J. movable deck, in factories, into which the box is embedded, under the heel of a spindle or bearing. Lyva, puddle, slope, see pouring. See what "liva" is in other dictionaries Alternative crossword questions for the word liva

Liwa: Liwa is an oasis in Abu Dhabi. Liva river in the Murmansk region of Russia. Liva lake in the Sebezhsky district of the Pskov region of Russia. Liwa is a city in the Sultanate of Oman ... Wikipedia

- (tour., banner). The name of the divisions of Eyaleta, in Turkey. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

R. see Liepaja Geographical names of the world: Toponymic dictionary. M: AST. Pospelov E.M. 2001 ... Geographical encyclopedia

Liverius, Livy, Libya Dictionary of Russian personal names. N. A. Petrovsky. 2011 ... Dictionary of personal names

- @font face (font family: ChurchArial; src: url (/ fonts / ARIAL Church 02.ttf);) span (font size: 17px; font weight: normal! important; font family: ChurchArial, Arial, Serif;)   noun pouring water, rain. And guided by His power and led by force ... ... Church Slavonic Dictionary

See Sanjak ... Soviet Historical Encyclopedia

Liva - (liv) south, south; southwest wind ... Concise Church Slavonic Dictionary

Liva - R. see Liepaja ... Toponymic dictionary

Liwa Characteristic Length 50 km Area ... Wikipedia

Lebanese, nza; R. pl. ncev ... Russian verbal stress


  • Princess Diana. Non-fictional biography, Surzhenko I .. Beautiful woman centuries, Princess Diana was a kind and sympathetic person. The British called her "the people's princess". The largest politicians of the planet reckoned with her. Lady Dee is a lot ...
  • Bloody Ridge, Egon Liv. Latvian writer Egon Liv (Gutmanis) is a descendant of ancient Livs who have lived in the Kurzeme region of Latvia since time immemorial. These strong, strong-willed people became the heroes of many works by E. Liwa. ...

g. a movable deck, in factories, into which the box is embedded, under the heel of a spindle or bearing. Lyva, puddle, slope, see pouring

First letter "l"

The second letter "and"

Third letter "c"

The last beech letter "a"

The answer to the question "w. Movable deck, in factories, into which the box is embedded, under the heel of a spindle or bearing. Lyva, puddle, hollow, see casting", 4 letters:

Alternative crossword questions for Liva

Lake in the Sebezhsky district of the Pskov region of Russia

Administrative division in Yemen

Administrative division in Jordan

Administrative divisions in Jordan and Yemen

River in the Murmansk region of Russia

Definition of liva in dictionaries

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir Definition of the word in the dictionary Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Vladimir Dal
g. a movable deck, in factories, into which the box is embedded, under the heel of a spindle or bearing. Lyva, puddle, slope, see pouring.

Wikipedia Definition of a word in the Wikipedia dictionary
Liwa - a lake in Boyarinovskaya volost Sebezhsky district Pskov region. The border with the Red Volost runs along the northern coast. Area - 5.3 km² (530.0 ha). The maximum depth is 3.2 m, the average depth is 2.0 m. On the shore of the lake there are villages: ...

Examples of the use of the word liva in literature.

At Drutsk, Vseslav Vasilkovich of Polotsk united with the Chernigov regiments, his brother Bryachislav Vitebsky and some other relatives of them with crowds of Livs and Lithuania: so, as a result of the alliance of the Polotsk princes with Chernigov, the Polovtsy found themselves in the same camp together with livonians and Lithuania, the Black Sea barbarians with the Baltic barbarians.

When the mystery and our guests are over, do you and Semigallians, will leave Riga, come to me.

And here do you and the Semigallians in horror jumped up from their seats and rushed scatteringly.

Lay there Livadiya backfire aka Liva Dragonfly, escaped convict, witch.

Kesha did not immediately recognize Livu - convict Livadia Backfire Long, nicknamed Dragonfly.

wives a movable deck, in factories, into which the box is embedded, under the heel of a spindle or bearing.

| Lyva, puddle, slope, see pouring.

  • - south, south; southwest wind ...

    Concise Church Slavonic Dictionary

  • - R. cm....

    Geographical encyclopedia

  • - wives. a movable deck, in factories, into which the box is embedded, under the heel of a spindle or bearing ...

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - @ font-face (font-family: "ChurchArial"; src: url;) span (font-size: 17px; font-weight: normal! important; font-family: "ChurchArial", Arial, Serif;)   noun pouring water, rain. And led by His power - and by His power he brought an abundant rain ...

    Church Slavonic Dictionary

  • - The name of the units of Eyalet, in Turkey ...
  • - Brigadier General of the Turkish Army ...

    Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

  • - 1) the governor of one of the districts into which the vilayet is divided. 2) a brigadier general among the Turks ...

    Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

"LIVA" in books

West liberal and conservative

From the author's book

West liberal and conservative B modern Russia a new, rather cynical approach to the concept of "state interest" is being formed. It is convincingly illustrated by the book "Stalin's Lost Chance" by Mikhail Meltyukhov, a serious historian who, unlike many

Conclusion. SOS… SOS… SOS… conservative twist!

From the author's book

Conclusion. SOS… SOS… SOS… conservative twist! Professor Preobrazhensky's words from M. Bulgakov's story “ dog's heart"About the justification of the troubles in the economy by the general devastation:" the devastation is in your heads ", became winged. This is no coincidence. They have a versatile

From the book 1937: Do not believe the lies about "Stalinist repressions"! author Eliseev Alexander Vladimirovich

Chapter 1. Conservative Bolshevism

1. Conservative selection.

From the book Essays on Organized Science [Pre-Reform Spelling] author


From the book Volume 4 author Engels Friedrich

2. CONSERVATIVE OR BOURGEOIS SOCIALISM A certain part of the bourgeoisie wants to heal social ailments in order to strengthen the existence of bourgeois society. These include economists, philanthropists, champions of humanity, advocates for the welfare of the working classes,

1. Conservative selection

From the book Essays on Organizational Science author Bogdanov Alexander Alexandrovich

1. Conservative selection Everything that arises has its own destiny. Its first, simplest expression boils down to a dilemma: preservation or destruction. Both happen naturally, so that often it is even possible to foresee the fate of forms. Natural preservation or

11. Conservative coup

From book Short story USA author Rimini Robert W.

11. Conservative coup The country has indeed become kinder and softer, as manifested itself in the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act on July 26, 1990, which prohibited discrimination against persons with physical or mental disabilities in employment and access

Conservative reversal

From the author's book

Conservative U-turn Has the change begun, it has certainly begun. Everything that Putin managed to get off the ground, turn towards the historical "norm" of Russian civilization - all this step by step, degree by degree makes him the personification of the eternal

Conservative knot

From the book How to Tie a Tie. Helpful hints. author Guides Author unknown -

Conservative Knot The elegant Widsor is easily recognizable by its triangular shape. This knot can now be seen only on the neckties of diplomats, although, probably, in a couple of years it could become a hot trend. Windsor is tied in the same way as Half Windsor, adding another round

Conservative view

From the book The Perfectionist Paradox author Ben-Shahar Tal

A Conservative View The work of Thomas Sowell of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University can help us understand the significance of the Platonic and Aristotelian points of view. Sowell's work is mostly about political science, but his findings concern

Conservative forecast

From the book Expert No. 07 (2014) author Expert Magazine

Conservative forecast At the start of the Olympic Games in Sochi, Norway is the favorite in the unofficial team event for gold medals. Russia is in fifth place section class \u003d "box-today" Plots of Sochi-2014: Passion after Lipnitskaya Norwegian tragedy Disappointment in

Conservative turn

From the book Literary Gazette 6468 (No. 25 2014) author Literary Newspaper

Conservative turn Alexander Shchipkov. Religious dimension of journalism. - M .: Probel-2000, 2014.– 272 p. In short, I would characterize this book as a manifesto of the conservative turn. Completed conservative turn. Previous work Shchipkova - collection "Fracture"

Conservative answer

From the book New Bible Commentary Part 1 (Old Testament) by Carson Donald

A Conservative Answer Given today's critical discord, what about the origins of the Pentateuch? Is everything it says about the time of Moses and the patriarchs credible? Or were these stories and laws composed by captives to express their

Conservative style

From the book A gift book worthy of a beauty queen author Kriksunova Inna Abramovna

Conservative style A woman who adheres to a conservative style in clothing and make-up is restrained, prudent, cautious about all sorts of innovations. She is executive, principled, you can rely on her. A person dressed in a conservative style


From the book The Big Book of Women's Wisdom author Kriksunova Inna Abramovna

Conservative If you have the most “A” answers, then your style is Conservative. You will choose things in restrained colors - gray, beige, brown, blue, light blue, gray-green, protective, etc. Wear classic clothes, time-tested. Buy


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