Is it possible to save from work on the day. Good and bad reasons to takepoint from work early. For personal reasons

What you are tired or not to sleep are your problems. Good workers Decide all their business behind the walls of the office. And, for example, health problems or surrender exam on a driver's license are already significant reasons.

Also play the personal preferences of your boss. For example, he is a big football fan. You can save on him to an important match of your team and probably get permission.

Briefly describe why you need to leave a workplace

The bosses are better not to deceive. Even if he cannot learn the truth - it's still not very a good idea. If the circumstance is very important, then there can be no problems in principle. For example, you called neighbors from below and said that you finish them. When explaining the reasons do not need to go into details. Notify whether you will return to work today.

Prepare for a conversation with the boss

Think in advance what exactly you say. Do not doubt and show your own indecision. Be sure to mention that your departure will not harm work. You can say that you have done everything in advance or perform them already at home. In no case do not leave yourself, and then just call the phone. It is unlikely that the head deems acceptable if someone makes decisions for it, and then it simply informs.

If there is an opportunity to ensure in advance

For example, if you know that the daughter has an important performance in three days, then tell me about this to the supervisor today. And constantly remind him of this, because such requests are often forgotten. Do all the cases scheduled for this day in advance.

The conversation is better to start with a brief summary of the problem.

For example: "Ivan Ivanovich, my daughter in three days a concert and I definitely need to be there." Only then ask (and not put before the fact), can you leave. Be sure to tell me that the work will be done exactly on time, but the truth is very necessary to go away. If the reason is really significant, you can be more persistent.

If you let go, then you should not pull

No need to collect things for a long time, talk to other employees or try to finish something. The manager may think that this is not so urgent for you, if you do not hurry to do it. Also, do not wake in colleagues envy and tell how you easily managed to "drain from the worker." First, the employee can tell about this to the head. Secondly, everyone else can also begin to ask. And this will clearly not play your hand.

Sometimes there is a situation when it is very necessary to take rid of work. For example, poor health, overwork, inclipboard, personal affairs or just a very bad mood. However, to resort to such arguments during a conversation with the bosses of at least unwise, since none of these reasons will be considered quite weighty to give you a bitten. In this case, you will have to find serious arguments that could convince your boss to let you down from work. Below we will tell you how correctly pop up from work.

Immediately agree: if the employee regularly urged from work under different pretexts, after some time, even the most patient head will think that this employee is indispensable. Also, it is not necessary to ask for pain from work, if you just recently came to this team. Otherwise, you may not have the best reputation. Therefore, quilts need not to abuse.

How to pop up from work?

First of all, talking to the chief about the need for quenching needs a calm confident tone, clearly and specifically - as you tell, for example, on the results of the quarter. It is not worth acting as a poor petitioner and pour outguns - under certain conditions you have full right on it and put the boss on this.

Here are 10 reasons to take up from work that can be bred:

1. Strong toothpow. The need to urgently go to the dentist will be filled with the head of sympathy to you.

2. Transactions with real estate. Registration of documents for the purchase or sale of apartments or cottages - a very important procedure that needs to be performed personally.

3. Important family events. First Call at School, Parental Assembly, Presentation of the Child at City Competitions, etc. - It is quite a good reason to take up from work.

4. Household problems. For example, you flooded the neighbors, or they flooded you, broke a gas crane, etc., and now you are waiting for the emergency service, - this is a sufficient reason not to come to work, of course, warning the authorities in advance.

5. Transport problems. The car broke down, stuck in a huge plug, got into an accident - such reasons are difficult to ignore.

6. Passing exams. If you study at the university, on courses foreign languages Or in a driving school, at the time of passing exams, your boss is obliged to provide you with free time. True, then you will have to submit to work the acquittal document.

7. Registration of various documents. A visit to various official instances can take the whole day. Such arguments as the design of a passport, insurance policy, etc., sufficiently good to competently pop up from work.

8. Visit the hospital. Since all people sometimes get sick, this argument will be humanly understandable to your boss, and he will agree to let you go for testing or conducting a survey, as well as to visit sick relatives.

9. Donation. According to the law, after the blood delivery, the donor relies two paid quits.

10. The arrival of relatives. If native or friends come to visit you, who need to meet at the station, bring home and place, this is a sufficient reason to pop up from work early.
If you do not want to intent the arguments for granting the rang, just write an application for the provision of one day of gone at your own expense. Just do not forget that no one will do your work for you.

10 reasons to take rid of work early Will help you make urgent things or relax to get the next night with new forces.

The reasons, it is for them that you want to leave, should be weighty, it is impossible to leave only because fatigue appeared. If you are overwhelmed, you need to visit the doctor, take a hospital sheet. If the plans do not go to hurt, and just a couple of days to solve some personal problems, then act correctly. Come up with the reason, and it should not leave the same indifferent. Causes of real estate associated, such as renewal, registration, and so on. When the time comes to be explained before the leadership, then do not do it - "I need to leave because of registration, we must register a relative. And they started a detailed story about who this relative, from where and so on. " Excessive and information about where a relative, who he is to you. Enough information about registration. How to pop up from work so that the leader is pleased with the conversation with you? Need a clear syllable, without imputing yourself as a person. You are a person with my problems and life if you come to the supervisor and say - "you need to go away from work to register a relative." Briefly, clear. If the manager tasks questions, then you can answer them a small story about the created situation, but it's not worth going to go into details.

Fors major situations in a person's life is quite small. Usually, if you have some kind of affairs, you need to clearly glorify them. If it is known that free time will be required, then the management needs to contact one day before you need to leave the organization. You should not warn the telephone guide in such a manner - "today I will not come out for such a reason."

How to pop up from work in connection with family circumstances

Managers do not like employees to solve the questions that should solve the leadership. So it is better to write a statement and to warn the employer in one day. In this case, the opportunity is provided to choose, release or refuse. How to take rid of work in a short form. Say so - "Name by the patronymic of the head and further, I will need to leave work for half a day, the reason for the design of the apartment." If the leadership begins to say that this may affect the development of the enterprise and other arguments will begin to lead. Then say so "I fulfilled the laid work that was planned for tomorrow, in fact, I am free." There is nothing to add to the manager, and it will definitely let go.

Re: Formulation in the worker's activation

"Please let me go for family reasons from 12.00 to 17.00."
Obviously, such a formulation of female workers is incorrect, since on the TK RF, leave is calculated in calendar days, and not in hours.

Annual paid - Yeah. And without saving s / n - no one bothers in hours and minutes to provide.

Employee mode - from 8 to 17 hours, vacation without salary preservation is provided from 12 h. 48 min. November 9 to November 10 inclusive.
How much do you need to issue orders (one statement is written) on vacation?

Having considered the question, we came to the following conclusion:
To provide one continuous vacation without salary salary, regardless of its duration (including part of one day and the next day), it is enough to publish one order.

Rationale of output:
In accordance with Art. 106 and art. 107 TK RF holiday is one of the types of recreation time (and the time can be expressed both in the days and in hours), during which the employee is free from the execution of labor duties and which it can use at its discretion. According to Art. 128 of the Labor Code of Family Circumstances and other valid reasons to the employee for his written statement may be given leave without salary salary, the duration of which is determined by agreement between the employee and the employer.
Labor legislation did not establish the minimum duration of leave without salary salary. No in Labor Code The Russian Federation and the guidance on the fact that vacation without salary can be provided only by an integer day. Provisions of Art. 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for the calculation of the duration of vacations in calendar days relate only to the annual main and additional paid vacations of workers and, accordingly, on vacation without salary salary do not apply.
Consequently, by agreement between the employee and the employer, any duration of leave without salary salary can be installed.
Unified forms of documents approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 05, 2004 No. 1 (hereinafter referred to as the Resolution No. 1) are applied for registration and accounting of vacations provided by employees.

How to take rid of work correctly: Causes, Tips, Statement

The same document approved instructions on the use and filling of the forms of primary accounting documentation for labor accounting and payment.
On the provision of vacation, the employee is published an order (order) in form N T-6. The need to publish a separate order for every day of vacation nor the TK RF nor the resolution No. 1 is not provided, therefore, for the design of one continuous vacation, regardless of its duration, one order should be published.
The unified form N T-6 provides for the reflection of the vacation granted only in calendar days. However, the procedure for applying unified forms of primary accounting documentation approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 24.03.1999 N 20 (hereinafter referred to cash operations) Organization, if necessary, can make additional details. At the same time, all the details approved by the State Statistics Committee of Russia unified forms remain unchanged. The modified form of the order must be approved by the relevant organizational and administrative document of the organization.
In our opinion, in the situation under consideration, the order in form n T-6 may be decorated as follows:
- in the string "on ___ calendar days"It is indicated by the duration of vacation in shares from the calendar day (in this case 1 is a whole and 7/15 days);
- in the string "with" __ "______ 20__g. By" __ "______ 20__g." The vacation period is indicated (from November 9, 2011 to November 10, 2011);
- The order is complemented by a string in which you need to specify the time range during the day, which is given a vacation (from 12 hours 48 minutes November 9, 2011 to 24 hours 00 minutes November 10, 2011).
Please note that in the case of the provision of vacation worker without salary salary only for part of the day, the employer will inevitably arise a number of difficulties. In particular, it is unclear how to take into account such a vacation time when determining the selling experience of the employee and whether it is necessary to exclude it from the estimated period when calculating the average earnings.
In our opinion, the listed difficulties can be avoided if instead of providing holidays at its own expense to establish an employee for this day a part-time time (at the same time, the day fully used for vacation is issued as usual). According to Art. 93 TC RF incomplete working time It may be established by agreement between the employee and the employer as when receiving work and subsequently. Establishment of an incomplete working time worker entails a change in the terms of the employment agreement on working time mode (Art. 57, Art. 100 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
Consequently, the parties can sign supplementary agreement to labor Treatyin which the day will be installed during which such an agreement is valid and the necessary duration of the working day. In accordance with the second part of Art. 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation when working on the conditions of incomplete working time, the work of the employee is produced in proportion to the time spent or depending on the work performed by them. Accordingly, as a result of the use of this method, the same goals are achieved as when providing a vacation worker without salary salary for several hours.

The answer prepared:
Expert Service Legal Consulting Guarant
Mazukhina Anna

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Kikinskaya Anna

The material was prepared on the basis of an individual written consultation provided within the framework of the legal consulting service. For more information on the service, contact your manager serving you.

How to avoid to take up from work and stay still in demand by the employee?

The reasons, it is for them that you want to leave, should be weighty, it is impossible to leave only because fatigue appeared. If you are overwhelmed, you need to visit the doctor, take a hospital sheet. If the plans do not go to hurt, and just a couple of days to solve some personal problems, then act correctly. Come up with the reason, and it should not leave the same indifferent. Causes of real estate associated, such as renewal, registration, and so on. When the time comes to be explained before the leadership, then do not do it - "I need to leave because of registration, we must register a relative. And they started a detailed story about who this relative, from where and so on. " Excessive and information about where a relative, who he is to you. Enough information about registration.

Russians do not risk confessable due to lack of at work

How to pop up from work so that the leader is pleased with the conversation with you? Need a clear syllable, without imputing yourself as a person. You are a person with my problems and life if you come to the supervisor and say - "you need to go away from work to register a relative." Briefly, clear. If the manager tasks questions, then you can answer them a small story about the created situation, but it's not worth going to go into details.

Any situation is created in advance.

Fors major situations in a person's life is quite small. Usually, if you have some kind of affairs, you need to clearly glorify them. If it is known that free time will be required, then the management needs to contact one day before you need to leave the organization. You should not warn the telephone guide in such a manner - "today I will not come out for such a reason." Managers do not like employees to solve the questions that should solve the leadership. So it is better to write a statement and to warn the employer in one day. In this case, the opportunity is provided to choose, release or refuse. How to take rid of work in a short form. Say so - "Name by the patronymic of the head and further, I will need to leave work for half a day, the reason for the design of the apartment." If the leadership begins to say that this may affect the development of the enterprise and other arguments will begin to lead. Then say so "I fulfilled the laid work that was planned for tomorrow, in fact, I am free."

There is nothing to add to the manager, and it will definitely let go.

Managed to pop up quickly, go

If the guide facilitably reacted to you, then you need to quickly retrevel until the decision has changed. Do not communicate with colleagues, do not say that you let go, and tomorrow you can not go to work, do not create another "food" for gossip. There will be a conversation that will reach the leadership, as a result, leave the next time it is hardly possible. Now you will know how to pop up from work so that you are not fired.

If, after reading this article, you did not receive a unambiguous answer, contact fast help:

In a complex sentence, before the composite subordinate union, "in connection with which", and not after it, the comma is put according to the rule of punctuation.

The union in question connects parts of a complex proposal. It is used in the dependent pressing part of the investigation as a connecting link between the main and apparent part.

This subordinate union belongs to the book styles of speech.

Ways to pop up from work

It is often used in building a phrase in documents, official-business style reports and in the articles of journalism.

The submitted composite union, as a rule, begins the second part of the complex proposal, and in the first, main part of it, contains a message about something or statement, the statement of any fact, the events of public life, for example:

For all week, lilateral rain, therefore, the timing of yarre cleaning was shifted indefinitely.

The agreement between the parties is not signed, in connection with which the cardinal measures will be taken ...

This composite union is a monolithic combination of four words, so you should not divide it into parts or put a comma after the word "than".


... Agreement is not signed, in connection with which fundamental measures will be taken ...


... Agreement is not signed, in connection with what the cardinal measures will be taken ...

The appropriate proposal attached by the Supervisory Union "in connection with which" is separated (allocated) with comma (commas).

An error in building a phrase is also often encountered when the following offer is starting with this union in context. We take into account the syntactic structure of a complex proposal, according to which this submitted union is always used in the second part of the complex proposal or in the middle of it and attachs it to the dependent pressing part, which contains a direct consequence arising from the acting action or the event indicated in the main part of the proposal.


Because of the severe illness, the plaintiff did not appear at the court session. In this connection, the consideration of the case is postponed for two weeks.


Because of the serious illness, the plaintiff did not appear at a court session, in connection with which the consideration of the case ...

... The plaintiff did not appear at the court session. In this regard, the consideration of the case ..

We do not confuse this composite subordination union that requires a mandatory semicolon in front of it, and not after it, with a derivative of a dedicated pretext in connection with. (We will ask if the punctuation signs are needed in the context using this pretext).

When I got a job with a standard schedule from Monday to Friday from 9 to 18.00, my question arose - how all people have time to pay communal payments, walk to doctors, notaries and so on, if all these instances work on exactly the same schedule? To my happiness, I had a grandmother's house, which could be delegated to pay for all sorts of services, combat utility and basic shopping in stores. How others are coping with, and remained a mystery to me. There were no painful letters during lunch, no one was found particularly late and did not ask for painting around, so it was necessary to assume that most of the working-age population in stock there is a disabled grandmother, ready to take on issues of maintaining the viability of the family. However, once I thought about changing the work. Since one head is good, and two better, I decided to spend a sociological survey in the circle of my family. Was to solve the main dilemma - how to go to interview without separation from production, that is, how to find new job , just in case, not dismissing with the old, or, more simply, we climb on the Christmas tree, and the pants do not get rid of. In the beginning I went to the custodian of the genital wisdom - to mom. Mom, a man never work, in principle, who did not change, turned out to be the most honest in our family - she offered to take the days at their own expense and walk on interviews. On my reasonable question "Who will give me just so many days to give, and how to explain such a need to bosses?", She spread his hands and reported that "what did you want? And climb on the Christmas tree, and do not handle the pants? ". But since it was that way I wanted, I demanded a more sensible council from Mom. She offered to get sick. But the question of how to produce a confirmation of the disease a certificate, again put it in a dead end. Here the entered brother came to the rescue. He, with knowledge, reported that the best disease for such a case is food poisoning. Like, call in the morning to work and inform that here, the stomach hurts, not to move away from the toilet. Apparently, I was poisoned, so you can't come to work today. But since the work of you is loved and the road like nothing else, you are ready to sacrifice yourself and not to cause a doctor, so that he did not give you sick-sick for a longer time, and so tomorrow you, healthy and happy, can be found at the desktop. The undoubted advantages of this method are somewhat. The first is not necessary to look sick, and speak the phone with a dying voice, since the disease can overtake you on any day. The second - with the symptoms mentioned, even the monster will agree that it is not to go to work. The third - the disease is common and will not cause suspicion, and only one day is required for recovery - just what needs! Brother argued that the method works correctly, and he always enjoys them when it is necessary to meet the guests unexpectedly arrived, or if he moved on Sunday. Phapa, who connected to solving the problem, proposed a qualitatively new approach. As a driver with experience, he, again with knowledge, was offered to "become" a witness to the accident. This gives not only an excuse for a sudden failure to work, but also space for further maneuvers. As a witness, you must be called to court, the failure to appear coca or from the parties can serve the reason for transfer of the audience, and more than once. Next, it is necessary to appear on official expertise. Moreover, after the verdict is rendered, and you have already returned to the performance of official duties, the loser side can file a lawsuit on revising the case, and testimony will be required again!

How to avail from work

And what is the most pleasant - all these "students" are appointed at a precisely a certain time, which does not depend on whether the meeting is appointed this day with the boss or not. The appeal to the court according to the law is strictly obligatory, but no one to predict the duration of the meeting, alas, can not. In short, you walk on the interview when you want. In addition, showing such civil awareness, you will show yourself as a person responsible and positive on all sides. However, there are cons. First, a particularly suspicious boss may require a submitted agenda. And secondly, curious colleagues are likely to be vividly interested in the course of the investigation. "And to lie, of course, is not good ... - I concluded dad - although in the interests of the case I can tell you about one of my accidents." But I was particularly struck by Uncle. He proposed an elegant and simply method - "go" for driving courses. Here - the main thing to substantiate the need for this step to further develop a career. However, it should be assumed that an excess employee who can manage the four-wheeled tool will refuse rare leader. And so, for a month three times a week, you can be freely removed into a couple of hours for driving lessons. At the same time, since the time of classes depends not only from you, but also from the instructor, you can vary the time. "I need to think and for the future!" - Incasively completed uncle. We never changed the work, I decided that I had nothing yet, but I remembered the conversation - you never know when it is useful.

1. Ask a friend, the neighbor on the desk will call you, go out with the phone, and, returning, sharply start collecting a bag. Then come to the teacher with a hard step and tell me that you have just called, you need to urgently leave. You can, without waiting for a response, victorious to leave the class.

2. Go to the toilet and not return. "May I go out?" - Magic words that will make you invisible for the next 45 minutes. (Win-win option)

3. If the school recently made repairs or paint the stairs, three eyes, sneeze and blow ancore - you are allergic. Load at school harmful to health, Ariversichi!

4. Days of open doors, courses at the institute and any other interest in higher education open up the school door in front of you reverse direction. You will be released without any problems gnawing science granite.

5. Do not confess that your goal is to go. Show suffering, cry, grab about the stomach, but do not leave the parties. You will see how sympathetic classmates will lead you to the classroom, and that herself will go to liberty herself.

6. "Loss something" is very important. Bag with documents or a report that prepared for the next lesson, and it was your only chance to correct the assessment, etc. And the search should take place immediately, otherwise anyone can find a report and use it in their favor. What a biology is here, there is a competition here!

7. And finally, in the extreme case (if the previous six methods did not work): Teachers unconditionally trust their parents. But parents are unlikely to want you to stroll the control.

URGENTLY!!! Question How to pop up from work?!

Therefore, make the house urgently demanded your presence. Let's say you take off the keys or bits of the apartment so that instead of solving the integrals I had to drive relatives from the apartment. And then then will be able to justify your absence by calling school. True, this method can only work if parents do not cause the company's specialists providing such services as an opening of the door is cheap. In this case, the wizard will not only open the door, but also replace the castle to more reliable.

And remember that things can be achieved! The main thing is to spend time with the mind! Good luck and great marks!

The Village with the help of experts continues to find answers to working questions. This time we learned how it was better to ask for a headquarters if you need to solve a personal question during working hours.

Albert Mitsevic

head of the Department of Human Resources IFC "Honest Word"

With standard work schedule - five days a week in the morning and before the evening - part of personal cases is simply impossible to decide in non-working time: visits to official instances, visiting the doctor, parental meetings at school can not be postponed on the weekend. The need to escape from work periodically arises from each employee, this is a normal everyday situation.

But do not leave workplace Self, hoping that the authorities will not notice your absence. In order not to spoil your reputation and not provoke conflicts, explain to the boss why you need to leave now. Your chef is the same person as you, with similar needs. Talk to the truth, not trying to embellish the situation, and most likely get it support. It is important not to turn rare system care, so as not to suffer working discipline. Then you will not have any problems.

If the scope of your working boot does not allow you to painlessly leave for personal matters, offer the chief to work out the time of absence on weekends or stay after the end of the working day. An alternative option can be to work at home if you need to sit with a sick relative or to control the work of the plumbing. Remember that the head is responsible for the results of its department, so offer a solution to the problem acceptable and for you, and for the company.

Showing responsibility and desire to compensate your absence in the workplace with a good result, you will not look like a slacker and save good relations with the bosses.

Irina Baeva

managing Director of the Regus company in Russia

If the employee needs to go away from work due to a personal character, you should not put the head before the fact of the phrase "I need to leave." It is advisable to talk to the employer in advance about the need to remove from work. If such a need arises regularly, it is worth discussing with the employer flexible Graphic subject to maintenance efficiency. This is quite common practice when the employee works outside the office one or two days a week. Arguments can be supported by numbers: 43% of office employees believe that the vacancy proposed by them should include the possibility of working outside the office. These are the results of the research "Regus", in which more than 600 participated office workers Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg. Representatives of many professions can work outside their office no less efficiently than being at the main workplace.

Explain to the employer that, by leaving at working hours from the office, you will definitely make a job at another time: working at home or staying at work on other days. Make sure your leader knows what results you have achieved by working remotely. You should not hide from the employer that you highly appreciate his willingness to go to meet you in the question of a flexible schedule or a possibility for a while working outside the office. Much depends on corporate culture in each particular company, but general rule Such: If the head is confident that the employee responsibly refers to the tasks set and that the work will not suffer because of his personal affairs, it will be much easier for him to coordinate such a request.

Maxim Sundals

head of online school in English Englishdom

You should not be afraid to ask. After all, unforeseen situations can happen with everyone, and the manager should understand it. So that the reason to leave early was convincing in his eyes, in front of the conversation, put yourself in place of the chief. He is responsible for ensuring that the company worked qualitatively and without interruptions, received a profit, at the expense of which employees pay salary. Therefore, it is better to prepare in advance and do everything to make your unplanned absence damaged work. Ideally perform a part of your tasks in advance.

And the conversation itself should also be in advance. After all, if you did not come and after the start of the working day, I would call to report that today will not be today, because you need to make some documents, it is not only a manifestation of disrespect, but also an unpleasant surprise for colleagues who will have to fulfill your tasks. If you ask the ran a few days, everything can be planned in advance.

In unforeseen situations, for example, if the temperature rose sharply or flooded the neighbors, of course, there are no other options, it remains to be simply warned by phone.

Clearly and directly explain the reason you need to leave. I believe that it is better to always tell the truth, and not invent non-existent diseases. So you can lose trust, because the secret sooner or later becomes clear. It is advisable not only to make part of the work, but also plan when you can perform the rest. And be ready to replace your colleagues that protect you into your absence. And of course, it is not necessary to abuse and ask for an only really respectful occasion.

Olga Kuzmina

director of the personnel company MANPOWERGROUP RUSSIA & CIS

The reasons for late or squash can be a lot, but all this in the end will be bored with any leader. The best waywho will not annoy the leadership and colleagues on which your affairs are welcomed - planning an additional day off in advance. This can be done by issuing a day at the expense of paid leave or vacation at your own expense. Is it possible to plan in advance? Yes, you can partly predict the days in which you need to be absent at work. For example, if you want to go on September 1 to a festive line with a child or you need to help with the organization of the anniversary mom, then such predictable days are not better than on the last day. Some employees expect that, when painting on the eve of them, they will be allowed to be allowed and counted the working day. And it raises doubts. After all, even if you have so much a good relationship With the leader, he will release you, then he can have problems with your work hours, if your early care or absence was noticed by the personnel department.

It may happen that a person woke up in the morning and just did not want to go to work, called and said that he feels bad. If this happened once, the head can go to meet and suggest staying at home. But when it repeats quite often, regularly between the May holidays or on the working day on December 31, then, of course, this is doubtful and forms a negative attitude to the employee, even if he declares these days at his own expense.

Sometimes it is necessary for a valid reason, for example, in the case when some of the loved ones fall into the hospital or dies.

Situations are unforeseen, and everyone should understand it. If the employee does not abuse the downsion and try to plan them, then even in the case of a sudden necessity, the head will not be opposed, and no tricks do not need to do so.

Most employees work for five days a week to eight hours. And no wonder that they physically do not have time to go to the clinic, ZHEK, to the child to school - after all, the hours of operation of these institutions are almost the same. Write out the whole day due parental Assembly I don't really want, most often workers are just asked from work. In this regard, the employer has a lot of questions: how to pay the time of absence, how to take it into account whether it is necessary to settle it, etc. Read the article - and you will find the answers to the named and some other questions.

Indeed, "ask painting" from work is not uncommon. Mostly, employees are asked to let them go for a couple of hours or half a day. It happens, of course, they ask for a larger time - the bottom or even two.

Immediately, let's say that this situation is not regulated by any labor code, nor any other acts containing norms labor law. Therefore, the solution of the issue of registration and payment of the absence of an emerging employee depends on different circumstances.

If an employee is asked for an hour or two

First of all, we note that if an employee decides to remove personal affairs on a lunch break, he does not need to ask. Breaks during the working day (shift), including for recreation and nutrition, belong to the time of rest (Art. 107 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). And according to Art. 106 TK RF. resting time - time during which the employee is free from the execution of labor duties and which it can use at its discretion. Thus, during the dinner, an employee can be released from work and solve his questions without the consent of the employer.

If you need a couple of hours during working hours, a corresponding statement from the employee addresses the head of the organization. You will say: Why do you like to set pieces, because you can verbally put a direct supervisor and all? We believe that the statement is still required. On it, if the head agrees, the corresponding visa is affixed, the signature of the head and the date. In this case, the employee will be sure that his absence is not regarded as a violation of labor discipline, and the employer finds out that the worker has left. The order does not need to make out.

For your information

The abstraction is considered the lack of workplace without good reason during the entire working day (shift), regardless of its (its) duration, as well as more than four hours in a row during the working day (shift).

About the need for a statement says and arbitrage practice. So, the employee was fired for the walk. Disagreeing, he appealed to the court with a claim for restoration, motivating his demands by the fact that the director consisted from work. The court, exploring the materials of the case, did not find confirmation of this fact, since with any written statements about the need for absence, for example, the provision of leave without salary preservation, the employee did not apply to the employer. Accordingly, the dismissal was recognized as legitimate (the appellate definition of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Court of 19.09.2016 in case No. 33-12406 / 2016).

Note that the lack of application must be recorded in the working hours accounting table, because the employer is obliged to lead the accurate accounting of the working time spent by each employee. The period of absence is taken into account when accrued the salary employee.

If the employee is asked for all day

There are different design options here:
  • vacation without salary salary;
  • annual paid vacation;
  • ran down

Consider these options.

Vacation without salary salary

Based on Part 1 Art. 128 of the Labor Code of Family Circumstances and other valid reasons to the employee for his written statement may be given leave without salary salary, the duration of which is determined by agreement between the employee and the employer. As we see the legislation, it has not been established neither minimum, no maximum duration of such a vacation. This means that unpaid leave can be provided for any period of which the parties to the employment contract will come to an agreement, even one day.

As can be seen from the formulation of the norm, the provision of such a vacation is right, not a duty, and if the employer deems the reason for disrespectful, he may refuse an employee in unpaid leave. However, it is necessary to remember that there are categories of employees who are not entitled to refuse this. In particular, on the basis of a written statement, the employer must provide such a vacation:

  • working pensioners in old age (by age) - up to 14 calendar days a year;
  • working disabled - up to 60 calendar days a year;
  • employees in cases of birth of a child, marriage registration, the death of close relatives - up to 5 calendar days;
  • in other cases, provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws either collective agreement.
If an employee, without waiting for the coordination of unpaid leave for one day, will not go to work, and the employer will refuse to provide such a vacation, the lack of work may be regarded as a row (the appellate definitions of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Court of 19.09.2016 in case No. 33-12406 / 2016, Rostov Regional Court of 15.08.2016 in case No. 33-14008/2016 et al.).

So, this vacation is drawn up as follows:

  1. The employee writes to the head of the organization's head, which indicates the date of vacation and the reasons for which it is required. If the application is written for several hours, you need to specify specific hours.
  2. The manager stipulated on the application a visa "coordinated" or "not object", and in case of refusal to provide leave.
  3. In case of consent of the company's head:
    • the order for leave without salary will be issued (with such an employee's order must be informed under the signature);
    • a personal card is filled in (T-2 form) - it is necessary to record the number of days of unpaid leave, as it depends on the experience to provide annual paid vacation;
    • the working hours accounting table is filled.
The issue of payment of the day, to which the employee was granted unpaid leave, disappears by itself, because everything is clear from the last name.

Annual paid vacation

Each employee guaranteed an annual paid leave, which is provided in accordance with the schedule of vacations, mandatory for workers, and for employers (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).


The schedule of vacations is approved no later than two weeks before the new year, taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization.

At the same time, nothing prevents the annual leave outside the schedule if the employee and the employer came to an agreement about it. Add that by general rule Vacation can be divided into parts, one of which is at least 14 calendar days (Article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). But the remaining part can be used as the employee and employer will agree. Therefore, the provision of one day of annual paid vacation is completely legal.

For registration annual holidays For one day (in the case of the consent of the employer), it is necessary:

  1. Get a statement from the employee, which specifies the specific desired day.
  2. Take an order for the provision of annual leave.
  3. Make appropriate marks in the working time accounting table.
Note that in the case of an annual paid leave for one day, it may be difficult to pay from payment. In particular, according to the rule of Art. 136 TK RF holiday should be paid no later than three days before it began. Moreover, this rule applies to vacation of any duration, for a day or two weeks the employee goes to relax - no matter.

Therefore, the provision of one day of annual leave is convenient if the employee knows that he needs to leave this number in advance. However, in most cases, employees are in painting spontaneously, if any circumstances occur.


Despite the fact that in the Labor Code there is no definition of the concept of "otkule", according to the current practice, a vacation is considered to be a vacation provided in the quality of compensation for work or duty during non-working time. It should not be confused with leave without salary salary, since it is not provided as compensation for something, but for the reasons of a personal nature available from workers, or by the law.

Labor legislation provides for several cases where the employer must provide an employee of a day off for working during non-working time. (Imagine them as a schema on page.)

The procedure for issuing the granting of the rank is as follows: The employee writes a statement with a request to grant the day of rest indicating the reasons, for example, for overtime or work on a weekend. (Donors to the application should make a certificate confirming the fact of blood delivery.) On the basis of such a statement, an order is published with which the employee must be familiar with the signature.

Of course, you need to make a mark on the working time accounting table:
- Additional weekends without salary salary are denoted by the letter code "HB" or digital "28";
- Day of recreation to donor workers - the letter code "s" or digital "27" (additional paid day off).

When attracting overtimeBy virtue of Art. 152 TK RF, the first two hours of overtime are paid for at least one-hour size, subsequent - not less than double. At the request of the employee overtime work Instead of elevated payment, it can be compensated by the provision of additional resting time, but no less time worked out overtime, while leisure time is not subject to payment
When attracting a day off or non-working holiday dayIn accordance with Art. 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation work on the weekend or non-working holiday day is paid at least in double size. At the request of an employee who worked on this day, he can be given another day of rest. In this case, the work on the weekend or holiday is paid in a single amount, and the day of recreation is not subject to payment
When passing the blood worker and its componentsAccording to Art. 186 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if an employee on the day of blood and its components, as well as a day associated with this medical inspection He went to work, he was granted to his desire another day of rest. In the ray of blood and E components during the annual paid leave, on the weekend or non-working holiday, an employee for his wishes is given another day of rest. In addition, after each day of blood delivery and its components, an additional day of rest is provided.
For processing of time within the schedule of work when working as a rotational methodDue to the increase in working time and reducing the rest time for the period of the watch, the staff of the processing is usually accumulated, which are paid in the day of day tariff rate, day rates (parts of the salary (Oklade) per day of work). Recycling hours, not multiple to a whole working day, can accumulate throughout the year and to be summed up to whole working days, with the subsequent provision of additional days of intervacht recreation. In this case, the clocks of daily (intermediary) rest, as well as days of weekly rest, are summed up and provided in the form of additional days free of operation (in the form of days of intervacht recovery) during the accounting period

If the employee is systematically asked

There are workers who are constantly necessary somewhere. Such employees can be installed incomplete working time. Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows you to introduce this mode of work on the agreement between the employee and the employer when admission to work or in the process of work.

Failure for incomplete working time is carried out in proportion to spent time or depending on the amount of work performed. At the same time, work under such conditions does not entail any restrictions on the duration of the annual main paid vacation, the calculation of labor experience and other labor rights.

To establish incomplete working hours, it is necessary:

  1. To conclude an additional agreement to the employment contract in which to register a specific start and end time, duration working week and the deadline for which part-time time is established. This document Signed by both parties to labor relations.
  2. Issue an order for the introduction of part-time time specific worker indicating the reasons for this decision.
Additionally, we note that the employer may offer to introduce incomplete working time mode, and the employee is to refuse, considering that it is more profitable for writing statements with a request for an unpaid vacation. In this case, incomplete working time cannot be installed.

So, if employees are episodically asked for working hours on personal matters, it is necessary to execute documented, at least a statement with a visa of management confirming the resolution to go. If they are asked for a day or two, other options are possible - the decoration of the vacation paid or unpaid. If the employee periodically urged, for example, every Tuesday and Friday for a certain number of hours, maybe it is worth thinking about the introduction of an incomplete working time for it.


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