Presentation on the topic: Computer addiction in children and adolescents. Presentation on the topic "computer addiction in adolescents" The problem of computer addiction in adolescents presentation

Parent-teacher meeting"The computer in the life of a teenager. Benefit or harm?"

Meeting objectives:

    Show the ability to use a computer in learning activities and at home.

    Discuss the problem with your parents computer addiction, its causes and manifestations.

    To acquaint parents with recommendations for the prevention of computer addiction.

Form of carrying out: conversation with lecture elements.

Meeting preparatory work:

1. Preparation of material on the problem.

2. Questioning parents.

3. Design of the exhibition "Computer games our children play" (from disks with computer games).

4. Creation of an electronic presentation.

5. Create reminders for parents.


1. Introductory remarks.

V modern world it is difficult to find a child who is not interested in a computer. Probably, it is just as difficult to find a parent who would not be bothered by the child's excessive enthusiasm for computer games.Of course, computers are now used in various branches of science, technology and even art, so the ability to handle them has become necessary in order for a child to master any serious profession in the future. At the same time, sitting for hours at the monitor, the child not only ruins his health, but also misses the chance to chat with friends, play sports, just run in the yard in the fresh air. So what should a competent and caring parent do:allow or deny communication with a "metal friend"?

Unfortunately, just as there is no cure for all diseases, there are no universal answers to questions related to raising children. So let's try to analyze everything"pros" and "cons" of computer hobby, and also take into account the individual characteristics of the child and the situation in which he grows up.

2. Results of the survey of parents.

We conducted a survey among the parents of students in grades 6-11, which was attended by 105 people.

1 question "Do you have a computer at home?Slide number 2.

YES - 82% answered, NO - 18%, i.e. 4 out of 5 people have a computer.

2 and 3 questions ... How much time a day does the child and you spend at the computer?Slide number 3.

Compare on the slide. Compared to their parents, children spend much more time at the computer.

4 question ... Purpose of using a computer by a child.Slide number 4.

A third of children use a computer to play.

3. The benefits of using a computer.

QUESTION to parents: Do you think that there is more benefit or harm from using a computer?

Dialogue with parents. Parents describe how a child can usefully use a computer.

A COMPUTER is definitely useful.Slide number 5.

And how can computer games be useful?

At first, among modern game programs so manydeveloping. So, for adolescents, a variety of logic games are suitable that develop the ability to predict and analyze, especially if in order to win, you need to attract your knowledge of some subjects. Even the most skeptical parent can hardly deny positive influence this kind of games for the development of the child.

Secondly, even the usual activity on the computer is perceived by the child as a game. Therefore, something that does not interest him at all in the pages of a textbook may be attractive on a monitor screen. This can be used in teaching those children who have not formedproper cognitive motivation. Moreover, for students with a weak memory, studying the material using a computer may be more effective. The explanations for this are simple. What looks bright, dynamic, unexpected immediately attracts attention, and in order to keep his gaze on the screen, the child does not need to make any effort, that is, his attention at this moment is involuntary. At the same time, what you see is easy to remember, since they involuntarily functionemotional and imaginative memory developed in children is usually better than mechanical and logical memory.

Thirdly, independent work at the computer contributes to the development of the childsmall muscles of the arm and hand-eye coordination. In other words, by pressing the buttons on the keyboard and moving the mouse cursor to the desired place on the screen, your child exercises fine motor skills, and also learns to correlate the movements of his hand with the results that he observes on the screen.

Fourth, games on the computer contribute to the developmentabstract thinking children. And children get used to the fact that sometimes things and creatures in games are depicted as completely different from the original, or even indicated by icons. Thus, during such games, a person gradually develops the ability to perceive signs and symbols, which is the basis of abstract thinking. And this is absolutely necessary for understanding schemes, equations; written words - when it becomes necessary to think abstractly, without relying on a specific image of the object in question.

Fifth, traveling through virtual worlds can act as a way to release the accumulated resentment and aggression in the soul, which is not dangerous for others, and therefore can be acceptable. Many will consider the virtue of computer games rather dubious. And they will be partially right. Recently, the topic of aggression and violence on TV screens and monitors has justifiably worried parents, psychologists and teachers. Care must be taken here.

4. Gambling addiction. Causes and symptoms.

Questions for parents

    Are you afraid of your child's communication with the computer?

    Has your child's behavior changed since the introduction of a computer in the house?

    How do you feel about computer games?

ONE of the fears is the passion for computer games.

In a game, a virtual computer world where you can become anyone, you just need to "load" the game. To do this, you do not need to make a lot of effort, you do not need to follow the rules of adults, you can not hide anger and aggression.

Any BBW can become a top model, and a puny boy can become a superhero. And all you need to do is have a computer and a hundred rubles for new game... And if the computer is connected to the Internet, then the possibilities become completely limitless. Unfortunately, there are problems too ...

Computer addiction is a problem that people are trying to fight all over the world. Children and adults play computer and telephone games. Production of games for computers and mobile phones is a powerful industry, and, unfortunately, our children inevitably fall into its webs. Let's take a look at the discs presented at our exhibition "Computer Games Our Children Play".

What is "gambling addiction"?

Gambling addiction - it is the psychological dependence of a person on computer games (as well as on others), which affects his physical and mental health.

Why is it happening. Let's analyze how children are attracted to games? Slide number 6, 7.

First of all, the actions that unfold on the monitor screen attract children for the same reasons as fairy tales - these areinvented a world brighter, simpler and more expressive than it really is. There are a few semitones here, you do not need to understand the intricacies of human souls, to predict the consequences of your behavior. The rules are clear: kill the bad ones, take food and weapons, and when you defeat everyone and score a certain number of points, you move on to the next level.

Player allowedmistakes can always be corrected, you just need to restart the game or return to the previous level. And in real life mistakes remain mistakes and can lead to a fall in self-esteem, negative relationships with others, etc. The same applies to the finiteness of our existence. From a certain age, all normally developing children begin to fear death. But in the game they are not threatened. Generous creators of virtual fun offer users, even in one game, often onseveral lives. How pleasant it is once again, when you have been defeated by a terrible enemy, to ask with optimism: "Well, nothing. How many lives do I have left?"

Games are easychange ordo not play out to the end, if something does not work out, and adults will not attach any importance to it. Try a child to do the same, for example, with classes in a circle (not to mention school), he will immediately become the object of attention of adults who inspire their pupil with ideas about purposefulness, willpower and constancy.

More than movies or books, computer games allow children toidentify with the main characters - to feel incredibly strong, courageous, smart, etc. real world, it takes a lot of effort, something to "remake" yourself, and besides that, overcome the feeling of annoyance that you are "not the only one so smart"!

Small children, as a rule, can change little in the reality around them; their way of life is entirely dependent on adults. But not in the game! Thereall going onat the request of the child, there he can choose and change roles, levels, decorations, command destinies. It is natural thatthe role of the overlord it is very attractive for children, because while they can say a lot more sentences starting with the words "I want" than with the words "I can."

And finally, the computer itself is wonderful.communication partner: always understands (if you press those buttons), does not be capricious, does not conflict, does not read notations. In general, it is easy to negotiate with him, not like with living people. Therefore, children who have difficulties in communication so easily leave for virtual worlds.

Lack of self-control skills in the child. Such a person does not know how to control himself, limit himself, "slow down", he does not thinking, he cannot outline a perspective, determine the result of his action, "calculate" the situation.

The child is not accustomed to work, to the ability to see work and do it. Such a person does not feel the need to work in the name of loved ones, thereby expressing his love and care for them.

The child has not been taught to cooperate, he has not been taught to consult, which means listening and, most importantly, hearing advice and recommendations. Such "deafness" begins in adolescence, and adults suddenly find themselves completely helpless, as they see in front of them as if a completely different child - disobedient, as if deaf, not perceiving parents.

Ignorance by adults of the rules of mental hygiene for interacting with a computer, the benefits and harms of it, ignorance of adults.

A child deprived of parental attention satisfies the need for warmth and communication by interacting with a computer. The style of upbringing in a family is built on pressure, instructions, and upbringing of a follower who, as a result, still does not know how to obey and obey.

Growing up adolescents face the challenges of adulthood. Unable to cope with them on their own, not finding support from adults, the child goes into the virtual world.

When communicating with a child, parents are not aware of his growing up, do not change the style of communication, do not enter into dialogue, concerted actions.

The child is uncomfortable in the family, since the room - his personal space - is not arranged according to his taste, does not express his personal attitudes and attitude.

Child's self-doubt, low self-esteem, dependence on the opinions of others, isolation.

A strong reflex of imitation, going into unreality after the "stuck" comrade.

Gambling addiction symptoms Slide number 8.

    The child spends most of his free time (6-10 hours a day) at the computer.

    He has practically no real friends, but a lot of virtual ones.

    If the student reacts aggressively to your prohibition to sit at the computer or becomes anxious.

    The child deceives you, skips school to sit at the computer, has become worse in school, has lost interest in school subjects.

    During the game, the teenager begins to talk to himself or to the characters of the game as if they are real.

    He becomes more aggressive.

    A child who is addicted to playing or chatting on the Internet forgets about food and personal hygiene.

    The student has difficulty getting up in the morning, wakes up in a depressed state. The mood rises only when the child sits down at the computer.

Why is gambling addiction formed?First and necessary condition the formation of any addiction - feelings of inner anxiety and feelings of dissatisfaction (frustration).

There are two ways to get out of the state of anxiety: a person either becomes aggressive (can, for example, break objects, take out evil on strangers up to crimes), or seeks to "leave". And you can go into alcoholism, drug addiction, religious sects, finally, into the game ...

In a computer game, a person can simultaneously "throw out" his aggression on virtual characters and hide from a reality that is bleak for him. But where does the increased anxiety and dissatisfaction come from? Problems in the family, misunderstandings between parents and children, "abandonment" of children, and exaggerated demands placed on them by adults often become the reason.

The second condition for the formation of gambling addiction is pleasure. No matter what a person plays, soldiers or "shooters", during the game there is an adrenaline rush. And if he also wins, the body produces hormones of joy - endorphins. You want to experience this feeling again and again, and for this you need to repeat the game. This is how addiction arises.

We all probably played computer games or tried to pull soft toy from the machine. But why do some become gambling addicts, while others do not?

This largely depends on the characteristics of a person's character.

Psychologists distinguish 2 types: Extroverts and introverts (they are rare in their pure form).

Extroverts Aimed at communication, responsible, the reasons for failure are their mistakes, decisive, do not expect a miracle, they act.

Introverts are aimed at inner experiences, little depends on them, they blame them on the intrigues of fate

What type is your child? Whom does he blame for the failure? How often does he dream of a saving miracle? Can you make an effort to achieve a goal or give up what you started halfway through?

This is the third reason for the formation of addiction.

The fourth factor is THE DEGREE OF INSPECTABILITY, in other words, his willingness to submit to someone else's will

Usually, there are children who lack independence, who have difficulty making decisions, are ready to obey the leader.

Foster independence in the child, a critical look at what is happening, encourage initiative. This is the best prevention of addiction.

In the "RISK GROUP" there are children who dream of being leaders, but never become them. It is they who can sit at the computer for days, imagining themselves to be the rulers of the galaxies. They need to help them realize their potential: to support any endeavors, develop talents and abilities.

Exclude, remove the following games from your computer.Slide number 9.

5. Setegolism. Signs of addiction.

Today, almost every home has an Internet connection. What harm can a teenager bring to the world wide web?

Watch the video.Slide 10.

Networkholics are people who are addicted to the Internet. They need to be online again and again, and they can easily spend 12-14 hours knocking, continuously downloading music, programs, communicating in chats and forums. They make endless virtual acquaintances without trying to translate them into reality.

Networkholics have self-isolation, loss of internal reference points, imbalance, absent-mindedness, slovenliness, disregard for loved ones and, naturally, huge expenses for paying for the provider's services.

In addition to the main signs of computer addiction, networkholics show additional symptoms:

An obsessive urge to constantly check email;

Anticipation of the next online session;

Increased time spent online;

Increasing the amount of money spent online.Slide 11.

According to statistics, networkholics are 3-5% of the total number of Internet users.

Basically, these are newcomers who have recently gained access to the world wide web, and they strive to practice all of its capabilities in practice.

Over time, such users gradually "cool down" to the network and spend less time there. But in some cases, an excessive hobby for the Internet develops into an addiction, which can lead to unpleasant consequences.

6. Prevention of computer addiction.

According to our survey, 30% of parents believe that their children are addicted to computers, and this is a third of the respondents.Slide number 12.

What to do?

Gambling addiction, like any other, is easier to prevent than to cure.

Unfortunately, many parents themselves often involve their child in the virtual world. It seems to them that sitting at a new computer game is better than walking in some unknown place on the street. “God forbid, he gets into a bad company! No, let him play better,” some dads and mothers believe.

But few of them think that computer addiction leads to poor health, problems in the genital area due to excessive irradiation of a still emerging organism, to slow development and deformation of the personality, loss of a sense of reality.

In addition, computer addiction fosters aggression in a child: adolescents begin to perceive the real world as a threat, considering even their loved ones as enemies.

What should parents do?Slide number 13.

First: communicate with your child "on the same wavelength".

From early childhood, make him your ally in family affairs. Discuss rather than gloss over family issues. When talking with your child, ask for his opinion. Tell us every day about your day, ask what was interesting in his life.

Be sure to allow your teen to invite friends to the house, ask about how he communicates with his peers. Share your own childhood experiences to help him solve his problems.

Remember that it is very important for a teenager how his closest people perceive him. This is the basis of self-esteem, and with this style of communication, it will remain adequate.

Second: limit the time at the computer.

Ophthalmologists believe that a child aged 7-12 can sit at a computer for 2-3 hours, but not at night.

After 12 years, a less dangerous period begins, since the teenager develops the ability to distinguish between virtual and real images.

However, we must not forget that all children develop in different ways. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each child. But the main thing is not to let your child play on the computer 1.5-2 hours before bedtime, and especially at night.

Third: the computer is for the good!

Teach your child to use the computer and the Internet to help them learn. Watch what games your child is playing. Try to keep "good" games or games that develop logical thinking in your home computer. They can be no less interesting than "adventure games" and "shooters". If you also have aggressive games at home (dads are often interested in them, so it's hard to forbid a child to play them), then limit their time to 40-50 minutes a day.

If you notice that the child begins to talk with the characters in the games, keep him away from the monitor.

Fourth: "how beautiful this world is, look!" Try to develop interests in your child other than computer games. A section or studio can be of any orientation, the main thing is that some interest appears in the child's life, be it theater, space, dinosaurs, whatever!

Be sure to go with the whole family to the theater, museums, cafes, go on picnics. Visit other cities (even with an excursion and only for a few days or even hours) to recharge with new experiences and stock up on pleasant memories.

How to treat a gambling addict?

Probably, communication with a psychologist in this situation will not be enough. See a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. Gambling addiction is usually treated with psychotherapy, hypnosis, or medication.

Gambling addicts often become depressed, which may require antidepressants to overcome. Most likely, it will be difficult for parents to overcome an already formed addiction by their own efforts. Don't waste time and see your doctor.

7. Conclusion.

Now that we have considered all the main "pros" and "cons" of virtual games, it will probably be easierfind your "golden mean" in dealing with a computer for each child, proceeding from his individual inclinations and needs and, thus, making a friend out of the "mechanical enemy", helping to solve various problems of the child's development.

In this case, of course, do not forgetabout precautions in the work of children at the computer in order to prevent health problems.

Dear parents, ONLY YOU are responsible for the life, health and comprehensive, harmonious development of your children. Become aware of this and do not blame the mirror and the manufacturers of computer games.


    V. I. Kovalko Health-saving technologies: the student and the computer. - M.: VAKO, 2007.

How a computer cares about human health

Sometimes a person working at a computer (not only a child playing computer games, but also an adult) is so carried away that he does not notice the rapidly passing time. And the result is overwork.

There are special computer programs who care about human health.

Program Eyes guard and Computer and Vision

The program can be set in such a way that every 20 minutes the computer is blocked for five minutes. Thus, take offense - do not be offended by the computer, but regardless of the desire, you will have to take a five-minute break from your work. The operation of the program (locking and unlocking) does not bear any negative consequences for computer, operating system and all applications installed on it.

Program Break tame and Safe-Computer

The capabilities of the program allow you to constantly monitor the fatigue of a person working at the computer and show the time of work (both from the beginning of the day and the duration of the last session). The principle of operation of the application of the program is to analyze the duration of the work and the degree of activity of the keyboard and mouse. Based on this, the conclusion of user fatigue is generated.

Program Eyes Keeper

The program refers to eye simulator programs that solve the problem of relieving eye strain by performing special exercises and includes a set of eight eye exercises. Characteristic feature the program is that the order of each exercise is demonstrated visually, using an animated image.

Soothing screensavers

Screensaver Aqua Real

There are several screensavers that simulate the movement of fish in an aquarium.

You can choose not only which fish will swim in your monitor aquarium, but also how many fish (no more than 15 pieces).

Screensaver Waterfall

This screensaver is an image of a forest waterfall. She really belongs to the most beautiful screensavers. The screen saver demonstration process is accompanied by pleasant relaxing music.

Screensaver Winter Fantasy

Screensaver - "winter fantasy". After starting the screensaver, a constantly changing winter landscape will be displayed on the screen, accompanied by pleasant relaxing music.

Program "Govorilka"

In order not to harm the health of your eyes, the most sure thing is not to approach the monitor screen at all. The Govorilka program is specially designed for sound reproduction of documents in Russian, English, German, Ukrainian and Belarusian. You can individually choose the appropriate voice option: female English, male English, female Russian or male Russian.

Program Talking Key

The program can be described as - Speaking keys.

When using the program, it should be borne in mind that each key press is voiced separately.

Program "Talker"

"Talker" program that can read Required documents resting your eyes.

The essence of these programs, designed for voice control of a computer, is that to execute certain actions it is enough to give a command to the computer by voice, and not using a mouse or keyboards.


How to limit a child's time at the computer.

    Do not follow the path of violence, do not impose strict prohibitions and restrictions. Do not do anything quickly and abruptly, because if a child is seriously "frozen", then a sharp weaning from the "computer drug" can lead to cardinal actions (suicide or his attempts to leave the house, etc.).

    Tune in to calmly overcome the painful condition.

    Do not act "at random", use proven recipes, taking into account the individual situation and personal characteristics of your child.

    Try to enter into dialogue. Tell us about the benefits and harms that you can get from a computer.

    Talk about freedom, the right to choose, their boundaries and responsibility for the right to make decisions.

    Set a small limitation on the mode of being in virtual space. Track the reaction to the new conditions and, most importantly, their implementation. Check if your child is having a hard time keeping up with the new timeline.

    If you gradually succeed in reducing the time, then go the way until the norm is established.

What can you do to prevent your child from becoming addicted to the computer?

    Introduce him to the temporary norms (from 14 to 17 years old - 1.5 - 2 hours a day).

    Supervise the various activities of the child (circles, broad interests).

    Introduce household chores.

    Cultivate family reading.

    Communicate with your child every day, be aware of the problems and conflicts that arise in him.

    Control your social circle, invite your child's friends into the house.

    Know the place where your child spends his free time.

    Teach the rules of communication, expand the horizons of the child.

    Teach ways to relieve emotional stress, get out of stressful conditions.

    Censor computer games and programs.

    Play board and other games, introduce you to the games of your childhood.

    Do not allow uncontrolled access to the Internet.

    Try not to talk with your child often about the negative phenomena of life, develop a stable attitude towards evil, active opposition to that which carries the energy of destruction, destruction, degradation of the personality.

    Do not forget that parents are role models, so do not break the rules that you set for the child (taking into account your norms).

    Analyze if you yourself are addicted? Smoking, alcohol, TV? Your release is the best recipe for preventing your child's addiction.

Addiction to computer games as a negative factor in the formation healthy way life in children and adolescents A. A. Fedosova Faculty of Medicine, 5 course Supervisor: Ph.D., Associate Professor L. P. Mamchits EE "Gomel State Medical University"

Today, according to numerous studies, up to 80% of schoolchildren at the age of years suffer from computer addiction. Children for days without food and rest can be in front of a computer at home or in specialized clubs.

62% of 11-year-olds and 46% of 14-year-olds visit computer gambling establishments almost daily. An analysis of the data of an anonymous survey carried out by us on 177 students of educational institutions in the city of Gomel showed that computer clubs are attended by children of all age groups. But they are especially popular among children of 11 years old (up to 76%) and 13 years old (up to 80%).

Being at the computer in the late evening and night time leads to lack of sleep, disrupts the physiological daily biorhythms of the child's life. Excessive passion for computer games leads to physical inactivity and a lack of time for leisure in the fresh air, which is necessary for the development of a healthy body. In addition, club visits can take place during school lessons. At the same time, academic performance decreases, conflicts arise with teachers and parents, as indicated by more than 15% of the children surveyed.

We have identified subjective symptoms of overstrain of the nervous system and eyes, changes in mood and poor sleep in children attending computer clubs. Headache was noted in 20%; heaviness in the head was noted in 10% of the interviewed adolescents; 15% of children complained of poor sleep after playing computer games with a tense plot.

A common complaint was eye pain (29%); flickering before the eyes (14%); blurred image (5%); 33% of the surveyed schoolchildren complained of eye fatigue, but this complaint was most pronounced among 11-year-old visitors to computer clubs (up to 62%). Namely, at this age, the formation of the main parts of the visual analyzer ends, the formation of its functions occurs.

In 48% of the children surveyed, games in clubs led to a deterioration in mood; aggressiveness developed in 8% of adolescent children. It should be noted that it is the adolescent period that is characterized by the lability of the psyche, the autonomic nervous system, the predominance of excitation processes over inhibition processes.

Most role-playing computer games are designed for adolescence. They are drawn and programmed by older people, without taking into account age-related psychological characteristics. Such games can strongly influence the formation of the personality during the period of active socialization and role identification.

Computer addiction arises due to the fact that schoolchildren do not have enough live communication with parents and peers. More often, children and adolescents who have unstable and conflict family or school relationships, who are not committed to any serious hobbies, become addicted.

These same students continue to be at the computer and at school, in computer science lessons. According to the data of the Gomel Regional Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health, in the Gomel region there are 760 classrooms for educational and computer technology, of which only 71% fully meet the requirements of SanPiN. In 2007, 2556 workplaces with computers in schools of the region were surveyed, of which 7.6% do not meet sanitary standards, and according to laboratory studies, an excess of levels of electromagnetic radiation at workplaces is noted in 10% of the surveyed workplaces.

The influence of a long stay at computer games on the health of schoolchildren: 1. Decreased immunity. 2. Psycho-neurological disorders - chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, nervous exhaustion, which can cause severe long-term depression and even suicidal attempts. There were cases of convulsive seizures provoked by the effect of "flickering" of the monitor and the frequent change of the image during the game. Japanese scientists have come to the conclusion that children who are overly addicted to computer games lose the ability to control their behavior. Gambling addicts are a high-risk group for committing offenses, crimes and even murder (in Russia and the United States, teenage gambling addicts killed their classmates and teachers); several cases of death of children from stroke after hours of computer games are known (in Russia and China). 3. Neurovegetative changes - fluctuations in blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, fever, headaches. 4. Vascular disorders. Due to the monotonous posture, congestion in organs and tissues, edema, varicose veins develop.

5. Changes in posture (especially important for children under 15 years of age), spinal osteochondrosis, herniated discs. 6. Violation of reproductive function due to the effect of electromagnetic radiation on the endocrine glands. 7. Deterioration of vision. 8. Endocrine disorders.

The student neglects his own health and hygiene in order to spend more time at the computer. Thus, the enthusiasm of school-age children for computer games at home or in computer gaming establishments can be regarded as one of the negative factors influencing the formation of their healthy lifestyle.

This is how one of the gambling addicts recalls his pathological addiction: “Then there was nothing in my life more important than a game. I was losing my friends, my studies were not going well. There was no such thing as free time for me - it was all spent on games. I began to have a prolonged depression, with a frequent desire to commit suicide. Emptiness and melancholy grew in my soul. "

Recommendations for the prevention and overcoming of computer addiction in children and adolescents: 1. It is necessary to take preventive measures to prevent computer addiction in children and adolescents at the family and school levels. Parents and teachers help their child explore the real world. It is important that they also teach children “safety rules” in the virtual world.

4. Persons exercising control over the child's work should monitor his preferences in computer games, talk about the consequences of a long stay at the monitor. 2. The main principle of the weakening and treatment of addiction is substitution: the formation of a full-fledged spiritual and intellectual life, live communication with parents and peers, attention and care, classes in circles and sports sections, assistance in housework. 3. It is necessary to develop a culture of communication with a computer. It is important to show a minor that it is interesting to develop intellectually with the help of a computer, to receive necessary and useful information, to study, etc.

5. Effective method the fight against addiction to computer games and Internet addiction is the use of various control programs. The Game Control program, for example, is able to distinguish between studying at the computer and play activities: if a child uses a computer to prepare lessons, the monitor does not turn off, and if he plays computer games beyond the set time, then the monitor will turn off exactly on schedule. The Naomi 2.7 program will help limit minors' access to inappropriate resources by controlling information downloaded from the Internet, thus prohibiting access to computer gambling, porn sites, and sites containing violent scenes.

6. The computer must be located where it is more convenient to control its use by minors, as well as establish clear requirements for the use of the computer and the Internet, and always demand their strict implementation. 7. In order to preserve the health of the younger generation, it is necessary to properly organize workplace at the computer, constantly monitor your posture, as well as regularly take breaks for rest and exercise.

China has valuable experience in the prevention and treatment of computer addiction. For example, in this country, computers are equipped with a program that automatically turns off after two hours of being at computer games, and it is impossible to turn on for some time. Already in 2005. in China opened a clinic for the treatment of computer addiction, and in 2007. the opening of new Internet cafes and computer rooms was prohibited.

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The purpose of this work is to study information about computer addiction, the causes and symptoms of computer addiction. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set - to get acquainted with the literature on this topic; - get a holistic view of computer addiction; - to conduct a survey among students to identify computer addiction.

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When working on this topic, the following research methods were applied: Analysis of literature data on computer addiction. Development of a questionnaire on computer addiction. Conducting a survey among students in grades 5 - 9 of the school. Systematization of information obtained on the basis of questionnaires.

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If a person treats a computer like technical means that makes life easier, that's okay. But if the computer is the only door to the world for him, this is already a skew.

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Why is "computer addiction" dangerous? The disintegration of connections, both human and spiritual. The loss of many important things. Physical diseases - a sore back and everything below the back (after all, a sedentary lifestyle), the lack of fresh air also affects

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Causes of computer addiction The child's alienation from the family structure is increasing. Those who have low or high self-esteem are susceptible to addiction.

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Symptoms of psychological dependence on a computer feeling well or euphoria at the computer; unwillingness to be distracted from work or playing at the computer; irritation with forced distraction; inability to plan the end of a session of work or play with the computer forgetting about household chores, official duties, study, meetings and agreements during work or play on the computer;

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Risk group Psychologists reveal computer addiction in six-year-old children, but it is most undesirable for adolescents 12-15 years old. Moreover, there are nine to ten boys for one dependent girl. Adolescence is a period of values ​​formation, expansion of social contacts, psychologists say. - A dependent child limits his social circle to a computer. As a result - lack of life experience, infantilism in solving life questions, difficulties in social adaptation.

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3. The computer becomes an escape from reality with its problems, psychologists say. “And the inability to correct the“ mistakes ”in life with the same ease as in the game causes in the dependent child various slight mental deviations of the emotional plan - from aggression to depression, from completely opposing oneself to the world to withdrawing into oneself. Risk group

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Prevention of computer addiction 1) Clearly set aside the amount of time to spend at the monitor. 2) In between games, do simple exercises - bend, stretch, walk around the room or jump. 3) Try to replace "shooters" and "adventure games" with games that develop logical thinking. 4) Observe the daily routine, take a walk on the street, chat with friends. 5) If you sit at the computer for a long time, from time to time check your eyesight, do eye exercises 6) If you are uncomfortable with the fact that there is no computer nearby, you rarely fantasize, and before your eyes the heroes of computer games, do not hesitate and talk about it with parents may need the help of a psychologist.

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Influence of the computer on students of the Chkalovsk primary school 52 students of 5-9 grades of the Chkalovsk primary school 100% of the respondents agreed with the experience good mood when working on a PC. But they do not feel irritated if they do not sit at the computer, 75% of the respondents agreed with this.

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As the analysis has shown, among students in grades 5-7, girls are more interested in computer games, and among students in grades 8-9, boys. 5-7 grade 8-9 grade boys 38% 66% girls 50% 34%

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Below is a cross-tabulation of girls 'and boys' views of the impact of PC on academic performance Affects academic performance Does not affect academic performance boys 33% 25% girls 9% 33%

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23% of the surveyed respondents believe that it is easier to communicate with people via the Internet. 87% of the surveyed respondents stated that they are passionate about computer games. As a result, we found that 25% of students in our school are enthusiastic about PCs.

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conclusion if the total percentage of children in grades 5-9, keen on computers, according to sociologists, is 80%, then at school it is 25%; students are well aware of the impact of PC on mental and physical health of a person from media sources and computer science lessons; at the moment there is no high computer dependence of schoolchildren; in our opinion, this is due to the fact that schoolchildren devote more time to classes in circles, sports sections, and preparation for lessons.

The presentation was prepared by a 6c grade student Artem Shelkunov.

Slide 2

Modern social networks, online computer games, the opportunity to join any information, even the most taboo in society, using the Internet, as if specially created for adolescents whose nervous system has not yet fully matured, because children of this age (12-16 years old) were originally inherent in the desire for escapism (some withdrawal from reality), fantasizing, a tendency to wishful thinking, etc. The computer and the Internet fully satisfy these needs of a young man who, with their help, can become anyone in his virtual space.

Slide 3

Modern children often master computer literacy earlier than language or math: we live in an era of high technologies and crazy speeds. In principle, this is neither good nor bad, the main thing is how to dispose of the resources we have. After all, the same computer and the Internet can become both a tool for creativity and obtaining new information, and doping is akin to drugs. Despite the fact that among children and adolescents, computer addiction is acquiring threatening proportions, the public treats this fact rather condescendingly: they say, it will pass with age. Say, it's better when the child is sitting at home at the computer than hanging out with someone who is not clear where. Computer games are captivating and exciting, and real life ceases to be a source of pleasure. Many experts agree that such terrible diagnoses as depression, emotional burnout syndrome, chronic fatigue, alcohol and drug addiction, suicidal tendencies, humanity owes precisely to high technologies.

Slide 4: Who is at risk?

Most often, it is boys who get into computer addiction. Girl games are all about emotions, so girls don't need to feed on surrogate experiences. Girls are "allowed" to cry, take offense, throw tantrums - the historically formed stereotype dominates over boys: you have to be strong. As a result, boys are forced to constantly suppress their true feelings and emotions. In addition, due to the peculiarities of male psychology, the "withdrawal" is more characteristic of the stronger sex. For boys, the "zone of productive loneliness" is vital - for recovery, accumulation of strength, analysis. And if in reality this niche is absent, the teenager will create it artificially. Well, then, the instinct of a winner has been in the blood of men since the cave times - that is why boys "get hooked" on all sorts of "shooters" and "adventure games" (girls, if they do play, are more likely to play strategic or logical games).

Slide 5

Compared to adults, the child very quickly gets used to the computer - exciting games, pictures on the Internet, interesting videos - how to break away here. It is worth noting that the border between hobby and child addiction is too thin, but the criterion for such a distinction, first of all, is self-control, the development of which in children occurs over a long period of time. Parents whose child, after spending some time at the computer, can independently turn it off and go about their business, do not need to worry, because there is no addiction as such yet. However, it is another matter when a child gives up everything - communication with friends, walks in the fresh air, in order to play or wander around the Internet. Naturally, in this case, the child is unable to refuse to sit at the computer on his own and needs the help of his parents.

Slide 6: Do many people suffer from addiction?

Computer addiction is a serious socio-economic problem affecting more and more people. According to various estimates, different kinds computer addiction affects up to 10% of all users personal computers and the Internet all over the world. In some countries (China, North Korea), the problem of computer addiction came to state level and is taken under the control of the government.

Slide 7

Slide 8: Several cases of the critical stage

1) In Tyumen, a detained seventeen-year-old boy killed his parents with iron bars because they would not let him into a computer club. The teenager did the murder together with a friend, and, according to the criminals' plan, this crime was supposed to start a series of murders in the city: would-be players were going to continue the robberies, killing the parents of other fans of computer games. The killer was arrested at a computer club. 2) A 22-year-old Thai resident died while playing Counter-Strіke. After working a shift at the plant, he went to the Internet club, and in order not to be distracted from the computer once again, he bought provisions on the way. Friends found him in critical condition only the next day. The young man was taken to the hospital, but it was too late, and he died without regaining consciousness. The cause of death was heart failure - the gamer was simply worried while playing.

Slide 9

Computer addiction affects family relationships, therefore, during the treatment of computer addiction, it is important to provide assistance to relatives and friends of a person suffering from computer addiction, in particular, aimed at harmonizing relations with him.


Slide 10: How to Treat Computer Addiction?

The most important stage in the treatment of computer addiction is to involve the person suffering from it in processes that are not related to computers, so that electronic games and processes do not become a substitute for reality (find an alternative). picking mushrooms, paintball, kayaking, football, etc.), which not only allow you to experience the thrill, but also train the body and normalize the psychological state. How to Treat Computer Addiction?


Slide 11

No matter what kind of trouble we are talking about, it is impossible to overcome it without admitting to ourselves that there is a problem. Check if you are addicted to the Internet. Within 3 days, write down the times when you go online and when you log off on a notepad. Cross out the time spent on the Web at work. After 3 days, assess the situation soberly and honestly answer the question of whether you suffer from Internet addiction - at least in its infancy. Imagine that a hidden camera is installed in your apartment and someone whose opinion you value is constantly watching your actions. This "someone", of course, will not praise you for your next visit to the Internet, so you take your hand away from the mouse and start something more real. Gradually, the frequency of trips to your computer will decrease, and as an additional bonus, many tasks that were previously postponed will be completed. Remember what you always wanted to do, what to learn. Cross stitching, study foreign language, training in hairdressing and all other "Wishlist" that have not yet been implemented, can and should be implemented right now. At first, you will spend time on them that you would have spent on social networks. But soon you will be surprised to notice that you yourself are rushing to the embroidery frame, forgetting about the existence of a computer.


Last slide of the presentation: Computer addiction in children and adolescents

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

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Computer addiction With the proliferation of computers, the new kind"Sick" - people who are manically attached to the computer. They are called differently: network addicts, gambling addicts, computer addicts ... In all cases, they are people who are obsessively dependent on the virtual world.

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Slide Description:

Computer addiction According to experts, gambling addiction is as harmful as alcoholism or drug addiction, and leads to profound personality changes - self-isolation, mental imbalance, pathological forgetfulness and untidiness, indifference to loved ones. The sick person experiences an irresistible desire to be in virtual reality as long as possible, forgetting about everything.

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According to the data obtained, a person who, in his virtual travels, forgets about time, eats in front of the monitor, and not at the table, and practically does not react to an appeal to it, can be considered addicted.

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Signs of Internet addiction in adolescents: Loss of control over the subject of addiction, the child ceases to control himself and the time spent in front of the computer. The "dose" (that is, the time spent at the computer) is gradually increasing. The predominance of "tunnel" thinking. All thoughts are only about the game or social network and how to quickly get to the computer. Denial of the existence of a problem, a categorical refusal to help. Dissatisfaction with real life, feeling of emptiness in the real world. Study problems. Ignoring relatives, friends, people of the opposite sex, interest is concentrated only on the subject of addiction. Sleep disorders, a radical change in the regime. Aggression in case of inaccessibility of the subject of dependence, impossibility to "use".

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Slide Description:

Why is computer addiction dangerous? The teenager ceases to control the time being at the computer. The teenager becomes aggressive if he is denied access to his favorite toy; Permissiveness in computer games can convince a teenager that in real life everything is also possible for the sake of one's goal; Neglecting food leads to a lack of nutrients in the body. And, accordingly, to the disruption of normal physical development and the appearance of diseases; Vision is impaired, insomnia, fatigue appear, immunity decreases; There are problems with posture, headaches; Emotional immaturity, neglect of personal hygiene, depression with a long absence of a computer develop; Heart murmur in a child, tachycardia, blood pressure disorders; Difficulties of adaptation in society (among peers).


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