Take it yourself: How the Frunzensky supermarket changed Soviet trade. Take it yourself: How the Frunzensky supermarket changed Soviet trade What to answer to itself how

On September 3, 1970, the first self-service store appeared in the USSR. We are talking about the Frunzensky supermarket on Bukharestskaya Street in Leningrad. Konstantin Ranks tells about how the principle of self-service first changed trade in the United States, and years later was adopted by the Soviet Union.

In these September days of 1970, the leaders of Soviet trade in Leningrad summed up the results of the first trading day of the first supermarket in the USSR in Kupchino, on Bukharestskaya Street. Residents of the city know him as "Frunzensky".

By that time, the USSR was already experimenting with new trading methods, because the old system - "money to the seller - goods to the buyer" was too old-fashioned, and did not allow serving a large number of buyers without increasing the number of sellers.

There was another system, "The choice of goods-money in the cashier-check to the seller." That is, the buyer first had to stand in line for the goods, he was given a receipt indicating the amount that he had to pay, after which the buyer stood in line at the checkout, paid, received a check, went to the counter and, sometimes having stood in line for the third time, received acquired. This carousel caused widespread discontent. But it successfully separated sellers and money directly.

The American idea of \u200b\u200b“take it yourself and pay to the cashier” has long been known to specialists in the USSR, because it appeared more than a hundred years ago, and was described in professional magazines before the First World War. In the 1930s, at the height of the Great Depression, self-service stores began to grow like mushrooms after rain.

The secret is simple - ordinary stores had an area of \u200b\u200bup to 100 square meters and in order to be profitable they had to count on 20% of gross profit. Self-service stores were five times the size, there were fewer sellers, and they only had to limit themselves to 10% of gross margins to ensure profitability. What is important - cashiers were needed in large numbers only at certain hours, when there was a large influx of buyers, and of course, they paid less than sellers in ordinary stores.

After World War II, this system began to gradually develop in Europe. In the early 60s, it began to be introduced in the countries of the "socialist camp". In the USSR, at first, ordinary stores were simply converted into self-service stores, but they did not give a tangible effect. And then it was decided to experiment. And build a real supermarket, with imported trade equipment, with trolleys and new shelving.

The effect was amazing - it was not for nothing that this supermarket received a state award - the Order of Friendship of Peoples. The store became, as they said then, "exemplary". Such shops began to appear in other cities of the country, and by the time of the collapse Soviet Union from there were almost two thousand - from the Pacific Ocean to the Baltic.

Today relatively small self-service stores are called supermarkets; their larger clones bear the proud name of "supermarkets". But the principle remains the same - the buyer chooses the goods himself, sometimes he weighs it himself, and goes to pay at one of the cash desks. There are already zones where he can pay for the purchase himself. And ahead is the time when he will not have to stop at the exit from trading floor - the system itself will withdraw the amount from his account. Progress is also taking place in this very conservative sphere like trade, and it cannot be stopped ...

All issues of the Nota Bene program are available in the Fontanka program archive.

We have three traditional answers to the question "How are you?" If everything is good, then "Good!" If everything is not very good, then - "Good". If everything is frankly bad - then "Good ...".

And we offer 95 more options how you can answer this question. The training “Creativity and wit in speech” by Dmitry Ustinov helped us in this. So how are you?

1 Best of all!
2 For quiet sadness
3 Everything is OK!
4 Okay.
5 Thank you, everything is fine, and you? - very nice - goodbye
6 Nothing
7Whatever ...
8 Eh, what are we doing? We have business, and the prosecutor has business
9 Yes, while I live, and it seems I am not going to die
10 The pension is good. increased.
11 Salary is good. Small but good.
12 Because
13 Why?
14 Just like that
15 Is it that simple?
16 All in a beam
17 As in "Brother 2"
18 Excellent! What I wish you too
19 What about you?
20 Everything is good, but it will be even better!
21 Best of all. It's good that no one is jealous.
22 Great, you can't wait.
23 Good - you won't believe, bad - won't help
24 Kiss me first!
25 Yesterday I broke two ribs ...
26 Like soot is white
27 As in a fairy tale
28 As always, that is, well
29 As always, that is, bad
30 From the point of view of banal erudition, I ignore the criteria of utopian subjectivism, conceptually interpreting generally accepted defanizing polarizers; therefore, the consensus reached by the dialectical material classification of universal motivations in the paraogmatic connections of predicates solves the problem of improving the formative geotransplantation quasi-transplantation, and normally correlated aspects of all kinetically correlated aspects.
31 Horovo
32 Regularly!
33 How are you?
34 How are you.
35 How are you ?!
36 As in Poland: whoever has a cart
37 What is it, actually?
38 As always
39 As You Can See
40 She's still alive.
41 Okay
42 did not die and did not marry
43 And how is it really?
44 Is this the case?
45 What is it?
46 No Deeds
47 What's the matter? I'm out of business today!
48 Oh, I'm poor, unhappy, so tired, every day I have to come up with an answer to the question "How are you?"
49 Old lady Agatha Christie once said a wonderful phrase: “You don’t have to say something if you have nothing to say”.
50 There are two ways to confuse a person: ask him "How are you" and ask him to tell something
51 Don't know
52 Do not know
53 Ambivalent
54 sluggish
55 Business goes on, the office writes
56 Are you in no hurry?
57 Do you want to talk about this?
58 A day by carriage, two on foot!
59 Like a parrot, which the cat pulls by the paw on the floor, and he joyfully shouts "Let's go!"
60 Like a Zebra
61 Like a taxi. The further, the more expensive.
62 Like a kolobok - the left and the right are the same.
63 Like a sausage in a dough, fun and angry
64 Compared to Bublikov, not bad
65 Just like Michael Jackson 15 years ago.
66 Better than yesterday, but worse than tomorrow ...
67 What's the deal with such matters!
68 Business ??? There are none, I'm not a business person ...
69 Just like five minutes ago ...
70 Do you all at once or in parts?
71 I am by nature a bum.
72 So much has not been done, so much has not been done! And how much remains to be done!
73 Many things to do
74 Naughty
75 Women can be answered like that, squinting coquettish eyes - "Why?"
76 Good! And you have?
77 Regularly!
78 Tolerant.
79 Certainly.
80 In Angola, children are starving, but everything is fine
81 Everything is in chocolate, even the keyboard!
82 I am growing, blooming, getting old ... Everything is as usual
83 Yes, you drive me straight to ecstasy with your questions ... Ask what else I do and I am yours forever ...
84 You are incomparably original in your questions.
85 Yes, okay, yesterday she won the Nobel Prize for her contribution to the development of ecostructural units in the ciliate ciliate field of slippers and slippers and for her discovery of nanotechnology that will help penguins overcome the ice age in the African woods and Hawaiian deserts in Massa Chussetts, Washington DC.
86 as Scrooge McDuck
87 Life is hard without Novo-Passit ...
88 I also don't care how you are doing, but since you and I haven't seen each other for a long time, out of decency I need to ask something.
89 by your prayers
90 I'm doing fine! I look forward to further inquiries about my personal life!
91 Ask another question please
92 Silently Envy
93 Haven't Bitten Anyone Yet
94 District average
95 Relatively. If you compare with Lenin, then it's good, if you compare with a millionaire, then not very much.

Every day we hear "How are you?", "How are you?" and "What are you doing?" several times. These questions are most often asked out of politeness or to keep the conversation going.

We say something in response, without thinking about the meaning of what was said. In fact, there is a really correct answer to all these questions, which depends on the current situation and on the interlocutor. Consider a variety of options to answer the question "How are you?"

Standard Answers

When all is well

  • "I'm fine, and you?". This allows the interlocutor to tell about himself.
  • "Excellent!". Charge the interlocutor good mood, tactfully making it clear that they do not intend to listen to the negative.
  • “Normal” Neutral, non-binding.

When everything is bad

Here the answer depends on how willing you are to share information about your personal (work) affairs with the interlocutor, and whether he will be interested in listening to your spiritual outpourings.

  • "Not really" Hinting at the follow-up question - "Why so?"
  • "Never mind…." Details follow.
  • "Bad, but I don't want to." Then the interlocutor waits for you to ask "What news have you got?"

Subtleties of etiquette

Etiquette rules do not give answers that may be misunderstood or poorly interpreted. The person asks this question out of politeness, and does not expect a long story about your problems at all.

If you are guided by etiquette, the most optimal answer will be “Great” or “Normal”.

You can only practice wit when talking to people you know well; otherwise, your sense of humor may be misinterpreted.

The answer to the most popular question is dictated primarily by those who ask it. The caustic and sometimes vulgar phrases such as “have not yet given birth”, “the prosecutor’s case,” allowed when communicating with peers, will be unacceptable to the older generation, bosses, and parents. In these cases, the answer should be short and concise.

- a separate topic. These are the only people who are genuinely interested in your business. Therefore, the answer must be specific and comprehensive down to the smallest detail. Do not forget to inquire in response to the health of mom or dad.

Chief... He is absolutely not interested in your personal affairs. By asking the question "How are you?" he means work. Therefore, in response, he is waiting for a detailed report on the latest achievements. In exceptional cases (for example, a corporate event), you can limit yourself to the banal "Good", be sure to add "Thank you". It's enough.

How to answer the question "How are you?"


Joking and funny answers are most appropriate in the Internet (SMS) - correspondence and when communicating with young people. Friends will always find something to talk about, so here you can give yourself free rein.

  • While alive and therefore rejoice.
  • Now I’ll tell you, you’ll start to envy, I’d better keep silent.
  • As in horror - the further, the more breathtaking.
  • The letter X (don't think it's good).
  • Going crazy.

At work

The main thing here is subordination and corporate ethics... The answer should be short, without irony or sarcasm.

  • Fine, but how are you (what news).
  • Everything is the same as before.
  • Thank you, good.

On the personal front

Not everyone is interested in knowing all the details of the interlocutor's personal life. And if you are not going to devote anyone to all the details, then such options are suitable here.

  • Thanks, nothing new.
  • It's okay.
  • And how are you (you)?
  • Not complaining.


Rough statements are used when the question “how are you” comes from the mouth of a person you dislike. This is a kind of protective reflex that works in those moments when you want to protect yourself from intrusive communication.

  • Fuck off
  • Go to hell
  • None of your business

To a stranger

This question is the most popular one for the first acquaintance - during correspondence or a chance meeting. The answer should make it clear to the stranger whether you intend to continue communicating or not.

To continue dating, you can answer something like this:

  • Everything is fine as usual.
  • Thank you, great.
  • Just like others.

To shine with wit in this case is inappropriate. Answers like “As on Mars - there is no life”, “Things are going, but by”, “It could be worse” are better reserved for a more suitable occasion.

If it is not your intention to continue communication, then it is better to immediately, in a polite manner, make it clear.

The optimal answers in this situation would be:

  • I'm married (to a guy).
  • I'm married (girl).
  • None of your business (rude, but works).
  • You will not be interested in it.
  • You have identified yourself.

How can you beautifully respond to a question

"What's up?"

  • Life is like a striped zebra.
  • Today is better than yesterday.
  • Great, and I wish you so.
  • Best of all, but no one is jealous.
  • I'm doing great, I'm waiting for the next question.
  • As you asked, it got better (a little rough).
  • It depends on what you compare it to.
  • Beats with a fountain, but everything is on the head.

"What are you doing?"

  • Improving (or - degrading), let's go together.
  • I am surfing the Internet and texting.
  • I like listening to others more.
  • Guess! You have the opportunity to ask leading questions.
  • I ignore it.
  • I'm trying to cross you off my contact list.
  • I meditate (live, breathe, etc.)
  • I fly on a hang glider (parachute, airship).
  • I read the report (I pass the exam, test).
  • Sorry, I'm underwater, I can't speak.

In correspondence, after the question "How are you", the no less banal "What are you doing?" Here you can finally show your imagination. The person who asked this question usually waits for an answer “I work”, to which he will ask a counter question “Where and by whom?”.

You can turn the conversation in a different direction with a cool and extraordinary response, depending on whether you want to "send" the interlocutor in an original way, or if you are inclined towards a friendly conversation in a positive way.

Video: What to say in response


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