Presentation "World of Professions" for primary classes. Presentation "World of Professions" for primary classes focus, development opportunities

Extracurricular event

for students grades 1-4

"ABC of Professions"

Explanatory note

Professional guidance of schoolchildren has always occupied an important place in the educational work of the primary school teacher. In order for the child to consciously make a choice in adulthood, it must be introduced with the maximum number of professions. The ideas about the professions from a child of 7-10 years are limited to his still poor life experience - the work of mom and dad, teacher in kindergarten and teacher at school, the profession of the pilot, policeman, scout, etc., which are affected by their external heroic and romantic side. The imagination of the child. But about these one way or another familiar professions, children know, as a rule, little and very superficially. Meanwhile, in the modern world there is a huge number of types of labor. Orientation in this ocean of human classes is the most important link of the social adaptation of the child.

But it is impossible to conduct vocational guidance work only with the help of a valued approach. You need to introduce through an activity approach. Only through active involvement in social activities and conscious participation in it can be achieved in this direction. The development of an extracurricular event "ABC of Professions" contributes to this. Extracurricular activities devoted to acquaintance with professions should be regularly held in all schools, starting from the first year of study. Information about professions filed in affordable forms will help children in choosing books for reading, circles, sections, creative teams for extracurricular activities.

Subject "ABC professions "

Purpose: acquaintance with some kind of professions


    To identify students already existing knowledge about various professions.

    Expand knowledge, horizons, vocabulary of students.

    To form cognitive interest in labor and their profession


    A computer


    Illustrations of various professions

    Exhibition of books on the topic

    Set of items for the game (syringe, thread with needle, light bulb, red handle, etc.)

    Cards, on which on one side of the letter, and from another name of the professions.

Form of extracurricular activities: game.


    Primary school teachers, class teachers, the organizers of extracurricular work (this development can be taken as a basis when creating a scenario of the game extracurricular activities).

Directivity, development opportunities:

This extracurricular event can be carried out:

    in any elementary school class

    in the class of medium and junior link in vocational guidance classes.

Terms of implementation:

    availability of computer, music speakers, screen and projector in the office

    teacher's ability to use this technique

    positive mood of the teacher and students, since the event is planned in the form of the game and involves the active participation of players and adequate response to humor and non-standard situations

Duration: 40-45 minutes (lesson)

    Organizing time (Slide 1).

"Let's talk? What about?
About any and about other things.
About what is good and good is not very.
I know something, but you know something.
Let's talk? - Talk!
We will be interested! "

    Opening conversation

U:Today we are going to talk. And what we will talk about, you will tell you when you look at the screen (slide 2). Name in one word. Yes, this is a profession (slide 3).

III. Main part

W.: And we will start our conversation with the proverb (slide 3). What does this proverb mean? (Without bothering, you will not do anything. Good result will not achieve).

W.: What professions should people work? (It is necessary to work).

W.: Guys, how do you think, how much does the professions exist on earth?

W.: I'll show you the letter, and you will call the case (profession) of a person on this letter.

P - cook, tailor, hairdresser

R - Fisherman, radio

Oh - guard, ophthalmologist

F - photographer, phthisiar

E - Hoker (Hyover)

C - shoemaker, plumber

C - locksmith, joiner

And - historian

I am a rod, linguistic

W.: So, it turns out how many professions are with which you are not familiar yet! And this is a tiny part of all existing on Earth. List all professions and specialty person is impossible. There are more than 4 thousand on Earth.

W.: I asked you at home to prepare pictures where you tried to portray your future profession. Who would you like to become? Show your work and briefly tell us about them. (Demonstrate their drawings).

Fizminutka "Profession"

Mason from bricks is building a wall. House Nights.

(Put the right hand on the left, the left - on the right, etc. All above and above.)

I am a painter, I am a wall paint,

(Relaxed brush drove up and down.)

("Pray the ceiling")

and your kitchen.

(Movement with hand left-to the right.)

I'm electric. Light turn on

("Include the light by pressing the switch.")

Only I screw the light bulb.

("Screw the light bulb" - rotational movements with a brush right hand.)

Come to the new home

(Palm "Domich".)

And live long in it!

(Dilm hands on the parties.)

Game "Telegram"

11th grade student: Guys, today, when I went to school, I met the postman. He asked to give you telegrams. You must determine how people are addressed to people. Help?

1) In the evening I got my head in the evening, the temperature rose, locked in the throat, a runny nose began. Who should I contact? (Doctor.)

2) The fire escaped from under the power of man. He rumbles, inflates the gusts of the wind, as if the fiery snakes of Gorynych. It is difficult for a person to cope with the power of raging fire. But there are people whose profession - to defeat the fire. Who are they? (Firefighters.)

3) I wanted to take a hair and make a beautiful hairstyle. And the skilled hands of the master kovded over my hair and made me irresistible. Who is this master who crawled so deftly with my hair? (The hairdresser.)

4) Once a traffic light was broken, and the cars could not independently cope with the movement on the road. Pedestrians were also confused. Who helped them? (Policeman-Adverter.)

5) I went to the bookstore to buy a friend as a gift for the birthday of the book. The store was a large selection of children's books. Who can I consult, to whom you can contact? (Seller.)

6) This wizard prepared us in a cafe from ordinary products a delicious dish, it was originally decorated. The name of this dish is a masterpiece of taste. It was very beautiful and appetizing. Who is this wizard? (Cook.)

7) This profession is very interesting! The car is all the time in motion, the landscape is constantly changing outside the window, people change in the car's cabin. And the one who is behind the wheel, unmistakably distinguishes all light signals and has excellent vision and hearing. (Driver, driver.)

8) Around us residential buildings, schools, shops, kindergartens. For us, they were built by people with tremendous hardworking, a lot of physical strength, skillful hands and with the desire to work. By your work, they bring joy to us. What are these people who give us this joy? (Builder).

Riddles "Profession of Rural Residents" (Slide 4)

11th grade student:Guys, and I want to talk to you about the professions of rural residents. I suggest you guess these puzzles.

    Sings the horn, sings the horn!
    We drive a herd on the meadow.
    Popsek cows we all day
    Only will be hot - drive in the shadow.

    Stubbing bangs under the cap
    I lead with dad in the plowing field.
    I am proud work on earth,
    From sweat swelling shirt ...
    But the palms - on the steering wheel.
    (Tractor driver)

    Good host
    Chickens called, grains gave.
    Hostess: "Tschkin Tzak Zakch!"
    And chickens: "Rash-rash-rash!"

    Very careful care
    For animals leads:
    For cows - milkmaid,
    And for pigs - row.

    He studied science.
    Earth as if tamed.
    He knows when to plant
    Sow how to clean.
    He is an expert in the edge of his native
    And calling ...

    Bread rye, baton, bread
    You will not take a walk.
    People bread in the fields cherish,
    Forces for bread do not regret.
    (Helborob) (slide ...

Photo report (slide 5,6,7).

Students grade 11:Look at the screen, here we presented a photo report about the excursion to the enterprise KFH "Letlaria", which is led by V.N. Selikha; Fire Piece, Head of Sidorov Yu.N. and medical ambulatory. (Slide….)

Game "Bureau of Finds"

11th grade student: Guys, and today I was in the "Bureau of Finds". You were given these items, determine who they belong. (Syringe, needle with thread, light bulb, red handle, camera, roulette, etc.).

IV . Reflection

W. : We will still continue the conversation about professions, you will learn a lot of new things. Talk to the houses with your parents, find out where and who they work, what they do at work. Whether she brings them joy. And our lesson I will continue the mystery:

Puts brick for brick -
Grows the floor outside the floor,
And with each hour, every day
All above, above the new home. (Builders) - slide 8.

I suggest you to stay builders. If you had fun and interesting, take red bricks for construction. Interestingly, but boringly cubes. And if you were not interested, take blue cubes. (To the music guys take cubes and build a house).

V. Summing up

W. : So comes to the completion of our lesson, and I would like to tell you one parable

Good wins evil.

We lived - there were Liliputs in their small town. And they were all good, until the evil wizard arrived. He covered the whole city with white snow. All trees, bushes died. And spring with the summer no longer came. Liliputs were frozen and began to root. Then everyone gatheredwipers and there were all the snow.Agronomy plowed the earth gardeners we planted new trees.Builders restored destroyed housesmonteri. left in them. BUTdoctors we drank all the inhabitants of tea with Malina, and everything became like before. And the evil wizard understood that he would not be able to prevent people who have so many professions in their town. He understood that he lost, and flew away.

What conclusion can be done? (All professions are needed, all professions are important!)

Vi. Registration of the portfolio page.

U: Yes, guys, a lot in the light of different professions, each of them is needed and important. In the future, I wish you choose a profession to my soul. When a star falls in the sky, people make a desire and believe that it will be. You have stars on your desk. Write the name of the profession, which you dream about on the one hand, and your name on the other. This is your dream. We will keep the stars up to grade 11. Probably, you will be very interested to find out if your desire will be fulfilled. Insert the stars and your drawings in the portfolio.

At the end of the event, the 2nd class guys give first-graders of the "ABC of Professions", which was made up during the course of the course "Professional self-determination".


    Entertaining alphabet: Sat. / Sost V.V.Volina. M.: Enlightenment, 2000

    Internet resources.

    Skirts N.S. Professional guidance at school: games, exercises, questionnaires.

    Yurmin G.A. All works are good, choose to taste! M.: Children. Lit., 1999.

We want to tell about the project "ABC of professions", which prepared with grades with students in the period of graduation. These are the first steps in the work on vocational guidance, which must be started from the first years of school. The project is fulfilled in an interesting, entertaining form; Creative tasks are present, parental assistance is required. The whole class participated in the project.

Hello! We, students of the 1st, class represent a joint project "ABC of Professions". In this work, we wanted to show how many beautiful and decent professions exist in modern life.

I have grown year,
There will be seventeen.
Where to work me then
What to do?
(V. Mayakovsky)

Each of us will have to choose a profession in the future. Do we know the professions? Doctor, teacher, seller, driver, programmer: - Here, perhaps, the most famous professions for us. But we guessed that there are a lot of professions, a variety of interesting, unusual. In the lesson, lettee, we read a story in the alphabet about who you dream to become guys when they grow. Studying new letters, we also read about people of different professions: cook, joiner, diver. And so we thought, and what professions still? It would be interesting to learn about them. And do not just learn, but to tie it with the literactions. So there was an idea of \u200b\u200bthe project.

The first, where we started work, it was decided to find out the names of the professions, which are in the world. And so that it was interesting to perform this task, we decided to look for the names of occupations for each letter of the Russian alphabet. At the same time, letters learn! Each student of the class chose a message blank with three letters of the alphabet (Appendix A). At home, along with parents or on their own, we entered as many professions names for each letter. The tasks passed to our supervisor - our teacher. She summarized this work and amounted to the list of professions in alphabetical order. It turned out, we found 207 names of professions almost all the letters of the Russian alphabet!

And here is the next stage of work. From this big list it was necessary to choose the most unusual names of the professions, about which we did not know anything, did not hear, did not have any ideas. We worked in groups. We actively discussed, found out, argued. And then, according to the results of the discussion, it turned out that three identical names of the professions were noted in all groups: Agronom, Huntsman, Radist.

Now we had to find information about these professions interested us. We worked at home, our parents helped us. That's what we learned.

Agronom is a specialist of agriculture, which has comprehensive knowledge of studying, cultivating field, garden, garden crops. The word "agronomy" occurred from two Greek words: "Agros" - field and "nomos" - law. Agronom knows when it is necessary to sow and collect harvest, how to deal with weeds, with diseases of plants, with pests. High harvest is the biggest reward for agronomist.

Huntsman - Professional Hunter, Hyover, Forestish. It protects the territory of forest land from poachers, controls the correctness of hunting. Huntsman knows a great forest, forest inhabitants, prepares food reserves for the winter for animals and birds, protects them from poachers. Helps fans hunters. This is a very important and dangerous profession.

Radist - Specialist for the transfer and receipt of radio messages. It works in the sea on ships, on submarines; in the sky on airplanes, in space; On Earth, where there is radio communication. Radist - military profession. With the help of Morse alphabet, information is transmitted. Morse ABC is an encrypted alphabet.

As a result of the work done, we turned out the "Dictionary of Professions". It is located in the names of the professions according to the alphabet. Read and choose a future profession for yourself. (Appendix B).

To secure the knowledge gained, we came up with the game. They composed a small fabulous story about how in one city an evil wizard hung out to residents. It was necessary to answer the question, people of what professions will help to correct the situation and cast order (Appendix C).

Our work came to completion. Make conclusions:

Beautiful professions in the world do not consider
And every profession of glory and honor!

And most importantly, we understood what kind of profession we chose in the future, it is necessary to prepare for it now - to learn well, to be diligent, responsible, neat.

If you want to build a bridge,
Watch star motion
Drive a car in the field
Ile drive a car up -
Well work in school,
Conscientiously learn.
(S. Marshak)


Appendix A.. Sample form of reference number 1.

Alphabet professions Write the names of professions for each letter

Appendix B.Dictionary of professions.

Note: All names are written exactly as they wrote their students together with their parents. The purpose of such a task is to expand the vocabulary of students, an increase in cognitive activity. If you fulfill a similar project, the names of professions can be different. Check out the dictionary can also be in any form. We issued it in the form of a homemade discrepanted book, and the words were located in the column.

Dictionary of Professions

Aviation Design, Rontaper, Auto Sleep, Agronomy, Lawyer, Actor, Animator, Artist, Architect, Astrologer, Astronomer

Banker, bartender, librarian, biologist, firewriter, flight attendant, nerd, boatswain, bulldozer, accountant

Carriage, Watchman, Clearman, Veterinarian, Winemaker, Driver, Diver, Airpact, Vocalist, Educator, Doctor

Genetic, geologist, guide, grimer, governess

Janitor, Designer, Diplomat, Conductor, Trainer

Railwayman, Tinsmith, Painter, Livestock, Jockey, Jongleur, Journalist

Flooders, Head, Breeder, Zeadist, Zavtoz, Crashing, Zoomer, Zooologist, Zooochik

Icon painter, illusionist, immunologist, engineer, inspector, instructor, instrumental, irrigator, art historian, test, historian, ichthyologist

Cashier, whale, combine, confectioner, cosmonaut, blacksmith

Forester, logger, pilot, speech therapist, boatman

Painter, masseur, driver, policeman, sailor, butcher

Adjuster, neurologist, neuropathologist, neurosurgeon, normalizer, porter, notary, nanny

Okulist, operator, officer, waiter, hunter, guard

Hairdresser, Perfume, Singer, Baker, Piseller, Printer, Lacker, Pianist, Pilot, Writer, Carpenter, Chef, Border Guard, Fireman, Polisher, Cultural, Postman, Poet, Programmer, Seller, Beekeeper

Working, Radist, Director, Reporter, Realtor, Fisherman

Plumber, welder, cattle breeder, stationary, stylist, joiner, dentist, guard, judge, cheer

Taxi driver, TV presenter, technologist, merchandise, turner, tractor driver, trainer, carp

Cleaner, Countryman, Stacker, Teller, Managing, Urologist, Ufologist, Scientist, Passover, Teacher

Pharmacist, Facade, Packager, Feldsher, Figure, Physicist, Fitotherapist, Focuscript, Photographer, Photographer, Fashion Model, Milling

Halvomez, Chemist, Surgeon, Herborob, Charcoard, Choreographer, Artist

Florida, Flower, Church, Cirque

Watchmaker, Checkner, Checkler, Clarseker, Clear

Sharganger, seamstress, chef, grinder, showman, driver, plasterer, navigator

Economist, excavator, guide, electrician, ethnographer

Humorist, jung, lawyer

Appendix C.Examples of fabulous stories invented by students.

Good wins evil.

Lived - there were Liliputs. And they were all good, until the evil wizard arrived. He covered the whole city with white snow. All trees, bushes died. And spring with the summer no longer came. Liliputs were frozen and began to root. Then everyone gathered wipers And there were all the snow. Agronomyland plowed, put new trees. BUT doctors We drank all the inhabitants of tea with Malina, and everything became like before. And the evil wizard realized that he lost, and flew away.

George Timofeev, student 1 - a class

He lived in the light of the evil wizard of darkness. He snuck into the city in which people were going to celebrate New Year. In the city, everything was decorated with beautiful light bulbs. Everything around glittered, and it was very light. An evil wizard caught up with a strong wind, and all electric wires broke off. Then came electriciansand fixed all the wires, and militizers We drove an evil wizard.

Maxim Clutch, student 1 - a class

Once the evil wizard came to the city of happiness. He was also harmful. And so he decided to harm people. The wizard waved his magic wand, and all the children in the city were stupid. They forgotten letters. But children can help teacher. They will teach children to read and write.

Valeria Falconosova, student 1 - a class

Evil wizard.

The evil wizard confused in the city of Lights: when pedestrians had a red, then the cars were also red. And so all the movement in the city stopped, and no one knew who to give way to the road.

And fix it helped road inspector movement. They began to adjust the movement of cars and pedestrians with their striped wand. And the evil wizard gave up - he returned everything to his places.

Yana Durova, student 1 - a class


Winter came. All residents of Moscow began to prepare for the new year. All began to draw New Year's drawings. A evil wizard who lived in this city, no one invited for a holiday. He was offended and spoiled all the drawings. In all drawings, a kimoro appeared instead of Santa Claus. Residents were upset. Who will help fix everything?

And in this city there was a good artist. People went to him and asked help. He made one wave of a magic tassel so that Santa Claus appears in all drawings instead of Kimor.

In the hut at Santa Claus, there is now a great exhibition of paintings.

Ira Gerasimova, student 1 - a class

Fabulous story.

Some of the sea, on his middle he played the island. On him stood the city. Very friendly and hardworking people lived in this city. And once, when they were preparing to celebrate a big holiday "Island Day", and this story happened.

On the most beautiful square, the inhabitants set tables for all islanders and prepared a lot of delicious treats. But one wizard who lived at the next island was offended by the fact that he was not invited to the holiday, and spoiled all the treats. He turned him into bitter and unappletent. And put the spell on all residents so that they forget all recipes. The inhabitants of the island were very upset, because their holiday was spoiled.

Suddenly, they came to help, a beautiful woman came from the sea foam. She had a metal suitcase in her hands. She opened it, put on the headphones and began to transmit some incomprehensible message. The inhabitants of the town stood, looked and did not understand anything. It passed a little time, and flew a small red helicopter. In it sat an important man in a white cap on the head. He brought many products and prepared very tasty and unusual dishes. And the best dish was a huge pyhylain cake.

Residents were very glad that the holiday had a holiday after all. They even forgave and invited to the holiday of the neighbor-wizard. The wizard apologized, smoked all the inhabitants and decorated the square with flowers and balls. And at the end of the holiday gave all residents a festive salute. Everyone had a very good mood.

Who were these mysterious assistants?

What professions can they be attributed to people?

Anna Sisetskaya, student 1 - a class


Slide 2.

Slide 3.

What is a profession?

The profession is a labor activity, classes requiring special training.

Slide 4.

Actor / Actress

Plays the theater and filming the cinema

Slide 5.


A scientist who is engaged in the study of past humanity on real sources. Real sources are produced tools and built with their help, weapons, decorations, dishes and other professional archaeologists often compare with difficulty surgeon - and there, and there one incorrect movement with a knife can lead to patient death. Of course, in most cases, archaeologists do not fly with a knife, but a shovel, a scope, a spoon and even a conventional toothbrush.

Slide 6.


Studies stars and planets

Slide 7.


Comes up with how to grow more vegetables, fruits and cereals

Slide 8.

Profession Artist!

He and the wolf, and Santa Claus, and laugh guys to the tears, last time he was a teacher, the day after tomorrow - the driver, he must know a lot, because he is an artist!

Slide 9.


The climber is always an athlete, in other words, a robust fee.

The athletic nature of the mountaineering is to overcome the obstacles created by nature (height, relief, weather), on the way to the top.

After all the alpine peaks were conquered, the climbers were increasingly turned to other mountainous areas of America, Africa, New Zealand. Return to the Himalayas.

The first attempts to conquer vertices in Himalayas are the beginning of the XIX century. However, after the first attempts it became clear that the vertex expedition above 6,000-7,000 meters puts many new problems associated primarily with a height, low-scale rocky areas, large-scale approaches to the foot of the vertices.

When climbing, you have to overcome various natural obstacles: rivers, rocks, snow, glaciers, icefalls. Their overcoming is usually associated with danger. For the long-term history of the mountaineering, a special technique for overcoming a dangerous mining relief was developed.

Slide 10.

Flight attendant of civil air fleet

Labor content: Checks the sanitary condition of the cabin, salons, the operation of electrical equipment, receives containers with food and kitchen equipment, mail and other goods, places passengers in the cabin, organizes food, informs about attractions, monitors the cleanliness of the premises, provides the necessary assistance in flight passengers. . Professionally important qualities: * responsibility; * Emotional-volitional stability; * Communicative abilities; * good dictation; * physical endurance and health; * The ability to correctly assess the situation. Medical contraindications: * Cardiovascular diseases; * diseases associated with loss of consciousness; * Disorders of the functions of the musculoskeletal system; * Vestibular disorders.

Slide 11.


Labor content: Conducts an individual conversation with readers, provides them with assistance in choosing books, magazines, organizes thematic literary conferences, book exhibitions, components of the book fund, keeps records of the library foundation and other professionally important qualities: * High communication abilities; * tact; * emotional excerpt; * good memory. Qualification requirements: library technical school or the corresponding faculty of the Institute of Culture. Medical contraindications: * Bad vision; * nervous and mental illness; * Allergic diseases.

Slide 12.


Labor content: accounting, auditing and financial control in enterprises and in organizations of national economy, small business, joint-stock companies, joint ventures; Checks the accuracy of the information received, controls the observance of legality when spending money. Professionally important qualities: * The ability to quickly and correctly count; * The ability to analyze the numbers, for their dynamics to understand the essence of production processes and be able to influence them in time; * patience; * Exposure; * preferably; * monotony resistance; * painting.

Slide 13.

Profession doctor!

Pediatrician You do not be afraid, do not worry, calm down, and, of course, do not cry, it's just a children's doctor.

Slide 14.


Diver - a specialist trained in water descents and performing various underwater work.

The main duty of the diver is the implementation of underwater and technical work under water in the construction of hydraulic structures, maintenance of underwater oil pipelines, clearing the bottom of the waters of ports and so on.

Professional divers should have a very high level of preparation, good health and reliable equipment.

Slide 15.


The immediate object of the work of the Feldscher is a healthy population of economic animals, impeccable (in relation to sanitation, hygiene) conditions for their content, growth, development. Whelfeldsher conducts vaccinations, treats sick animals on a farm, livestock complex, as well as animals belonging to the population. Performs measures to prevent the spread of animal diseases, the quality of meat, milk vigilantly controls.

Slide 16.


Fitting is the deformation of the metal with pulling rolling or pressed blanks through the hole in order to reduce their cross-section or obtain more accurate sizes and a smooth surface. The processing of metals with drawback is made on a free steel mill, which consists of a wolf and pulling device, which informs the movement of the metal through the volatile. The walker carries out drawing and calibration on the drain mills and special lines of the rod and rebel metal of various diameters from the steels of all profiles and brands, including difficult-to-form, heat-resistant, complex and other special steel grades in the hot condition.

Slide 17.


Makes cleaning in hotel rooms

Slide 18.


The task of geologist is the identification and evaluation of mineral deposits. Work is associated with frequent business trips. Geologist's work is a work in the field. Work in a limited team requires the ability to be tolerant to other people. Geologists can work in geological exploration expeditions, geophysical and drilling parties, research and project organizations.

Slide 19.


The profession of engraver is to leave traces: lines and strokes, letters and vignettes. He writes not on paper, its material is glass, stone, metal, wood, linoleum. Engraver is an artist or a master engaged in cutting images on plates from different solid materials. Invent the plot master will help imagination and figurative thinking. Special computer programs come to the rescue to help, allow you to develop an image, and then program the engraving machine for execution. But the computer with all its capabilities is just a tool, and a real author always remains a person who invests a particle of his soul, his vision of the world, his fantasy.

Slide 20.

Who is the doctor? Doctor is a person who treats sick people. The doctor prescribes medicines to ill people.

Doctors are different. Some make operations, others carry out surveys of different human bodies. For example, the oculist is watching the eyes of the patient, Lor inspects the throat, the nose and ears of the patient, assigning treatment.

The doctor, which is called a traumatologist, examines patients with fractures and legs of legs, hands, heads, fingers. The X-ray apparatus helps him.

Slide 21.


Designers - artists-designers, specialists in the field of design; People engaged in design, that is, the appearance, the design of something.

Profession Designer implies creativity, literacy, and knowledge necessary in order to work beautiful things. But often the artistic vision of the customer and the artist does not coincide. Because of what you have to either convince the need for a specific design decision, or agree with the amendments.

The main thing about the people of this profession is the artist and aesthetic taste. The design seeks to cover all aspects of the environment of the medium, which is due to industrial production.

An almost any new technical industrial product (set, ensemble, complex, system) in any sphere of vital activity of people, where human communication is due to the object of design.

Slide 22.

Interior designer

Profession Designer is today one of the highest paid and prestigious professions. The designer is engaged in a project and design of premises - residential buildings, offices, public institutions. The designer should be able to think over all the details of the project: a surround-spatial composition of the interior, a stylized solution, pick up the finishing materials, furniture and equipment.

Slide 23.


Cares about purity on the streets

Slide 24.


(from him. Jager - Hunter) - an official in the hunting farms of Russia; Specialist-hunter serving fans hunters. Controls compliance with the rules of environmental management and hunting laws.

Slide 25.


Scientist involved in the study of ancient Egypt.

Slide 26.


The journalist is always at the forefront of events, where new is born. The end result of the journalist is the material (informational note, article, essay in the newspaper, television or radio transmission). This is preceded by painstaking work.

Slide 27.


Tinsmith is engaged in the manufacture, repair and installation of simple and complex parts, products and nodes from sheet metal, extruded profiles and pipes according to drawings, templates and samples, spherical and curly products of large sizes using devices and pneumatic devices; It makes simple and complex patterns according to the drawings and in detail; produces a straightforward hand cutting of sheet metal and cutting the shaped blanks of all sizes in templates and markup, as well as cutting parts and products of the curvilinear circuit from sheet metal of all brands and alloys on drive machines; produces soldering of products and parts from various metals and alloys by tin, copper, silver, etc.

Slide 28.


The crate works in the studio for individual tailoring and repair of clothing. In communication with the client finds out his wishes, clarifies the order. If necessary, it gives advice in the choice of a fauna of the future product based on the professional assessment of the characteristics of the client's figures, the appointment and sewing properties of the tissue, modes. Removes the necessary measurements. I sketches the selected version of the style, constitutes the order passport. It makes the pattern for cutting. Performs an economical layout patterns on the fabric and cuts (during repair it is reproduced separate parts). Distributes the sewing operations between the masters of the sewing brigade, while taking into account the level of skill of each employee. Conducts fitting and order to the client.

Slide 29.


How to build a reliable bridge over the river? How to make wind and water to work for a person? How to create a new car or plane? To answer these questions, many sciences need to know very well: physics, mathematics, chemistry, drawing, etc. Man who studied all these sciences and with their help can construct a bridge or car, called an engineer.

Slide 30.


a specialist who is professionally engaged in the formation of a client's image. In a specific profession, imiperhyda was made relatively recently.

Slide 31.


Flying into space

Slide 32.


Profession in cinema, performer of complex and dangerous tricks. Straight Cascade takes part in the creation of special details, costumes, insurance mechanisms, decorations, with the help of which the trick is performed, as well as in the preparation of pyrotechnic tools that create an illusion of a dangerous situation. Praise cascade replacement, t. e. Duplicate actors in the frame at the time of performing the tricks. Therefore, the cascadere need not only well to own the technique of performing various tricks, but also to be able to reincarnate in a certain way.

Slide 33.


Most people are engaged in dogs as lovers, but there are also such for whom work with the four-legged friend is the content and essence of their profession. They are called focus. Thus, the cynology is the science of dogs and their breeding.

Slide 34.


The process of the production of flour products has many manual operations performed by a confectioner using special tools: rock, blades, knives, etc. The confectioner prepares various types of dough, creams, fillings; Products raw materials on a given formulation: mixes, knocks, rolls the dough; separates the obtained semi-finished products, cuts, forms, bakes them; seats products with cream, sweet, chocolate, etc.; Checks the weight of finished products.

Slide 36.


A pilot is a man who controls the aircraft. Synonyms: pilot, aviator.

Most often, pilots are divided into military, civil and lovers. There are also pilot of experimental aviation, producing tests of new aircraft.

The pilot performing the functions of the first pilot controls the aircraft, makes decisions on the crew actions in difficult situations. Flight consists of several stages: take off, set of height, horizontal movement, decrease and landing. Having received the resolution of the Aviavatcher, the first pilot takes off on the runway, where the plane takes overclocking and, breaking away from the ground, gaining height. The task of the first pilot is to control the aircraft so that it turns out to be at the right time in each of the points corresponding to the calculated trajectory. For this, the pilot must compare the testimony of devices with the calculated data all the time, while simultaneously controlling the work of six seven devices.

Take off and landing - the most responsible flight moments. After all, near the airfield in the air there may be several sides. The slightest deviation from the calculation trajectory threatens a collision. When takeoff and landing, the pilot not only tracks the information, but also mentally analyzes it, making the instrument data with the fact that it sees from the cab window: takes into account the weather conditions, the movement of other aircraft and the features of the control of a specific aircraft. At the same time, it relies both on the testimony of instruments and on a specific feeling of flight, which consists of the sound of the operating engine, vibration sensations and roll. Any management error threatens people's death.

Slide 37.


Manages aircraft, helicopter, fighter

Slide 38.


Playing musical instruments

Slide 39.

For those girls who love fashion, outfits of famous designers, travel around the world, the profession is a fascinating and beloved.

Slide 40.

The model is a person (man, woman, child), demonstrating clothing models on shows.

Slide 42.

Required Knowledge Set:

  1. acting skills
  2. basics of choreography,
  3. makeup art
  4. ethics behavior
  5. the main directions of fashion
  6. knowledge of foreign languages.
  • Slide 43.

    Personal qualities

    • endurance;
    • expressiveness;
    • emotionality;
    • perseverance;
    • sensitivity;
    • willpower;
    • dedication;
    • communicability;
    • intuitivity.
  • Slide 45.


    Painting works are produced during the final decoration of buildings and structures before passing them into operation. They include decorative trim of facades, wall color, ceilings, partitions, floors, doors, windows and other elements. A paintwork leaves the last way, his work is crowned with the work of the whole team of builders. He brings joy to people who are enraged in new apartments.

    Slide 46.


    Collects and systematizes information about atmospheric processes, analyzes the information received, participates in the preparation of long-term forecasts. A meteorologist is working in the fresh air, including in adverse weather conditions. It is necessary to carry out measurements in strictly specified time intervals, regardless of the weather state (rain, hail, storm at sea, thunderstorm, etc.). Work on remote meteorological stations is often held in insulation, loneliness. These meteorological studies are used in agriculture, aviation and shipping, urban planning

    Slide 47.

    Fashion designer

    The fashion designer creates new styles of clothing and affects the development of various fashion directions. The fashion designer embodies creative ideas and ideas, creates sketches, new models, corrects industrial models, designs technically modern, comfortable, beautiful, clothing compositions, organizes shows, exhibitions of fashion clothes, selects materials to perform a project-composition.

    Slide 48.


    Notary (from Latin notarius - scribe, secretary) is an official of the bodies, in the functions of which include a certificate of transactions, registration of inheritance, rights, testing of documents to give them legal significance. The activities of the notary is regulated by the Law "On State Notaritus". The current legislation provides for a single notarial effect - a certificate of contracts (transactions), which is in the inscriptions about this on the contract itself signed by the notary with the print application.

    Slide 49.


    Nanny feed, sinks and disguises a child, walks and playing with him, reads him books. Under the terms of the contract, the cleaning of premises can also be included in its responsibilities, cooking food for a child, purchase of products. The main task of the nanny is to provide a child comfort and security, and if necessary, it should be able to provide him with first aid. Nanny is obliged to have a medical record confirming that, as of health, it can work with children, as well as recommendatory letters. Difference and checking from parents of the child are quite natural, and they must be prepared. For nanny, preferably pedagogical or medical education.

    Slide 50.


    Biologist learning birds. Watches their behavior in conditions of wildlife, metropolis and in captivity. Tracks seasonal migration. Engaged in research work. Together with veterinarians, ornithologists are developing methods of treating bird diseases, fight epidemics.

    Slide 51.


    About 6 thousand years there is a profession of the waiter, but it still needs people and is indispensable. The restaurant is unthinkable without a waiter. The level of service depends not only on the interior of the restaurant, its equipment, food quality, but also from professional skills of those who create an environment of a welcome and hospitality, and first of all, from waiters. Long before visitors come to a restaurant, waiters begin to prepare for their meeting: remove the room, set the furniture, get tableware, appliances, table underwear, serve tables.

    Slide 52.


    The writer is a person who creates any meaningful text (work) and earns it to life. The writer should have a developed fantasy. Come up with an artistic work without having a bright fantasy, impossible. He must know the rules of grammar, prevent mistakes and most importantly, be able to apply a poetic color with the help of synonyms, associations, metaphor.

    Slide 53.

    Fire profession!

    We are bright redoubted for the car. True heavy and dangerous, firefighters, waiting. "The piercing lifestyle is stunning, we will and water, and the foam fire to stew. And in trouble wearing people can help, because with the fire we will fight the day and night!

    Slide 54.


    Graze cows, sheep, goats or other animals

    Slide 55.


    Speakers on stage, sings songs

    Slide 56.

    Profession cook!

    Give cooks products: poultry meat, dried fruits, rice, potatoes ... and then you are waiting for delicious food.

    Slide 57.

    The hairdresser

    The art of the hairdresser is compared with the work of the artist: the real master has an impeccable taste. The main and main "instruments" of a good hairdresser are his fantasy, feeling of modernity, aesthetic taste, faithful eye and skillful hands. In the schools of hairdressers, at the courses, hairdressers systematically master new techniques of work, modern hair treatment methods (color, curling, etc.), receive information about new haircuts, trendy hairstyles, improving their skills. Depending on the types of work and applied tools of labor in the profession of the hairdresser, specialty are highlighted: male hairdresser, female and children. The hairdresser communicates every day with a large circle of people, so he needs communication skills.

    Slide 58.


    Baker bakes bread and bakery products. He mixes the dough, determines his readiness for baking. The finished dough it places onto the sheets and sends them to the oven. The baker controls the baking process, adjusts the movement of the furnace conveyor, determines the availability of the product.

    Slide 59.


    The duties of the translator include: the organization and conduct of excursions in cultural and historical places for foreign citizens, support of foreign citizens during their visits to the country, assisting in the placement and living of foreign citizens, translations on presentations, business meetings, support of Russian-speaking groups when traveling for Border, translation of technical and fiction, teaching activities.

    Slide 60.

    A carpenter

    Carpenter is one of the common construction professions. This is a wide profile profession. The specialist performs work related to wood processing and the manufacture of various parts, products and building structures from it.

    The profession of a carpenter is necessary everywhere. It can work on construction sites in the construction organizations of rural construction, in construction and repair organizations, in repair shops of factories, on woodworking combines, in housing and construction offices at home management. Even with a broad mechanization of construction work without a carpenter at a construction site cannot do.

    Slide 61.


    The provision is a specialist with higher pharmaceutical education, working in the production, storage, sale of drugs. Historically, the pharmacy worker is called a pharmacist. Among the specialists of this kind are distinguished by the provisions - technologists engaged in the manufacture of dosage forms, and provisions - analysts engaged in quality control. In addition, the responsibilities of the provision can include drug leave, including narcotic, inspection of pharmacies, kiosks, clinic. Pharmaceutical education can be medium and higher. A specialist with secondary special education in this area is a pharmacist, with the highest - provision.

    Slide 62.

    Explorer Passenger Wagon

    The circle duties of the conductor is quite wide and diverse. Its responsibilities include the service of passengers in the way, ensuring safe landing and disembarking passengers, place them in the car in accordance with travel documents. It must ensure the transport of manual bag in accordance with the established rules and norms; To keep records of the population of the serviced car and in a timely manner to inform the head of the train on the presence of free and liberated places in the car. The conductor receives bed linen, preparing beds to passengers, at the end of the flight collects underwear and provides his surrender. Prepare and pacify tea and tea trading products. The conductor monitors the technical condition of the car, ensures the safety and operation of its internal equipment. The conductor is obliged to notify passengers about the names of stopping points and the duration of the train parking; contain car clean and order, carry dry and wet carpet of the car; To provide the first (prefiguration) medical care for passengers.

    Slide 63.



    Slide 64.


    Mysterious technology for manufacturing champagne. Everything that is accomplished around this beautiful wine, which has become for many characters of the holiday, unusually and little resembles witchcraft. Few people guess how many strengths and the ability of different professionals are inserted into the creation of a foamy drink.

    Slide 65.


    The restoration in art and architecture understands the restoration of destroyed, damaged or distorted monuments of history and culture, in order to preserve their historical or cultural significance. The profession of the restorer includes several specialties requiring professional education of various levels: restorer of decorative and artistic pain, restorer of works of wood, restorer of ornamental plastering and stucco products, artist - restorer.

    Slide 66.


    Allows disputes, sends criminals to prison

    Slide 67.


    Performs at competitions and championships

    Slide 68.


    In the work of gardeners are organically combined both mental and physical functions. In modern gardening, the master must own a variety of agrotechnical skills and skills necessary for growing planting material, planting gardens, plant care, taking into account their growth and development.

    Slide 69.


    Any clergyman, whether the priest, Archbishop, Mullah or Priest, is an intermediary between people and God, the existence of which they believe and bring their prayers. They come to the priest in Mount, and in joy, they ask advice, the most intimate secrets trust. Therefore, he must be a man with a reputable, be able to empathize, have extraordinary patience, courage, humility and, of course, deep faith. The clergyman commits the sacraments and public services, but his work does not end behind the gate of the temple. The priest can stop on the street at any time to ask for advice or help.

    Slide 70.

    Secretary Refefer.

    The secretary establishes communication with the employees of the institution, prepares and serves various meetings, meetings, conferences, organizes the reception of the management apparatus and visitors. The role of the secretary and in the organization of various meetings is responsible. The secretary selects the appropriate documents, if necessary, prints them on the computer. Working with documents is one of the responsibilities of the secretary. It leads the minutes of meetings, records telephones, orders, orders. At the same time, the secretary can use stenograph.

    Slide 71.


    The disclosure and investigation of crimes, the influence of the perpetrators, the restoration of the good name of the person constitute the essence of the work of the investigator. The successful fight against crime depends on his skills and energy, perseverance, initiative and dedication. The activities of the investigator are carried out at the three stages of criminal proceedings: the initiation of criminal proceedings, a preliminary investigation and renewing cases of newly discovered circumstances. The establishment of the investigation, the conduct of procedural actions, the assessment of the evidence collected, the adoption of decisions is made by the investigator independently.

    Slide 72.


    The modern rescue service exists in our country relatively recently. This does not mean that no one has previously engaged in the salvation of people in an emergency. In the elimination of the consequences of accidents and disasters, civil defense squads participated. A narrow specialty rescuers were used: water rescuers, mountain rescuers, rescue-search engines, firefighters. These services exist now. However, emergencies are increasingly emerging, requiring special qualifications specialists. Therefore, in 1990, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation (MES) was established. In addition to the functions executed in the very name of the Functions, the Ministry of Emergency Situations predicts and prevents the circumstances fraught with a threat to people, develops rescue tools, creates new technologies.

    Slide 73.


    The joiner is a multifaceted profession, including a wide variety of professional skills. The most popular are the professions of the joiners in housing construction and furniture production. A special few group allocated firewear joiners, in which artistic trends prevail. The result of the joiner is various carpentry products that are divided by a constructive feature.

    Slide 74.


    Speakers on stage, dancing

    Slide 75.


    The duties of the coach includes training athletes for the upcoming season.

    Higher education is necessary to get the position of the coach corresponding to the specialization of the selected sport, as well as to be the athlete itself, albeit for the selected sport.

    The coach working with children should be like a good specialist in his business as well as a psychologist and an educator and just a person who loves children. Not to all coaches manage to combine all these qualities. Being a coach is impossible, sincerely without having loved this work. Emotional support is needed both professional athletes and lovers. The coach may and should be able to configure the student to win, maintain the martial spirit in it and the desire to conquer all new and new frontiers. It is necessary to say that the representative of this profession should be an authority for its wards in everything: in relation to work, in the lifestyle, in their views and estimates of everyday events.

    The coach's working day begins very early at 6-00 in the morning, because many coaches do not lead for one year and the smallest kids in age are trained in front of the garden.

    Sports coach is engaged in training athletes. He leads their workouts, prepares for competitions. To achieve the greatest results, the coach needs to properly plan the exercise complex, competently distribute the intensity, mode and load of classes, taking into account the physical and mental resources of athletes. Trainers of professional athletes usually in the past themselves reached certain heights on this field. In children's sports schools and sections in this profession, masters of sports and graduates of universities of physical culture are usually operating. And although the program-maximum of each coach is to bring your ward to a big sport, for teenagers and young people, the coach first of all remains an authoritative and close person, forced to believe in yourself, their strength and opportunities.

    Slide 76.

    The coach plays an important role in the life of an athlete. He teaches a word, to achieve a personal example. The coach must be a professional. Behind his backs should be victory in competitions. He has to work with different children in character, so it is necessary: \u200b\u200bto understand psychology, be able to manage the team.

    Slide 77.


    In modern Russia, the guard is a specialist who carries out a contractual security activities on a contractual basis, training is underway and has a license for private security activities. The main activity: ensuring the security of the client as a whole. To date, the profession of the bodyguard is one of the most dangerous and risky professions related both to physical and mental load, and requires qualified training.

    Slide 78.


    Profession is mostly female. The main task of the weaves is to prevent unnecessary downtime of machines, quickly eliminate random thread breaks, prevent marriage, quickly eliminate it if it arose. Tkachkha checks the quality of the incoming threads by number and color, performs preventive work to prevent the scope of the bases (longitudinal) and duck (transverse), fabric defects, controls the tissue density and the accuracy of the weave pattern. One weaves serves several machines.

    Slide 79.

    Profession teacher!

    Our teacher is just a class! He loves all of us. In the study he helps. We are trying, he knows. We are proud of the teacher, we strive for new knowledge!

  • Physicist

    Within the framework of the profession "Physicist" there are many specializations:

    Space physics

    Microme physics,


    Electronics and others.

    Personal qualities necessary for representatives of this profession:

    curious, desire to know the laws of nature, observation, perseverance, patience, criticality of thinking, attentiveness, well-developed abstract thinking.

  • Slide 84.


    Florits is a representative of the creative profession, which is engaged in the decor. It can make flowers to arrange any item: room, office, glass, bracelet and not only. Also, florists are called scientists who explore this section of botany to track plants that grow on a certain territory.

    Slide 85.


    Pharmacy - Healthcare Institution. Her employees are pharmacists - prepare, control and release drugs on recipes and allowed for vacation without recipe, sanitation, hygiene and patient care, medicinal mineral water, medicinal herbs, disinfectants, dressings and other pharmacy products.

    The pharmacy worker knows itself and informs doctors and patients about the presence of medicines, their pharmacological action, testimony and contraindications to use, on comparative characteristics with analog preparations.

    Slide 86.


    The photographer produces photographing of various objects (people, buildings, nature, etc.) in stationary and exit conditions on black and white, colored and contaminated film. He shows, fixes, rinsing, dries the negative, retouching, prints pictures. The photo provides ample opportunities for creativity. Experts believe that it is one of the types of art.

    Slide 87.


    The choreographer is a representative of the creative profession, which puts dancing for a group of dancers. The choreographer conducts training with dancers, visits and evaluates their performance. The choreographer should be able to dance, be original and have organizational abilities. Choreographers can be found in dance companies, in the theaters of musicals, in Opera, on television, on the filming of the film, at festivals.

    Slide 88.


    Chemistry is one of the most important and extensive areas of natural science, the science of substances, their properties, the structure and transformations resulting from chemical reactions, as well as fundamental laws that these transformations are subject to. Since all substances consist of atoms that are capable of forming molecules due to chemical bonds, the chemistry is mainly studying the interactions between atoms and molecules obtained as a result of such interactions.

    Personal qualities:

    A scientist who works in this area must have a good memory, an inquisitive mind, possess a large base of knowledge that will allow him to make logical conclusions during experiments.

    At the chemical plant.

    Slide 89.


    Surgeon is a noble and responsible profession. Often only surgical intervention can save the most valuable - human life. The main task of the surgeon is to establish an accurate diagnosis, clarifying the causes of the disease, carrying out the operation directly, and, of course, assistance in complete restoration of the body. The work of the surgeon is a huge responsibility for human life, besides, it is physically hard work. Sometimes operations last a few hours.

    Slide 90.


    Artists - People engaged in fine art

    In the professional sphere there are many different types of artists dependence on drawing and duties: graphics, painters, designers, illustrators, film artists, multipliers, photo checkers, cartoonist, artist of miniature painting, designers, costume, decorations, restroom, fashion designer, stylist, technologist and etc.

    Personal qualities and abilities

    Creative person;

    Rich imagination;

    The ability to perceive and distinguish between a wide range of colors and their shades;

    Originality, resourcefulness;

    Developed spatial-shaped thinking;


    Observation (the ability to notice even minor trifles and disadvantages);

    Openness to perceive new;

    Feeling harmony and taste.

    Slide 91.


    Flowers are implementing designs of landscaping, compiled by specialists who completed the Middle and Higher Educational Institutions. But no matter how good the project plan is, the embodiment depends on the skill and the aesthetic taste of flower workers. They participate in the layout of green plantings, make ridges, loosen the soil, make fertilizers. When seeds are sown or planted seedlings, the soil is loosened, destroy weeds, mulched - cover with aisle with leaves, straw and humus, water and feather. To give the plant a certain form, it is plugged and step-down. To preserve a clear drawing of flower and lawns, they are cut, thinned, cut off the blurred inflorescences, are triggered to spick fragile plants.

    Slide 92.

    The ecologist organizes the protection of the life and health of people, animal and vegetable world from the consequences of the irrational and uncontrolled use of achievements of science and technology.

    • Ecologist - This profession for real fighters!
  • Slide 97.


    The economist is a specialist involved in analyzing financial and economic activities (enterprises, industries, etc.) in order to improve it.

    Slide 99.


    The jeweler manufactures products (decorations, household items, worship, weapons) predominantly from precious metals, as well as some non-ferrous metals in combination with precious and diverse stones, amber, pearl, bone in drawings, drawings and artist models, developer.

    Slide 100.


    Carries out legal activities. Uses legal means to solve problems for improving production efficiency, strengthening labor and production discipline, the implementation of planned tasks and contractual obligations.

    Slide 101.


    Specialist, language scientist

    Slide 102.


    Physicist, atomper

    Slide 103.

    "... a book by turning around, wound on my mustache - all works are good, choose for taste!"

    View all slides

    Slide 1.

    Clade 2.

    Slide 3.

    What is a profession? The profession is a labor activity, classes requiring special training.

    Slide 4.

    The archaeologist scientist who is engaged in the study of past humanity on real sources. Real sources are produced tools and built with their help, weapons, decorations, dishes and other professional archaeologists often compare with difficulty surgeon - and there, and there one incorrect movement with a knife can lead to patient death. Of course, in most cases, archaeologists do not fly with a knife, but a shovel, a scope, a spoon and even a conventional toothbrush.

    Slide 5.

    Slide 6.

    Slide 7.

    Profession Artist! He and the wolf, and Santa Claus, and laugh guys to the tears, last time he was a teacher, the day after tomorrow - the driver, he must know a lot, because he is an artist!

    Slide 8.

    Mountaineer Mountaineer is always an athlete, in other words, the robust fee. The athletic nature of the mountaineering is to overcome the obstacles created by nature (height, relief, weather), on the way to the top. After all the alpine peaks were conquered, the climbers were increasingly turned to other mountainous areas of America, Africa, New Zealand. Return to the Himalayas. The first attempts to conquer vertices in Himalayas are the beginning of the XIX century. However, after the first attempts it became clear that the vertex expedition above 6,000-7,000 meters puts many new problems associated primarily with a height, low-scale rocky areas, large-scale approaches to the foot of the vertices. When climbing, you have to overcome various natural obstacles: rivers, rocks, snow, glaciers, icefalls. Their overcoming is usually associated with danger. For the long-term history of the mountaineering, a special technique for overcoming a dangerous mining relief was developed.

    Slide 9.

    Festival of civil air fleet Labor content: checks the sanitary condition of cabins, salons, the work of electrical equipment, it receives containers with food and kitchen equipment, mail and other goods, places passengers in the cabin, organizes food, informs about attractions, monitors the cleanliness of the premises, provides the necessary Assistance in flight passengers. Professionally important qualities: * responsibility; * Emotional-volitional stability; * Communicative abilities; * good dictation; * physical endurance and health; * The ability to correctly assess the situation. Medical contraindications: * Cardiovascular diseases; * diseases associated with loss of consciousness; * Disorders of the functions of the musculoskeletal system; * Vestibular disorders.

    Clade 10.

    Librarian Labor content: Conducts an individual conversation with readers, provides them with assistance in choosing books, magazines, organizes thematic literary conferences, book exhibitions, components of the Book Fund, keeps records of the library fund and other professionally important qualities: * High communication abilities; * tact; * emotional excerpt; * good memory. Qualification requirements: library technical school or the corresponding faculty of the Institute of Culture. Medical contraindications: * Bad vision; * nervous and mental illness; * Allergic diseases.

    Clade 11.

    Accountant Labor content: carries out accounting, audit and financial control at enterprises and organizations of national economy, small businesses, joint-stock companies, joint ventures; Checks the accuracy of the information received, controls the observance of legality when spending money. Professionally important qualities: * The ability to quickly and correctly count; * The ability to analyze the numbers, for their dynamics to understand the essence of production processes and be able to influence them in time; * patience; * Exposure; * preferably; * monotony resistance; * painting.

    Slide 12.

    Profession doctor! Pediatrician You do not be afraid, do not worry, calm down, and, of course, do not cry, it's just a children's doctor.

    Slide 13.

    Diver Diver - a specialist trained in descents under water and performing various underwater work. The main duty of the diver is the implementation of underwater and technical work under water in the construction of hydraulic structures, maintenance of underwater oil pipelines, clearing the bottom of the waters of ports and so on. Professional divers should have a very high level of preparation, good health and reliable equipment.

    Slide 14.

    Veterinarian The direct object of work of the Feldsher is a healthy population of economic animals, impeccable (in relation to sanitation, hygiene) conditions for their content, growth, development. Whelfeldsher conducts vaccinations, treats sick animals on a farm, livestock complex, as well as animals belonging to the population. Performs measures to prevent the spread of animal diseases, the quality of meat, milk vigilantly controls.

    Slide 15.

    Thrust drainage is a deformation of a metal pulling rolling or pressed blanks through a hole in order to reduce their cross-sectional or obtain more accurate sizes and a smooth surface. The processing of metals with drawback is made on a free steel mill, which consists of a wolf and pulling device, which informs the movement of the metal through the volatile. The walker carries out drawing and calibration on the drain mills and special lines of the rod and rebel metal of various diameters from the steels of all profiles and brands, including difficult-to-form, heat-resistant, complex and other special steel grades in the hot condition.

    Slide 16.

    Engineer How to build a reliable bridge over the river? How to make wind and water to work for a person? How to create a new car or plane? To answer these questions, many sciences need to know very well: physics, mathematics, chemistry, drawing, etc. Man who studied all these sciences and with their help can construct a bridge or car, called an engineer.

    Slide 17.

    Geologist The task of geologist is the identification and evaluation of mineral deposits. Work is associated with frequent business trips. Geologist's work is a work in the field. Work in a limited team requires the ability to be tolerant to other people. Geologists can work in geological exploration expeditions, geophysical and drilling parties, research and project organizations.

    Slide 18.

    Slide 19.

    Who is the doctor? Doctor is a person who treats sick people. The doctor prescribes medicines to ill people. Doctors are different. Some make operations, others carry out surveys of different human bodies. For example, the oculist is watching the eyes of the patient, Lor inspects the throat, the nose and ears of the patient, assigning treatment. The doctor, which is called a traumatologist, examines patients with fractures and legs of legs, hands, heads, fingers. The X-ray apparatus helps him.

    Slide 20.

    Pilot pilot - man controlling an aircraft. Synonyms: pilot, aviator. Most often, pilots are divided into military, civil and lovers. There are also pilot of experimental aviation, producing tests of new aircraft. The pilot performing the functions of the first pilot controls the aircraft, makes decisions on the crew actions in difficult situations. Flight consists of several stages: take off, set of height, horizontal movement, decrease and landing. Having received the resolution of the Aviavatcher, the first pilot takes off on the runway, where the plane takes overclocking and, breaking away from the ground, gaining height. The task of the first pilot is to control the aircraft so that it turns out to be at the right time in each of the points corresponding to the calculated trajectory. For this, the pilot must compare the testimony of devices with the calculated data all the time, while simultaneously controlling the work of six seven devices. Take off and landing - the most responsible flight moments. After all, near the airfield in the air there may be several sides. The slightest deviation from the calculation trajectory threatens a collision. When takeoff and landing, the pilot not only tracks the information, but also mentally analyzes it, making the instrument data with the fact that it sees from the cab window: takes into account the weather conditions, the movement of other aircraft and the features of the control of a specific aircraft. At the same time, it relies both on the testimony of instruments and on a specific feeling of flight, which consists of the sound of the operating engine, vibration sensations and roll. Any management error threatens people's death.

    Clade 21.

    Interior Designer Profession Designer is today one of the highest paid and prestigious professions. The designer is engaged in a project and design of premises - residential buildings, offices, public institutions. The designer should be able to think over all the details of the project: a surround-spatial composition of the interior, a stylized solution, pick up the finishing materials, furniture and equipment.

    Clade 22.

    Slide 23.

    Huntsman (from him. Jager - Hunter) - a job officer in the hunting farms of Russia; Specialist-hunter serving fans hunters. Controls compliance with the rules of environmental management and hunting laws.

    Slide 24.

    Notary Notary (from Latin notarius - scribe, secretary) is an official of the bodies, in the functions of which include a certificate of transactions, registration of inheritance, rights, testing of documents to give them legal significance. The activities of the notary is regulated by the Law "On State Notaritus". The current legislation provides for a single notarial effect - a certificate of contracts (transactions), which is in the inscriptions about this on the contract itself signed by the notary with the print application.

    Slide 25.

    Journalist Journalist Always at the forefront of events, where new is born. The end result of the journalist is the material (informational note, article, essay in the newspaper, television or radio transmission). This is preceded by painstaking work.

    Clade 26.

    Ornithologist Biologist learning birds. Watches their behavior in conditions of wildlife, metropolis and in captivity. Tracks seasonal migration. Engaged in research work. Together with veterinarians, ornithologists are developing methods of treating bird diseases, fight epidemics.

    Clade 27.

    Cutter Circlinger works in the studio for individual tailoring and repair of clothing. In communication with the client finds out his wishes, clarifies the order. If necessary, it gives advice in the choice of a fauna of the future product based on the professional assessment of the characteristics of the client's figures, the appointment and sewing properties of the tissue, modes. Removes the necessary measurements. I sketches the selected version of the style, constitutes the order passport. It makes the pattern for cutting. Performs an economical layout patterns on the fabric and cuts (during repair it is reproduced separate parts). Distributes the sewing operations between the masters of the sewing brigade, while taking into account the level of skill of each employee. Conducts fitting and order to the client.

    Slide 28.

    writer Writer is a person who creates any meaningful text (work) and earns it to life. The writer should have a developed fantasy. Come up with an artistic work without having a bright fantasy, impossible. He must know the rules of grammar, prevent mistakes and most importantly, be able to apply a poetic color with the help of synonyms, associations, metaphor.

    Clade 29.

    Image and a specialist who is professionally engaged in the formation of a client's image. In a specific profession, imiperhyda was made relatively recently.

    Slide 30.

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    Cascader Profession in cinema, performer of complex and dangerous tricks. Straightfully Cascade takes part in creating special details, costumes, insurance mechanisms, scenery, with the help of a trick, as well as in the preparation of pyrotechnic agents that create an illusion of a dangerous situation. .. Duplicate actors in the frame at the time of performing the tricks. Therefore, the cascadere need not only well to own the technique of performing various tricks, but also to be able to reincarnate in a certain way.

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    Confectioner The process of the production of flour products has many manual operations performed by a confectioner using special tools: rock, blades, knives, etc. The confectioner prepares various types of dough, creams, fillings; Products raw materials on a given formulation: mixes, knocks, rolls the dough; separates the obtained semi-finished products, cuts, forms, bakes them; seats products with cream, sweet, chocolate, etc.; Checks the weight of finished products.

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    Profession teacher! Our teacher is just a class! He loves all of us. We are in studying helps us. We try, he knows. We are proud of the teacher to seek new knowledge!

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    The model is a person (man, woman, child), demonstrating clothing models on shows.

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    choreographer choreographer is a representative of a creative profession that puts dancing for a group of dancers. The choreographer conducts training with dancers, visits and evaluates their performance. The choreographer should be able to dance, be original and have organizational abilities. Choreographers can be found in dance companies, in the theaters of musicals, in Opera, on television, on the filming of the film, at festivals.

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    Required knowledge set: acting skills, basics of choreography, art of makeup, ethics of behavior, main directions of fashion Knowledge of foreign languages.

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    The flower flower of flowers is implementing landscaping projects, compiled by specialists who graduated from the middle and higher educational institutions. But no matter how good the project plan is, the embodiment depends on the skill and the aesthetic taste of flower workers. They participate in the layout of green plantings, make ridges, loosen the soil, make fertilizers. When seeds are sown or planted seedlings, the soil is loosened, destroy weeds, mulched - cover with aisle with leaves, straw and humus, water and feather. To give the plant a certain form, it is plugged and step-down. To preserve a clear drawing of flower and lawns, they are cut, thinned, cut off the blurred inflorescences, are triggered to spick fragile plants.

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    The profession of the model is considered prestigious and highly paid. Possibilities of career growth are present. The top model can gain fame and receive invitations to shoot in advertising, as leading various TV shows.

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    The meteorologist collects and systematizes information about atmospheric processes, analyzes the information received, participates in the preparation of long-term forecasts. A meteorologist is working in the fresh air, including in adverse weather conditions. It is necessary to carry out measurements in strictly specified time intervals, regardless of the weather state (rain, hail, storm at sea, thunderstorm, etc.). Work on remote meteorological stations is often held in insulation, loneliness. These meteorological studies are used in agriculture, aviation and shipping, urban planning

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    Nanny nanny feed, wash and disguises the child, walks and plays with him, reads him books. Under the terms of the contract, the cleaning of premises can also be included in its responsibilities, cooking food for a child, purchase of products. The main task of the nanny is to provide a child comfort and security, and if necessary, it should be able to provide him with first aid. Nanny is obliged to have a medical record confirming that, as of health, it can work with children, as well as recommendatory letters. Difference and checking from parents of the child are quite natural, and they must be prepared. For nanny, preferably pedagogical or medical education.

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    Ecologist Environmentalists are those specialists who are trying to explain why the river dries out, the fishes of the fish or the summer falls. They study the condition of water, land, air, the influence of industrial waste on plants, animals and man. The ecologist organizes the protection of the life and health of people, animal and vegetable world from the consequences of the irrational and uncontrolled use of achievements of science and technology. Ecologist - This profession for real fighters!

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    A waiter about 6 thousand years old is a profession of the waiter, but it still needs people and is indispensable. The restaurant is unthinkable without a waiter. The level of service depends not only on the interior of the restaurant, its equipment, food quality, but also from professional skills of those who create an environment of a welcome and hospitality, and first of all, from waiters. Long before visitors come to a restaurant, waiters begin to prepare for their meeting: remove the room, set the furniture, get tableware, appliances, table underwear, serve tables.

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    Fire profession! On the car bright red we rush forward. The work is heavy and dangerous, firefighters, waiting. Howling shrill sirens can be stunned, we will and water, and foam we fire to stew. And in trouble you caught people we can help, because with fire, we will fight the day and night!

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    Profession cook! Give cooks products: poultry meat, dried fruits, rice, potatoes ... and then you are waiting for delicious food.

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    Hairdresser The art of the hairdresser is compared with the work of the artist: the real master has an impeccable taste. The main and main "instruments" of a good hairdresser are his fantasy, feeling of modernity, aesthetic taste, faithful eye and skillful hands. In the schools of hairdressers, at the courses, hairdressers systematically master new techniques of work, modern hair treatment methods (color, curling, etc.), receive information about new haircuts, trendy hairstyles, improving their skills. Depending on the types of work and applied tools of labor in the profession of the hairdresser, specialty are highlighted: male hairdresser, female and children. The hairdresser communicates every day with a large circle of people, so he needs communication skills.

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    Baker Baker Boots bread and bakery products. He mixes the dough, determines his readiness for baking. The finished dough it places onto the sheets and sends them to the oven. The baker controls the baking process, adjusts the movement of the furnace conveyor, determines the availability of the product.

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    The translator is in charge of the translator: the organization and conduct of excursions in cultural and historical places for foreign citizens, support of foreign citizens during their visits to the country, assisting in the placement and living of foreign citizens, translations on presentations, business meetings, support of Russian-speaking groups when traveling Abroad, translation of technical and fiction, teaching activities.

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    Carpenter carpenter is one of the common construction professions. This is a wide profile profession. The specialist performs work related to wood processing and the manufacture of various parts, products and building structures from it. The profession of a carpenter is necessary everywhere. It can work on construction sites in the construction organizations of rural construction, in construction and repair organizations, in repair shops of factories, on woodworking combines, in housing and construction offices at home management. Even with a broad mechanization of construction work without a carpenter at a construction site cannot do.

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    The provisional pharmacist is a specialist with a higher pharmaceutical education, which works in the production, storage, sales of drugs. Historically, the pharmacy worker is called a pharmacist. Among the specialists of this kind are distinguished by the provisions - technologists engaged in the manufacture of dosage forms, and provisions - analysts engaged in quality control. In addition, the responsibilities of the provision can include drug leave, including narcotic, inspection of pharmacies, kiosks, clinic. Pharmaceutical education can be medium and higher. A specialist with secondary special education in this area is a pharmacist, with the highest - provision.

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    Passenger Wagon Explorer Conditions Conditions Conditions are wide and diverse. Its responsibilities include the service of passengers in the way, ensuring safe landing and disembarking passengers, place them in the car in accordance with travel documents. It must ensure the transport of manual bag in accordance with the established rules and norms; To keep records of the population of the serviced car and in a timely manner to inform the head of the train on the presence of free and liberated places in the car. The conductor receives bed linen, preparing beds to passengers, at the end of the flight collects underwear and provides his surrender. Prepare and pacify tea and tea trading products. The conductor monitors the technical condition of the car, ensures the safety and operation of its internal equipment. The conductor is obliged to notify passengers about the names of stopping points and the duration of the train parking; contain car clean and order, carry dry and wet carpet of the car; To provide the first (prefiguration) medical care for passengers.

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    Mysterious technology for champagne manufacturing technology. Everything that is accomplished around this beautiful wine, which has become for many characters of the holiday, unusually and little resembles witchcraft. Few people guess how many strengths and the ability of different professionals are inserted into the creation of a foamy drink.

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    The restoration of the restoration in art and architecture understands the restoration of destroyed, damaged or distorted monuments of history and culture, in order to preserve their historical or cultural significance. The profession of the restorer includes several specialties requiring professional education of various levels: restorer of decorative and artistic pain, restorer of works of wood, restorer of ornamental plastering and stucco products, artist - restorer.

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    Gardener in gardening work is organically combined both mental and physical functions. In modern gardening, the master must own a variety of agrotechnical skills and skills necessary for growing planting material, planting gardens, plant care, taking into account their growth and development.

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    The clergyman of any clergyman, whether the priest, Archbishop, Mullah or Priest, is an intermediary between people and God, in the existence of which they believe and bring their prayers to the existence. They come to the priest in Mount, and in joy, they ask advice, the most intimate secrets trust. Therefore, he must be a man with a reputable, be able to empathize, have extraordinary patience, courage, humility and, of course, deep faith. The clergyman commits the sacraments and public services, but his work does not end behind the gate of the temple. The priest can stop on the street at any time to ask for advice or help.

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    Secretary-referent Secretary establishes communication with employees of the institution, prepares and serves various meetings, meetings, conferences, organizes the reception of the management apparatus and visitors. The role of the secretary and in the organization of various meetings is responsible. The secretary selects the appropriate documents, if necessary, prints them on the computer. Working with documents is one of the responsibilities of the secretary. It leads the minutes of meetings, records telephones, orders, orders. At the same time, the secretary can use stenograph.

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    The investigator disclosure and investigation of crimes, the influence of the perpetrators, the restoration of a good name of a person constitute the essence of the work of the investigator. The successful fight against crime depends on his skills and energy, perseverance, initiative and dedication. The activities of the investigator are carried out at the three stages of criminal proceedings: the initiation of criminal proceedings, a preliminary investigation and renewing cases of newly discovered circumstances. The establishment of the investigation, the conduct of procedural actions, the assessment of the evidence collected, the adoption of decisions is made by the investigator independently.

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    Rescuer Modern Salvation Service exists in our country relatively recently. This does not mean that no one has previously engaged in the salvation of people in an emergency. In the elimination of the consequences of accidents and disasters, civil defense squads participated. A narrow specialty rescuers were used: water rescuers, mountain rescuers, rescue-search engines, firefighters. These services exist now. However, emergencies are increasingly emerging, requiring special qualifications specialists. Therefore, in 1990, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation (MES) was established. In addition to the functions executed in the very name of the Functions, the Ministry of Emergency Situations predicts and prevents the circumstances fraught with a threat to people, develops rescue tools, creates new technologies.

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    Stolar Stolar is a multifaceted profession, including a wide variety of professional skills. The most popular are the professions of the joiners in housing construction and furniture production. A special few group allocated firewear joiners, in which artistic trends prevail. The result of the joiner is various carpentry products that are divided by a constructive feature.

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    The coach in the duties of the coach includes training athletes for the upcoming season. Higher education is necessary to get the position of the coach corresponding to the specialization of the selected sport, as well as to be the athlete itself, albeit for the selected sport. The coach working with children should be like a good specialist in his business as well as a psychologist and an educator and just a person who loves children. Not to all coaches manage to combine all these qualities. Being a coach is impossible, sincerely without having loved this work. Emotional support is needed both professional athletes and lovers. The coach may and should be able to configure the student to win, maintain the martial spirit in it and the desire to conquer all new and new frontiers. It is necessary to say that the representative of this profession should be an authority for its wards in everything: in relation to work, in the lifestyle, in their views and estimates of everyday events. The coach's working day begins very early at 6-00 in the morning, because many coaches do not lead for one year and the smallest kids in age are trained in front of the garden. Sports coach is engaged in training athletes. He leads their workouts, prepares for competitions. To achieve the greatest results, the coach needs to properly plan the exercise complex, competently distribute the intensity, mode and load of classes, taking into account the physical and mental resources of athletes. Trainers of professional athletes usually in the past themselves reached certain heights on this field. In children's sports schools and sections in this profession, masters of sports and graduates of universities of physical culture are usually operating. And although the program-maximum of each coach is to bring your ward to a big sport, for teenagers and young people, the coach first of all remains an authoritative and close person, forced to believe in yourself, their strength and opportunities.

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    Coach Trainer plays an important role in the life of an athlete. He teaches a word, to achieve a personal example. The coach must be a professional. Behind his backs should be victory in competitions. He has to work with different children in character, so it is necessary: \u200b\u200bto understand psychology, be able to manage the team.

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    Bodyguard In modern Russia, a security guard is a specialist who carries out a contractual basis for security activities, training is trained and has a license for private security activities. The main activity: ensuring the security of the client as a whole. To date, the profession of the bodyguard is one of the most dangerous and risky professions related both to physical and mental load, and requires qualified training.

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    Tax profession is mostly female. The main task of the weaves is to prevent unnecessary downtime of machines, quickly eliminate random thread breaks, prevent marriage, quickly eliminate it if it arose. Tkachkha checks the quality of the incoming threads by number and color, performs preventive work to prevent the scope of the bases (longitudinal) and duck (transverse), fabric defects, controls the tissue density and the accuracy of the weave pattern. One weaves serves several machines.

    The world of professions is a doctor, and who is stronger here all diseases and colds? Like Dr. Aibolit, will protect us from influenza? I'm not afraid - run, jumping on a visit to the good doctor! The sailor sails the sailor on the ship he does not whip on the ground. He and the wind be friends and wave because the sea is his home. Firefighter If suddenly the trouble happens, somewhere lights up, there is an urgent fireman. He will expect, is for sure. Serviceman Defenders abode. Brave fighters. And valiant knights. Lidh bravets. Forces are dark winners. No titles and names. Fatherland ministers. Soldiers of all time. A policeman if you hit you, the phone 02 scored. Police will come to you, everyone will help everyone, will save everyone. The pilot pilot knows his business, the aircraft leads in the sky. It flies over the ground. I kich's shofler, I am flying in full, I myself - the driver, I myself - the motor. I click on the pedal - and the car rushes into the distance! Prayer I am a painter, walking toward you with a brush and a bucket. Fresh paint I myself paint a new home. I paint the wall, paint the door, my brush dives ... I and my nose is now white, friends. The teacher rang the bell fun in the yellow-red September. Opened the doors of the school to our noisy defector. In the long life exam on the path of the indirect leads to the country of knowledge of our teacher - steering. The artist he and fruits, and the nature draws, and the portrait. He took an artist to work brushes, paints and easel. Cook Give cooks products: Poultry meat, dried fruits, rice, potatoes ... And then the delicious food is waiting for you. Girls all day today sow. I dressed the whole family. Wait a little bit, the cat, there will be to you clothes. The joiner of the hammer in the work is needed, and with a pilot carpenter friendly. From the plate sawed and the nesting house chisser. Builders Let them not bargains the parents that the builders are ignited, because the one who builds, that something is worth it! And it does not matter that while this house is from the sand! The manager of the company is largely managed and reasonably, and skillfully, the money is so distributed so that the business grew up and fastened. Hanging, he gives all employees to his own that the firm go ahead, brought profits to them. Hairdresser Give scissors, squeezing, he will make you hairstyle. The hairdresser certainly trims you modern. Musician as played by a musician, how beautiful violins are sounds! He has a big talent, golden hands. Clown I'm clown! I will hurry to the audience. I'm clown! I will mix the audience. Let your tears from the laughter flow! I love very much when people laugh. Cosmonaut He is an example for all guys. His name is the hero. Proudly wears the cosmonaut. The geologist to become a geologist wants the stones of different learning. Here is the ore, it has metals. Here are different crystals. The stone here is the sea coral, near the pearl spurla. The strongest, knew, diamond, I will find it more than once. Mill in the morning the sun shines brightly, milk carries milk. Warm, cow, children on health. The combineer at the dawn, only twisted the ray of the dawn poplar, the combineer to the steering wheel will rise and rather on the fields. He looks like a captain, but leads the steppe ship. He argues with a wave stubbornly, only with a gold wave. Sold down Crossword

    1. Tell me who is so tasty cooking cabbage, odorous cutlets, salads, winegreets, all breakfasts, lunches? 2. Does not solve the sick tasks, all patients are cavalid ... (doctor) 3. He and fruits, and nature draws, and a portrait. Took today to work brushes, paints and easel. (artist) 4. The traffic light flashes me, he knows that I .... (Floor) 5. Who teaches the kids to read and write, to love the nature, to respect the nature? (Teacher) 6. He is not a pilot, not a pilot, he does not lead a plane, but a huge rocket. Children who, tell me? (Cosmonaut) 7. Who dumbbell raises, then the kernel throws? Quickly runs, does aptly shoot, as in one word they call them all? (Athlete) 8. Medium of the clouds, at the height, we are together building a new home so that in warmth and beauty people happily lived in it. (Builder) 9. Our jubilee smells like paints: the thousandth house painted. ... (painting) Sold down the crossword
    Balasheva Natalia PetrovnaPrimary school teacher GOU SOSH "School Health" № 1920 Moscow


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