School numbers for teacher's day. Scenes for the teacher's day for primary classes. Song "Suffering in the Night"

1 student - To our comrades and friends ...

2 student - To our teachers, head teachers and director ...

1 student -All who share with us the worries, worries and joys of student life ...

1 + 2 student - Dedicated!

Melody "Anthem of KVN"

Again in this room, in this room there is no empty space.

It means something, it means something has gathered all of us.

And after school, putting aside your worries now

We plunged into the holiday, and therefore welcome us ...

3 student - Welcome ...

4 student - large

5 student - noisy

6 student - - smart

7 student - creative

All - 10 p.

8 student - Guys, I didn't understand something, but what are we doing here?

Everyone turns to each other, shrugs - And really, what? .. I don't know ..

1 student - We are celebrating!

Everything about!

2nd student - Teacher's Day.

All - Oo-oo-oo-oo ...

1 student - Beloved Teacher's Day

All - Ah!

2 student - Do you agree with that?

All Yes!

The students go behind the screen. The presenters remain on the stage.

1 student - School, teacher, student - three words, and 11 years of life.

2 student - And what a life! (pause ) But what can I say, you yourself know everything ... (wave their hands and run away)

Losing ( Miniatures are played out around the stage)

Teacher : Little Johnny, your handwriting has become much better.
Little Johnny: Thank you.
Teacher : Now I see what an awful lot of mistakes you make!


Teacher : Spell the word "mouse"
Student: M-Y-Sh
Teacher : What's at the end?
Disciple: Tail!


Teacher : Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?
Pupil : At the bottom of the page.


Teacher : Name 4 felines.
Pupil : Papa-cat, mom-cat and two kittens.


Teacher : Where is the Suez Canal?
Pupil : I don’t know, we don’t have such a channel on TV.


Pupil : Will you punish me for what I did not do?
Teacher: Of course not.
Pupil : Well! I did not do homework.


1 student ( goes to the center of the stage, all the other guys stand on the sides) - This is how our life goes

All - And yet!

1 student - Please.

Losing ( all the guys stand in a line, put their hands on each other's shoulder)

Policeman : Kostya Igoshin? Come on in. We will now conduct an identification. A lot depends on this, do you understand?

Schoolboy: I understand

Policeman : Look closely, do you recognize someone?

The schoolboy looks closely. Only he is shown (it is not visible who he identifies).

Schoolboy : (shakes his head sadly) No.

Policeman : (indignantly) Look carefully! Maybe you still recognize someone?

It turns out that the student was walking along the wall with portraits of great Russian writers (Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Tolstoy ...)

Schoolboy: Nope

Policeman : You don't even know Pushkin! For the second year, Igoshin!

Losing ( nerd boy and salesman comes out)

BOY: The reign of Nicholas II?
SELLER: not in the know
BOY: Okay ... Pythagorean Theorem?
SELLER:… (shrugs)
BOY: Photosynthesis?
SELLER: (sighing) I don't know ...
BOY: Well, what are you trying to do with your "What can I tell you?" !!!

Losing (two are sitting, pretending that they are eating. A third approaches them)

The third man: Oh, what do they give?

FIRST: Grybi

THIRD: Mushrooms! Great

FIRST: Get out of here!


8 student - Stop! Forgotten the most important thing!

Everything, that

8 student - Dining room ...

The bell rings. All the guys rushed to walk across the stage, then everyone froze, pretending to eat. One with pizza in the center. DANCE.

1 student - That's it, with jokes and jokes

2 student - With fives and twos

3 student - With desire, and sometimes laziness

4 student - We are moving from class to class.

5 student - But the fact that we are so good

6 student is smart

7 student - creative

8 student - better creative

9 student - the merit of our

ALL are teachers.

We, as one, guys wherever
And they are involved in everything on earth,
But about myself nowhere and never
We do not speak in the singular.

Praise us, scold us
Praise us, scold us
10 "b", 10 "b" - a great class.

Nothing is alien to us forever,
We look at ourselves from the side,
And on your holiday we will reveal the secret,
We are in love with our teachers.

Praise us, scold us
10 "b", 10 "b" - a great class.
Praise us, scold us
We congratulate all of you today on the holiday!

Every year, in early October, each of the classes prepares a mini-concert or small performances for native teachers. Small talents, pupils of primary and secondary grades, demonstrate all their capabilities: dance, play the piano, guitar, others musical instrumentsreciting poetry. However, the most anticipated in the festive program are always funny scenes on Teacher's Day. Humorous scenarios for scenes are written either by high school students with their parents, or by a teacher. Since every time one of the parents or the children themselves takes pictures of the holiday on camera, the most interesting moments of the performances are posted on the Internet for public viewing and discussion. The most incredible and original videos sometimes garner millions of views. Sometimes teachers themselves arrange flash mobs that literally blow up the Internet!

Funny humorous scenes for Teacher's Day - video

School is a serious matter; and this statement, for sure, no one is going to dispute. However, in order to know where the line between funny and serious is, there is humor in our life. By preparing humorous scenes on Teacher's Day, the guys give their best! Every class wants to be the best. Let the performances of the guys not be compared: a flurry of applause, which was thwarted during the demonstration of the production, and burst of laughter is the best of the assessments of their efforts.

Scene "Othello and Desdemona" for Teacher's Day, description and video

Among the scenes on October 5, for several years, the miniature “Othello and Desdemona” has been in the top. The essence of the mini-performance is simple and very vital. The marriage of the spouses (Othello is a faithful hard worker and Desdemona is a young teacher) is bursting at the seams. The wife spends all the time at work, completely abandoning the house and household. In vain are the efforts of her faithful, trusting in the prudence of his half. All his exhortations to “cook something to eat” or “go to the store” do not find understanding from the class teacher who loves only her school. Having exhausted all the arguments, young Othello pounces on the dull Desdemona. During the performance of schoolchildren with such a performance, the audience literally shakes with laughter: the situation is very familiar!

Scene for Teacher's Day "Control" - description and video

Funny scene "Control" ─ staging of a familiar situation. As soon as the teacher announces the start of the annual test work, every student in the class suddenly has questions that did not arise before. Someone needs to go out, another ─ cannot figure out the version of the test, others do not understand at all where they are and what they need to do.

Scene for Teacher's Day "Expectations and Reality" - description and video

Another fun scene is based on a comparison of situations in school and is called "Expectations and Reality". The guys from the senior classes show the difference between such familiar moments as the flu at school, a survey of knowledge, the teacher's understanding in the “ideal” representation of teachers and in real life.

Scenes for High School Teachers' Day - video

On Teacher's Day, October 5, or Friday before the holiday, most high school performances stage various school and extracurricular situations. Usually, guys, especially high school and middle school students, do an excellent job of remembering and showing the scene perfectly. If difficulties arise when staging a mini-performance or the children cannot remember the words, before the concert and performance they can re-watch the video with scenes for Teacher's Day. Video cutting of videos with the best performances of KVN teams will help them in this. High school students will be able to choose the video they like and make their own, slightly modified, staging of a mini-performance for the Teacher's Day holiday. The funny scene "An Unexpected Test at School" will appeal to all adults and even the smallest viewers from elementary grades.

The performance "History Lesson with a Teacher of the Year" performed by popular humorists from "Ural Dumplings" will surely please future graduates. Fortunately, the situation played out in a funny performance does not occur so often, but, unfortunately, it is too recognizable in some of the Russian schools.

“English Lesson” is the title of a performance for high school students, performed not only on Teacher's Day, but also during other concerts timed to school celebrations. A negligent student who comes for an exam to a teacher who is not very attentive to her charges is a common school situation.

Primary School Teachers' Day Scenes

For primary grades choose simple and short skits... Children still remember long texts poorly, so during the performance of the children, their first teacher should be next to them. If a student forgets words, a small hint from the teacher helps him not to get confused. Senior comrades of first-graders-third-graders can take part in the performances. For example, in the miniature play "Primary School", the class teacher is portrayed by a high school student.

Sometimes on Teacher's Day, pupils in grades 9-11 can act out a situation that does not occur in Russian schools. The success of the performance largely depends on the talent of the young actors. Scenes where little actors try on the roles of teachers and their careless students look very funny.

Beautiful dance for Teacher's Day for grade 5

Congratulating teachers on their professional holiday, students in grades 5-6 often choose a fiery dance for their performance. Usually girls take a more active part in the production. Boys-fifth-graders are either taken to "dancers" or find a funny and talented solo dancer. The style is chosen by the performers themselves. Today hip-hop and "disco", sports rock-n-roll and ballroom dancing are popular among the guys.

During the preparation of the number, fifth-graders can invite children from high school to participate in the production. This dance will appeal to everyone, without exception!

If there are girls in the class attending sports schools and acrobatics, ask them to help the rest of the children learn the basic dance elements.

Beautiful dance for Teacher's day for grades 10-11

In the tenth grade, many of the students already know how to dance beautifully. Some of them are fond of ballroom dancing, contempo, modern trends in dance skills. If there is a girl or a guy in the class who is professionally engaged in this type of art, the production of the performance ─ dance for Teacher's Day ─ can be entrusted to this person. Feeling the full responsibility of the task, the teenager will cope with it at "five". Sometimes parents, seeing how the children are experiencing, building a script for their dance performance, ask their children to let them help evaluate the performance and, perhaps, critically assessing it, point out to the children about the shortcomings. You should never refuse such help. Valuable and wise advice from dad or mom, even if they are very far from the art of dance, will give an advantage to your number.

Video of your dance, dedicated to the teachers, can gain tens of millions of views, like a video with dance performances of Ukrainian schoolchildren. True, the guys lit up at the prom, but who prevents the high school students from repeating the same thing on October 5?

Congratulating your favorite teachers on their professional day, present them with funny, humorous sketches for Teacher's Day or a beautiful dance. As a rule, the teachers and guests of the concert enjoy fiery, energetic performances by young artists, dynamic performances, and often changing scenery during performances. While preparing a beautiful dance for October 5th, grade 5 students can call their high school friends for help. A jointly prepared performance or dance of the 10th grade and junior schoolchildren can complete a festive concert dedicated to all public educators and, first of all, to our wonderful efforts!

Good day! A wonderful holiday is already approaching - this is Teacher's Day, which is celebrated on October 5, 2017. Naturally, if the school has a good leader of events, he will definitely organize it at the highest level. Here we have provided funny script a holiday for teachers, where you can involve schoolchildren in organizing the whole action.

Lead 1:
And again in the gilding of the poplar,
And the school is like a ship at the pier
Lead 2:
Where teachers are waiting for students
To start a new life.
Lead 1:
What an amazing home - school! Everything is mixed here: childhood and youth, science and art, dreams and real life... In this house there is joy and tears, meetings and partings.
Lead 2:
Yes, school for each of us remains a bright, joyful island of childhood, where an adult cannot return.
Lead 1:
Only teachers on this island have a permanent residence permit. After all, school is their home for them, and all students are their children.
Lead 2:
What a huge heart you need to have, so that day after day, year after year, generously distribute it piece by piece!
Lead 1:
People who once came here at the call of their hearts will never leave it. Let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart, dear teachers, on your professional holiday.
What should you do on holidays?
Lead 2:
Giving gifts, of course. And today, our dear teachers, all high school students, young and old, have prepared small but very expensive gifts for you.
Lead 1:
So, the first gift from our kids - first graders.

Lead 1:
On this festive October day, accept, dear teachers, congratulations from all of us:
Lead 2:
Brunettes, blondes and ... Compositae,
Lead 1:
Swirling and combed,
Lead 2:
Obedient and, to put it mildly, not very ...
Lead 1:
Excellent students and, to put it mildly, not very ...
Lead 2:
But very, very loving you!
Lead 1:
Grade 2 students with a gift on stage.
(Umbrella dance)

Funny number for teacher's day from grade 11

Lead 1:
Teaching is not an easy task,
Teaching is a more difficult task.
Lead 2:
And the teacher is the real one -
The one who does not pass before her.
Lead 1:
You know, we have guests in the hall today. These people know exactly who the teacher is more than us.
Lead 2:
Then we must give the floor to them.
(Congratulatory words to the guests of the holiday, city administration, etc.)
Lead 1:
Do you think our teachers like to read fairy tales or watch cartoons?
Lead 1: So everyone loves it. Only the teachers don't have time with our notebooks.
Lead 1: Well, then they will really like the gift of the third graders.
Lead 1: On the stage are third-grade gymnasium students
(Production based on Suteev's fairy tale "Fishing")

Lead 1:
Teachers! They are like light on the way
What a fiery heart is needed
Have it in your chest so that people can carry light,
So that his trace could not be erased forever!
Lead 2:
And how to measure their work, you ask
Millions have a people's army.
There are many ascetics in Russia,
But there is no wiser and nobler than them!
Lead 1: With our gift for teachers, we invite 4th grade to the stage.
(The song "There are mushroom rains here")

Lead 1:
Teacher -
Lead 2:
three syllables.
Not so much,
Lead 1:
And how many skills does it hold!
Lead 2:
The ability to dream!
Lead 1:
The ability to dare!
Lead 2:
Ability to give yourself to work!
Lead 1:
Ability to teach!
Lead 2:
Ability to create!
Lead 1:
The ability of children to love selflessly!
Lead 2:
Teacher -
Lead 1:
three syllables.
But how much it is!
Lead 2:
And this calling is given to you by God!
Lead 1:
The spiritual father of the grammar school, Hieromonk Alexander (Congratulations from the spiritual father)

Scene for teacher's day from grade 11

Lead 1:
A shoemaker can fix his shoes
And the carpenter - a stool and a porch.
Lead 2:
But only for teachers to fix
Mind, heart and face brighten.
Lead 1: We, fifth graders, are invited to the gymnasium stage. Our gift is a musical performance.
(Musical production)
Lead 1:
D, we dropped by for a biology lesson. And it would be interesting to look at other lessons at least out of the corner of my eye.
Moderator: This means that the 6th grade has come to give their present

(Production script)
There is a change in class. Sidorkin and Ivanov are at the desk. Sidorkin gathers things in a briefcase.
Ivanov: Where are you going?
Sidorkin:I'll leave algebra! They will ask me, but I'm not ready.
Ivanov:Come on! They ask those who have “I'm not ready!” Written on their faces.
Sidorkin: Here you see!
Ivanov: So you have to do it as if you are ready! Auto-training!
Ivanov:Self-hypnosis! Repeat after me: I have everything ready for algebra!
Sidorkin: I'm ready for algebra
Ivanov:I did my homework!
Sidorkin: I did my homework
Sidorkin: All three tasks and five exercises!
During the auto-training, they did not notice how the teacher entered the classroom.
Teacher: Sidorkin, what I hear are you ready for the lesson ?! Go to the blackboard.
Sidorkin confidently walks to the board.
Sidorkin:I'm ready for algebra! I did my homework! All three tasks and five exercises!
Teacher:Well, write Exercise 87 on the chalkboard.
Sidorkin: I did my homework! All three tasks and five exercises!
Teacher: I don't understand anything! Show the notebook!
Sidorkin is carrying a notebook. The teacher looks.
Teacher:Sidorkin, Sidorkin! And how confidently he walked ... Two! Sit down.
Sidorkin and Ivanov leave the school. On Sidorkin's face there is a premonition of trouble.
Sidorkin: Eh, at home they will ask: - "How is it at school?" - And hi.
Ivanov: We need auto-training. Repeat after me: I'm doing fine in algebra! And physics is good! The glass shattered during the break!

Petya. Vasya, how many books have you read?
Vasya. How many? I didn't even count!
Petya. And I read twenty-five! And I'll read it before the end of quarter to ten!
Vasya (with envy). Wow! Happy you, Petya, how much you managed to read!
Petya. And what! I've read about the knight too! The book about him is long, and the preface is short! I read the preface - and everything is clear. You don't need to read the book!
Vasya (disappointed). Yes ?! What knight have you read about?
Petya.About what ... How ... Remembered! Donkey move!
Vasya. Donkey move ?!
Petya. Donky! And the "move" is because he rode a donkey, I saw a wonderful picture in a book! I know everything! Why were you yawning?
Vasya.Yes, my little sister was sick, I read my favorite books to her every evening.
Petya.Which ones?
Vasya."The Adventures of Gulliver", "Thumbelina", "Son of the Regiment".
Petya. Yes ... Lucky for you. "Thumbelina" (with a grin). Well well!
Vasya. Yes, I just read to my sister! And it was interesting myself ...
Petya (mimics). Interesting! You will say too. I can boast about what thick books I've read! This means a real reader! Got it?
Vasya... I understood ... Only you said wrong about the knight ...
Petya.How is it wrong?
Vasya... This knight was not called Don Quixote, but Don Quixote of Laman. He lived in Spain ... But who is the writer? Who wrote this book?
Petya.These writers have very difficult surnames! Why memorize them ?! Okay, I'll run to the library, I'll take another book.
Vasya. Wait! It was not Don Quixote who rode the donkey, but his squire Sancho Panza ...
Petya. I did it too! Remember everything - there is not enough time to read. It won't work, Vasya, you are a real reader!

On the control
The problem is not solved -
for the life of me!
Think, think, head
hurry up!
Think, think, head,
i'll give you candy
I will give you on your birthday
A new beret.
Think think -
for once, please!
I will wash you with soap!
I'll comb it!
We are with you
Not strangers to each other.
Help out!
And then how will I give it to the crown!
(M. Boroditskaya)

Scene for teacher's day - video

Lead 1:
All performances and sketches, but I really want to sing. Let the sixth grade sing us a song that everyone knows and can sing along with.
Lead 2:
And what should the song be about?
Lead 1: Yes, about anything, even about clouds ...
Lead 2: Sixth grade, we ask you!
(Song "Clouds. White-Maned Horses")

Lead 1:
Tell me, how do you think, and teachers get tired?
Lead 2:
Lead 1:
And then what?
Lead 2:
Then we must help them.
Lead 1:
Let the students study their homework.
Lead 2:
And fidgets will learn to walk quietly along the school corridors.
Lead 1:
Everyone will eat soup and drink jelly in the refectory.
Lead 2:
So that our teachers do not lose heart when they suddenly get tired, the vocal group of high school girls prepared a song for them as a gift
Lead 1:
"Don't rush to blow the lights out" (The song sounds, the girls remain on the stage)
Reader (from the group)
The calendar flips through the pages in surprise,
Teacher's Day is with you again and again.
May in a dream you dream of the Firebird today,
Well, tomorrow your class will give it to you.
The sun will wink at you - a good omen-
(And even if you get up with your left foot) ...
You are a Wonderful Teacher, remember this,
And you have incomparable students!
(The choral group performs the song "Teacher")


Twist, the road of knowledge is difficult,
But together we will conquer it without difficulty.
It's so good that there is a teacher nearby
We are always grateful for your work!

Music sounds, flowers are presented to teachers.

The traditions of celebrating Teacher's Day are strong in every school; everyone is happy to support them: from the principal to the first graders. However, you can diversify a solemn day if you think it over in advance and get involved in the preparation of the whole school.

Teachers Day Celebration Ideas

And how to celebrate Teacher's Day in elementary school?

The teacher can think over the lessons so that she finds time to talk about her first teacher, about going to school, as they say, for the first time in the first grade. You can develop this topic quite deeply and, without hesitation, illustrate your story with photographs or, if any, video materials from the family archive. Children will undoubtedly be interested in this. Or maybe there is a museum nearby, dedicated to the person who glorified your land, and this museum has an exposition dedicated to school years local celebrity. A pre-planned excursion could be very useful for the pupils.

After lessons, you can organize a tea party, which will be attended by the teachers of this class, students and parents. Everyone will be pleased to chat in an informal atmosphere.

Change. How will they go on Teacher's Day at school?

In advance, you can organize the children and release unusual wall newspapers dedicated to the class teachers for the holiday. Newspapers can be decorated with photographs of teachers, their constant statements or words noticed by children, kind and witty thoughts of children about a "cool dad" or " cool mom". The printed organ can contain poems, crosswords, children's compositions, it can be saturated with beautiful drawings and applications. Let the guys do it! On a holiday, you can put wall newspapers in the recreation of the school.

How to congratulate those teachers who do not have a classroom teacher? There are usually few such lucky ones. You can write congratulation poems and read them to teachers during recess, accompanied by the presentation of small homemade gifts.

The change can be made musical by first giving teachers the opportunity to order their favorite music from the audio library.

A film about him (and about the head teachers' team), shot and edited by a group of high school students, can become a real surprise for the school principal. The tape can be small, just for a few minutes, contain an interview of the director about himself and statements of fellow teachers and head teachers about him, warm congratulations on the holiday, including from the parents of current students, will not do without interesting video footage filmed by children. Back in September it is necessary to start working on the film, because creativity "does not tolerate fuss." It would be nice to have a humanities teacher with a good knowledge of the director or a parent with experience in filmmaking lead the project. The main questions that could be addressed to the head of the school are "How did you become a teacher?" and "What does school mean in your life?" Surely, this film will be interesting to everyone: from young to old. Only for its general demonstration will the permission of the director himself be required, as well as for posting on the Internet. However, it is not necessary to shoot a film only about the head of the school; children can make a film about any teacher.

Other options for ending a party include a theatrical performance or a school evening.

How to spend Teacher's Day at school? It can be quite unusual. The main thing is to cook and celebrate the holiday with love.

How to spend Teacher's Day at school? - video

1. Scene for teacher's day at school

2. Scene for teacher's day

3. Cool number for Teacher's Day

Traditionally for Teacher's Day, October 5, 2019, at primary school concerts are held at which children perform poems and songs in honor of teachers, dance numbers, fragments of performances and small scenes for Teacher's Day for grades 1-4.

Comic sketches for Teachers' Day from primary school students

Funny skits for the Teacher's Day for primary grades will not require students to memorize large texts, moreover, special costumes and props are not needed for their performance.

We offer you examples of mini-scenes for Teacher's Day for grades 1-4 that will appeal to young viewers.

Teacher: "Ivanov, how much will it be if six is \u200b\u200bdivided by two?"
Pupil: "What are we going to share, Sergei Petrovich?"
Teacher: "Well, let's say six oranges."
Pupil: "And between whom?"
Teacher: "Between you and Sidorov."
Pupil: “Then five oranges for me and one for Sidorov. Now, if the tomatoes were divided, then it would be another matter. "
Teacher: "Well, how much will it be if six tomatoes are divided by two?"
Pupil: "Six and will be."
Teacher: "Why then?"
Pupil: “I don’t like tomatoes, Sidorov will get them all.”

In the next scene for elementary grades for Teacher's Day, the teacher and the student also take part. The teacher invites the children to solve the problem and calls Vovochka to the board.

Teacher: “The condition of the problem is as follows: dad bought 1 kilogram of sweets, and mom bought another 2 kilograms. How many …"
(Little Johnny jumps up and runs to the door.)
Teacher: "Little Johnny, where are you going ?!"
Pupil: "I ran home, there are sweets!"

And here is another scene for Teacher's Day for grades 1-4 with the participation of a careless student.

The teacher: “Petya, bring your diary here. I'll put one more deuce in it. "
Petya: "And I don't have it."
The teacher: "And where is he?"
Petya: “And I gave it to Fedka. Let the parents scare! "

Another one funny scene for Primary School Teacher's Day is a miniature in which two boys are playing a soccer ball in the yard.

"Who is that noise in your apartment?" One asks.
“It is my grandfather who explains to my dad how to solve my problem in mathematics,” his friend replies.

And this mini-scene for Teacher's Day takes place at the beginning of the lesson.

The teacher: "Little Johnny, why are you late?"
Little Johnny: "You yourself said, Marya Ivanovna, that it is never too late to study!"

And one more scene for elementary grades for Teacher's Day.

Schoolgirl says to the teacher: "Anna Petrovna, I cannot make out what you wrote in my notebook."
For what the teacher replies: "I wrote: write legibly!"


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