1c retail discount calculation. Instructions for setting up discounts in the "Retail" configuration. What if I want to split wholesale and retail discounts?

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Recently, more and more organizations that trading activity, in order to attract customers, resort to the use of discount cards. A discount card is a tool for providing a consumer with discounts that can be represented by a fixed percentage, bonus points, gifts, etc. It all depends on the conditions set by the marketing service.

In this article, we will look at an example of how to enter discounts on discount cards into the Retail 2.2 1C program.

The company provides card buyers with:

1. Standard, according to which, a 5% discount is provided for the entire assortment of the store and bonus points are accumulated 2% of the amount, 1 point = 1 rub., They can pay up to 50% of the purchase amount. If you have it and purchase products in the amount of 10,000, a silver card is issued.

2. Silver, for which a 10% discount is provided for the entire assortment of the store, the same bonus program, as for the standard one, and it also entitles you to receive gifts in seasonal promotions.

First of all, in the NSI and administration section - Setting up the NSI and sections - CRM and marketing, you need to enable the Loyalty cards option.

Types can be different, you just need to enter the name according to the details accepted in your organization.

Next, you need to enter the discount cards themselves, you can do this in the directory of the same name. Here you can enter a convenient grouping. Entering a new element is performed by the Create command. In the element that opens, fill in the following data:


Owner - filled in, if it is nominal, then you can specify the counterparty - the owner;

Type - the appropriate value is selected from the Types of discount cards directory;

Barcode - fill in if it is used.

To get started, go to the Condition of discounts (markups, restrictions) reference book and fill in the data according to the selected example. Different types of conditions are available here:

We need to create the following values:

First of all, let's pay attention to the possibility of grouping data. This was done mainly to be able to define the rules for discount actions when the conditions for several discounts are met at once. For example, a client has a gold card, which provides a 17% discount on the entire range, as well as a promotion in the store, -30% for products of a certain trademark. What in this case should be the size of the discount of 17%, 30% or 47%? This is determined using the Sharing Option specified for the group. The following options are available.

Also in the group, you can specify the parameters of the restriction, in the form of an exact value of the amount or percentage.

To implement our example, a variant of sequential application is suitable.

We create discounts on cards in 1C.

1. For DC Standard:

Discount Type: Percentage

Size: 5

Condition of provision: Type of discount card: Standard (created at the previous stage).

2. For the issuance of the DK Silver:

Discount type: Display a message;

The moment the message was issued; After issuing a check; Message: Issue a silver card;

Conditions: Type of discount card: Standard and Amount in the document is not less than 10,000 rubles.

3. For DK Silver:

Discount type: Percentage;

Size: 10;

Condition of grant: Type of discount card: Silver.

4. To earn bonus points

Discount type: Accrue bonus points as a percentage of the amount;

Size: 2%;

Condition of grant: Type of discount card: Silver, Standard;

Here you need to specify the bonus program.

5. To give out gifts as part of seasonal promotions

It often happens that we need to somehow stimulate the growth of sales in a particular store or for products in a certain category. A natural question arises: how to do this in 1C? Many companies prefer, without further ado, to delegate these powers to sellers. The seller can look at the check and determine which discount should be set for which product. Well, after that, set the necessary values ​​in the “% manual discount” column. What is called cheap and cheerful. This is by far the easiest option, but the human factor should be taken into account, namely:

  • the seller may forget about any of the current promotions and not provide the client with a discount; the client will feel cheated and upset;
  • the more complex the discount system in the company, the more difficult it is to calculate what percentage of the discount should be set for each specific position; under such conditions, the seller will make mistakes and deprive either the client or the company (and it remains to be seen which is worse);
  • it takes a person much more time to calculate discounts than a machine; hence, throughput cash registers will be reduced, queues will grow, and with them the number of dissatisfied customers will increase;
  • the seller will have the possibility of data manipulation (issuing a larger discount than provided by the terms of the promotion for himself and his friends).

All these minuses are quite significant, so it would be safer to close access to editing manual discounts for sellers. Therefore, we come to the conclusion that it is still better to automate the process of calculating discounts and entrust 1C. Therefore, today we will look at some stock options and how to set them up in 10 trading.

Promotion “Get a discount for buying more than 10 packs”

A discount for buying a large number of products at once is a great excuse to buy an extra couple of packages of the right (or not so needed) product. In 1C, this can be implemented using the document “Setting item discounts”. As a condition, it is necessary to set “the quantity of one item in the document exceeded”.

You can fill in the tabular part “Products” both through the usual selection, and using the “add / fill in by group” mechanism. It is enough to select an item group, and all elements of this group will be added to the tabular section. At the same time, it is important to remember that if another product is added to this group in the future, then the promotion will not automatically apply to it, for this you will have to manually make an appropriate entry in the discount setting document.

Sometimes it is almost impossible to track the expansion of the assortment and timely adjust the discount settings. Therefore, in such cases, it is better to set discounts not for the item, but for price groups. How to do it? It is necessary to select the appropriate item in the “Operation” menu. In this case, when adding a new item to the database, it is enough to set a price group for it, and you won’t have to worry about whether the promotion will spread to this item.

It should be noted that the discount will be valid immediately for all items purchased in excess of the specified limit. In other words, it is impossible to implement the promo “buy 3 for the price of 2” (“buy 4 for the price of 3”, etc.) loved by many supermarkets in this way. You will have to create a new set-kit in the nomenclature and implement the promotion using the “natural discount” type. This, of course, is not scary if we have a promotion only for, say, a 5-kilogram package of washing powder of the brandNN. And if we want to introduce this promotion, for example, for all household chemicals? Then the process of creating kits can take a long time. In this situation, you can help ...

Promotion “Buy 4 and get the fifth with a 50% discount”

This type of shares is a generalized version of the “buy 3 for the price of 2” shares (it can be rephrased as “buy 2 and get the third at a 100% discount”), and it cannot be implemented using the standard configuration 1C: Trade Management 10.3. For this, we have developed special mechanism, and it works as follows. We start a new document in the database “Buy a shareBUT and BUT with discount".

Here, as in the document “Setting product discounts”, we can limit the validity period of the promotion and its recipients (specify the list of stores in which it will be valid). On the “goods” tab, we, unlike a standard document, are not limited to a list of elements, you can set conditions for entire groups of items. For example, the system interprets the second line as “buy 4 packs of any product from the Gardening group and get a 50% discount for the next 3 in the receipt.” In other words, if I buy 3 garden shovels and 2 garden hoses, I will not receive a discount. But if I pick up 6 garden shovels at once, then a 50% discount will be given to me for the fifth and sixth. Accordingly, if I purchase as many as 13 blades, I will receive 5 of them at a discount (13 = 4 + 3 + 4 + 2, that is, I will buy 8 at full price and 5 at a discount).

The system will also automatically determine the most favorable discount for the client if several promotions are set at the same time. For example, in our store, when buying 4 pieces of any product, the fifth one is given out for free, and when buying 1 kitchen knife, the second one is sold at a 75% discount. The client purchased five identical kitchen knives. Which of the shares he will receive big discount? We calculate: according to the “5 for the price of 4” rule, the discount for each of the 5 purchased knives is on average 20%, and according to the “second knife with a discount” rule - 30%. Therefore, the knife-only rule will apply as it is more beneficial to the customer.

And in the workplace of the cashier, the action will operate as follows. When scanning the next product or changing the quantity, a breakdown into sets will be made and automatic discounts will be calculated.

If desired, you can inform the seller about current promotions directly from RCC. To do this, it is enough to enter a description of each promotion in the “Comment” field of the document corresponding to it. Then, when a promotional item is added to the receipt, this description will be displayed on the screen as a message to the user “Now there is a promotion in the store ...”. The seller in this case may offer the client to participate in this promotion and purchase more goods than planned. This mechanism of reminders allows you to increase sales.

Promotion “When buying a coat - a scarf as a gift”

Similar promotions are often held in supermarkets. household appliances, cosmetics and clothes. For the purchase of an expensive product, you get the opportunity to get a cheaper product with a good discount or even for free. Such gifts can be issued in 1C, as mentioned earlier, with the help of natural discounts and the creation of kits. The main disadvantage has remained unchanged: the need to specify each combination in the form of a set-set. Therefore, for a large assortment, it is better to refine the configuration and set up the next type of promotion.

Promotion “Buy a textbook and get a 30% discount on a workbook”

To set such discounts, you can use the non-standard document developed by us “Purchase promotionBUT and ATwith discount". In the same way as for regular discounts, you can refine the list of recipient warehouses and limit the discount validity period. On the “Products” tab, item items or groups are specified, subject to the purchase of which a discount will be provided. On the "Items at a discount" tab, you can specify products or product groups and the percentage discount for them, as in a regular discount setting document.

As for the “Buy A and A at a discount” promotion, when adding a product from the first tab, you can give the seller a message describing the promotion that is valid when he purchases (the text is also taken from the comment to the document). The mechanism for selecting the maximum discount operates in the same way.

Promotion “Get double discount with your discount card”

Such increased discounts are usually timed either to coincide with some holidays (“Our company is 6 years old! We give 6% discount on everything”), or as compensation for the expected decline in sales (“Thank you for buying our products in January”). You can set this up as follows.

Double discount with discount card

In the example above, all cardholders of the “10” type (meaning 10% discount) will receive a 20% discount throughout January instead of the usual 10. If the discount system is multi-stage, then a similar discount setting document will have to be created for each stage. Or, alternatively, you can stimulate sales growth by specifying the “No Conditions” condition. This will mean that absolutely all customers will receive a discount, and not just happy owners of information cards.

Promotion “Get double discount on your discount card on your birthday”

But such an option in typical 1C can, of course, be implemented, but it is very difficult. In the document “setting item discounts”, it is possible to specify a specific information card, upon presentation of which a discount will be provided. But, you see, it is simply unthinkable to start a separate action for EACH counterparty. To do this, you can use our solution. When issuing an information card to a new client, we ask for his date of birth and enter this information into the database. Then, in the special constant “Increasing coefficient on birthday”, we enter the desired value (for example, 2), and in the constant “Validity coefficient on birthday” - the desired period (for example, if we specify 3 here, then a double discount will be provided on your birthday, as well as three days before and after your birthday, i.e. a whole week).

Then, upon presentation of a loyalty card, the system will check whether today's date falls within the “birthday” interval and, if necessary, increase the percentage of automatic discounts provided for all other promotions. It is also possible to send a message to the seller like “congratulate Ivan Ivanovich on his upcoming birthday.”

Promotion “Get a discount for purchases over 5,000 rubles”

What is the easiest way to make a customer buy more at a time? Of course, offer him a discount! For example, if the check amount exceeds 5,000 rubles, you get a 15% discount on all goods. It is very difficult to resist such temptation.

To do this, we just need to set the condition in “The amount of the sales document exceeded”, and set the desired amount in the value (in our case, this is 5,000 rubles). Then, if desired, we can limit the duration of the discount (we have it only on weekends), recipients (recipients can be warehouses or counterparties in order to stimulate sales in a particular retail store or encourage a specific customer to purchase).

Promotion “Get a discount for the purchase of power tools worth more than 5,000 rubles”

Unfortunately, in the promotion described above, the discount will be provided on specified goods with the purchase of ANY goods on a certain amount. And if you want to issue a discount only for the purchase of only, for example, goods of a certain brand? This can no longer be done in standard trading. But if you really want to, you can adjust the configuration and set the settings as follows. Let's create a new document "Setting item discounts detailing" (it looks almost the same as a typical one) and specify "Amount of goods exceeded" as a condition for granting a discount. Then, as in other cases, we indicate which products or groups of products this discount will apply to. It will function like all other discounts: the recalculation will be made in case of any change in the composition of the receipt.

Promotion “Thank you for paying by card”

Accepting cash payments is a rather tedious task. First, the buyer searches the wallet for the required amount, then you count the change for him, and it turns out that you have run out of all hundred bills. The process of exchanging or searching for change by the client begins. Paying by card is much faster and more convenient. But many still prefer to pay in cash. What to do? Provide a customer with a discount for a certain type of payment.

As a type of payment, you can specify any accepted in your company: payment gift certificate, bank card of a certain payment system, etc.

Promotion “Paid for the purchase with a card? A present for you!”

Sometimes it is economically unprofitable to provide a discount for paying with a card, but you still want to thank the client. Then you can just give him some trifle (often this is packaging wet wipes, lighter or something similar). To set up a similar promotion in 1C, you can also use the document “setting item discounts detailing”. It is necessary to specify a “gift” item in the field of the same name, and when choosing to pay by card, the system will automatically enter it (of course, subject to the presence of a gift in the warehouse) in the receipt (or post the “Write-off of goods” document, it all depends on the preferences of the head of the company).

Happy hour promotion

Most often, such promotions are held in supermarkets for products own production. In order not to leave dressed salad or grilled meat for the next day, they are sold at a discount in the last hour before the store closes.

In the above example (for convenience, two tabs are shown in one screenshot), the indicated confectionery on weekdays from 19:00 to 20:00 a 10% discount will be provided.

The program "1C: Trade Management 8" (version 11.3) allows you to apply discounts when registering the sale of goods, including setting up automatic discounts. On our website you can read about and about setting up automatic discounts and.

This article discusses the combined use of automatic discounts.

Our organization provides wholesale customers two types of discounts: 5% for cash payments and 10% for a one-time sale of at least 10,000 rubles. The conditions of these discounts are listed in the 1C discount and markup directory for the purpose of automatic application. It is necessary that if both of these conditions are met at the same time, the discount percentages are summed up.

Discount Sharing Options

1C provides for a situation when the conditions for several automatic discounts are met during the sale. To set up the joint application of discounts, use the groups of the "Discounts (markups)" reference book. Let's open this guide.

CRM and marketing / Prices and discounts / Discounts (markups)

Create a new group by clicking the "Create Group" button.

In the discount group form, you can select the option of joint application for discounts included in this group. Possible options:

  • Minimum. The discount with the minimum value will be selected.
  • Maximum. The discount with the maximum value will be selected. (For the "minimum" and "maximum" options, it is also possible to choose the comparison method - by line or by the document as a whole).
  • Addition. A discount equal to the sum of the existing discounts will be applied. In this case, percentages or discount amounts may be added, depending on the type of discount.
  • Multiplication. Discounts will be applied sequentially: first, the program will calculate the percentage of the discount that has the highest priority; the next discount will be calculated for the amount, taking into account the discount already granted. Sum discounts in this case operate on the principle of addition - they are added to the calculated amount.
  • Crowding out. Only one discount with the highest priority in the group will be valid.

In our example, we will choose the "Addition" option.

Let's write down and close the group of discounts. Then we will move the existing discounts (elements of the directory) into it: “10% for a purchase of 10,000 rubles.” and "5% if paid in cash".

Example of joint application of sales discounts

Let's create a sales document (for example, a customer order) and enter data into it that meets the conditions of two discounts: goods for a total amount of at least 10,000 rubles. (10% discount) and cash payment (5% discount). Let's carry out the document; the program will calculate and apply the available automatic discounts. Our discounts are set to add together, so the total discount is 15%.

To see information about the applied discounts and the fulfillment of their conditions, select one of the product lines in the document and click "Prices and discounts - Open information for discounts (markups) for the current line". The "Applied discounts (markups) for line" form opens. For a more detailed view, expand the "tree" of the list.

Information about the discounts applied to all items in a one-time sale is available in the report by clicking the "Reports - Applied Discounts" button in the sales document.

Advice. If the conditions or settings for the joint application of discounts were changed after the sales document was recorded, use the command “Prices and discounts - Calculate discounts (markups)” in the document. Discounts will be recalculated.

  1. First, let's create two types of discount cards

  1. Enter discount cards

  1. Create item segments

When creating product segments, you must specify the entire list of goods and materials that will be included in this segment. You can specify the list manually, or based on the selection rules in the top field. But it is important to remember that the item list is a list that changes dynamically. Let's say we want to receive discounts on all products from some product group, for this we need to do the following in the selection. from the tights group.

It would seem that everything is fine. But! (there is always a “but”), when a new product is added to the “Tights” group, it will not fall into the product segment and the discount will not be considered. To do this, you need to update the item segment. You can update the item segment manually or automatically. It's very easy to do it manually, just open the product segment and click "Generate" - the entire segment is updated. To update automatically, go to the "Schedule" tab, then click on and set up a schedule I recommend every day, every 1800 seconds starting at 9am.

Complex discounts.

Let's say we have the following conditions:

The club card gives you:

5% discount on purchases of Rs 10,000 or more.

4% discount on purchases in the amount of 5,000 to 10,000 rubles.

3% discount for purchases up to 5000 rubles.

To do this, we need to create a discount hierarchy.

  1. Let's create a group "Discounts by base card" in Discounts and select the "Squeeze" checkbox.

If the buyer presents the card, he will receive a 3 percent discount, regardless of the purchase amount. This discount will be valid if other discounts on the amount do not block it. The next discount will be if the amount of the document is more than 5000 rubles and this is the first purchase:

The next discount will be valid if the buyer has already made purchases for at least 5,000 rubles.

Why did you need a discount on a document when buying more than 5000 rubles? If such a discount is not made, and the buyer bought, for example, goods for 5400, then he will be given a 3% discount and not 4%, since at the time of registration of the discount he did not have purchases and the simplest discount of 3% works.

After setting up discounts, do not forget to enter each discount in the "Marketing Promotion" document so that it is taken into account.

In order for the system to automatically calculate discounts when selling goods, you need to create an element of the "Discounts (markups)" directory in the system with a description of the conditions for granting discounts and benefits provided to the buyer and put the discounts into effect using the "Marketing promotion" document. The system allows you to take into account various conditions for granting discounts.

The discount can include:

  • Day of the week and time of the discount.
  • Buyer savings.
  • A list of goods (Nomenclature segment), subject to the purchase of which a discount is provided.
  • List of goods for which the discount is provided.
  • A list of excluded products for which the discount is not available.
  • The minimum quantity of goods, the amount on the product line or on the check to provide a discount.
  • Other conditions:
    • Buyer's birthday, if this information is entered into the database.
    • Coupon.
    • Check number.

In the "Marketing Promotion" document, the user specifies:

  • the shops
  • discount period.

Rounding of check amount. When applying discounts, the total rarely satisfies the policy commercial enterprise by rounding prices and amounts. The system allows you to set the rounding order for the check amount for each store. Segment of the item excluded from discounts - the segment of the item of this store, which is not subject to any discounts.

Entering customer data

To study the needs of its customers and strengthen customer loyalty to the store, the company creates databases using the ability to identify the customer using the Discount Card ("References" - "Pricing" - "Discount Cards").

In the "Information Card" directory element with the "Discount" type, the user enters data on the card codes: magnetic and / or bar code, selects the card owner from the "Individuals" directory or enters data into it if the card is issued to this individual for the first time. The owner of the discount card can be included in the group of discount recipients, which can then be used to generate discounts.

Directory "Discounts (margins)"

In the nodes of the hierarchical reference book "Discounts (markups)", the user can set up the rules for the interaction of discounts placed in subordinate groups. Examples of setting up discount interactions will be presented at the end of this section.

Directory element "Discounts (markups)"

Formation of a discount. To form a discount, the user selects a group of discounts and creates new element button command line, enters the name of the discount. Below the name, as the fields are filled in, a description of the discount is automatically generated, with the help of which the user can control the correctness of filling out the form.

The "Calculate" field separates the discounts applied to the product in the current document (according to the current document), and cumulative discounts for sales of the period: month, quarter, half year, year or throughout the entire period. The period definition option specifies how the period is determined. In our example, a month is selected, and if today is May 15, then when choosing "Last calendar period" the amount of sales for April will be taken into account, when choosing "Last sliding period" - sales from April 15 to May 14, and in the case of "From the beginning of the current period" - sales from May 1.

The "Discount" field determines whether it will be applied to the totals for the entire receipt (sales document) or only goods of a certain segment, specified by the user in the next field, will be analyzed.

The user can also specify an exclusion segment for products for which the discount does not apply.

The discount may have a quantity or amount limit: not less than the value specified by the user. In this case, depending on the value of the "Discount" field, the restriction will be applied either to the totals for the document, or for the check nomenclature belonging to the segment. If the discount is applied to the item, then the checkbox by line becomes available. If you check this box, the restrictions will apply to the parameters of each receipt line, and not to the totals for all products from the segment.

If the conditions are met, the following discounts will be automatically applied: a percentage or an amount in the amount specified by the user, or the type of prices selected by the user. Discounts will be applied to the item of the segment specified in the next field or, if nothing is specified in this field, to the segment of the item specified in the discount conditions. You can limit the maximum percentage discount for each line.


If the buyer purchases more than 12 Tyoma brand baby food, he will receive a 5% discount on the purchased baby food from this company. It is necessary to create a segment of the product "Theme", specify the value "according to the current document" in the field "Calculate", set the value "per segment of the product" in the field "Discount", select the segment "Theme", in the field "Restriction" - the value "by quantity ”, not less than 12. In the “Apply discount” field, set “percentage” and then enter the value “5”.


If the buyer, who is a member of the group of recipients of the "Large Family" discount, purchases 12 pcs. any item of Tyoma brand baby food, you will receive an 8% discount for each such item. It is necessary to create a segment of the product "Theme", specify the value "according to the current document" in the field "Calculate", set the value "per segment of the product" in the field Discount, select the segment "Theme", in the field "Restriction" - the value "by quantity", not less than 12 and set the flag "in one line". In the "Apply discount" field, set "percentage" and then enter the value "8". On the "Recipients" tab, set the type "Group of discount recipients" - "Large family".


If the buyer purchases more than 10 Tyoma brand baby food, he will receive a 10% discount on Tyoma drinking water. The discount is issued in the same way as the previous one; pre-formed segment Drinking water Theme" must be entered in the field next to the % discount.

Additional discount conditions

Receipt multiplicity: the discount will be provided for receipts, the number of which is a multiple of the number specified by the user.

Coupon discount. When issuing a check, the cashier can enter coupon information using the "Coupon" button or alt+F11. When proceeding to payment, the system will automatically calculate the discount.

Buyer's birthday discount. If information about the buyer's birthday is entered into the system (reference book "Individuals"), then in the discount you can set the interval during which the buyer will be calculated an automatic discount upon presentation of a discount card. If the information is not entered into the system, then the birthday discount upon presentation of the document should be understood as a coupon discount.

Discount recipients are listed in the "Recipients" tabular section. The list of recipients can be generated manually from the "Information cards" directory, using selections, or by specifying the type of recipient: counterparties, individuals, discount cards, types of discount cards and groups of discount recipients.

You can also limit the discount to a day or a week by setting up a schedule on the Validity tab.


If the owner of the recreation center "Silver" has a birthday, he will receive a 10% discount on all goods during the week, three days before the birthday and three days after, and if "Golden", then 15% in the same period. Buyers who do not have a card must be given a 5% discount and, at the request of the buyer, a “Silver” card must be issued.

To set up such a discount, you need to create three elements of the Discounts (markups) directory and establish interaction between them.

You need to specify the value “according to the current document” in the “Calculate” field, set the value “per document” in the “Discount” field, select “Birthday” in the “Additional condition” field, then enter the value “3” in the “days until” fields and “days after”, select the type “types of discount cards” on the “Recipients” tab and select “Silver card” in the tabular section. In the "Apply discount" field, set "percentage" and then enter the value "10". Similarly, create a discount on the "Golden" card, indicating the% discount - "15".

To set up a birthday discount for a customer who does not have a discount card, select the value “according to the current document” in the “Calculate” field, set the value “according to the document” in the “Discount” field, and select “By coupon” in the “Additional condition” field ”, the tabular part “Recipients” does not need to be filled. In the "Apply discount" field, set "percentage" and then enter the value "5".


"Products of the Day" - a permanent 20% discount on selected products in the segment. The list of products changes weekly. In the "Discount" field, select the value for the "Products of the day" segment. In the "Apply discount" field, set "percentage" and then enter the value "20". The composition of the Deal of the Day segment is changed manually on a weekly basis.


"Morning Deal" All items purchased from 9.00 to 11.00 on weekdays are subject to a 3% discount, except for items in the "Deals of the Day" list. You need to select the value “per document” in the “Discount” field and add the segment-exclusion “Products of the day” to the conditions. In the "Apply discount" field, set "percentage" and then enter the value "3".

Buyer Gifts

Another advantage that the buyer can receive is a gift consisting of several items of the nomenclature listed in the "Gift Set" tabular section. If you set the flag "One from the list", the system will provide the cashier with the opportunity to select a gift from this list. The condition for granting a gift may be a joint purchase of goods included in the tabular part of the Set of goods. Tabular parts, like others, can be filled in manually from the nomenclature reference book or using selections.


"Gift with the purchase of furniture for a newborn": When buying a crib, chest of drawers and a changing table, the buyer will receive a pendant in the crib and a toy as a gift. In the "Calculate" field, select the value "for the current document". In the "Apply discount" field, select the value "Gift", enter in the tabular section "Set of goods" a bed, a table and a chest of drawers with a quantity of 1 for each line, in the tabular section "Set of Gifts" select the products: "Suspension for the bed" and "Rattle ' with a count of 1 for each row. Do not set the "One from the list" flag.

Gifts to the buyer are recorded in the tabular section "Gifts" of the document "KKM Receipt". When generating a report on retail sales, the document "Write-off" is automatically generated with the business transaction "Write-off to costs".

The "Count as a sale" flag allows you to take into account the gift as part of the commodity part of the check. The amount of the gift in this case is deducted from the amount of the check and distributed to all product lines in proportion to the amount of the line.


"Gift with the purchase of STEP 1500". When buying two STEP puzzles of 1500 pieces, the Buyer receives as a gift a STEP puzzle 30 det. When generating a check, include in the composition of the commodity part. In the "Calculate" field, select the value for the current document, create the "STEP 1500" segment and select the value for the "STEP 1500" segment in the "Discount" field. In the "Apply discount" field, select "Gift", check the flags "One from the list" and "Count as a sale" and in the tabular section "Set of Gifts" create a list of puzzles intended as a gift with the number 1 in each line.


"Three for the price of two." When buying three puzzles of 60 children, one of them (with a minimum price) is a gift. In the "Calculate" field, select the value "according to the current document", create the "STEP three for the price of two" segment and select the value for the "STEP three for the price of two" segment in the "Discount" field. In the "Apply discount" field, select "Gift", in the "Limitation" field, select "By quantity", indicate at least 3, check the "From the shopping cart" flag and indicate the number of gifts from among the purchased puzzles - 1.

Message to cashier

The discount generation mechanism allows you to display messages on the cashier's screen when discount conditions are met. To set up a message, you need to select the "Message" value in the "Apply discount" field and enter the text of the message. The user can choose the moment of displaying the message on the screen: either at the time of discount calculation, or after the receipt is issued.

Examples of setting up discount interactions

As mentioned earlier, in the nodes of the hierarchical reference book "Discounts (markups)", the user can configure the rules for the interaction of discounts placed in subordinate groups:

  • crowding out
  • Minimum
  • Maximum
  • Summation
  • Consistent application

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The result of the interaction of discounts in a group with the interaction type "Displacement", "Minimum" or "Maximum" is one of the group's discounts. In these cases, the effective discount is determined by the rules: the top discount in the group list crowds out all the others, or the discount with the minimum or maximum calculated amount is valid. The position of the discount in the group can be controlled using the arrows in the command panel of the lookup form.

In other cases, the total amount of the discount is determined by all discounts in the group. When applying the Addition rule, the total discount is the sum of the discounts. When using the "Consecutive application" rule - the top discount in the group list is applied first, then the second discount is applied to the result of the previous discount, etc.

Discounts are limited when used together. In the case when the benefits are not comparable, the rules of interaction "Minimum" and "Maximum" do not apply. For example, discounts in kind, "Gifts", are not comparable with percentage discounts, or if the "Amount" or "Gifts" discounts are applied to different segments of goods. In this case, either both discounts are applied independently (summation) or one of the discounts crowds out the other.

The rules for pushing discounts need to be discussed in detail. All possible discounts form four groups:

  • Discounts with the "Amount" advantage for a group of document lines or "Gift":
    • Discounts with "Amount" advantage and filled product segment
    • Discounts with "Gift" advantage and any other conditions
  • Discounts applied to the document line:
    • Discounts with "Percentage" advantage
    • Discounts with "Price type" advantage
    • Discounts with "Amount" advantage
    • Discounts with a limit of one line and any other conditions
  • Discounts on the document as a whole with the advantage of "Percentage", "Price Type" with empty product segments.
  • Discounts on the document as a whole with the advantage of "Gift" and "Amount" with empty product segments.

The displacement rules between groups are determined by the table:

Displacement Discount
Displaced discount
On document lines Document Discounts
Discounts applied to a document line
Advantage discounts Amount per document line group or GiftDisplaces if there is at least one match for item segments or kits
Advantage discounts Amount per document line group or Gift Displaces according to the rules assigned in the group: Unconditional, Minimum, Maximum
Advantage Discount Percentage or Price TypeDisplaces on the lines included in the set or segment of the preemptive discount item
Advantage Discount Amount or GiftCertainly displaces

If two discounts have non-intersecting conditions, then they do not interact at all. For example, if discounts are applied to different, non-overlapping product segments, groups of discount recipients do not have common recipients, the discount validity period is defined, but has no intersections, etc.


Cumulative threshold discounts. If the buyer purchased goods in the store for more than 15,000 UAH, then he will receive a 3% discount if more than 25,000 UAH. - 5%, more than 50,000 UAH. - 7% on the amount of the check on the accumulative discount card. To set up such a discount system, you need to create three elements of the same type of the "Discounts (markups)" reference book in the "Displacement" group.

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Birthday discounts for a simple discount card "Silver", accumulative "Gold" and without a discount card. The buyer can present only one of the discount cards or not present it at all, therefore the conditions for applying discounts are mutually exclusive. A group can have any sharing rule, such as Maximum.


Discounts on children's food "Tyoma". If you place these discounts in a group with the “Maximum” interaction rule, then all three discounts will work on the receipt below, and the result of the action will differ depending on whether the buyer belongs to the group of recipients of the “Large family” discount recipients.


Discounts on puzzle "STEP". Both of the described discounts for the "STEP" group have the "Gift" advantage, so they can interact either on the basis of the sum or displacement principle. The discounts in the example have non-intersecting conditions, so you can choose any rule, such as "Amount". This means that if the receipt contains two puzzles of 1500 children each and three from the stand (60 children each), the buyer will receive a discount on the receipt in the amount of the minimum price of the selected puzzles of 60 children. and another puzzle 30 children. as a gift from the gift list.

If these promotions take place simultaneously, you need to set up rules for interaction between discount groups:

  • Discounts on puzzle "STEP".
  • Discounts on children's food "Tyoma".
  • Discounts on the buyer's birthday on the amount of the purchase.
  • Cumulative discounts.
  • Morning discount.

For example, like this:

Since our company uses discounts with the “Gift” advantage, this group of discounts can interact with others only according to the “Displacement” and “Summation” rules. Discount groups "Gifts" and "Tyoma baby food" refer to different product groups, if they meet in one check, they must be applied independently - i.e. they must be placed in the "Product Discounts" group with the "Summation" rule.

Percentage discounts on the check amount: "Birthday discounts", "Cumulative" and "Morning" discounts are logically placed in the "Discounts on the check amount" group with the "Maximum" interaction rule.

And, finally, both resulting groups should be placed in the “Total Discount” group with the “Summation” or “Stripping” rule, depending on whether we want these discounts to be applied independently of each other or only one of them. If you set up the interaction, as in our example, then the amount of product lines for which discounts from the “Product Discounts” group have been applied will not be taken into account in the total amount of the receipt, and the total discount on the receipt will thus decrease.

Document "Marketing campaign"

As already mentioned, the discount is put into effect using the "Marketing campaign" document ("Documents" - "Discounts" - "Marketing campaign").

Using the "Marketing promotion" document, the user can set the schedule for discounts in different stores within the same promotion. The left tabular section lists the stores where the discounts listed in the right tabular section will apply. For each discount, the beginning and end of its action is set, which by default coincides with the period of the promotion. When changing dates, the system checks that the discount period is included in the promotion period.

If discounts are valid in all stores, the user can check the box "For all stores". The flag "One discount schedule for all stores" sets a single schedule for the stores listed in the left tabular section.

On the "Description" tab, the user can enter a detailed description of the action and the actions of the staff during its implementation.


Step sales. The company is having a sale winter clothes in two stages:

Stage 1. Sale with a 30% discount is subject to the goods of the groups "Children's" and "Teenage outerwear" of the winter assortment with a turnover of less than 60% for the period from 01.10.2008 to 01.25.2009. The start date of the discount is 04.04, the end date is 03.03.

Stage 2. The sale at a 50% discount is subject to the goods of the "Children's" and "Teenage Outerwear" groups of the winter assortment, winter hats, mittens and gloves with a turnover in the whole network of less than 80% for the period from 01.10.2008 to 25.02.2009. The start date of the discount is -04.031, the end date is -31.03.

Before the start of each stage of the sale, the manager generates a list of "Items for Sale" according to the conditions using the "Fill in according to the results of the analysis" processing.

To generate a list of goods for sale, you can analyze sales in the whole network, as shown in the figure. In this case, you need to create two lists of goods and two elements of the "Discount (markup)" reference book corresponding to each stage:

It is assumed that the validity periods of each discount do not overlap, so the rule for the interaction of discounts in a group can be any.

Most often, other discounts accepted by the company do not apply to goods from the "Sale" list or all other discounts are suspended for the duration of the sale. In the first case, the "Sale" discount group should be placed in the top line of the group with the "Squeeze out" rule, the rest of the discounts should be located below (see the screenshot in the previous section). In the second, for other discounts, the discount schedule settings in the corresponding "Marketing Promotion" document are used, as described below.

The user generates a "Marketing promotion" document with a schedule of discounts for a sale:

Product lists can be formed both in general for the entire network, and taking into account the peculiarities of the implementation of the nomenclature in each store. In this case, the user needs to generate two discounts corresponding to the stages of the sale for each store, set up a discount schedule for each store, and generate a list of goods for sale for each store using the "Shop" parameter in the "Fill according to analysis results" processing setting.

Sale of goods

The calculation of the discount when generating the document "KKM Check" has some peculiarities. Discounts for goods, in terms of which nomenclature segments are specified, can be calculated as the receipt is generated, discounts for a set of goods and discounts for the receipt as a whole can be calculated only when the commodity part of the receipt is completely filled - by pressing the "Payment" button. If the cashier needs to make changes to the commodity part of the receipt, then the discounts can be recalculated either by switching to the payment mode again or by clicking the "Calculate discounts" button.

Gifts that need to be given to the buyer as a result of applying the discount are displayed on the cashier's screen in the window. The cashier can choose from the list of gifts given to the buyer.

When making a sale upon presentation of a bonus sheet, the cashier clicks on the "Coupons" button or uses the key combination alt + F11. The system selects all types of discounts with an additional "by coupon" condition that are valid on the date of check penetration and satisfy the conditions for granting a discount. A message is displayed on the screen about all available types of bonus list discounts, the cashier can select the desired discount.

When registering the "KKM Receipt" document in the manager's workstation mode, discounts are calculated by pressing the "Discount Calculation" button from the command panel or by posting the document.


The company takes targeted measures to attract new customers and meet the needs of customers through various promotions. Promotions are aimed at increasing brand awareness of the enterprise and, as a result, attracting new customers. The purpose of marketing campaigns is to promote a certain product to the market. When changing the assortment, there is often a need to reduce the inventory balance of certain goods. For this, a time-limited price reduction is used - sales. To analyze the effect produced by the action, you can use the reporting system (“Reports” - “Marketing Activities”).

Evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing activities

The main report of the report group, which allows you to evaluate the dynamics of the main sales indicators during the marketing campaign in comparison with the period before it began. These indicators can be deciphered by other reports:

  • Sales evaluation - provides more detailed information on checks by stores and cash registers.
  • Discount application evaluation - provides information on the number of discounts applied and the dynamics of the amount of discounts provided.
  • Evaluation of the promotion of goods - provides information about the sales of goods participating in the promotion during and after the promotion in comparison with the period before the promotion.
  • Sale estimate - provides information about the change in the level of inventory as a result of ongoing sales.

It should be taken into account that if the product promotion action is carried out under "other things being equal" conditions, then the report will show the effectiveness of this promotion. Otherwise, the factors of influence of other shares will not be taken into account. That is, if an action is planned to temporarily reduce the price of a product that has just appeared on the market, then this action should not be carried out along with a mass sale of other goods.

The user can select a share for analysis from the list that opens when clicking the "Fill in the selection for the share" button. The analysis is carried out in the context of the stores established in the selection - participants of the action.

Report indicators:

Absolute sales figures before and during the promotion:

  • Amount of sales, UAH - average for the period the actual amount of the sale of goods for the interval in hryvnia (including discounts)
  • С/с-t sales, UAH - the average cost of selling goods for the period in hryvnias
  • Profit, UAH - the difference between the previous two indicators
  • Number of receipts - the number of sales receipts per interval, averaged over the period
  • The average amount of the check, UAH - the amount of the check, taking into account the discount, averaged over the period
  • Average profit of a ticket, UAH - profit for the period / number of buyers for the period.
  • Average discount, % - discount amount / (Sales amount + Discount amount) as a percentage.

Changes in indicators relative to the corresponding indicator “before the share”: