Dynamics of the strategic management system of the educational institution. Fundamental studies. Subsystems management NOU "SOSH" "ATON"


The article presents the specific features of the strategic management of educational systems in modern conditions, the understanding of which will allow you to develop viable solutions. The author of the analysis based on the analysis identifies the sequence of an evolutionary series in the development of the management system. And on this basis, a new approach to education management is substantiated - "Task Management" as a special form of a strategic approach to education management and the most adequate genesis of the regional education management system. The argument of this thesis is given, adequate to modern conditions for the development of the education management system. The author justifies her a number of circumstances that are objective today. Thus, the level of setting and solving problems can be considered as a parametric characteristic of the study of the evolution of education management, which reveals the essence of the management strategy in one period of this evolution.

strategic education management processes


semiotic and psychological and pedagogical aspects of development management

task management.

1. Abdeev R.F. The mechanism of control, its genesis and systemorganizable role // Philosophical Sciences. - 1990. - № 4. - P. 105-113.

2. Afanasyev V.G. Software target management; Scientific management of society; Vol. 2 / Ed. L.K. Naumenko, G.P. Zhuravleva, V.V. Grigorieva. - M., 1978. - P. 45-87.

3. Davydov V.V. Theory of educational training; RAO, PSY. In-t, international. Assoc. "Death. Travel. " - M.: Intor, 1996. - 544 p.

4. Leontiev A.N. Activity. Consciousness. Personality. - M: Politicize, 1977. - 304 p.

5. Minzberg G., Quinn J.B., Goshals. Strategic process / trans. from English / Ed. Yu.N. Kapluyevsky. - St. Petersburg., 2001. - 681 p.

6. Petrovsky A.V. Personality development from the standpoint of social psychology // Questions of psychology. - 1984. - № 4. - P. 22-23.

7. Region: Management of Education on the results. Theory and Practice / Ed. P.I. Tretyakova. - M.: New school, 2001. - 880 p.

8. Rosin V.M. Semiotic studies. - M.: Pen SE. - SPb.: University Book, 2001. - 252 p.

9. Rubinstein S.L. Problems of general psychology. - M., 1976. - 141 p.

10. Thompson A.A. Strickland A.J. Strategic management. The art of developing and implementing the strategy: a textbook for universities. / lane with ang. / Ed. L.G. Zaitseva, M.I. Falcon. - M., 1998. - 576 p.

11. Friedman L.M. Pedagogical experience through the eyes of a psychologist. - M.: Enlightenment, 1987. - 224 p.

In the theory of education management, its specificity is reflected in various approaches to the management, which are classified according to certain features. These approaches determine the essence of the management process and can serve as an analysis in the process of historical and pedagogical study of its evolution, performing the qualifications function of the leading paradigm of this management. It is indisputable that each of them in the process of becoming the management brought a certain benefit at a particular historical stage. At the same time, each approach has certain limitations in accordance with the conceptual model of the historical and pedagogical study of the development of the research management system presented in the previous paragraph. During the study of the evolution of education management in the region, we have hypothesized that the integrative criteria for this analysis may consider the management of tasks as a special form of a strategic approach to management.

An analysis of work in the field of strategic management made it possible to disclose the essence and specifics of such management, clarify the main characteristics of the concept of "strategy" and its connection with the concepts of "development" and "forecasting". The concepts of "strategy", "Strategic Management (Management)" in education were introduced to designate differences between operational management and management, in which the main focus was made on accounting external factors. However, accents in determining this essence authors make different. So, the city of Mintzberg, J. Quinn, S. Goshals consider strategic management as "the process of determining and establishing the communication of the system with its environment, consisting in the implementation of the selected goals and in attempts to achieve the desired state of relationships with the environment through the distribution of resources, allowing efficient and efficiently act. The difference in strategic and operational management is manifested: in goaling; in determining the main factors for constructing a management system; in accounting of temporary factors; In assessing management efficiency, etc. So, for example, if the operational management binds the search for reserves with the internal potential of the educational system, then the strategic focus on the external environment and on the search for new funds in the competitive struggle.

Summarizing the foregoing, you can define strategic management as continuous processaimed at survival in the long run due to timely changes, flexible response to impulses and perturbations of the external environment, supports on human potential.

Strategic Management Educational systems have its own specific features that are defined as follows:

  • the education scope was and is one of the most innovative industries, in many respects defining the effectiveness of innovation in other industries;
  • the educational system is a global system of open, flexible, individualized, creative knowledge, continuous human education throughout its life and is the unity of production innovations in the field of education (technologies, methods and techniques of teaching and learning) and management innovations (new economic mechanisms in education, new organizational structures, institutional forms);
  • the development of the educational system involves the organization of the system of impacts on the introduction of technological, pedagogical, organizational innovations in such a way as to ensure the desired trends, to anticipate and overcome the possible crises and contradictions, ensuring the integrity of the system;
  • the strategic management of the educational system is an innovative, providing for management of strategic risks, including risks associated with various political events, unexpected government laws and decisions, the discrepancy between social requirements for the educational system and its real resources.

The use of a strategic paradigm in the study of the development of educational systems management allows, in our opinion, to qualify not only leading trends of this development, but also the management activities of certain subjects.

The education management system under consideration in various studies (first of all, regional) can be called the management systems "by targets" and "according to the results". The analysis of the purposes is indicated that such management is often turning into the process of extending the goals without taking into account the real resources achieved results, and the results of the results considers mostly only pragmatic results, that is, the so-called "productive goals", which is also not in complete The extent reflects the understanding of education management as the interaction of subjects or how to manage activities.

In the context of the paradigm of strategic education management, based on the overall theory of activity presented in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, V.V. Davydova, E.V. Ilyenkova, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein, G.P. Shchedrovitsky, etc., we highlighted a special form - "management of tasks" as the most adequate genesis of the education management system in the region. Under the "tasks" we understand the term models of the future result (purpose), means of achieving the result, methods of using funds, the conditions in which the activities and the criteria for assessing the future result will flow. In this sense, the "task" can be considered as a synonym for "strategy". It is unchanged until the need is not satisfied or there is no need to go to another alternative (strategy change). The completion of the formulation of the problem leads the subject of action to the implementation of the strategy, i.e. In the "executive" stage of activity. From this point on, it is possible to switch to the actual use of selected tools and methods, i.e., move from the process of "internal" preparation for the actual "external" activity, to actually practicing the satisfaction of the initial need. The aspect of the activity approach allocate tasks associated with the analysis, study, definition, development and testing of management decisions. Through the solution of these tasks there is a way to goal. S.L. Rubinstein and A.N. Leontyev unequivocally interposed the meaning of the task as the unity of the goal and the conditions for its achievement. If the conditions for achieving the goal is changed, but when the target itself changes and the task is also changing. In the conditions of implementing the activity principle in the management of education, the result is not an educational system, but the result of the approach to the system, i.e. The quality of the tasks that the system puts. In this case, we can talk about the evolution of education management in the quality of formulation of educational tasks. There is a question about what the levels of this production may be. We will try to give theoretical substantiation of the problem under consideration, allocating cybernetic, semiotic, psychological and pedagogical aspects in it.

Cybernetic aspect

Despite the fact that individual authors do not share the transfer to the management of management interpretations in cybernetics, we believe that in the aspect of the problem under study, it is still necessary to refer to this theory. From the point of view of R.F.Abdeev, the control mechanism arose and developed during evolution, has transitions from the lower to the highest. The physical interaction of objects and elementary forms of reflection (step 0) here were the necessary prerequisite (Fig. 1).

Fig.1. Control mechanism

So, R.F. Abdeyev highlights three stages:

I - simplest closed loop with feedback at the level of the usual regulator (homeostasis), with a reaction only to the current impact (a goal is self-preservation);

II - intermediate, with a software change in the nature of the impact of the control unit on the object while maintaining its stability;

III - mechanism for managing self-organizing systems, which is characterized by the presence of the II circuit of the OS and memory. In the second circuit, useful information from I contour is selected: this information accumulates, forming experience, knowledge, synthesized into certain structures, increasing the level of organization, activity and vitality of the system.

Everyday practice shows that development processes in human society are consisted of a great multitude of control circuits and (or) self-government. Each such circuit is a targeted information and management process consisting of a managed object and a control entitle (controlling link), closed direct and reverse information connections. Whatever differences in particulars (multi-levelness, specifics of specific areas of activity, etc.), the structure of this mechanism is one. This applies to the management of social systems, including education.

Semiotic aspect

The method of obtaining attribute knowledge as the formation of a socially significant standard, procedures for comparing any specific subject of this class, fixing the result of comparison using a character form is associated with the functioning of systems according to the so-called collective scheme. This can be compared with the simplest closed circuit represented by R.F. Abdeyev.

The next stage of the development of education management is related to the occurrence of private-schemes, consistent with the collective scheme with the help of solid schemes (privat-schemes are justified by the public necessity of collective scheme correction). An analogy of this stage can be an intermediate contour with a software change in the nature of the impact of the control unit on the object while maintaining its stability.

The further stage of development (the mechanism of management of self-organizing systems R.F.ABdeyevA is characterized by the implementation and regulation of activities on the organizational scheme, i.e. The chapter is not the design of activities in itself, and coordination and organization of interaction between the privat-schemes within a certain collective scheme (as management of individual development paths).

Psychological and pedagogical aspect

Management interaction of taxa (subsystems) operating under a higher level system, in a psychological and pedagogical aspect, you can consider from the position of A.V. Petrovsky and L.M. Friedman (Fig. 2):

Fig. 2. Phases of activity

The 1st phase is the assimilation of the norms acting in the system and mastering the relevant forms and means of activity. The subsystem, which is part of the new system for it, is forced to adapt as much as possible. This phase A.V. Petrovsky called the phase of adaptation (the simplest closed contour with feedback at the level of the usual regulator and with the reaction only to the current impact);

The 2nd phase - is generated by an exacerbating contradiction between the achieved result of adaptation and unsatisfied need for maximum personalization. The subsystem mobilizes all its resources for the activity broadcast of its individuality, intensifies the search for subsystems that can provide its optimal personalization. This is the phase of individualization;

The 3rd phase - integration is that the mutual transformation of the subsystem and system occurs. If the contradiction turns out to be unreared, disintegration arises, which has a consequence or displacing the subsystem, or its isolation, or return to an earlier phase of development.

The second and third phases can also be correlated with the philosophical and semiotic concepts of the management of the management system.

Summarizing the selected aspects, it is possible to determine the sequence of the evolutionary series in the development of the management system (table).

Sequence of the evolutionary series in the development of the control system

Level characteristics

Level 1

Level 2.

Level 3.


The simplest closed contour with feedback at the level of the usual regulator, with a reaction only to current impacts.

Intermediate, with a software change in the nature of the impact of the control unit on the object while maintaining its stability

Mechanism of the management of self-organizing systems


Collective scheme

Privat- and matching schemes

Organizational scheme


Existence in an environment

Functioning in the structure, development of systems

Formation of networks Development of systems





Thus, the level of setting and solving problems can be considered as a parametric characteristic of the study of the evolution of education management, which reveals the essence of the management strategy in one period of this evolution.


Golikov A.I., Dr. N., Director of the Pedagogical Institute of the North-Eastern Federal University. MK Ammosova, Yakutsk;

Barahsanova E.A., Dp., Professor, Head. Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering of the Pedagogical Institute of the North-Eastern Federal University. MK Ammosova, Yakutsk.

The work went on the editor 29.07.2014.

Bibliographic reference

Nikolaeva A.D. Strategic approach to education management // Fundamental studies. - 2014. - № 8-7. - pp. 1667-1671;
URL: http://fundamental-research.ru/ru/article/view?id\u003d35274 (date of handling: 03/18/2020). We bring to your attention the magazines publishing in the publishing house "Academy of Natural Science"

Sections: Common goodsAgological technologies

During the period of deep socio-economic changes in Russia, when the entire system of social relations is revalued, public changes undergoes and the system preschool education. Its transformation and development is largely determined by how efficiently the management of all its links is carried out and first of all - the introduction into the practice of a preschool educational institution of the latest scientific and pedagogical achievements in the field of management.

Among these innovations - the concept of Finnish authors management results.

The focus of the entire Intrasadian management system for the final result implies not only the special motivational target orientation of the heads of pre-school educational institutions, but also a new approach to information support, pedagogical analysis, planning, organization, control and regulation of all activities.

The central place in the process of solving many tasks of the developing kindergarten belongs to the head and teachers of the kindergarten, who have to bear greater responsibility for the decisions taken and the final results. Experience and intuition is increasingly not able to in practice to ensure the adoption of satisfactory and all the more optimal solution. For this, first of all, it is necessary to understand how the head of the pre-school educational institution solves complex tasks and how this process can be improved.

The proposed material discloses the main management mechanisms that ensure the translation of the preschool institution from the developing mode functioning.

Theoretical fundamentals of the pre-school educational institution based on the results

In their management activities, we are guided by the ideas of P.I. Tretyakova, Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences and the Group of His students who developed the technology for managing education on the results.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bmanagement according to the results is to realize that no organization itself is no value, but at the same time it represents an ordered form that unites people to achieve certain results.

The very concept of "Results Management" can be defined as a management and development system, with which the results are achieved, which are identified and agreed by all members of the organization.

Determining the main objectives of the development of its pre-school educational institution, each head together with the pedagogical team organizes the entire pedagogical process, which means that the results obtained with the planned are constantly responsible. This requires the adoption of operational solutions on the situation, i.e. For specific results.

The results of the results suggests that in initially the team is assessed by the real, secured by all resources to execute the goal. Such resources include people, time, finance, material and technical base, technologies, techniques, etc. When managing on results, each participant of the pedagogical process should be able to link their participation in general, with other members of the team. Executive thinking suggests that the head and subordinate determines the result, and then the Contractor itself chooses how to achieve ways, i.e. Time, technology and other resources.

In terms of management based on the results, the initiative and creative team is the most valuable resource. The head creates an atmosphere of respect, trust, success to each participant in the educational process.

However, while the task of the manager is to carry out information support, analysis, goalkeeping, planning, execution, control and correction.

The manager must clearly possess the situation and be a guide new.

Work with children requires a higher stress and energy teacher, so benevolence, tactful and respectful demand among all participants in the pedagogical process are especially important in the team. The head, manifesting a respectful attitude towards each teacher, taking into account the inclinations, interests, possibilities in combination with reasonable demands, achieves significantly large results than the one that the authoritarian management methods rigorously adheres. One of best ways Increase interest in work and create a coherent team - this is respect for people and delegate them responsibility and powers.

Responsibility appears under the observance of two conditions: when the performer is fixed by quite certain tasks and obligations; When the performer knows that it will be sure to ask him for how work was performed. An explanation of each participant in the process of the meaning of his mission, the Organization in order to achieve certain results acquires not a compulsory administrative character, but a conscious creative work. An important issue in the results of the results is the distinction of the concepts of "result" and "contribution".

The result is a realized goal. But the goal itself can be real and perfect. In our case, we assume real purpose, i.e. Secured by all resources for execution.

In this way, the results of the results have a targeted resource-free interaction of the control and controlled subsystem to achieve the planned result.

DOU control levels

It is necessary to allocate control levels.

The first level is determined by the ability of the head to see the mission of the activities of the pre-school educational institution.

The social characteristics of any organization includes goals and strategy.

The purpose of the organization is a specific image of the desired (expected) result, which the organization can actually achieve a clearly defined point of time. ( Potchik MM, Moiseev A.M. Management of the modern school. M., 1997. P. 75.) In determining the goal of the organization, the structure should adhere to the structure proposed by V.I. Miserable.

When formulating goals, non-compliance with the specified sequence of components is possible, but their preservation is required.

The organization's strategy is the basic guidelines where the organization is moving, what funds use. What resources and where are spent, for which people mobilize. In the integrated form of the goal and the strategy are presented by the Mission of the Organization.

The mission of the organization is its purpose, that is, for what it exists, what are the differences from the surrounding organizations. To determine the mission, use the answers to the following questions:

1. To meet any social needs, an organization has been created?

2. Through what, with what services this need is satisfied?

3. Who is the direct consumer of services?

4. What is the competitive advantage?

5. Why do you continue to exist along with other organizations?

When determining the Mission, do not take into account the following points:

1) the prospect of the mission. The mission expresses aspiration into the future, shows that efforts will be directed and what directions will be priorities;

2) publicity and collegiality in the development of the mission. In order to develop a real, and not formally proclaimed mission should take into account the view of the team;

3) Mission concreteness. The wording should be clear, clear, understandable to all subjects interacting with your organization;

4) The change in the mission of the organization may be caused by the impossibility of the qualitative fulfillment of the mission because of its "overestimation" or significant transformation of the organization.

The second level proposes to consider the result in terms of the quality of services.

The main service of the Dow Population is pre-school education and education of children from 3 to 7 years.

The quality of pre-school education is such an organization of the pedagogical process in kindergarten, in which the level of educational and development of each child increases in accordance with his personal, age and physical characteristics in the process of upbringing and learning. What does the quality of the work of the pre-school educational institution depends on?

  • From the quality of the educator.
  • From the relationship in the pedagogical team.
  • From the conditions created by the head for the creative search for new working methods.
  • From an objective assessment of the results of each employee.

Consequently, the quality of pre-school education in the institution is a managed process. Therefore, the above-mentioned "quality" listed above can be allocated two approaches to quality management.

One - through the management of the entire pedagogical process and its constituents.

Another - through personal subjective aspects in the management system: the formation of a collective and regulation of the moral and psychological climate in it.

Allow these, perhaps, the main positions can be argued that the quality is the result of the activity of the whole team, which is determined by two positions:

How the pedagogical process is organized in children's garden (mode, selection of programs and technologies, availability of benefits, a system for improving the professional growth of teachers through different forms of methodical work, etc.);

As a child (children) in the institution implements its right to individual development In accordance with age capabilities and abilities.

Consequently, the quality of the pre-school educational institution is both the process and the result.

The third level of management according to the results involves considering the result from the standpoint of consumers.

This is a family, parents who have preschool children who need the conditions provided by educational institutions. However, today a picture of parental requests and needs is not fully studied. Study of parents' requests and the creation of conditions that help the head flexibly change the situation, to offer children and parents a variety of services.

Educational: development of social (mathematical, speech, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic, musical, rhythmic) abilities; Special training for school, language learning; educational games; Etiquette and behavior, embroidery, design, etc.

Medico-wellness: rhythmoplasty, swimming, relaxation; thermotherapy (sauna), respiratory prevention; Sports gymnastics, engine-firming; Massage, etc.

Social: museum tours, musical hour in Philharmonic, the theater of dolls, holidays of adults and children; tourism, excursions; lawyer consulting; Governer services.

Basic principles of updating Dow

We will call the basic principles underlying the update of the pre-school institution.

1. Democratization. This principle involves the distribution of rights, powers and responsibilities between all participants in the management process, its decentralization.

2. Humanization. It provides an equally available for each personality the choice of level, quality, orientation of education, method, nature and forms of obtaining it, satisfying cultural and educational needs in accordance with individual value orientations. Reorientation of the educational process to the identity of the child.

3. Humanitarianization educational programs, those. Such a ratio and combination of programs, the use of such didactic approaches, methods and technologies of training, which ensure the priority of universal values, integrity, sequence, continuity and advanced training.

4. Differentiation, mobility and development. These principles suggest multi-levelness, polyfunctionality of educational programs of all diverse species of educational institutions. They provide children, adolescents, young people as they are growing, social formation and self-determination of the possibility of movement horizontally (change of class, profile, edema orientation), as well as vertical (change of level, type, type of educational institution).

5. Openness of educationthose. providing opportunities for continuous education in various formsand general education at any level, any level (base and optional).

6. Multipleness of the educational system,those. Qualitative growth and development of a state preschool institution, as well as the opening of elite educational institutions of a new type.

7. Standardization. This principle involves compliance with federal education quality standards, the introduction of regional standards that take into account national and other features of the region.

All these principles become leadership in developing and developing preschool institution. At the same time, the main function of the modern kindergarten (of any type or species) is targeted personality socialization: the introduction of it into the world of natural and human relations and relations, immersion into human material and spiritual culture through the transfer of better samples, methods and norms of behavior in all spheres of vital activity.

To assess the promotion of a preschool educational institution, the following performance indicators are analyzed in its development.

1. Innovative activities of the institution - updating the content of education and training in accordance with state standards (basic and additional educational services); updating pedagogical technologies, methods and forms of work; The combination of self-analysis, self-control with self-esteem and expert assessment.

2. Organization of an educational process (OHP) - self-government, cooperation of teachers, children and their parents in achieving learning, education and development purposes; planning and organizing various children's activities, taking into account the interests and needs of children; Pedagogue and child as equal partners in this activity; high level of motivation of all participants in the pedagogical process; Comfortable subject-developing and psychological and pedagogical environment in kindergarten for all participants in a holistic pedagogical process.

3. EFFECTIVE EFFICIENCY - Comparison of the compliance of the final results planned (assessment of the state of the physical and mental health of children, their development: physical, informative, artistic and aesthetic, intellectual, social).

Key results of dow

An important point in this approach to the results management is the allocation of key results. The closer the key results for the third level, the more deeply the awareness of the goals of the pre-school institution.

Based on the awareness of universal and national values, we allocate the following key results of activities:

1. Health I. healthy image Life. Health, physical and mental development of the child.

2. Pupil on the basis of universal and national values. The level of moral, spiritual and moral education of the personality.

3. Education in accordance with personal capabilities and abilities. The level of intellectual development.

4. Readiness to continue education. Level of readiness for school training.

5. Adaptability of the educational environment to the satisfaction of the educational needs of the person. The level of adaptability of the subject-developing and educational environment.

Positive effects of technology introduction in an educational institution

"There are two sophisticated things in the world - to manage and educate."
Immanuel Kant.

The head of the pre-school educational institution should be able to manage and educate. The transformation and development of a kindergarten is determined by how efficient the management of the newest scientific and pedagogical achievements in the field of management is carried out effectively.

Collectively studying the technology of management according to the results, determined its advantage:

Intensive psychologization of the management process, creating an atmosphere of respect, trust and success for each member of the pedagogical team, which seems to be defined results.

Work on this technology allows you to move from a vertical command-administrative management system to a horizontal system of professional cooperation, which is based on a corporate management style, taking into account the nature-like qualities of each person and a personality-oriented approach to its activities to achieve maximum results.

Such a management style provides the possibility of developing each individual, combining (coordinating the motivational orientation of the head and teachers who create conditions for a developing preschool institution.

Technology management based on the results creates psychological and pedagogical comfort to all participants in the educational process, ensures the implementation of the educational standard.

One of the best ways to increase interest in work and create a coherent team - respect for people, delegate them responsibility and powers.

The leading principle of management in kindergarten is the principle of decentralization - dispersing its powers to substituents.

In the results of the results, a goal and a good analysis is important. The kindergarten has developed a development program that determines the mission, goal, tasks and specific actions to implement the tasks.

It is important to correctly analyze the work of the whole team. The final results of the pre-school institution is:

  • health, physical and mental development of the child;
  • the level of moral, spiritual and moral education of the individual;
  • the level of intellectual development;
  • level of readiness for school training;
  • the level of adaptability of the educational environment.

To determine the level of development of children, the diagnosis of children is carried out, which has its criteria and corresponds to the age and individual characteristics of children. An important condition is the ability of the head to plan the activities of the kindergarten (Attachment 1) and make a good comparative analysis of work (Appendix 2) Correct control (Appendix 3).

In terms of management based on the results, the initiative and creative team is the most valuable resource, so in kindergarten is a lot of work with a team on the introduction of new technologies, to improve professional competence, the need to work together a single team. We use active forms of work with a pedaclecloth: seminars, workshops, collective views of the pedprocesssess, discussions, business games, a round table, etc.

Reveal the ability and opportunities of each of the teachers.

Create conditions for their implementation and further improvement of pedagogical activities. The integrity of the educational process in the DW can be achieved not only by using the main (integrated) program, but also by the qualified selection of specialized (partial) programs, each of which includes one or more directions of the child's development. In our kindergarten, along with the program "Rainbow" (Doronov), the following programs are successfully applied.

  • "KROKHA" (Grigoriev, Kravtsova),
  • "Fundamentals of child preschool children" (Sterkina)
  • "Our House Nature" (Ryzhova, Sakharov)
  • "Program for the development of the speech of children of preschool age" (Ushakov).

Work on improving educational and educational work can not be built without the help of parents, which we made our allies of the educational process. In kindergarten developed an annual work plan with parents.

Began to produce a newspaper "Healthy", (Appendix No. 4) where we recommend parents on various topics related to the health of children (the formation of proper posture, clinical symptoms of various types of posture disorders, recommendations)

Deputy Head of Silkina EB, produces many brochures - recommendations for educators, for example: "Thematic planning in kindergarten", "Creating a subject - developing environment in each group", "Thematic dictionary to enhance the dictionary in senior groups", "thematic Planning and developing medium in speech therapy groups. "

Kindergarten is basic for open urban events.

  • Head of kindergarten Kolyyskina S.I is the head of the city methodological association of the heads, lecturer on the training courses of educators, conducts practical and theoretical seminars for the leaders of the city.
  • Deputy Head of Educational and Educational Work Silkina E.B. He is an active participant in the problem-creative group of city methodists.
  • Pedagogian-psychologist Zhukova L.V. - The head of the methodological association of psychologists of the city is a lecturer on the training courses of educators.
  • Children's garden teachers willingly share their experience with other educators of the city and show open classes at the training courses of educators, are teachers by mentors.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Education

Russian State Social University _____________________________________________________________________________

Branch in Elektrostal

Specialty: "Social work"

Course work

by discipline

"Strategic Management"

on the topic:

"Features of strategic management in the field of education (on the example of the NOU" SOSH "" ATON ")"

Work completed:

Female student 5 courses

full-time compartment

sRBD-5 groups

Boykova S.S.


Kostromina E.A.


Introduction ................................................................................. 3.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of strategic management ............ .8

1.1. Management in the education system ..................................... 7.

1.2. Regulatory legal regulation of paid education ....7

Chapter 2. Analysis of the control system of NOU "SOSH" "ATON" ............ 90

2.1. Structure of NOU "SOSH" "ATON" and the basics of the subsystem

control ............................................................... ... 19

2.2. Step-analysis matrix NOU "SOSH" "ATON" ................................... ..56

2.3. SWOT-analysis matrix NOU "SOSH" "Aton" ..................... 78

2.4 Ranking of global problems of the organization .................. ..89

2.5. Competitive advantages of the organization ............................45

Chapter 3. Development of the NOU Strategy "SOSH" "Aton" ..................... ... 78

3.1. Argument of strategic ideas of development ........................ 30

3.2. Events for the implementation of the strategy ............................... 32.

Conclusion ......................................................................................... .. 35

List of used literature .............................................. 37.


Education in the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with the legislation of our country and the norms of international law.

The right to education is one of the leading and inalienable rights of Russian citizens stipulated by the country's basic law. It is enshrined in Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation:

1. Everyone has the right to education.

2. The publicity and freeness of pre-school, basic general and secondary vocational education in state or municipal educational institutions and enterprises are guaranteed.

3. Everyone has the right to receive higher education in the state or municipal educational institution on a competitive basis for free and in the enterprise.

4. Basic general education necessarily. Parents or persons replacing them ensure the receipt by children of basic general education.

5. The Russian Federation establishes federal state educational standards, supports various forms of education and self-education.

The central link of the education system in Russia is the overall secondary education, including secondary schools, schools with in-depth study of individual items, profile schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, evening schools. Educational institutions of boarding school, special schools for children with deviation in physical and mental development, extracurricular educational institutions.

The main tasks of general educational institutions are; the creation of favorable conditions for the mental, moral, emotional and physical development of the person; Development of scientific worldview; Mastering students of knowledge of knowledge about nature, society, man, his work and receptions of independent activities.

The existing problems in the successful solution of tasks facing the school are due to a number of contradictions, which are largely related to significant changes in the concept of development of our society, with entering market relations, with occurrence of changes in the value orientations, educational and human activity needs.


Education is one of the most important primary life of society, objectively reflecting his real state, features and levels of development.

The role of education by modern stage Russia's development is determined by the tasks of the country's transition to a democratic and legal state, a market economy, the need to overcome the risk of lagging behind the global trends of economic and social development. Nowadays, the school is developing in market conditions and new economic relations, specific material support conditions require educational institutions of fundamentally new approaches to management.


Subject of study -strategic management and development of SOSH "ATON".

Purpose This work is to accumulate the systematization and consolidation of knowledge of strategic management, as well as the development of a strategy for the non-state general education school NOU "SOSH" "ATON"


1. To explore the theoretical aspects of strategic management.

2.Repline regulatory regulation of paid education.

3. Analyze the management system of the studied institution.

4. Identify problems and develop a strategy based on the results

STEP, SWOT analysis and other data obtained.

5. Make a plan of measures to implement the strategy in

non-state educational school NOU "SOSH" "ATON".

6. Purchase the primary skills of the practical application of the basic methods of strategic management.

Theoretical and methodological base:teaching aids, textbooks, works of leading domestic and foreign scientists in the field of strategic management and management. The use of various types of economic analysis.

Regulatory framework: Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law "On Education".

Empirical base: Articles from magazines, newspapers, archival documents, statistical data.

Chapter 1. Theoretical Aspects

Strategic Management

      Management in the education system

In the last decade in the course of school reform and expansion of the list of educational services special attention It is paid to the development of management in the education management system and the preparation of managers, which makes it possible to increase the level of professionalism of the managers. The rational combination of his work with the activities of public structures in the education system will help educational institutions more effectively solve issues of their material base, financing and management in order to create more favorable conditions for the continuous improvement of the educational process of preparing the younger generation to life.

The introduction of school management allows educational institutions to expand the list of educational services and increase the qualitative level of training, the upbringing and development of young citizens of our country. Provides educational institutions greater opportunities for adapting to market conditions. one

Management in education involves the special development of the principles, methods, means and forms of management of educational systems in order to improve the effectiveness of their activities and creating opportunities for productive life for numerous budgetary institutions of the country's education system. The activities of managerial specialists should be based on the professional knowledge of the issues of organization and management of educational institutions and rely on the works of teachers scientists who have developed theoretical foundations and methods of management of education systems. This will help ensure a rational approach to the creation of general secondary and special secondary education institutions for the organization and conduct at a high level of the educational process; strengthening the material base and the economic situation of educational institutions; The rational spending of budgetary funds, the development and implementation of new management mechanisms, obtaining additional sources of education funding.

The rational combination in the management of the education of the professional management and collegiate bodies is deepening the fundamentals of unity and collegiality, from new positions characterizes the Education Management Act, creates opportunities for the disclosure of huge potential in the activities of educational institutions. College governments can ensure the development of a strategy in the activities of educational institutions, and a larger and insignificant tactical activity will be carried out at a high professional level the manager endowed with these powers founder of the educational institution and representatives of the collegial governments. 2.

If there is an effective working managing Council of the educational institution and professional managerial manager, it is important that in the institutions of the secondary, as well as initial and secondary vocational education management activities directly by the educational process carried out professionals in the field of academic disciplines. Thus, the status of the current knob (Deputy Director of the School academic work) It may change, as it should be no less than the manager of the managerial manager. Therefore, in secondary education institutions, it is advisable to introduce the post of director of educational or educational work. In schematic form, the structure of managing the institution of general and special secondary education is presented in Figure 1.1.

Fig.1.1. Installation authorities

In institutions of higher vocational education, in our opinion, it is advisable to preserve the currently established classical form of management organization, subject to the expansion of the powers of representative bodies. 3.

The leadership of the non-state educational institution carries out his founder directly or, in coordinating the Board of Trustees, formed by the founder. The non-state educational institution has its own charter, which identifies the empowerment of the Board of Trustees, the management structure, the procedure for the appointment and election of the head of the educational institution.

The charter of the non-state institution of education enshrines the structure of the internal management, the procedure for the appointment or election of the head, whose authority is determined by the founder or the Board of Trustees to coordinate its functions with the pedagogical team.

Particular attention in the management of educational systems at any level is given to the problems of financing education. four

Management methods

The basics of management in school are the creation of conditions for the normal course of the educational process.

Management methods are methods for the impact of a link of the management system to other, lower links or managed objects to achieve the intended management goals. Manual methods - ways of impact on people implementing these goals implementing. strategic management. Market research. ... strategic management features ... facts like more educated consumer, increased ...

  • Strategic management. Support abstract lectures

    Abstract \u003e\u003e Management

    ... Strategic Management 1.1. Theoretical basis strategic management. 1.2. Feature strategic management. 1.3. Basic principles strategic management 1.1.Toretical foundations strategic management. Strategic ...

  • Strategic management and its application at the restaurant and hotel business enterprise

    Essay \u003e\u003e Economy

    Characteristic strategic enterprise management 7 1.1. Feature strategic management 7 1.2. Efficiency strategic management 8 1.3. Disadvantages and restrictions strategic management 9 1.4. Stages strategic management 10 ...

  • Strategic management as a process of effective management

    Abstract \u003e\u003e Management

    Research bases B. region strategic management. Market research. ... strategic management It is necessary to apply to solve specific tasks whose uniqueness follows from features ... taking into account the level education, experience, qualifications ...

  • Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I.Getzen

    Management department

    Department of Education Management

    Strategic Management

    Implementation of strategic management in

    Pre-school educational institution.

    Strategic Management (Management) - The control function (management) is distributed to the long-term goals and actions of the company. The formulation of a strategy (actions) and its clear tools are the core of the Office and an important feature Good management company.

    Strategic Management - Development and implementation of actions leading to long-term exceeding the level of performance of the firm's performance on competitors.

    As a result of each of our strategic planning for the development of the institution, we achieve a clear understanding, which now happens on this market And what exactly should we now need to do, where you can wait for the next crisis. Complete clarity - it was just that we were missing for building a development strategy. Then the idea was born to develop a marketing strategy for our educational institution.

    In the 90s, most Russian citizens believed that marketing was something overseas, someone else's, complex. And strategic marketing is generally mystically proceedable. But, by and large, every person in its usual activity very often uses this strategic marketing. I am sure that today everyone will ask himself questions on which marketing strategy Just answers. Regarding a preschool educational institution, this may be questions: "What exactly do parents and children want from your kindergarten?", "What kind of advantages has your kindergarten before others?", "How to convey to your consumers?", "Where to find It is its consumers (parents and children)? "," What are the advantages of kindergarten to develop first? ". If it becomes obvious to the manager, then act in any situation - and especially in the situation of the crisis - it becomes easy.

    Each Head of Dow understands that there is competition in the market of educational services. But if you do nothing today, tomorrow your organization may be "overboard" - children will go to another kindergarten, and the team will remain without work.

    Preschool institutions need to realize that they were in market relations, like the entire educational system. Therefore, it makes sense not to simply develop a strategy of the educational organization, but to develop its market strategy. Successful reorganization of any educational institution is possible only as a result of a systematic approach to this problem.

    I bring to your attention an exemplary strategy for the development of an educational institution. This strategy is designed for our institution.

    Any building strategy begins with the analysis and identification of relevant capabilities:

    I. General characteristic of the district (microdistrict):

    • Dow is located on the territory of the Municipal District "Shuvalov - Ozerki". The district is a typical sleeping area of \u200b\u200bthe city, that is, the territory with the complete absence of industrial enterprises and almost completely built-in residential buildings, and accompanying buildings - schools, children's gardens, shops, etc. This circumstance creates severe competition of institutions in the microdistrict, which causes the need to raise Quality and availability of preschoolers. In the immediate vicinity of the district there is an industrial zone "Parnas". This causes the need to improve work towards the health of children of preschool age. The feature of the location of OU is that it is located close to the regional municipalities of Pargolovo, Serrtolovo and Osinovaya Grove. The bulk of the population works in the industrial zone (various production). This circumstance necessitates to introduce a regional component into the pedagogical education system (familiarity with the history of the city, traditions and the development of tolerance).
    • Currently, more than 107 thousand people live in the district. The main population of the district constitutes people aged 20 to 50 years. Due to the high rates of the building of the district, the population population is constantly increasing.
    • Due to the constant changes and expansion of the population in municipal Education It is necessary to continuously develop and improve the quality and availability of the formation of the DOW.

    II. Analysis of educational problems

    Determination of various vital problems of the population

    Environmental: Objective deterioration in the health of children entering a kindergarten, which adversely affects them of high-quality education

    Management: Insufficient readiness and inclusion of parents in the quality of education of children through social management.

    Social: An objective increase in the number of preschool children, sharply needing a preschool institution. An increase in the number of migrant children and as a result of the upbringing of tolerance in children. Enhance parental requests.

    Identification of actually educational problems, i.e. Such which can be solved by the means of education.

    A description of educational problems and what they consist of:

    OSA's ability to resolve these problems

    Creating a system to improve the health status of children who contribute to improving the quality of their education

    Analysis of educational queries of various social, professional and age groups of the population


    Actual educational needs

    Potential educational needs

    Low-income families and families with low social status

    Ensuring readiness for school children.

    Secured families and families with high social status

    Sports and recreation activities (exercise, swimming, etc.)

    Foreign language training.


    Intellectually directed training

    Training rules of etiquette

    Analysis of opportunities to satisfy the identified requests for the education system

    Table of compliance of educational problems of the educational situation.

    Educational problems

    Educational situation

    Changing the pre-school educational institution in the implementation of the implementation of a new state educational policy, the main benchmarks of which are: the formation of Russian identity; creation of conditions for the preservation, increase in the cultural and spiritual values \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Russia; Understanding the dependence of quality change human resource from changing the quality of education; The formation of an open, flexible and affordable education system.

    The creation of an integrative education system in the kindergarten, which implements the right of every child to high-quality and affordable education, ensuring equal starting opportunities for the full physical and mental development of children, as the basis for their successful education in school.

    An objective deterioration in the health of children entering a kindergarten, adversely affects them of high-quality education.

    Creating a system to improve the health status of children who contribute to improving the quality of their education

    Insufficient readiness and inclusion of parents in managing the quality of education of children through social management forms of management.

    Creating bodies of public-public administration to the institution to promote the quality of education of preschoolers, expanding the share of extrabudgetary financing

    The need to intensify pedagogical labor, improving its quality and effectiveness of teachers to the use of modern educational technologies

    Improving the quality of education and upbringing in the GDDOU through the introduction of modern pedagogical technologies, including information and communication.

    One of the most important contradictions between the problems and the possibilities of OU is the lack of material and technical equipment and the readiness of the pedagogical team to the introduction of GEF, and accordingly improve the quality of the formation of preschoolers.

    Formulation of key education problem

    Improvement and expansion of the material and technical base at the expense of budgetary funds and charitable funds involved in the help of parental community and social partners.

    Improving the qualifications of the pedagogical team.

    SOFT - OU analysis.


    This state is relative to this

    The system of pedagogical activity provides a high level of readiness for children to school.

    Finding an institution in the so-called "green zone" and the use of health-saving technologies makes it possible to reduce the incidence of children.

    System of interaction with parents

    Qualifications of teachers

    Insufficiency of the material and technical base

    Potential state regarding the process and future

    Changing and expanding requests from parents and public schools leads to the need to change, improve the system of pedagogical activities

    An objective decline in the level of health of children involves strengthening work towards preserving the health of preschoolers.

    Creating a clear system of interaction of OU and parents

    Pedagogical Team Qualification System

    Attracting social partner

    Word the vision and mission of OU

    Providing every child opportunities for the development of abilities, conditions for the versatile development required by them correction, residence of preschool childhood as an introspective period of life, protection and strengthening of its health, preparation for successful training at the next level of education, family support in the upbringing and development of the child.

    Determine the purpose and objectives of the development of OU

    Purpose: Creating a system of integrative education in the kindergarten, which implements the right of each child for high-quality and affordable education, ensuring equal starting opportunities for the full physical and mental development of children, as the basis for their successful school training.


    1. Preservation of Quality of Education and Education in the GBDOU
    2. Improving the efficiency of using informatization tools in the educational process.
    3. Improving logistical and software.
    4. Using network interaction and integration capabilities in the educational process.
    5. Introduction additional educationAs a totality of services available to wide groups of pupils

    SWOT- analysis of the potential of the OU on the implementation of these purposes




    SO- Opportunities that enhance our strengths

    How to take advantage of?

    ST - Strong sides to help overcome obstacles

    What can prevent opportunities to take advantage of?


    Wo- Opportunities that "compensate" weaknesses

    Due to what can be reduced threats?

    WT-obstacles that provoke our weaknesses

    The greatest hazards for OU




    Permanent qualified pedagogical team

    Comfortable conditions for the upbringing and education of children:

    Individual approach

    Location (green zone)

    Feature of the contingent of children

    Insufficient level of culture of families of pupils

    The introduction of new pedestrians:

    Lack of mat. -Hahn. Base

    Not unified system Psycho. Pedagogical


    Effective development of the institution

    Advanced training of pedagogical team

    Attracting social partner

    Use the potential of microenvironment

    Promotion of society to participate in the life of an educational institution

    Change status establishment (from priority to general education)

    Competition of nearby kindergartens located in new buildings

    Reduced budget financing

    Growth of socio-nebustic families and families of migrants

    Aging pedagogical team

    Strategic directions for the development of OU

    Ensuring a high level of health of preschoolers

    The development and introduction of new technologies for the education and education of preschoolers, through the update of the GBDOU developing educational environment that promotes the child's self-realization in different types activities

    Development of the GDOVO management system based on increasing the competence of parents on interaction with a kindergarten.

    Problem Statement: The increase in the incidence of children

    Situation "minus"

    Situation "Plus"

    Purpose: Creating a system of work that reduces the increase in the incidence of preschool children.


    Responsible events:

    Resource: Pedagogues are ready to learn and introduce new technologies, information resources are provided.

    Product: A complex of information security for children and parents, a set of measures to reduce the incidence of preschoolers

    Efficiency criteria: Reduction of the incidence of preschool children.

    "Mirror of progressive transformations"

    Problem Statement: Not the compliance of the organization of the subject-spatial developing environment of the new GEF.

    Causes: (wording with "not" and "no")

    Situation "minus"


    Situation "Plus"

    Purpose: Creating an area of \u200b\u200bspatial developing medium in accordance with GEF


    Responsible events:

    Resource: Teachers are ready to teach and introduce new technologies, information resources are provided, financing is planned, budget.

    Product: Size-spatial developing medium corresponding to GEF.

    Efficiency criteria: The created environment contributes to the self-development of the child in different types Activities and meets the evaluation criteria.

    "Mirror of progressive transformations"

    Problem Statement: Low Competence Competence of Parents In Questions of Interaction with the orphanage

    Causes: (wording with "not" and "no")

    Situation "minus"


    Situation "Plus"

    Purpose: Increasing the level of competence of parents in matters of interaction with a kindergarten.


    Responsible events:

    Resource: Parents - According to surveys are ready for interaction, information resources are provided.

    Product: The system of interaction of the parent public and OU.

    Efficiency criteria: high level of competence of parents in interaction with kindergarten

    Thus, a competently built strategy, on the basis of competent analysis, allows the head to significantly improve the quality of the educational process, the professional competence of teachers, contributes to effective interaction with social partners, and, accordingly, ensures the competitiveness of the DOU in the educational services market.

    O.V. Sakharov.

    Strategic Management in Professional Education

    S. N. Ryzhikov

    Sources of strategic management in vocational education.

    Vocational education in Russiait takes a significant place in meeting the educational needs of the population.The most important condition for successful development vocational education Is the definition of promising landmarks and goals. The advantages of professional educational organizations operating according to the scientific long-term foreseeration are obvious, sinceatisk external circumstances requires them to manage strategic uncertainties, reacting to changes external environment.

    Prerequisites for strategic management are laid in the very character of professional education - this is a focus of the future, satisfactionrequests of a changing economy, Responding to the upcoming quantities of society. The need for strategic management in vocational education is caused by a deficit of the most valuable organizational resource - time.

    Strategic Management in Professional Education - this isactivities for the implementation of future education goals, allowing a professional educational organization to optimally use external capabilities, internal potential and remain resistant to threats to the external environment.

    Strategic management in vocational education is based on the needs discussed below.

    First, this is a need to predict what the organization is waiting for the organization in the future, at what place in the system of the educational services market, it will turn out to be what market share in the region will occupy.

    Secondly, this is the need for compliance with the expectations of society. A professional educational organization performs a social order for the preparation of specialists in line with the requirements of the labor market.

    Thirdly, this is the need for the formation of the environment of the future, primarily the external environment and, in line with the needs of this environment, the formation of an internal continuum of the educational organization.

    Fourth, this is a need for the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is expected to an internal environment of a professional educational organization, as the status of the material and technical base will change, which changes are expected by the team.

    Fifth, the need to predict the very existence of an organization, its place in the education system, predicting possible mergers and acquisitions.

    Strategic management and strategic planning. General and difference

    It is necessary to clearly understand the difference between strategic management and strategic planning. Domestic and foreign researchers often mix these concepts, do not see dialectic contradictions in them.So, P. Doyle defines strategic market planning as "the process of managing the development and maintenance of compliance with the Company's strategy and organization, on the one hand, and changing external conditions - on the other." Authors T. P. Lyubanova, L.V. Myasoedova, Yu.A. Oleinikov includes elements of monitoring and implementing the strategy in the planning process, but in this case it is already strategic management.

    The main difference between these definitions is that strategic planning determines the development plan, and strategic management is a development policy.

    Strategic planning - This is one of the means of implementing strategic management. And if the control is based on the methods of distribution of functional duties, motivation, control, then planning is carried out on the basis of foresight and distribution of resources.

    ABOUTevidence I. specific traits strategic planning and strategic management Showing in Table 1.

    Table 1 - features of strategic planning and strategic management

    1 Compliance with the selected time cycle.

    2 Reality Planning Horizon

    3 Principle of frequency.

    4 Principle of continuity.

    5 Principle of flexibility in the selected period of planning time.

    6 The principle of concentration in the market of educational services.

    7 The principle of the centralization of strategic planning compared to other types of planning.

    8 Principle of analysis of strategic uncertainty.

    1 compulsory following the planned approach to the adoption of strategic decisions,

    2 Communication of strategic solutions with long-term results.

    3 Objectivity of strategic decisions.

    4 Principle of fixing the results of strategic decisions.

    5 principle of the command approach,

    6 The principle of an open approach.

    7 principle of regulatory consolidation,

    8 accounting principle weak signals From the external environment.

    9 The principle of spreading a strategic campaign to all levels of the educational organization.

    10. During the analysis of social change in society.

    11 The principle of analyzing political changes.

    12 The principle of creating sustainable competitive advantages.

    13 Principle of synergies.

    14 Principle of strategic flexibility.

    15 The principle of orientation on the external environment.

    Performance indicators

    Economic and technological.

    Political, psychological and sociological.

    It can be said that strategic management is a set of competitive actions and decisions aimed at the future, and strategic planning justifies actions to implement these decisions.

    Strategic management is carried out continuously, each tactical action of the head, administration, the pedagogical team is a contribution to the implementation of the strategy. The higher goals are set in front of a professional educational organization, the greater it will reach. Following the advice of the best manager of the 20th century Jack Welch: "Trying to achieve the impossible, you will achieve more than just performing realistic and fulfillment plans," no need to be afraid of impracticable goals.

    Sources of strategic management

    Sources of strategic management in vocational education are scientific and methodological approaches to the management developed by Russian and foreign researchers. It is impossible to discount the knowledge and experience of managers, the source can also serve the borrowing of the best practices of other educational organizations in the field of strategic management.

    Legislative acts of the Russian Federation, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science, regulations Ministries and regional education departments provide grounds for the implementation of strategic management in vocational education.

    Speaking about control sources, often forget about such a powerful source of ideas as a low link. Currently, teachers only discuss strategic plans at collective collections. Such a process is familiarized.

    But why not attract teachers to the process of developing strategic plans? The team can and should participate in the adoptionstrategic decisions . In the lower link, a huge potential for the development of creativity is laid. The unsuccessful experience of the 90s for the election of directors should not be discouraged. It is necessary to look for new forms of management cooperation with the pedagogical team. And an indispensable condition should be the openness of the management for ideas reaching below. But who listens, for example, to the proposals of the team to reduce the number of paper rolls?

    Ignoring the initiative going down, leads to demotivation of teachers, disappointment and conviction that nothing can be changed, and from here not far to reasoning "My knowledge and experience turned out to be unclaimed", "we have an incompetent leader."

    Strategic Management Objectives

    Responding to strategic challenges, the organization's management is guided by knowledge of the prospects for the educational industry as a whole and in the region, seeks to manage strategic risks. To do this, it is necessary to realize that not only movement forward, but also avalanche, retreat and restructuring are also allowed and are strategic alternatives. Such actions are justified if they are foreseen, scheduled and respond to a certain ultimate goal.

    When implementing strategic management, it is necessary to remember that attention aimed only on internal problems when making strategic decisions will not give effective results. Inside itself, the activities of the educational organization creates only expenses.The fulfillment of social order provides budget receipts. Profit created on the market, hergive buyers of educational services. Thus, the successful result of the activities of the educational institution depends primarily on the reasons outside the educational organization, from the possibilities of the external environment. There is always someone outside the organization, from whom the effectiveness of future performance results depends . However, this does not mean that it is impossible to influence these possibilities. Not expectation, but creating favorable opportunities allows you to solve the main problems of the organization. And such steps must be foreseen in advance and plan.

    The organization of strategic management meets the following goals:

    Global goal, that is, the missions of the educational organization.

    Goals of achieving competitiveness in the educational services market.

    Targets for education; The quality of education is measured only by the labor market.

    Goals for the transition from crisis management style to genuinely intelligent control.

    Goals to achieve the quality of communications with the external environment, and internal communications.

    Stages of strategic management

    Stages of strategic management in vocational education are shown in the figure, the indispensable condition for successful strategic management is feedback.

    Figure - Stages of strategic management in an educational organization

    Problem-oriented analysis As a tool for developing strategies

    New tool for developing strategies of a professional educational organization, in addition to the famousSWOT."Analysis and recommendations of the authorSpace.- Analysis [7 ], can beproblem-oriented analysis, its foundations considered in detail Svetenko T.V., Galkovskaya I.V., Yakovlev E.N. [8 ]

    We highlight the main featuresproblem-oriented analysis.

    1 The need must be taken into account a wider social context, because If you do not consider the educational institution from the positions of society and its expectations, it will be impossible to correctly build an image of new requirements.

    2 Focus on pedagogical results, i.e., on the formation of general and professional competencies.

    3 Start the analysis "from tomorrow's requirements". If the analysis is conducted from the future, not only yesterday's problems and pain points fall, but also innovative opportunities. The same, who is entirely absorbed by the solution of the problems of yesterday, looks not forward, and back, which is hardly leading to development.

    4 Analyze the reasons, not the effect of emerging problems.

    5 Defining funds to achieve goals, it is necessary to remember that the means themselves are not a goal.

    Strategic management makes it possible to abandon the momentary benefits and interests in favor of a thoughtful, permanent, albeit discrete in nature, movement to improvement.

    There are two concepts of understanding the strategy. According to the first concept, the final state is determined, which the educational organization should achieve in the future. Further fixes what needs to be done to achieve this state. It contains a strategic plan with a breakdown in time intervals. With the second concept, the strategy is defined as the long-term trend of the development of an educational organization, which leads to the organization to its goals. With the second approach of the educational organization, freedom of choice is provided, taking into account the changing situation, which leadsto the increase in responsibility for the effectiveness of their activities.

    Strategic management of a professional educational organization allows you to take a long-term look at things, create a system of strategic management and control; Help the organization cope with changes.

    Make a strategic choice means to associate strategic solutions and competitive actions into a single node. Active strategic management, and not a simple response to the influence of factors (defensive position) leads to the fact that the search for a new one can be the key to improving the results of the educational organization in the long term.

    Tasks for the head of strategic management

    When choosing methods and sources of development, making management decisions in the duties of the head of the professional educational organization should be taken into account the views of the minority. Paradoxically, but correctly noted G. Ibsen: "The minority may be right, most are always mistaken." Cat, as a management method, is an effective factor in the unity of a collective, smoothing contradictions and leading to achieving consent. This is our Russian method of management and execution of solutions that are not mentioned in any textbook of management. BUT B. modern management Educational institutions of democracy defeated the Council of Cat, and the autocracy of democracy.

    Psychologists are known that most of any team make up inert people, they showconformist orientation, it is distinguished:

    - external displacement of workers' interest in the results of activities;

    - indifference to collective efforts;

    - the sphere of interests of employees is outside the Working Group.

    Enter inert employees, involve their interests in the scope of the organization, light new ideas - here is the superficial leader.

    It will not be superfluous to find rational proposals from the conflict part of the team. The strategically thinking leader foresees the emerging conflicts and is able to eliminate them until emerging problems have become too serious.

    The head must attract the compilation, and not just a discussion, strategic Plan All team. When evaluating teachers to assign the qualification category, the graph "Your participation in the preparation of a promising plan of the educational institution is provided. But who really participated from teachers in this?

    The supervisor should be asked:

      what market niche will occupy an educational organization in 10 years?

      what mergers and joins are possible in the next 3-5 years?

      is there any need to increase the admission of applicants in a temporary segment of 3-5 years?

      what changes to spend in the pedagogical team?

      what does update in the material and technical base?

    It is safe to say if the manager wonders over these issues, then it will first change its attitude to work, and the attitude will be changed to work in the team.

    Special difficulties experience managers of professional educational institutions of small cities. Here is observed limited quantity School graduates and few enterprises that college graduates could work. The fate of many professional institutions created during the USSR and safely survived the 90s are still not clear. Industrial enterprises are closed in small cities, the composition of the in-demand professions and specialties has changed. Universities reluctantly embellish professional institutions Small cities in their continuous education system. And here the guideline needs to find answers to the questions set by time, and the answers aimed future. Survive or develop, diversify or specialize in the needs of specific enterprises?

    Development is always limited to existing and future (promised) resources, survival due to the introduction of paid educational services, often does not result in the result, since there is nothing to pay for the public services. Diversification aimed at changing the educational profile and expanding the number of professions is a shovel five. Maybe they can be lucky, but you can hug on the wall. Specialization is subject to two negative trends, in large cities this is a competition for applicants and jobs, in small things - there are no so many loafers and welders, and accountants have been released for years ahead.

    Choose your own way, your own strategic development trend, such a task is facing the management of the educational organization. In such a work and in the formulation of the right strategic objectives, a combination of a scientific approach (developed tools of strategic management) and a strategic foresight based on experience and intuition are needed.

    Forming a strategy of a professional educational organization, the manager will have to find the intersectoral nature of the decision of educational problems, to take into account how to take part in the fate of the educational organization the authorities of the municipal administration, the employment service.

    Development of actions for strategic management actions can be attributed to the category of integrative problems of high-order complexity, their permission needs the synthesis of various approaches and factors. In matters of strategic management, the head, as a rule, is repelled from the usual scheme of strategic planning "Mission - Objectives - an analysis of the external and internal environment - an analysis of strategic alternatives - the choice, implementation and assessment of the strategy." However, it is necessary to remember that strategic management is not only the implementation of the strategic plan, but also the construction of a flexible organizational structure, anticipation of the result, accounting for trends in the economy and demographics. The head must have creative strategic thinking and see prospects where others do not see them. To be able to manage and anticipate the possibilities based on the weak signals of the external environment.

    By implementing the strategy, the head follows such a goal as the satisfaction of society in the education of a full-fledged personality, training of specialists, professionals, and the fulfillment of social order. Such a goal increases the importance of a professional educational organization as a whole and among other educational institutions where there is no strategic foresight.

    What to advise managers? Find the best in your team, listen to the opinions of informal leaders, substitute your shoulder to those who doubt and success is secure! Now there is a complete absence of informal control, it is characteristic of the use of exclusively administrative methods.

    Socium requirements for vocational education

    In the process of strategic management, the head decides a number of strategic tasks in cooperation with the labor market, in relation to the team, to achieve partnership between competitors and competition between graduate partners.

    The solution of these tasks will increase the dynamics of adaptation of vocational education to new requirements of society (Table 4).

    Table 4 - Advanced Socyum Requirements for Professional Education

    The demand for the specialty society and the labor market, the usefulness of the educational services provided, the competitiveness of a specialist.

    Legal, economic and managerial training of specialists.


    Diligence, perseverance in mastering the profession, creative attitude towards work, a sense of personal responsibility, high morality, self-development ability.


    Mastering with common and professional competences


    Compliance with vocational education physiological and social standards in the process learning activities


    Culture of communication and educational specialist.


    Patriotism, national and religious tolerance.

    The specialist should be ready to execute military duty, including using the received professional knowledge (for young men).

    Economic properties

    Cost professional services Specialist for consumers

    Key Success factors and strategic management evaluation criteria

    Accepting strategic decisions is always the choice of alternative. To achieve the desired strategic state, a professional educational organization must outlinekey Success Factors (CFU) , that is, assets and actions to implement existing and future competitive advantages ( strong Parties). To determine the quality of the strategic solution, you must select the evaluation criteria. The criterion for the effectiveness of strategic management is the timeliness and accuracy of the organization's reaction to new market requests and changes depending on the change in the environment.

    The evaluation criteria are practically equal to such a concept as key success factors (CFU), but the KFU is more blurred, and the evaluation criteria are more specific (Table 2).Development of criteria, indicators and indicators for the formation of a strategic management monitoring system is an important task of the founder of the educational institution.

    table 2- CFU and criteria for assessing strategic solutions

    Use of intelligent control systems and automation of the educational process.

    Tracking innovations of competitors.

    100% automation of the curriculum management.

    Educational marketing

    The operational ability of the educational organization to respond to emerging changes in the labor market, conducting advertising companies, PR-shares, presentations, press releases, placement of display of new products and all educational programs on the website of the educational institution, direct sending proposals to customers, conduct free seminars and conferences.

    100% participation of the educational organization in regional, urban and district fairs for employment.


    Constant maintenance of a favorable image and reputation of a professional educational organization

    No negative reviews about a professional educational organization.

    Up to 100%. The share of recipients of educational services, satisfied with the quality of the educational services provided, on the total number of recipients of educational services.

    Up to 100%. The share of recipients of educational services, which are willing to recommend organizing relatives and acquaintances, from the total number of recipients of educational services.

    Material and technical base

    Good material and technical base that contributes to the implementation of the educational process.

    Material and technical and information support of the organization to 10 points.

    Pedagogical technologies

    Availability of quality control of educational programs.

    Pedagogical and informational "know-how".

    Adequacy of pedagogical technologies to the process of acquiring professional skills.


    Information openness

    Tracking the development trends.

    Application information technologies To predict the strategic situation.

    High informational openness.

    Completeness and relevance of information about the organization carrying out educational activities.

    The availability of information on the preparation of consideration of citizens who entered the organization from recipients of educational services (by telephone, by e-mailWith the help of electronic services available on the official website of the organization) to 10 points.

    Availability on the official website of the organization on the Internet information about pedagogical workers Organizations up to 10 points.


    Constant implementation of the development of new educational programs and products.

    100% coverage of teachers research and scientific activities.


    Permanent advanced training and staff education levels.

    100% of the share of recipients of educational services satisfied with the competence of employees of the organization, on the total number of surveyed recipients of educational services

    Organizational culture

    Creating a favorable climate; Development of the "Command Spirit", maintaining cohesion and healthy competition in the team and so on.

    Coefficients close to unity: The coefficient of achieving the objectives of the organization, the functionality coefficient, the cultural efficiency coefficient on the discipline of labor, the efficiency rate of measures to improve improvement organizational culture

    If the KFU reflects the nodal moments leading to success, then the criteria reflect the points that are the measurers of these factors. Often does not establish quantitative criteria, they wear qualitative estimate. But it should be noted that only a comparison of the quantitative parameters of a professional educational organization with established quantitative criteria can answer the question "did the educational organization achieved its goals?".

    Compare high-quality and quantitative assessments. An example of a quality criterion: "Implementation of information and communication technologies (ICT) in each study office." Quantitative criterion: "Provide 90% of the Cabinets automated place of the teacher and an interactive board." Reports will also be the reports, in the first case: "ICT has been introduced in most training books." In the second case, "90% of study books are equipped interactive boards50% are equipped with an automated place of the teacher. "

    The strategy of a professional educational organization should meet the requirements of the time and the main indicator characterizing the need and usefulness of the work of the educational institution - 100% of the demand of graduates in the labor market. And this well understood commercial educational institutions. To return their costs, they should give in demand by employers the level of education.

    Methods for overcoming resistance to change

    In order to successfully conduct strategic changes in educational institutionIt is necessary to overcome the resistance provided to them, turn opponents of transformations in supporters.

    Successful overcoming resistance to introducing innovations depends on how the manager will carry out the process of change and demonstrate the ability to believe in its actions.

    The reasons for which personnel resist changes can be personal and organizational.

    The staff often resists changes, especially if it is imposed on someone. For this, there are individual causes - fear of losses and fear of unknown. For groups, the predicted change may mean the threat to existing standards of behavior.

    At the organizational level, the structure can have powerful resistance mechanisms to change. The change resistance can be very powerful, but it is still possible to overcome. The reasons why people can resist change and ways to overcome resistance in Table 3.

    Table 3 - Causes of Resistance to Changes and Ways to Overcoming


      narrow-occurring interest;

      misunderstanding and lack of trust;

      differences in the assessment of the situation;

      low level of readiness to change.

      the influence of colleagues;

      fatigue from changes;

      previous unsuccessful change experience.

    Education and provision of information.

    Participation and involvement.

    Help and support.

    Negotiations and agreements.

    Manipulating and exaggeration of the role.

    Explicit and implicit coercion.


    Organizational structure It should be especially susceptible and open to innovations and at the same time capable of allocating and preserving positive experience.

    Reorganization of the structure of the educational institution

    The actions of the head to inform the pedagogical team about the upcoming changes should be proactive. Until strategic change, teachers occurred, it is necessary to give the opportunity to ask questions and show their concern about the proposed changes, as well as create conditions for open communication - all these methods, as has been proven, can make people feel that they deal with the upcoming changes. Any strategic change program must be based on mutual trust.

    BUT.Alexander proposed a number of ways to avoid problems in the process of implementing the change process:

      well-formulated strategy;

      clear exchange of information regarding the strategy of change at all levels and between all levels;

      the formation of adherence to change and attract them to participate in the process;

      the presence of the necessary resources in terms of finance, frames and time;

      detailed implementation plan change.

    The result of working with staff shouldbecome a developperceptionand The team to pedagogical and managerial changes.

    Approving the nature of strategic management

    Strategic professional education is aimed at the concentration of efforts on strategic assets and skills, taking into account the promising areas of education.

    So, strategic management in vocational education is a flexible, as-asgraded response to changes in the external environment, which is an approving nature aimed at monitoring information and unsaturated areas in order to ensure an adequate response to changes or create changes in the environment.to create sustainable competitive advantages based on key success factors. Monitoring information and unsaturated areas means to make an unknown - known, indefinite - certain, so the strategic planning program is created.

    The strategic management of a professional educational organization is a continuous creative act carried out by the head, management in the framework of the tasks set by the Social Customer, aimed at creating promising competitive advantages and achieving a mission of an educational institution.

    The experimental time was over, ahead of professional educational organizations, a challenging work on establishing its position in the educational environment, the implementation of its competitive advantage over the highest vocational education is practicing training. To approach this work, you need to fully arrange theories and practices, be prepared for everyday hard, but very interesting work on creating a new generation of workers and specialists.


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