Bagiev g l tarasevich v m marketing. Marketing. Bagiev G.L., Tarasevich V.M. Scientific interests that excite Bagiev

Theoretical and methodical bases of the organization of marketing are stated. Marketing is considered as a philosophy and toolkit of entrepreneurship. The principles and methods of marketing research and benchmarking are given.
The conceptual structure of the textbook is built on the methodology of interaction marketing. In the context of interaction marketing, product and pricing policies, marketing solutions in sales and logistics systems, organization of communication processes in the marketing system. The basics of international marketing organization, tasks, situations and marketing terminological dictionary are given.
It is intended for university students studying in economic specialties, it can be useful for graduate students, marketers and business managers.

Transition to market economy caused deep socio-economic transformations that require the solution of fundamentally new problems of managing economic entities.

Front domestic enterprises entering into market relations. problems arise that require science-based creative solutions in all areas of entrepreneurship.

The development of entrepreneurship in Russia is still spasmodic and is accompanied by certain difficulties. At the same time, one cannot fail to note the positive changes that are taking place in the field of entrepreneurship: an increase in the number of enterprises in the non-state sector: an increase in the efficiency of small and medium-sized businesses. More than a third of medium and large enterprises, producing more than 40% of industrial products, are in private and mixed forms of ownership. The innovative activity of enterprises is growing, the market mentality of producers and consumers of goods and services is being formed.

Entrepreneurship as a process of organizing the production of goods and services to meet constantly renewed demand and profit, as well as a function of managing this process, has its own history and development dynamics.

Terminological essence and content invested in the concept of "entrepreneurship". changed and streamlined in the course of development economic theory.

1.1. Business model and marketing system. nine
12. Process, principles, types, types and forms of marketing 33
1.3. Interaction Marketing - modern concept entrepreneurship 44
1.4. Marketing functions and solutions 54
1.5. Marketing complex and marketing management in the system of entrepreneurship 61
2.1. Information Support marketing solutions 79
2.2. Marketing research process and design 96
2.3. Methods for obtaining and processing marketing information 109
2.4. Forecasting methods in marketing activities 120
2.5. Benchmarking as a function of market research 123
2.6. Market segmentation and diagnostics of the competitive environment in the marketing system 139
2.6.1. Market segmentation 139
2.6.2. Diagnostics of the competitive environment in the marketing system 151
3.1. Goals, objectives and types of planning 173
3.2. Marketing mix planning process and technology 182
3.3. Organizational structures marketing 196
3.4. Controlling and audit of marketing decisions 209
4.1. Product in the marketing system 227
4.2. Life cycle goods 233
4.3. Product competitiveness 246
4.4. Strategic decisions in commodity policy 258
4.4.1. Attractiveness Strategies product offer 258
4.4.2. Development and introduction of a new product to the market 268
4.4.3. Product variation 283
4.4.4. Elimination of goods 284
4.4.5. Service and warranty service 286
5.1. Price policy: essence, goals, factors of influence 291
5.2. Price policy strategies 311
5.3. Pricing methods 337
5.3.1. Cost Based Pricing 337
5.3.2. Determination of prices based on the utility of products 352
5.3.3. Demand Based Pricing 362
5.3.4. Competitive pricing 375
5.3.5. Determining prices based on finding a balance between production costs, demand, competition 384
5.3.6. Determination of prices by the combined measurement method (Conjoint Measurement method) 392
Chapter 6
6.1. Goals, objectives and main elements of the distribution policy 401
6.2. Organization and controlling in the sales system 411
6.2.1. Sales organization 411
6.2.2. Controlling in the sales system 422
6.3. Marketing logistics 437
Chapter 7
7.1. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the organization of communication processes in the marketing system 455
7.1.1. Communication policy, communication networks and processes 455
7.1.2. Motivation of communication processes 467
7.2. Media and communication policy tools 481
7.2.1. Means and ways to improve efficiency marketing communications 481
7.3. Advertising and multimedia technologies in the system of communication policy 518
7.3.1. Types of advertising 618
7.3.2. Advertising campaigns and their classification 521
7.3.3. Classification of advertising media 524
7.3.4. Organization of the work of the advertising department and the effectiveness of advertising 531
7.4. Multimedia technologies and the concept of marketing in the Internet environment 538
7.4.1. Multimedia technologies and the concept of marketing in the Internet environment 538
7.4.2. Effectiveness of Marketing Decisions in Virtual Markets 558
8.1. Features, goals, objectives and Environment international marketing 585
8.2. Features of the organization of marketing research in international marketing 605
8.3. Strategy and tactics for infiltrating international markets 622
8.3.1. Goals and main stages of marketing decisions in international marketing 622
Chapter 9
9.1. learning goals and guidelines 647
9.2. Tasks 650
APPS 674

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Honored Worker of Science Russian Federation, Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of the Higher School, Head of the Marketing Department of the State educational institution higher vocational education"St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance".

More than 40 years of experience in the system of higher professional education, supervises postgraduate studies, heads the dissertation council "Economics and Management of the National Economy (Marketing, Entrepreneurship)", manages the international cooperation of the St. state university economics and finance with 14 foreign universities in Germany, France, Switzerland and Finland, is an expert in licensing and accreditation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, leads the business section of the International Academy of Sciences of the Higher School, is a member of the editorial boards of the journals "Marketing", "Industrial Energy" , "Region", "Proceedings of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance", long time worked as the Head of the Department of the Central Research Institute of Economics under the State Planning Committee of the Russian Federation, headed the Faculty of Energy and the Faculty of Organizers industrial production and construction at the Leningrad Engineering and Economics Institute.

Supervises scientific research in the following areas: industrial economics, business organization, marketing. Collaborates with enterprises and organizations, makes a significant contribution to the development of entrepreneurship in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. Based on his recommendations, a marketing policy was implemented in JSC Lenenergo, JSC Kirovsky Zavod, Metallichesky Zavod, Nevsky Machine-Building Plant, Talosto, Research and Production Enterprise Istok. Trained 12 Doctors of Science and 87 Candidates of Science, is the head of the scientific school on the problems of interaction marketing. Published about 300 scientific and educational methodical works, including monographs, textbooks, manuals and articles in periodicals in domestic and foreign publications. Prepared and published textbooks for higher education "Marketing" and "International Marketing", withstood several editions, monographs: "Interaction Marketing: Distribution Policy. Sales. Marketing Logistics"; "Efficiency of the system organization of rational use of energy"; "Assessment and forecasting of the effectiveness of entrepreneurship of transnational corporations", etc. A number of works by Professor Bagiev G.L. were translated into English, German and Mongolian and published in Germany, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Austria and Mongolia. Activities of Professor Bagiev G.L. is aimed at the development of market relations in the economy, the training of highly qualified specialists, the education of patriotism in the organization and implementation of Russian entrepreneurship. honorary titles: "Honored Economist of the Russian Federation" and "Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation", he was awarded the Order of Honor and is an Honorary Professor of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance".


Georgy Leonidovich Bagiev- Engineer-Economist, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Marketing at St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, Honored Economist of the Russian Federation, Academician, Head of the Business Economics Section of the International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education, Member of the Editorial Board of the All-Russian Journal "Marketing " and the international magazine "JEEMS" (Germany).

Author of more than 200 scientific and methodical works published in Russia and abroad. Organizer and participant of international and national scientific-practical conferences and symposiums. Scientific supervisor of international research on marketing issues in cooperation with universities in Germany (Zittau, Bernburg, Köthen, Chemnitz), Sweden (Uppsala) and Finland (Vaasa).

Valentina Mikhailovna Tarasevich - Economist, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of PricingPetersburgState University of Economics and Finance, Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation.

Holger Ann - graduate engineer, doctor economic sciences, professor at the Higher School of Zittau-Görlitz (Germany), well-known specialist in the field of international marketing, new technologies and strategic planning, head of department (until 1995) of Siemens AG. Honorary Doctor of Science of St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, full member of the International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education.


G.L. Azoev - Doctor of Economics, Professor of the State University of Management (Moscow);

B.C. Kabakov - Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the St. Petersburg State Academy of Engineering and Economics.


Entry process Russian economy into the system of market communications, the activities of economic entities in a competitive environment and in a constantly changing competitive environment require every entrepreneur, businessman, manager to constantly improve business activities related to the creation, distribution and consumption of goods and services.

An important direction in the development of entrepreneurship is the organization of marketing activities at all levels of the hierarchy of market economy management.

In the last ten years, especially after the publication of Philip Kotler's book "Fundamentals of Marketing" (1990), the interest of practitioners, scientists

and the general public to marketing as a philosophy and tool of entrepreneurship has grown significantly. The ever-increasing demand for marketing literature has revived the offer in the form of scientific, practical and educational materials. But if there is already quite an extensive literature in practical and scientific bibliography, then a certain niche has formed in the market of educational and methodical publications.

Undoubtedly, a great contribution to the development of the theory, methodology and methods of developing marketing systems and market communications is made by scientists, research specialists production organizations and teachers of Russian universities.

If scientists and specialists are faced with the task of developing the scientific and practical foundations of marketing, then for pedagogical workers it is important to competently, from modern scientific positions, using the principles and methods of pedagogy and educology, to present in an accessible form the genesis, results, problems and developments. prospects of a particular science, in particular marketing.

Therefore, both higher education and science and practice are impatiently waiting and gratefully meeting the appearance of textbooks and teaching aids. This applies to every science and discipline, including such a branch of science and art as marketing.

In Russia, marketing quite rightly became the subject of study, the philosophy and tools of entrepreneurship. Now we can already talk about the formation of a scientific school of marketing, which owes its birth to the first All-Union Marketing Association created in the 80s, whose president was elected Professor G. G. Abramishvili. The significance and role of this association should be highly appreciated both politically and economically. The creation of the association proclaimed the freedom of marketing thinking and marketing activities, which even before 1985 were interpreted in the framework of the apologetics of the bourgeois, capitalist economy. At present, everywhere - in production, in nascent entrepreneurship, in universities, technical schools, schools - an active process of studying and implementing the basics of marketing has begun. Marketing centers, institutes and departments of marketing are being created. The first editions have appeared that analyze foreign experience and the first steps in organizing marketing activities in Russia.

It should be noted the great contribution of Russian scientists and specialists, who were the first to support and begin to develop the scientific foundations and develop recommendations for the implementation of marketing in practice in the conditions of the formation of market relations. These are G. Abramishvili, A. Braverman, I. Gerchikova, E. Golubkov, V. Demidov, N. Kapustina, D. Kostyukhin, F. Levshin, N. Moiseeva, A. Romanov, Yu. Sergeev, B. Solovyov and many other. It was the works of these scientists that served as the basis for the development of market relations, marketing activities and the organization of training for students, schoolchildren and specialists in the system of retraining personnel. At the leading universities in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities and regional centers, marketing departments have been formed and are now successfully functioning.

So, in 1989, the first department of marketing in Russia was organized at the Faculty of Commerce at St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance. Currently, the department annually graduates about 100 highly qualified economists in the specialty "marketing", the demand for which significantly exceeds supply. The department of marketing, having a highly qualified faculty, has created its own school, its own direction, within which marketing is considered as science and art of interaction between market entities to create and reproduce demand.

In the textbook "Marketing" offered to the reader, the authors of which are leading professors of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, for the first time, unlike those published earlier in Russia, an attempt was made to present the fundamentals of marketing in a comprehensive and logically harmonious way within the framework of the curriculum.

The advantages of this textbook are both scientific and encyclopedic presentation of fairly complex topics in the study of marketing. It summarizes a wide range of issues from the current view of marketing as a concept and function of entrepreneurship. If we take into account that this is one of the first attempts in the university practice of Russia to generalize and methodically and orderly consider marketing from the perspective of the theory of interaction between economic entities, then the significance of this textbook for higher education and practice becomes clear.

Analyzing the process of formation of entrepreneurship in Russia, the authors rightly note that marketing as a philosophy and tools of entrepreneurship is being introduced into market relations with certain difficulties. The authors attribute one of the reasons for these difficulties to the underdevelopment of the network of training specialists in the field of marketing, who could scientifically organize and control the process of creating and reproducing demand for goods and services.

In the first chapters of the textbook, the authors consider the subject and tasks of the discipline, the place and role of marketing in the training of a modern economist, reveal the content and main functions of marketing activities as an element of entrepreneurship and business.

The chapter "Marketing research and benchmarking" should also be referred to the fundamental ones, where the process and design of marketing research, methods for obtaining and processing marketing information, marketing intelligence and benchmarking, and methods for diagnosing the competitive environment are considered.

After characterizing the basics of marketing, the authors offer an original approach to presenting the further content of the textbook material, which is based on the modern concept of the theory of interaction between subjects. marketing system in the process of entrepreneurship. In this context, the following sections of the textbook are considered: integration and coordination in marketing; commodity policy; the basics of making marketing decisions in marketing and logistics systems; methodology and methodology for organizing communication policy; Fundamentals of planning, controlling and auditing in marketing systems. The final chapter is "Fundamentals of International Marketing Organization".

For independent study of educational material, the authors included a collection of tasks and marketing situations in the textbook. It is appropriate to bring a marketing terminological dictionary in the textbook.

According to the authors of the textbook, marketing should not only be a function of entrepreneurship, but permeate the entire sphere and all systems. human activity in a competitive economy. Acquaintance with the material of the textbook allows us to conclude that the authors tried (and this attempt was successful)

generalize, develop the basics of marketing and quite fully and methodically correctly state the terminological apparatus, tools, concepts, methods and basic marketing strategies. Of course, one can critically analyze the content of the textbook, but it is indisputable that the authors managed to reveal the content of marketing as the engine of the "invisible hand", i.e. competition that regulates the equilibrium state of the market mechanism.

The appearance of the textbook "Marketing" will fill the existing lack of literature in this branch of knowledge, and will also contribute to the development of a market mentality and more effective training of highly qualified economists in the specialty "marketing".

Director of the Institute for Market Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences,

Academician N.Ya. Petrakov

Marketing as a philosophy and tools




The transition to a market economy has caused profound socio-economic transformations that require the solution of fundamentally new problems of managing economic entities.

Before domestic enterprises entering into market relations, there are problems that require science-based creative solutions in all areas of entrepreneurship.

The development of entrepreneurship in Russia is still spasmodic and is accompanied by certain difficulties. At the same time, one cannot fail to note the positive changes that are taking place in the sphere of entrepreneurship: an increase in the number of enterprises in the non-state sector; improving the efficiency of small and medium businesses. More than a third of medium and large enterprises producing more than 40% of industrial output are in private and mixed forms of ownership. The innovative activity of enterprises is growing, the market mentality of producers and consumers of goods and services is being formed.

Entrepreneurship as a process of organizing the production of goods and services to meet constantly renewed demand and profit, as well as a function of managing this process, has its own history and development dynamics.

The terminological essence and content invested in the concept of "entrepreneurship" changed and streamlined in the process of development of economic theory.

In Western economic theory, the introduction to entrepreneurship and its development is associated with the names of R. Cantillon, A. Turbot, F. Quesnay, A. Smith, J. B. Say, and then K. Marx, J. Schumpeter, A. Marshall, F. Hayek, L. Mises, I. Kirzner, M. Weber, W. Sombart, P. Drucker and other researchers. These scientists and the schools they lead have identified the main points and characteristics of entrepreneurship - bearing risk and economic uncertainty (R. Cantillon and F. Knight), bringing the system out of equilibrium and bringing it to this state (L. Mises and F. Hayek) , the revolutionary change of factors of production (J. B. Say and J. Schumpeter), the organization of the practical implementation of an innovative idea (J. Timmons and P. Drucker, F. Tossig and G. Schmoller), the use of various kinds of innovations in the production process in order to

an increase in the difference between the individual and market value goods (K. Marx).

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Enterprises and Entrepreneurial Activities" (1992) defines entrepreneurship (entrepreneurial activity) as an initiative activity of citizens and their associations aimed at making profit or personal income, carried out on their own behalf, at their own risk and under property responsibility.

As can be seen, the main features entrepreneurial activity are: focus on making a profit (income), its implementation at your own risk, initiative, independence, the implementation of this activity on your own behalf and under property responsibility.

Entrepreneurship is defined from various positions as: activities aimed at maximizing profits; initiative activity of citizens, which consists in the development of goods and services, aimed at obtaining profit; the direct function of the realization of property, its main production function; the process of organizational innovation for profit; actions aimed at increasing capital, developing production and appropriating profits; a specific type of activity aimed at the tireless search for changes in the existing forms of life of enterprises and society, the constant implementation of these changes)


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