Fairy tale where the wolf caught a fish to look at the tail. Fairy Tale Fox-Sitver and Gray Wolf With Pictures

In the fairy tale of "Fox and Wolf", we are talking about a red-haired flutter, which decided to teach with the help of the tricks of his old rival - Wolf. Fish is all loved, just get it that the fox is that the wolf is problematic. But it knows how to make a man. With regard to his chanterelle and showed its first churr. Decole fish fished. And when she met the wolf, applied the second chitril. Which one? Read about it in a fairy tale. And after reading the fairy tale, let us recall the Russian proverb that I would like to remind the wolf.

"Fox and Wolf"
Russian folk fairytale

Lisa was much hungry, runs on the road and looks around: whether it is impossible to deal with anything edible. She sees - a peasant is lucky on the sleigh of the murzlun fish. "Tries to fishes thumbightly," Lisa thought. I ran ahead, lay down on the road, the tail threw back, my legs straightened ... Well, dead yes and only! The man drove up, looked at the fox and says: "Nice will be a collar of his wife on a fur coat." I took the fox for the tail and threw it in Sani, closed the roaring, and I myself went beside the horse. Lononya lariped it short: he did a hole in the sleigh and let me throw out a fish ... Fish for fish, increased all; And then herself from Sanya slowly climbed. He arrived home, looked around, - neither fish, pi collar!

And Fox shook out all the fish to himself in Nora; Then sat down the hole and the fish eats. She sees - a wolf runs. From his hunger, he looked at him. "Hello, Kuma, what you eat!" - Fish, Kumaneuk.

Give me at least one.
- How! Spoink your mouth! You see what kind of clever thing is: I caught, and you will eat.
- Give at least a head of fish, a biter!
- Not a tail, Kumaneuk! Naoul himself and eat on health.
- How did you catch? Teach
- Estimated! Laying on the Drub River, Sun Tail there, Sydi Yes, say: Fish, fish, big and small, - she cares.

The wolf found the hole, put the tail in the water, sits and mumbles: "Fish, fish, big, and still big." And Lisa came running, began to run around and sort: "Möbni, Murzni, Wolf Tail."
- What are you, Kum, try? - asks the wolf.
- The same as you, Kumanyuk: Fish, fish, big and small.

Here again the wolf is sitting, and his opposing, and his fox. "Is it time to drag, a biter?" - asks the wolf.

No, I will say when it comes it, - Lisa answers. Here again the wolf sits yes my own senses, and Lisa is his own. She sees fox that the hole frustrate well, and says: "Well, now Turning, Kumanyuk!" I pulled the wolf - it was not here!

"You see what kind of greedy!" - Strikes Lisa Wolf: "All told: Fish, the fish is big and even big, and now and do not pull out! Wait, I can't call you for help. "

Fox ran to the village and let's shout under the windows: "Go on the Wolf River to beat, to ice prick." Run on the river the men, who with an ax, and who with a pitchflower.

She sees the wolf mischievous: rushed with all his might, tear off his tail, yes without a tail I was walked, where it was visible; And Kumushka him shouts: "Spit, Kumanyuk, the fish forgot!"

Which of us did not hear the expressions: "Fishing, big and small fish." And the fish did not think at all on the tail. But the tail at the wolf was diligently. And as a hole is well frozen, there is a fox and showed their nestors.

And I want to repeat the wolf and I want to repeat the Russian proverb: "You can not easily endure the fish out of the pond."

Read the kids fairy tales before bed - this is a great way to get close to the child, to introduce it to an interesting and fascinating world of books, help your baby to know modern worldthanks fabulous characters And their stories. In addition, the joint reading helps in the development of fantasy and contributes to the healthy harmonious development of a child as a person. One of these fairy tales to start reading children from early age, is a fairy tale of Lisa and Wolf - a collection of wisdom of the Russian people, who was transmitted to us from generation to generation.
Today, find the text of the fairy tale about the wolf and the fox can be found on our website together with interesting colorful illustrations, helping little students to perceive the text on the rumor. What does little listeners tale about wolf and fox? Answers to this question great set. First, like any Russian folk tale, she will teach your baby to distinguish good from evil, tells that not all beautiful and flattering speeches that they will surely hear in their lives, it is worth listening to. This is not surprising, because, as a rule, they are pronounced those who want to take advantage of another person for personal valious purposes.
Secondly, another important example, which carries a fairy tale about the fox and the wolf is that as if you didn't want without special efforts Get the desired, not always the fastest and easy way - the most correct. To achieve good results, you should not deceive, you need to try and work to achieve your goal.

Lived, were grandfather da Baba. Once the grandfather says Baba:

"You, Baba, Beka Pies, and I feed Sani, I will go for fish."

I caught fish full of WHO. Going home and sees: Lisa stretched out in the middle of the road, as if not live.

The old man drove to her, and she does not move. "The glorious collar will be for the old woman!" - thought the old man and put the fox in Sani.

And only that it is necessary: \u200b\u200bI began to throw it away from the war, everything is fish and fish, everything is fish and fish.

Rose all the fish and softened sly.

Grandfather came home and calling a woman:

- Well, the old woman, what a collar I brought you! There, on sleigh, and fish, and collar. Step away!

The old woman came to the sleigh, looks - no collar, no fish. She returned to the hut and says:

- On the sleigh, grandfather, besides the cargo, there is nothing!

I understood the old man that Lisa deceived him! Growned, chapped, but there is nothing to do.

And the fox in the time gathered on the road all the fish in a pile sat down and eats.

Run past the wolf:

- Hello, Fox! Give me fish!

- What are you what! Naoul himself can eat.

- Yes, I do not know how!

- Ecca you! Go to the river, in the hole to lower the tail, Sydi Yes, say: "Fish, fish, big and small!" Fish herself to your tail and joining.

The wolf ran to the river, lowered the tail in the hole, sits yes sentences:

- Fishing, fish, big and small!

And the frost is stronger and stronger. Wolf tail Engineered firmly firmly. All night sat wolf on the river.

And in the morning they came to the holes behind the water, saw a wolf and shouted:

- Wolf, Wolf! Bate him!

Wolf - there and here, can not pull the tail. Baba threw the vest and began to beat him with a rocker. Bila Bila, the wolf rushed, rushed, tear off his tail and went on an oily.

A wolf runs, and to meet him a fox, the head is bandaged.

"So," the wolf shouts, "you taught me to catch fish?" Bend me, the tail was torn off!

- Eh, top! - says Lisa. "You only touched the tail, and I broke the whole head." Nasil rushing!

- And even truth, "says the wolf. - Where are you, fox, go. Sit on me, I will take you.

Fox rides on the wolf and laughs: "Bitted Nebitant lucky. There is no wolf, no mind! "

Try with a child fox and a fairy tale wolf read together in the roles, turn it into an exciting home staging, which will become an exciting game for the whole family. After that, talk to him about what conclusions the child made from this story. What lesson he ruled out of it? Help him make a correct idea of \u200b\u200bthe meaning and benefits of a fairy tale on examples from your daily life.
Thanks to such collaboration, your child will learn to avoid many mistakes in his life and understand the true intentions of people surrounding it. In addition, a joint fascinating reading instills a child interest in the book. IN school years You do not have to force it to read it. You will see, it will take quite a bit of time and your child will begin to reach back to new knowledge and draw them from numerous books.

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Lived grandfather da Baba lived. Grandfather and says Baba: - You, Baba, Peka Pies, and I feed Sani, I will go for the fish.

I caught grandfather's grandfather. Going home and sees: the chanterelle rolled out with a hacker, lies on the road.

Grandfather tears from the war, came up, and the chanterelle would not worry, lies like a dead. - Here is a glorious find! It will be my old woman with a fur coat.

He took the grandfather fox and put on WHO, and he went ahead. And the fox has suffered time and began to throw away from the Vozha, everything on the fish and fish, everything is fish and fish.

Promoted all the fish and softefully gone. Grandfather came home and calls the Babu: - Well, the old woman, a notable collar brought you on a fur coat!

Baba came to Vasu: there is no collar or fish. And she began to scold the old man: - Oh, you, old hell, such a fucking, still atten my deception!

Here the grandfather cooked that the chanterelle was not dead. Growned, chapped, what will you do! And in the meantime, the fox gathered on the road all the fish in a bunch, sat down and eats. The wolf comes to it: - Hello, a navel, bread yes salt ... - I eat my own, and you stand away. - Give me fish. - Naoul himself, and eat. - Yes, I do not know how.

- Eka! After all, I caught. You, Kumanes, go on the river, lower the tail in the hole, Sydi Yes, say: "Fish, fish, and small and great, fish, fish, and small and great!" So fish for your tail will be enough. As you sit down, you call it more. The wolf went on the river, lowered the tail in the hole, sits and sentenced: - Fish, fish, and small and great, fish, fish, and small and great! And the fox walks near the wolf and senses: - Clear, clear in the sky of the stars, frowns, frowns, wolf tail! The wolf asks the fox: - What are you, kum, everyone says? "And I help you, fish on the tail catching." And again, again: - Clear, clear in the sky of the stars,

Murzni, Murzni, Wolf Tail! Wolf sat a whole night of the hole. The tail has a trimming. Under the morning I wanted to rise - it was not there. He thinks: "Eca, how many fish adopted - and not to pull out!" At this time there is a woman with buckets of water. I saw a wolf and screamed: - Wolf, wolf! Bate him!

Wolf - there and here, can not pull the tail. Baba threw buckets and let him beat his rocker. Bila, Bila, the wolf rummaged, rushed, tear off his tail and went on pitue. "Good, thinks, so (*) I will pay you, Kuma!"

And the chanterelle climbed into the hut, where this woman lived, it was a dough from sauna, headed his head as a dough, ran out on the road, fell and lied - moaning. The wolf to meet her:

- So like you learn, Cuma, fish catch! Look, I felt everything ... Lisa tells him:

- Eh, Kumanes! You do not have a tail, but the head of the mustache, but I broke my head: Look - the brain spoke, nasil.

"And then the truth," the wolf says her. "Where you, Kuma, go, sit on me, I will take you."

Lisiza was a wolf on his back. He was and lucky. Here the fox is riding a wolf and sings slowly: - the broken nate lucky lucky, the broken nate lucky luck! - What are you, kum, everyone says? .. - I, Kumanes, your pain speak. And again, again: - the broken nate lucky lucky, the battered is unborn lucky!

(*) Uzho - soon, on the same day.

Lived-was grey Wolf. He wandered around the field for many days and nights. The snow was visible everywhere apparently invisible. All the paths prevail, all tracks started. In the stomach, the wolf was completely empty. He eaten the Wolf for three more days. He was overwhelmed by a terrible voice. Suddenly hears that in distant bells a little heard ringing. This on the way was driving a horse harnessed in Sani. , I'm where I am lucky "-Promyl wolf. Run that it was forces. Jumping on the road is evil, hungry. Eyes are burning, teeth are knocking. Soon I think I will be fed. The horse understood which trouble is coming, ran quickly, quickly as soon as she could. And the grandfather was sitting in the sleigh, the full sleighs of the hotels were taken. They saw the wolf-frightened. And the guns did not grab a grandfather with me, that's where the trouble was already completely embarrassed out of his strength. And the wolf catches and cattons them. Steel grandfather With a woman, dump the whole meal, which bought in the bazaar. The wolf was happy that so much delicacy was lying on the road. Even with such happiness, he went around., I swore - so be it, "he said, why do I spend your strength to spend your strength. Run behind the sleigh when I have today's meal. Let them get harmful for health while I am kind. Now I will give myself a might of myself. Only the wolf sneezing to taste what it is. He sees a fox runs out of the forest and directly to it goes.
The wolf was very angry, quickly disastened all the food in the bag and sat on him. Chanterelle ran to him and says:, hello, gray! What are you russed here? You have not met anyone in proximity? What it smells like that? Will you tell me? I smell smell like chicken, baked bread
Yes, the cheese is expensive. ", Did you have lost a fox at all? - answers the wolf., Where did you get such joys in a clean field? Go, you are a fox to go for good, to meet. Today I am very angry, run hungry day. Looking for Introduction, and you cheese, chicken. Would go from here "! , What kind of wolf is not at all glad to me? This is just I am a kind soul, run through the forest all day, looking for you. And you are not grateful to you. ", Well, okay, okay, fox don't be angry with me" Her Wolf Frost. What do you need talking about. I have a conversation with you to start here. "Lisa thought and says:, well, I really like to be, I seek you with hunger. I've gotten my mind. I have a birthday today. All invited the table, and there is no .
How can you sit in the table without you? Wolf dinner festive waiting a long time ago. What I only have no. And Kuryatinka and Sagannika, roasted roasted roasters to choose from. "And herself grins quietly. He knows that the wolf does not stand before such a yummy. The wolf sits on his bag and thinks what to do something? How can you refuse from such a dinner. It's stupid just, and no one will understand. Yes, my bag has nowhere to do with food, not to share the same with the fox. "
And chanterelle here like here. Wolf asks: what's wrong with you in a bag "?" Has herself had long guess, Nuh did not let down. The wolf answers:, there is nothing there, Sena I downloaded there. Pinina is mine, I'm running and rushing. It's cold sleeping on the snow. Hungry, yes cold
How to live on? Oversized Wolf Ouuuuu! Okay, okay, found for what to worry. Hiding perins in the ravine. I have a job with me and take it later. Who needs it "?
, Lisa's rights "-Promumal wolf. He dine, and after picking up the bag. Who knows it when such happiness will smile again. And this will be about the stock." Hide the bag, fell asleep with snowball. The wolf calmed down and went to visit the fox. Chanterelle Rada Radeshenka. She spied where the wolf hid the bag. Here they go through the forest, the snow has a lot. Fox and says:, come, you are wolf better first, protochi track. And then my paws are drowning in the snow. I have no strength, I'm tired. "The wolf and went ahead, goes to herself yes it does not look around. And only it was necessary. It was necessary. She rushed quickly, quickly. Snarked snow, found a bag.
Having poured him to himself and run to the forest. They sat down on the clearing, near the Christmas tree. I got out of the bag all delicacies. Lisa was broken in full and slept to sleep in Nor. And they dreamed of spaceless dreams. She was very glad that she was able to deceive the wolf. And the wolf still wanders over the forest, everything is looking for a cunning fox. Yes, that's just finding so far it can not.

Lived grandfather da Baba lived. Grandfather and says Baba:

You, Baba, Peka Pies, and I feed Sani, I will go for fish.

I caught grandfather's grandfather. Going home and sees: the chanterelle rolled out with a hacker, lies on the road.

Grandfather tears from the war, came up, and the chanterelle would not worry, lies like a dead.

Here is a glorious find! It will be my old woman with a fur coat.

He took the grandfather fox and put on WHO, and he went ahead. And the fox has suffered time and began to throw away from the Vozha, everything on the fish and fish, everything is fish and fish.

Promoted all the fish and softefully gone. Grandfather came home and calls Babu:

Well, the old woman, a notable collar brought you on a fur coat!

Baba came to Vasu: there is no collar or fish. And she began her old man to scold:

Oh, you, old horseradish, such a fuck, still upheak me to deceive!

Here the grandfather cooked that the chanterelle was not dead. Growned, chapped, what will you do!

And in the meantime, the fox gathered on the road all the fish in a bunch, sat down and eats.

Wolf comes to her:

Hello, Kumushka, Bread Yes Salt ...

Give me fish.

Naoul himself, and eat.

Yes, I do not know how.

Eka! After all, I caught. You, Kumanes, go on the river, lower the tail in the hole, Sydi Yes, say: "Fish, fish, and small and great, fish, fish, and small and great!" So fish for your tail will be enough. As you sit down, you call it more.

Wolf went on the river, lowered the tail in the hole, sits and sentences:

Fish, fish, and small and great

Fish, fish, and small and great!

And the fox walks near the wolf and senses:

Clear, clear in the sky of the stars,

Murzni, Murzni, Wolf Tail!

The wolf asks the fox:

What are you, kum, everyone says?

And I help you, fish on the tail Ignure.

And again:

Clear, clear in the sky of the stars,

Murzni, Murzni, Wolf Tail! Wolf sat a whole night of the hole. His tail is also engaged. Under the morning I wanted to rise - it was not there. He thinks: "Eca, how many fish adopted - and not to pull out!"

At this time there is a woman with buckets of water. I saw a wolf and screamed:

Wolf, wolf! Bate him!

Wolf - there and here, can not pull the tail. Baba threw buckets and let him beat his rocker. Bila, Bila, the wolf rummaged, rushed, tear off his tail and went on pitue.

"Good, thinks, I'll pay you, Kuma!"

And the chanterelle climbed into the hut, where this woman lived, he left the dough from sauna, hesitated his head as a dough, ran out on the road, fell and lied moans.

The wolf to meet her:

So how do you teach, kum, fish catch! Look, I felt all the ...

Lisa himself says:

Eh, Kumanes! You do not have a tail, but the head of the mustache, but I broke my head: Look - the brain spoke, nasil.

And even truth, "the wolf says her. "Where you, Kuma, go, sit on me, I will take you."

Lisiza was a wolf on his back. He was and lucky. Here is a fox rides on a wolf and sings slowly:

Bitted unbiattered lucky

Bitted Nebitant luck!

What are you, kum, everyone says? ..

I, Kumanes, I speak your pain. And again:

Bitted unbiattered lucky


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