Happy mom's diary. Zarina Ivanter: Happy Mom's Diary (Orange)

For many of us, the beginning of the year is firmly associated not with the calendar New Year, but with September 1. No wonder, because for so many years this day has been a harbinger of something new, exciting, surprising and long-awaited for us. And now, having returned to Moscow, warmed by the summer sun, I start planning the "school year" in the Club of Passionate Moms and in my own life. By tradition, I start a new stage, the “new year,” with a new diary. Today, at the request of my subscribers in social networks I'll tell you more about the diaries that I have chosen for this fall.

Successful woman's diary

The first tool for all prosperity that I want to talk about is "Diary of a successful woman" (Maze, Ozone). The author of this weighty notebook is Sofya Timofeeva - director of a network of children's clubs, author of books, teacher, consultant for opening children's clubs. Some time ago I already had the diary of another owner of children's clubs - Zarina Ivanter (), so it was quite interesting to compare them.

I must say right away that I have been using this diary for only a couple of days, so I cannot yet evaluate in practice its durability and some other parameters, but from my rich experience of acquaintance with other diaries, I can single out such pros and cons of the "Diary of a Successful Woman".

  • Nice design. Noble, moderately "business" cell outside and pleasant pages in warm colors with barely noticeable patterns, unobtrusive pictograms and frames.
  • Lyasse allows you to quickly open the diary on the desired page.
  • There is a division into matters tied to a specific time, and matters related to one of the areas - work, family or personal. There is a special place for recording personal care and sports plans. In general, everything in order to maintain a balance between these areas.
  • There is a plate under each day to record the achievements and lesson of the day.
  • At the end of each week, there is a parable of the week, and each page has inspirational quotes. I can’t say that this is some significant plus, but I know that many people love it, besides, I haven’t met parables in their diaries before, so this can be considered the highlight of this publication.
  • The diary is very thick and quite heavy, while the mass of pages in it has no practical use for most of us - these are various tables of measures and weights, telephone city codes, a calendar for as long as 3 years and some completely incomprehensible texts about widely known secrets of cheerfulness and successful negotiations. In general, what you least want to find in your diary.
  • There is only one spread at the very beginning for writing down goals for the year, “dreams” and new ideas. Then there are only pages for daily planning. I would definitely remove all these weights and measures tables and add sheets for weekly or monthly planning instead.
  • A successful woman's day starts at 9 am and ends at 8 pm. I understand that for a successful woman this may be quite normal, but personally, for me, a good half of the active time of the day does not fit into this framework. And I think this is relevant both for supporters of what is popular today, and for those who, like me, practice late lights out.
  • Due to its volume, the diary is difficult to hold in the open position (you need 2 free hands), and somewhere from the middle, it always strives to close. For example, during work, and just during the day, I keep the diary open so that it is convenient to look into it. But the "successful woman" prefers to slam shut and keep her secrets from prying eyes.
  • There's too little room to plan the weekend. In fact, these are several lines under the parable of the week, and it is good if the parable is short.

In general, as a variant of a desktop diary for planning work and personal tasks with "broad strokes", a successful woman's diary suits me. My assessment is a solid “four”.

Notebook for Highly Effective People ( Maze, Ozone)

This notebook, it seemed to me, partly speculates with the name of Stephen Covey on the cover. However, this does not detract from its obvious merits, thanks to which it gets an excellent rating in my today's review. And that's why. This is a notebook in which there is nothing superfluous, but there is much that is lacking in "real" diaries. It has what I believe is essential for effective planning for high performing moms. Of course, I'm talking now about the pages for planning the week, as well as a special place for recording the results, conclusions, insights. In a notebook, this page is called a page of totals for the time spent with the notebook. There is a page for planning the week with a breakdown by day and a place to record the most important things. The daily planning pages look extremely laconic - on the left there is a place for recording cases with a deadline, on the right - cases without a deadline. Below is the most important thing. There are some inspirational thoughts, too, but only once a week, so the notebook pages don't seem overloaded with information at all.

Tired of the mess in the nursery? Tired of endlessly collecting toys for your child?

Why I wrote that the publication speculates in the name of Stephen Covey. The fact is that Covey's approach is not directly related to the notebook itself. That is, in principle, any other theory of personal effectiveness could be presented on the pages of a notebook. How did the authors "tied" Covey to the notebook? Added pages describing 7 principles and some of his tips. “The notebook will help you understand Covey's ideas for yourself, often refer to them due to the fact that he is always at hand, develop useful skills and embed them in your life," - says the introduction to the notebook, and it is difficult to argue with this.

Of the minuses, perhaps, we can note the small volume of the notebook - I counted only 21 weeks in it, the absence of a streak and also a "short day" - from 9 to 20. For Saturday and Sunday there is more space - a page for 2 days, but still there is " discrimination "on weekends, but Covey urged to plan time with his family!

Happy diary

The previous 2 diaries were still designed for working people, this explains the limitation of planning time working week and time from 9 to 20. But I also have a diary created especially for those who work 24/7, that is, for moms. Since in this case we are dealing with samizdat, it would not be superfluous to say about the quality of the diary. This is a spring-loaded notebook with a transparent plastic cover and fairly thin pages.

There are pages for planning the month and the week, making to-do lists for the month and the week, working on the habits of the month, pages for taking notes and summarizing the results of the month, and the My Dreams page. There is a cardboard bookmark with a calendar. But there is essentially no room for detailed daily planning! That is, the plan of the week in this case includes plans for individual days at once. The whole week takes one spread, where all the plans for the day need to fit into small cells (the fourth part of the A5 format). Of course, there is no room left for dividing tasks into those with or without a deadline, highlighting important things and summing up the results of the day. True, there is a cell “To catch the main thing” in a week, but its size does not allow it to save the situation.

For me, a significant drawback was also the fact that the planning cells are colored gray - rich enough to make the spread of the diary filled with plans look gloomy. Not a very suitable solution for a happy mom's diary.

Publishing House "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" is the most useful books. Once the company began its activity in the field of business literature, and now it is developing a new direction of books for children and parents, remaining true to the principle - "publish only good books."

Feedback provided Natasha Ioffe, working mom, blog author Worldly wisdom... She spoke about her three-week experience with the Happy Mom's Diary and shared her impressions especially for our column.

When the Mom Blogs community team informed me that I was selected to test the effectiveness of the Happy Mom's Diary, I was very happy. First, the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe diary is very close to me. Because I am one hundred percent plan man... When I plan my time in advance, I feel calmer and more collected. In addition, proper time planning is imperative for me, since I am a mom trying to combine career and childcare (I wrote about this in my blog and now).

That is why I was so interested in the proposal to test this diary.

I must say right away that I am quite satisfied with the Happy Mom's Diary. I use it every day, it took its rightful place in my roomy bag.

What exactly do I like about the diary?

First, he beautiful... And I have a special passion for beautiful notebooks, diaries, notes and other similar "utensils". When I write in this diary, I try to write as accurately as possible so as not to spoil the appearance of the notebook. Therefore, to be honest, I have two diaries at the same time. One is for quick notes and reminders that I take on the go as I remember something. And the second, Happy Mom's Diary, in which at the end of each day I write down plans for the next day.

Now let's move on to the practical benefits of this diary and what I personally liked.

1. The diary has a separate page to indicate Goals for the year... It seems to me that this is very convenient, because, when planning your affairs for the coming days or weeks, you can always return to this page and see how the planned affairs bring you closer to achieving your goals.

2. It is very convenient to have separate pages for specific projects in various spheres of life. For example, “My projects. Child ”,“ My projects. Work "," My projects. Sports and Beauty ”and so on. At the same time, no pages have been created for some important areas of my life (at least mine). But I will talk about this later.

3. I liked method, which the author suggests for planning things for the next day. In the left column I write down all the things that need to be done. I write down everything indiscriminately, the main thing is not to miss anything. Then, in the right column, I group all cases by specific categories: Work, Household, Administrative affairs, Between times, Evening with Pasha (my husband) and so on.

Sometimes it's easier for me to group things according to the time of their execution: Morning, Afternoon, Evening.

4. What made me very happy and really influenced the quality of life is the presence of the line "For yourself" at the beginning of each day. In fact, there are three lines there:

a) "Project" - the project that you highlight for yourself as the main thing in this day.

b) "Child" - the author proposes to set aside thirty minutes a day for quality communication with a child, which gives pleasure to both of you. It seems to me that this recommendation can be useful for mothers who devote most of their time to work or other matters, while the child is not with them. As for our family, my son and I, fortunately, have more time to communicate with each other, and we try to spend it interestingly and efficiently. Therefore, I do not use this line.

c) “For myself” - this item turned out to be exactly what the “doctor ordered”. The author proposes to carve out thirty minutes a day to take care of yourself and your appearance... It was for this point that I never had any time or energy. No, not everything is running like that. I regularly visit a beauty parlor, a nail salon and my hairdresser friend. I go jogging several times a week. However, there are many things related to me personally, which I put off until later and remember them at the last moment. Filling out the line “For myself”, I achieve a double result: 1. I feel satisfaction that, with all the bustle of the day, I do not forget to take time for myself. AND 2. Do many things related to me on time.

Example: ordering personal care products online. It takes just half an hour! Previously, all the time I found that I somehow suddenly ran out of creams, face lotion, body soap. Moreover, all at the same time! There was no energy to order on the Internet, and time to purchase. Here I have planned thirty minutes in advance for this case. As a result, everything came on time!

5. Another interesting point. On the spread to the left of Monday of each week, the author publishes useful information from various walks of life. For example, today I opened my diary (completely arbitrary) and came across the heading "Creative Thinking". The first sentence interested me: "To stimulate creative thinking and brain work, knowledgeable people recommend doing something at least once a day that you have never done." This phrase alone was enough to make the thoughts in my head move and dance. Energy came out of nowhere (today was not the most productive day in my life), lights sparkled in my eyes in anticipation of something interesting and unexpected.

This is an additional bonus of this book - entertaining moments, very pertinent hints designed to embellish and diversify our life a little.

Some cons of the diary

1. The first thing I want to say in this context is the absence of the slightest hint that there is a man in a woman's life. To tell the truth, I was very surprised by the fact that, speaking about the main spheres of life, three were singled out: Work, Child, I. "But what about marital relations?" - I was perplexed and tried to understand what category can be sacrificed in order to stick in its place the category “Husband. A family". As a result, she donated the heading "Home".

2. If I was asked how you can improve your daily planner, I would say that at the beginning of each week it lacks the “Focus of the week” item - some main task / tasks on which you concentrate during the week and which must be completed.

3. Next I want to say a few words about the cardboard - the bookmark attached to the diary. The main idea is to put on the cardboard the project that you plan to do in the near future, and check with it, making a plan for the day. Probably, this particular cardboard should have become the "focus of the week". However, I stopped using it immediately and for this reason. After carefully scribbling the title of the first project on a piece of cardboard, I accidentally touched what I had written in my hand. As a result, what was written was smeared, and the cardboard began to look very untidy. The next time I decided to give it time to dry, I found it didn't work. Calligraphic inscriptions are smeared and the cardboard looks extremely unattractive.

Probably, at the moment these are the main disadvantages that I want to highlight.

What has changed in my life thanks to the acquisition

1. I can't say that Happy Mom's Diary really made me happy (maybe I should give it time. I have been using it for only three weeks). However, I started:
· DO NOT forget to take care of yourself.
· DO NOT overlook small matters such as phone calls, administrative matters, and even defrosting chicken for dinner.
· SUCCEED more. Thanks to the diary, I became a little more organized.

2. I am glad that I have a nice business notebook in my bag, which helps me to be more disciplined and collected.

This is a mini-research Natasha did for us. By the way, you can buy a copy for personal use right on the page Happy mom's diary.

If you are interested in getting and testing some "mother" or children's goods or attend an interesting event, and then post your impressions on "Mom Blogs",.

... - M .: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2013 .-- 512 p. - ISBN 978-5-91657-562-0.

I liked a lot about the Diary. First of all, it does not have dated pages like traditional annual gliders. But the pages are titled with the days of the week, which is very convenient when you work at home and often have to focus not so much on the dates as on the employment of the people interacting with you and their official days off approved by the state and authorities. Moreover, sometimes some days fall out - due to illness or because of a vacation away from home, and blank sheets remain in the dated notebook. The same diary can be used in this way for more than 12 months.

E one more interesting feature my new organizer - it looks like Encyclopedia of Young Marmots, remember this one? Each week opens with a page of useful information. More than 50 useful tips for all occasions: from household psychology and recommendations on how to dress a child according to the occasion, to home fitness. In fairness, it should be noted that not all information is relevant or revolutionary for me personally, but I think any mother will find something interesting for herself. In addition, there are a lot of things that we certainly know about, but do not remember here and now: how to prepare for a vacation, get rid of the winter blues, organize children's partywhat to do with the offspring who decided to show who is the boss in the house, and so on.

We were pleasantly surprised by the pages at the beginning of the diary, reserved for Yearly Goals and My projects... And not generalized, but broken down into categories. In general, the pedant and the formalist rejoiced in me. Earlier, in my large annual notebook and electronic organizer, I set aside a special place for lists of books that I want to read, films for a pleasant viewing and dishes that I will certainly cook; as well as the places I want to visit, and the actions that are not usual for me that I want to try, not to mention the good habits that I want to cultivate in myself, and the harmful ones that I decided to get rid of. In Zarina Ivanter's Diary, separate pages are allocated for these lists. There are sections To Vacation and For the holiday with columns that help to categorize tasks according to “make”, “buy”, “take”. Here, at the beginning of the year, you can write down not only the birthdays of loved ones, but also sketch out gift ideas in a special column opposite the date.

ABOUT very useful sections for me I promise to find time for and the page of totals for every three months pleased no less than the lines Project-Child-For myself on the daily pages. Willy-nilly, but you do not lose focus, and classes with kids are structured and not chaotic, and you plan to take care of yourself too: here it is all in front of your eyes, you cannot get away.

At the end of the Diary, there are lists of books, toys, and cartoons recommended for children in a particular age group. Also indicated are Internet resources aimed at parents concerned about the harmonious and all-round development of the child.

AND sec offers several ways to fill in the diary, with specific examples... Interestingly, in addition to the traditional fringe, the diary comes with a bookmark made of thick cardboard, on which you can paint your main projects and keep them in plain sight.

In general, the Diary is a rather curious fusion of all kinds of methods and techniques of traditional time management, applied to maternal and feminine experiences and needs. On the one hand, accounting and analysis of the bottom line from what has been done, on the other, advice familiar to most women who occasionally read glossy magazines and popular news portals.

P the first in my rich experience as a lover of a variety of notebooks and planners is a diary focused on women. Moreover, women are mothers. But it seemed to me that to a large extent, despite all its versatility, it is designed for a business mother living in a relatively big city and more engaged in a career than a household. For example, I spend several times more than half an hour a day with my weathermen and do not use the services of a nanny and au pair. And I also work at home. But this is a special case, and I know many business mothers for whom Zarina Ivanter's advice will be more than relevant and utilitarian.

In general, the diary (and a directory of small life hacks with it in one bottle), although in a paperback, is quite voluminous, and every day in a bag, which already contains a lot of necessities like a camera, tablet, spare diapers, drinkers, cosmetic bags , a wallet, a dump truck for a son and a beloved bear for a daughter, you can't drag him. But as a home organizer, helping to concentrate on the main areas of life, which are, nevertheless, not related to the organization of the household, I found it very convenient.

Oh, New Year just on the nose! Just don't be ironic, pointing your fingers at regular New Year's notes on our website - I'm not talking about crafts this time.

Have you already bought yourself a diary? I have long wanted to boast of my treasure: more than once I heard about from the publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", here and there I looked and licked my lips, and in the end I got the same one for my personal use. And now, with a clear conscience, I am ready to talk about how he is ... beautiful, interesting, pleasant, sincere, bright and warm.

Like many women, I like to feel things with my hands. I take off the cellophane packaging and immediately get the first charge of tactile pleasure: the eye is not visible, but the fingers feel the texture of the cover, voluminous flowers, veined leaves, the relief of twigs, the bird is almost alive. This is such an incredible tangible joy - you want to stroke, touch, hold and ... possess. I personally do not really like the design of the cover (I generally have a very narrow-minded thinking in these matters), but these touching details in the literal sense of the word more than compensated for the wild combination of sneakers with a firebird.

The paper is unexpectedly thick and of high quality (usually something simpler and cheaper is used in diaries). And - yes, again a bookmark, a cute sewn-in bookmark, such things completely conquer me!

I open my diary - and there is a nice detail on the flyleaf: a place for a family photo. I have an eternal problem with printing digital photographs, but my daughter immediately said that she would draw me a beautiful joint portrait of all members of our family. I was not upset: in my opinion, it's even better!

Further more. Details. Little things. Ideas. They contain all the charm of the diary, they make it not just pleasant, but unforgettable, you don't want to part with it, it immediately evokes a strong and irrevocable desire to share not only plans, but also thoughts, and then, after a year, leave it as a keepsake the most expensive "Moleskine" or just a diary with memories.

It is very close that there are no printed dates in the diary - practice shows that it is more convenient for my nature to enter them myself. Moreover, there is no time reference either - any mother knows that her day is built not according to office hours, but according to her own chronometer, which often requires special division.

I don’t know how much this diary will help me to become happier (by the way, how much more?), But the fact that I am planning to be a successful mom with might and main is definitely!

One problem. My handwriting and in best years was far from indicative, but over the years and permanent work with a computer became completely disgusting. Well, and how to decide to spoil such a charm with my scribbles? In general, "Happy Mom's Diary" is too beautiful, the first entry on January 1, I will probably do with shaking hands.

Oh, yes, I also really wanted to tell you about the bank have a nice day... And about the bookmark with "There is nothing here." And about ... However, no, I will not. Run to the store and quickly buy yourself a diary - you need to this is you read it yourself. This and many more - smart, interesting, kind, necessary and useful.

Dear friends! Today I want to present you a book that is very useful for every woman, or rather, a diary. How do you plan your business? Write down your plans or keep in mind? In my opinion, a woman who seeks to combine raising children, doing what she loves or work, household chores, and even looking great at the same time, it is difficult to do without planning her time. Of course, keeping such a volume of cases in mind is simply impossible. Just for this, smart people came up with a diary. And Zarina Ivanter adapted it specifically for active mothers. Zarina successful personpassionate about what he loves, journalist, author electronic journal, owner and manager of children's development clubs and happy caring. It's hard to combine everything and keep up with everything! What do you think? Using her knowledge and personal experience, Zarina created Happy Mom's Diary , and the publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" made it accessible to a wide audience.

Why the Happy Mom's Diary was created

First of all, I want to note, no matter how busy my mother is, she should have time for her personal affairs, when she can do something for her beloved. What these things will be is a private matter for every woman. Perhaps it will be a walk, meeting friends, reading a book, visiting a beauty salon, fitness center, shopping, whatever, but this is time devoted to yourself. Mom should be happy, eh! Having kids, a lot of responsibilities, work and so on, it is often difficult to find time for yourself, but it is possible. It is very important to organize everything correctly, allocate time, and planning is the key to a competent organization. " Happy mom's diary»Was created to ensure that everything is organized competently, so that mom can do everything and even take time for herself.

« Happy mom's diary" will help:

- Reasonably plan daily chores around the house, work, activities with children, personal affairs;
- to correctly determine priorities, dividing matters into important and secondary ones;
- define long-term goals, for example, for a year, and ensure their implementation, breaking them down into easily achievable tasks;
- to distribute household chores for the day so as not to miss anything and have time for everything;
- plan holidays, various events, birthdays, vacations;
- to record those cases for which there is not enough time and control their implementation.

And the most valuable thing in any diary is the opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of your planning and to work on mistakes. It often helps a lot to find free time and save your strength and nerves.

"Happy mom's diary" and its features

We begin to love many things in our life from the first touch. I did it with Zarina Ivanter's diary. Nice embossed cover, very pleasant to the touch, white sheets neatly marked so that you can use this marking in different ways, depending on your habits. The place for a family photo is especially touching, because the diary is intended for mom, and for mom the family is of special importance. An original bookmark, on which on one side there is a place for projects, and on the other side there is a mysterious inscription "There is nothing here." This bookmark, as it turned out, has a magical property: to remove from the field of view on the page of the diary those things that are not relevant at the moment, so as not to interfere with the current affairs, not to make the mother worry that a lot of different things are still planned.

Instructions for using this magic bookmark are attached. Zarina shares her experience on this topic and not only.

Further, there are long-term plans for the year, a separate section with dates that must not be forgotten, everything that needs to be taken into account when preparing for vacation, for the holidays. In addition, each week also starts with plans, but already for a week.

At the very end of the diary there is a section "Useful Lists", where you can find tips on what the baby can see, read, which toys can be suitable for children of a certain age, which sites for mothers to visit.

Before the start of each week, there are small tips from an experienced successful mom that will be useful to many. As for the worksheets themselves, it is not entirely convenient for me that they are not dated, but not everyone likes it.

In addition, for example, the leaves that fall on vacation will simply disappear, will remain unfilled. And you can start keeping such a diary from any date, not necessarily from the very beginning of the year. It's also convenient.

Considering all the advantages of this publication, I can say that it is not even simple “ Happy mom's diary”Is a real guide, a reliable assistant in planning your affairs and a wise advisor! It will be a wonderful gift for any mother who wants to be in time for everything: to do everything efficiently at work, to devote time to the family and, of course, not to forget about yourself! Such a gift from the publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" was received by the participants of the children's crafts competition Yana Muzychina and Tatiana Saxon for a wonderful craft


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