Analysis and improvement of the logistics processes of the enterprise. Improving the logistics system at an enterprise in the petrochemical industry. Ulyanovsk State Technical University

The development of theoretical research and the accumulated extensive practical experience in the management of logistics processes make it possible to expand the potential both in the development of specific recommendations and in the field of generalization of the available material.

Currently in industrial developed countries there is no longer a question of popularizing and introducing a new concept. Its implementation in economic activity is becoming more and more widespread. In such conditions, there is an increasing need to develop universal rules that help improve existing systems. Each rule reflects the nature and methodology of logistics. Here are some of them:

  • 1. Logistics should be considered as a complete system. Use an integrated approach in management. In other words, try to eliminate not individual shortcomings, such as large warehouse stocks or irregular deliveries, but solve logistical problems as a whole, taking into account the interconnections and interdependencies in the process of functioning of the entire logistics chain.
  • 2. Before each logistics system, guided by the market concept of the enterprise, it is necessary to clearly formulate current and strategic goals. For example, the following can be put forward as goals: expanding the range of goods and the range of customers, accelerating the turnover of resources (material, monetary), improving product quality, improving customer service, reducing costs, improving management, etc.
  • 3. The concept of logistics is based on the right to choose. Therefore, in order to achieve the set goals in any situation, it is necessary to develop several options for strategic programs or operational actions.
  • 4. In order to stay within the framework of the chosen concept, it is necessary to effectively use the logistics tools for managing production and economic systems.
  • 5. It is necessary to constantly increase the level of mechanization and automation of work related to logistics. The reduction of manual labor entails an increase in labor productivity, a reduction in risks and the cost of work performed. In addition, there are wide potential opportunities for introducing new technologies and, if necessary, combining them with other production and economic systems.
  • 6. To achieve rhythm in the work as a whole for the system and the synchronism of the functioning of the corresponding subsystems. This can be achieved in various ways:
    • if the system has a high level of mechanization and automation, then the work is carried out mainly in the field of technical and technological approvals;
    • if physical labor is decisive in the system, then rhythm can be achieved by introducing a rolling work schedule, temporarily attracting additional work force etc.
  • 7. Strive to fully master the logistics systems “just in time” and “door to door”, which are basic. They provide an opportunity to minimize the costs of purchasing, warehousing, transportation, transshipment and other operations necessary for the delivery of products from the supplier to the consumer. In addition, the consumer significantly reduces the cost of additional processing of products and preparing them for production consumption. All this is a strong motivational incentive for the consumer when choosing a supplier.
  • 8. It is necessary to optimize the operation of the fleet of vehicles, guided not by the interests of transport services, but by the goals of this logistics system and the needs of consumers.
  • 9. Constantly carry out work to improve the professional competence of the enterprise's specialists in the field of logistics. Even employees who are not involved in the performance of logistics functions must understand and understand this concept in order not to voluntarily or unwittingly oppose its implementation in their enterprise.
  • 10. The degree of feasibility of the decisions made is significantly increased if ordinary performers are involved in solving logistical problems that arise in the course of activities. The latter have a sense of involvement in the process of managing the logistics system. In addition, involving ordinary employees in the development of solutions allows you to detail individual processes, which means that you can more deeply explore all the potential opportunities in the performance of certain works.
  • 11. In order to achieve objectivity in the evaluation of the actions performed and the programs developed, external consultants and experts should be involved, where necessary. Their independence increases the guarantee of finding the right solutions in complex logistics management issues.
  • 12. For adjustment in the management process, it is necessary to regularly identify and assess the damage from errors and complaints that arise in the course of logistics activities. To ensure that this work is really carried out with high quality, users have at their disposal a wide arsenal of economic-mathematical and economic-statistical methods, as well as computer technology.

In general, it should be noted that an important component of the successful functioning of logistics is the more efficient use of labor resources compared to other production and economic systems. The use of the logistics concept significantly increases labor productivity both in the sphere of circulation and in the sphere of production.

According to experts, in the United States of America, half of the annual overall increase in labor productivity is achieved through the spread of the logistics concept.

Work in the field of physical management of material resources is traditionally not seen as attractive. If the work is poorly mechanized, then a large amount of physical labor does not allow achieving indicators that meet modern requirements. On the other hand, an ill-considered investment in automation and mechanization can lead to an unreasonable increase in the cost of the work performed. Processing and delivery of products at a cost can be equal to its production. This is not beneficial to anyone: neither the buyer nor the supplier. To date, only the application of the logistics concept allows, in each specific case, to optimally develop the relationship between physical and non-physical labor (mechanized, automated and intellectual).

test questions

  • 1. What caused the need to develop universal rules that help improve existing logistics systems?
  • 2. Describe the first and second rules of improvement logistics systems.
  • 3. Describe the third, fourth and fifth rules for improving logistics systems.
  • 4. Describe the sixth and seventh rules for improving logistics systems.
  • 5. Describe the eighth, ninth and tenth rules for improving logistics systems.
  • 6. Describe the eleventh and twelfth rules for improving logistics systems.
  • 7. What is the relationship between logistics and efficient use of labor resources?
  • 8. What is the role of logistics in optimizing the ratio between physical and non-physical labor?

    Theriotic aspects of logistics flows 5

1.1 Essence, types, functions of logistics flows and their classification 6

1.2 Material flows of the enterprise 12

2. Organization of logistics services for JSC "Gomeloboi" 14

2.1 a brief description of JSC "Gomeloboi" 14

2.1.1 Purpose of the enterprise 14

2.1.2 Organizational structure of the enterprise……………..………………………………………………………………………………18

2.2 Construction of the micrological system of the enterprise………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………..21

2.3 Calculation of the optimal order size for components……………………………………….27

3. Improving logistics processes

3.1 Development of measures to reduce the duration of the turnover of material resources at the enterprise………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………....35

3.2 Determination of the effect and evaluation of the economic efficiency of the developed measures……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………38





The production of material goods is the basis for the existence and development of human society and cannot function without its constant and timely provision with the means of production (raw materials, materials, fuel, machinery and equipment, etc.). Modern production and economic activity is characterized by high dynamism associated with constantly changing market needs, orientation of the production of goods and services to the individual needs of customers and customers, continuous improvement of technical capabilities and strong competition.

The main goal of any enterprise is to obtain the greatest profit by realizing the existing competitive advantages and minimizing the associated costs. At the same time, competitive advantages are understood as a whole complex of cooperating factors, from the uniqueness of a product or service on the market to an after-sales service that works like clockwork. Together, these factors are aimed at increasing the value that the buyer receives.

The general trend is that the value of a product to the buyer is determined not only by the properties of the product itself, but also by when and how the buyer receives this product. Therefore, the success of the operation of an enterprise largely depends not only on the quality of technologies for managing its production and economic activities, but also on the effective management of all commodity and material flows, from the purchase of material resources to the delivery of finished products to end consumers.

Modern approaches to the management of material flows, allowing to optimize the process of goods distribution from material supply to sales finished products able to ensure the efficient implementation of production processes in an evolving market environment. Of particular importance is the problem of substantiating the need to use a logistics approach to the formation of a service system for the production and marketing activities of an enterprise.

The management of the logistics of the enterprise and the sale of products, that is, the whole range of logistics processes is topical issue for any enterprise and the development of the national economy of the country as a whole.

The purpose of the work is to study the organization of the logistics service of the enterprise and the development of measures to improve it.

Achieving this goal involves the following tasks:

    consider material and information flows;

    to analyze the main aspects of the organization of logistics services;

    develop measures to optimize logistics services.

The subject of this research term paper is the organization of logistics services for the enterprise.

The object of analysis is the enterprise???????????.

The research methods used in the course of the work were economic-mathematical and statistical methods, including analytical and synthetic approaches.

The information base of the study was normative documents, statistical materials, balance sheet data, financial statements and other materials characterizing the state of financial and economic activities of JSC "Gomeloboi".

    Theoretical aspects of logistics flows

The object of study of the new scientific and educational discipline "Logistics" are material and related information flows. The relevance of the discipline and the sharply increasing interest in its study are due to the potential for improving the efficiency of the functioning of material-conducting systems, which is opened up by the use of a logistic approach. Logistics can significantly reduce the time interval between the purchase of raw materials and semi-finished products and the delivery of the finished product to the consumer, contributes to a sharp reduction in inventories, speeds up the process of obtaining information, and improves the level of service.

Material flow management has always been an essential aspect of economic activity. However, only relatively recently has it acquired the position of one of the most important functions of economic life. The main reason is the transition from the seller's market to the buyer's market, which necessitated a flexible response of production and trade systems to rapidly changing consumer priorities.

1.1 Essence, types, functions of logistics flows and their classification

When using the logistic approach, the object of control becomes a flow - a set, a set of objects perceived as a single whole. This fact is recognized in all the literature on logistics that is numerous today. Scientists are unanimous in their opinion that the flow is not only the main category of logistics, but in combination "flow control" becomes the main logistics tool. Despite this, only the simplest classification is given to describe flows (external-internal, continuous - discrete, deterministic stochastic, stable - unstable, stationary - non-stationary, uniform - uneven, periodically - non-periodic, rhythmic - non-rhythmic, simple - complex, controlled - ungovernable). Scientific flow control requires streamlining and formalization of the entire variety of flows.

The main parameters characterizing the flow are:

    The starting point of the stream (a);

    The end point of the flow (b);

    Path trajectory (F);

    Path length (D);

    The speed of movement of flow objects (V);


    Waypoints (q);

    Flow intensity (λ).

Let p be a flow, S be a logistic system. Then the state of the flow can be characterized using some numerical variables (its parameters) as a function of time:

P(a, b, F, D, q, V, λ) = f(t)

The main parameter characterizing the flow is its density, which is the number of objects moved per unit of time.

The existing classification of flows can be represented as two aggregated types of flows: deterministic and stochastic.

Deterministic threads are threads whose parameter values ​​are certain at any point in time. The intervals between events are strictly the same and equal to a certain non-random value - ζ. Therefore, deterministic flows are also called regular.

Stochastic flows are flows whose parameter values ​​are random variables. The system is in one state or another with a certain probability R.

Deterministic flow is quite rare in practice; it is of some interest as a limiting case for other threads. In general, in nature there is absolutely no random processes, but there are processes whose course is affected by random factors so weakly that they can be neglected when describing the state of the system. However, there are also processes where randomness plays a major role. Between the two extremes lies a whole range of processes in which chance plays a greater or lesser role. Whether or not to take into account the randomness of the flow depends mainly on what practical problem is being solved.

Classification of logistics flows

Logistic flows can be broadly divided into four groups:




    Service flow.

The object of study of logistics as a science is material flows and their corresponding financial and information flows. At the same time, under flow understand the directed movement of the totality of something conditionally homogeneous (for example, products, information, finance, materials, raw materials, etc.). The concept of material flows is key in logistics.

material flow- these are materials, work in progress, finished products, considered in the process of applying various logistics operations to them (transportation, warehousing, etc.) and assigned to a certain time interval. The dimension of the material flow is the ratio of the dimension of products (units, tons, m 3, etc.) to the dimension of the time interval (day, month, year, etc.). material flows can be calculated for specific sections of the enterprise, for the enterprise as a whole, for individual operations with cargo. The material flow, which is considered for a given moment or period of time, becomes inventory(MZ).

parameters material flows can be: nomenclature, assortment, quantity of products, overall, weight, physical and chemical characteristics of the cargo, characteristics of containers, packaging, terms of sale, transportation and insurance, financial characteristics, etc. There is a wide variety of material resources, products and operations with them . In table. 2.1 shows one of the possible classifications of material flows.

Each material flow corresponds to some information and financial flows. Information flow - this is a flow of messages in speech, document (paper and electronic) and other forms, intended for the implementation of control functions. Table 2.2 shows one of the possible classifications of the information flow.

There is no one-to-one correspondence between material flows and information flows; synchrony in time of occurrence, direction, etc. The information flow can be ahead of the material flow (negotiations, conclusion of contracts, etc.) or lag behind it (information about the receipt of the delivered goods). It is possible that there are several information flows accompanying the material one.

financial flow in logistics is understood as a directed movement of funds circulating within the logistics system, between the logistics system and the external environment, necessary to ensure the effective movement of a certain material flow. Thus, the specificity of financial flows in logistics lies precisely in the need to service the process of movement in space and time of the corresponding flow of inventory or inventory items. One of the possible classifications of financial flows is given in Table. 2.3.

In addition to material, informational and financial type flows are also distinguished service flow, representing the number of services provided for a certain time interval. Under service refers to a special type of activity that satisfies public and personal needs (transport services, wholesale and retail, consulting, information, etc.). Services can be provided by people and equipment in the presence of customers and in their absence, to meet personal needs or the needs of organizations. The need to introduce the concept of service flow is due to the growing importance and development of the service industry and the concentration of an increasing number of companies and people in it.

To classify logistics processes, as well as to introduce logistics management into the daily activities of City-Stroy LLC, it is necessary to create an independent unit in the organizational structure of the company - a logistics service that is directly subordinate to the company's management.

In most cases, the number and volume of orders can be such that they do not allow logistics experts to cover all aspects of order fulfillment in a high quality and in detail. In this regard, it is necessary to distinguish between the process of order management and the actual coordination process. The task of the logistics service is not to resolve emerging problems and conflict situations, but to review and redistribute them among other company services, not to dive into the countless, sometimes purely technical details of the order fulfillment process, but to coordinate the enlarged blocks of tasks.

However, without the logistics service in the company's management structure, such integration is unthinkable. This hinders the effective functioning of the company, makes its subsequent formation unthinkable, which sharply raises the question of the need to reorganize the management structure.

The creation of a logistics service will make it possible to link the tasks of logistical management of the company's internal business processes with the business processes of partners and customers into an integral system.

The logistics branch in Russia is showing exponential growth, one that is reflected in the organization big companies own distribution networks, as well as in the development of the market of logistics providers. Logistics is becoming an effective tool for increasing the productivity of companies, so many enterprises seek to optimize the management of their supply chains and add value in the process of moving goods to final customers.

Based on this, the model for building a logistics system at City-Stroy LLC should consider modern tendencies in the work of logistics systems, without dispersing the responsibility for its implementation between different services and departments.

The core prerequisite for the implementation of the doctrine of integrated supply chain management is a high tier organization of business processes in the company, from the fact that SCM is the integration and management of key business processes within the supply chain.

This is the part of the business that is concerned with optimizing the movement of a product from the moment it is created (including each preparatory period) to the moment it is sold or consumed. Therefore, the core task of City-Stroy LLC from the point of view of the SCM doctrine at the present time is to build long-term relationships with members of the supply chain.

Supply chain management is the process of organizing the planning, execution and control of the flow of raw materials, materials, work in progress, finished goods, as well as providing efficient and fast service through the acquisition operational information about the movement of goods. SCM, by considering the service requirements of customers, allows to ensure the presence of the necessary product at the right time in necessary place with minimal cost. When organizing SCM, there is a shift in emphasis from managing certain types of sources to integrated optimization of business processes. This means that the management of basic business processes, such as purchasing - production - separation, is subordinated to solving the main tasks of increasing the quality of customer service and reducing costs on the scale of each supply chain.

We will work out the implementation of SCM in the functioning of City-Stroy LLC and the main links of its supply chain.

The work of the supply chain begins with a forecast of consumption in the market. Inaccuracy in the forecast turns into huge losses: non-use of raw materials and materials, production losses, losses in trade, indirect losses. If the forecast is underestimated, the product will be unrealistic to find on sale. If the forecast is overestimated, excessive commodity reserves are formed, which entails a markdown of the goods and lost profits. Long production cycle, seasonal fluctuations in demand, wide product range and downsizing life cycle goods - all this increases the likelihood of errors in forecasts.

Inaccuracies also appear as a result of distortion of information within the supply chain itself ("the result of the whip"). Other sources of misrepresentation are promotions and a lack of knowledge about the needs of the final buyers. Companies can reduce the negative impact of the "stick" by providing transparency about the needs of each supply chain.

Demand fluctuations are not the only source of uncertainty in the supply chain. There is also ambiguity in interaction with the contractor - probably not a single company can boast that all contractors deliver goods on time and in full, do not raise prices. Delays in physical flows often appear due to the fact that the contractor cannot respond in a timely manner to the metamorphoses of the client's needs, delays the clearance of the cargo, or cannot control its transportation. In order to reduce procurement risks, City-Stroy LLC creates reserve reserves or conclude contracts with an "excessive number" of contractors. However, this is not always the best solution: insurance reserves are, in fact, frozen funds that could be invested in a business, and, as practice shows, it is better to establish long-term partnerships with especially loyal contractors than to maintain a huge pool of contractors.

Unlike inventory reserves, it takes a significant amount of time to increase or decrease production capacity. These risks can be reduced by greater elasticity, that is, by using the same capacity to produce different products. In production optimization, the main goal is to form optimal production plans, assembly processes and even achieve reasonable equipment placement.

Excessive storage reserves have a negative impact on financial performance. In this environment, stockpiles must be pooled, common components for various products must be made, and the last stage of production must be postponed until all orders have been received. Thus, for effective management of reserves, it is necessary to ensure, before anyone else, their transparency, and secondly, to establish a narrow connection between reserve management (in particular, a warehouse) with other divisions of the company and counterparties.

Optimization in logistics is, first of all, loss reduction. All supply chain management is about providing the buyer with a particularly good product, that is, a product with the least loss of quality. In other words, on the way from production to the buyer, the quality of the product actually invariably falls, and the task of supply chain management is to ensure that the properties of the product change as little as possible. To do this, supply chains must respond quickly to changing circumstances, ensure the rapid movement of goods, be transparent in terms of information and promote narrow integration of the company with its partners and counterparties. The supply chain cannot work safely if the manufacturer does not know what reserves the retailer has, and vice versa.

At the initial level, City-Stroy LLC should focus on improving internal processes and functions. In fact, all aspects of improvements are in 2 main areas - procurement and logistics. The result of functional integration is a significant reduction in the number of contractors and 3-PL providers, rationalization of the product portfolio and optimization of procurement costs. This local result is limited to a single function or business unit and does not have power over the entire company.

At a further stage, the evolution of supply chains extends to the cross-functional tier. If before logistics in "City-Stroy" LLC was reduced to warehousing and transportation, then at a new stage of formation, a new look at logistics is also needed as an aggregate system for planning, managing and controlling physical flows. During this period, logistics begins to take on more and more functions that it was previously involved in Sales Department. This is due to the complication of the movement of goods flow and the need to use special knowledge and logistics methodologies. The management will understand the effectiveness of the new doctrine and will be reluctant to spread it within City-Stroy LLC. The main emphasis is on improving the processes of passing products and services through each supply chain, for which certain areas of activity are automated, information special technologies are being introduced (warehouse management, transport). Purchasing tactics focuses on building tactical relationships with a close circle of contractors. At this level, demand management becomes the main factor - accurate forecasts are the key to effective sales and operations planning.

An obstacle to the transition to the 3rd tier may be the mistrust of the authorities of City-Stroy LLC to external partners and unwillingness to share information with them. The management, which has overcome these stereotypes, moves the company to the next new level - maximum transparency and cooperation.

In this tier, procurement is handled by a few key contractors. Business partners participate in the planning of the company and the development of new products and services. The logistics department establishes tactical cooperation with qualified 3-PL providers, within whose boundaries Information Systems that improve the exchange of information and transparency in the movement of goods between partners in supply chains. Marketing and sales participate in supply chain formation, ensuring participation of key buyers in configuring services through an interactive online portal. Together, the use of modern special technologies for collaboration and information exchange (CRM, SRM, e-commerce, e-business) allows companies and their external partners to achieve a high level of transparency in each supply chain, resulting in a reduction in order processing time, service delivery times and effective management. physical sources.

It turns out that the increase in the effectiveness of supply chains is the key to the subsequent formation and competitiveness of City-Stroy LLC, and the use of modern special technologies for integrated logistics management plays a significant role in building the right supply chain, which allows to ensure the highest satisfaction of customer needs.

To organize effective material flow management activities of City-Stroy LLC, it is necessary to create a logistics department. This will immediately build a logistics system and clearly define functions and responsibilities. In our opinion, it is possible to create a so-called classical three-level organizational structure logistics services.

The following departments and groups (with fragments of the functions performed) should be created at City-Stroy LLC in the three-level organizational structure of the logistics service:

  • - department of logistics or procurement (calculation of the need for material resources, selection of a supplier, organization of the procurement process) - available at City-Stroy LLC;
  • - department of transport facilities (delivery of material resources to the enterprise and production units, transportation of finished products to consumers) - available at City-Stroy LLC;
  • - the Department warehousing(acceptance of material resources, their warehousing, storage and release into production). Warehouses are not separated into a separate structural unit - functions are distributed among other departments;
  • - Department of stocks (calculation of the optimal volumes of stocks of material resources and finished products) - not allocated, the functions are performed by OMTS;
  • - distribution department (limitation of the need for material resources, control over the consumption rates of materials and their consumption in the production divisions of the enterprise) - not allocated;
  • - marketing or sales department;
  • - information support department (communications management within the logistics service, communication with business units, suppliers and consumers) - this department does not exist at City-Stroy LLC.

In micrologistics chains operating in various conditions of production and economic activities of enterprises or organizations, a modular construction of departments and groups of the logistics service can be used. In City-Stroy LLC, it is advisable to use the option for industrial enterprises with full production cycle, a significant range of consumed material resources and a wide range of products.

This option involves the use of the spatial structure of its formation and is a multi-iteration process carried out in the following sequence (by iterations):

  • - a set of functional blocks of logistics is produced, the number of which depends on the activities of business entities;
  • - departments or groups of the logistics service are assembled depending on the number of employees at the enterprise and the range of material and technical resources used;
  • - the principles of formation of the organizational structure for each department or group of the logistics service are established;
  • - the functions of departments and groups of the logistics service are determined on the basis of a full range of logistics operations performed at the enterprise, depending on the direction of its production and economic activities;
  • - calculated required amount employees for each department or group of the logistics service based on the volume of logistics operations performed;
  • - material and information flows are formed during the interaction of the logistics service with other organizational structures of the enterprise.

The proposed structure allows to allocate in parallel at the enterprise a single function of managing the end-to-end material flow.

The graphic-verbal model reflects the composition and movement of information in the sales department, presented schematically and having a verbal description.

Mandatory working documentation that reflects the composition of information in the object is a logical information diagram.

The logical-information diagram (LIS) of an object allows you to present a list of all information circulating in the sales department (input, output, regulatory reference), with its grouping according to the main types of work performed in the object.

The logical information diagram of the logistics department is shown in table 3.

Table 3 - Logical information diagram of the sales department

List of procedures


input information


Reference information

Consumer Business Managers

Regional Relations Managers

Store and Pharmacy Managers

Private Sector Managers

Making a decision about working with a consumer and choosing a consumer

Warehouse request for product availability

Consumer selection methodology

Sending a request to the warehouse about the availability of products

Application from the consumer for the purchase of products

Inquiry about the availability of the necessary products

Arranging the delivery of products

Application for the purchase of products

Order and its copies for the purchase of products

Guidelines based on the tax code and general rules accounting

Sending products to the consumer

Consumer confirmation of receipt of products

Receipt of payment made by the consumer for the products received

Invoice for the supply of products

Consumer payment receipt

The form of a particular document often determines the amount of labor not only for those employees who draw up these documents, but also for those who study, analyze and use them for reference purposes. It is necessary to determine the minimum amount of information that is necessary and sufficient for the management process. Such a task can be implemented using a table of repeatability of indicators in documents.

This table should reveal:

duplication of individual details in documents;

compliance of the information contained in the document under study with the tasks of the object under study;

compliance of any document with its intended purpose;

the nature of the application of the document at the place of its destination.

Table 4

Repeatability of indicators in documents

Name of individual details

Document types

Gains and losses report

Act of Handover


Balance sheet

payroll sheet

Organization details

Tax deductions

Revenues from sales

Contributions to Pension Fund

Health insurance contributions

Postponement of tax liabilities

Table 4 shows that the most frequently used details are deductions: for insurance, for a pension fund; as well as company details and profit/loss.

Therefore, in order to reduce the time for filling out documents and reduce the likelihood of errors in their preparation, it is necessary to enter these details into the document processing program, which will automatically put these details in the document on initial stage drafting.

And in the sum column, create an implementation of a possible automatic summation.

Table 5

Documentation of the work of the logistics department of LLC "City-Stroy" according to the procedure "Delivery of products"


О - the document required to start work on the procedure;

X - a document that arises at the end of work.

In this case, the following documents have the greatest degree of use: invoice, order form for products, contract.

The movement of information in the sales department is displayed using the following graphic-verbal forms:

route diagram of the movement of the document (tab. 6);

business process documentogram (tab. 7);

Table 6 - Route scheme of the incoming document in the sales department of City-Stroy LLC (on the example of receipt of an application for the purchase of products)


And - studying the document:

B - sighting of the document;

P - overlay resolution.

This scheme shows that if the product is not in stock, then urgent production or purchase of this product is necessary.

In order for the logistics department to function effectively, a number of conditions are necessary that provide the prerequisites for success for the logistics direction of almost any enterprise, consisting of the following components:

  • - exact formulation of functions for each individual employee of the logistics department;
  • - Availability necessary information on the number of employees of the logistics department required in the near or distant future;
  • - making forecasts of future logistics operations, procedures, functions and work, which are mostly innovative in nature;
  • - the need and importance of selecting a future manager for each position in the organizational structure, and not selecting a position for a future employee.

Table 7 - Documentogram of the product supply process

This option involves the use of the spatial structure of its formation and is a multivariate process carried out in the following sequence (by iterations):

  • - a set of functional blocks of logistics is developed, the number of which depends on the activities of the enterprise under study;
  • - departments or groups of the logistics service are formed depending on the number of employees at the enterprise, as well as on the range of material and technical resources used;
  • - the principles are determined on the basis of which the organizational structure is formed for each department or for each group of the logistics service;
  • - the functions of the logistics department are developed, based on the full range of logistics operations that are performed at the enterprise, depending on the directions of its production and economic activities;
  • - the required number of employees in the logistics department is determined based on the volume of logistics operations performed;
  • - material and information flows are developed in the interaction of the logistics department with other organizational structures of the enterprise under study.

Educational Institution of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus

"International University "MITSO"

Reg. No. __________ Department of Logistics

Date _________20____


on the topic: "Improving the logistics activities of an industrial enterprise on the example of JSC" Kerimin "

discipline: "Logistics"

Key notes: __________________ Student_________________


_____________________________________ (Full name - in full)

Course 3, group 1218



_____________________________________ __________________________


Scientific adviser:

_____________________________________ __________________________

_____________________________________ (position, academic degree, academic title)

_____________________________________ __________________________

_____________________________________ __________________________

Mark of admission of course work to(Full name - in full)


Date: ______________ 20____

Supervisor's signature:


Minsk 2014

INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………………….3


1.1 History of creation and development…………………………………………………….5

1.2. Financial and economic analysis of the enterprise………………………….8

CHAPTER 2. LOGISTICS ACTIVITIES AT JSC "Keramin" ENTERPRISE………………………………………………………………….11


CONCLUSION …………………………………………………………………...24



In modern conditions, the role of logistics is very high, as the search for opportunities to reduce production costs and distribution costs for profit. Logistics allows you to link the economic interests of the manufacturer of products and its consumer. The most important goal pursued by an enterprise by organizing a logistics service or setting tasks that are solved with its help is to save costs associated with consumption, production and distribution of products.

Logistics is the management of material, financial and information flows in order to optimize them and reduce costs. Any enterprise, both manufacturing and commercial, has in its composition a service that purchases, delivers and temporarily stores raw materials, semi-finished products and consumer goods.

Procurement logistics is one of the main functional areas of logistics and studies the process of movement of raw materials, materials, components and spare parts from the procurement market to the warehouses of the enterprise.

JSC "Keramin" isa stable, large, dynamically developing company producing high-quality building materials: ceramic tiles, ceramic granite, sanitary ceramics, ceramic stones and bricks.

Production is carried out in close cooperation with the world's leading manufacturers of equipment for the ceramic industry. The goal of JSC "Keramin" is the production of high quality products to meet the needs and requirements of customers in the Republic of Belarus and abroad.

The object of research The subject of this work is an industrial enterprise, and the subject -logistics activities, in particular, the purchasing department.

The purpose of my course work is to get acquainted with the history of the JSC "Keramin" enterprise, its financial and economic activities, as well as consideration of logistics activities this enterprise and based on the information provided, propose measures to improve logistics activities.


  1. familiarization with the activities of the enterprise JSC "Keramin";
  2. studying the work of the purchasing department;
  3. consideration of the concepts of warehouse stock management applied at JSC "Keramin";
  4. offer their own ways to improve the work of the procurement department.

To solve the tasks when writing a term paper, the following sources of literature were used: educational literature, scientific publications, journal articles, and a large number of periodicals and Internet information resources were used.

Chapter 1


  1. History of creation and development

Open Joint Stock Company "Keramin" is one of the largest enterprises for the production of building materials and produces a wide range of ceramic tiles for facing walls, floors, facades (including porcelain stoneware "gres"), sanitary ceramic products and ceramic bricks. The form of ownership is mixed (70% - state property (Minsk City Executive Committee)).

The brand "Keramin" is one of the leaders in the CIS countries in terms of production of ceramic tiles - 18 million sq.m. per year, and sanitary ceramics - 1,500,000 units per year. More than 70% of manufactured products are directly supplied to all regions of the CIS, the states of the Baltic region and far abroad.

The production of ceramic tiles includes the following production units, whose main activity according to OKED is 26300:

  1. Workshop No. 1 - mass preparation workshop (preparation of ceramic masses);
  2. Workshop No. 2 - main products (glazed ceramic tiles for interior wall cladding);
  3. Workshop No. 3 - the main products (glazed ceramic tiles for interior wall cladding; ceramic tiles for floors "GRES", ceramic granite);
  4. Workshop No. 4 - the main products (ceramic tiles for floors, ceramic tiles for floors "GRES" polished, ceramic tiles for interior cladding, ceramic tiles for interior wall cladding frieze).

Auxiliary production: workshop for preparing the production of ceramic tiles, service of automation systems, repair and mechanical service of tile production, repair and energy service of tile production, machine shop, power shop, boiler shop, repair and construction shop, internal factory transport shop, railway transport shop.

Plant "Stroyfarfor" - the main products: sanitary ceramic products (washbasins, toilet bowls, cisterns, pedestals, urinals and bidets), the main activity according to OKED - 26220, the production of plastic products for sanitary ceramics.

Minsk Ceramic Plant and Mining Workshop - main products: ceramic bricks, clay for brick and tile production, the main activity according to OKED is 26400.

The tile production technology is implemented using equipment from leading European manufacturers such as " Sacmi", "Simac", "System » and others. All processes are almost completely automated and mechanized.

In 1993, Minskstroymaterialy was included in state program denationalization and privatization and on April 29, 1994 it was transformed into an open joint stock company "Keramin".

In 1996, the President of the Republic of Belarus A.G. visited JSC Keramin. Lukashenka, during which the first modern technological line for the production of ceramic tiles was presented, put into operation in accordance with master plan reconstruction of the enterprise, the basis of which was the equipment of the Italian company SACMI (Sacmi), the world leader in this field.

Occupied area 68.76 ha, including:

  1. parent enterprise (ul. Serova, 22);
  2. Minsk brickworks(st. Osipovichskaya, 16).

Today OJSC "Keramin" is a fast-growing enterprise operating with 100% utilization of the existing production capacities. Usage modern technologies and progressive equipment, strict observance of the requirements for the quality of manufactured products and efficient organization of production have allowed the joint-stock company to gain a stable position in the market of the CIS countries, provide a dynamic growth in production and sales.

JSC "Keramin" is one of the major manufacturers of high-quality ceramic tiles, sanitary ware and bricks in the CIS countries. Competition in this market segment is extremely high, especially considering the fact that the company has to compete not only with Russian manufacturers, but also with the products of Spanish, Italian, Polish, Czech and other foreign manufacturers. In order to maintain the proper competitiveness of its products, Keramin OJSC continuously invests significant funds in the renewal of production, constantly expands and renews the range of products, and improves its quality.

Currently JSC "Keramin" has developed a program to increase production volumes. In 2012-2015, it is planned to replace the technological units of the existing lines, which have worked for more than 12 years, which will increase the production of ceramic tiles by 2015. up to 20 million m 2 per year.

JSC "Keramin" produces a wide range of ceramic tiles for floors and walls, ceramic granite "gres", ventilated facades, ceramic bricks, sanitary technical products. The main volume of revenue the company receives from the sale of tile production is about 75% of the total sales volume.

The high competitiveness of the company's products is also confirmed by statistical data marketing research. Thus, the share of JSC "Keramin" in the market of ceramic tiles of the Republic of Belarus in 2011. accounted for approximately 46.2% (in 2010, the company's share was 36.6%), and in the sanitary ceramics market - 67.3% (49.7% in 2010). Increasing sales of JSC "Keramin" products in the domestic market significantly strengthened the company's position and allowed to push out imported ceramic tiles and sanitary ware on the market. Main export market Russian Federation, where more than 30 Russian and over 100 foreign manufacturers of ceramic products offer their products, the market share of ceramic tiles of Keramin OJSC in 2011 was about 6%, which indicates its high quality and competitive price.

OJSC "Keramin" is located in the south of the city of Minsk, has access roads for the delivery of raw materials and loading products into wagons. The main raw material base is mainly high-quality clay raw materials from Ukrainian deposits, feldspars (Russia, Turkey); sands, chalk, dolomite, clays - local deposits; frits (basis of glazes, engobes) - own production, ceramic pigments (Italy, Spain), alumina (Russia), etc. It has its own vehicle fleet, which serves production, as well as transportation of products across the territory of the republic. Has its own railway transport, which serves the production and shunting operations to the sorting unit.

1.2 Financial and economic analysis of the enterprise

Let's consider the main financial and economic indicators of the enterprise JSC "Keramin".

Table 1.1 - Characteristic various kinds profits of the enterprise JSC "Keramin" for 2009-2011.





Price net assets, million rubles




Proceeds from the sale of products, works, services, million rubles




Total profit, million rubles




Profit from the sale of products, works, services, million rubles




Net profit, million rubles

34 065



Profitability products sold, works, services, %

8 , 34



Accounts receivable, million rubles




Accounts payable, million rubles




Average salary, thousand rubles




Keramin "].

According to the table shows an increase in profits in 2010 by 6310 million rubles. and in 2011 by 174,696 million rubles. Profitability also increased in 2010 by 5.06% and in 2011 by 23.62%. Wage for 2009-2011 grew 2 times. However, the increase in accounts payable in 2011 shows the enterprise's debt to other organizations, which could arise when settlement documents for the goods shipped by the enterprise were paid after they were received.

Table 1.2 - Dynamics of production volumes of JSC "Keramin" 2009-2011


Unit rev.








million pieces conv. brick




Ceramic tiles, total

thousand sq. m

14 007

17 097

17 858

including facing tiles

thousand sq. m


9 140

8 723

floor tiles

thousand sq. m


7 957

9 135

Sanitary-ceramic products

thousand pieces




Note - source [internal resource of the enterprise JSC" Keramin "].

For the period 2009-2011. it can be seen that the emphasis was on the production of ceramic tiles, this is especially shown in 2010, since the volume of production increased by 3090 thousand square meters. The production of sanitary ceramic products was increased in 2011 by 182 thousand pieces, as well as the production of bricks increased by 5.3 million pieces. conv. bricks.

Table 1.3 - List number of employees of JSC "Keramin"

Structural subdivision

Headcount 2010




Etc. service


Of them n/a

Workshop No. 1

Shop №2

Shop №3

Workshop No. 4


Z-d "Str-for"


Dep. procurement

Total for Keramin OJSC



Planned headcount


Note - source [internal resource of the enterprise JSC" Keramin "].

According to the table, four divisions for the production of ceramic tiles occupy the first place in terms of the number of employees, of which workshop No. 2, which specializes in the production of ceramic glazed tiles for interior wall cladding, stands out with the largest number of managerial and working personnel. In second place is the Stroyfarfor plant, which manufactures sanitary ceramic products. On the third - Minsk ceramic factory.

Table 1.4 - Dynamics of production, sales and export of products of JSC "Keramin"

Ceramic tile



thousand m 2

For interior cladding, thousand m 2

For floor, thousand m 2

Brick, thousand pieces

Sanitary products, thousand pieces



14 007,3

7 655,8

6 351,5

52 906

1 096,6


10 908,2

6 559,8

4 348,4

5 860









17 097

9 140,4

7 956,6

50 128

1 051,8


13 312,4

7 343

5 969,4

5 515









17 858,3

8 723,1

9 135,2

55 437

1 234,2


12 619,3

6 605,4

6 013,9

5 913







Note - source [internal resource of the enterprise JSC" Keramin "].

In 2011, despite the persistence of the impact of the global financial crisis on the economies of most sales countries, the total volume of exports of JSC "Keramin" products in value terms increased by 2.92% and amounted to 81.368 million US dollars. The share of export products in the total production in 2011 was: 70.7% for ceramic tiles, 53.3% for sanitary ware and 10.7% for ceramic bricks. The geography of export of Keramin JSC products includes 18 countries of the world: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Hungary, Georgia, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Canada, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Serbia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Estonia.

Chapter 2


The supply service of OJSC "Keramin" includes three structural units: the purchasing department, auxiliary workshops of the VZT and ZhT (transport services).

Logistics activities are carried out mainly by the purchasing department and the logistics department.

The Department procurement, together with other departments, creates a single process aimed at satisfying market demands and making a profit on this basis. The purchasing department closely cooperates with such departments of the enterprise as the production department, financial, sales, technology, and legal departments.

Figure 1 - Scheme of the organizational structure of the procurement department of JSC "Keramin"

Let's consider the main functions of the procurement department at the JSC "Keramin" enterprise.

Table 2.1 - Functions performed in the procurement department of JSC "Keramin"


Name structural unit

The position of the employee performing the function

Job responsibilities in connection with the performance of the function

Timely and rhythmic provision of the enterprise with material and technical resources of the required quality at the best, economically justified price

Purchasing department

Purchasing department logistics

Timely fulfillment of requests from the company's divisions for raw materials and materials.

Timely preparation of draft contracts with suppliers of changes in the terms of contracts.

Analysis of the terms of supply contracts and reliability of supplies

Monitoring the fulfillment by suppliers of their obligations under contracts, as well as the timeliness of the fulfillment by Keramin OJSC of its obligations to suppliers by timely submission of the necessary documents for payment or its suspension to the budgeting department.

Taking timely measures to prevent damage to the enterprise for the supply of goods good quality, underdelivery, untimely delivery, etc.

Preparation of materials on claims against suppliers in case of violation of their contractual obligations.

Optimization of enterprise costs by supplying Keramin JSC with goods and materials of the required quality at the best price

Work on the design of logistics systems and their implementation in the enterprise

Work to identify and select suppliers of goods, taking into account the need to establish long-term economic ties

And etc.

Stock optimization

Control of storage of incoming goods

Control of intended use of received goods

Maintenance of operational accounting in PC "Galaktika"

Operational accounting of receipt of goods

Entering information on contracts

Perform short and long term planning

Drawing up work plans for the next month after the current one and submitting them to the boss for approval by the 25th day of the current month

Budgeting of payments for purchased and planned for purchase next month goods and materials

Drawing up an annual budget for purchased goods and materials for the next year

Carrying out other tasks assigned by the Head of Department

Before going on vacation or leaving on a business trip - drawing up a written work plan for the period of absence and providing it to the head of the procurement department

Note - source [internal resource of the enterprise JSC" Keramin "].

Thus, we see that the purchasing department performs five main functions, and for their implementation, the corresponding official duties Purchasing Logistics.

Having studied and analyzed the age, gender, educational composition of the employees of the procurement department of JSC "Keramin", it became possible to provide data in the form of table 2.2.

Table 2.2 - Composition of employees performing logistics functions

Name of indicator

Number of employees performing logistics functions

With higher economic education

With higher technical education

With secondary specialized education



Under the age of 30

At the age of 31-45 years

At the age of 46-55 years

Thus, we can conclude that in the procurement department, male specialists predominate in terms of quantity. The table shows that the department has more employees with higher economic education. It can also be observed that the bulk of the department's employees are aged 31-45 years.

The system of delivery and storage of raw materials, components and equipment plays a key role in the work of the enterprise.

Delivery to the enterprise is carried out by rail or by road, depending on the size of the ordered batch.

On the balance sheet of the purchasing department are: warehouses for raw materials, a warehouse for cardboard packaging, overalls, pallets, a central material warehouse, a metal warehouse, a HMS warehouse and a truck weighing station. In addition, the purchasing department maintains a temporary storage warehouse (TSW) of the Temporary Customs Control Zone (VZTK).

For the convenience of analyzing the warehouses of Keramin OJSC, various in type, we present the data in Table 2.3.

Table 2.3 - Brief description of the warehouses of JSC "Keramin"


Warehouse type

Delivery to the warehouse


Raw material warehouse


Clays, kaolins, feldspars are delivered to the warehouse using railway transport - "gondola cars"

Unloading is done with a grab

Pallet warehouse (610 m 2 )


Unloading is carried out by electric forklifts

Cardboard warehouse (930 m 2 )


Delivery to the warehouse by rail and road transport

Unloading is done by loaders

Central warehouse (450 m 2 )


Delivery to the warehouse using vehicles

Unloading manual + loaders

Warehouse for finished products (at least 2000 m 2 )

Shipment is made by railway and motor transport

Metal warehouse (940 m 2 )

Unloading – overhead crane + loader

Note - source [internal resource of the enterprise JSC" Keramin "].

As for the warehouse of raw materials, the supply to the mass procurement departments is carried out by loaders.

To manage inventory and effectively address short-term and long-term goals, JSC "Keramin" uses the following logistics concepts.

FIFO Method

The method of estimating inventories at the cost of the first purchases in time, "first in - first out" - "first in, first used" - for production (for sale), inventories are first written off in the quantity of the first batch and at the price of the first batch, then materials are written off in the amount the second batch and at the price of the second batch, and so on, until the total amount of inventory used for the month is written off.

The FIFO method is based on the assumption that inventories come into production or are sold in the order in which they arrived at the enterprise. This means that inventories should be written off at the cost of the respective parties in the chronological order of their receipt. Under conditions of inflation, the FIFO method causes an underestimation of the cost of resources allocated to production, an overestimation of their balance in the balance sheet and, consequently, an overestimation of the financial result from the main activity and an improvement financial indicators enterprises. That's why this method recommended for use if the company wants to attract additional investors.

LIFO Method

The method of estimating inventories at the cost of the latest purchases, "last in - first out" - "last in, first used" - for production (for sale), inventories are first written off in the amount of the last incoming batch and at the price of the last batch, then materials are written off in the quantity of the penultimate batch and at the price of the penultimate batch, and so on, until the total amount of inventory used for the month is written off.

The LIFO method assumes the priority write-off of inventories to production or the sale of the last incoming batches. Here the assumption is used that all stocks entering the enterprise are sort of stacked in one pile on top of each other and it turns out that the stocks that arrived first “lie closer” and they are first of all put into the production or sales process. This ensures an overestimation of the value of spent on production or realized values, an underestimation of their balance at the end of the month, which means a decrease in profits and a deterioration in the financial performance of the enterprise. Therefore, this method is recommended to be used if the company seeks to reduce income tax.

Material flow optimization

The problem of optimizing the material flow from the source of occurrence to the end consumer is currently a priority in our country. The movement of the material flow consists of the transportation of inventory items (inventory and materials), its components and stops of inventory in warehouses and workplaces in the form of stocks. Optimization of the movement of material flow in logistics, therefore, consists of optimizing the transportation of goods and materials and optimizing the level of stocks of various types at various stages of development of business processes. At the same time, calculations of the size of stocks of goods and materials located on vehicles relate to solving problems of optimizing the level of stocks.

The problem of optimizing the level of reserves arises in connection with the well-known problem of the content of reserves.

Inventory level optimization is based on the calculation of the optimal order size (ORS), which replenishes the stock to the optimal level (see Figure 2). In this case, the optimization criterion is, as a rule, the minimum total costs associated with stock.

Figure 2 - Dependence of the average level of stocks on the size of orders

The composition of the total cost of creating and maintaining stocks includes:
1) the cost of storing stock;
2) the cost of issuing an order;
3) the cost of purchasing a batch that replenishes the stock, or the cost of an order.

Wilson formula [ 4 ]

Q - the optimal volume of one batch by position [pieces];
D - the cost of delivery of one batch from the supplier [rubles];
S – demand for a position [pieces per period];
h - the cost of storing one unit of position [rubles per item for the same period].

This formula is often given in professional seminars and in textbooks. However, its application in practice often raises a lot of questions. Sometimes there are so many of them that logisticians begin to doubt the correctness of using this technique. Despite the apparent attractiveness of the Wilson formula for solving the order size optimization problem, the possibilities of its use even at the theoretical level are quite limited.
The derivation of the formula is based on a number of assumptions, the vast majority of which cannot be applied to business practice. There are many such assumptions. In particular, the model is applied for one type of product, the demand level is assumed to be constant during the planned period of time, the average stock level is considered as half of the order size, and the cost of inventory storage is determined based on this indicator. In addition, delivery time, the time interval between deliveries, the cost of placing an order, and purchase prices are taken as constant values. Transport (transit), preparatory, seasonal and insurance (warranty) stocks are taken equal to zero; restrictions on the production capacity of the warehouse and losses from shortages. It is also assumed that each order arrives as a separate shipment, that the shipment arrives at the warehouse at the same time, that is, within the same accounting period, and that, due to the constant rate of consumption and shipment, acceptance occurs at the point in time when the stock level is zero.

Until optimization of the scope of the schedule line.

Even before the start of work on calculating the optimal lot size, the procurement system must work smoothly, clearly predicting demand, ordering a position only when it is necessary, and not earlier or later, and in such quantities that the enterprise has a current need. If this is not the case, then it is premature to optimize the volume of the order lot - in fact, to calibrate the procurement system; first, this procurement system must be created. The main points of such a system should be:

  1. Forecasting demand for goods.

There should be a demand forecasting model that takes into account seasonality, previous use of the product or service, trends, information provided by customers and sellers, etc.

  1. Determination of the reorder point.

An order to the supplier should not be placed until the balance of any product in the warehouses has reached a critical level, sufficient only to ensure sales at right level meet demand with stock balances before a new order is placed.

  1. Determination of the company's need for a position.

The order must be such as to ensure sales at the desired level of service before taking into account the next one after the current order.



The purchasing department is part of the supply service of OJSC Keramin. Strong point of this department is the efficiency of performing the assigned tasks, based both on special knowledge obtained in different areas, and on practical experience employees in the field of procurement, understanding the degree of need and urgency to ensure a continuous production process and business activities. The weak side is the dependence on the timely processing of applications by the divisions of Keramin OJSC, the lack of a clear forecast and planning for the delivery of certain materials due to the frequently changing production plan and, as a result, the formation of stocks in warehouses that are not needed at a particular moment.

For the effective functioning of procurement logistics, an enterprise needs to have information about what materials are needed for the production of products. Such information is contained in the procurement plan, the main purpose of which is to ensure the consistency of actions of all departments of the enterprise in solving such supply problems as determining the need and calculating the amount of ordered material resources; determination of the procurement method and conclusion of contracts for the supply of material resources; organization of control over the quantity, quality, delivery time and organization of the placement of material resources in the warehouse.

In order not to create unnecessary stocks in warehouses, it is necessary to optimize the delivery of some materials to the enterprise using centralized delivery, in whichthe supplier enterprise and the recipient enterprise create a single body, the purpose of which is to optimize the total material flow. For this, schemes for the delivery of products are developed, the rational sizes of supply lots and the frequency of delivery are determined; optimal routes and schedules for the delivery of products are being developed, a fleet of specialized vehicles is being created, and a number of other activities are being carried out.

The advantages of centralized delivery are:

  1. increasing the use of transport and storage space;
  2. optimization of commodity stocks at the manufacturer and consumer of products;
  3. improving the quality and level of material and technical support of production;
  4. optimization of the size of the batch of product deliveries;
  5. no administrative duplication;
  6. better control over fulfillment of procurement obligations.

The procedure for the preparation of centralized transportation.

Centralized transportation is effective when exporting or importing large volumes of goods with relatively small shipments. In this case, it becomes possible to more clearly plan the work of the loading and unloading point, due to the concentration of management.

When preparing centralized shipments, you must do the following:

  1. Conduct a survey of cargo flows and identify the most stable among them;
  2. Conclude contracts for the carriage of goods and forwarding services;
  3. Choose a method for performing centralized transportation;
  4. Develop standard routes for the transportation of goods;
  5. Check the compliance of loading and unloading machines with the processed cargo flows and the conditions for performing loading and unloading operations with labor protection requirements. Develop combined schedules for the operation of a vehicle and loading and unloading operations;
  6. Select the type and calculate the required number of vehicles. If necessary, conclude contracts for the use of a car with another transport organization;
  7. Select methods for controlling the operation of the vehicle. If necessary, together with cargo owners, organize line dispatch centers;
  8. Select the form and set the procedure for payment for transportation.

The administration of the organization carrying out centralized transportation should systematically monitor the operation of the car at the facilities and take measures together with the management of the serviced organizations to improve the process of transport and loading and unloading operations, as well as eliminate the identified violations.

The efficiency of centralized transportation consists mainly of the following factors:

  1. increasing the mileage utilization rate by optimizing vehicle routes;
  2. increase in the coefficient of utilization of carrying capacity when transporting small-lot cargo due to subgrouping;
  3. reduction of time for loading due to a clearer organization of work.

Improvement of the listed technical and operational indicators allows reducing the need for PS or performing a larger volume of transport work.

The most perfect way to organize traffic flows from enterprises is transportation routing. The development of cargo delivery routes should take into account:

1) the specifics of the geographical area within which the service is carried out;

2) the location of consumers in the service area;

3) the possibility of using vehicles

The development of routes makes it possible to reduce vehicle downtime during loading and unloading, as well as free up significant material resources from consumers. In conditions where the developed routes are determined and the delivery dates are observed, the production stocks of consumers can be reduced by 1.5-2 times. At the same time, transportation routing makes it possible to increase the productivity of vehicles and, consequently, reduce the amount of rolling stock entering the enterprise with the same volume of transportation.

Transportation routing methods are divided into transportation routing of machine shipments and transportation routing of small consignments of goods, and depending on the use of the mathematical apparatus, they are divided into methods based on mathematical programming models and methods based on algorithms of scheduling problems. To develop routes, economic and mathematical methods, network planning methods, practical materials and other sources are used. The end result should be a document that characterizes the agreed work schedule for sales, transport organizations and enterprises.

Modern economic-mathematical methods of planning are a tool that provides a basis for solving many difficult problems of planning and management. Application information technologies allows you to carry out calculations for the preparation of optimal plans, choosing the best option out of a huge number of possibilities.

During the period of centralized management of the economy, the planning of transportation between producers and consumers of products was successfully carried out within the framework of the tasks: transport and routing. During this period, the main idea of ​​the transport task was the rational, from the point of view of transportation costs, assigning consumers to suppliers (mainly transportation of bulk cargo: construction, agriculture, etc.). The purpose of traffic routing was to minimize the total vehicle mileage during a shift.

When drawing up a delivery schedule, the following conditions must be considered:

1. Availability of the necessary products in warehouse complexes, enterprises wholesale trade.

2. Availability of vehicles for servicing the warehouse complex, wholesalers, taking into account the transported products and the average vehicle load.

The calculation should be made not only for the running number of vehicles, but also for the reserve in case of breakdowns and other circumstances.

3. Consumers of products must ensure timely receipt of products and unloading.

From a practical point of view, our actions should look like this:

1. We analyze the use of vehicles serving the enterprise. Here you need:

  1. determine the dynamics of changes in the volume of traffic and specific gravity transportation;
  2. we will analyze the technical and operational performance of vehicles during the transportation of products;
  3. determine the unevenness of export and import;
  4. products to the warehouse complex for a certain period of time (quarter, month);
  5. we will determine the possibilities for loading operations at the warehouse complex and unloading at the consumer.

2. We determine the consumers of products

Here it is necessary to single out permanent consumers, seasonal and temporary. We draw up a consumer card in which we enter his data.

3. We determine the daily volume of supplies of products.

The daily supply is determined by dividing the annual demand of consumers by the number of days in a year. After that, the received data is coordinated with consumers.

4. We draw up a map of the location of consumers, wholesalers and motor transport enterprises.

This stage is carried out using a map of the city, on which we put the coordinates of the consumers of the products, the enterprise itself and the motor transport company serving it.

5. We determine the distance of cargo transportation (from the enterprise to consumers).

After mapping the location of consumers, enterprises and motor transport companies, we determine the distance of transportation from the base and warehouses of consumers. Substantiate the average distance of transportation of products from enterprises to the consumer.

6. We group consumers according to the directions and size of deliveries.

Grouping by directions makes it possible to determine the cargo flows to different parts of the city. The volume of traffic to different areas is determined by the compilation of cartograms.

7. We substantiate and select the type of rolling stock for the transportation of products.

The choice of the type of rolling stock should be preceded by a thorough analysis of the nature and conditions of transportation. In this case, our goal is to ensure full and high-quality satisfaction of the needs of firms and supply and marketing organizations in transportation at the most about more efficient type of rolling stock.

8. We calculate a rational route.

Here we make a choice in favor of a pendulum or ring scheme of movement.

9. We draw up agreed schedules for the delivery of products to consumers and develop indicators of economic incentives for workers involved in the transport process.

The mathematical formulation of the routing problem depends on the type of route.

One of the significant objects of application of economic and mathematical methods and computer technology is road transport. With the emergence of market relations, the nature and working conditions of enterprises engaged in cargo transportation have changed radically. The work of forwarding companies has been widely developed, which made it possible to concentrate information on upcoming transportation in the hands of motorists.[ 6 ]


A few years ago, the concept of "logistics" was completely new both for business in general and for industrial enterprises in particular. Now the need for logistics is obvious. It covers the issues of managing the movement of material flows in the spheres of production and circulation, at the micro and macro levels.

Based on the information presented, it can be concluded that logistics is of high importance in the field of organizing the activities of an enterprise. Logistics allows you to optimize the production process through the rational use of enterprise resources and minimizing costs, which ultimately brings the company an effect in the form of economic profit, and also improves the quality of products or services offered.

However, for the further development and effective functioning of the enterprise, it is necessary to constantly improve logistics activities in particular the purchasing department. This requires the use centralized system delivery, which in turn will entail a number of changes in the development of newschemes for the importation of products, routing, development of new programs for the control of specialized vehicles and other activities.

When purchasing in a centralized way, a department is created with the authority to make purchases in the interests of all departments. Such a procurement system has a large number of advantages, so almost all enterprises, with the exception of the smallest ones, use a centralized approach to purchasing.


  1. Keramin. [ Electronic resource]. - Access mode: . – Access date: 09/10/2014
  2. Minsk City Executive Committee. [Electronic resource].- Access mode: http:// minsk. gov. by . – Access date: 09/10/2014
  3. Internal resource of JSC "Keramin"
  4. Sterlingova A.N. Optimal order size, or Wilson's mysterious formula //Logistik &sistema. -2005. - P.62-71. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: – Access date: 09/10/2014
  5. Kurochkin D.V. Logistics: a course of lectures / D.V. Kurochkin. - 2nd ed., Rev. and additional - Minsk: FUAinform, 2012. - 272 p.
  6. Utitskikh E.A. Transport routing methods // Scientific conferences, scientific journals [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: . – Date of access: 09.12.2014

Improving the logistics processes of distributing an enterprise involves a whole range of activities, which may include:

1. Increasing sales by optimizing the assortment structure. The sales opportunities of an enterprise are largely determined by the availability of appropriate commodity stocks. Trade enterprises and manufacturers who offer a wide range of products along with their own products use purchasing to build and maintain the required level of inventory. One of the subjects of optimization of the organizational structure of the enterprise is the management of commodity stocks, the interaction of purchases and sales in this matter.

The interests of sales, purchases and the enterprise as a whole in the field of inventory management do not coincide. Sales prefer to have a significant inventory of each product group of the widest possible range, in order to be able to immediately satisfy any demand from buyers. Purchasing prefers to carry out the largest wholesale deliveries from a limited range of suppliers. The enterprise needs to maintain the inventory as a whole at a certain level, if possible, with a minimum constant diversion of capital. It is inappropriate to impose the responsibility for managing inventory entirely on sales or purchases without regulating interaction.

In the practice of Belarusian enterprises, two-level planning is often used:

  • - Based on the sales plan and the balance of goods in warehouses, taking into account the capabilities of suppliers and their minimum shipment lots, it is planned to purchase goods for a long time. At the same time, sales and purchases agree on a delivery schedule.
  • - In the process of sales activities, deviations from the plan are compensated by the purchase through maintaining the minimum inventory of the agreed assortment. Reducing stocks to the lower limit serves as the basis for additional purchases of a minimum lot of goods.

This method works, but is not always optimal. Purchasing and marketing plans are coordinated once a month. The "automatic" purchase of the minimum lot may not be profitable if you have to buy the next minimum lot in a week. Sometimes there is a "freeze" of groups of goods in warehouses, which the sales ignore, without taking emergency measures for the sale, because. inventory optimization is not his responsibility.

On the other hand, tracking inventory at a higher level of management is also impractical. Building a vertical hierarchy and bringing operational issues to the highest level does not justify itself. Inventory optimization is precisely an operational issue that must be addressed daily.

In some cases, an effective solution to the problem can be obtained by subordinating purchasing to sales. At the same time, a reorientation financial incentives sales from gross profit to net profit.

2. Increasing inventory turnover. Due to the specifics of the activity, most of the funds trade organization accumulated in inventory, so effective management commodity stocks is a priority in the economics of trade. Inventory refers to current tangible assets, forming working capital trading organization. In terms of liquidity, these are slow-moving assets, so effective inventory management will help avoid the immobilization of financial resources and redirect them to the strategic development of trading activities.

Effective inventory management also allows you to find ways to optimize the costs of a trading organization for such items as transport and storage costs. Without a preliminary analysis of inventory and consumer preferences, the decision to reduce the cost of maintaining a number of warehouses may not lead to savings, but to the opposite effect - a decrease in sales and profits as a result of a constant shortage of goods. To avoid this, it is necessary to evaluate customer demand, the organization's available inventory capacity, sales dynamics, customer location, storage capacity and location, transportation costs, and other criteria. After that, an alternative use of the released funds is analyzed in the event of a reduction in the cost of maintaining storage facilities or transportation costs. The assessment is carried out by a comprehensive analysis of the impact of projected costs on the indicators of turnover and profitability.

  • 3. Creation of service service. One of the elements of the product policy is the creation of a customer service service. When establishing a service service, a marketer will have to make three decisions:
    • - what services to include in the framework of the service;
    • - what level of service to offer;
    • - in what form to offer services to clients.

Service services are included in the list after studying the opinions of buyers and consist of ensuring: reliability of supplies, promptness in the provision of price proposals, the possibility of obtaining technical advice, discounts, after-sales service, the scale of the distribution network, replacement guarantees, etc.

Effective customer service requires a high level of warranty Maintenance and repair; providing services to clients, long terms guarantees and free services.

  • 4. Improving the organization of trade technological process. The main principles of the organization of technological processes are:
    • - an integrated approach to the development of optimal options for the sale of goods;
    • - compliance of the technology with the modern scientific and technical level;
    • - economic efficiency the adopted scheme for the sale of goods;
    • - maintaining the quality of goods.

An integral part of any technological process in trade is direct customer service, which is one of its main functions, therefore, it is necessary to constantly improve work with customers: quickly and accurately make settlements with customers, provide qualified advice to the customer when making a purchase decision. It has been observed that buyers are most willing to visit stores that employ qualified sales assistants.

  • 5. Improving the pricing policy of the enterprise. The decline in the standard of living of the population leads, on the one hand, to a general decrease in demand, accompanied by a change in consumer criteria for evaluating goods, and on the other hand, to an increase in the cost of production. The situation of enterprises is complicated by fierce competition, especially from imported manufacturers. One of the main factors that significantly reduce the risk of the manufacturer is the ability of the company's managers to optimally manage prices for their products, taking into account market demand factors. The price is the most flexible and significant instrument of the enterprise's policy. Any product must have a price acceptable to the market, and emphasizing its distinctive qualities, be available to distribution networks, adapted to the requirements of consumers. In the current conditions, due to the decrease in the purchasing power of the population, decision-making on prices has not only economic, but also social and psychological consequences. Mistakes in acceptance management decisions lead to significant moral and financial consequences. Even well-thought-out sales and advertising plans will not be able to neutralize the consequences of mistakes made earlier in setting the price.
  • 6. Carrying out advertising and information activities to stimulate sales. Advertising and information activities include:
    • - use of printed advertising;
    • - use of advertising on transport;
    • - use of media advertising (radio, TV);
    • - use of Internet tools (banner advertising);

Thus, as a result of the review of areas for improvement commodity strategy enterprises, it was found that there are several of them, and each of the areas is characterized by a variety of activities.

From the analysis of the trade and economic activities of the enterprise JLLC Mobile TeleSystems, weaknesses in the product strategy of this enterprise were identified, such as:

  • - insufficient breadth of assortment;
  • - weak advertising and information activities of the enterprise;

To eliminate the identified shortcomings, it is proposed to carry out several measures to improve the product policy of the enterprise, namely:

  • 1. Conduct an advertising campaign to stimulate sales of telephone equipment.
  • 2. Implement the sale of equipment through an online store.
  • 3. To stimulate sales, introduce lending services to buyers by banks in order to purchase household split systems.
  • 4. Improve the speed and efficiency of settlements with customers by replacing the cash register with a POS-terminal that accepts credit and accumulative plastic cards for payment.

To prove the effectiveness of the proposed measures, it is necessary to calculate economic effect from their implementation in the enterprise.

Complex advertising campaigns, including advertisements in the press, on radio, television, on outdoor billboards, are built on the same advertising ideas and creative finds, so that the possibilities of each advertising medium complement each other.

LLC "BelTechSystem" for a large-scale advertising campaign It is recommended to use the following means of advertising, which are not currently used: radio advertising, outdoor advertising, participation in the exhibition.

A powerful advertising explosion should be used to start the campaign. To achieve this goal, you can use a new radio commercial and organize a prize draw for the winners of a radio quiz, where you can present the history of the company and the presentation of new air conditioners.

To conduct an advertising campaign, it will be necessary to draw up a two-week radio program for BelTechSystem LLC. The radio program will contain advertising information and draw a prize - a coupon for a 25% discount when buying a computer. In just two weeks, 8 coupons will be drawn.

The rationale for drawing just such a prize: the participants will be exactly those buyers who plan to purchase a computer, that is, the choice of this prize determines the attraction of the desired target audience.

According to statistics, the Unistar radio station is currently the most popular.

3 rad.advert. \u003d 8 * 10 * 120000 + 350000 \u003d 9950000 rubles.

where 8 is the number of launches of the program within two weeks, 10 is the duration of the program, min., 120000 is the price of 1 minute of advertising scrolling, rub., 350000 is the price of the program, rub.

Since 8 discount coupons will be drawn, the minimum sales volume after the advertising campaign will be:

P \u003d 1950000 * (1-0.25) * 8 \u003d 11700000 rubles,

Where 1950000 rubles. - the average price of a computer, 8 - the minimum number of computers sold as a result of the advertising campaign, (1-0.25) adjustment of the cost of a computer, taking into account the discount on the coupon.

The next point of the advertising campaign is outdoor advertising. It is proposed to use shields 3*6 m and banners. As a rule, image advertising is placed on billboards, informational messages about sales, new collections, etc., are placed on banners. We choose a place for shields based on experience and common sense. The operators provide the company with a map of the city with the location of the billboards, and the managers choose the districts themselves. The company does not disclose the exact number of billboards, but one trick is known when placing outdoor advertising: the backbone of outdoor advertising is billboards in the center and along the avenue, where there are a lot of cars and there are often traffic jams, they always hang in these areas. The other part of the billboards is moved from place to place every month, so that people get the impression that the whole city is hung with BelTechSystem LLC advertising.

20260*(1.25/1.32) = 25325/26743 rub. Average value: 26034 thousand rubles. rub.

Estimated minimum sales volume from all promotional events:

11700+26034 = 37734 thousand rubles

In monetary terms, this will be: 40055 * 0.25 \u003d 10014 thousand rubles.

It should also be noted that the introduction of new promotional activities does not mean the abandonment of traditionally used campaigns - print and Internet advertising on the website of BelTechSystem LLC.

Implementation of after-sales equipment maintenance. From the analysis of competitors of BelTechSystem LLC, it can be seen that some of them have competitive advantage to BelTechSystem LLC. This advantage is the provision of technical maintenance of equipment after the sale.

Computers belong to equipment of the 1st category of reliability and are designed for 10-12 years of operation. During the first year of operation, all the hidden flaws of any computer are usually revealed. LLC "BelTechSystem" will provide this service during the warranty period - one year. This service is carried out in accordance with the contract twice a year - in spring and autumn according to the established schedule. The user by phone can specify the time of arrival of the master, when it is convenient for him. Specialists check the operation of the computer in all modes. If necessary, clean the corresponding unit, which may be faulty. After the warranty period has expired, maintenance will be charged.

By introducing this service, BelTechSystem LLC plans to increase sales by at least 10 units per year.

We calculate the economic effect of the proposed event based on the planned increase in sales and the planned service schedule. Also, when calculating this indicator, do not forget that at the moment there are an additional 1507 computers already installed under warranty. Therefore, in order to avoid negativity on the part of regular customers, it is necessary to provide a service to this category of customers.

For the calculation, we will compile a table with the initial data.

Table 10. Initial data for calculation

Note. Source - own development

We will define the annual economic effect of this event as the difference between the planned increase in turnover and the cost of maintaining computers, both those that are planned to be sold during the year, and those that have already been sold.

E g \u003d T - Z \u003d 19500 - 3950 \u003d 15500 rubles.

Compile a summary table of the effectiveness of the proposed activities.

Table 11. Efficiency of designed activities

Thus, as a result of calculations, the feasibility of introducing these measures has been proven.


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