New Year's scenario for the year of the dog street walking. The script of the performance for the new year of the dog for children. Dream on Paper competition

New Year is a favorite holiday of all people, which not only charges with positive emotions, but also brings family and close friends together.

How to arrange a fun and memorable holiday for your guests if you decide to have a New Year's party at your home? The most important thing is to think over all competitions and entertainment in advance, prepare the necessary equipment, decorate the room, and choose the appropriate music.

Let's look at several scenarios for the 2018 New Year's Eve Party in honor of the Yellow Dog.

Host: Good evening, dear friends! The long-awaited magical New Year's Eve has come! I propose to fill our glasses and glasses and wish each other a Happy New Year!

After the glasses are full, the presenter pronounces congratulations:

I want to congratulate you all.

Wish love, luck,

Amazing happiness

Sparkling fun.

More joy and laughter

And pleasant impressions

Continuous success,

In every work of inspiration!

Happy New Year!!!

Dance competition "Dog Waltz"

For this competition, it is necessary to prepare a recording of "Dog Waltz".

Host: New 2018 will be held under the auspices of the friendly and loyal Yellow Dog. I propose to greet the hostess of the new year and dance "Dog Waltz" for her.

The movements are very simple and easy to remember. We all stand up together and divide into pairs. When the music starts playing, you will have to take turns to sit down.

Then you will need to wag your "tail", scratch yourself behind your ear, you can even bark and squeal like a dog. In a word, we transform into the best friend of man - a dog. The funniest and most convincing pair will win.

Dream on Paper competition

For this competition, you will need sheets of paper and felt-tip pens, one for each participant.

Host: Now I invite everyone to draw their dream. To complicate this task and make it more fun, close our eyes and don't peep!

We divide the players into two teams: some will be "artists", others - "guessers". Artists "blindly" paint their dream. The second team, as all the work will be completed, tries to guess what the author has depicted.

All participants are awarded with symbolic prizes (it can be tangerines, sweets) and the belief that in the New Year their wishes will certainly come true

Contest "Find a Dog"

This competition will require a toy dog ​​and some chairs (half the size of the competition participants).

Host: Dogs are distinguished by their keen sense of smell, it is impossible to hide anything from them. Let's do a little experiment.

We expose the participants in a semicircle, someone will stand, someone will sit on chairs. We blindfold one of the players. His task will be to find a dog hidden by one of the participants in the competition. The toy can be hidden anywhere: under a dress, in a sleeve, in a bosom.

The game can be repeated several times, and then choose the one who coped with the search faster.

Competition "Virtuoso whistle"

For this competition, you need to stock up on small round cookies.

Host: Now we are going to whistle the hostess of the New Year. To make the task not seem too easy, you will need to put several cookies in your mouth. The most virtuoso whistler will win, who will not spit and will not lose a single cookie!

At first glance, it might seem like a very simple competition. Give it a try and see if it's not!

Competition-game "These funny dogs"

For this competition it is necessary to print in advance images with funny and ridiculous faces of dogs.

Host: Dogs, like people, sometimes like to fool around. Sometimes they can make a face that is worthy of the highest praise. In this game I suggest you repeat the funny faces of dogs.

Pre-prepared images of dogs are put into the bag. Participants take out one picture at a time and try to depict the same "face" as in the photo.

Examples of pictures:

Competition "Excellence in training"

Host: Dogs are very trainable. Let's see what commands you can execute. Now I’ll ask everyone to get up from the table. From time to time I will blow the whistle and give a simple command - "sit", "lie down", "be friends", "dance" and so on. Your task is to accurately execute all commands. At the end of the game, the most attentive will receive the title of "excellent student of training" and a medal.

You can use chocolate medals as a reward. It's okay if there are several (or even all) winners - just stock up on gifts for everyone.

Game "New Year's forfeits with predictions"

For the game, you will need inflated balls, in which "forfeits" with tasks are previously placed. The balls can be attached to the wall or scattered around the room.

Host: Everyone remembers a funny and funny game of "forfeits" from childhood. I suggest you choose a ball, inside which the task is for you. Pop the ball, complete the task, get the prediction!

For each task, you must separately print a small prediction for the next year, which is read out after the player has completed the task.

Examples of "forfeits" and wishes for them:

- You can quickly perform "Dance of the Little Swans!" (prediction: a convincing swan is out - and your income will soar even higher!)

- Pour a glass, stand up to your full height - say an original toast! (prediction: we will drink to the bottom for this - the wish will come true in full!)

- Sing us a funny ditty - just so that your ears don't wither! (prediction: if you have amused the guests - wait for pleasant, joyful news!)

- Pour a glass to the top - dance the cancan with it in your hands! (prediction: you don't light up like a child - you will find out a great success!)

- And you are able to clearly, cheerfully beat off a tap? (prediction: if everyone likes tap dancing, great glory awaits you!)

- You tell yourself at this moment a stunning compliment! (prediction: you have shocked us all with creativity - there will be a year, no doubt, happy!)

- You must climb into a chair, and, as in childhood, read a verse! (prediction: you are in great shape! It means that luck awaits you in life!)

- We need to cope with the idea and measure your height with a glass! (prediction: I counted a lot of glasses - wait for a solid capital!)

Host: Any holiday, like all good things, has a habit of ending. So our entertainment program has come to an end. Thank you all for your active participation! I think we managed to appease the Yellow Dog - a symbol of the New 2018. May the next year be better for you than all the previous ones! Well, I propose to end our event with dancing until the morning!

Cool script for the new 2018 based on a fairy tale

You can diversify the celebration of the new year not only with fun contests, but also by staging a scene based on a famous fairy tale. This unusual approach will surely be remembered by your guests. The attributes and printed roles for this type of festival must be prepared in advance. Assign roles, give the participants some time to prepare and transform.

And you can not change the plot of the fairy tale itself, but come up with funny statements to the heroes, which can also make a cheerful company laugh.

Fairy tale "Turnip"

We select participants, assign roles. The task of everyone is to transform into the hero of a fairy tale and remember a simple key phrase.

Turnip. A guy or a girl in a yellow cape and cap.

Grandfather. A guy in sweatpants, slippers and a false beard.

Grandma. A girl in ridiculous glasses, a scarf, an apron and slippers. In the hands - a rolling pin.

Granddaughter. Girl in a beautiful dress.

The bug. The guy in the hat with earflaps.

Cat. A girl in a fur cape and a headband with cat ears.

Mouse. A guy or a girl in a gray jacket and bow tie.

Words and actions for heroes:

Turnip. Rubs his hands, then makes a clap with the exclamation: "Opachki!"

Grandfather. He walks, slightly bent over, groans, thoughtfully rubs his beard with the words: "Well, well ..."

Grandma. He walks after his grandfather, swings at him with a rolling pin: “Wow! I would have nailed it! "

Granddaughter. Urban fashionista, in a dance sings in different ways: "I'm ready!"

The bug. Constantly itches and complains about that. that the fleas tormented her completely.

Cat. He walks "wagging his tail" and purring sweetly: "And I'm walking on my own!"

Mouse. Shrugging his shoulders, he squeaks: "Well, have you finished badly?"

We give the participants the opportunity to prepare for the game. after that we read the text of the tale without changing it. Actors, when they hear about themselves, act out their role. Believe me, such a performance will cause a storm of laughter!

Start preparing for New Year's Eve in advance. Decorate your home with garlands, self-cut snowflakes, glitter tinsel. Hear and sing New Year's songs. Think not only of the menu, but also of fun entertainment for your guests. Try to be creative. And may the New 2018 bring happiness, love and good luck to your home!


1. Cockerel Petya.

2. Dog Bug.

3. Gihanka is a cheerful forest girl.

4. Khakhanka is a very cheerful forest girl.

5. Santa Claus.

6. Snow Maiden.

Scenario progress:

Children are in a round dance. Lights are burning on the tree. Solemn music sounds, voice-overs.

We all waited for a whole year.

Get into a circle rather

On the left is a friend and on the right is a friend!

Everywhere songs, everywhere dances,

There are bright lights everywhere.

A fairy tale comes to our home

These holidays!

Snow swirls outside the window

And the frost grows stronger.

New Year is knocking on the house!

The holiday is coming!

Cheerful music sounds, Dog Bug and Cock Petya run out.

Dog: It's snowing, it's snowing!

Hello little people!

Cockerel: Hello, the best holiday.

Good holiday New Year!

Dog: Hi guys! Let's get acquainted, my name is Zhuchka the dog, I will be with you for a whole year, and this is my best friend - Petya the cockerel!

Cockerel: New Year is coming!

Santa Claus is coming to visit.

He gives everyone laughter and songs.

There is no more wonderful holiday!

Dog: And what does Santa Claus bring to us for a holiday in a sack? (Children answer "Gifts!") That's right, gifts!

Cockerel: Oh, but I completely forgot that my grandfather had in his bag, what such gifts are, well, help me remember!

Game "What's in the bag?"

Santa Claus is coming, coming.

And he carries a big bag.

Our gifts are in that bag,

And for Sasha and for Masha,

For Sergei, Sveta, Olya,

Viti, Lenochka and Kolya!

And for all my friends

Come to us, grandfather, quickly.

Only now, my friends,

I forgot a little.

What is in that bag ...

What grandfather keeps in it.

So let's remember together

What grandfather brings us.

Maybe there are two hundred frogs.

Well, maybe a hippopotamus.

If I tell the truth,

Clap your hands.

Well, if I'm wrong -

Trample with your feet!

Does Grandpa have a carpet in his bag? (Children stomp their feet.)

Is there a beaver lying there? (Children stomp their feet.)

He has chocolates there! (Children clap their hands.)

Caramels, gummies! (Children clap their hands.)

Are there nettles in that bag? (Children stomp their feet.)

Real car? (Children stomp their feet.)

Maybe there is a bear sitting there? (Children stomp their feet.)

What about a toy bear? (Children clap their hands.)

There are tangerines for the guys! (Children clap their hands.)

Is there a pirate treasure in that bag? (Children stomp their feet.)

Is there a deer sitting there? (Children stomp their feet.)

There lies a rotten tree stump! (Children stomp their feet.)

There are toys in that bag! (Children clap their hands.)

Blankets and pillows? (Children stomp their feet.)

The Snow Maiden is sitting there! (Children stomp their feet.)

Maybe Doctor Aibolit! (Children stomp their feet.)

And now everything is amicable, in chorus.

Answer my question.

What about New Year's holiday?

Does Santa Claus bring us?

Both for Sasha and for Masha.

For Marina, Petit, Dasha,

Sveta, Vanechki and Allki

In that bag lie ... (Gifts.)

Dog: That's right, friends, well done, all the questions were answered. Hurry to come to us for the holiday Santa Claus with the beautiful Snow Maiden. Let's call him. All together: three, four!

The guys call Santa Claus. Solemn music sounds, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden appear. Santa Claus has a staff in his hands, an empty bag weighs over his shoulder.

Father Frost: How glad I am to see everyone again

On this New Year's holiday.

Hello, Masha, Petya, Vova.

It will be fun today!

Snow Maiden: In the winter forest house,

We live on friendly terms with grandfather.

There is no stove in our house,

There are snowflakes, ice and snow.

I'm afraid of fire, friends!

After all, I am called the Snow Maiden.

Dog: Hello, good Santa Claus, hello, Snow Maiden. The guys and I waited for you so, waited so much that ... (Looks at the bag.) Oh, grandfather, what about your bag?

Father Frost: And what about my bag, everything is in order, there are gifts for the guys (Looks at the bag.) What is it, granddaughter, take a closer look.

The Snow Maiden takes the bag, looks into it, puts her mitten into the bag, there is a hole.

Snow Maiden: No, there are no gifts here,

There's a big hole in the bag.

Really without gifts,

Will the children leave the holiday?

Father Frost: How will they leave? I will not admit it!

I will find gifts!

Wait, children, we will come

We will bring gifts to everyone!

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden quickly leave. At the Christmas tree, grandfather forgets his staff.

Cockerel: Look, Bug, Santa Claus forgot his staff, we need to catch up with him.

Dog: Yes, let's run! Guys, do not get bored yet, we are fast, just ...

Cheerful music sounds, two forest girls, Khikhanka and Khakhanka, appear. They laugh.

Khakhanka: Oh, what a hilarity, I laughed so hard, laughed so hard that all the snow fell from the trees.

Khikhanka: I had fun too! This is a great idea for you to make a hole in the bag. While Santa Claus walked, he lost all the gifts in the forest. Now, poor thing, he walks through the snowdrifts, grumbles, collects gifts. Funny! (Both laugh.)

Dog: That's it. You left us without gifts.

Cockerel: Oh, you ugly! (Leaves the staff under the tree.)

Khakhanka: Well, first of all, we are not ugly, but just funny girls. My name is Khakhanka.

Khikhanka: And me - Khikhanka. (Both laugh.)

Cockerel: Well, get out of here! Because of you, our holiday breaks down.

Khakhanka: Oh, come on, stop worrying. Well, it looks like your Santa Claus for an hour in the snowdrifts, the Snow Maiden leaves a little snow with a shovel, and all your gifts will be found!

Khikhanka: We are not evil, we are kind, just very funny, and we love to laugh. (Both laugh.)

Khakhanka:(notices the staff, addresses the cock and the dog). Quietly, do you hear, Santa Claus is shouting, calling for help, probably he has already collected three bags of gifts, he cannot carry it away, he has a harvest ...

Cockerel: I hear nothing.

Khikhanka: Shouts, shouts, Doggy, Cockerel, run to grandfather, help the old one. Go, go, and we’ll play here with the guys.

The cockerel and the dog run away. Khikhanka and Khakhanka laugh. Khakhanka pulls out a staff from under the tree.

Khakhanka: (picks up staff). Look, the staff of Dedmorozovsky, magic.

Khikhanka: Exactly, he is. This staff, fulfills any desires, let's make a guess something funny.

Khakhanka:(looks at the tree) I want the lights on the tree to go out!

Khakhanka knocks with his staff three times, the lights on the tree go out. They both laugh.

Khakhanka: Happened! Yes, now we will do some magic, so we will do some magic. To come up with something else? Let's ask the guys what to think about.

Game "Do you agree, children?"

May everyone be here on a holiday

Have fun with us!

And the Christmas tree is a beauty

It will turn into a palm tree.

We will sing around her

Do you agree, children? .. (No!)

Let the New Year's holiday

Santa Claus does not come

And a bear comes to us.

Do you agree, children? .. (No!)

All snowball will turn

Soon in granulated sugar.

Give us a quick answer,

Do you agree, children? .. (No!)

Let the Snow Maiden, friends,

The horns will soon grow.

I would like to look at her,

Do you agree, children? .. (No!)

Instead of snowflakes, let the kids

Sausage always falls from the sky.

Cutlets will fly to the ground,

Do you agree, children? .. (No!)

Khikhanka: Well, no and no, you guys don't know how to have fun at all.

Cheerful music sounds, Bug and Petya come running.

Dog: There is no grandfather, you just deceived us.

Khakhanka: We did not deceive you, we were just joking!

Cockerel:(notices the staff in Khakhanka's hands). Why did you take the staff, it's grandfather, give it to us.

Khikhanka: Yeah, so they returned it. We will now conjure, but we have not yet figured out what to think of such a funny thing.

Khakhanka: Invented! Let's do this, let the dog crow and the cock bark.

Khikhanka: (laughs) Well done, come on soon, otherwise I'm tired of them.

Khikhanka and Khakhanka begin to conjure.

Dog: Wait, wait. I see you love to have fun, but let's compete. Who is more fun - you or the guys? If you win, so be it, take the staff, but if you lose, you will have to return it to Grandfather Frost.

Khakhanka: Yes, there is no one in the world more fun than us. We are the funniest. Your guys don't even know how to smile!

Cockerel: We are able, we are able, here look.

The game "Let's smile"

Let's clap our hands, let's get a little startled.

First, guys, let's smile at me!

Left, right to the friends turned.

They shook their hand and smiled!

Now it's time to jump and stretch.

Sit down three times and smile!

I wish you always stay with a smile.

Boys, girls, moms and dads.

On our holiday - always smile!

Khikhanka: Well, you know how to smile, but how can you dance?

Khakhanka: They won't succeed, no one will dance us.

Dog: We will try. Guys, do as we do!

Game "One, two, three!"

We will go first to the right: one, two, three!

And then let's go left: one, two, three!

Together we will raise the handles: one, two, three!

Now let's put down the handles: one, two, three!

And then we'll get together: one, two, three!

And then we all disperse: one, two, three!

And now we will all sit down: one, two, three!

And then we all stand together: one, two, three!

And then we will all dance: one, two, three!

And then we'll dance again: one, two, three!

The dance is repeated several times at an accelerating pace.

Cockerel: This is how we can dance! It turned out very fun, well done, guys!

Khakhanka: The last task, the most difficult one, let's see how you can laugh.

The game "Ha ha ha!"

I have a game for you

Under the title "Ha ha ha!"

Come on, kids.

Let's laugh - "Ha ha ha!"

Hamster sleeps in a den

He sucks his paw!

Is it true, kids?

Of course not - "Ha ha ha!"

An elephant barks loudly in the morning

And he sleeps in the booth!

Is it true, kids?

Of course not - "Ha ha ha!"

A beaver lives on a pine tree

He sings songs every day.

Is it true, kids?

Of course not - "Ha ha ha!"

Pussy loves honey very much

And he gnaws all the nuts.

Is it true, kids?

Of course not - "Ha ha ha!"

The ant loves to swim

Sharks are all afraid of him.

Is it true, kids?

Of course not - "Ha ha ha!"

Here is a big bear flying

He likes to fly.

Is it true, kids?

Of course not - "Ha ha ha!"

Dog: This is how we can laugh. Now give your grandfather's staff, because we have coped with all your tasks!

Khikhanka: We are the most fun anyway.

Khakhanka: And beautiful!

Khikhanka: Yes, and beautiful. And we will not return the staff to you. We ourselves need him, now we will conjure. What's next for us?

Khakhanka: I want the hedgehog to have not four legs, but five!

Khikhanka: Let's do it! One, two ...

Dog: Wait, do you want me to tell you a funny rhyme? You'll like it.

Khakhanka: Well, come on, tell me.

Dog: Everyone sculpts a snowman,

Mom is looking for Igor.

Where is my son, where is he?

Rolled into a snowball!

Khikhanka and Khakhanka laugh.

Cockerel: Well done, Zhuchka, come on again!

Dog: Everyone sculpts a snowman.

Mom is looking for Igor.

Where is my son, where is he?

Rolled into a snowball!

Khikhanka and Khakhanka are rolling on the floor, laughing, the staff is lying around.

Khikhanka: Oh, they made me laugh, took it and rolled it up! Hee hee hee!

Khakhanka: Oh, how fun, mom is looking for him, and he, he ... Ha-ha-ha!

Cockerel:(takes staff) That's it! I want Khikhanka and Khakhanka to turn from cheerful girls to ice ones! And so that Santa Claus comes as soon as possible!

The cockerel knocks his staff three times. Magic music sounds, Khikhanka and Khakhanka freeze in funny poses. Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden appear to the solemn music. Over his shoulders, grandfather has a sack full of gifts, a patch on the sack.

Father Frost: Hello New Year holiday,

Hello little people!

We were looking for your gifts,

All found what they lost.

The Snow Maiden helped me

I threw a snowball with a shovel.

Did you miss us here?

Did you sing and dance?

Dog: Santa Claus, we had a lot of fun here.

Cockerel: Grandpa, this is your staff, you lost it in a hurry.

Father Frost: (takes the staff) Thank you, dog! And I keep wondering where I left it with you, or with the rabbits.

Snow Maiden: It's time for us to start the holiday

Have fun, sing, dance!

Father Frost:(notices Khikhanka and Khakhanka) Wait, granddaughter. And what is this miracle Yudo?

Dog: And this, Santa Claus, is very funny girls, and at the moment they are even very frozen.

Cockerel: They made a hole in your bag, and they wanted to ruin our holiday.

Snow Maiden: Look, one of them wants to say something.

Khikhanka: (speaks with difficulty, shivering from the cold) Forgive us, please, we will not be like this again ...

Father Frost: Well, guys, let's forgive them? (Children answer "Yes!") Okay, I forgive you, stay on the party.

Santa Claus knocks three times with a staff. Magic music sounds. Khikhanka and Khakhankacome to life.

Khikhanka: Forgive us, Santa Claus, guys, we will no longer laugh at your holiday.

Khakhanka: Now I realized that you can't laugh at others, and having fun means doing good, being always with your friends, taking round dances with them, singing songs on such a wonderful, magical holiday like the New Year!

Khikhanka and Khakhanka get up with the guys in a round dance.

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, look at the Christmas tree.

Father Frost: (looks) Well?

Snow Maiden: The lights on the tree do not burn!

Father Frost: Help me guys,

And light the lights on it.

Let's say together: one, two, three,

Our Christmas tree, burn!

The lights on the tree come on.

Snow Maiden: We did not try in vain with you,

The tree burst into flames.

In a circle, guys, become

Hold hands tightly.

We will go in a round dance

And we'll sing about the Christmas tree!

Guys, let's make Santa Claus happy and sing his favorite song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”.

Performance of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, let me play with boys and girls. I have one game, and it is called "Herringbone, needle, snowdrift." Guys, show how attentive you are.

Game "Herringbone, needle, snowdrift"

If I say "Herringbone", you make "flashlights" with pens.

If I say "Needle," reach the handles forward and squeeze and unclench your fingers.

If I say "Snowfall", we start jumping high.

If I say "Snowdrift", I have to sit down.

If I say "Snowflake", we circle around us.

Ready, then let's start: "Herringbone", "Snowflake", "Needle", "Snowflake", "Snowflake", etc.

Father Frost: Happy New Year,

I will guess riddles for everyone.

I wonder to know

Who can guess them!

Game "Riddles from Santa Claus"

A holiday came to us at night,

How the people were waiting for him.

Around the green herringbone

Gathered ... (Round dance)

As if real

Always on the tree

Familiar, shiny,

Burning ... (Star)

Bucket instead of a hat

Long used to wear.

With a carrot instead of a spout

Merry ... (Snowman)

They brought her from the forest,

She is green.

All the needles sparkle.

Of course, this is ... (Herringbone)

And everyone is here at the party

Dances and sings!

We are so happy to congratulate everyone

On a wonderful ... (New Year)

Father Frost: Well done, they answered all the riddles!

How wonderful the New Year is

The dance calls for all friends!

I'll look at you here,

Well, maybe I'll dance.

Disco program

Father Frost: Nice we had some fun,

Played, frolicked.

And for this you, friends,

All gifts from me!

Santa Claus and heroes are handing out gifts to children. Chimes sound.

Snow Maiden: Let with the strikes of the chimes

Troubles all go away.

May everyone be happy

On this fabulous night.

Father Frost: And now it's time to say goodbye,

The hour has struck.

I tell you: “Goodbye!

I was very glad to see you! "

The heroes leave to the chimes.

We offer a new version of popular entertainment for spending your favorite holiday - N Christmas musical fairy tale-impromptu for the Year of the Dog "Santa Claus and the Dog". This is a fairy tale for a friendly adult company, which the organizers of the venture can easily arrange at the right moment of the celebration, when the guests are ready to have fun themselves and will gladly please their friends. If you wish, you can add your own "jokes" to the proposed scenario by adding humor, adopted in this company, to the text, replacing the musical excerpts with more playful and danceable ones, and inventing funny costumes or props for the characters.


Dog owner



Father Frost

Christmas tree


Leading (text)

Fairy tale text.

Leading: Once upon a time there was only one Dog.

Sounds 1 (Dog Out)

Leading: He was old and no longer possessed such dexterity and strength as before.

Sounds 2 (And my health)

Leading: The Dog had a Boss, angry and greedy.

Sounds 3 (Master Output)

Leading: The Master decided to take his Dog to the forest, and leave it there. He put a rope around his neck and pulled him. And the Dog rests, kicks, but there is nothing to do, the strength is not the same.

Sounds 4 (Dog whines + instrumental music)

Leading: They came to the forest. In the forest, Fir-Trees and Pines sway, rustle with needles.

Sounds 5 (Sounds of nature)

Leading: The owner left, but the Dog remained in the forest. And in the forest now there are three females for one male. Suddenly the Dog sees Squirrel running.

Sounds 6 (Squirrel Out)

Leading: She saw the Dog and was delighted. Such luck is an ownerless man. A little old, but the old horse does not spoil the furrow. And she said to the Dog:

Sounds 7 (I want to get married, I want to get married).

Leading: And she took him to her hole in the Pine. But the dog did not climb trees, did not eat nuts, and gave Belka a lapel-turn.

Sounds 8 (You forget me)

Leading: And then the Fox appeared between the Pines and Fir-trees. She walked and sang:

Sounds 9 (And I am single)

Leading: The Fox sees, the Dog is sitting. The fox is around him this way and that.

Sounds 10 (I need your love)

Leading: And Belka did not like the fact that some, if I may say so, Fox would covet her prey. She was indignant.

Sounds 11 (Oh, you painted)

Leading: But the Dog stopped them. He was not used to living in the forest, he really wanted to go home.

Sounds 12 (I'm tired, I want)

Leading: And suddenly in the distance none other than Santa Claus appeared. Well, it was on the eve of the New Year.

Sounds 13 (Santa Claus coming out)

Leading: The dog was so agitated, so dreamed of the help of Santa Claus, that he screamed in a voice that was not his own.

Sounds 14 (Help me)

Leading: And Santa Claus says that he has lost the gifts in the forest and has been walking for the third day, cannot find. And he himself would have to be helped.

Sounds 15 (Good people)

Leading: The dog strained all his old sense of smell. And he rushed off in search of gifts.

Sounds 16 (I can)

Leading: He found a bag with gifts under the Christmas tree. Fir-Pines rustled with needles with joy. Squirrel and Lisa began to hug. And Santa Claus was so happy that he began to sing.

Sounds 17 (Ask what you want)

Leading: And the Dog says to him:

Sounds 18 (I'm tired, I want)

Leading: Fox and Squirrel began to persuade the Dog to stay. Oh, they liked him very much.

Sounds 19 (Stay boy)

Leading: But the Dog went home with Santa Claus. And Lisa and Belka went home.

Sounds 20 (Girlfriends)

Leading: Santa Claus came with the Dog to his Master. Santa Claus and says:

Sounds 21 (you shit)

Leading: Santa Claus chided the peasant, ordered him to groom and cherish his Dog. Moreover, he is a guarantee of good luck and a symbol of the upcoming 2018. And everyone began to dance, have fun and rejoice in the coming of the Year of the Dog.

Sounds 22 (Dog Waltz)

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Perhaps, for New Year's programs, a scene written specifically for meeting the Year of the Dog will also be useful (thanks to the author N.G. Kopeikina)

New Year is a favorite holiday since childhood! We celebrate it with family, friends and work colleagues. Many would like to save money on the services of professional presenters and spend the holiday on their own, using a ready-made script. To help activists, we offer an original Scenario of the New Year's entertainment program "Dog New Year", which is recognized as the best script for adults. More than 200 thousand people have already downloaded it! Leading corporate events and people preparing the event for the first time choose this scenario for several reasons:

- it is suitable for beginners;
- contains a detailed course of the holiday;
- represents the symbol of the year - the dog;
- contains comic contests for men and women;
- it can be used both at home and in a restaurant;
- it is completely free;
- suitable for holding in the city and country club;
- does not require special training and paraphernalia.

Choosing the scenario of the New Year of the yellow dog on the site, we guarantee that your guests will not get bored and will remember such a holiday for a long time!

So, let's move on to the script itself.

Main roles:

1. Host
2. Dog
3. Santa Claus
4. Snow Maiden

Script text

Leading: Hello dear guests! Let's fill our glasses with champagne and remember all the good things that happened to us in 2029 and let go of all the bad things so as not to remember this next year. Our holiday is dedicated to the New Year, which will come very soon, according to the Eastern calendar, next year is the year of the yellow dog, we hope that the dog will become our faithful friend and irreplaceable helper. Today's evening will give everyone a lot of pleasant impressions, I promise that you will like the kindness of our hosts, and participation in our contests will be remembered and will help to discover new acting talents.

So let's go!

(DJ plays fun music and gives guests the opportunity to drink and eat)

Leading: Our fun continues ... And what a New Year's holiday without Santa Claus and Snegurochka? And let us work a miracle and find among our guests the best candidates for the title of "Santa Claus" and "Snow Maiden"! We will hold funny contests for the year of the dog.

Competition for men: the coolest Santa Claus

3 daredevils are summoned. Each is given a pair of felt boots, mittens and a false beard. a string with bells is tied to the belt. To the tune of Jingle Bells, you need to dance and twist your hips so that the bells ring. this hilarious competition will make the guests laugh to tears. By the way, the melodies can change unexpectedly.

Best Actor and Dancer is the winner. He is chosen as Santa Claus.

Competition for women: Snegurochka is a fool

The presenter invites 3 women. Each is given an invoice braid, kokoshnik and mittens. The facilitator asks questions. The Snow Maiden becomes the one who is the most stupid of all to answer comic questions.

Sample questions:

1. What would you do if your Santa Claus did not spend the night at home on December 31st?
2. If roosters were hatching eggs, what would the hens be doing?
3. What is behind a dog, but a poor student - a dime a dozen?

The presenter solemnly announces the winners who will participate in the celebration a little later.

(free time)

Leading: Dear friends! Last year brought us all something good, let's remember who achieved and what successes in 2017? I will ask you questions, and if you hear something about yourself, then say: “This is definitely about me!”.

Chant about the successes last year: "This is definitely about me"

Who got himself a puppy?
And happy with it so far?
Admit it without melting!
(This is definitely about me!)

Who bought the car?
And drove a hundred miles?
Admit it without melting!
(This is definitely about me!)

Who got married that year?
Found a husband or a wife?
Admit it without melting!
(This is definitely about me!)

Who succeeded in their careers
Have you got hold of a new chair?
Admit it without melting!
(This is definitely about me!)

Leading: How many good things happened in the past year. Let's raise our glasses to make your other cherished dreams come true in the Year of the Dog!

(break for socializing and eating)

And now I invite daredevils who will participate in a comic scene: "Who is most important for us?"

"Who is the most important for us?"

Roles (by characters of the year):

Dog"Everybody's nose in the morning"

Pig"I'm on a diet"

Rooster"Ku-ka-re-ku, I can do anything!"

A monkey"Both smart and beautiful"

Goat"Filled her eyes"

Horse"I can ruffle everyone!"

Snake"I'm not cold"

The Dragon"I have a dry law"

Rabbit"Local alcoholic"

Tiger"Call me Igor"

Bull"Right now, I'll give it to the Adam's apple"

Price: 149 R kill

Scenario of the New Year's holiday "Meet the Year of the Dog"




Father Frost

Snow Maiden

Baba Yaga



The Snow Queen

Dog (symbol of the year)


Holiday progress

Signal to start - " Jingle Bells "


    Hello, New Year's holiday,

Christmas tree and winter holiday.

We invited all our friends to visit.

    The hour has come for all the fun.

Everyone is in joyful excitement.

Our tree is here, now the show will begin.

(2 buffoons jump out onto the stage)


Hi kids,

Boys and girls!

And also their parents

Hello now.

For the new year's holiday

we invited you.

Frost is bursting outside the window

Poke your nose out - your nose will freeze.

We don't want to go out now.

Better to sing and dance.

Get into the circle, the guys.

Hold hands tightly.

Leading. Become, guys, in a round dance around the Christmas tree, we will sing the song "Happy New Year, we congratulate everyone"

The song "Happy New Year to all of us"


You are great, of course.

They sang straight from the heart.

And by the tree, as always,

There is no trace of boredom.

Who is the most fun here?

Well, of course, the boys.

Mischievous rascals.

And the girls are good -

Everyone laughs heartily.

All the same, the boys are better!

No girls.


Don't argue, friends, let's check it out.


Let's play a game?

Repeat the words after us.

Two tributaries, two booms, hedgehogs, hedgehogs.

Sharpened, sharpened knives, knives.

Running in place, running in place, bunnies, bunnies.

Come on, amicably. Well, together:

Girls! Boys!

Good for starters.

But let's try again.

Hey girls, push it.

You scream great.

Brothers, keep up the good work.

Don't hit your face in the dirt.


Well done, played well. (Go to the place)

Phonogram "Departure of Baba-Yaga"

Baba Yaga

Eh, spacious, twin-engine!


Who are you? Have you been invited?

Baba Yaga

Hey there you tomboys!

I'm not expecting an invitation.

I will certainly go to the holiday

I’ll come without an invitation.

Hey there you kids.

Did you miss me?

On the nosed and fanged,

To the beautiful grandmother Yaga.

How did you not get bored?

(goes down to the tree, examines)

I knew it. This is my tree. I looked for it for myself last year. And this tree was brought here. Here I will show you, I will enchant you. Look, everyone's gathered here. I don’t want to listen to anything. Or my tree, or I will enchant and that's it.


What are we going to do, guys, give the tree back?(children's answers)

We will now call Santa Claus and tell him everything.(addresses to Bab-Yaga)

Baba Yaga

Oh, don't. Oh oh oh. I've already gone home.

(pretends to go backstage)


Let's go and see if Santa Claus is coming, otherwise he is delaying something ...

(they go to see if Santa Claus is coming and at this time Baba Yaga appears on the stage)

Baba - Yaga

I'll ruin the holiday anyway.

Well hold on gentlemen(shakes his fist)

I call my friends here.

Hey forest robbers

My friends are fighting.

Dance of the robbers

Robbers (come out from behind the curtains, stretch, yawn)

Why did you scream old, tore us away from the case?

Baba - Yaga

What are you, what are you, in fact, ran into the old woman?

I found you a job -

A girl is walking through the forest.

You need to catch her, tie her arms and legs.

Would scare the very little

So that she does not stagger through the woods.


It's a trifle. Everyone is ambushed! Wait for enemies!

(the robbers run away from the hall, the presenters return)


Are you here again?

Baba - Yaga

You gathered in vain at the tree.

Your Santa Claus is not coming.

There are so many snowdrifts.

How will he, old grandfather get there?


    Let's wait a little longer.

A very long journey.

    In the meantime, so as not to get bored,

Let's sing and dance.

Guys, let's sing the song "Festive Round Dance". Stand around the tree as soon as possible, hold hands.

Song "Festive round dance"

Baba - Yaga (drives the children to their places)

Game "Do you agree, children?"

May everyone be here on a holiday

Have fun with us!

And the Christmas tree is a beauty

It will turn into a palm tree.

We will sing around her

Do you agree, children? .. (No!)

Let the New Year's holiday

Santa Claus does not come

And a bear comes to us.

Do you agree, children? .. (No!)

All snowball will turn

Soon in granulated sugar.

Give us a quick answer,

Do you agree, children? .. (No!)

Let the Snow Maiden, friends,

The horns will soon grow.

I would like to look at her,

Do you agree, children? .. (No!)

Instead of snowflakes, let the kids

Sausage always falls from the sky.

Cutlets will fly to the ground,

Do you agree, children? .. (No!)

What kind of holiday is this? Nobody fights or quarrels. The songs are all about the Christmas tree, but about the winter. They sang at least one about me, written beauty.

Hey little sister, Kikimora, go help! will we dance?


Where did you invite me to, sister?

What are you crazy? Your business is to fry small children in the stove! And they arrange holidays here. (Walks around the hut and speaks in the voice of a deputy ) I now study Slavic mythology and know everything about everyone! Your hut should be surrounded by a fence made of human bones, on the fence there should be skulls, instead of a bolt - a human leg, instead of locks on the hands, instead of a lock on a mouth with sharp teeth! And you have everything open. Come whoever you want and take what you want! You don't even have a shovel to throw children into the oven ...

Baba Yaga

Yes, we have a holiday here, New Year. They've dressed up a Christmas tree ...


And you call this dressed up?

Baba Yaga:

And what do you think should hang on the tree?


Skulls, bones, dead mice, spiders, torn shoes! What have you put on?

Baba Yaga:

It's a Christmas tree, not a trash can!


And what? In my opinion, it would be very original!

Baba Yaga:

Original? Here we will hang you shaggy on a Christmas tree, and it will be original! (scuffle) I called you to have fun, and you find fault! Let's show you how to dance.


And then we'll eat someone?

Baba Yaga:

Let's eat the one who won't dance and have fun.


Okay! Shake the sand?

Incendiary dance!

(Dance "And I am a little abomination)

Game "One, two, three!"

We will go first to the right: one, two, three!

And then let's go left: one, two, three!

Together we will raise the handles: one, two, three!

Now let's put down the handles: one, two, three!

And then we'll get together: one, two, three!

And then we all disperse: one, two, three!

And now we will all sit down: one, two, three!

And then we all stand together: one, two, three!

And then we will all dance: one, two, three!

And then we'll dance again: one, two, three!

The dance is repeated several times at an accelerating pace .

Dance of attendants of hedgehogs

You will not see a holiday for this, so you know. You will not have either Santa Claus or Snow Maiden. Frost will not find a road, but the robbers will catch the Snow Maiden.


1.Ah, again you are for yours. Admire her. You are a woman in years, and all the dirty tricks in the brain.

2. How can we prevent us. We need to tie her up. Here, take the rope quickly. And we'll tie the devil.

(Baba Yaga runs away screaming) Oh, what a pity - I ran away.


2. Take care of your hands, feet.

Cover your ears, nose.

Walks-wanders along the road

Old Grandfather Frost.

    Let's call him. He will hear our voices and find a way.

(children call Santa Claus.)

Phonogram "Out of Santa Claus"

(Santa Claus walks around the tree to the music, goes up on stage)

Father Frost

Hello my friends.

It took me a long time

From their dense forests.

Snow drifts - clouds.

My road is covered with snow ..

I came to you anyway.

I'm not late? Hit it right? Is this school number 25?(children's answers)


Get up in a round dance. Let's sing a song to Santa Claus.

The song "You came to visit us, Santa Claus"

Father Frost

And why are the lights not burning on your tree?

Repeat after me the magic words:

Come on, tree, start up.

Come on, Christmas tree, smile.

Come on Christmas tree, one, two, three.

Burn with the light of joy.


    We shouted to no avail.

Our tree did not wake up.

2. Someone apparently did not shout.

Someone was apparently silent.

Father Frost

Let's shout together again:

One two Three. Shine Christmas tree.

Soundtrack "Overflow" (the Christmas tree lights up)

Father Frost

And where is my granddaughter Snegurochka? Something I do not see her.


No Snow Maiden. Did not come. Apparently Baba Yaga tried.

Father Frost

We must go and look for the Snow Maiden.


Guys, let's look for a Snow Maiden with Santa Claus? Aren't you afraid? Stand around the tree. Let's go along the forest paths. And to make it easier to walk, we will trample the paths in the forest, and the polka dance will help us.

Polka "Good Beetle" (sat down)


Good paths trodden, well done. Look who is in a forest clearing. This is a gypsy camp. Did you meet anyone along the way?(asks the gypsies)


We rode a troika with bells.

Didn't meet anyone on the way.

In life we ​​are gay gypsies.

And it's not for nothing that you came across us.

The Long Road,

Dear distant

We were on the road already in the morning.

To congratulate you,

to congratulate you

Happy new year, kids!

Oh, how many children, but in the dense forest. What are you doing here?

(children's answers)

And let me tell you fortunes, I’ll tell you the whole truth.

(Referring to Santa Claus) Baro, gilded the handle.

Show your palms.

(children show palms)

Oh, I see everything. A long journey awaits you, meetings, adventures and fun at the New Year tree.

Phonogram "Gypsy" (gypsies leave)


Song "Snow Song"

Immediately after the song Soundtrack "Howl of the Wind"


What a blizzard broke out - nothing is visible.

(The Snow Queen appears under the howling wind.)

Guys, this is the Snow Queen ...

The Snow Queen

In the far kingdom, in the white kingdom.

Among the snow, among the ice floes.

I live like a queen.

Cold is my only companion.

Snow sparkles, snow sparkles

Delighting me with beauty.

It will never melt

Even in summer and spring.

There is cold everywhere in my house.

I own the kingdom of ice.

And everywhere snowflakes are circling

Circling, circling and flying.

Why did they come. Answer me, otherwise I'll freeze it forever.


Wait, wait. Do not freeze.

The Snow Queen

Scared .. I was joking. My heart is cold, icy, but deep down I am kind. How long have I not seen funny dances.


Well. Guys, let's cheer up the queen? Let's dance the ducklings? Stand in pairs near the Christmas tree.

Soundtrack "Dance of ducklings."

Father Frost

Dear queen, have you met my granddaughter Snegurochka?

The Snow Queen

Sorry, but I'm looking for a boy named Kai myself. Is he not among you? ......

It's a pity. And I have not met the Snow Maiden.


Dear Queen, stay with us, have fun with the guys.

(The Snow Queen descends into the hall)

Father Frost

Where is my granddaughter? I am very saddened. Well, we cannot be bored at the holiday. I have to play again.


Girls and boys.

My fingers are freezing.

Ears get cold, nose freezes.

Santa Claus is apparently joking.

Get up around the Christmas tree and play with Santa Claus in the game "Freeze". Whom Santa Claus will freeze - go up to the stage.

Soundtrack game "Freeze"

Father Frost

Assignment for those I froze:

Whoever stomps all the guys louder - let go and reward.(D.M. listens)

I declare these guys the main stompers of our holiday.

And now who slaps everybody.

I designate this girl as the main fuss of the holiday.

Who will shout louder "Happy New Year!"

(rewards and releases everyone)

Father Frost

Well, children. Well done. Had a lot of fun.

Soundtrack "Robbers"


Where is granny? Who will pay for the order?


What granny? What order? We didn't order anything ...


The old yaga asked the girl to catch it - we caught it. Who will be paid for the work? I am not kidding!


Have you caught the Snow Maiden?


Maybe the Snow Maiden. I had no time to look.

Father Frost

Let my granddaughter go.


Of course, you can let go. But for a ransom.

Father Frost

What do you want? Present? Candies?.


Oh, not a word about candy, since last new year, my teeth hurt.

Amuse us with a song or something. Otherwise, we will soon run wild in the forest.


Let's sing a song so that the Snow Maiden will be released?

The song "The Christmas tree has come to us"


This is a holiday - the highest class

We want to stay with you.

Let's release your Snow Maiden. Hey, lads, lights outlet the girl go!

Phonogram "The exit of the Snow Maiden"

(The Snow Maiden appears)

Snow Maiden

I came to you from a winter fairy tale

I am of snow, of silver.

My friends are snowstorm and frost.

I love everyone, good to everyone.

Happy New Year everyone

And I wish you a snowy winter.

Father Frost

(greet the Snow Maiden)

Hello granddaughter.

Snow Maiden

How glad I am to see everyone at this holiday. Let's play the game "Guess". I will begin the poem and you will finish. Do you agree?

It's snowing in the yard

Holiday is coming soon ... ..New Year

The needles glow softly

The coniferous spirit comes from….trees

The branches rustle faintly

The beads are bright ... ..shine

And toys and flags swing.

Asterisks ……crackers

The wind wrapped the sky in silk.

Glitters, sparkling our….Christmas tree

And the tree invites you

Now start the hilarious ...

Father Frost

Although almost completely gray-haired,

And I dance like a young man.

And with joy now

I'm ready to start dancing.


Get up in pairs around the Christmas tree, hold hands. Let's dance a funny dance.



    It's good when the tree is on fire.

It's good when the song sounds.

And the cheerful people are dancing.

It means a new year is coming.

2. Quieter, quieter. Silence.

Someone creaked at the window.

Children, the round dance is wider.

Someone is coming to visit us.

Soundtrack "Exit Dogs"


Look who has come to visit us. Who are these guys?

Why did he come?


New Year trees, fairy tales and game

Vacation awaits you all

Wonderful time

I wish you not to lose heart

I wish you a nice rest.

Can I play with you?

Let's play a game called "I". Let's rehearse. All together let's say together, loudly: “I am. Three four…"

Well done. Now I ask a question, and you answer loudly, amicably, if you do so: "I". Clear? We started.

Who came here to play?

Who will receive gifts?

Who among you doesn't like boredom?

Who's the jack of all trades here?

Who protects clothes - puts them under the bed?


    A clear forest, a blizzard field

Winter holiday is coming to us

So let's put it together

Hello hello new year.

(children speak in unison)

And now everyone is dancing! Adults and children: who will dance whom .. Let's light it up!

(everyone is dancing)


Well done. Friendship won.

Father Frost


Game "Herringbone, needle, snowdrift"

If I say "Herringbone", you make "flashlights" with pens.

If I say "Needle," reach the handles forward and squeeze and unclench your fingers.

If I say "Snowfall", we start jumping high.

If I say "Snowdrift", I have to sit down.

If I say "Snowflake", we circle around us.



The evening is over

The meeting ended.

The hour of parting has come.

Father Frost

It's time, friends, you need to say goodbye.

I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart.

May both adults and kids celebrate the New Year together.

Snow Maiden

I wish you success in the new year.

More cheerful, sonorous laughter.

More good friends and girlfriends.

Excellent marks and knowledge chest.


We wish you all Siberian health.

Five new and interstellar routes.


We will remember you with love.

And you guys, don't forget us.

(All the heroes on the stage

They wave their hand, they say in chorus "Goodbye" )


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