Project activity software. How to create a school project. Project work plan

"The only way leading to knowledge is activities."
Bernard Show

School project activities

Success in the modern world is largely determined by the ability of a person to organize their lives as a project: to determine the long and closest perspective, to find and attract the necessary resources, challenge the action plan and, having completed it, to evaluate whether to achieve the goals. Numerous studies conducted in both our country and abroad showed that most modern leaders in politics, business, art, sports are people who have a design type of thinking. Today, the school has all the possibilities for the development of project thinking with the help of a special type of students' activity - project activities.

And although the project activities are increasingly used in secondary schools, has not yet been formed by ideas about what it should be. The project can be called the work of the most different genre: from the usual abstract and non-standard execution of the standard task (response on geography or history with the execution of songs and dances of the country being studied or era) to a really serious study with subsequent protection on the principle of coursework or thesis.

Project as a type of independent creative work of students

Designed in the first half of the 20th century, the project method becomes relevant in modern information society. However, the introduction of project activities in school practices is encountered to certain difficulties.

Often the project is called any independent work of the student, say the abstract or report. In general, the confusion with terms is quite large, and our media actively contributes to it, in which the projects are called sports events, show programs, and charitable shares. It is not surprising that sometimes teachers do not make up a clear idea of \u200b\u200ba project as a learning method, and students - about the project as a certain form of independent work.

To avoid all these problems, it is necessary to clearly determine what the project is what is his signs, what is his difference from other types of independent work of the student, what is the degree of teacher's participation at various stages of the project, as it depends on the age of the student and from its other individual features.

Among the various types of independent work of students are closest to the genre to projects, reports, abstracts and training research. Maybe therefore, they are often confused not only children, but also adults. Before talking about the project as a learning method, you need to figure out what project is and what it differs from other types of work.

Report - Overded a written message to introduce me to listeners (readers) with a specific topic (problem), give general information Perhaps to present the considerations of the author of the report, which in this case do not require scientific checkor evidence. Since the preparation of the report may require a long time, studying various sources, a certain design of the results, there is temptation to talk about the project. The fact is that the project work is related to the presentation of information. However, the report and the project is not the same thing.

Abstract - Collection and presentation exhaustive informationaccording to a given topic from various sources, including the presentation of various points of view on this issue, bringing static data, interesting facts. When working on a project, there is a similar abstract stage, which is nonetheless only part of the whole project.

Research work - work related to the decision of the creative, research task With an unknown result.If a scientific research is aimed at finding out the truth, to receive a new knowledge, the study study is aimed at acquiring students the skill of research activities, mastering a research type of thinking. Such work has a great similarity with the project. However, in this case, the study is only a stage of project work.

Project - work aimed at solving a specific problem,to achieve an optimal way pre-planned result. The project may include elements of reports, abstracts, research and any other types of independent creative work of students, but only as the ways to achieve the result of the project.

Project as a learning method

The project method is currently very widespread in learning. It can be used in any school discipline where large in terms of the problem of the task are solved, preferably for students of the middle and senior link.

Informatics Although, began to be studied relatively recently, but immediately when studying this discipline, a project method was used. At first, the projects were compiled at school using programming languages \u200b\u200b(VSIS, RASSL), now they are studied by little, and currently design activities in computer science are based on application programs (presentations, spreadsheets, databases, nTMI hypertext markup language).

A large role in the formation of professional self-education of schoolchildren is playing such teaching methods as the project method.

Project activities are aimed at cooperating the teacher and the student, the development of creative abilities, is a form of evaluation in the process of continuous education, provides an opportunity for early formation of vocational and significant skills of students. Project technology aims to develop the identity of schoolchildren, their independence, creativity. It allows you to combine all modes of operation: individual, pair, group, collective.

The implementation of the method of projects in practice leads to a change in the role and function of the teacher. The teacher, with this approach, acts as a consultant, partner, organizer of the cognitive activity of his students. In the process of working on the project, students appear the need to acquire new knowledge and skills. The process of fixing the skills of work on a separate topic or a large course unit occurs. The method of learning is a complex, multidimensional, multi-quality education. "If it was possible to build its spatial model, then we would see a fancy crystal, sparkling in many faces and constantly changing their color," so many authors define the concept of "learning method".

Project method in teaching

The main objective of the project is to form creative thinking of students. There are many classifications of learning methods, but in almost every in them there is a research method when students are given a cognitive task that they decide on their own, selected the necessary methods for this and using the help of the teacher. The project method can be attributed to the research type in which students individually do any problem.

The educational process is based on cooperation and productive communication of students, aimed at joint resolution of problems, the formation of the ability to allocate important, to set goals, planning activities, distribute functions and responsibility, critically think, to achieve significant results. In Russian pedagogy, this approach is associated with the use of such teaching methods as problematic and project. Educational activities in this case are focused on successful activities in a real society. The result of training is no longer the assimilation of knowledge, skills and skills, but the formation of key competencies that ensure the success of practical activities.
An important feature of the project approach is humanism, attention and respect for the student's personality, a positive charge, directed not only for training, but also on the development of the personality of the students.

The word "project" in European languages \u200b\u200bis borrowed from Latin and means "thrown forward", "protruding", "striking". Now this word is beginning to understand as an idea that the subject can have the right to dispose of as his thought. Currently, this term is often applied in management, meant in a broad sense by any activity presented as a complex of individual steps. This understanding is close, but somewhat different from the one that has developed in Russian technical jargon. Here the project is the plan of any new object (building, machine, mechanism or node), materialized in drawings, diagrams, etc. documentation.

In the pedagogical literature you can find various definitions of the educational project. In any case, the educational project is based on the following points:
development of cognitive, creative skills of students, skills independently search for information, development of critical thinking;
Independent activities of students: individual, steam room, group, which students are performed for a certain period of time;
solving some significant problem for students modeling the activities of specialists of any subject area;
presenting the results of the completed projects in the "tangible" form (in the form of a report, report, wall newspaper or magazine, etc.), and in the form of concrete results ready to be implemented;
Collaboration of students among themselves and teacher ("pedagogy of cooperation").

For a student, the project is the possibility of maximum disclosure of its creative potential. This activity that allows you to express yourself individually or in a group, try your hand, attach your knowledge, benefit, show the result of the result. This activity aimed at solving an interesting problem formulated by the students themselves. The result of this activity is the problem of solving the problem - is practical and significant for the Owner itself. And for the teacher, the educational project is an integrative didactic means of development, training and education, which allows you to develop and develop specific skills and design skills: problematization, goaling, planning activities, reflection and self-analysis, presentation and self-presentation, as well as search for information, practical application of academic Knowledge, self-study, research and creative activity.

When working with the project, it is necessary to distinguish a number of characteristic features of this method of learning. First of all, this is problemswhich is to be solved during the work on the project. Moreover, the problem should have a personally significant nature for the author the author, to motivate him in search of the decision.

The project must necessarily have a clear, really achievable target. In the general sense, the goal of the project is always the solution of the initial problem, but in each case, this decision has its own unique solution to have its own, unique incarnation. This embodiment is project productwhich is created by the author during his work and also becomes a means of solving the problem of the project.

In working with the project there is another difference - preliminary planning Work. All the way from the initial problem before the project is realized to be divided into separate stages with their intermediate tasks for each of them; Determine how to solve these tasks and find resources.

The implementation of the work plan on the project is usually associated with the study of literature and other sources of information, information selection; It is possible, with various experiments, experiments, observations, research, surveys; with the analysis and generalization of the data obtained; With the formulation of conclusions and the formation on this basis of its own point of view on the initial problem of the project and the ways to solve it.

The project must necessarily have written part - Report about the progress of work, which describes all stages of work (starting with the definition of the Problem Problem), all decisions made with their rationale; All problems arising and ways to overcome them; The collected information conducted experiments and observations are analyzed, the results of surveys, etc.; The results are summed up, conclusions are made, the project prospects are found.

An indispensable condition of the project is its public protection, presentationwork results. During the presentation, the author not only talks about the progress of work and shows its results, but also demonstrates its own knowledge and experience of the project problem, acquired competence. The element of the self-presentation is the most important side of the project, which involves a reflective assessment by the author of the work done by him and acquired it during the experience.

In essence, the design method of learning is close to problem learning, which involves consistent and targeted nomination to students of cognitive problems, solving which they under the leadership of the teacher actively assimilate new knowledge. Problem learning ensures the strength of knowledge and their creative application in practical activity. In addition, the project method has similarities with educational training. Developing training is an active-active method of learning in which targeted training activities are carried out. At the same time, the student, being a full-fledged subject of this activity, consciously puts the goals and objectives of self-implantation and creatively achieves them.

Terms and meaning of words used for project activities proposed by M.Yu. Bukhara.

Term Vocational value Pedagogical value
Method The method of a theoretical study or practical implementation of something A combination of reception, the operation of mastering a certain area of \u200b\u200bpractical or theoretical knowledge, a particular activity, the method of organizing the process of knowledge
Project Plan, idea, preliminary text of the document -
Project method - The method based on the development of cognitive skills of students, critical and creative thinking, the ability to independently design their knowledge, orientate in the information space, to see and formulate problem. The method of achieving the didactic goal through the detailed development problems, which should be completed quite real tangible practical results decorated in a certain way.

The method offering a solution to some problemsproviding for the use of various training techniques and integrated knowledge from various fields of science, technology, creative areas.

Problem Task requiring permission, research. The awareness of the subject of inability to resolve the difficulties and contradictions arising in this situation with the help of his knowledge and experience. The problem originates in the problem situation. Task containing contradiction, unambiguous response and requires finding solutions. Takes its origin in the problem situation.
Problem situation Circumstances and conditions containing, contradictions and unambiguous decisions in which the activities of the individual or group are unfolding. Circumstances and conditions of student activities containing contradictions that do not have a definite solution
Training project Modern educational, cognitive, creative or game activity students - partners having a common targetagreed methods activities aimed at attainment The general result by decision of any problems, meaningful for project participants.

Stages of work on the project. Motivation of students.

By organizing the project activities, there are a number of circumstances that need to be considered when working. A student cannot be proposed as a project, to fulfill which he does not have any knowledge of skills, despite the fact that this knowledge and ability he has no place to find and acquire. In other words, to work on the project, the author must have a certain initial (let the minimum) level of readiness. And, of course, there can be no project work very familiar, many times previously implemented, which does not require the search for new solutions and, accordingly, not allowing the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills. The first stage of work on the project is problematization - It is necessary to assess the existing circumstances and formulate the problem. At this stage, the primary motive arises, since the presence of a problem gives rise to a feeling of disharmony and causes the desire to overcome it. The second stage of work - goaling. At this stage, the problem is transformed into a personally significant goal and acquires the image of the expected result, which will be further embodied in the project product. The most important stage of work on the project is planningAs a result of which the clear outlines acquires not only a distant goal, but also the nearest steps. When there is a work plan, in stock Resources (materials, working hands, time) and a clear goal, you can proceed to work. The next stage of the project cycle is the implementation of the plan.

Upon completion of the work, the author must compare the result with his idea if there is an opportunity to make corrections. This is the stage of understanding, analyzing the mistakes made, attempts to see the prospect of work, evaluating their achievements, feelings and emotions arising during and at the end of work. The final stage of work - self-esteem and reflection.

The main stages of the project work is problematization, goaling, planning, sales, reflection.However, each stage has smaller, but very important steps that need to be performed during work.

Formulating the goal of the work, the author of the project creates a mental image of the desired result of work - project Productwhich is an indispensable condition for work. In the course planningit is necessary to determine taskswho have to be solved in certain stages of work and methodswhich these tasks will be solved. Determine the procedure and timing of performance - to develop schedule. At the stage salesthe plan may need to make certain changerepended individual stages and in ways of work, and sometimes a presentation of the author about the final result may change. Project product. The project is usually completed presentations found by the author of the method of solving the initial problem created by the proceeding product and Self Precalentcompetence of the author of the project. Presentation is a project window. Everything should be subordinate to one goal - the best way to show the results of the work and the competence of its author, which he acquired in the process of this work. Self-testing, the ability to show the ability to show yourself without losing a sense of measure - the most important social skill.

The presentation regulations, as a rule, provides no more than 7-10 minutes per speech. For this short time, it is necessary to talk about the work, which was carried out for several months, was associated with the processing of a large array of information, communication with various people made by the author of discoveries.

So, two main presentation problems are speech and regulations. It is very important to teach children the most important thing, briefly and clearly state your thoughts. Better if the presentation is written in the form of abstracts.

During the presentation, the author of the project may have to be responsible for the audience. To this you need to be ready. The answer is better to start, thanking the one who sets it (any question on the topic of the project testifies to the interest of the public to the performance and gives the author another chance to show its competence).

The presentation is desirable to rehearse.

The essence of the project activities.

The program of the new educational field "Technology" provides for students of the II - XI classes every year at least one creative project. It is the creative project activity of schoolchildren to contribute to technological education, the formation of the technological culture of each you can, which will help him take a look at the habitat, more rationally use the available resources of the Fatherland, multiply natural wealth and human potential. A reviving design method of training, with its skillful application, truly makes it possible to identify and develop personality deposit, its ability.

The project method of training "Technology" suggests that the design is carried out not under the care of the teacher, but with it, it is not built on the pedagogical dictate, but on the pedagogy of cooperation.

Designing also implies the study of not only technologies, but also the actual activities of people in the production and non-production sectors of the economy. Thus, we can talk about the ergonomic content of the new educational field "technology", which is the natural development of polytechnism in modern conditions.

Designing as a method of knowledge should have students practical assistance in awareness of the role of knowledge in life and training when they cease to be a goal, and become a tool in genuine education, helping to master the culture of thinking. It is also aimed at psychophysical, moral and intellectual development of schoolchildren, the activation of their departments and abilities, essential forces and calling, inclusion in successful labor activity and system of universal values, the formation and satisfaction of their activities and cognitive requests and needs, creating conditions for self-determination, creative self-expression and continuing education.

The creative project is an educational and labor task that activates the activities of students, as a result of which they create a product with a subjective, and sometimes objective novelty.

Organization and methodology for performing creative projects

Under the method of projects in the educational field of the "technologist" we understand the way of organizing educational work of students. It provides for the implementation of certain needs of people, developing ideas manufacturing products or services to meet these needs, designing and creating a product or provision of services, assessing their quality, the definition of real demand for the goods market.

Project method is a flexible model of the organization of an educational process oriented

It contributes to the development of observation and the desire to find answers on them, and then check the correctness of its answers by analyzing information, conducting experiments and research.

Product results can be products, services, systems. Technologist, development of environmental improvement and other skills working with materials, tools and information Students receive as necessary to fulfill a particular project, the project system is based on the principle of complication, therefore a number of provisions are being laid as the basis of the curriculum:

gradual increase in knowledge and skills;

implementation of projects in various fields, ranging from more familiar (house, school, rest sites) and ending with more complex (society, business, industry);

the constant complication of the requirements for solving problems (the use of an integrated approach, accounting for a large number of actors);

gradually, students are aware of their own abilities and opportunities to meet the needs of personality and society;

the ability to focus on local conditions, as problems for projects are chosen mainly from the surrounding life.

Help the student, relentless active guidance in the choice of projects, Schoolchildren who are actually carried out, taking into account the currently existing material and other resources and together with the darkness of the most promising from the point of view of expanding experience, horizons, titles and skills of students, all severity falls on the shoulders of the teacher of the technologist,

For these first features to help children in a free choice of project, a number of others follow: assistance in project planning, practical implementation, in the analysis of the final results.

The teacher should help schoolchildren:

get different materials, reference books, information, tools, etc.;

discuss ways to overcome difficulties through indirect, leading issues;

approve or not approve various phases of the working procedure;

teach briefly record the results of their activities;

give a brief analysis of the project performed.

When developing a project plan, students appeals to reference books, use the Internet, other sources of information, are consulted with family members, knowledgeable people, study tools, materials necessary for project falling down the initial project implementation plan is constantly translaimed, possible omissions are corrected,

The technique of drawing up a plan, of course, may be the most diverse, so as diverse as the projects themselves, most importantly - so that the plan has answered the project and, and not vice versa,

Of particular importance is the method of projects, which allows schoolchildren in the system to master organizational and practical activities throughout the design and technological chain - from the idea to its implementation in the model, products, services, integrate knowledge from different areas, apply them in practice, creating new ones Knowledge, ideas, material kiss. The use of methods of methods in the technological formation of schoolchildren contributes to the implementation of the didactic functions.

The educational function of the new approach to technological education implies the acquaintance of students with the main technological knowledge, skills and terminology.

The educational functions of the new approach to the technological education of schoolchildren is to develop personal qualities: business attacks, enterprise, responsibility, in developing the skills of reasonable risk, etc., the design activities of students will allow to realize their interests and abilities, will take responsibility for the results of their work, will form a belief that Success in business depends on the personal contribution of each.

The developing function of using the method of projects in technological education is that schoolchildren are aware of the possibility of using abstract technological knowledge and

Students develop the skills of choosing one solution ofmultiple1 alternative and awareness of all short-term and long-term problems of this choice

1. Introduction.

The concept of project, project activity, project culture, project structure. Typology of projects.

Students should know:

  • the concept of project, project activities,
  • project typology.
  • Students should be able to;
  • distinguish between project types;
  • determine the project structure.

1. Practical-oriented project.

Aims to the social and interests of the project participants themselves.

The product is predetermined in advance and can be used in class, school, city, and. t. d.

The palette is diverse - from the textbook for the office of physics to the package of recommendations for the restoration of Russia.

2. Research project.

The concept of a research project. FEATURES OF RESEARCH PROJECT The basic concepts necessary to fulfill the research project; The object of the study, the problem it includes the rationale for the relevance of the chosen theme, the designation of the objectives of the study, discussion of the results obtained,

3. Information project. Aims to collect information about a kind of object, phenomenon to analyze it, summarizing the presentation for a wide audience.

4. Role-out project.

The development and implementation of such a project is the most complex participating in it, projects take on the role of literary or historical characters.

5. Creative project.

Ensures the most free and non-traditional approach to the results of the results.

The concept of a creative project. Features of a creative project. The main stages of the fulfillment of creative projects.

Stretching the structure of the activities of the participants of the creative project.

Registration of results in the form of video films, articles, album Students should know:

  • the concept of a creative project;
  • the main stages of the creative project

Students should be able to;

  • choose and justify the topic of the project;
  • select the necessary information to implement the project;
  • to work out the structure of the joint activities of the participants; creative project;
  • draw up the results of project activities

6. Registration and evaluation of the project.

Registration of project activities. Registration of the list of literature and applications.

Criteria for assessing project implementation. Protection of the project, criteria for estimating the protection of the project

Students should know;

  • criteria for assessing completed projects;
  • criteria for estimating the protection of the project executed.

Students should be able to:

  • evaluate the completed project;
  • protect the project.

Choosing and justifying projects.

The choice of projects is determined by the needs of various spheres of human life and society (school, industry, leisure, house), the need to satisfy, improve and modernize existing consumption and service items.

1) Basic problems arising from choosing, analyzing, project implementation:

1. How to determine the scope of activity.

2. How to choose the topic of the project.

3. How to choose a model, product design.

4. How to develop a product manufacturing technology.

5. How to carry out the economic calculation of the product.

6. How to issue a project report.

2) The main criteria for selecting projects:

1. Originality.

2. Availability.

3. Reliability.

4. Technical perfection.

5. Aesthetic advantages.

6. Security.

7. Compliance with public needs.

8. Establishment of operation (ergonomics).

9. Technologicalness.

10. Magebellipacity.

11. Cost, etc.

For greater clarity, you can take advantage of the "Strip of Justification" (thinking), where in the center - the object of the study, and on the periphery - factors defining its consumer properties in need of improvement.


Further, the production of the manufacture, outcome of the knowledge, skills and skills acquired in the lessons in the lessons, the technological, economic and environmental feasibility, etc.

Basic Product Design Requirements

Manufacturability -the ability to maximally make a product, in particular on the existing equipment, from available materials, with the lowest labor costs.

Creative orientation and enormity.It is assumed to be creative activities and accounting of the interests of children.

Systemity. The content of project implementation work should reflect the material studied during the school year, to be polytechnic directed,

Solo. It implists the compliance of the level of training of students with individual, age and physical abilities.

Efficiency. It requires the manufacture of the product with the smallest costs, with the greatest profit in the implementation and operation of the product.

Ecology. The manufacture and operation of the manufactured product should not entail significant imputed in the environment, violation of human life, animal and vegetable world.

Safety. It is envisaged both at the stage of project execution and at the operation stage. Safety is related to the system of measures for labor protection, industrial sanitation, hygiene. The project should eliminate the possibility of injury and occupational diseases.

Ergonomic. Associated with the scientific organization of labor. It provides for the organization of the workplace with the lowest energy costs of a person when servicing.

Compliance with design requirements. The projected product should be externally aesthetically beautiful, fashionable, harmoniously combined the color gamut and all the details, and the tank is functional and practical.

Significance. The manufactured product must have a certain value and utility in the interests of society or a particular person.

The knowledge area used in the implementation of technology projects

Anthropometry - measurement of the human body and its parts when removing measurement, identifying the product compliance with the size and form of a person.

Safety of vital activity - a system of measures for labor protection, industrial sanitation, hygiene, etc.

Biology is the structure of the human body, the features of its television conditions.

Geography - climatic conditions of various regions, temperature limits in this climatic region.

The history of the costume is information about the history of development, modification of certain types of clothing.

Mathematics - Calculation of formulas for building patterns, calculation of consumption of materials, cash, mathematical dependencies.

Materials science is the study of materials for the right choice of the product appropriate for this model.

Mechanics, machinery elements - the simplest adjustment (repair) of equipment on which work is made.

Modeling (technical modeling) - change the drawing of the pattern in order to obtain the desired model of the product.

Professional guidance - information about professions, acquisition of professional knowledge and skills.

Psychology - Features of human perception, for example, the laws of visual illusion in color, in artistic modeling.

Drawing - Development of sketches of alternative models (elements of art modeling), laws of composition, drawing.

Technology - cutting, working with cloth, technological processes in the manufacture of the product.

Chemistry, physics - physicochemical properties of materials, dyes, various additives in the composition of the fabric, information on the production of tissues.

Colorology - choice of color as an important information quality suit: the influence of different colors on the features of this figure and in general appearance (ability to emphasize the dignity and hide the shortcomings), a harmonic combination of colors, patterns of color combinations, color symbolism and the purpose of the costume.

Drawing - building drawing patterns.

Ecology is the environmental friendliness of materials, influence, harmful dyes and other components that are part of the tissue.

Economy, Basics of Entrepreneurship - Calculation of the cost of the product, family economy, mini-marketing research, compliance of product quality, compliance with the quality of products and prices for them, that is, supply and demand), planning possible ways to implement their products.

Aesthetics - an embodiment in a suit of the desired aesthetic idea (taste, aesthetic flair, intuition, a feeling of color and shape, a sense of measure, understanding of the rhythm and composition in a suit).

General view and structure of an explanatory note.

The project is an independent creative completed student work performed under the guidance of the teacher. It usually consists of two parts: theoretical and practical. As the latter, a specific product, layout, model, video film, computer development, etc., and the theoretical is an explanatory note. The following is the recommendations for its preparation. Of course, when using them, it is necessary to take into account the age capabilities of students, and the explanatory note to the project of a five-grader in content will differ significantly from the high school students.

The explanatory note structure depends on the type of work, and in the general case should contain:

  • Title page.
  • Table of contents (content).
  • Introduction
  • Chapters of the main part.
  • Conclusion.
  • Bibliography.
  • Application.

Structural elements of the explanatory note.

Title page

Title sheet - the first page of the explanatory note and is filled by certain rules.

The top field indicates the full name of the educational institution. On average, the name of the project is given without the word "theme" and quotes. It should be brief and accurate if possible - meet the main content of the project. If it is necessary to specify the name of the work, you can give a subtitle that must be extremely brief and not to turn into a new title. The following is the name, name, school number, and the design class (in the nominative case). Then the name and initials of the project manager.

The lower field indicates the place and year of performance (without the word "year").

Following the title list, a table of contents is placed in which all the titles of the explanatory note are given and the pages on which they are located are shown. Reduce them or give in other wording, sequences and coodes cannot be. All billets are written from a capital letter and without a point. At the end, the last word of each title is connected to the deposit with the corresponding page number in the right column of the table of contents.

Introduction to work

It substantiates the relevance of the chosen topic, the goal and the content of the tasks set, the planned result and the main problems considered in the project are indicated, the interspendency is indicated, it is reported to whom the project is intended and what is its novelty. The introduction also gives the characteristics of the main sources of obtaining information (official, scientific, literary, bibliographic). It is advisable to list the equipment and materials used during the project.

Chapters of the main part

The following is set to the wording of the goal, and the specific tasks that are to be solved in accordance with it.

The first chapter of the project discusses the estimated technique and the technique of its implementation, a brief review of literature and other materials on the topic is given.

In the next chapter (search), it is necessary to develop a bank of ideas and proposals for solving the problem considered in the project.

In the technological part of the project, it is necessary to develop a sequence of execution of the object. It may include a list of stages, a technological map, which describes the operation algorithm with an indication of tools, materials and processing methods.

Next, it is necessary to consider the economic and environmental assessment of the project. In the economic part, it is a complete calculation of the cost of manufacturing the designed product. Next advertising project and marketing research. Special attention should be paid to the environmental assessment of the project: justify that the manufacture and operation of the designed product will not entail changes in the environment, violations in human life.


In the conclusion of the project, the results are presented, their relationship with a common goal is determined and the specific tasks formulated in the introduction is given by students of the work done by him.


After the conclusion, the list of literature used is placed. All borrowing should necessarily have a substitution link, from which the above materials are taken.


Auxiliary or additional materials that clutter the bulk of the work are placed in applications. The application contains tables, text, graphs, cards, drawings. Each application should begin with a new sheet (pages) with an indication of the word "application" in the upper right corner and have a thematic title. If there are more than one application in the work, they are numbered by Arabic numbers (without sign no), for example: "Appendix 1", "Appendix 2", etc. The numbering of the pages on which applications are given should be through and continue the overall numbering of the main text. Through it with applications is carried out through links that are used with the word "see" (see), concluded with the cipher into parentheses.


  1. Kruglikov G. I. Methods of teaching technology with workshop. M.: 2003.
  2. Morozova N.G., Kravchenko N.G., Pavlova O.V. Technology 5-11 classes: Project activities of students. Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.
  3. Steppy MA What is a training project? M.: The first of September, 2010.
  4. Steppy MA Creative potential of schoolchildren's project activities. The development of the creative abilities of schoolchildren and the formation of various models of accounting for individual achievements. M.: Center "School Book", 2006.


1. Project activities.

1.1. Activity. Project activities.

1.2. Project. Typology of projects.

2. Theoretical aspects of design.

2.1. Principles for designing and designing individual educational programs (projects).

2.2. Modeling. Design.

3. Organization of project activities.

3.1. Difficulties in design.

3.2. Stages of work on the project.

3.3. Activities at various design stages.

4. Topics of projects.

5. Thesaurus.

6. Workshop.

Project activity

One of the fundamental characteristics of a modern person acting in the space of culture is its ability to projective activities.

Projective (or project) activities It refers to the category of innovative, as it implies the conversion of reality, is based on the appropriate technology that can be unified, master and enhanced. The relevance of mastering the basics of design is due, firstly, the fact that this technology has a wide range of applications at all levels of the organization of the education system. Secondly, the ownership of the logic and technology of socio-cultural design will make it more efficiently implementing analytical, organizational and managerial functions. Thirdly, project technologies ensure the competitiveness of a specialist.

Activity. Project activity

Activity- a specific human form of attitudes towards the environment, the content of which is a suitable change and transformation in the interests of people; The condition for the existence of society. Activities include a goal, funds, result and process itself.

Project activity contains:

    analysis of the problem;

    setting a goal;

    the choice of means of its achievement;

    search and processing of information, its analysis and synthesis;

    evaluation of the results obtained and conclusions.

Subsection consists of three blocks: subject, activity and communicative.

Project activity students are one of the methods of developing learning, aimed at developing independent research skills (setting the problem, collecting and processing information, carrying out experiments, analysis of the results obtained), promotes the development of creative abilities and logical thinking, combines knowledge obtained during the educational process and comes to Specific vital problems.

The purpose of project activity is anunderstanding and applying knowledge of knowledge, skills and skills acquired when studying various items (on an integration basis).

Problems of project activities:

    Training planning (the student should be able to clearly define the goal, describe the main steps to achieve the goal, concentrate on achieving the goal throughout the work);

    The formation of information collection and processing skills, materials (the student should be able to select the appropriate information and use it correctly);

    Ability to analyze (creativity and critical thinking);

    The ability to compile a written report (the student should be able to draw up a work plan, present clear information, make a footnote, to have a concept of bibliography);

    To form a positive attitude to work (the student should take the initiative, enthusiasm, try to fulfill work in accordance with the established plan and work schedule).

Principles of project activities:

  • The project must be satisfied for implementation;

    Create the necessary conditions for the successful implementation of projects (form an appropriate library, library, etc.);

    To prepare students for projects to carry out projects (conducting a special orientation so that students have time to choose the topic of the project, at this stage you can attract students who have experience in project activities);

    Ensure the management of the project by teachers - a discussion of the chosen topic, the work plan (including the execution time) and the maintenance of the diary, in which the student makes the appropriate records of his thoughts, ideas, sensations - reflection. The diary should help the student in the preparation of the report in the event that the project is not written. The student resorts to the help of a diary during interviews with the project manager.

    In the event that the project group each student must clearly show its contribution to the project. Each project participant receives an individual assessment.

    Mandatory presentation of the results of the project in one form or another.

Important factors of project activities include:

    increase the motivation of students in solving problems;

    development of creative abilities;

    shift of accent from the instrumental approach in solving tasks to the technological;

    formation of a sense of responsibility;

    creating conditions for cooperation between teacher and students.

Improving motivation and the development of creative abilities occurs due to the presence of a key sign in the design activity - an independent choice.

The development of creative abilities and the shift of the accent from the instrumental approach to the technological occurs due to the need for a meaningful choice of tools and planning activities to achieve a better result. The formation of a sense of responsibility occurs subconsciously: the student seeks to prove, first of all, to itself, that he made the right choice. It should be noted that the desire to assert himself is the main factor in the effectiveness of project activities. When solving practical problems, cooperation with the teacher naturally arise naturally, since both the task is of meaningful interest and stimulates the desire for an effective solution. This is especially brightly manifested on those tasks that the student itself managed to formulate.

Project. Typology projects

Project (from lat. phjectus, letters - thrown forward):

1) A set of documents (calculations, drawings, etc.) to create any construction or product.

2) Pre-text of any document.

3) Confusion, plan.

The project method is not fundamentally new in world pedagogy. He arose at the beginning of this century in the United States. He was also called the method of problems and was associated with the ideas of the humanistic direction in philosophy and education developed by the American philosopher and teacher J. Dewey, as well as his student of V.H. Kilpatrick. J. Dewey offered to build training on an active basis, through the appropriate activity of the student, consistent with his personal interest in this knowledge. From here it was extremely important to show the children of their personal interest in acquired knowledge, which can and should come in handy in life.

This requires a problem taken from real life, familiar and meaningful for a childTo solve which he needed to attach the knowledge gained, new knowledge that has yet to be purchased. The teacher can suggest sources of information, and may simply direct the idea of \u200b\u200bstudents in the right direction for self-search. But as a result, students should solve the problem independently and in joint efforts, applying the necessary knowledge sometimes from different areas, get a real and tangible result. All work on the problem is thus acquiring the contours of project activities. Of course, over time, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe project method has undergone some evolution. Born from the idea of \u200b\u200bfree upbringing, it is currently becoming an integrated component of a fully developed and structured education system.But the essence of it remains the same - to stimulate the interest of students to certain problems involving a certain amount of knowledge and through project activities involving these problems, the ability to practically apply the knowledge gained, the development of reflex (in the terminology of John Dewey or critical thinking).

The essence of reflex thinking is the eternal search for facts, their analysis, reflections on their authenticity, the logical build of facts for the knowledge of the new, to find the exit from doubt, the formation of confidence based on the argued reasoning. The method of projects attracted the attention of Russian teachers in the early 20th century. The ideas of project training arose in Russia almost in parallel with the development of American teachers. Under the leadership of the Russian teacher S.T. Shatsky In 1905, a small group of employees was organized, who was trying to actively use design methods in the practice of teaching. At the same time, in a foreign school, he actively and very successfully developed. In the USA, Great Britain, Belgium, Israel, Finland, Germany, Italy, Brazil, the Netherlands and many other countries, where the ideas of a humanistic approach to the formation of J. Dewey, its project method has been widespread and gained great popularity due to the rational combination of theoretical knowledge and Their practical application for solving specific problems of the surrounding reality in the joint activity of schoolchildren. "All I know, I know why I need it and where and how can I apply this knowledge," here is the main thesis of a modern understanding of the project method, which attracts many educational systems, seeking to find a reasonable balance between academic knowledge and pragmatic skills. The method of projects is based on the development of cognitive skills of students, the abilities independently design their knowledge, the abilities to navigate in the information space, the development of critical and creative thinking.

Project method -this is from the Didactic region, private techniques, if used within a certain subject.

The method is a didactic category.This is a set of techniques, operations of mastering a certain area of \u200b\u200bpractical or theoretical knowledge, a particular activity. This is the path of knowledge, the method of organizing the process of knowledge. Therefore, if we talk about project methodwe mean exactly methodachievements of the didactic goal through the detailed development of the problem (technology), which should be completed quite real, tangible practical result, decorated in one way or another. Didakta, teachers appealed to this method to solve their didactic tasks. The basis of the method of projects is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe essence of the concept of "project", its pragmatic direction of the result, which can be obtained by solving a virtually or theoretically significant problem. This result can be seen, comprehend, apply in real practical activity.

To achieve such a result, you need to teach children or adult students independently thinking, finding and solving problems, attracting knowledge from different areas for this purpose, the ability to predict the results and possible consequences of different solutions, the ability to establish causal relationships.

The project method is always focused on independent activity of students - individual, pair, group, which students are performed for a certain period of time.

This method is organically combined with group (COLLABORATIVE or COOPERATIVE Learning) methods. The project method always implies a solution to some kind of problem. The solution to the problem provides for, on the one hand, the use of a totality, a variety of methods, training tools, and on the other, implies the need to integrate knowledge, skills to apply knowledge from various fields of science, technology, technology, creative regions. The project method as a pedagogical technology implies a set of research, search, problematic methods, creative at its very essence.

Basic requirements for using the project method:

    1. The accuracy of the problem (tasks requiring integrated knowledge, research search for its solution (for example, a study of a demographic problem in different regions of the world; creation of a series of reports from different ends of the globe on one problem; the problem of the influence of acid rain on Environment, pr.).

    The practical, theoretical, cognitive significance of the proposed results (for example, a report to the relevant services on the demographic state of the region, factors affecting this state, trends tracing in the development of this problem; Joint Issue of the newspaper, almanac with reports from the place of events; Forest Protection in different locations, action plan, etc.);

    Independent (individual, steam room, group) activities of students.

    Structuring the substantive part of the project (with the indication of phased results).

    The use of research methods involving a specific sequence of actions:

    determining the problem and arising from it the objectives of the study (use during a joint study of the method of "brain attack", "round table");

    nomination of the hypotheses of their solution;

    discussion of research methods (statistical methods, experimental, observations, etc.);

    discussion of methods Design of end results (presentations, protection, creative reports, views, etc.).

    collection, systematization and analysis of the data obtained;

    summing up, the design of the results, their presentation;

    conclusions, nomination of new research problems.

For the typology of projects, the following are offered typology:

    Dominant in the project: Research, search, creative, role-playing, applied (practical oriented), informationally-indicative, etc. (research project, game, practical oriented, creative);

    Subject and meaningful area:mono project (within the same area of \u200b\u200bknowledge); Intergovernmental project.

    The nature of the project coordination: Immediate (hard, flexible), hidden (implicit, simulating the project participant, is characteristic of telecommunication projects).

    H. arakter contacts (Among the participants of one school, class, cities, region, countries, different countries of the world).

    Number of project participants.

    Duration of the project.

The implementation of the method of projects and research method in practice leads to a change in the position of the teacher. From carrier of ready-made knowledge, he turns into an organizer of the cognitive, research activities of his students. The psychological climate in the class is also changing, as the teacher has to reorient their educational work and the work of students on a variety of independent activities of students, the priority of research, search, creative nature.

Separately, it should be said about the need to organize an external evaluation of projects, since only in this way you can track their effectiveness, failures, the need for timely correction. The nature of this assessment is largely depends on both the project type and the topic of projects (its content), the conditions for conducting. If this is a research project, then he inevitably includes the stratification, and the success of the entire project depends largely on properly organized work at individual stages.

Should be stopped on general approaches to project structuring:

    You should always start with the choice of project theme, its type, number of participants.

    Next, the teacher must be thought out of possible options for problems that it is important to investigate within the framework of the planned topics. The problems themselves are put forward by students with the filing of the teacher (leading issues, situations that contribute to the definition of problems, video sequence with the same purpose, etc.). Here is relevant "brain attack" with the subsequent collective discussion.

    Distribution of tasks in groups, discussion of possible research methods, search for information, creative solutions.

    Independent work of project participants in their individual or group research, creative tasks.

    Interim discussions of the data obtained in groups (in lessons or in classroom in scientific society, in group work in the library, library, etc.).

    Project protection, Oponing.

    Collective discussion, examination, results of external assessment, conclusions.


to create learning projects and presentations

Project method - This is a system of learning, a flexible model of the organization of the educational process, focused on self-realization of the student's personality, the development of its intellectual qualities and creative abilities.

    the purpose of the upcoming actions is formulated;

    outlined the main stages;

    the results of each stage are defined in the form of tasks;

    established the timing of the project;

    the performers are defined, the functions of each are distributed;

    sources of funds are outlined to achieve the goal;

    the form of reporting according to the results of the project is determined;

Project activity - It is educational, cognitive, creative or gaming activities, which has a common goal, coordinated methods, methods of activity aimed at achieving the overall result of activities.

Types of educational projects

1.Inchair. Under the research project is meant the activities of the author aimed at solving the creative, research problem (tasks) with a pre-unknown solution and involving the presence of the main stages characteristic of scientific research.

2. Creative. This type of projects implies a clear planning of the final results and the form of their presentation. The project structure is only planned and further develops during the work, submitting the genre of the final result and interests of the participants, but at the very beginning it is specified that it will be a project. It can be a joint newspaper, an essay, video film and so on.

3.Obly-indicative (informational). This type of projects is aimed at working with information about some facility, phenomenon. It is intended to familiarize the project participants with specific information, its analysis and generalization is already for a wide audience. Such projects, as well as research, require a well-thought-out structure and the possibility of its correction in the course of work.

4. Print-oriented (applied). These projects are distinguished by the future result of its participants from the very beginning. For example, a document created on the basis of the results obtained; Program of action, recommendations.

The project must contain the following parts:

    title page

    brief abstract

  • main part

    conclusion (result)


Stage 1

Choosing the formulation of the theme - This is the initial and very serious stage of any research. The topic must be relevant, i.e. Practically useful and to be of interest in scientific relationship. Choosing the topic of research, the author must be guided by several rules:

    the topic should be interesting, must pass, comply with the inclinations of the author,

    the topic must be executed, the solution should bring real benefits,

    the topic should be original

    the topic must be fulfilled, achievable and addresses literary sources.

1. Initial stageany project is to substantiate the relevance of the chosen topic. An explanation of the relevance should be a few. The main thing is to show the essence of the problem situation, explain why research is being conducted.

2. The wording of the goal. Setting the issue to which you need to receive an answer. At the same time, the extended goal should be concrete and affordable. The work should be necessary. Its results should be interesting not only to the author, but also some more circle of people.

3. After allocating the purpose, you must specify specific tasksto be addressed (study, describe, establish, find out, withdraw the formula, etc.).

4. A prerequisite for design work is to define it object and subject. The object is distinguished by the part that serves as a study.

Object of study- Process or phenomenon generating a problem situation and elected to study.

Subject of study - All that is in the boundaries of the research object in a certain aspect of consideration.

5. Advance hypothesis- The desired attribute of any research.

Hypothesis - This is a scientific assumption that advanceed to explain any phenomena. The hypothesis occurs as a possible solution to the problem.

2 - Stage

Project work:

Harvesting experimental data Comparison of them with literary data and predictions of theory.

After the topic is selected, the questions are formulated for which you need to receive an answer - you need to try to collect as much information about the subject of study.

Planning work It implies the need to choose a methodology for conducting a study, calculate what the necessary volume of observations or the number of experiments should be, threw on which part of the work, how much time you leave.

Selection of work techniques Depends on the purpose and subject of research: observation, comparison, experiment, analysis, synthesis, etc.


Registration of obtained results of work

After a detailed study of all scientific literature on the topic of research and the final discussion of the results of its own research, the stage of literary design work begins - its writing.

Work structure:

Title page,


Main part,




Title page - The first page of the work (not numbered). The title contains the items of work indicating pages. Introduction is a brief substantiation of the relevance of the chosen theme, goals and tasks set. The goal, tasks and research methods are indicated. There is a review of literature on this topic. The main part outlines and analyzes the results. The link number in the text of the work must comply with the sequence number in the literature list. The appendix provides schemes, graphs, tables, drawings.

Project work plan:

    Introduction (justification of relevance, definition of goals, objectives, object, subject, hypothesis of research).

    The main part (literary review, research methodology, research description).

    Conclusion (conclusions and results).


1. The introduction should include the formulation of the problem formulation, reflect the relevance of the topic, the definition of the goals and objectives set in front of the executor of the work, the characteristics of the object, subject, hypothesis of the study, the characteristics of the author's personal contribution to the decision of the chosen problem.

Introduction - Very important part of the work. The introduction should be clear answers to the following questions:

What is interesting to this task from the point of view of science or its practical application? What place is the results of this work in the general solution of the task? Why was the work, what was her goal and how much was it achieved?

2. Main partthere must be a brief overview of the literature used and sources with the author's conclusions, the degree of study of this issue, the description of the main facts in question, the characterization of the methods of solving the problem, comparing the known author of the old and proposed solution methods, the rationale for the selected solution (efficiency, accuracy, simplicity, visibility, practical significance, etc.). The main part is divided into chapters (paragraphs). At the end of each chapter (paragraph) must be conclusions. In the conclusions essentially repeats what has already been said in the previous chapter, but is formulated compressed, without detailed evidence.

3. Conclusion Must contain conclusions and results obtained by the author in concise form (indicating, if possible, directions for further research and proposals for the possible practical use of research results).

4. Bibliographycontains in an alphabetical manner of publications, publications and sources used by the author, with an indication of the publishing house, city, the total number of pages.

Generally accepted standards for design work

Font: TimesNewRoman, 14, not fat (except for allocating the names of sections, subsections, etc.).

Line spacing: Overhead

Fields: Upper - 2 cm, the lower - 2 cm, on the left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm.

Pagination - with the second (page with a plan or content).

Paragraphs - indentation from the left limit of the main text by 1.5 cm.

Leveling text In width.

The page is at least 40% of filling.

Each section begins with a new page (but not subsection). After the name of the section, the point is not put.

The scope of work does not include applications.

Basic principles for the development of educational presentations

1. Optimum volume. The most effective visual number of no more than 8 is 20 slides. The presentation of a larger number of slides causes fatigue, distracts from the essence of the studied phenomena.

2. Availability.The consideration of age-related features and the level of students' training is required. It is necessary to ensure an understanding of the meaning of each word, suggestions, concepts, disclose them, relying on the knowledge and experience of students, use figurative comparisons.

3. A variety of forms. Implementation of an individual approach to the trainee, accounting for its possibilities of perception of the proposed educational material in complexity, volume, content.

4. Accounting Features of the perception of information from the screen. Concepts and abstract positions to the consciousness of students reach more easily when they are supported by concrete facts, examples and images; Therefore, it is necessary to use various types of clarity.

It is necessary to alternate static images, animation and video phrases.

5. Initiality. The inclusion (without prejudice to scientific content) in the presentation of funny plots, animated heroes revitalizes the occupation, creates a positive attitude, which contributes to the assimilation of the material and more strong memorization.

6. Beauty and aesthetics. An important role is played by the color combinations and the style of style in the design of slides, musical accompaniment. Visual training is built not on distracted concepts and words, but on specific images directly perceived by the audience.

7. Dynamic. It is necessary to choose the optimal to perceive the rate of shifting slides, animation effects.

Creating a presentation consists of three stages:

I. Presentation planning - This is a multi-step procedure, including the definition of goals, studying the audience, the formation of the structure and logic of the material feed.

II. Development of the presentation - Methodological features of the preparation of presentation slides, including vertical and horizontal logic, content and ratio of textual and graphics information.

III. Rehearsal Presentation - This is an inspection and debugging of the created presentation.

Requirements for presentations

Design slides

Observe the uniform style of design.

Avoid styles that will distract from the presentation itself.

Auxiliary information (control buttons) should not prevail over the main information (text, illustrations).

Cold tones are preferred for background.

Using color

Animation effects

Use computer animation features to present information on the slide. Do not abuse various animation effects, they should not distract attention from the content of information on the slide.

Use short words and suggestions.

Headers should attract audience attention.

Location of information on the page

Preferably, the horizontal location of information.

The most important information should be located in the center of the screen.

If there is a picture on the slide, the inscription should be located under it.

Avoid solid text. It is better to use marked and numbered lists.


For headers - at least 24. For information at least 18.

You can not mix different types of fonts in one presentation.

To highlight information, use bold, italics or underscore.

It is impossible to abuse capital letters (they read worse lowercase).

Methods for allocating information

Frames should be used; borders, fill, hatching, arrows; Drawings, charts, diagrams for the illustration of the most important facts.

Amount of information

Do not fill out one slide too much information: people can remember no more than three facts, conclusions, definitions. Not fully filled slide is better than crowded.

The greatest efficiency is achieved when key items are displayed one by one separate slide.

Make a slide easier. The audience has only about a minute for his perception.

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The most important tasks of education are the formation of civil liability and legal self-consciousness, spirituality and culture, initiative, independence, tolerance, the ability to successful socialization in society and active adaptation in the labor market. "

The role of a kindergarten in solving these tasks is defined in modern educational standards. Today, the teacher is intended not only to form systemic knowledge from children, but also to teach apply learned knowledge and skills in practical activity and everyday life, to create conditions for the full development of the person.

The draft State Standard of Preschool Education, which differentiates the content of programs implemented in DOU, allocates several directions, including an important place for innovation, including the tasks of developing a positive attitude of a child to themselves, other people around the world, the communicative and social competence of children.

To successfully solve the tasks of the modernization of education, it is necessary to improve technologies and training techniques. Therefore, at the present stage of the development of pre-school education, the problem of updating the methods of training, education and development of the child is renewed.

Planning and work in a preschool educational institution under the administrative and command system, the implementation of teachers already developed and regulatoryly approved projects requiring only the distribution in the time of filing the content of training, go back into the past. Modern education came to the conclusion about the need for an individualized pedagogical process, the content and organization of which is adapted to the peculiarities of the development of a particular child and the real object environment through which an educational process is carried out. Before teachers there is a task already in preschool age to form in children self-skills, activity, initiative in finding answers to questions, collect information, experimenting and applying knowledge gains, skills and skills in games and practical activities. Such an approach allows the project method discovered in the arsenal of world and domestic practices (design method).

In modern preschool pedagogy, the level of development of the child becomes a measure of the quality of the teacher and the entire educational system as a whole. The teacher is focused not only for the preparation of a child to school, but also the preservation of full-fledged childhood in accordance with the psychophysical features of a developing personality. Respect for the child, the adoption of his goals, interests, the creation of conditions for implementation is mandatory conditions for development. The teacher should not only pay attention to the formation of knowledge, skills and skills of the preschooler and adapting it to social life, but also teach through a joint search for decisions, to represent the child to independently master the norms of culture and behavior.

The project method is actively used in the school system and in extracurricular activities. Over the past ten years, project method as a common-breeding technology has become the subject of many studies. Information on this method is available in pedagogical and methodical literature.

In relation to kindergarten, project activities are actively used in environmental and patriotic education, in cognitive development classes

An analysis of the state of preschool practices for the formation of the project activities of children allows us to conclude that the modern kindergarten does not fully implement the pedagogical potential of project activities, as a personal-oriented learning technology.

1. Concept of project activities

preschooler Project activities Pedagogue

One of the fundamental characteristics of a modern person acting in the space of culture is its ability to projective activities. Projective (or project) activity refers to the discharge of innovative, as it implies the conversion of reality, is based on the appropriate technology that can be unified, master and improve. The relevance of mastering the basics of design is due, firstly, the fact that this technology has a wide range of applications at all levels of the organization of the education system. Secondly, the ownership of the logic and technology of socio-cultural design will make it more efficiently implementing analytical, organizational and managerial functions. Thirdly, project technologies ensure the competitiveness of a specialist.

There are two points of view on the connection of project activities and the method of projects, so G.V. Terekhova speaks in his report that the project method and project activities are two concepts that cannot be mixed, they exist independently of each other. Most of the authors adhere to the opinions that the project method and project activities exist in close connection with each other.

Concept of project. The word "project" (literally translated from Latin - "thrown forward") is interpreted in the dictionaries as "plan, intention, text or a drawing of something that predicts its creation."

The project method in recent years has become widespread in the system of domestic education, but in working with preschoolers, it is not used often. Currently, there is no unambiguous interpretation of the project's essential characteristics. The project is understood as:

End product, solving the problem of material, social, moral, historical, research and other nature

Form organization of classes involving the integrated nature of all its participants in obtaining specific products for a given time interval

Didactic means of enhancing cognitive activity, development of creativity and the formation of certain personal qualities

In other words, the project is the integrated activities of children, as a result of which it is assumed to obtain a certain product and its further use.

Project activities. Activities are a specific human form of attitude towards the environment, the content of which is a suitable change and transformation in the interests of people; The condition for the existence of society. Activities include a goal, funds, result and process itself. Project activity contains:

Analysis of the problem;

Setting a goal;

The choice of means of its achievement;

Search and processing of information, its analysis and synthesis;

Evaluation of the results obtained and conclusions.

Subsection consists of three blocks: subject, activity and communicative. The project activity of children is one of the methods of developing learning, aimed at developing independent research skills (problemation, collection and processing of information, conducting experiments, analysis of the results obtained), contributes to the development of creative abilities and logical thinking, combines knowledge obtained during the educational process and Comes to specific vital problems.

The purpose of the project activity is to understand and apply children knowledge, skills and skills acquired when studying various items (on an integration basis).

Problems of project activities:

Training planning (the child should be able to clearly define the goal, describe the main steps to achieve the goal, concentrate on the achievement of the goal, throughout the work);

The formation of information collection and processing skills, materials (the student should be able to select the appropriate information and use it correctly);

Ability to analyze (creativity and critical thinking);

The ability to compile a written report (the student should be able to draw up a work plan, present clear information, make a footnote, to have a concept of bibliography);

To form a positive attitude to work (the student should take the initiative, enthusiasm, try to fulfill work in accordance with the established plan and work schedule).

Project activities require a lot of independence from children, which is not unable to preschoolers due to age, so we will consider the design activities of preschoolers and project method as the form of the organization of design activities of preschoolers.

Inceredible, practical projects received the greatest popularity in kindergarten. They allow us to rely on personal experience of children, to maintain a long time interest in activities.

When creating training projects with open, explicit coordination, the project coordinator performs its own function, unobtrusively directing the work of children, organizing certain stages of their activities if necessary. In the process of working on a project with hidden coordination, the coordinator acts as a participant in project activities. Both of these types of projects were widespread in work with preschoolers.

When working with preschoolers, group projects are more often used, during the preparation of which communicative skills develop, the ability to cooperate and interact, which are perceived in modern society as the integral positive characteristics of the person in any spheres of life.

In the practice of preschool pedagogy L. Morozova, there are four groups of problems: family, nature, man-made peace, society and its cultural values.

In the practice of teaching children in a preschool institution, the project method is traditionally used as part of:

familiarization with social reality, information and practical oriented and creative projects are used;

environmental education and education of children; most often projects that are carried out on these classes are research in nature;

development of visual creativity (in particular, in the process of working on the manufacture of collective collage): These projects, mainly have research and creative character;

museum pedagogy (for example, in the implementation of projects "History of things, etc."): Most of the projects used are complex

development of theatrical activities of children and in the process of preparing for the holidays: Projects of this kind refer to Rolevo Gamov

2. Development of project activities

Children's need for research search due to biologically, the child is born by the researcher. It is this inner aspiration for the study that generates appropriate behavior and creates the conditions for the psychic development of the child initially unfolded as a self-development process. Even a preschooler can carry out independent project activities - in the form of certain types of games (role, directorial, etc.). The question is to choose such types of project activities for each age period of primary school, the content and form of which would be adequate to age. The child does not fit into the pedagogical myth that his own research should be started only when a person enriches his memory with all the knowledge that humanity has accumulated. The Creator and the researcher is formed not during admission to graduate school, but much earlier than its arrival in kindergarten. Studies lead a child to observations, to experiments on the properties of individual items. Both with coincidence and generalization gives a solid foundation of the facts (and not words) for the gradual orientation of children in the surrounding, to build lasting knowledge and creation in the own consciousness of the scientific picture of the world. It is also important that all this process is painted with positive emotions, because entirely meets the needs of active children's nature.

How is the development of the preschooler of project activities?

Up to five years, the child develops at a portionally executive level. The lack of necessary life experience does not allow him to fully show independence in choosing the problem and ways to solve it. Therefore, the main role in organizing work on the project belongs to an adult. Attentive attitude towards the needs of each child, the study of his interests makes it possible to easily determine the problem of the "ordered" children. Thus, as Evdokimova emphasizes, the child of the middle preschool age acts as a customer of the project (explicitly or implicitly), and its implementation occurs at the portionally executive level. As practice shows, preschoolers of this age with pleasure perform the tasks offered by adults, if these tasks satisfy their need for active activities. In addition, the child is fascinated by the process of joint activities with adults.

Participation in the project "On the second roles", actions on the direct suggestion of an adult or by imitating it do not contradict the nature of a small child: at this age, both the need to establish and maintain a positive attitude towards adult and imitativeness.

By the end of the fifth year of life, children accumulate a certain social experience, allowing them to go to a new, developing design level. Recruitment with adults are rebuilt: the preschooler less often turns to them with requests, more actively organize independent activities, they develop self-control. Children are able to adequately evaluate their own actions and solutions, patiently listen to the opinions of adult and other participants in joint activities.

The following stages of development of design actions are developing.

Children 4-5 years old

1. The designation of adults problems (intriguing start taking into account the interests of children).

2. Definition of adult project goals, its motivation.

3. Attracting children to participate in planning activities.

4. Joint activities of adults and children to obtain the result ("division together"), the fulfillment of children of certain uncomplicated orders.

5. Joint project analysis, overall rating.

Children 5-6 years old

1. Designation (adult or children) The problems that meet the interests of both sides.

2. Joint definition of the objective of the project, the nature of the upcoming activities, predicting the result.

3. Planning activities by children with minor assistance to adults; Defining funds and methods for implementing the project.

4. Execution of design actions, differentiated adult assistance.

6. Sharing with children. Definition of the prospects for the development of design.

Children 6-7 years old

1. Designation (children or adult) problems that meet the needs of children or the interests of both sides.

2. Independent definition of the children's goals of the project, the motive of the upcoming activity, predicting the result.

3. Planning activities by children (with the possible participation of an adult as a partner); Determination of project implementation facilities.

4. Effective by children of project actions: creative disputes, achievement agreement, mutual education, mutual assistance.

5. Discussion of the results of work, actions of each, clarifying the causes of success and failures.

6. Definition of children's development prospects.

At the first stage of development of project actions, the author recommends noting and encourage the child's attempts to solve the problem independently: "You quickly came up with!", "It's good that you came to the rescue in time!" It helps children to realize their behavior that they do right, and where they allow mistakes.

At the second stage of development of project actions, the activity of an adult is somewhat declining. He not only generates his ideas as children connects to the realization of their ideas. Such an approach helps to interest preschoolers and, as a result, expand the design problem.

The third and subsequent stages of development of project actions are creative. They are characterized by the increased interest of children to new knowledge, the desire to obtain their independence.

In the design, it is very important to comply with the necessary balance between the development of a preschooler, stimulated by the actions of an adult, and self-development due to the activity of the child himself. This balance is based on the optimal ratio "Child - Adult", i.e. On their complicity in activities on partnerships.

In accordance with the principles of domestic pedagogy, children's design can be successful if the following conditions are followed:

o Accounting for the interests of each child;

o The activities of children without coercion;

o Providing independence and support for their initiative;

o joint with an adult phased achievement of the goal;

o Themes (problem) from the nearest environment of a preschooler, adequate to its age.

3. Organization of project actions

Do you need information computer technologies to preschoolers? This question has long been relevant. Today, the kindergarten should be the first person's experience in the educational system - the place of sample of its educational forces. At this stage of learning, it is important to develop the initiative and independence, to preserve cognitive activity. It is these qualities of pupils to develop with the introduction into the educational process of information computers.

The system of work in the pre-school institution for working with projects includes the following blocks:

The first block suggests ?? Dagogic support of the child in the development of the surrounding world.

The second block contributes to the actualization of knowledge, skills, child skills, their practical application.

The third block stimulates the child's need for self-realization, self-expression, in creative activity.

In the formulation of the task, project preparation, planning its main role belongs to the educator and children. Children, parents, as well as all kindergarters officers take part in the practical implementation of the project.

The dominant methods used in the project may be gaming, creative, cognitive, etc. Also ?? Dagogi is developing various projects of projects.

Themes of game projects may be as follows:

- "Journey game to the underwater kingdom";

- "Theater" (plot-role-playing game);

- "Build the city of the future" (game);

- "Journey to the ancient world";

- "Build a fabulous snowy town."

Topics of creative projects:

Autumn, spring, winter faith ??? already (i.e. from season);

Music fairy tale (on choosing children);

Desktop Theater (inventing the fairy tales, production ?? russia, scenery and showing with ?? thus kids and parents);

- "Merry Fair" (Production of benefits, postcards, attributes, etc.);

Creating films drawn diamers.

Themes of cognitive projects:

Festival of arts "Spring ka ???";

Magazine "Troops" (questions about Nature, Obzh et al.);

- "Travel to the kingdom of mathematics";

Competition "My pedigree";

Museum of People's Culture; (The history of tea drinking, the story of lullaby ?? Sen, the history of clothes, etc.);

- "Red Book" (creating a book from the drawings of rare and endangered species of plants, animals, birds).

By duration, projects in kindergarten may be short-term (from 1 lessons up to 1 day) and long-term (from 1 week to 3 months), but more often ?? Dagogi use long.

Work ?? Dagoga over the project, includes the compilation of a reasonable action plan, which is formed and clarified throughout the whole ?? Riode and takes place in several stages:

1) setting a goal;

2) search for the form of project implementation;

3) the development of the content of the entire educational process based on the subject of the project;

4) organization of a developing, cognitive, subject matter;

5) identification directions of search and practical activity;

6) organization of joint creative, search and practical activity with ?? by daggers, parents and children;

7) work on parts of the project, its correction;

8) Collective project implementation, its demonstration.

Dow Teachers mainly use the method of projects with children of secondary and senior preschool age. The project is a product of cooperation and the creation of educators, children, parents sometimes and everything ?? the ride of the kindergarten. In this regard, the project theme, its form and a detailed plan of action are developed collectively. On this ?? Development of the content of classes, games, walks, observations, excursions and other types of activities related to the topic of the project, ?? Dagogs pay attention and think over the organization of the environment in the Dow, so that it is a background to heuristic and search activities, developed an inquisitiveness from the preschooler .. For example, working on the project of organizing an ecological museum, in the bookcard you can put bright books, encycle ?? Diya for children, albums with the image of plants, animals, birds, "Red Book" of Nature. In the game corner you can systematize and put games on the empirical theme. In the group room you can organize "phytobar", and on the boxes with a chicketer paste the image of this plant. "Waiters", feeding tea, can talk about his healing properties, encouraging children to learn new recipes. On the wall in the group room and in the receiving you can hang ecological content posters made by the children of Yerofeyev T.I. Modern educational programs for preschool institutions. - M., 2000. - P. 30 ..

Parents and relatives should be connected to the organization of search and creative activity of children, since one child will not cope with this activity. On the topic of the project, the educator offers children to the tasks (prepare a layout of the forest clearing, an album with the patterns of wild plants, a poster in defense of animals, herbarium of wildflowers, photos of local winter birds, etc.). Guys together with their parents at their discretion choose the task, and before distributing tasks, the educator thoroughly thinks out, as it is important that they are not too time-consuming and carried out with the desire and joy, and if necessary, the teacher provides a reference, practical material or recommends where it can be found.

The last stage of the project is protection. It is always the most spectacular moment. On the defense invite guests, parents, kids. It is at this very moment that the highest point of emotional heat accounts and it is necessary to strengthen the social significance of the project. It should be explained for whom and why he was created and why he needed. The project's protection form is bright, interesting and thought out to highlight and demonstrate the contribution of each child, parent, ?? Dagoga.

The didactic meaning of project activity is that it helps to associate learning with life, forms research skills, develops cognitive activity, independence, creativity, ability to plan, work in the team. Such qualities contribute to the mustache for children in school.

Analysis of the literature and the state of practice allowed us to highlight the following stages of projects for preschoolers:

choose the topic and type of project;

defining the potential of each project participant for its implementation, establishing opportunities for project implementation;

collecting and processing the necessary information, transformation by its coordinator to affordable perception;

organization and execution of the project;

project protection.

This project execution logic determines the activities of the educator of the preschool institution. The activities of the teacher in the implementation of the method of projects are carried out in three main areas: the formation of the Bank of the tasks, the creation of conditions for the development and implementation of projects and the armament of their necessary skills for this.

General didactic requirements related to projects in educational institutions:

The first requirement - the time assigned to the teacher to perform the task should be sufficient for a qualitative and peaceful solution to the problem.

The second requirement concerns the assessment of the child's activities.

The third requirement lies in systemic use: projects are offered throughout the year and are a decent sequence of diverse in shape and content, gradually complicating tasks.

A number of requirements for teacher organizing project activities.

It should: Determine in detail the main and additional objectives and stages of work, allowing to form skills and develop the initiative of preschoolers;

constantly replenish your knowledge on projects;

provide a base for project execution (demonstration, reference and visual agents, special tools, materials, etc.);

create a positive emotional background when performing a project (design, music, etc.);

mainly consulting children;

to suggest in the course of the project on the project only the general direction and main landmarks for finding a solution to solving the problem, etc.

When organizing projects, educators on developing classes are implemented with diverse methods with preschoolers.

The first group of methods is creative design methods.

W Method of an analogy - Method of solving the task, which uses already existing solutions in other areas; The initial idea borrowed by analogy is gradually communicated to the decision, adequate to the plan;

The Association Method is the method of forming an idea that is based on creative imagination, applying to various ideas of surrounding reality, draws productive associations from there;

Ø Method of neology - method of using other people's ideas; In the process of borrowing it is necessary to answer questions: What should be changed in the prototype? What can be changed in the prototype? how it is better to do;

The Euristic combination method is the method of permutation, which implies the change in the elements and their replacement;

The Method of Anthropotechnics is a method involving the binding of the properties of the designed facility to the convenience of man, to its physical abilities;

Second group of methods - methods that give new paradoxical solutions:

Ø Inversion method is the method of design "from the opponent";

The Method of "Brain Attack" is the collective generation of ideas in a very short time;

The Ø Magin Siege Method is the method of holding a quick survey of participants with the prohibition of critical comments, unlike a brain attack method, each idea is communicated to a logical completion, so the process is obtained lasting time, hence the name of the siege;

W Caricature method is a method for bringing a figurative design of the design product to grotesque, absurd; leads to finding a new unexpected solution.

Recommends the following project structure consisting of several phases The initial phase - 1 stage of project development (preparatory) - Development of the Concept, the answer to the following questions: Why is this project chosen? What is the current situation? What problems does this project solve? What is the result of this project?

Development phase, or project plan - 2 and 3 project development stages (practical and generalized) - key project activity phase. At the planning stage, it is important to realize that the project will be successfully implemented subject to the inclusion of the social component. At the same time, it is necessary to find answers to the following questions: How will the result of the project be achieved? What partners will participate in the project implementation? What funds are needed for this? Who is interested in project implementation? How will they be involved in the project? What is the separation of responsibilities7When and how will the activity be carried out?

The implementation phase is the 4th stage of project development - the implementation of the main activities necessary for the goal. The main activities are to organize work; Development of necessary documents; Direct performance of the work provided by the project; Operational planning; monitoring and adjusting plans; Enabling the system of motivation and stimulating project participants.

Completion phase - 5 project development phase (final). Its main components - summarizing; evaluation of results; Preparation of the final document.

The following signs of the project stands out

· Availability

· Changes (targeted translation of the educational process from the existing in the desired state)

· Limit

· Uniqueness and uniqueness

· Limitations required resources

Several tips for educators on the organization of project activities in a preschool institution.

1. Acquaintance with the theory of the issue and experience in the method of projects.

2. During the preparation of the educational project, in order to enhance and inclusion of children in joint project activities, you can conduct a survey of children on the topic and fix the responses of children with their names.

3. To simulate project activity, you can use the proposed table by the author.

4. Work on the project It is recommended to implement a phased preparatory stage (analysis, diagnosis and assessment of the state of the object, finding contradictions, making a decision on the need, the choice of theme, theoretical, methodological and temporary support, goal-setting, division of the goal on the task fan, the formation of the projection group, distribution rights and obligations, the establishment of communications, instruction);

the main stage (work on the project: modeling, collection and analysis of materials, meeting participants to discuss the implementation of tasks, designing the design of the design, testing of the project and its adjustment, project creation and its design);

the final stage (presentation of the project, reflection, independent examination, identifying unsolved problems and identifying new projects).

What recommendations did not relieve the teacher when designing, it is important for it to remember that it is he who is the organizer of children's productive activity, a source of information, consultant, an expert. He is the main project manager, but at the same time a partner, and a child's assistant in his self-development.

Design technology requires an appropriate organization of the subject-developing space group. The group places documents, books, various items, encyclopedias available for understanding. Possible to enter children in libraries, museums or other institutions, if necessary for project implementation.

The project is a unique means of ensuring cooperation, the creation of children and adults, a way to implement a personal-oriented approach.


Project activity has a number of characteristics that have a positive impact on the development of a preschooler.

First of all, in the course of project activities, knowledge of children is expanded. First of all, this is due to the implementation of research and creative projects.

The implementation of the project involves the formation of the original design, the ability to fix it with the help of an affordable means of means, to determine the stages of its implementation, follow the planned plan, etc.

During the project activities, preschoolers acquire the necessary social skills - they are becoming more attentive to each other, they begin to be guided not only by their own motives as established by the norms.

Project activities affect the content of the gaming activities of children - it becomes more diverse, difficult to structured, and the preschoolers themselves are interested in each other.

L. Morozova emphasizes that she impresses the fact that it allows the child to fill its activities with a personal meaning, to show itself an active subject of knowledge, does not specify a rigid framework, but is open, since the result of the project cannot be predetermined in advance. The child is given the opportunity to show the initiative, independence and creativity.

In adaptive form, the project method can be useful and effective in the work of a preschool educational institution. In the modern method of learning children (both in class and out of them), the project method is considered as one of the integration options (integration based on a single project).

The use of the method of projects in the practice of preschool institutions is the preparation of children to project activities in elementary school. At the same time, teachers sometimes do not differentiate it with the concept of problem learning and are introduced into the pedagogical process of both approaches. Meanwhile, project training is different from the problem of the fact that the activities of pupils and students have the nature of the design implying to obtain a specific result and its public presentation.

The method of project activity can be used in working with preschoolers. This age stage is characterized by more sustainable attention, observation, ability to begin analysis, synthesis, self-esteem, as well as a desire for joint activities. The project can combine the content of education from various areas of knowledge, in addition, there are great opportunities in organizing joint educational and search activities of preschoolers, teachers and parents.

The project method is relevant and very effective. He gives the child the opportunity to experiment, synthesize the knowledge gained. Develop creative abilities and communicative skills, which allows him to successfully adapt to the changed situation of school learning.

List of used literature

1. Bakina M. Modern children, // pre-school education. 2005. No. 4. S.58.

2. Drybina O. Game is the path to the knowledge of the objective world // Pre-school education. 2005 № 4. P. 14.

3. Play? Play !!! Pedagogical guide to the games of children of preschool age / O.A. Skilizupova, L.V. Loginov. - M. "Scriptoric Pubertress 2003", 2005

4. Mishchenko O., Nikishkin O., Gomenyuk E., Osipova M. We remember the heroes // A child in kindergarten. 2007. No. 2. p.36.

5. Moleva I. Know the world around the game // Preschool education. 2007. No. 7. p.24.

6. Organization of a scenery in kindergarten: manual for educators / N.Ya. Mikhailenko, N.A. Korotkov. - 2nd ed. Unit - M. Publishing House "Gnome and D", 2000 - 96 p.

7. Project method in the activities of a preschool institution: a manual for managers and practical workers of the DOU / AVT. - Sost. L.S. Kiseleva, TA Danilina, TS Lagoda, M.B. Zuykova. - 4th ed. Spread. And add. - M. Ark-Ty, 2006 - 112c.

8. Design Development Dow. Methodological manual / S.V. Kuznetsova. And count Auto - M. TC Sphere. 2006 - 112 p.

9. Patraniv I. Project Method // Preschool Education. 2007 No. 3. C81.

10. Rewy playing: media. And art. Doszh. Age: benefit for educators and parents / V.A. Nedjapadova. 2nd ed. - M: Enlightenment. 2003 - 93c.

11. Role-playing games for children / TN. Examples - M: Etrol LLC, LLC ITC Lada. 2005 - 192c.

12. Solntseva O. Playing plot games // Pre-school education. 2005 № 4 C33.

13. Design technology in DOU / E.S. Evdokimova - M.: TC Sphere. 2006 - 64С.

14.Http: // - Project activities in kindergarten


Project "Theater for all.

Type: Practical-oriented, short-term.

Age: Middle Group.

Problem: the external interest of children and parents to the theater and theatrical activity.

Justification of the problem:

1. Insufficient attention of parents and children to the theater.

2. Not formed the skills of children in "Acting Mastery".

3. Superficial knowledge of parents about different types of theater in kindergarten and application for playing with children.

Purpose: Formation in children and parents interest in the theater and joint theatrical activity.

1. Answer the interest of children and parents to the theater.

2. Attach children primary skills in the field of theatrical art (use of facial expressions, gestures, voices, porching).

3. Inteenis the parents in the acquisition, the manufacture of different types of the theater and give information about the ways of playing at home with children.

Project implementation:

At the beginning and at the end of the project, the teachers conducted a poll of the parents "Do you play the theater with a child?" and research observation of children "Independent theatrical activity of children in kindergarten!"

Solving tasks with children:

Viewing a musical, puppet play: "Tiger's journey" (theater - Studio "Tale") and a conversation about what he saw.

Excursion to a dramatic theater with a visit to the grimer artist, scene, hall, locker rooms, lobby, community warehouse, museum, etc.

Presentation for children of different types of the theater "Journey Kolobka!".

Active use in collaborative activities with children of different types of theater.

Foaming etudes, flies, mini-scenes, etc. In individual work.

Creating a gaming environment for self-theatrical activities of children in kindergarten (the manufacture of theaters, tickets; selection of music, requisite).

Rehearsals with children for further showing in the music hall of the present spectators: children and parents.

Solving tasks with parents:

Visual information for parents: Folder "Theater for all" with a description of the history of the theater, its species, master class on the manufacture of theaters.

Highlights of performances for children in the city, a dramatic theater with an invitation to visit and take photos.

Exhibition-presentation of different types of theater "Play with us!" (viewing theaters, options for their manufacturing, pupulity).

Rehearsal of the performance for children "Masha and Bear" with the help of the copyright theater.

Manufacturing in a group of new types of the theater.

Solving tasks with children and parents:

(During the meeting, the options of playing from different works were shown in children: the tale of "Rust", the flower "sits the squirrel on the cart ...", mini - Scene "Parsley and Yozh", Schudka "Squeege". Parents showed for children a fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" for children ).

The result of the project:

Participation in the project 78% of families of the group.

Parents and children got acquainted with the history of the theater, its views, methods of manufacturing and playing.

When conducting a survey at the end of the project, "do you play the theater with a child at home?" The parents' desire to engage in the theater activities of the house with children have increased, visit the theater.

Many parents have acquired and manufactured for home use theaters.

The enthusiastic use of the theater center of children in the group in independent activities and good indicators of "Acting skill" for children is 4-5 years old.

The photo report is the "Theater for All!".

Words of gratitude in the notebook reviews and suggestions!

Posted on


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Project activities, project method

Knowledge only then becomes knowledge

when it is acquired by the efforts of his thoughts, not a memory.

L. N. Tolstoy

The purpose of learning a child is to make it capable of developing further without the help of the teacher

Elbert Hubburt.

Before considering the essence of project activities, it is necessary to consider the concept of activity itself, and find out its components.

I.D. Chechel believes that, activity is a specific human form of attitudes towards the environment, the content of which is a suitable change and transformation in the interests of people; The condition for the existence of society. Activities include a goal, funds, result and process itself.

In turn, project activities are aimed at carrying out any specific projects.

Project activity contains:

Analysis of the problem;

Setting a goal;

The choice of means of achieving it;

Search and processing information, its value and synthesis;

Evaluation of the results obtained and conclusions.

The project activity of students is also one of the methods of developing learning, it is aimed at developing independent research skills, helps the development of creative abilities and logical thinking, combines the knowledge gained during the educational process, and introduces to vital issues.

The purpose of project activities is the knowledge and application of students in skills, skills and knowledge acquired when studying various items (on an integration basis).

Project tasks are:

Training planning (a student should be able to clearly define the goal, describe the main steps to achieve the goal, concentrate on the achievement of the goal, throughout the work);

The formation of information collection and processing skills, materials (the student should be able to select the appropriate information and use it correctly);

Ability to analyze (creativity and critical thinking);

The ability to compile a written report (the student should be able to draw up a work plan, present clear information, make a footnote, to have a concept of bibliography);

To form a positive attitude to work (the student should take the initiative, enthusiasm, try to fulfill work in accordance with the established plan and work schedule).

Principles of project activities:

The project must be satisfied for implementation;

Create the necessary conditions for the successful implementation of projects (form an appropriate library, library, etc.);

To prepare students for projects to carry out projects (conducting a special orientation so that students have time to choose the topic of the project, at this stage you can attract students who have experience in project activities);

Ensure the management of the project by teachers - a discussion of the chosen topic, the work plan (including the execution time) and the maintenance of the diary, in which the student makes reflexions, the corresponding records of his thoughts, ideas, sensations. The diary should help the student in the preparation of the report in the event that the project is not written. The student resorts to the help of a diary during interviews with the project manager.

If the group group each student should clearly show its contribution to the project execution. Each project participant receives an individual assessment.

Mandatory presentation of the results of the project in one form or another.

Important factors of project activities include:

Increase the motivation of students in solving problems;

Development of creative abilities;

Shift of accent from the instrumental approach in solving tasks to the technological;

Formation of a sense of responsibility;

Creating conditions for relations between cooperation between the pedago and students ..

Increasing the motivation and the development of creative abilities occurs due to the fact that there is a key sign in project activities - an independent choice.

The development of creative abilities and the transition of accent from the instrumental approach to the technological occurs due to the need for a deliberate choice and planning activities to achieve the best result. A sense of responsibility is subconsciously formed: the student is trying to prove himself that he made the right choice. We also should be noted that the desire to assert themselves is one of the main factors of the effectiveness of project activities. During the solution of practical tasks, cooperation with the teacher is naturally formed, since for each of them the task is of meaningful interest and stimulates the desire for an effective solution. This is especially intensively manifested on the tasks formulated by the students themselves.

For a student, the project is the chance of the maximum disclosure of its creative potential. This occupation, allowing himself personally or in a group, try its strength, attach their knowledge, make great benefit, show the result of the result. This activity aimed at solving an important problem, which the students themselves formulated. The result of this activity is a detected way to solve the problem - is practical and is significant for the opener themselves. And for the teacher, the learning project is a unifying didactic means of development, training and education, allowing to produce and develop the skills and design skills: problematization, goaling, planning activities, reflection and self-analysis and self-testing, as well as information search, practical application of academic knowledge, self-realization, Research and Creative Activities

Most of the authors who give the definition of the project, allocate a number of characteristic features of the project as a learning method. Initially, this is the availability of the problem to be solved during the work on the project. Moreover, this problem should have an important character for the author's author, to motivate him in search of a solution. The project must necessarily have a clearly pronounced, really achievable target. In the general sense, the goal of the project is always the decision of the initial problem, but in each particular case, this decision has its own, the embodiment is not repeated. This embodiment is the final product, which is created by the author during its work and also becomes a means of solving the problem of the project. Clarification of the initial problem, the formulation of the goal and the creation of an image of the project product is important characteristic features of the project.

Another difference of the project is to pre-plan the upcoming work. All the way from the original problem to the implementation of the project goal should be divided into separate stages with their intermediate tasks for each; and also identify ways to solve these tasks and find resources; Develop a detailed work schedule with the timing of the execution of each of the steps.

Implementation of the work plan on the project is associated with the following actions:

1. study of literature and other sources of information, select information;

2. conducting various experiments, experiments, observations, research, surveys;

3. analysis and generalization of the data obtained;

4. formulation of conclusions and formation on this basis of its own point of view on the original problem of the project and how to solve it.

To implement the method found way to solve the project problem, you need to create a project product. The project product must have certain properties of consumers, i.e. Satisfy the needs of any person who faced this problem for which this project was carried out.

The project must have a written part - a progress report, which describes all stages of work (starting with the definition of the Problem Problem), all decisions made with their rationale; All problems arising and ways to overcome them; The collected information conducted experiments and observations are analyzed, the results of surveys, etc.; The results are summed up, conclusions are made, the project prospects are found.

One of the most important conditions of the project is public protection, presenting the result of the work. During the presentation, the author not only tells about the order of work and shows its results, but also demonstrates its own knowledge and experience in solving the problem of the project, acquired competence. The self-sustaining stage is the most important part of the project, which involves a reflexive analysis by the author of the work done by him also the experience that he conjected.

The design method of training is close to problem learning, which involves a logical and targeted nomination to students of cognitive problems, after which, under the leadership of the teacher, they have a dynamic perception of new knowledge.

Problem learning coordinates the stability of knowledge and their creative consumption in the practical activity of the student. The project method has an analogy with educational training. Developing training is an active-active method of learning, a targeted training activity occurs. A student, being a subject of this activity, is aware of the goals and objectives of self-realization and self-determination creatively, they reaches them.

Metode projects is not new in world pedagogy. He emerged in the new century in the USA. He was called the method of projects and it was integrated with the ideas of the humanistic direction in philosophy and education developed by the American philosopher and teacher J. Dewey, and his student of V.H. Kilpatrick. J. Dewey recommended developing training on an active basis, through the appropriate work of the student, together with his personal interest in this knowledge. At the same time, it was extremely important to show students their personal interest in the knowledge gained, which they can and are obliged to come in handy in their future life. This requires a problem that they took from real life, familiar and valuable for the child, to solve which he needed to attach all acquired knowledge, new knowledge that remains to be obtained. The teacher has the right to prompt sources of information, or can increasing the idea of \u200b\u200bstudents on the desired orientation for self-looking. But in the end result, students are obliged independently and in joint work to solve the problem by applying proper knowledge from various areas, get a real and weighty result. All work on this problem is rebuilt into project activities. Over time, the concept of the method of projects has undergone evolution. Arching from the idea of \u200b\u200bindependent education, this time is becoming a combined component of a well-developed and organized education system. But its essence remains unchanged- stimulate the attention of students to a variety of problems involving certain knowledge and through project activities involving these problems, the ability to practically apply the knowledge gained, the development of reflex (in the terminology of John Dewey or critical thinking). The meaning of reflex thinking is a long-term search for facts, their analysis, reflections on their reliability, logical build of facts for the knowledge of the new, to detect the exit from doubt, the development of confidence based on the reasonable reasoning. The project method was interested in Russian teachers already at the beginning of the twentieth century. The ideas of project preparation arose in Russia actually in parallel with the study of American professors under the guidance of the Russian teacher S.T. Shatsky In 1905, a small group of employees was collected, who tried to vigorously use the design methods in the practice of teaching. At the same time, in a foreign school. He had an active and very successful development in such countries as: USA, Great Britain, Italy, Finland, Belgium, Israel Brazil, the Netherlands and many other countries, where the ideas of a humanistic approach to the formation of J. Dewey, its project method has been widely used and gained great popularity in the form of rational combination of theoretical knowledge and their practical application to solve specific surroundings in the joint activities of students. "Everything I know, I know why I need it and where and how I can apply this knowledge," this is the main thesis of the current understanding of the project method, which attracts many educational systems, seeking to find a reasonable balance between academic knowledge and pragmatic equilibrium. skills. In the very essence of the project method, the process of developing educational skills of students, the abilities independently distribute their knowledge, the abilities to navigate in the information flow, the development of critical and inventive thinking.

Project method is a term from the area of \u200b\u200bdidactic science, private techniques, if it is used within a certain subject. The method is a didactic category. This is a complex of receptions, operations to acquire a certain area of \u200b\u200bpractical and theoretical knowledge, one type of activity. This is the stage of knowledge, the method of organizing true knowledge. Therefore, if we are talking about project method, we understand that it is a way to achieve an instructive goal through detailed development of the problem (technology), which involves completing the real practical result, designed in one way or another. To solve their didactic tasks, teachers appealed to this method. The principle of the project method was laid by the idea that is the essence of the concept of the project of its pragmatic orientation on the result, which can be obtained by solving a virtually or theoretically significant task. The result obtained can be understood, to see, as well as apply in existing practical activity. In order to obtain such a result, you need to teach children or students not only to think independently, but also identify and solve problems, applying knowledge from a variety of areas, the ability to predict the result and the possible outcome of different solutions, the ability to find causal relationships.

The project method is aimed at independent work of students - individual, steam room, group, which students are performed for a certain period of time. This method is inseparable to group methods. Project method provides for a solution to any problem. The solution to the problem assumes, the use of a complex, a variety of methods, learning tools, as well as the need to integrate knowledge, skills to use knowledge from various science areas, technology, technology, creative regions. The project method as the pedagogical industry involves the generality of research, search, versatile, problematic methods and tasks creative in all its essence.

Now we will consider several basic requirements for the use of the methods of projects:

Firstly. There must be a meaningful and implemented problem with the problem or task that requires generalized knowledge, research expanded search for its possible solution.

Secondly, the practical, cognitive, theoretical, the significance of the results we have suggested (for example, a report to the relevant services about the demographic state of the region, factors affecting this state, trends traced in the development of this problem; the joint release of the newspaper, almanac with reports with Places of events; Forest protection in different areas, action plan, etc.);

In the third independent (pair, group, individual,) activities of all students.

Finally, in the fourth structuring of the main substantive part of the project (with a mandatory indication of consecutive results).

In the use of research methods, a certain sequence of actions should be provided:

the initial definition of the problem with the objectives of the research (use during the generalized study of the "Brain Attack" method or the round table);

subsequent hypotheses nomination as well as their solutions;

immediate discussion of specific research methods (both statistical methods and experimental observations, etc.);

discussion of various ways of registration of finite results (presentations, reports, protection, creative reports, discussions, views, etc.).

final collection, systematization and discussion of the data obtained;

preliminary summarization, processing of results, their presentation;

finishing conclusions, nomination of published new problems in the study.

Teachers have to redirect their educational and educational work and the work of students on a variety of independent activities, on the priority of research, search, creative plan.

The dependence of the nature of this assessment is expressed in the conditions of the project, its type or content. In the case when the research project is considered, then the presence of a stratification of conduct. It should be remembered that the success of the project is ensured by the correctness of organized work in certain areas. Let us dwell on the general approaches to the structuring of the project:

1. To start certainly from choosing a project topic, its type and, accordingly, its type and number of participants.

2. Then the teacher needs to consider all possible options for existing problems that need to be explored under this schedule. The problems themselves are expressed by students with the filing of the teacher (leading issues, situations that contribute to the definition of problems, video sequence with the same purpose, etc.). Here is also relevant "Brain Attack" with its subsequent collective discussion.

3. The next step will be the distribution of tasks in groups, also discussion of research methods, search for information, creative solutions.

4. Independent work of the project participants on their individual-actuatorial group research, approaches ..

5. There are also interim discussions of the data obtained in groups (in lessons or in classes, in scientific society, the library, the library, the library, and so on.).

6. Protection of projects and their opposition.

7. Collective discussion, results of external assessment, examination, and undoubtedly conclusions. [4]

Thus, design activities or design method is a new, scientifically based method of educational work, in which the study is the organizer, motivator, performer and controller its educational activities, which meets the requirements of the concept of modernization of dynamically developing Russian education.

"All I know, I know why I need it and where and how I can apply this knowledge," here is the main thesis of a modern understanding of the project method, which attracts many educational systems, seeking to find a reasonable balance between academic knowledge and pragmatic skills. .

Currently, the project method is most adequate among the various directions of modern pedagogical techniques and technologies.

List of sources used

2.Panina TS, Vavilova L.N. The state and prospects for the development of modern pedagogical education // Vocational education in Russia and abroad. 2011. No. 4. P. 45-51.

3.Pakhomova N.Yu. Method of educational project in an educational institution: manual for teachers and students of pedagogical universities. - 3rd ed., Act. and add. - M.: Arcta, 2005. - 112 p.

4.Polate E.S. Project method. Internet resource. URL: (reference date 05/27/2013)

5.Kuznetsov V.S. Research and project activities as a form of educational cooperation in the university. Internet resource. URL: (date of appeal 05/27/2013)

6.Pakhomova N.Yu. Method of educational project in an educational institution: manual for teachers and students of pedagogical universities. - 3rd ed., Act. and add. - M.: Arcta, 2012. - 112 p.


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