Regulation on the organization of the enterprise. A sample general statement of the company about the organization. The rights and obligations of the structural unit

Organization Regulationand - a legal act that defines the status of the organization, its tasks and functions, rights, responsibility, and the procedure for its activities. 1

In the cases provided by law, entitynot being commercial organization, can act on the basis of a general regulation on organizations of this type. 2

The regulation on the organization refers to the constituent documents. In the constituent documents of a non-profit organization, the name of the non-profit organization must be determined, containing an indication of the nature of its activities and organizational and legal form, the location of the non-profit organization, the procedure for managing activities, the subject and purpose of the activities, information about branches and representative offices, the rights and obligations of members, conditions and the procedure for admission to membership of a non-profit organization and withdrawal from it (if the non-profit organization has membership), sources of formation of the property of a non-profit organization, the procedure for amending the constituent documents of a non-profit organization, the procedure for using property in the event of liquidation of a non-profit organization and other provisions stipulated by the Federal Law of January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ "On Non-Commercial Organizations". 3

The regulation on the organization is drawn up on the general letterhead of the organization. 4

Mandatoryrequisites The organization's regulations are: the name of the superior body, the name of the organization, the name of the type of document, the date, the number of the document, the place of compilation, the title to the text, signature, stamp of approval, seal imprint. five

1 Office work: Samples, documents. Organization and technology of work. More than 120 documents. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. / V.V. Galakhov, I.K. Korneev and others; Ed. I.K. Korneeva, V.A. Kudryaeva. - M .: TK Welby, publishing house Prospect, 2004 .-- 456 p. 2 Civil Code Russian Federation (part one of Article 1-453) of November 30, 1994 [as of June 08, 2010] - Article 52. 3 Federal Law of January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ "On Non-Profit Organizations" [as of 22 July 2010] - Articles 5 and 14. 4 Organization of work with documents: Textbook / Ed. prof. V.A. Kudryaeva. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: INFRA-M, 2002 .-- 592 p. 5 Office work: Textbook / T.A. Bykova, L.M. Vyalova, L.V. Sankin; Under total. ed. prof. T.V. Kuznetsova. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: MTsFER, 2006 .-- 560 p.

Regulations on the structural unit

Regulations on the structural unitIs a legal act that establishes the status, functions, rights, duties and responsibilities of structural units. 1

Representative offices and branches are separate subdivisions of a legal entity located outside of its location. They are endowed with property by the legal entity that created them and act on the basis of the provisions approved by it. 2

Subdivision provisions can be typical and individual. Standard provisions are developed for the same type of organizations and structural units. If there is a standard provision, individual ones are developed on its basis.

There are no statutory requirements for the content of the unit regulation. The text of the regulation on the unit may include the following sections:

    General Provisions.

    Main goals.

  1. Rights and obligations.



In section "General Provisions"indicate the full official name of the unit, the date, number and name of the legal act on the basis of which the unit was created and operates, what the unit is guided by in its activities, who is headed and to whom it is subordinate, the procedure for appointing and dismissing the head of the unit, whether the unit has a seal. 3

Section "Main goals"- this is a list of problems solved by the unit and determining the nature and direction of the unit's activities. 4

In section "Functions"lists the actions or types of work that must be performed by the unit to carry out the tasks assigned to it. Functions should fully reflect the specifics of the unit's activities. five

In section "Rights and obligations"lists the actions that the unit is obliged to carry out in the person of its head to perform the functions assigned to it. 6

Section "Responsibility"establishes the types of disciplinary, administrative and (if necessary) criminal liability that may be incurred by the head of the unit in case the unit fails to fulfill its duties. 7

In section "Relationship"the information and documentary flows of the unit are regulated; basic documents created by him; it is indicated with which departments and organizations the interaction is carried out, what information the department receives and presents; the frequency and timing of submission are established; in what order and by whom arising disagreements are considered. 8

Regulations on structural divisions are endorsed by the head of the personnel service, a lawyer, the deputy head of the organization in charge of this division, as well as heads of other structural divisions with which this division interacts in its work. nine

Regulations on subdivisions are signed by the head of the subdivision and approved by the head of the organization. Provisions on subdivisions can be approved by an administrative document (decree, order, order), if simultaneously with the approval of the document it is necessary to give instructions related to its application.

The regulation on the unit is drawn up on the general letterhead of the organization.

Mandatoryrequisites the provisions on the structural unit are:name of the organization, name of the type of document, date and number of the document (with direct approval by the head), place of compilation, title to the text, signature, document approval visas, approval stamp.

1 Organization of work with documents: Textbook / Ed. prof. V.A. Kudryaeva. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: INFRA-M, 2002 .-- 592 p. 2 Civil Code of the Russian Federation (part one of Article 1-453) of November 30, 1994 [as of July 08, 2010] - Article 52. 3 Organization of work with documents: Textbook / Ed. prof. V.A. Kudryaeva. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: INFRA-M, 2002 .-- 592 p. 4-8 Ibid. 9 Office work: Samples, documents. Organization and technology of work. More than 120 documents. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. / V.V. Galakhov, I.K. Korneev and others; Ed. I.K. Korneeva, V.A. Kudryaeva. - M .: TK Welby, publishing house Prospect, 2004 .-- 456 p.


The labor protection service is created to organize work on labor protection by the director of the Company.

The functions of the labor protection service in the Company are entrusted to the official responsible for organizing labor protection work, who reports directly to the director of the Company.

The official responsible for the organization of work on labor protection carries out his activities in cooperation with the commission on labor protection.

The official responsible for organizing labor protection work is guided in his activities by laws and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection, agreements (industry-specific), collective bargaining agreements, labor protection agreements, and other local regulatory legal acts of the Company.

The main tasks of the official responsible for organizing work on labor protection:

  • organization of work to ensure that employees comply with labor protection requirements;
  • control over the observance by employees of laws and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection, collective agreement, agreements on labor protection, other local regulatory legal acts of the Company;
  • organization of preventive work to prevent industrial injuries, occupational diseases and diseases caused by production factors, and work to improve working conditions;
  • ensuring the work of the labor protection office, equipping it with the necessary aids, teaching aids, etc .;
  • development and revision of outdated labor protection instructions;
  • control in the provided cases of preliminary (upon admission to work) and periodic medical examinations workers;
  • control over the issuance of overalls, special footwear and other necessary personal protective equipment to workers engaged in production with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, at work associated with pollution or performed in unfavorable temperature conditions;
  • control over the timely provision of workers with flushing agents in accordance with established standards;
  • control over the timely conduct of a special assessment of working conditions, certification of the sanitary and technical state of working conditions, the development and implementation of measures based on their results to bring labor conditions and labor protection in line with regulatory requirements;
  • study and dissemination of advanced experience in labor protection, promotion of labor protection issues.


This Regulation has been developed in accordance with Labor Code Russian Federation, the Model Regulations on the Occupational Safety Management System, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection Of the Russian Federation dated August 19, 2016 No. 438n, interstate standard GOST 12.0.230-2007 “Occupational safety standards system. Occupational safety management systems. General requirements", The national standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 12.0.007-2009" Occupational safety standards system. Occupational safety management system in the organization. General requirements for the development, application, assessment and improvement ”and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection.

Occupational health and safety management system (OSHMS) is a part of the overall management system that ensures risk management in the area of \u200b\u200boccupational health and safety associated with the Company's activities.

The management bodies of the Company form the Occupational Safety Management System.

This regulation determines the order and structure of labor protection management in the Company, serves as a legal, organizational and methodological basis for the formation of management structures, regulatory documents.

The object of management is labor protection as a system for preserving the life and health of workers in the process of work, which includes legal, socio-economic, organizational and technical, sanitary and hygienic, treatment and prevention, rehabilitation and other measures.


The main principles of the OSH management system in the Company are:

  • ensuring the priority of preserving the life and health of employees and individuals in the process of their work and organized recreation;
  • guarantees of workers' rights to labor protection;
  • activities aimed at the prevention and prevention of industrial injuries and occupational morbidity;
  • ensuring the fulfillment of labor protection requirements contained in the legislation of the Russian Federation, industry rules on labor protection, in safety rules, sanitary and building codes and regulations, state standards, organizational and methodological documents, labor protection instructions, to create healthy and safe working conditions
  • availability of qualified labor protection specialists;
  • planning of labor protection measures;
  • strict observance of labor protection requirements by the employer and employees, responsibility for their violation.

The main tasks of the Occupational Safety Management System in the Company:

  • implementation of the main directions of the organization's policy in the field of labor protection and the development of proposals for its improvement;
  • development and implementation of programs to improve labor conditions and safety;
  • creating conditions that ensure compliance with labor protection legislation, including ensuring the safety of operation of buildings and structures used in the labor process, equipment, instruments and technical means labor process;
  • formation of safe working conditions;
  • control over compliance with labor protection requirements;
  • training and testing of knowledge on labor protection, including the creation and improvement of a continuous education system in the field of labor protection;
  • prevention of accidents with persons performing labor activity in society;
  • protection and strengthening of the health of personnel, persons engaged in labor activities in the Company, the organization of their medical and preventive services, the creation of an optimal combination of work regimes, production process, organized recreation.


The main objectives of the employer in the field of labor protection are contained in the Labor Protection Policy, defined in section 2 of this Regulation, and are achieved through the implementation of the appropriate procedures by the employer.


The structure of the OSH management system. Organizationally, the OSH management system is three-tier.

Occupational safety management at the first level, in accordance with the existing powers, is carried out by the employer represented by the director of the Company.

Occupational safety management at the second level, in accordance with the existing powers, is carried out by an official responsible for organizing labor protection work.

Occupational safety management at the third level, in accordance with the existing powers, is carried out by the Occupational Safety Commission.

The procedure for organizing labor protection work in the Company is determined by its Charter, Internal Labor Regulations, job descriptions and in accordance with the requirements of this Regulation.


Director of the Company in the manner prescribed by law:

  • carries out general management labor protection of the Company;
  • ensures compliance with the current labor legislation, the implementation of decisions and orders of higher authorities, regulatory (legal) documents on labor protection issues, instructions of state supervision and control bodies, decisions of the labor collective, the collective agreement in terms of labor protection;
  • organizes work to create and ensure working conditions in accordance with the current labor legislation, intersectoral and departmental regulations and other local acts on labor protection and the Charter of the Company;
  • ensures the safe operation of buildings and structures, engineering and technical communications, equipment and takes measures to bring them in line with the current standards, rules and regulations for labor protection. Organizes timely inspections and repairs of buildings (premises) of the Company;
  • approves job duties on ensuring labor protection and instructions on labor protection for workers and employees of the Company;
  • ensures the development and implementation of labor protection action plans, targeted programs on labor protection;
  • takes measures to implement the proposals of the team aimed at further improving and improving working conditions;
  • submits for discussion of production meetings and meetings of the labor collective the issues of organization of work on labor protection;
  • reports at meetings of the labor collective on the state of labor protection, the implementation of measures to improve working conditions, measures taken to eliminate the identified deficiencies;
  • provides funding for labor protection measures and monitors the efficiency of their use, organizes the provision of employees of the Company with overalls, special footwear and other personal protective equipment in accordance with the applicable model norms and instructions, as well as persons passing industrial practice, when carrying out socially useful and productive labor, etc .;
  • rewards employees of the Company for active work to create and ensure healthy and safe working conditions;
  • carries out bringing to disciplinary responsibility of persons guilty of violation of labor legislation, rules and regulations on labor protection;
  • conducts preventive work to prevent injuries and reduce the incidence of workers, persons undergoing industrial practice;
  • monitors the timely conduct of medical examination of employees;
  • ensures the implementation of directive and normative documents on labor protection, instructions of management bodies, state supervision and technical labor inspection;
  • reports a group, serious accident and a fatal case to the State Labor Inspectorate, the Social Insurance Fund, the prosecutor's office, the city administration, the territorial body of trade unions, Rostekhnadzor (if at a hazardous production facility), Rospotrebnadzor (if acute poisoning), parents (persons, replacing them) of the injured person engaged in labor activity or undergoing industrial practice; takes all possible measures to eliminate the causes of the accident, ensures the necessary conditions to conduct a timely and objective investigation in accordance with applicable regulations;
  • concludes and organizes, together with the trade union, the implementation of annual agreements on labor protection. Summarizes the results of the implementation of the labor protection agreement once every six months;
  • approves, in agreement with the trade union, instructions on labor protection for workers, persons undergoing industrial practice;
  • organizes introductory briefing on labor protection with newly hired persons, on-the-job briefing with employees of the Company;
  • plans, in accordance with the established procedure, to periodically train the Company's employees on labor protection issues at short-term courses and seminars;
  • takes measures together with the trade union to improve the organization of food, the range of products, create conditions for high-quality cooking in the dining room;
  • takes action with health workers to improve health care and wellness work;
  • provides the workload of workers, taking into account their psychophysical capabilities, organizes the optimal modes of work and rest;
  • prohibits work in the presence of hazardous conditions for the health of persons involved in labor activities;
  • provides payment for sick leave of incapacity for work and additional payments to persons working in unfavorable working conditions;
  • bears personal responsibility for ensuring healthy and safe working conditions in the Company.

Individual Regulations on the organization are developed on the basis of typical and approximate ones. 2 Draw up the regulation on the organization on standard sheets of A4 paper, provide in the upper right margin of the first sheet a stamp of approval by the parent organization, it must subsequently be signed and certified with the appropriate seal. Write under it in the middle the name of the type of document, it should form one whole with the title to the text. 3 The main text of the document should contain sections that provide general provisions, describe the main tasks and functions, and stipulate rights and obligations. Set the rights in the volume that is necessary for the implementation of the functions that are assigned to this organization.

Organization regulations

Regulations on the organization - a legal act that determines the status of the organization, its tasks and functions, rights, responsibility, procedure for activities. State and municipal non-profit organizations operate on the basis of the regulation, performing their functions at the expense of the budget. First of all, these are the authorities and administrations. Article 52 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation determines that a legal entity that is not a commercial organization can act on the basis of a general regulation on organizations of a certain type.

Branches of commercial and non-profit organizations, their branches, representations. The provisions on organizations can be: 1. typical, 2. approximate, 3. individual.


The main tasks (formulates the goals of the organization's activities or problems that the organization is designed to solve and which determine the nature and main directions of its activities). · Functions (lists the actions or types of work that the organization must perform to solve the tasks assigned to it). · Rights and obligations (contains a list of the rights and obligations that the organization is vested with in the person of its head. Rights are a legally legalized ability to prohibit or demand the performance of any actions. Rights are established to the extent necessary to implement the functions assigned to the organization.
The rights include: · The right to issue administrative and regulatory documents; · The right to correspond; · The right to give orders and instructions to subordinate units and persons; · The right to request information, etc.

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The structure of the text of the regulation on the organization may include the following sections: general provisions, goals and objectives of the organization, functions of the organization, its structure (composition of divisions, their interrelationships), management, responsibility, rights and obligations, control, verification, audit of activities, the procedure for reorganization and liquidation organizations. Staffing table Staffing is a legal act establishing the staffing and staffing of an organization in accordance with its Charter (Regulations). The staffing table contains a list of structural divisions, positions, information on the number of staff units, official salaries, allowances and monthly wages.

The staffing table is prepared according to the unified form No. T-3, drawn up on the general letterhead of the organization, the text is drawn up in the form of a table. (fig. 3).
The company's regulations are signed by the head and agreed with the main managers of the enterprise (chief engineer, chief Accountant, deputy for personnel and regime, etc.). Produced in one original copy, which is deposited in the office or management of the enterprise. Copies of this document are made if necessary.

Pay attention Approval of the "Regulations on the enterprise" can be carried out by an administrative document (order, order) or approved directly by the head of a higher organization. Useful advice The activities of the head of the enterprise can be distinguished in the position of the enterprise as a separate section, which will contain subsections for the head: "General provisions", "Qualification requirements and the required level of knowledge", "Basic duties", "Rights", "Responsibility".


The provisions on organizations can be typical, approximate, individual. Standard and exemplary provisions are developed for subordinate organizations, departments, branches, representative offices that occupy an equal position in the hierarchy of management bodies and carry out the same activities. Model and exemplary clauses serve as the basis for developing individual clauses.

The legal force of the regulation on the organization receives after its approval by the higher organization. As a rule, the approval of the regulation on the organization is carried out by an administrative document (order, order, resolution) of a higher management body. The regulation on the organization can be approved directly by the head of a higher organization without issuing an administrative document. The regulation on the organization is drawn up on standard sheets of paper.

Regulation as an organizational and legal document

At the same time, he establishes the degree of responsibility of deputies, approves certain papers, issues orders for the appointment / dismissal from office, etc. "Relations with other services" economic activity, mutual rights, obligations of the parties, frequency of data exchange. General rules for writing provisions: 1) The text of the provisions must be written from a third party (in the singular or plural). At the same time, it should include words like “should”, “must”, “required”, “necessary”, “not allowed”, “prohibited”. 2) The heading of the regulation should answer the question "about what?" 3) Sections of the document must be numbered (using Roman or Arabic numerals).
The legislation does not regulate the content of the contract, but establishes its obligation and conditions that must be included in the text of the contract documenting this or that activity (conditions for compensation for harm, possible losses, the procedure for resolving disputes, the right to own, dispose, use property, provisions on ensuring economic security and etc.). Constituent documents are obligatory documents established by law, necessary for the creation (establishment) and during the period of operation of a legal entity. In the legislative acts regulating the activities of commercial organizations (enterprises), two main constituent documents are established, which must be had depending on the organizational and legal form of ownership: the charter and the constituent agreement.

Sample general statement of the company on the organization

It indicates what can be prohibited, controlled and what can be required from the team, what actions to take to implement the functions. 6 The title of the section "Relationships" speaks for itself. This part formulates the interaction of the enterprise with outside organizations and internal structures (if any) in the process production activities... 7 In the position of the enterprise, it is possible to single out in a separate part who and how controls the activities of the enterprise, the timing of inspections and the frequency of submission of reporting documents, etc. You can enter a section that specifies who has the authority to reorganize and liquidate an enterprise and describes how to carry out these steps.
The General Director by approving the regulations on individual structural divisions of the Company, the conclusions of individual labor contracts with the officials of the Company, as well as through orders and orders, imposes on certain divisions or officials of the Company the obligation to keep records and properly submit reports. 5. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE COMPANY AND OFFICERS FOR THE PROPER REPORTING 5.1. The public person of its bodies and individual officials is responsible to shareholders and relevant state bodies for the proper arrangement of accounting and reporting.
5.2. The information contained in the reports must be correct. Information in public reports must not contain commercial secrets or confidential information of the Company's activities, the disclosure of which may cause material damage to the Company's interests. 5.3.


Under charter- as an organizational document, it is understood a set of rules governing the activities of organizations, institutions, societies and citizens, their relationship with other organizations and citizens, rights and obligations in a particular area government controlled, economic or other activities.

Legal entities, with the exception of business partnerships, act on the basis of charters, which are approved by their founders (participants).

The charter refers to the constituent documents of a legal entity. The charter of a legal entity must contain information about the name of the legal entity, its location, the procedure for managing the activities of the legal entity, as well as other information provided for by law for legal entities of the corresponding organizational and legal form and type. The charters of non-profit organizations, the charters of unitary enterprises and, in cases stipulated by law, in the charters of other commercial organizations, must define the subject and objectives of the activities of legal entities. Subject and specific goals activities of a commercial organization may be provided for by the charter also in cases where it is not mandatory by law.

For state registration legal entities can use standard charters, the forms of which are approved by the authorized government agency in the manner prescribed by the law on state registration of legal entities.

Organization regulations - a legal act that defines the status of an organization, its tasks and functions, rights, responsibility, and the procedure for its activities.

The regulation on the organization refers to the constituent documents. In the constituent documents of a non-profit organization, the name of the non-profit organization must be determined, containing an indication of the nature of its activities and organizational and legal form, the location of the non-profit organization, the procedure for managing the activities, the subject and purpose of the activity, information about branches and representative offices, the rights and obligations of members, conditions and the procedure for admission to members of a non-profit organization and withdrawal from it (if the non-profit organization has membership), sources of formation of the property of a non-profit organization, the procedure for amending the constituent documents of a non-profit organization, the procedure for using property in the event of liquidation of a non-profit organization and other provisions stipulated by the Federal Law of January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ "On Non-Commercial Organizations".

The obligatory details of the Regulation on the organization are: the name of the higher authority, the name of the organization, the name of the type of document, date, document number, place of compilation, title to the text, signature, stamp of approval, seal imprint.


Regulations on the structural unit Is a legal act that establishes the status, functions, rights, duties and responsibilities of structural units.

Representative offices and branches are stand-alone units a legal entity located outside of its location. They are endowed with property by the legal entity that created them and act on the basis of the provisions approved by it.

Subdivision provisions can be typical and individual. Standard provisions are developed for the same type of organizations and structural units. If there is a standard provision, individual ones are developed on its basis.

There are no statutory requirements for the content of the unit regulation. The text of the regulation on the unit may include the following sections:

General Provisions.

Main goals.


Rights and obligations.



Regulations on structural divisions are endorsed by the head of the personnel service, a lawyer, the deputy head of the organization in charge of this division, as well as the heads of other structural divisions with which this division interacts in its work.

Regulations on subdivisions are signed by the head of the subdivision and approved by the head of the organization. Provisions on subdivisions can be approved by an administrative document (decree, order, order), if simultaneously with the approval of the document it is necessary to give instructions related to its application.

The obligatory details of the regulation on the structural unit are: the name of the organization, the name of the type of document, the date and number of the document (with direct approval by the head), the place of preparation, the title to the text, signature, document approval visas, approval stamp.


10.1. The activities of the Firm are terminated by the decision of the Meeting of the Founders or on other grounds provided for by the legislation of Russia.

The termination of the activities of the Firm takes place through reorganization (merger, acquisition, division, separation, transformation) or liquidation.

10.2. The liquidation of the Firm is carried out by a liquidation commission appointed by it, and in cases of termination of the activities of the Firm by a decision of state arbitration or a court - by a liquidation commission appointed by these bodies.

10.3. Fima has cash, including proceeds from the sale of its property upon liquidation, after settlements with the budget, on remuneration of employees of the Firm, creditors and fulfillment of obligations to holders of bonds issued by the Firm, are distributed by the liquidation commission between the Founders in the manner determined by the Meeting of Founders. The property transferred by the Firm to the Founder for use shall be returned in kind without remuneration.

10.4. The liquidation is considered completed, and the Firm - ceased its activity from the moment of making an entry about it in the register.

Regulations on the organization - a legal act that defines the status of the organization, its tasks and functions, rights, responsibility, procedure for activities.

State and municipal non-profit organizations operate on the basis of the regulation, performing their functions at the expense of the budget. First of all, these are the authorities and administrations.

Article 52 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation determines that a legal entity that is not a commercial organization can act on the basis of a general regulation on organizations of a certain type.

Branches of commercial and non-commercial organizations, their branches, representative offices also operate on the basis of the regulations.

The provisions on organizations can be typical, approximate, individual. Standard and exemplary provisions are developed for subordinate organizations, departments, branches, representative offices that occupy an equal position in the hierarchy of management bodies and carry out the same activities. Model and exemplary clauses serve as the basis for developing individual clauses.

The regulation on the organization receives legal force after its approval by the parent organization. As a rule, the approval of the regulation on the organization is carried out by an administrative document (order, order, resolution) of a higher management body. The regulation on the organization can be approved directly by the head of a higher organization without issuing an administrative document.

The regulation on the organization is drawn up on standard sheets of paper. The obligatory details of the regulation on the organization are:

· The stamp of approval of the higher authority (the stamp of approval is certified by the seal of the higher organization);

· The name of the document type, which is one whole with the heading to the text.

There are no statutory requirements for the content of the organization regulation. The text of the organization regulation may include the following sections:

General position (contains the official full and abbreviated name of the organization, determines the goals and grounds for its creation, indicating the name, date and number of the corresponding legal act, indicates what the organization is guided by in its activities, who is headed and who is subordinate to, what seals and official forms it has ).

· The main tasks (formulates the goals of the organization or the problems that the organization is designed to solve and which determine the nature and main directions of its activities).

· Functions (lists the actions or types of work that the organization must perform to solve the tasks assigned to it).

· Rights and obligations (contains a list of the rights and obligations that are vested in the organization in the person of its head. Rights are a legally legalized ability to prohibit or demand the performance of any actions. Rights are established to the extent necessary for the implementation of the functions assigned to the organization. :

· The right to issue administrative and regulatory documents;

· The right to correspond;

· The right to give orders and instructions to subordinate units and persons;

· The right to request information, etc. among the responsibilities are listed the actions that the organization must perform to implement its functions;

· Leadership (it is established by whom the organization is managed, on what principles, by whom the leader is appointed and dismissed, as well as his sphere of competence);

· Relationships;

· Control, verification and audit of activities (establishes who controls, checks and audits of financial and economic activities, their frequency or timing, the procedure for providing final documents);

· Reorganization and liquidation (it is established in what order and by whom the organization is reorganized and liquidated).


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