Computer presentation. Computer presentation. I. Organizational moment

Multimedia presentations are used so that the speaker can visually demonstrate additional materials to his message on a large screen or monitor: These materials can also be supported by appropriate sound recordings.

computer presentation

  • is in a convenient way to present information to a wide variety of audiences: pupils, colleagues, subordinates, management, business partners, investors;

  • give a chance:

    • integrate information from different sources;

    • effectively manage the demonstration, maintain the attention of the audience;

    • quickly switch to new topics for discussion;

  • allows include all the necessary points for organizing high-quality support for classes: sound, video, graphics, animation. (Creating computer presentations allows you to abandon the demonstration of standard visual aids: posters, manuals, laboratory experiments, the use of overhead projectors, overhead projectors.) When showing a presentation, the teacher can focus all his attention on the course of the lesson, since it is not difficult to manage the demonstration of the presentation (most often, control is reduced to a simple click on the mouse button.)

  • provides a qualitatively new level of information presentation;

  • renders a huge impact on the emotional perception of children, contributing to a deeper assimilation of the material, through the use of graphics, video, animation effects, sound, interactive elements.
Options for using computer presentations

  • support of the report, speech, generalization of work experience (portfolio);

  • accompaniment of the lesson
Creating a presentation:

I. Planning a presentation. It includes:

1. Definition of goals.

2. Collecting information about the audience.

3. Definition of the main idea of ​​the presentation.

4. Selection of additional information.

5. Planning a performance.

6. Creation of the structure of the presentation.

7. Checking the logic of material supply.

8. Preparation of the conclusion.

II. Presentation development- methodological features of preparing presentation slides, including vertical and horizontal logic, content and correlation of text and graphic information.

III. Presentation rehearsal - it is checking and debugging the created presentation.

General presentation requirements:

  • The presentation should not be less than 10 slides.

  • The first sheet is the title page, on which must be presented: the title of the work; the name of the issuing organization; surname, name, patronymic of the author; place of work of the author and his position. The title of the work is usually in a larger font than the main text of the presentation. As the background of the first slide, you can use a picture or photo that is directly related to the topic of the presentation, but the text on top of such an image should be very easy to read. A similar rule is observed for the background of the remaining slides. However, a monotonous background or a soft gradient background will look quite impressive on the first slide too.

  • The next slide should be the content, which presents the main stages (moments) of the lesson, speech. It is desirable that from the content of the hyperlink you can go to the desired page and return again to the content.

  • The last slides of the presentation should be a glossary and bibliography.
Making presentations

In the design of presentations, two blocks are distinguished: the design of slides and the presentation of information on them. To create a high-quality presentation, it is necessary to comply with a number of requirements for the design of these blocks.

Slides design


 Maintain a consistent style

 Avoid styles that detract from the presentation itself.

 Auxiliary information (control buttons) should not prevail over the main information (text, illustrations).


Cold tones are preferred for the background.

Use of color

 It is recommended to use no more than three colors per slide: one for the background, one for the title, one for the text.

 Use contrasting colors for background and text.

 Pay attention to the color of hyperlinks (before and after use).

Animation effects

 Use the power of computer animation to present information on a slide.

 Do not abuse various animation effects, they should not distract attention from the content of the information on the slide.

Presentation of information:

Information content

 Use short words and sentences.

 Minimize the number of prepositions, adverbs, adjectives.

 Headlines should grab the audience's attention.

Location of information on the page

 Preferably a horizontal arrangement of information.

 The most important information should be in the center of the screen.

 If there is a picture on the slide, the inscription should be placed under it.


 Standard, widely used proportional fonts should be used, such as Arial, Tahoma, Verdana, Times New Roman, Georgia and some others.

 For headings - at least 24, for information - at least 18.

 Do not mix different types fonts in one presentation.

 Use bold, italics, or highlighting to highlight information.

 It is impossible to abuse capital letters (they are read worse than lowercase).

Ways to highlight information

 You should use:

o frames; borders, fill;

o hatching, arrows;

o drawings, diagrams, diagrams to illustrate the most important facts.

Amount of information

 Do not fill one slide with too much information: people can remember no more than three facts, conclusions, definitions at a time.

 The best performance is achieved when key points are displayed one on each individual slide.

Slide types

For variety, use different types slides:

  • with text;

  • with tables;

  • with diagrams.


Use of fonts not included in the set, installed by default with operating system, may lead to incorrect display of your presentation on another computer, because the non-standard fonts that you decide to use may simply not be there. In addition, most of the designer fonts commonly used for large headings in printed publications, design corporate identity, packages, etc., look too catchy within the presentation, distract attention from its content, and sometimes simply cause irritation to the audience. In one presentation, it is allowed to use no more than 2-3 different fonts, although in most cases one is enough.

Do not get carried away creating inscriptions using WordArt objects. Such inscriptions, captivating the presentation developer with a bizarre shape, the ability to use a variety of shadows and volume, as a rule, only worsen the perception of the slides.

Color spectrum

For the presentation, it is initially necessary to choose a color scheme: usually these are three to five colors, among which there are both warm and cold ones. Obviously, any of these colors should Great be read against the background chosen earlier; the slightest suspicion that the color of the font merges at least a little with the background - and one of these must be replaced immediately: do not force those for whom the presentation is being made to spoil their eyesight.

Having assigned a different color to each of the text elements, for example: large headings - red, small headings - green, captions - orange, etc., you need to follow this pattern on all slides. Highlighting words in different colors in the heading or paragraph of the main text is allowed only for the purpose of focusing attention on them: for example, if a new term is introduced or important numerical values ​​\u200b\u200bare given. "Coloring" text just for aesthetic reasons can, like bad font choices, lead to distraction and annoyance of the listeners. The main text is recommended to be typed in a neutral color - black, white or gray in various shades, depending on the brightness of the background.

Animation effects for text and graphics should be avoided, except for the simplest ones, such as slowly fading or striping, although they should be used in moderation. Don't forget, your presentation and cartoon are not the same thing. "Collection" of a word by letter annoys everyone except the author of the presentation.


As mentioned earlier, slides can have a solid background, as well as a gradient background or an image background. The choice of background is completely determined by the artistic preferences of the author of the presentation, however, it should be remembered that the fewer contrast transitions the background contains, the easier it is to read the text located on it. Reading comfort is usually the determining factor for the person reading your presentation, and the wrong background can often just force part of the audience to look anywhere but at the screen.

Amount of information

In no case should you try to fit as much text as possible on one slide. In order to read a small text, many need to significantly strain their eyesight, and, most likely, no one will do this of their own free will. Therefore, the more text on one slide you offer the audience, the less likely it is to read it. Nevertheless, there are sad cases when teachers, when giving a lecture in the form of a presentation, placed several long definitions on one slide. Students were forced to copy them into a notebook directly from the screen; such misuse computer technology in education, instead of increasing its effectiveness, it only leads to rapid fatigue and, often, to visual impairment. Try not to use the text on the slide as part of your speech; better place important points there.

Be sure to illustrate your presentation with drawings, photographs, visual diagrams, graphs and diagrams. The image should always be made as large as possible; if possible, illustrations should be distributed over several slides, rather than placed on one, but in a reduced form. Signatures are perfectly acceptable to be placed not above or below the image, but on the side, if it, for example, has a vertical orientation.

The presentation should end with a brief summary containing its main provisions, important data presented in the report, etc. But it is not necessary, as many often do, to demonstrate the phrase “Thank you for your attention!” on the entire slide.

  • Agro-industrial integration and cooperation in agricultural production (meaning, concept, types)
  • Administrative punishment: concept, types, rules of appointment.
  • Presentation(from lat. praesentatio) - a public presentation of something new, recently appeared, created, for example: a book, a magazine, a movie, a television program, an organization. In other words, a presentation in our understanding is demonstration materials for almost any more or less public speech, from a report to superiors to promotion or lectures in front of a student audience.

    computer presentation is a file in which materials such as computer animation, graphics, video, music and sound are collected, which are organized in a single environment. A presentation is usually an advertising or informational tool that allows the user to actively interact with it through the control menu.

    The indisputable advantage of creating multimedia presentations is the possibility of introducing virtually any format into them: power point, pdf and video presentations. By using convenient system menu, you can make a “paging” of various files, up to automatic exit to the site of the presentation object.

    Just as a text document is made up of pages, a presentation file is made up of a series of frames, or slides. Typically, the presentation is plot , scenario and structure, organized for easy perception of information. Most often, it contains text, illustrations for it and is designed in a single graphic style.

    Designing a computer presentation is possible only after a clear answer to five questions.

    1. How will the presentation be presented to the audience?

    2. What presentation equipment will be used?

    3. Will the presentation be interactive?

    4. What will be presented in the presentation?

    5. To what audience will the presentation be made?

    aim any presentation is a visual representation of the author's intention, the most convenient for the perception of a specific audience and encouraging it to positively interact with the object and / or the author of the presentation.

    Tasks presentations follow from its type and ways of presenting it to the audience and, thanks to this, are formulated quite simply:

    1. Grab the audience's attention.

    2. Include all necessary information sufficient to be understood by the audience without explanation.

    3. Provide information to the audience as comfortably as possible.

    4. Take into account the specifics of the projection equipment.

    5. Take into account the peculiarities of the perception of information by a group of listeners.

    6. Provide information at a pace that is comfortable for the audience, leaving time at the end of the demonstration to answer questions or rest.

    7. Highlight the presentation among the presentations-competitors.

    Lesson #1

    Topic. computer presentations, their purpose and classification.

    Lesson Objectives:

      help students gain an understanding of multimedia, get acquainted with the program for creating multimedia presentations.

      education of information culture of students, attentiveness, accuracy, discipline, perseverance.

      development of thinking, cognitive interests, computer skills, work with multimedia software.

    Equipment: board, computer, computer presentation.

    Lesson plan:

      Organizing time(1 minute)

      Updating knowledge (5 min)

      Theoretical part (10 min)

      Practical part (15 min)

      Homework (2 min)

      Student questions (5 min)

      Lesson summary, assessment (2 min)

    During the classes:

    I. Organizational moment.

    Greeting, checking those present. Explanation of the lesson.

    II. Knowledge update.

    You have heard the word "multimedia" more than once. What do you think it means?

    Discuss student responses.

    In this lesson, we will learn what is multimedia, multimedia software, multimedia presentations, programs for creating presentations.

    III. Theoretical part.

    (Explanation of new material by the teacher using a presentation ( Addendum 1 and Presentation 1 ))


      What is multimedia?

      What computer devices are called multimedia?

      What are multimedia presentations?

      What programs can be used to create a multimedia presentation?

      What are the main steps in creating a presentation?

    I II . Writing in notebooks

    A computer presentation is a file that contains demonstration materials for public speaking. The presentation consists of a sequence of slides.

    power point- a program for creating presentations

    New Slide Consciousness - Insert Create Slide.

    Slide Design - FormatSlide design.

    Customize slide transitions and animation effects - Slide ShowSlide Change; Slideshow Animation settings.

    IV . Practical part.

      Demonstration . The teacher demonstrates how to run the program, work modes, create a slide, change the layout of a slide, add text to a slide, add a picture from a file to a slide, apply design templates, change the color scheme, launch a presentation. The students try to imitate the teacher's actions.

      Consolidation of new knowledge

    And now independently design a presentation consisting of 3 slides on the topic: “Computer device”.

    1 slide - title.

    2 slide - system unit.

    3 slide - input / output devices.

    Save the resulting presentation in your own folder.

    Know what multimedia is, be able to create simple presentations in PowerPoint. Additional task: learn more about the possibilities of designing presentations in PowerPoint, learn how to add to a slide sound effects and music.

    V I . Questions from students.

    Answers to students' questions.

    V I I. Summary of the lesson.

    Summing up the lesson. Grading.

    In the lesson, we got acquainted with what multimedia, multimedia software, computer presentations are. Learned how to create simple presentations in Microsort Office PowerPoint 2003.

    You have made your first attempt under the guidance of a teacher to create a presentation. For the next lesson, you should prepare and bring material for your own presentation. Consider the following points when choosing a topic: it must be meaningful, sufficiently illustrated (you can add video clips and sound files) and be complete in the disclosure of the topic. When evaluating a test presentation, the following will be taken into account: the chosen topic, the clarity of the execution of the plan, the effectiveness of the design. Therefore, write a script for each slide in your notebook, without delving into the text of the content.

    Grishko Elena Vladimirovna, teacher of computer science at the Novotroitsk secondary school of I-III levels No. 4

    computer presentations

    What is a presentation

    A variety of public speaking often requires the use of demonstration material. Such a need arises when reading a report at a scientific conference, presenting a new technical development or a new type of product, a report on a developed project, and in many other cases. In the old days, posters were drawn on paper sheets for these purposes; then projection equipment appeared: epidiascopes, slide projectors, codoscopes. Recently, these methods of demonstrations have been replaced by computer presentations .

    The word "presentation" means presentation, demonstration. Usually used for computer presentation multimedia projector, reflecting the contents of the computer screen on a large screen displayed in the auditorium. The presentation is a combination of a video sequence - a sequence of frames with a sound sequence - a sequence of sound accompaniment. The presentation is the more effective, the more it uses the capabilities of multimedia technologies.

    Presentation is a sequence of slides. An individual slide can contain text, pictures, photos, animation, video, and sound.

    When creating presentations, as a rule, hyperlinks are organized between slides. Thanks to this, not only an unambiguous sequence of viewing slides becomes possible, but also arbitrary viewing along semantic links. For example, a presentation might start with a slide containing general information about the presented material and a list of its main sections (Fig. 1.4). Each item in the list is a hyperlink. By clicking on the hyperlink, the speaker can go to any section of the presentation (Fig. 1.5).

    If the hypertext technology is applied to non-text presentation elements, then we get a class of systems called hypermedia. The presentation is a hypermedia system, since hyperlinks can be superimposed on graphic and sound objects. For example, after clicking on the image of a historical monument, a transition will be made to a slide with detailed information about him.

    What are the presentations

    In terms of organization, presentations can be divided into three classes:

      interactive presentations;
      scripted presentations;
      continuous presentations.

    Interactive presentation - dialogue between the user and the computer. In this case, the presentation is controlled by the user, i.e. he himself searches for information, determines the time of its perception, as well as the volume required material. In this mode, a student works with a training program implemented in the form of a multimedia presentation. At individual work a multimedia projector is not required.

    All interactive presentations have common property: they are event driven. This means that when some event occurs (pressing a mouse button or positioning the mouse pointer on a display object), the corresponding action is performed in response. For example, after clicking on a photograph of a painting, a sound story begins about the history of its creation.

    Presentation with script - slide show under the control of the presenter (speaker). Such presentations may include floating titles, animated text, charts, graphs, and other illustrations. The order of change of slides, as well as the time of the demonstration of each slide, is determined by the speaker. He also pronounces the text commenting on the video sequence of the presentation.

    AT continuously running presentations there is no dialogue with the user and there is no presenter. Such self-executing presentations are usually shown at various exhibitions.

    Stages of creating a presentation

    Creating a presentation on a given topic goes through the following steps:

      script creation;
      development of a presentation using software.

    First you need to think about the content of each slide, as well as the connections between them. Therefore, the basis of any presentation is a diagram in the form of a system of interconnected slides (Fig. 1.6).

    Then you need to choose presentation development program . Each of the existing programs of this class has its own individual capabilities. Nevertheless, there is much in common between them. Each of these programs includes built-in tools for creating animation, adding and editing sound, importing images, videos, and creating drawings.

    Script Presentations developed by the speaker. Increasingly, this form of presentation is used in the classroom and beyond. academic work schoolchildren. Once you've completed your presentation and report, have a rehearsal before going out in public. It is important to choose the right pace for speaking and demonstrating. It should not be too fast, because the audience should not only hear your text, but also have time to look at the slides on the screen. However, any performance is limited in time, so care must be taken to fit into this regulation. It is very helpful to have a "trial" listener present at your trial presentation. Only he can objectively assess the quality of your report and presentation.

    Questions and tasks

    1. What information can be placed on a presentation slide?

    2. What is the feature of hypertext technology?

    3. What is the name of the class of systems in which hypertext technology is applied to non-text types of information?

    4. What are the main steps in creating a presentation?

    5. What is a presentation script?

    6. How should you prepare for a presentation?

    7. What is the difference interactive presentation from a presentation with a script?

    Klimova N.I., teacher of computer science, MBOU "Novobryanskaya sosh" Republic of Buryatia, Zaigraevsky district, p. New Bryan


    TOPIC: " Computer presentations. Creation of a computer presentation inMicrosoft PowerPoint»

    CLASS: 8

    THE PURPOSE OF THE LESSON: To acquaint students with the capabilities of the MS Power Point program for creating computer presentations.



    introduce the Power Point program, its purpose and capabilities;

    develop skills to launch the program in different ways;

    introduce the criteria and methods for creating a presentation;

    work out ways to select the layout (markup), template, color scheme and background fill of the slide;

    teach how to create slides, insert pictures, sound, set up animation, create transitions between slides;

    learn how to save presentations.


    develop knowledge in the field information technologies;

    develop logical and creative thinking when choosing ways to present information.


    show the importance of knowledge and skills in the field of information computer technology;

    to cultivate purposefulness, diligence, aesthetic taste in the preparation of presentations.

    LESSON TYPE: learning new material with elements of a computer workshop.

    LESSON TYPE: combined.

    TEACHING METHODS: verbal (conversation, slide lecture), computer workshop (creating a presentation).

    ORGANIZATIONAL FORMS OF TRAINING: lecture, computer workshop.


    EQUIPMENT AND VISIBILITY: computers, projector, Interwrite interactive whiteboard, slide lecture, MS Power Point program, didactic material, drawings, animation.


      Organizing time.

      Knowledge update.

      stage of motivation.

      Learning new material.

      Practical work.


      Lesson summary




    Hello guys, as well as guests of our lesson. The message of the topic of the lesson and adapted goal setting.

    Today in class you:

      learn the concepts of "constructor", "markup (layout) of a slide", "design (template) of a slide", "animation";

      get acquainted with the Power Point editor and its features;

      get acquainted with the stages and methods of creating a presentation;

      learn how to create computer presentations using text, graphics and sound.


      What is multimedia? These are interactive (dialogue) systems that provide simultaneous work with sound, animated computer graphics, video frames, static images and texts.

      What is the difference between a multimedia training program and a training video?

    Modern computer learning programs help to better understand and remember the educational material. The interactive mode of work allows the student to influence the pace of learning, check the degree of assimilation of the material, and return to repeating incomprehensible fragments of the lesson. Through computer simulation in multimedia form, for example, you can carry out astronomical calculations on a PC, reproduce on the screen its movement in space in the form of an animated video, and even with sound effects.

      In what areas is multimedia used?

      • Education (in the classroom in the process of explaining the material by the teacher or students' reports);


        The science;

        Trade and other areas of human activity

      What is a presentation? A set of slides and special effects used for screen display.

    computer presentation is a file in which materials are collected.

      What are the presentations?

      Interactive presentationsdialogue between user and computer(the user manages the presentation: he searches for information, determines the time of its perception, as well as the amount of material needed), For example, after clicking on the photo of the picture, a sound story begins about the history of the creation of the picture;

      Presentation with scriptpresenter guided slide show(used in the educational work of students);

      Continuously running presentationsdoes not provide for dialogue with the user and there is no host(demonstrated at various exhibitions).

      Name the editor for creating presentations. Microsoft power point


    Guys, the older you get, the more often teachers offer you to write essays, prepare reports. Preparation for them becomes more serious, you have to use comparative diagrams, tables, figures. As is well known, information is best perceived, which can be seen, i.e. filed in the form of figures, graphs, tables. In such cases, a training program can be invaluable. PowerPoint presentations. With its help, you can realize the most daring artistic ideas. The main thing - come up with a presentation script, using pictures, animation, catchy memorable text.


    So, computer presentation - This is a set of slides and special effects used to display on the screen. Presentation Editor - Microsoft power point . The minimum element of a presentation is slide (from slide "crawl").

    window interface Microsoft PowerPoint:

    Click the Constructor button. small triangle will reveal to us a complete list of the designer's menus.

    Let's walk through the menu, open sections.


    Format → Slide Layout → Select the desired layout.

    When you hover your mouse pointer over the sample, a tooltip appears.

    Slide Markup - An empty slide is convenient for drawing, creating an inscription anywhere.


    Contains fonts and color scheme. You can use your own templates.

    Format → Slide Design → Select the desired template.

    Slides → Select Slide → Slide Design → Select Template → Click the arrow icon → Select Apply to Selected Slides.





    Create your own color scheme - Change color schemes.

    CREATING A NEW SLIDE. Button on the Formatting toolbar Create slide .

    To fill the slide with information you need to click the mouse in the selected area and type or copy your text.

    Adding text. Drawing Panel → Icon Text or WordArt → Enter text or paste it from the clipboard.

    Solid text and lots of pictures can confuse the audience. If you decide that there is too much text, break the slide into 2 or 3, and then increase the font size.

    Inserting graphic objects.Drawing Panel → Icon Insert picture or Insert picture.

    Insert music, sound, film. Insert → Movies and Sound.

    The icon appears The corresponding to the sound file.

    Insert animation effects.

    Animation is the "animation" of an object, the object comes to the screen in motion.

    1 way. Slide Show → Animation Effects. Animation effect levels: easy, medium and hard.

    2 way. Slide Show → Animation Settings. This menu gives more options for setting effects: input, selection, output.

    The buttons are inactive (dark grey). Select an object by clicking on it.

    Slide background fill Right-click outside the slide content area → Background section → Background Fill → Fill Methods.

    Change slides.


      transition sound,

      speed or

      slide delay.

    Three basic mode:

      ordinary(for a quick transition to the necessary slides);

      slide sorter(viewing and moving finished slides);

      slide show(demonstration with current slide)

    To begin show from the first slide - F5.

    Good Presentation Rules

    Presentation material:

    Presentation layout:

    material structuring

    combination of background and text colors

    brevity and consistency of presentation of information

    a single format for all slides

    short and descriptive titles

    right choice font

    numbered or bulleted lists

    clarity and brightness of the images used

    highlighting important information

    use of sound

    application of tables and graphs

    absence of spelling and grammatical errors




    Work on interactive whiteboard

      What icon launches Microsoft PowerPoint?

      What type are Microsoft PowerPoint files?

      Assemble the PowerPoint window

      Which key can be used to start the slide show?

      What is the order in which the presentation is made?

    Choose the right layout

    Open Power Point

    Design and complete the slide

    Start the presentation by pressing F5 or using the Slide Show button.

    Insert Create slide Choose the right layout

    Create and fill required amount slides

      Rebus (Presentation)

      Rebus (slide)

      Rebus (Pattern)



      One of the objects in the Drawing panel that allows you to create text on a slide.

      What is translated from English. what does the word "presentation" mean?

      The effect of the appearance and movement of objects on the slide.

      multimedia equipment.

      Interactive (dialogue) systems that provide simultaneous work with sound, animated computer graphics, video frames, statistical images and texts.

      Object for slide design.

      The last stage of the presentation.


      The minimum presentation object (English - "crawl").

      A set of slides and special effects used for screen display.

      The presentation in which the user manages, searches for information, determines the time of its perception, as well as the amount of material required.


    Let's wrap up today's lesson.

      What should you have learned in this lesson?

      Have we achieved the desired results?

      Do you think that the knowledge gained in this lesson will be useful in further studies and life?

      What features of the Power Point program did you like the most?



      1. Repeat the theoretical material of the lesson.

        Create a 5 slide presentation.

        Create a test (3 questions with 3 answers) on any topic for a future presentation.

    Teacher's speech:“I thank you for the lesson. I wish you good things in the future interesting projects and new knowledge.


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