Rudenko am psychology. A.M. Rudenko, S. I. Samygin. participant of the "Famous Scientists" encyclopedia

Samygin S.I. Love in human existence: a philosophical and psychological analysis/ S. I. Samygin, A. M. Rudenko. - Rostov-on-Don: Iz-in SKNTs VSH SFedU, 2011 .-- 168 p .: 60x84 / 16. - ISBN 978-5-87872-462-3, 500 copies. - Access mode: http: // site / catalog / product / 359832 read


This monograph is devoted to the philosophical and psychological analysis of love in human existence. Despite the availability of presentation, the work is written at a high theoretical and methodological level, and also contains a number of applied aspects of the problem under consideration. The book will be of interest to philosophers, psychologists, sociologists, culturologists, students and teachers and all those who seek to comprehend the great mystery of human love.

Rudenko Andrey Mikhailovich

Rudenko A.M. The phenomenon of love/ A. M. Rudenko, S. I. Samykin. - Rostov-on-Don: Publishing house SKNTs VSh SFedU, 2009 .-- 424 p .: 60x84 1/16. - Access mode: http: // site / catalog / product / 359837 read

In this monograph, written by two scientists who have been seriously engaged in the study of the problem of human love for many years, an attempt is made to a fundamental, complex, interdisciplinary study of the human existential of love. The book will be of interest to philosophers, psychologists, sociologists, culturologists, students and teachers and all those who seek to comprehend the great secret of love between a man and a woman.

Rudenko Andrey Mikhailovich

: textbook / A.M. Rudenko, A.V. Litvinov; ed. A.M. Rudenko. - Moscow. : RIOR: INFRA-M, 2020 .-- 303 p. - (Higher education: Bachelor's degree). - - Text: electronic. - URL: http: // site / catalog / product / 1048186 read


Rudenko Andrey Mikhailovich

Psychology: Textbook / Rudenko A.M. - Rn / D: Phoenix, 2012 .-- 556 p. ISBN 978-5-222-18871-2 - Access mode: http: // site / catalog / product / 911274 read


In the textbook "Psychology", written in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, all the questions and problems necessary for the study, considered within the framework of the discipline of the same name, are considered. This edition is favorably distinguished from other books of this kind by a number of features related to the organization and presentation of material, which makes it easier for students to master this discipline. Each chapter ends with tests for self-control. The book ends with test keys, a glossary, and recommended reading. For students and teachers of higher education educational institutions, psychologists and all those interested in psychology.

The book is part of the collection:

  • Phoenix

Rudenko Andrey Mikhailovich

Conflictology: Textbook for bachelors / Rudenko A.M., Samygin S.I. - Rn / D: Phoenix, 2013 .-- 316 p. ISBN 978-5-222-21046-8 - Access mode: http: // site / catalog / product / 911319 read


In this study guide, written in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the Russian Federation, in compliance with the principle of reasonable sufficiency, practically all the necessary problems of conflict management are reflected, taking into account scientific discoveries of the last decade, which a person with a higher education needs to know. It is richly supplied with problematic theoretical and illustrative material, psychological tests, relevant quotes from classics and modern experts. This edition is favorably distinguished from other books of this kind by a number of features related to the organization and presentation of material, which facilitates the development of this discipline. In addition, the manual contains tests for self-control, keys to them, a glossary and recommended literature for further study of conflict management. The manual is intended for bachelors, students and teachers of conflict management, sociological and psychological specialties, as well as everyone who is interested in the theory and practice of conflict.

The book is part of the collection:

  • Phoenix
  • Phoenix - Collection of books “Psychology. Sociology"

Rudenko Andrey Mikhailovich

Experimental psychology in diagrams and tables: Textbook / Rudenko A.M. - Rn / D: Phoenix, 2015 .-- 285 p. ISBN 978-5-222-22819-7 - Access mode: http: // site / catalog / product / 911344 read


The textbook "Experimental Psychology in Schemes and Tables", written in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, examines the psychological characteristics of the theory and practice of a psychological experiment. The main characteristics of the experiment, the psychological foundations of the experimental process, the peculiarities of the psychological and ethical culture of the experimenter, the principles of organizing the interaction of the experimenter and the subject are revealed, psychological planning experiment. This edition is favorably distinguished from other books of this kind by a number of features related to the organization and presentation of material, which makes it easier for students to master this discipline. Each chapter ends with tests for self-control. The book ends with test keys, a glossary, an index, and recommended reading. For students and teachers of higher educational institutions studying in psychological specialties, psychologists and all those interested in the psychology of experiment.

The book is part of the collection:

  • Phoenix
  • Phoenix - Collection of books “Psychology. Sociology"

Rudenko Andrey Mikhailovich

Psychology of Mass Communication: textbook / A.M. Rudenko, A.V. Litvinov; ed. A.M. Rudenko. - M.: RIOR: INFRA-M, 2017 .-- 303 p. - (Higher education: Bachelor's degree). - - Access mode: http: // site / catalog / product / 792707 read


Rudenko Andrey Mikhailovich

Culturology: textbook / A.M. Rudenko, S.I. Samygin, M.M. Shubin [and others]; ed. A.M. Rudenko. - M.: RIOR: INFRA-M, 2018 .-- 336 p. - (Higher education). - DOI: - Access mode: http: // site / catalog / product / 907584 read


The textbook, written in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, presents all the topics considered within the discipline "Culturology". The book is accessible and in a fascinating form reveals the foundations of the history and theory of culture, sets out the basic concepts of culture, considers approaches to the study of culture, as well as issues related to the peculiarities of the modern cultural situation in Russia. The textbook contains quotes and statements of prominent thinkers, the heading "Do you know that ..." and illustrations that give a visual representation of the masterpieces of world and domestic culture. The publication is intended for bachelors, students and teachers of higher educational institutions, philosophers, culturologists and all those interested in cultural studies.

Academic degree: doctor of philosophical science

Academic title: assistant professor

participant of the "Famous Scientists" encyclopedia

Rudenko Andrey Mikhailovich was born on 07/01/1983 in the city of Biysk, Altai Territory.

In 2000, he graduated with honors from the social and humanitarian faculty and postgraduate study of the South-Russian state university economics and service (specialty "Philosophy of Science and Technology"), doctoral studies at the Southern Federal University (specialty "Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture"). Received additional (to higher) education in the specialty "Translator in the field of professional communication" (Novocherkassk, 2005 - 2008). Passed professional retraining on the following programs: "Pedagogy high school"at the South-Russian State Technical University (Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute) (Novocherkassk, 2006) and" Psychology "at the Institute for Retraining and Advanced Studies of the Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, 2008). In 2007 he defended his thesis for the degree of Candidate of Philosophy In 2012, he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor and defended the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

Sphere scientific interests: philosophical anthropology, problems modern culture, life-meaning problems, existentials of human existence, philosophy and culture of postmodernity, philosophy and psychology of love, philosophy of music, philosophy of creativity, philosophy and psychology of personality self-realization, philosophy of life, philosophy of science and technology.

Currently - Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History of the Institute of Service and Entrepreneurship (branch) of the Don State technical university and the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the Rostov State Conservatory (Academy) named after S.V. Rachmaninov. She is the author of over 130 scientific and educational works. Laureate International Competition "Best book in Communication Sciences and Education ", Diploma-recipient of the Third International Competition" Contemporary Art and Education ".

Scientific publications:

1. Rudenko A.M. The psychology of love or how to achieve reciprocity. - SPb .: Elexis Print Publishing House, 2005 .-- 256 p.

2.Rudenko A.M. Philosophy of love or what is love. Resp. ed. E.Yu. Pozhenkov. - Mines: YURGUES Publishing House, 2005 .-- 64 p.

3. Rudenko A.M. Career psychology for women / A.M. Rudenko, S.N. Sitdikova. - Mines: YURGUES Publishing House, 2007 .-- 105 p.

4. Rudenko A.M. Philosophy of love. Love as a human existential: philosophical-anthropological, socio-cultural and psychological aspects / A.M. Rudenko, S.I. Samygin // Otv. ed. M.D. Rosin. - Rostov-on-Don: Publishing house of SKNTs VSh SFedU, 2009. - 490 p.

5. Rudenko A.M. Love in human existence: philosophical and psychological analysis: monograph / A.M. Rudenko, S.I. Samygin. - Rostov-on-Don: Publishing house of SKNTs VSh SFedU, 2011. - 168 p.

6. Rudenko A.M. Life-meaning intentionality of human existence: the specifics of formation and implementation: monograph / North-Caucasian Scientific Center of Higher School of the Southern Federal University. - Novocherkassk: Publishing house "Lik", 2012. - 236 p.

7. Rudenko A.M. Sociovital concept of the life-meaningful intentionality of human existence: monograph. - Rostov-on-Don: Publishing house of SKNTs VSh SFedU, 2012 .-- 236 p.

R Udenko Alexander Maksimovich (11 (23). May 1907 - 24 March 1976) - artist, teacher. Honored art. RSFSR (1947), Honored Art Worker of the Uzbek SSR (1950). Born in the village of Opanasovka, Rylsky district of the Kursk province (now - the village of Apanasovka, Korenevsky district, Kursk region). As a child, he came to Moscow with his parents.
In the capital, Alexander Maksimovich graduated from the Theater School at the Bolshoi Theater (teacher AM Messerer), after which in 1925 he was accepted into his troupe as a ballet dancer and worked there until 1948. Parts: Franz; Mato ("Salambo"), Colin; Philip ("The Flame of Paris"), Tibulus ("Three Fat Men"), Vaclav ("Bakhchisarai Fountain"), Blue Bird, Siegfried, Jean de Brienne, Basil; Paris (Romeo and Juliet), 1931-1967 teacher of the Moscow Art School, in 1960-1975. teacher-tutor of the Ensemble folk dance THE USSR.
Rudenko also worked at the K.S. Stanislavsky and Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, in the ensemble "Birch", took part in the creation of the collective "Ballet on Ice", taught at the Moscow Choreographic School ... Alexander Maksimovich was known not only as a leading ballet soloist, but also as a man of various interests: he was seriously fond of painting, played the piano perfectly, sang well (even studied with an Italian teacher), played chess well.

Alexander Maksimovich Rudenko is one of the founders of the Soviet ballet school. He brought up a whole galaxy of students, honored and people's artists of the USSR, who raised the Russian ballet to the Olympus of world fame. His students today lead the leading ballet companies not only in Russia, but also in England, France and Germany.

“Rudenko was a great classical dancer with an excellent school. After graduating from a ballet school in Moscow and dancing on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, he repeatedly traveled to Leningrad for classes. And when I, having become an artist, successfully danced Swan Lake in Leningrad, the actors of the older generation equated me with the Leningrad school, and when they learned that my teacher was Alexander Maksimovich, they said: “Well, then everything is clear! This is how Sergeev is in Leningrad, so is Rudenko in Moscow ... A wonderful school. I am grateful to the fate that connected me with such an outstanding teacher as Alexander Maksimovich Rudenko, for his school, after completing which in two years I was able to master the most difficult classical repertoire in ballet ”

From the memoirs of a student A.M. Rudenko, People's Artist of the USSR

Nikolai Fadeichev.

“... Suffice it to say that, possessing a powerful figure, Alexander Maksimovich on stage did not give the impression of an athlete. On the contrary, his dances impressed with their lightness and airiness. He tried to make his dance exquisite and festive and at the same time courageous and strong.
Having become a teacher, he, together with time, demanded that grateful students master the highest achievements of modern classical dance, to which he devoted himself entirely.

Alexander Maksimovich was alien to any conceit, he quickly found a common language both with his workmates and with his numerous students, which is inherent in all great artists. "

From the memoirs of a student A.M. Rudenko, soloist and director of the Bolshoi Theater, the first partner of Maya Plisetskaya, Alexander Tsarman.

He died and was buried in Moscow. In 2007, on the day of the 100th anniversary of the birth of A.M. Rudenko, a memorial plaque in honor of the famous fellow countryman was unveiled on the building of the Komarovskaya secondary school. The name of A.M. Rudenko was assigned to the Korenevskaya children's art school.

Year of creation - 1960


Administration of Korenevsky district of Kursk region


Kursk region., Korenevsky district, pos. Korenevo, st. New building, 1

Working hours:

from 08.30 to 20.00


six-day work week with one day off - Sunday.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation



A.M. Rudenko, S. I. Samygin,

E.Yu. Polozhenkova, M.M. Shubina

science and practice of organization of production

as a teaching aid for students in the areas of training

030300 "Psychology", 040400 "Social Work",

100100 "Service", 072500 "Tourism" (qualification (degree) "bachelor")


Publishing house "SKNTS VSH SFedU"



Doctor of Philosophy, Professor A.P.Bandurin

R 83 Rudenko A.M., Samygin S.I., Polozhenkova E.Yu., Shubina M.M.

Philosophy: Textbook for higher educational institutions. - Rostov n / a: Publishing house of SKNTs VSh SFedU, 2011 .-- 300 p.

In the textbook "Philosophy", written in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education, in a concise and accessible form all the questions and problems necessary for the study, considered within the framework of the discipline of the same name, are considered. The textbook consists of two sections, including questions of the historical and philosophical cycle and the main problems of philosophy.

This edition is favorably distinguished from other books of this kind by a number of features related to the organization and presentation of material, which facilitates the development of philosophy. Each chapter ends with tests for self-control. The book ends with test keys, a glossary, and recommended reading.

For students in the areas of training 030300 "Psychology", 040400 "Social Work", 100100 "Service", 072500 "Tourism" (qualification (degree) "bachelor"), as well as undergraduates, graduate students, teachers of philosophical disciplines and all those interested in eternal and relevant problems of philosophy.

© Rudenko A.M., Samygin S.I.,

Polozhenkova E.Yu., Shubina M.M., 2011

© Publishing house SKNTS VSH SFedU, 2011


"Let no one, while he is young, postpone the pursuit of philosophy," called the famous ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus (342 - 270 BC). Why did he think so? Why do young people need to study philosophy? It is with the answer to the questions "why", "why" and "for what", in our opinion, it is always necessary to start studying a new field of knowledge. When a person knows how and where he can use this or that knowledge to his advantage, he begins to see the meaning in obtaining it, formalism in relation to the subject disappears, he becomes interested, a strong, positively colored internal motivation is formed.

It makes sense to study philosophy because its subject is perhaps the most important thing you need to know in order to be a real Human. What exactly does the knowledge of philosophy give?

First, it makes it possible to understand and find the most acceptable and adequate answers to questions about what the world is, what a person is, what is the meaning of his life and what is his place in the world. What could be more important than answers to these questions? What could be higher and more complex than the answers to them? Of course, not every future specialist in a particular field of knowledge wants to connect his life with philosophy as a professional field of activity. But all the same, he still needs philosophical knowledge about the world around him and his own purpose in life, since no particular science can give him such knowledge. Philosophy can. The Russian philosopher Joseph Levin (1901 - 1984) compared philosophy to a beach on which all conventions and decencies observed by science disappear, where a person can rush naked into the element of thought and bask in its sun.

Secondly, philosophy should be known because it provides a solid foundation for the development of all other, especially social and humanitarian disciplines(psychology, sociology, history, cultural studies, natural science, etc.). The specificity of philosophical knowledge lies in the fact that it integrates the most essential research results of other sciences and, synthesizing them, creates the most general and holistic idea of ​​a particular object or subject. Whatever the philosopher thinks about, his thoughts and ideas, as a rule, relate to the most general, the most essential, the most profound, valuable and important. That is, philosophical knowledge is extremely general, theoretical. It contains basic, fundamental ideas and concepts that underlie other sciences, but at the same time is largely subjective, since it bears the imprint of the personality and worldview of individual philosophers. It is no accident that they say: what a person is, such is his philosophy.

Thirdly, even if most of the information in the philosophy course in the real activity of a future specialist is not useful to him, philosophical knowledge, nevertheless, will greatly expand his erudition and make his thinking more flexible, legible and critical. The fact is that the philosophical type of worldview, in contrast to the mythological and religious: a) is based on knowledge (and not on faith or fiction); b) is reflexive (there is a turning of philosophical thought to itself); c) logical (has an internal unity and system) and d) relies on clear concepts and categories. In addition, those who successfully master the university course of philosophy, as a rule, get a modern understanding of a wide range of issues: the origin and essence of being; matter (substances) and its forms; consciousness, its origin and nature; the relationship between matter and consciousness; unconscious; man, his essence and existence; soul, the spiritual world of a person; society and culture; society and people; nature; nature and society; the spiritual sphere of the life of society; material and economic sphere of society; social sphere society; socio-economic formations, civilizations; perspectives of a person, society; ecology, problems of survival; features of cognition; the influence of the cognizing subject on the cognition process and its results; limited and limitless knowledge; traffic; philosophical categories; dialectics and its laws; values ​​and much more.

Thus, the study of philosophy contributes to the formation of:

    own worldview position;

    abstract (scientific and philosophical) way of thinking;

    understanding the fundamental problems of human existence;

    awareness of a person's place in the world;

    attitude to the world within the framework of various schools of thought;

    attitudes towards universal human values;

    research culture and professionalism;

    moral incentives for professional activity;

    preconditions for conscious self-determination in life;

    landmarks for finding answers to the eternal questions of life.

This textbook, written in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education, in a concise and accessible form contains all the questions and problems considered in the Philosophy course, necessary for the study. The textbook consists of two sections: in the first section, the questions of the historical and philosophical cycle are sequentially disclosed, in the second - the eternal and modern philosophical problems. This edition is favorably distinguished from other books of this kind by a number of features related to the organization and presentation of material, which facilitates the development of philosophy. Each chapter ends with tests for self-control. The book ends with test keys, a glossary, and recommended reading.

This tutorial was written by a team of authors:

    Rudenko A.M.- general edition, introduction, chapter 1 (§ 2 (co-authored), § 4), chapter 2, chapter 3 (§ 9 - 10 (co-authored)), chapter 5 (§ 20 (co-authored), § 21 - 22 ), Chapter 6, Chapter 8 (§ 33 - 37), Chapter 9 (§ 39 - 45, § 47), Chapter 10 (§ 50 - 51 (co-authored)), Chapter 11, Chapter 12 (§ 60 - co-authored ), chapter 14 (§ 70 - 71);

    Samygin S.I.- Chapter 3 (§ 14), Chapter 4 (§ 19), Chapter 8 (§ 32), Chapter 8 (§ 32), Chapter 9 (§ 38), Chapter 10 (§ 48), Chapter 13 (§ 64 - 66 , § 68 - 69), chapter 14 (§ 73);

    Polozhenkova E.Yu.- Chapter 1 (§ 1, § 2 (co-authored), § 3), Chapter 3 (§ 9-10 (co-authored), § 11-13), Chapter 4 (§ 15-18); chapter 10 (§ 50 - 51 (co-authored)), chapter 14 (§ 72);

    Shubina M.M.- Chapter 5 (§ 20 (co-authored)), Chapter 7, Chapter 9 (§ 46), Chapter 10 (§ 49), Chapter 12 (§ 59, § 60 - co-authored, § 61 - 63), Chapter 13 ( § 67).


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