fathers and children" and what people of different generations are difficult to understand each other?

.Will you hesitate to remind a familiar that he forgot to return to you the money that took a few months ago?

.In a cafe or dining room, you have submitted an obviously poor dish. Did you do, only angry with an invalid to the plate?

.Once at one on one with an unfamiliar person, you will not join him in a conversation and will you be painful if he spoke first?

.You are horrified by any long queue, wherever it is. Do you prefer to abandon your intention or in the tail and will be waiting waiting?

12.Are you afraid to participate in any conflict consideration committee?

.You have our own purely individual criteria for evaluating the works of literature, painting, culture and no other opinions on this score accept. This is true?

.Having heard somewhere in the sidelines, saying a clearly erroneous point of view on a well-known question to you, prefer to keep silent and not to enter into a dispute?

.Do you have an annoyance of someone, please help to deal with a particular service question or educational topic?

.Will you set out your point of view (opinion, evaluation) in writing than orally?

Assessment of results. "Yes" - 2 points, "sometimes" - 1 point, "no" - 0 points. Glasses gained and determine by the classifier, to which category are.

32 points. You are clearly noncommunicable and this is your trouble, as they suffer from it not only themselves, but also close people to you. Try to be sociable, control yourself.

29 points. You are closed, not talking, prefer loneliness, new work and the need for new contacts withdraw you from equilibrium. You know this feature of your character and are unhappy with themselves, so in your power to turn these features of nature.

24 points. You, to a certain extent, are sociable and in an unfamiliar situation feel quite confident. However, with new people, converge with a loaf, in disputes and disputes are reluctant.

18 points. You have normal sociability. You are inquisitive, willingly listen to the interlocutor, quite patient in communicating with others, defend calmly your point of view, at the same time do not like noisy companies, and multi-climb causes irritation.

13 points. You are very sociable, curious, talkative, love to speak out on various issues, willingly get acquainted with new people, to be in the spotlight, do not refuse anyone in the request, although you can not always fulfill them. What you miss, so it is a perfection, patience and courage in a collision with serious problems. If desired, it is easy to fix it.

8 points. You must be a "shirt-guy". Sociability beats from you the key, you are always aware of all the cases, you willingly take part in all the discussions, you willingly take the word for any reason, take care of any case, although you can not always successfully bring it to the end. For this reason, colleagues and executives relate to you with some caution and doubts.

point and less. Your sociability is painful. You are speaking, interfere in affairs that do not have anything to you, voluntarily or unwittingly often we have the reason for different conflicts. Hot-tempered, offended, blessings. People at work and home is difficult with you. Think about it.

Appendix 3.

Test. Evaluation of self-control in communication (by Marion Snider)

With this test, you can determine your level of control when communicating with other people. Carefully read the ten suggestions that describe the reactions to some situations. Each of them appreciate how faithful or wrong for yourself. Belief - mark the letter B, and the wrong - letter N.

  1. It seems to me difficult to imitate the habits of other people.
  2. I would probably be a "swim fool" to attract attention or reclaim the surrounding.
  3. From me could get a good actor.
  4. Other people sometimes seem to be worried about something more deeply than it really is.
  5. In the company I rarely find yourself in the spotlight.
  6. In different situations and in dealing with different people, I often behave completely differently.
  7. I can defend only what I am sincerely convinced.
  8. To succeed in affairs and in relations with people, I try to be asking me to see me.
  9. I can be friendly with people I can't get it out.
  10. I am not always like that I seem.

Assessment of results: A single score is charged for "N" for 1, 5, 7 questions and for the answer "B" - for all others. Calculate the amount of points.

3 points Shows low communicative control, i.e. Your behavior is steadily and do not consider it necessary to change depending on the situation. You are capable of genuine disclosure in communication, from which some consider you "inconvenient" because of your straightness.

6 points speaks about medium communicative control. You are sincere, but are not kept in our emotional manifestations. However, those who are considered in their behavior with the surrounding people.

10 points indicates high communicative control. You are easy to enter any role, respond flexibly to changing the situation, feel good and you can foresee the impression that produce on others.

Appendix 4.

Test. Can you influence others

Answer "Yes" or "No" for the following questions:

1.Are you capable of presenting yourself as an actor or politician?

2.Are you annoying people who are dressed and leading themselves extravagant?

.Are you capable of talking to another person on their intimate experiences?

.Do you immediately react when noting the slightest signs of a disrespectful attitude towards your person?

.Do you deter kind of mood when someone seeks success in the area you consider for yourself the most important?

.Do you like to do something very difficult to demonstrate those surrounding your uncommon opportunities?

.Could you donate to everyone to achieve an outstanding result in their business?

.Do you like to keep a dimension lifestyle with the strict schedule of all the cases and even entertainment?

.Do you strive to ensure that the circle of your friends is unchanged?

.Do you like to change the situation at home or rearrange the furniture?

.Do you like to try new ways to solve old tasks?

.Do you like to tease too self-confident and arrogant people?

.Do you like to prove that your boss or someone is very authoritative in something wrong?

When answering "Yes" on questions 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13 and when answering "no" for questions 2, 8, 9 each time 5 points are accrued. (With other responses to the same questions, points are not credited.) Results.

65 points. You are a person who has magnificent backgrounds to effectively influence others, change their behaviors, learn, manage, instruct the right way. In such situations, you usually feel like fish in water. You are convinced that a person should not get into himself, avoid people, stay on the sidelines and think only about himself. He must do something for others, lead them, point them to the mistakes made by mistakes, teach them to better feel in surrounding reality. The same, who does not like this style of relationship, in your opinion, should not spare. You are endowed with a gift to convince others in their right. However, you need to be very careful that your position will not be overly aggressive. In this case, you can easily turn into a fanatic or tyrant.

and fewer points. Alas, although you often have right, convince of this around you do not always manage. You think that your life and life of others should be subordinated to strict discipline, sound sensitory and good manners and its course should be quite predictable.

Appendix 5.

Test. Will you have a person?

1.Is you able to complete the starting work that you are not interested, regardless of what time and circumstances allow you to go off and then go back to it again?

2.Are you overcome without much effort internal resistance when you need to do something unpleasant to you (for example, go to duty on a weekend)?

.When you fall into a conflict situation - at work or in everyday life, is you able to take yourself in your hands to look at the situation with maximum objectivity?

.If a diet is prescribed to you, can all the culinary temptations be overcome?

.Do you find the power in the morning to get up before usual, as was planned in the evening?

.Will there be at the scene to give testimony?

.Are answering letters fast?

.If you have a fear of the upcoming flight on the plane or visit the office of a dental doctor, do you understand without much difficulty overcome this feeling and at the last moment do not change your intention?

.Will you take a very unpleasant medicine that the doctor persistently recommends you?

.Does this haze the promise, even if the fulfillment of it will bring you a lot of trouble, in other words - are you a man of words?

.Without oscillations, do you go on a trip to an unfamiliar city, if necessary?

12.Do you strictly hold the routine of the day: awakening time, food, occupation, cleaning and so on?

.Are we refresan to library debtors?

.The most interesting TV show will not make you postpone the fulfillment of urgent and important work. Is it so?

.Will you be able to interrupt the quarrel and silence, whatever the words "Nasty side" do not seem like?

Each answer "Yes" is estimated at 2 points, "sometimes" - 1 point, "no" - 0 points. Then the sum of the scored points is calculated.


If the amount of points is within 0-12, then you have a low level of development of volitional qualities. You just do what is easier and more interesting, even if it may damage you. Duties are negligent, which is the cause of different troubles that happen to you. Any request, any responsibility perceive almost as physical pain. The point here is not only in a weak will, but also in egoism.

20, then you have the average willpower. If you encounter obstacles, begin to act to overcome it. But if you see a workaround, immediately use it. Do not overdo it, but also you can hold the word. Unpleasant work will try to perform, although they turn. By goodwill, extra charges will not take. It sometimes adversely affects the attitude towards you, not the best side characterizes in the eyes of colleagues.

30, then the power of the will is highly developed. You can rely on you, you will not let go. You do not suffer from new orders, nor long-distance travel, nor those affairs that others scare. But sometimes your firm and irreconcilable position on non-coming issues annoying. Rather, it is stubbornness. You lack such qualities as flexibility, tacty, indulgence, kindness.

Appendix 6.

Test. Do you know how to listen?

The concept of "communicative skills" also implies the ability to establish a friendly atmosphere, understand the problems of the interlocutor. Answers from ten test questions are estimated as follows:

"Almost always" - 2 points, "in most cases" - 4 points, "sometimes" - 6 points, "rare" - 8 points, "almost never" - 10 points.

1.Do you try to "stop" a conversation in cases where the topic (or interlocutor) is not interesting to you?

2.Do you annoy the manners of your partner to communicate?

.Can an unsuccessful expression of another person provoke you to sharpness or rudeness?

.Do you avoid join a conversation with an unknown or little familiar person?

.Do you have a habit to interrupt the speaking?

.Do you do the view that you are closely listening, and you yourself think about another?

.Do you change the topic of conversation if the interlocutor touched the topic not pleasant for you?

.Do you correct a person if there are no properly uttered words, names, vulgarizms in his speech?

10.Do you have a condescending mentor tone with a shade of neglect and irony towards who you are talking to?

Estimates of the results

The more points, the more developed the ability to listen. If more than 62 points are scored, then the ability to listen is above the "mid-level". Usually the middle score of the listeners 55. If the estimate is lower, then you should post for yourself when talking.

Appendix 7.

Training. Two-minute stress renovator on Jose Silva.

The following procedure can be performed in the office, in the parked machine, in the toilet or anywhere else, where no one hurts you. Do not hurry. Take it seriously. Perform it as if your life depends on it. (And this is possible.)

Sit comfortably. If you pick the belt, tie or shoes, dissolve them. Collect your fingers in a fist. Firmly squeeze it. Relax. Remember the feeling of relaxation. Squeeze your teeth. Get ready to remember the feeling of relaxation. Relax the jaws. Do the same with ankle joint, relax it. Now close your eyes, take a deep breath and exhale, then turn your eyes a little up. Recreate this feeling of relaxation on the scalp and on the forehead. Feel this relaxation in the eyelids, on the face, on the jaw. Realize your neck and shoulders. Relax them. Relax her chest and belly. Pay your attention to the top of the back and relax it. Now go to the bottom of the back. Relax her. Now hips, knees, legs, ankles, feet and fingers. Relax every span. Do this full minute. Then slowly count in the reverse order from 25 to 1. Visualize a quiet place, which you can remember - your bed, your favorite chair, your courtyard, meadow, hill, shore - any quiet place, which you can remember. Imagine yourself for a moment. Now mentally repeat: "Every time I relax so, I'm leaving deeper, faster. Time is my friend. It works for me. When I open my eyes at the score of five, I will be vigor, I will feel great, confident, completely owning himself. One two Three. When I reach the account of five and open my eyes, I will be Bodr, I will feel great, confident, completely owning himself. Four five". Open your eyes. "I am Bodr, I feel great, confidently, fully owning myself." This exercise does not take you two minutes. It adds you time. If you do not think that time is elastic, try to wait for the buse's arrival or while the kettle boils. Compare the feeling of spent time with the you think about something more interesting and creative.

You can not stop the clock. But you can actually slow down their move. Think less about time, relax, and you will sat down in the "impossible" time, even the time will still have. And you will live longer.


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