Classification of greenhouses for its intended purpose. Description of species of greenhouses from polycarbonate. Types of designs. The difference between greenhouses from greenhouses

Many gardeners and gardeners are equipped in their sections of the greenhouse. This expands their ability to grow healthy, environmentally friendly products. Vegetables and fruits can be obtained all year round. The main thing is to correctly develop a project, choose good materials, build, order or buy high-quality finished design. What types of greenhouses exist? What are the objectives of various projects? We offer comparison of greenhouses of various designs: pros and cons, features of installation, operation.

Polycarbonate greenhouses, which are becoming increasingly popular and in demand are special attention. Refusal to use glass and films in favor of polycarbonate made it possible to improve the designs and develop new projects. They make greenhouses more efficiently, and planting becomes more convenient. This became possible due to the unique properties of the new material - lightness, strength, flexibility and good thermal insulation.

We suggest you to pay attention to the greenhouse Kremlin from the manufacturer - she showed itself very well in our climate. You can buy it in the online store

Compared with glass, polycarbonate is much easier and stronger, easier in installation. From it you can create stationary and mobile greenhouses of any forms.

One of the most popular designs is a greenhouse in the form of a house. This species was popular for many years until more economical arched greenhouses began to osculate them. The lack of design can be considered a large consumption of materials for construction, and advantages should be attributed to a large internal volume and convenience of plant care.

There are detached greenhouses and adjacent to buildings. If everything is clear with the first type, then the second implies that one of the walls of a residential building or auxiliary building is used as a carrying design for the greenhouse. Typically, such greenhouses are made heated and used in the winter season.

In addition to the usual structures, the popularity of non-banking economical and efficient greenhouses adjacent to homes are acquired. Very interesting idea of \u200b\u200barranging winter vegetarian. There are several options. One of the most popular - Vegetary Ivanova. This is a polycarbonate greenhouse, built on an inclined surface in which the wall of the house is used not only as a building structure, but also as a screen reflector for sun rays.

The inclined roof of the solar vegetarian Ivanov is designed so that the sun's rays fall to the surface at right angles and almost did not reflect. Due to this plant, it is 4 times more heat and light. All energy goes to lighting and warm heating

Vegetary has already been called the greenhouses of the new generation. This design is an invention of ordinary school teacher physics, but it is better than many others suitable for our climatic conditions. What looks from the inside and outside the sunny Vegetary Ivanov, you can look at the video. The owner talks about the peculiarities of growing plants in such a greenhouse:

Special attention deserves the designs of separate greenhouses. Some of these projects can also be implemented for buildings adjacent to the house. The main thing is to accurately determine your needs, opportunities and find out how to place a greenhouse, correctly calculate the square. Most popular designs:

  • with vertical walls (they are also called greenhouses "houses" for the external similarity with residential buildings);
  • in the form of a stale arge (another name - arched greenhouses);
  • with inclined walls (less common than the design of the first two species);
  • with the attic roof (the greenhouses are built in the form of the so-called. Dutch hanized barn).

There are winter and spring greenhouses. Despite the "speaking" name, under the "Spring" means greenhouses that are used from March to November. Winter necessarily require heating. Depending on mobility distinguish stationary and mobile structures. Plants are placed rack and inlentless ways. And for their cultivation, soil and groundless (aero, hydroponic) methods are used.

The photo shows the shape of the frame of the winter Chinese vegetaries of an improved design adapted for use in our latitudes. The task of the builder is to minimize resource consumption for the heating of the construction of the construction without prejudice to plants. The wide side of vegetaries is focused on the south. Unlike other buildings of this type, this is designed without taking into account the pipe gasket in the ground. Heating will be provided due to the compact wood boiler

Winter greenhouses are exploited year-round. They are well suited for growing vegetables in personal and commercial purposes. The question of heating can be solved in different ways: install boilers, furnaces, radiators. Each owner chooses the most affordable and appropriate option for themselves. Winter greenhouses can be both separately standing and adjacent to other buildings.

Option # 1 - "House" with vertical walls

Of all the types of greenhouses "Domik" - so far the most common design, despite the emergence of new, more practical modifications. The reason for such popularity is the convenience and multifunctionality of the design. It is a frame in the form of a house, over which there is a batch roof. The walls are built by a height of about 1.5 m from the ground, the lip of the roof is located at an altitude of 1.8-2.4 m. Thanks to such a device, the host does not have to bend the head, causing the plants, and you can arrange landings on the shelves, racks: spaces are quite enough.

The carcass of the greenhouse is "a house" or glazed, or close the cellular polycarbonate. You can tighten with the film. The row roof is a significant advantage, because Snow is not delayed on inclined surfaces and slides down. This does not create an increased load on the upper parts of the design. The advantages of the greenhouse do not always compensate for the cons - high cost, the complexity of construction and essential heat loss, which occur through the northern wall. It is recommended to further insulate the panels, but this also leads to the rise in the cost of arrangement.

A greenhouse version with vertical walls is very profitable to those owners of sites that can collect design with their own hands. One of the popular ways to reduce the cost of construction is the use of old window Rams For the glazing frame and install a simple base from a bar as a foundation. The use of a polyethylene film can hardly be considered a successful way of savings, because The material itself is short-lived and noticeably inferior to the strength of the glass, especially polycarbonate.

Polycarbonate design is supplied in disassembled form. It is collected and installed already on the plot. Buyer can choose the right number of sections depending on the types of crops that plan to grow. To maintain a comfortable microclimate, the greenhouse is equipped with a window. When installing the design, it is possible to fix it, jumping into the ground grounds included, but the brick and even wooden foundation is much more reliable

Option # 2 - Arched structures

The greenhouse in the form of a firm arkey is a complex design. Her main disadvantage is that it is extremely difficult to design and assemble with their own hands, unlike the traditional "house". Difficulties arise and with a metal bending for a frame, and when it is trimmed. It is impossible to use the glass because it does not bend, so available materials - film and polycarbonate.

In most cases, arched greenhouses are purchased in the finished form. This is an expensive purchase, but it is quite acquitted, because the owner receives more practical than the "house", form.

It is difficult to build an arched greenhouse yourself, but maybe. The video describes the process of creating an arch with wooden arcs with their own hands:

Arched greenhouses were widely used not only in the household of many gardeners. Industrial complexes Build just such a form. They can be used to cultivate plants, sorting, storage, and even processing. It all depends on the size and layout of the construction. The project is selected on the amount of the type of plants, the method of their cultivation and location.

Arched shape allows you to make greenhouses of a smaller height than the design with vertical walls require. They are better resisting wind loads and, most importantly, they skip more light inside the room.

The greenhouse is a 2 m standard design and a width of 3 m. What length will be, the owner itself will decide, focusing on its needs. The greenhouse is lengthened using additional sections. On the roof there is a fortietha. The design provides special partitions separating cultures from each other. So ensures the possibility of simultaneous cultivation different species Plants. Modification "Sunny House T12" is strengthened due to the minimum arc step - 1 m

The disadvantages of greenhouses in the form of a fitted arch should include the potential danger of cracking in the roof during heavy snowfalls. Snow often has to be counted manually, because It is much worse than the "house" with a duscal roof. If the layer is too thick, the roof may not withstand.

There are also limitations on the layout of the internal space. In arched greenhouse, it is difficult to place the shelves, racks, and the like. When leaving the plants, the owner is not always convenient. All these are solved problems, but when choosing between the arch and the "house" it is worth weighing all the factors, take into account possible difficulties.

From the finished arched greenhouses, the series "Sunny House" and "Tsarsky House". Features of the design of the "royal house" are presented on video:

Option # 3 - Greenhouse with inclined walls

Greenhouses with walls located at an angle are structures, by type resembling usual "houses", and according to functionality and practicality - arches. In such greenhouses, the walls are mounted with inclination inside at a low angle. Due to this, the base is increasing, like the arch, which gives more space for the location of the beds. The height of the design may be less than the "house".

The unconditional plus of such a project is the possibility without any special problems to build a greenhouse with their own hands, because the framework does not have to bend. Glass is suitable for the skin, incl. and used. Polycarbonate, film. Another advantage is "self-cleaning" duplex roof. Regardless of the design of the roof, it is better to install a vehicle for airing with increasing humidity. Minus design - restrictions when installing shelves along the walls due to tilt.

When calculating the greenhouse with inclined walls, pay attention to the steepness of the roof rods. If the angle is chosen incorrectly or does not provide ventilation, the wet air can accumulate under the roof, which leads to the reproduction of microorganisms, fungi, mold, moss. Such a "neighborhood" can significantly damage the health of plants.

Option # 4 - Greenhouse with a mansard roof

The design with a naked roof is a type of greenhouse with vertical walls, but instead of a duplex roof, an attic is installed. It perfectly copes with the loads, snow is not delayed on it.

The attic roof gives greater space above the head compared with arched. There are no other features, in the rest of such greenhouses the same advantages and disadvantages as in traditional designs with duplex roofs. On the walls you can position the shelves and racks for multi-tiered growing plants.

By deciding on the roof device, it is necessary to think well, what kind of design will be optimal. The attic roof looks advantageous, but in most cases there is no need. But design requires additional calculations, increasing the number of materials. The owner must be sure that these costs will pay off

What kind of greenhouse design is better?

The described types of greenhouses occur most often, but the variety of designs is not exhausted. Each type has its advantages, appointment, features. When choosing a design, forms, materials need to take into account many factors. We offer a detailed video review from a specialist. Comparison different species And the materials of the greenhouse will help determine the choice of optimal design:

If you have already compared the greenhouses of different designs and chose the appropriate, you can start searching. A small secret of sellers: the demand for greenhouses is higher in the spring-summer period, so in winter they can be purchased at a discount.

When buying, do not trust intermediaries and dealers, try to purchase a greenhouse directly from the manufacturer. Be sure to read the technical documentation, check the configuration of the ordered model. Adhering to these simple recommendations, you increase your chances of buying high-quality greenhouses, which will delight fresh vegetables and fruits for long years.

Others - those who consider greenhouse as a business or a help in the household - put forward more serious requirements for characteristics; for them her appearance Also plays a far from the last role, but not the most important.

Decide: why do you need a greenhouse

Before choosing a greenhouse, you need to decide: why do you need it? It's one thing, if you are going with it to provide food needs of your own family, and completely different if it serves to get additional incomeAnd over time your passion will turn into a highly profitable.

Photos from the site

Moreover, if in the first case, your passion will require minor financial costs, then in the second greenhouse will be a significant investment, on which your maintenance costs will later depend on the size.

Stationary or collapsible?

Decide what model you need: Stationary or collapsible. Naturally, with the stationary model of the way several times less - they installed it once and forgotten. The collapsible will have to be installed and disassemble twice a year, but if you are only in summer in the country, and in the village there are incidents of theft, it is more expedient to acquire precisely.

Decide that you intend to grow in a greenhouse

From what exactly you are going to grow in a greenhouse, too (and far from last) will depend on your final choice.

In the greenhouse, you can grow, different and even - to solve you, but consider: various greenhouse cultures are distinguished by both cultivation modes and requirements for and. Some plants you will be able to grow together, others will not suffer any neighborhood and - moreover - only harm each other. Articles will tell about this in more detail: Deciding with what plants you are going to grow, you can choose a greenhouse of a suitable height. Agree: one thing to grow, and completely different - cucumbers or tomatoes. So, if you decide to grow tomatoes, it is better to buy a high rectangular greenhouse "house", it is it ideal for tall plants.

Decide with the growing and irrigation system

Deciding that you will grow, think about what is the growing system It will be preferable. There are options:
  1. on soil - soil (the most common cultivation system),
  2. or on a variety of substrates (organic or mineral) - on peat eyes, coconut substrate, on clay, tuf, perlite, mineral wool or vermiculite.
By the way, the system will depend on the growing system - watering the simple watering can, with the help of a semi-automatic or fully automated system.

Photos from the site

Or maybe you decide to grow plants with the help of a method that is a system at the same time and growing, and watering? If so, then consider the hydroponic systems also have several subspecies:

  • fitical passive systems and periodic flooding systems,
  • floating platform systems
  • as well as aircraft systems.
Naturally, from what method you will prefer, too will depend on which country greenhouse you need.

But if all the listed parameters after buying a greenhouse can be at least somehow affect, then it is unlikely. That is why before purchasing a greenhouse, decide exactly where it will be installed.

Dual greenhouse should use energy of the Sun. With maximum productivity, and there are no such places on the site, and their size is also different. You do not want to get a huge 10-meter greenhouse, which will eventually simply not fit on the planned installation site?

Photos from the site

Remember: Greenhouses for giving are installed in place, maximum and drafts. After all, at the temperature regime inside the greenhouse directly affects the external blowing, due to which the air can sharply heat up, then on the contrary - it is overly cooled. It is necessary to have a greenhouse in such a way that throughout the day it is as high as possible by the Sun: it is advisable to set it from north to south.

Each, deciding to buy a greenhouse, hopes to reduce the costs of its acquisition as much as possible, and the benefit should also be maximum. Let's try to figure it out: is it possible, and will it be possible to reduce the costs of a significant deterioration in the characteristics of the greenhouse?

What are the greenhouses? Materials

Today the market offers more than ever wide selection varied in their shape, characteristics, size and price of greenhouses. For their production, new - as numerous manufacturers, better, modern and reliable -, for example, are stated.

Polycarbonate Cellular

Cellular polycarbonate - relatively new Materialwhich is known for its strength, 200 times greater than the strength of the glass.

Photos from the site

Thanks to this property, heavy rain, gusty wind and even degrees are not terrible from polycarbonate. Another significant plus of polycarbonate is its long service life - over time (the warranty for this material is 15 years old) it will not lose its transparency.

You can learn about other advantages of this material and nuances of its choice and applications from publications: did not lose their popularity and traditional materials, for example ...

Polyethylene film

Polyethylene film is one of the cheapest and widely used underfloor materials.

Photos from the site

It is easily fixed on the greenhouse of any design, perfectly misses the ultraviolet rays necessary for the normal development of plants, and serves as excellent protection for "residents" of greenhouses from small (up to -3 ° C). It has a density from 100 to 150 MK and the width of the sleeve from 1 to 3 meters.

Reinforced polyethylene film

The reinforced polyethylene film has the same advantages as ordinary, but, thanks to a special reinforced grid, differs increased strength - It can stand not only a strong wind, but also hail.

Photos from the site

Available in rolls whose width is about 2 meters, a density of 200 MK, and it is possible to use it several seasons in a row.

Purchase material spunbond

Another popular covering material is durable non-woven cloth White, with ease withstanding not only the wind, hail, heavy rain, but also on the Natisk.

Photos from the site

It is capable of protecting plants from frosts up to -7 ° C, and it is possible to use it about 5 seasons in a row.

Shape greenhouse

In the form of greenhouses can:
  • have one or a double roof and vertical walls,
  • be arched, arched with vertical walls,
  • have a shape of a pyramid - greenhouse-pyramid.
Perhaps the most common view are rectangular greenhouses - Traditional, which most often have a batch roof.

Rectangular greenhouse with a bone roof

It is in such a greenhouse that optimal lighting is easy to provide plants.

Photos from the site

In addition, it is very convenient and easy to use that, you see, it is also important. But let's see however, what kind of form can have a greenhouse country.

Wounded greenhouse

Greenhouses that attach to the walls (houses, veranda and so on) are called tensile. As a rule, they have a single roof.

Photos from the site

They are deservedly considered one of the most economical, because thanks to such a design, it is possible to significantly save both on and on accommodation, which, you see, it is important, especially if the area is limited. There is practically no difference from which side of the construction you attach a single-piece greenhouse, although the slope of its roof is preferably directed to the south.

Arched Teplitsa

Arched greenhouse will become a real find for economical gardeners.

Photos from the site

It costs it is quite inexpensive, and due to the fact that there are no sharp corners in its designs, there are several times less than, for example, on a rectangular greenhouse of the same size. Also thanks to this, its service life will significantly last.

Greenhouse Pyramid

Today, see the greenhouse-pyramid can be quite rare in the garden sites, and it is due to the fact that it is the innovation in the world of greenhouses, which are mainly installed, the experimenters.

Photos from the site

Both dignity and disadvantages of the greenhouse-pyramid are still unknown. The only thing that can be declared with confidence: the greenhouse-pyramid is characterized by a spectacular form and complexity of execution, although if there is a desire to build such a structure at its garden plot, then why not.

Polygonal greenhouse

The polygonal greenhouse (most often octal) is also quite rare.

Photos from the site

It is usually built of wood or metal in combination with glass. Such a greenhouse is quite practical, because each of its faces at different times of the day is heated Rumids sun.

Pros and disadvantages of various types of greenhouses

Justice for the sake of note: whatever the design does not have a greenhouse for cottages, she has both its advantages and its cons.
  • So, for example, to cover arched greenhouse You can only in an hour, but to care for plants growing in it, it will be more difficult: Of course, access to plants that grow near the passage will be wonderful, which you will not say about plants planted in the extreme row - to get to them you will have to become on the knees.
  • In case of single Roof You can work in a greenhouse quite comfortable, but to cover a similar roof, you have to make a lot of effort - it is necessary to do it only in dry and necessarily mad weather, otherwise the film will tremble in the wind, and a little later will be proven. Of course, if instead of the film you will use glass or plastic, such a problem will not arise.
  • It has its drawbacks and: besides that it is one of the most expensive, to maintain a stable temperature in it is quite difficult. But, due to its original form, it will become a decent decoration of any garden plot.

The designs of greenhouses and their equipment are very different depending on what time of year they will be used and your preferences.

In recent years, the popularity of mobile greenhouses has become acquired. According to the design, they are rectangular shape, arched, block-arched and angry.

During the season, 2-3 times the greenhouse is successively moved from one culture to another. Movement is carried out with the help of tractors, cables and winches. All soil processing operations, handicraft, sow, sometimes landing are performed by ordinary cars, after which the greenhouse moves to the prepared area.

The simplest greenhouses of the rectangular shape (with a duct roof) can consist of an aluminum framework, which is stretched by a polyethylene film. Optimal dimensions of such a greenhouse: the length (assembled) is 4-5 m, the width is 2.0-2.2 m, the height is 1.80 -2.00 m. The film coating is fastened to the frame through the rubber gaskets with flat spring clamps . The frame of such a greenhouse - the tubes connected by the brackets. Wire stretching are needed to eliminate the distortion and film sagging. In the greenhouse, opposite curtain doors should be provided through which the structure can be aircraft. Including, if necessary, you can lean the side of the film.

There is another type of the simplest greenhouse - arched (the so-called "metro"). The optimal dimensions of such a greenhouse can be the same as the first, i.e. Designed for two beds and the passage between them.

Usually the frame of such arched greenhouse consists of five-six arcs made of profiled duraluminous alloys and connected by four-five longitudinal bonds.

The film is attached to the wire frame, starting with one of the ends. The assembled greenhouse is installed and fixed by locking pins. They are clogged into the ground through the holes in the brackets. The lower free ends of the film are pressed to the soil of bulk ground or by any cargo. Such greenhouses are recommended to disassemble the winter and stored in closed rooms.

Single Capital Greenhouses

Unlike previous vessels, greenhouses that can be transferred annually, or even several times during the season, there are. The least costs Requires the construction of a single greenhouse. For better light mode and warm-up, such greenhouses are oriented south or south-west. They can be cold - without heating, with a pit and without drinking. In the simplest case, single-sided greenhouses lovers are elevated from two to four greenhouse frames. The optimal slope of the frames on the plane of the horizon, independently with the glass, or with the film, is 45 degrees. The frames can be glazed or covered with one or two layers of the film.

The walls of the greenhouse form vertically delivered greenhouse frames, based on the bottom strapping and the upper end of the inbox in a quarter, formed by the axis on the racks. At the top of the racks, the boards are sewn forming the focus for the lower end of obliquely laid greenhouse roof frames. In the upper part of the frame insert into a quarter chosen in the skating timber, or put on a rack-knitted to it.

An even simplest option is a single-carved greenhouse. Such greenhouses are usually attached to the southern wall of the house or hozblock. This allows you to save space on the plot.

Single-carved greenhouse

The greenhouse device starts with digging a pit, making it the walls with sheer. With a greenhouse area of \u200b\u200b22.5 square meters. M recovery 10 m long, 2.25 m wide and a depth of 1.1 m. Simultaneously with the east side of the greenhouse, the input veil for a tambura is 1 m long, 0.8 m wide.

The greenhouse frame consists of four columns with a diameter of at least 20 cm, a height of 3-3.5 m, mounted in the holes at a distance of 3.33 m one from the other. Width of the poles - 0.25 m, length -0.5 m, depth - from 0.5 to 1 m, depending on the soil. Two bricks are laid on the bottom of the holes along and two across, fastening them with cement mortar. This is a foundation for pillars.

Before installing, the lower ends of the columns will be silent or burn to protect against posting. Install the pillars close to the wall and secure them with construction brackets. In the pits, a small rubbank falls asleep, poured it with cement mortar and compact.

The upper 16 cm thick is laying on the poles, the lower and two crossbars - on the bricks laid in one row along the outer edge of the pit.

Bricks for strength are fastening with cement mortar. The gap between the walls and the fonders canopate. The upper and lower liter one with another fasten with a clums embedded in them with a thickness of 12 cm. Between the slopes, the moisters are cut at a distance of 1.2-1.5 m. The film is stretched from the outside, navigating a thin rack to the sposters, and from the inner (from the greenhouse) . The resulting gap between the layers of the film, equal to the thickness of the Lenzny, contributes to the preservation of heat. The inner layer of the film is fixed with a rail along the perimeter of the roof to the upper and lower lying and brunette connecting them.

The door frame for the entrance to the greenhouse is made with the frame. A jacket for the door is the first column of the frame. For the second, the jacket is set under the slope of 2 m long, which is plugged into the ground by 0.4 m. The side shocks are connected to the top of the jamb, at the bottom of the title. The height of the door is 1.6 m. In the doorway, choose a groove for the door, which opens out. The door is made from the board or double layer of film. To preserve heat, the tambour is closed with a film, for which another 2 column is 10 cm thick and 2 m long, which are also plugged with 0.4 m. The pillars are connected by shoals and crossbars. The door in the tambour do the same as in the greenhouse.

Diple capital greenhouses

On the garden sections, a greenhouse of a rectangular shape with a duct roof, two retractable windows and with hung doors, was widespread. It can be under glass or under film shelter.

They are put on the foundation, which is made from concrete, brick or wooden bars. Its height is 2.5-3 m, the width is up to 4 m, the length is 6-8 m or more. Such greenhouses can be with a deepening to the ground by 100-110 cm. In this case, they are better preserved heat. Vegetables in them are grown on racks. Greenhouses have proven well established. They are made of light frames or in the form of a frame, covered with film. Their width is 2.4-3.6 m, length - 6-7.2 m. On the gardens there are arched greenhouses made of bent metal structures or polyethylene arcs. The base of such greenhouses serve wooden bars (cross section of 10 × 10 cm). The ends of the arc are inserted into the inner cuts of the bars and fasten with brackets or straps. Ventilation of arched greenhouses are carried out through end doors.

The main difference of greenhouses on the mittlider design is a two-level roof, which allows you to make a start-up fraum, stretching along the entire roof, from the end to the end. This fraumuga is a functional ventilation hole, which is effectively carried out by ventilating greenhouse.

The shape of this greenhouse is based on a bartal design with vertical walls. But the option is also possible, made on the basis of arched greenhouse. In both cases, film coating is used.

The lack of an ordinary arched greenhouse is difficult ventilation. The air passing through the door cannot oust the warm air mass gathering under the ceiling. There is such a deficiency in a film double greenhouse, in which ventilation is performed through a small window, and at worst - through the door.

In the Teplitsa Mittlider at the top there is a fraumuga, large in the area. As a result, the cold air coming out of it displaces warm and then spreads throughout the greenhouse. Therefore, such a greenhouse is performed wonderful. In the advanced design of the cycle greenhouse of the Mittlider, it is generally assumed to have two fraamug: one is located under the southern slide, the second - above it under the skate.

In a similar greenhouse of arched type, where the device of the second framuga is impossible, its role partly performs the door or the prior door. With such ventilation, the plants are not susceptible to overheating, even when the air temperature is high enough. The greenhouse Mittlider is located so that Framuga watches south. Thanks to this, the cold northern wind, capable of causeing the supercooling of plants, does not penetrate the structure.

This design provides for a durable frame, which is achieved by installing beams around the entire perimeter of the greenhouse at a distance of 2 m. In addition, the corner connections of beams with end racks are installed construction separations - elements that provide additional stiffness of the design. Due to the high strength of the carcass, the greenhouse easily confronts the strong gusts of wind, snowfall and rain with a hail. Through effective ventilation to plants, carbon dioxide required for photosynthesis is entered. Condensate does not accumulate on wooden supporting structures as on metal parts. In the Teplitsa Mittlider, transverse horizontal beams are conveniently located, which are above human growth, due to which the side walls are strictly vertical, and not under the tilt. It makes work in a greenhouse more comfortable and allows them to use them for tall plants.

Dome-shaped greenhouses

The greenhouse of such a plan is more element of design than a functional building. But it is convenient when in the center you need to plant a very large tall plant, and smaller sides. It is suitable for various tropical trees. Winter dome-shaped greenhouses look very beautiful, which are green oasis among the snow-covered garden.

It should be noted that such a design is characterized by high strength and resistance due to its form. Illumination inside the greenhouse is also very good, because the light can penetrate from any side throughout the day. The lack of construction is the limited dimensions, which is why it is not always convenient to work in such a greenhouse - often it is often not possible to straighten into full growth. But this concerns only small-sized domes.

The carcass of the dome-shaped greenhouse, as a rule, make metal using aluminum frames, choose glass or polycarbonate as a coating. Frames make triangular or polygonal. Such a greenhouse is difficult to make it with your own hands, and therefore it uses ready-made models ready for its construction.

Polygonal greenhouses

This type of design is practically no different from dome-shaped and also serves as an element of decor. Such a greenhouse can be an excellent small winter garden, where it is nice to go into rainy or frosty days, as in a blooming gazebo.

The walls of the polygonal greenhouse are vertically, and the roof is a truncated cone made up of several frames having the shape of an incorrect quadrangle. Polygonal greenhouses are advisable to make winter: with good heating, glazed or coated polycarbonate.

Goals and objectives:

  • creating an optimal microclimate for plants: humidity, temperature, lighting and ventilation;
  • organization of a convenient workplace;
  • rational use of space.

Planning internal space

So, one of the main questions in the internal space device is how to make a bed in a greenhouse from polycarbonate. This is the first thing to be thought out at the stage of creating drawings. From how they will be located depends yield - And this is the main task of the gardener.

Location of beds in greenhouse depends on its size and placeon which it is located. Possible options:

  • two ridges with 1 pass between them;
  • three ridges with 2 passages;
  • transverse beds.

It all depends on the possibilities of the gardener. If you build too expensive, you can make a calculation on 2 beds of 80-95 cm wide. The minimum width of the passage is 50 cm, the most comfortable is 70 cm.

If a financial opportunities Allow, the greenhouse is calculated on three beds. Moreover, the average bed can be wider lateral. It has access to it from both sides, so it can be made with a width of 1.5 m.

Relief area Maybe with a slope, and this also affects the location of the landing. In this case, it is advisable to arrange a garden across the facilities. This will help keep the light mode for plants and will not allow water to leave the bed down the slope.

Cricket and Passage Device

Groans in Teplice must be raised above ground 20-30 cm and fenced.

This will facilitate the care of plants, will increase the fertile soil layer and prevent the ground of the earth from the bed on the tracks.

Material that can be used for bedboard beds:

  1. Wood. It can be boards, timber and a small log diameter.
    Disadvantages of such a fence:
    • dISTRIBUTY - Wood rotates under the influence of moisture;
    • the use of antiseptics for impregnation can harm plants.
  2. Brick, concrete or stone. The most durable material, but there will be much more time to arrange the bed. But it will be not one dozen years old.
  3. Flat slate or polymer materials Resistant to aggressive medium and biological influences.

Often the fences are sold complete with.

Planning width of passes, It must be borne in mind that on them not only will be a person will pass, he will still wear buckets and cans. If the passage is too narrow, they will touch and injure plants.

In the greenhouses there is always an increased humidity, so it is worth thinking about what will be covered tracks. They should not be slippery.

Best coating options:

  • dense tires;
  • geotextile;
  • decing (garden parquet).

Budget options:

  • small gravel with sand;
  • paving slabs;
  • brick;
  • ruberoid with stacked boards.

Do not forget about aesthetics. In a beautiful and clean inner space, it is much more pleasant to work.

Polycarbonate greenhouse partition

The need for them occurs when nearby neighboring Not quite friendly culture. For example, which different requirements To temperature and humidity.

Most reliable way to separate from each other different cultures will be setting polycarbonate deaf partition With the door.

It will harmoniously fit into the greenhouse interior and will reliably cut the beds. It is possible to install the same partition with an open doorway.

It is better to use this option when there are tomatoes in the greenhouse, which need a constant air movement in the greenhouse.

If there is no possibility to install a polycarbonate septum, it can be made of a film stretched on the frame.

The main condition for installing any partition is to provide sufficient ventilation in the room for operational adjustment of temperature and humidity.

For this, you will need additional vents or a system of forced ventilation.

"Storeroom" in the greenhouse

Agree, it's not very convenient every time wearing the necessary inventoryto work with plants. It means that it should be provided place for storage. At the stage of creating a drawing, you can calculate the place under the "hallway".

It can be a small tambour, where buckets, watering can stand, shovel, rakes, fertilizers and everything else that is needed to care for plants.

Shelves, cells or other storage facilities are limited only to the fantasy of the gardener. If there is no possibility to make a vestibule, household compartments can be organized directly in the greenhouse.

It is especially convenient to do this when the plants are not grown in the ground, but on racks. The least convenient levels are lower and upper - can be adapted to these goals.


In the photo below: The greenhouse device inside from polycarbonate, how to locate a garden in a greenhouse from polycarbonate

Equipment in Teplice

To facilitate the work and creating ideal conditions for plants, it can be equipped with technical devices and equipment. The minimum set is as follows:

  • additional lighting;
  • watering system;
  • forced ventilation.

For her, there will be hoses and several plastic tees. The hoses will be located on the beds, and outside them can be connected to the electric pump.

If there is no one on the site, a garden barrel is suitable for a height of 1.5-2 m. It will be used only on a controller with a timer that is installed under the crane.


For in a greenhouse, instead of expensive equipment is quite suitable for hydraulic thermow. It will work when increasing the temperature above the specified threshold. Such a device will not require a greenhouse broadcasting.

Greenhouse lighting and heating

If the greenhouse is used for vegetables, electricity in it is necessary. The specificity of the installation of the electrical network and equipment is that it should be carefully isolated, since there is always an increased humidity in the greenhouse.

For heating, it is best to use - a miracle of the latest generation technique. The system is good in its economy and the fact that plants under them never overheat.

Fitolamps are used for lighting.

Cultivation of crops on racks

If the greenhouse is designed to grow low-grade plants, it is advisable to equip it with racks. It is convenient to place the drawers with, pots with or breed in the autumn-winter period.

Racks are installed instead of beds and suggest similar planning in the greenhouse. This method of plants arrangement saves space, planting a much larger number of plants. Most often, racks are used to grow strawberries.

Advantages of racks:

  • convenience of plant care;
  • efficiency of use of the area;
  • increase in harvest;
  • savings on heating.

Installing racks can be challenged. The lower tiers are planted with cultures that will well tolerate a slight shading from the shelves, pots or boxes with more light-affiliated plants are located on the upper tiers.

Production of racks do it yourself

Recommendations at the height of racks can not be, each owner builds them under its growth. But the width may be similar to that the beds are made in the greenhouse. If they stand in three rows, the width of the shelves can be 80 - 150 - 80.

You can simply determine the height of the main shelf - measure the height of the working kitchen table. If it is convenient for it to cook on it, it means that the plants will be comfortable.

The length of the structure can correspond to the length of the greenhouse itself or be less. For the strength of the structure (and it must withstand a large weight) intermediate racks are installed. Their quantity depends on the length of the shelving.

The most widely used material for the shelving is a tree. It is withstanding fairly heavy loads and costs cheaper than others. For racks, a bar is used, for shelves - boards with a thickness of at least 4 cm.

All parts of the wooden structure must be processed by a special impregnation that protects from moisture, and painted. The shelves must have flights height from 15 to 20 cm. The bottom of the shelf is littered with boards with a gap between them up to 5 mm so that water does not accumulate them.

Disadvantages of wood design:

  • the need for constant processing and painting;
  • high weight design;
  • the inability to use with the drip system of irrigation.

A much more acceptable option is a metal and plastic design. The principle of assembly is a similar wooden shelving. For racks, metal or steel profile is used. It also requires anti-corrosion coating and painting.

The cost of the rack will be higher, but it has advantages:

  • durability;
  • ease of construction - if necessary, you can make a permutation in the greenhouse;
  • ability to use any watering system.

If there are no beds under the rack, below you can arrange another shelf for storing inventory and fertilizer and chemicals for processing from. In general, the number of shelves depends on the organization of access to them. If you have the opportunity to use the staircase in the greenhouse, then they can be made in several tiers.

Internally, the greenhouse equipment has no less value than what material and how it is manufactured. After equipping it correctly, you will receive not only a good harvest, but pleasure from working in it. And we hope that they answered the question of how to equip a greenhouse inside the polycarbonate.

Useful video

On the video below: how to equip a greenhouse from polycarbonate inside

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