Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of social workers. Analysis of work performed and personnel assessment on the example of gkuso "social service center" of the sebezhsky district

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal state budget educational institution

Higher vocational education

Pskov state University

Department of State and municipal government


Discipline: Human Resources

Topic: Analysis of the work performed and assessment of personnel on the example of GKUSO "Center for Social Services" of the Sebezh District.

Completed by student: Belyakova A.A.

Course work supervisor: Dmitrieva Yu.V.


2 Personnel assessment methods

3 Legal and regulatory framework for social services.

1 General characteristics of the management system in the GKUSO "Center for Social Services" of the Sebezh District

2 Analysis of work performed and assessment of personnel on the example of social services for single elderly citizens


Attachment 1


Evaluation of the personnel of any enterprise and the subsequent analysis of the results of this assessment allow us to understand the effectiveness of the work performed and develop an action plan in order to improve the possible identified "unfavorable" factors. These measures allow to determine employee satisfaction with work, and, therefore, to determine the mechanisms of their motivation. Based on the analysis of personnel assessment, conclusions can be drawn about the effectiveness of both an individual employee and the entire enterprise as a whole.

As part of this work, it is planned to conduct an assessment of personnel in order to determine the effectiveness of their labor activity in making managerial decisions.

The object of research of the course work is GKUSO "Center for Social Services" of the Sebezh District.

The subject of the study is to assess the staff of the institution.

The purpose of this work is to conduct an analysis based on the results of personnel assessment.

The objectives of this course work are:

.Study the theoretical and regulatory framework of the organization.

.Conduct an assessment of personnel using the example of GKUSO "Center for Social Services" of the Sebezh District.

.Analyze the results obtained.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of the work performed and personnel assessment

1 Assessment of the performance of managers and management specialists

social service manager

Evaluation of labor results is one of the functions of personnel management, aimed at determining the level of efficiency of work performance. Evaluation of labor results is an integral part of the business assessment of personnel, along with the assessment of their professional behavior and personal qualities and consists in determining the compliance of the employee's work results with the set goals, planned indicators, and regulatory requirements.

The indicators of the final results of workers' labor, as well as its content, are influenced by a combination of various factors.

Taking these factors into account is mandatory when assessing the performance of specific officials in specific conditions of place and time, as it increases the degree of validity, objectivity and reliability of the assessment conclusions.

In the very general view the result of labor of an employee of the management apparatus is characterized by the level or degree of achievement of the management goal at the lowest cost. At the same time, it is of great practical importance correct definition quantitative or qualitative indicators that reflect the ultimate goals of the organization or department.

The indicators by which employees are evaluated are varied. These include the quality of work performed, its quantity, value assessment of the results. To measure performance, a fairly large number of indicators are required that would cover both the volume of work (for example, the number of visits made by the sales agent) and its results (for example, the amount of revenue).

It is necessary to single out such a key concept as an assessment criterion - a kind of threshold beyond which the state of the indicator will or will not meet the established (planned, standardized) requirements.

In connection with the division of managerial labor, the result of a manager's work, as a rule, is expressed through the results of production, economic and other activities of the organization or divisions (for example, the fulfillment of the profit plan, the growth of the number of clients, etc.), as well as through the socio-economic conditions labor of employees subordinate to him (for example, the level of remuneration, staff motivation, etc.).

The result of the work of specialists is determined based on the volume, completeness, quality, timeliness of the implementation of the assigned to them job duties... When choosing indicators that characterize the key, main results of the work of managers and specialists, it should be borne in mind that they have a direct and decisive influence on the result of all activities of the organization; take up a significant part of the staff's working time; there are relatively few of them (4-6); .. make up at least 80% of all results; lead to the achievement of the goals of the organization or department.

In practice, when assessing the performance of managers and specialists, along with quantitative indicators, i.e. direct, indirect are also used, characterizing the factors affecting the achievement of results. These performance factors include:

· efficiency of work,

· labor intensity,

· the complexity of labor, the quality of labor, etc.

The procedure for assessing labor results will be effective if the following mandatory conditions:

· establishing clear "standards" of labor results for each position (workplace) and criteria for its assessment;

· development and approval of the procedure for assessing labor results (when, how often and who conducts the assessment, assessment methods);

· providing complete and reliable information to the appraiser about the results of the employee's work;

· discussion of the assessment results with the employee;

· making a decision on the results of the assessment and documenting the assessment.

1.2 Personnel assessment methods

1.Method of questioning

An assessment questionnaire is a specific set of questions and descriptions. The assessor analyzes the presence or absence of these features in the assessed person and marks the appropriate option.

Descriptive assessment method

The evaluator must identify and describe the positive and negative behavioral traits of the assessed person. This method does not provide for a clear recording of the results and therefore is often used as an addition to other methods.

Classification method

This method is based on ranking the certified workers according to a certain criterion from best to worst with the assignment of a certain serial number.

It is based on the assessment of the employee's suitability for the position. This is a method for scaling the personal qualities of an employee. The most important component of this type of assessment is the list of tasks that must be performed by the certified employee. After compiling this list (it can also be taken from job descriptions), the activity is studied, taking into account the time spent by the employee on making decisions, ways to accomplish the assigned tasks. It also takes into account how economically the employee uses material resources. Then, the qualities of the certified employee listed in the list are assessed on a 7-point scale: 7 - very high degree, 1 - very low degree.

The analysis of the results can be carried out either according to the correspondence of the identified assessments to the reference ones, or by comparing the results obtained from employees of the same position.

Decisive Situation Method

To use this method, evaluators prepare a list of descriptions of the "right" and "wrong" behavior of workers in typical situations - "decisive situations". These descriptions are categorized according to the nature of the work. The assessor then prepares a journal for each assessed employee, in which he enters examples of behavior for each category. Later, this magazine is used to assess the business qualities of an employee.

Typically, this method is used in assessments made by a manager, and not by colleagues and subordinates.

It is based on the use of "decisive situations" (See the method of evaluating decisive situations), from which the required personal business and personal qualities of the employee are derived, which become the evaluation criteria. The assessor reads the description of any assessment criterion (for example, engineering competence) in the rating questionnaire and marks the scale in accordance with the qualifications of the assessed person. An expensive and time-consuming method, but accessible and understandable for workers.

Behavior Observation Scale Method

It is similar to the previous one, but instead of defining the employee's behavior in the decisive situation of the current time, the evaluator fixes on the scale the number of cases when the employee behaved in one or another specific way earlier. The method is laborious and requires significant material costs.

Method of questionnaires and comparative questionnaires

Includes a set of questions or descriptions of employee behavior. The appraiser puts a mark in front of the description of the character trait that, in his opinion, is inherent in the employee, otherwise it leaves an empty space. The sum of the marks gives the overall rating of the employee's profile. Used for assessment by management, colleagues and subordinates.


This technique is borrowed by HR departments from sociology.

Here is an example of a personality assessment interview plan. In the interview, it is important to obtain information about the following components and characteristics of the personality:

· intellectual sphere;

· motivational sphere;

· temperament, character;

· professional and life experience;


· attitude to professional activity

·early years;

· kindergarten;


· vocational training (primary, secondary, higher, vocational);

·Military service;

· attitude to work at the firm;


· self-assessment of opportunities, health;

· marital status, family relationships;

· forms of leisure activities.

360 Degree Assessment Method

An employee is evaluated by his supervisor, his colleagues and his subordinates. Specific assessment forms may vary, but all assessors fill out the same form and the results are processed using computers to ensure anonymity. The purpose of the method is to obtain a comprehensive assessment of the person being certified.

Independent Judge Method

Independent members of the commission - 6-7 people - ask the attested various questions. The procedure resembles cross-examination in different areas of activity of the assessed person. A computer is located in front of the judge, on which the evaluator presses the "+" key in case of a correct answer and, accordingly, the "-" key - in case of an incorrect answer. At the end of the procedure, the program issues a conclusion. Manual processing of the employee's answers is also possible, then the correctness of the answers is entered into a previously drawn up form.


Various tests can be used to assess the employee. By their content, they are divided into three groups:

· qualification, allowing to determine the degree of qualification of the employee;

· psychological, making it possible to evaluate personal qualities employee;

· physiological, revealing the physiological characteristics of a person.

The positive aspects of the test score are that it allows you to obtain a quantitative characteristic for most of the evaluation criteria, and computer processing of the results is possible. However, when assessing the potential of an employee, the tests do not take into account how these abilities manifest themselves in practice.

Committee method

The assessment is carried out by a group of experts and is aimed at finding out the abilities of the candidate, giving him the right to apply for other positions, in particular for promotion.

This technique consists of the following steps:

· the activity is broken down into separate components;

· the performance of each activity is determined in points on a scale (for example, from -10 to + 10), and thus the degree of success is determined;

· three lists of works are drawn up: those works that can be solved successfully, which work out from time to time, and those that never succeed;

· a final comprehensive assessment is made.

Evaluation in its most general form involves the following four steps:

· the choice of the qualities to be assessed, the performance indicators of the employee;

· using different methods of collecting information;

· assessment information should give a comprehensive view of the person;

· comparison of the real qualities of the employee with the required ones.

The studied sets of qualities are developed taking into account the tasks performed by the position. Typically, such qualities are recruited from 5 to 20.

Assessment centers method

Using this method, two tasks are solved:

· the personal and business qualities of the employee are ascertained, (usually this method is used to assess management employees)

· a program of individual training for the leader is determined, which allows him to develop his abilities and behavioral skills.

The test takes different times, so, for example, to assess the professionalism of a master, several hours are enough, for a low-level manager - one day, for middle managers - two or three days, a little more for managers and top managers. Some of the procedures used for the assessment are:

Implementation of management actions. For the two hours allotted for the task, the test subject must familiarize himself with some instructions, business papers, orders and other materials necessary for giving orders on specific technological, production, and personnel issues. This imitates the real activities of the company. After the completion of two hours of work on the assignment, an interview is conducted with the assessed person.

Small group discussion of problems. This procedure allows you to identify the ability to work in a group. The members of the group are given material that they need to familiarize themselves with, independently make a decision on the issue and, during a group discussion (40-50 minutes), convince the rest of its correctness. At all these stages, the subject is evaluated by observers in points.

Making decisions. The subjects are divided into several groups (representatives of competing firms). The work of firms is simulated for several years (2-5 years). Each hour is counted as one year, during which a number of tasks are solved. The activities of each subject are evaluated by experts.

Development and presentation of the project. It is necessary to develop a draft development plan for some kind of activity in 1 hour, which is then defended to experts.

Preparation of a business letter. Each test subject cooks business letters on different issues and from different positions: refusal, cancellation of the decision, expressing negative information, etc. Actions are evaluated by experts.

Sometimes it is also practiced to compare the results of an employee's expert assessment with his self-assessment of his personal and business qualities. The results of such a comparison can be very indicative both for the management and for the employee himself.

Business games method

Personnel assessment is carried out within the framework of specially designed simulation and developmental business games. Both participants of business games and expert observers are involved in the assessment. Certification business games are held, as a rule, for the result, which makes it possible to assess the readiness of the personnel to solve current and future problems, as well as the individual contribution of each participant in the game. This assessment method can be used to determine the effectiveness of staff teamwork.

Method for assessing the achievement of goals (Method of management through goal setting)

The manager and the subordinate jointly determine the key goals of the employee's activities for a certain period (one-half year). The goals should be specific, achievable, but tense, and be important both for the professional development of the employee and for the improvement of the organization's activities. The established goals outline the sphere of responsibility of the employee and the scope of his duties for those specific terms that are necessary to achieve the intended result. These results should be measurable at least as a percentage. Evaluation of the results is carried out jointly by the manager and the employee on the basis of individual standards for achieving goals, but the manager has a decisive vote in summing up the results.

Assessment method based on competency models

Competence models describe the intellectual and business qualities of an employee, his interpersonal communication skills, necessary for successful professional activity within the framework of the corporate culture existing in the organization. The gap between the required and the existing level of competence becomes the basis for the development individual plans professional development. The fulfillment of these plans, which is expressed in specific results of professional activity, is the subject of assessment and self-assessment, as well as independent examination.

3 Regulatory framework for social services

The normative and legal support of the labor regulation system consists in the use of means and forms of legal influence on the bodies and objects of personnel management in order to achieve effective activity of the organization.

Activities are carried out in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On social services for citizens of retirement age and the disabled" No. 122 FZ dated 02.08.95, Federal Law No. 122 dated 22.08.2004, "On Amending Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and Recognition as Lost the force of some legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law "On Amendments and Additions to the Federal Law" On General Principles of Organization of Legislative (Representative) and executive bodies state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and "On the general principles of organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation", the Law of the Pskov region "On social services to the population in the Pskov region", No. 10-03 dated 07.03.2006., Decree of the Government of the Pskov region dated 20.10.2005. No. 897-PP "On approval of the Regulation on the procedure and conditions for the provision of free stationary social services, as well as on full or partial payment in the Pskov region", the National standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 52143-2003 "Social services for the population. Main types social services"(Adopted by the Resolution of the Gosstandart of the Russian Federation of November 24, 2003 No. 327-st), the Charter of the Center, the Regulation, the Internal Labor Regulations, other federal laws, regulatory acts of the Government of the Pskov Region, acts having legal force in the city of Sebezh, by order of the director of the GOU "CSON" of Sebezh and other local acts directly affecting the issues of social services.

Chapter 2 Work Performance Analysis and Personnel Assessment

1General characteristics of the management system in the GKUSO "Center for Social Services" of the Sebezh District

The Center for Social Services is headed by the director of the center, appointed by the Head of the GSU for Social Protection of the Pskov Region. The director bears full responsibility for the activities of the CSO in accordance with the current legislation and the Charter.

Location of the Institution: Pskov region, Sebezh, st. Leninskaya, 51.

The activities of the Institution are aimed at providing social services in accordance with the List of guaranteed social services provided to citizens by state social service institutions of the region.

The institution carries out:

  • monitoring the social and demographic situation, the level of social and economic well-being of citizens in the service area;
  • identification and differentiated registration of citizens in need of social support, determination of the forms of assistance they need and periodic (permanent, temporary, one-time) provision of it;
  • providing citizens with social, social, domestic, psychological, consulting services and other assistance;
  • social rehabilitation of elderly citizens and disabled people:
  • social rehabilitation of disabled children;
  • providing assistance to women and children who are victims of domestic violence;
  • - participation in the work on prevention of neglect of minors and protection of their rights;
  • involvement of state, municipal and non-state bodies of organizations and institutions, as well as public and religious organizations and associations in solving issues of providing social support to the population and coordinating their activities in this direction;
  • introduction into practice of new forms and methods of social services depending on the nature of the needs of the population in social support local socio - economic conditions;
  • - carrying out measures to improve the professional level of employees of the Institution
  • In addition to the main types of activities, the Institution has the right to carry out the following types of entrepreneurial activities:
  • production of certain types of consumer goods;
  • implementation of certain types of household services:
  • road transport services.

The "Social Service Center" provides social guaranteed services:

· free (if the per capita income of citizens is below the subsistence level);

· the amount of payment for social services on a partial payment basis is 50% of the cost of services calculated on the basis of tariffs for social services;

· on the terms of full payment (if the income of citizens is higher than the subsistence minimum per capita established in the region).

The decision on the conditions for the provision of social services and payment is made on the basis of documents presented by citizens and certificates of family income with the preparation of a written contract.

Income from entrepreneurial activity goes to the independent disposal of the "Center for Social Services" for the implementation of statutory tasks and is recorded on a separate balance sheet.

Funds received from payment of social services are credited to the account of the "Center for Social Services" and directed to implement the statutory tasks.

· citizens (adults and children) who are disabled;

· participants in the Great Patriotic War and persons equated to them, home front workers, widows of mothers of dead servicemen, former juvenile prisoners of fascist camps;

· lonely elderly people and families consisting of retirees;

· persons who were subjected to political repression and rehabilitated;

· registered refugees, internally displaced persons;

· persons exposed to radiation contamination;

· orphans and children left without parental care;

· children from families at risk;

· unemployed adults and adolescents;

· persons who have returned from places of deprivation of liberty or specialized educational institutions;

· persons without a fixed place of residence and occupation;

· low-income single-parent families and families with many children;

· Young families;

· families and individuals in extreme situations.

The main tasks of the "Center for Social Services" are:

· implementation of programs, schedules and other measures for social support of the population;

· identification of citizens in need of social services in conjunction with health authorities, education, migration service, veteran organizations, disabled people's societies, religious organizations and associations, etc .;

· introduction into practice of new forms of social services;

· providing citizens with social, social, medical, socio-psychological, socio-pedagogical, legal, health services, material and in-kind assistance of a one-time and periodic nature, while observing the principles of humanity, targeting, confidentiality of provision;

· social patronage of families and individuals in need of social assistance, rehabilitation and support;

· participation in the work on the prevention of neglect of minors;

· implementation of measures to improve the professional level of employees of the Social Service Center.

The CSO management structure is the organization of all departments, i.e. determination of the rights and obligations of the manager and the employee. The main task here is to improve the level of work of the CSO. Social services for the elderly and disabled people is an activity to meet the needs of citizens in social services. Social services include a set of social services (care, catering, assistance in obtaining medical, legal, socio-psychological and natural types of assistance, assistance in vocational training, employment, assistance in organizing funeral services). If desired, the client can expand the list and number of services on a paid basis, which are determined by the regulation "On the procedure and conditions for paying for social services provided to elderly citizens and disabled people at home in the CSO" regardless of the average per capita income. The funds received from the payment are credited to the CSO account and directed to the implementation of the statutory tasks.

CSO is a non-profit organization created in the form of a social service institution under the jurisdiction of the social protection bodies of the population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or municipal authorities social protection of the population and carrying out organizational, practical and coordination activities on the territory of the city of Pytalovo to provide social services to elderly citizens and disabled people.

The center includes the administration of the center and structural divisions created, reorganized and liquidated by the decision of the director of the center in agreement with the social protection authorities of the city of Pytalovo and the Main State Department for Social Protection of the Population of the Pskov Region.

Figure 1 shows the organizational structure of the GKUSO "CSO".

The structural divisions of the center in their activities are subordinate to the director of the center. The general directions of activity of all structural divisions of the center are:

identification and registration of citizens in need of social services;

provision of social, household, medical, psychological, consulting and other assistance;

assistance in activating the citizens served by the center, opportunities for self-realization of their needs;

implementation of the principle of continuity in providing different forms and types of social assistance;

providing the served citizens with their rights and benefits established by law.

Each structural unit of the center is headed by a head appointed by the director of the center. Control over the activities of structural units is carried out by the director of the center.

The director of the center is appointed by the order of the head of the Main State Department for Social Protection of the Pskov Region.

The director acts on the basis of the Charter, carries out the current management of the center's activities, coordinating with the labor collective in cases specified in the legislation.

The director, on issues within his competence, acts on the principles of one-man management.

Figure 1. Organizational structure of GKUSO "CSO"

The Director performs the following permanent functions and responsibilities for organizing and supporting the activities of the Center:

· organization of the implementation of programs of contractual and other obligations assumed by the Center;

· material and technical support of the Center's activities;

· realization (marketing) of performed works, services;

· legal, economic, accounting, information support of the Center's activities;

· ensuring the accounting and preservation of personnel documents, as well as their timely transfer to state storage in the prescribed manner.

The director acts on behalf of the center, represents its interests in state bodies of enterprises, institutions, organizations, disposes of the property of the center, concludes contracts, issues powers of attorney, opens current accounts, approves the state in agreement with the Department of Social Protection of the Population, issues orders and issues within his competence instructions mandatory for all employees of the Center.

The appointment and dismissal of the posts of chief accountant and deputy director is agreed with the head of the Main State Department for Social Protection of the Population of the Pskov Region.

The total number of employees of GKUSO "CSO" is 45 people.

Figure 2. "Characteristics of the composition of the personnel of GKUSO" CSO "by length of service".

The results of the analysis of the number of employees show that the composition of employees during the three reporting periods did not change significantly, except for 2010, where there were most employees from 10 to 20 years of experience.

Figure 6. "Characteristics of the personnel of GKUSO" CSO "by age"

The main age of the staff is from 40 to 45 years old and from 50-55 years old. There are few young specialists, because they are not attracted by low wages.

Figure 5. "Characteristics of the personnel of GKUSO" CSO "by gender"

Most of the employees are women. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the work does not contain heavy physical exertion and mainly consists in the preparation of documentation, as well as with low wages.

2.2 Analysis of the work performed and the assessment of personnel on the example of social services for single elderly citizens

The main goal of the department is to assist in the realization of the rights of older citizens to social services, to improve the socio-economic conditions of their life, to implement a set of targeted timely measures for their social adaptation.

In the Sebezhsky district, social protection of the poor, including lonely elderly people, is carried out by the Center for Social Services of the Population. The Center for Social Services of the Population, within the limits of its competence, ensures the implementation of a unified state policy for the social protection of elderly single citizens. The main forms of social services for single senior citizens are.

Department of Social Services at Home.

Department of social services for the provision of social services at home in brigade form.

Urgent social services department.

Department of social services at home in rural areas.

The main activities of the center include:

identification and differentiated registration of elderly people in need of social assistance, determination of its necessary types,

providing citizens with the necessary assistance who have found themselves in a difficult life situation and are in dire need of social support, urgent social services,

creation of a databank containing information on the living conditions of older people and the services they need,

provision of cultural, domestic, legal, medical and psychological services, catering and labor activities (for those who wish) for the elderly,

social patronage of lonely elderly people,

involvement of state and non-state structures in the organization of humanitarian and urgent social assistance.

From the study, we can conclude that social services for single elderly citizens are provided by a wide range of social services. Social services can be divided into:



· Long term.

Urgent social services are provided by the Department of Urgent Social Services to citizens in dire need of emergency assistance of a one-time nature, aimed at supporting their life. In the center in 2013, 215 people applied to the urgent social service department, these are elderly citizens. Almost all of those who applied received some kind of help. The poor elderly who applied to them were given food sets, material aid, and items from the rental point were in demand. The department of urgent social services has a book of complaints and suggestions, from which it can be concluded that the department receives only good reviews and wishes, citizens express their gratitude to the administration of the service. Nobody showed any displeasure.

So the Department of Urgent Social Services today is one of the irreplaceable types of assistance in the structure of the Center for Social Services.

Short-term services were provided by the social service unit for the provision of social services at home in a brigade uniform. The brigade served 150 applications from single senior citizens.

This form of social service is in demand among clients living mainly in private sector homes. The brigade provided one-time services for clearing snow, whitewashing in the house, repairing housing, etc. services.

According to the results of the study, it can be concluded that social services for single elderly citizens at home can be put in the first place. This form of social service provides social services that are long-term in nature from 6 months or more. Nowadays, it is one of the types of social services, the main goal of which is to extend the stay of elderly people in their habitual environment, to support their personal and social status, to protect their rights and legitimate interests. In 2012, the department of social services at home served 240 people, of which 91 people were served from rural areas. According to the results of a survey among senior citizens served at home, good results were obtained.

Seniors expressing their opinion on the quality of service provision mainly express their gratitude to the social service.

The main indicator of work efficiency is the number of senior citizens served and the quality of the services provided.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of work on social services for senior citizens in our case was carried out using a survey of senior citizens with home visits, as well as analysis of the reporting provided by social workers to the center of social services for the population.

The purpose of the study of the effectiveness of the service for social services of elderly citizens is to identify the attitude of an elderly person to social service and a social worker who provides all kinds of assistance to his ward.

To achieve this goal, using a specially developed questionnaire, a survey of elderly clients was carried out, which is necessary to concretize social services and clarify their social needs. Meeting the priority needs of older citizens should be a priority for social services.

As a result of the survey, the following conclusion can be drawn about the attitude of older people towards social services, the most pronounced are the following points:

Active rejection of social assistance in everyday life, distrust of social workers, unwillingness to be dependent on strangers, strangers.

Explicit rental attitudes, aspiration and persistence in obtaining as many outside services as possible social workers, imposing on the latter the fulfillment of all household duties.

Dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction with their living conditions is transferred to social workers with whom they directly communicate.

The social worker is perceived as an object that is responsible for their physical health, moral and material condition.

Thus, the study allows us to determine the features of the interaction between the served elderly person and the social worker assigned to him. After a sample survey of the senior citizens served and the analysis carried out, it follows that the majority of the senior citizens served are satisfied with the social services provided to them.

Elderly people, despite the psychological characteristics of their age, treat social service with understanding and gratitude, despite the fact that their main problems are loneliness, poor quality of medical services, poor financial situation.

At the same time, the relationship of only one side - elderly clients and the activities of specialists of social services would not be enough to adequately assess the effectiveness of the center of social services for the population of the city of Sebezh.

Therefore, according to a specially developed questionnaire, a written survey of specialists in social work was carried out in order to determine their motivation for activity and attitude to their own profession (Appendix No. 1). The questionnaire was submitted by 10 social service workers for senior citizens.

Social workers need to prepare from the very beginning that their work will be much less grateful than suspicion, unfounded accusations, and often undeserved insults.

A survey of social workers engaged in serving senior citizens provides information about social workers as quality employees. The results of the questionnaire make it possible to analyze the work of servicing senior citizens in general, and gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe self-assessment of social workers. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the work with personnel has been successful. What is the most important criterion for the development of a service for the provision of social services to elderly single citizens living both in the city and in the countryside. Nevertheless, there was found dissatisfaction with low wages, the lack of vehicles in the service of serving elderly citizens, in rural areas and in the city, psychological problems associated with unfulfilled needs of psycho-emotional load.

Thus, it is necessary to take into account the state of health of the specialists themselves in the provision of social services to senior citizens. Conduct conversations with them about the risk of occupational diseases, conduct consultations, auto-trainings (meditation), how to protect from stressful situations, how to avoid and behave correctly in conflict situations with clients.

Above all, when working with older people, a social worker must comply with a code of ethics, principles of conduct and activity.

A senior social worker should have the following personality traits:

intellectual (predictiveness, prudence, plasticity, quick wit, foresight);

strong-willed (adherence to principles, decisiveness, perseverance, exactingness);

organizational (discipline, diligence, responsibility, citizenship, independence, self-confidence, efficiency);

moral (justice, politeness, delicacy, benevolence, poise, respect for people, optimism);

communicative (sociability, sociability, compatibility, involvement, empathy, listening, persuading).

And so, the assessment of the effectiveness of work on social services for elderly citizens is carried out in two directions, from the point of view of elderly clients of services and from the point of view of specialists in social services to clients. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that social work with single elderly people can be assessed positively, the social service is in demand by the elderly and works effectively to satisfy social services for single elderly people.

But along with positive assessments of the work of the social service, there are a number of shortcomings.

The modern socio-demographic situation both in the Pskov region and in the city of Sebezh is characterized by a constant increase in the number of citizens in need of social support - lonely and lonely elderly citizens. The range of social services demanded by the population of the Pskov region is constantly expanding.

The current system of social service institutions cannot meet the growing demand for social services.

One of the reasons for this situation is that in most cases, thanks to the declarative principle of providing assistance, only those citizens who perceive their situation as difficult and are ready to accept this help get into the field of vision of social services. At the same time, citizens who need support, but for some reason did not apply to the relevant institutions, cannot count on receiving social assistance. It can be concluded that the activities of the social services for the population are aimed at solving the social problems already existing among citizens, while the issues of a preventive focus are not sufficiently developed. At the same time, preventing the emergence of difficult life situations requires much lower costs and is more effective than overcoming them.

Low level wages of employees of social service institutions is the reason for the formation of a negative attitude towards work among a significant part of employees, the remuneration for which cannot satisfy urgent needs. The management of the institution has no opportunities to increase the interest of employees in the results of their work.

As a result, it can be concluded that the activities of all departments and divisions of the "Center for Social Services for the Population" are aimed at implementing measures to implement the Federal Law "On social services for elderly citizens and the disabled" No. 122 dated 22.08.1995. (with amendments and additions), in order to provide social and medical, social, household, social and psychological services to elderly citizens, thereby providing real help to people in difficult life situations.

3 The main problems associated with the performance of work and the assessment of personnel in the GKUSO "Center for Social Services" of the Sebezh District and proposals for solving these problems

Problem Content of the problem Proposals for solving problems 1. Remoteness of social service centers. Elderly people for health reasons are unable to visit social service centers. To more actively introduce effective social technologies (mobile social assistance to citizens living in remote villages, mobile social days); 2. Lack of workers in villages Minimum conditions for training in the social sphere of rural residents Promotion of distance learning for social workers in rural areas Low wages of social workers Minimum wages Involvement of volunteers in work with people


In conclusion, we can conclude that the specific tasks set in the course work were reviewed and analyzed.

Having examined the legal regulations we can draw a conclusion about the purposeful policy of the state. The Russian government is taking concrete measures to improve the lives of people in need of social services.

Social services for citizens have now become an integral part of the state system of social protection of the population. Social services as an object of systemic justification and integrated development cannot be considered outside international experience and national traditions.

The types of social services are provided to people with an open list, which may vary depending on the life situation.

When studying the work of the GKUSO "Center for Social Services" of the Sebezh District, it can be concluded that the work of the institution is aimed at maintaining the standard of living of citizens, including the elderly.

Due to the wide and varied functions of social workers in serving the elderly, there is a need for these specialists with different levels of education. For that category of disabled people and elderly people who are in the population, the range of activities of social workers covers a wide range of tasks, ranging from the provision of social services and ending with psychological correction and moral and psychological support.

Summing up the above, the process of cardinal change taking place in our country, both in the political and economic spheres, requires the creation of a fundamentally new system of social services and the provision of social rehabilitation, social welfare and help to people.


1.The Constitution of the Russian Federation

2.Federal Law "On the basics of social services for the population in the Russian Federation"

.Law of the Pskov region "On social services for the population in the Pskov region", No. 10-03 dated 07.03.2012.

.National standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 52143-2003 “Social services for the population. The main types of social services "(adopted by the decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of November 24, 2003 No. 327-st)

.Gekht I.A. On improving medical and social assistance to the elderly / I.A. Geht. -: I. Health., 1992 .-- 141 p.

6.... Pavleniuk P.D. Fundamentals of social work / P.D. Pavlenyuk. - M.: Infra, 1997 .-- 368 p.

.Pavlenyuk P.D. Theory, history and methods of social work / P.D. Pavlenyuk. -M. : Infra, 2006 .-- 556 p.

8.21. V. I. Kurbatov. Social work / V.I. Kurbatov. - D.: Phoenix, 1999 .-- 576 p.

9.Organization personnel management: Textbook / Ed. A.L. Kibanova. - M .: INFRA-M ,. - 512 p., P. 136

Attachment 1

Social worker questionnaire

Your home address.

Your gender: husband. wives (underline).

Your age.

Your education.

Your main profession.

Do you need additional education for more successful fulfillment of your duties? Yes. No (underline as required)

Do you like your job


rather like than not like

hard to say

rather do not like

i do not like.

Are there situations in which you feel particularly deeply satisfied with your work?

very little or almost none

not enough

not a little but not a lot

Do you have difficulties and troubles at work?

often enough

infrequently, but not infrequently

rarely enough

very rarely

Are these troubles and difficulties related to the fact that your work:

hard physically

hard psychologically


poor working conditions

bad team relations

difficulty communicating with the elderly

How many senior citizens do you serve?

of them on bed rest ____

How many senior citizens do you serve per day?

Of the citizens served, how many people do you visit:

once a week

4 times a week


How long do you spend with the citizens you serve?

Until you do what it takes.

Do you use company vehicles?

Are there times when you are so carried away by work that you do not notice how time passes?

Very rarely or not at all

Rarely enough

Not rare, but not often

Often enough


How often do you think about the social usefulness of your work, its significance for others?

Very rarely or not at all

Rarely enough

Not rare, but not often

Often enough


Would you like to change your job?

I am at a loss to answer

What helps you in your work?

Professional knowledge

Personal qualities

Awareness of the importance of the work performed

A sense of compassion mercy

What hinders you in your work?

Poor work organization

Insufficient qualifications

Little knowledge of the elderly

Poor working conditions

Difficulty communicating with the elderly

How do you assess the effectiveness of your work?


Very low.


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There are two approaches to defining the concept of the effectiveness of social work.

The first is the relationship between the results achieved (effects) and the costs associated with providing those results.

The key problems in this definition are the measurement (description) of results or effects and costs, as well as the influence of costs and other factors on the results.

The "correlation situations" are very different. The costs remain at the same level, and the results in quantitative and qualitative dimensions are higher than in previous periods. Costs have been reduced, and the results have remained the same or even increased at the same costs. The costs have increased to some extent, and the results have become even greater. In practice, one has to reckon with the so-called "marginal results" when their quantitative and qualitative characteristics do not increase due to the limitation of a number of factors that are of a specific nature in a given institution of social protection.

The second approach considers performance as actually achieved and required results (effects). The key task, based on this understanding, is to measure (describe) the results.

Since the results and costs can be expected, planned, planned, or presented in the form of goals (objectives), so far the effectiveness can be assumed (calculated, planned) and actual (actually achieved).

Evaluation of effectiveness is another important issue; selection of subjects for evaluating effectiveness; subjects evaluating effectiveness, methods and techniques for evaluating effectiveness; factors influencing efficiency / inefficiency.

It should be noted that research in the field of social work efficiency began recently - at the beginning of 1996. And therefore, there are only the first scientific results related mainly to the development of a conceptual apparatus, the definition of the types of methods and methods with which one can evaluate the effectiveness.

An important concept is the subject of assessing the effectiveness of social work or that specific that can or actually be assessed. Accordingly, methods are associated with the subject, the list of which is given in Table 23.

The parametric method is at the heart of the so-called “parametric techniques”. It involves comparing two key parameters:
1) the patient's (client's) condition was earlier;
2) the current state of the patient (client).

This method involves describing the state of the patient (client) “at the entrance” (for example, when a child with limited motor abilities is admitted to the rehabilitation center) and “at the exit”, i.e. at the end of the rehabilitation period. The difference between these two parameters is a “rehabilitation effect” or a result indicating the effectiveness of the used rehabilitation means, methods, organization of rehabilitation, staff qualifications, etc.

The main problems in the development of parametric techniques are: development and description of parameters "at the input" and "at the output"; determination of the main factors of efficiency and inefficiency, both in terms of intermediate and final parameters.

A method of evaluating performance based on meeting the needs of the client (s) served. This method has the following varieties:
1) direct evaluation method, when periodically oral and written (using questionnaires) customer surveys;
2) a parametric method, with the help of which a comparison (comparison) is made between what the client is entitled to according to the norms, regulations or relevant standards, and what is actually performed in the process of social service;
3) a combination of the first and second methods.

When using these methods, one has to reckon with the so-called “unexpected reactions of clients” when they turn to the social protection authority with complaints, questions, requests, in which their needs are expressed.

From the point of view of the structures that manage the process of social services, it is important to have information about the satisfied, not fully satisfied and for some reason not satisfied the needs of their clients. This, as practice shows, makes it possible to more purposefully build work on social services, achieve the necessary resources, use new forms and methods, etc.

The method of assessing efficiency / inefficiency is very pragmatic, as it allows to systematize the factors of efficiency and factors of inefficiency; present them in a clear and visible form, for example, using the appropriate table; develop and implement programs (plans) to improve the activities of the relevant institution.

Let us show this method using the example of the Sokolniki Center for Social and Defense (Moscow). According to the director of this CSO (although the assessment base may be more extensive), the main factors of efficiency / inefficiency in 1995 in the work of this institution were the following.

When using this method, it is possible to divide the factors of inefficiency into three groups: 1) factors, practical solution which does not depend on our structure (the so-called "upper" or "foreign" factors); 2) factors, the practical solution of which depends on the given institution (“our” factors); 3) factors that are at the "watershed" between friends and foes.

A feature of this method is not only its "evaluative nature", but also its focus on solving practically significant problems included in the list of factors of inefficiency. At the same time, the situations in which this can happen are very different: a situation when “inefficiency has squeezed”; the situation of systematic diagnostics and improvement; situation of "the most significant problem"; the situation of "pressure from above"; case situation and others.

A questionnaire survey is one of the methods for assessing both the effectiveness and inefficiency of the activities of social protection institutions, the work of peaks. In this case, the following varieties of this method are encountered:

Separate questions on the assessment of effectiveness / inefficiency are “built in” into the questionnaire, for example, the “Questionnaire of a social worker at home” contains the following questions:
- How do you assess the effectiveness of your work? high; high enough; medium; low; very low.
- What are your suggestions for improving your service for the elderly?

By its construction, the first question is closed, since it "sets" the assessment levels. The second question is of an open type and is designed for free expression of opinions and suggestions. Both of these questions are designed to clarify the so-called "primary picture" or to obtain initial assessments and proposals. Further, deeper assessments can be made to identify and systematize efficiency / inefficiency problems.

In practice, questionnaires are also used, which are entirely devoted to identifying factors of effectiveness / inefficiency. Such “targeted questionnaires” allow collecting and processing a variety of information, allowing the development of measures (activities) to improve efficiency. This requires the qualified development of the questionnaire itself, taking into account the costs of its replication, as well as the collection and processing of information.

When assessing the effectiveness of the activities of social security institutions, the cost assessment method is also used, i.e. cost estimate of social services both in terms of the cost of services for one client and for the entire contingent of those served. At the same time, it is important to correlate the costs of social services with the indicators that are selected as "results" and to reckon with their "fluctuations" - the results are higher, remained at the same level or worsened. Costs can also fluctuate - increase, remain within the same limits, or decrease, therefore, methodologies for assessing efficiency must take these fluctuations into account.

On August 12, 2016, a working meeting of the Head of the District and the Chairman of the District Assembly of Deputies Yanina O.A. with social workers KTSSON, employees of the MUSZN and KTSSON.

The reason for the meeting was the appeal of social workers to the Head of the district on the issue of changes in payroll for social workers from July 2016.

Tatiana Artemyeva, Director of KTSSON, made explanatory information:

Go to new system remuneration of social workers of the complex center, which was based on accounting for quantitative and qualitative indicators of the provision of services, including the labor intensity of the provision of relevant social services social workers, was justified by the adoption of new regulatory documents, which prompted to restructure the work in accordance with their requirements.

1. Federal Law No. 442 of December 28, 2013 "On the Basics of Social Services for Citizens in the Russian Federation" is aimed at developing the system of social services for citizens of the Russian Federation, increasing its level, quality and efficiency.

2. Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated October 15, 2015 No. 725 "On the approval of guidelines for determining the norms of the workload of a social worker in the field of social services."

3. Regulation "On remuneration of employees of the institution" in accordance with which incentive payments are established for the high quality of work performed, taking into account initiative, creativity and the use of modern forms and methods of labor organization in work

3.Recommendations of the Ministry of Social Relations Chelyabinsk region in terms of familiarization with the experience of other areas of the region working in this area of \u200b\u200bpayroll: Plastovsky, Uvelsky, Etkulsky, Varnensky and Uysky districts.

Of course, there are also internal reasons that prompted the transition to a new payroll calculation. This is, first of all, a very low indicator of the provision of paid services in our KTSSON.

Analyzing the work of social workers in terms of the previously existing load in terms of the number of people served per rate - 11.7, we came to the conclusion that with an equal number of people served, but with different living conditions of those served, social workers received the same wages. However, if we take the settlements: with. Light, Berezinovka, s. Chesma, where a significant number of serviced apartments live and compare with the living conditions of those serviced in the village of Klubovka, Lugovoye, Port Arthur, where social workers have to carry water, heat stoves, clean snow, weed grass in gardens, then the question rightfully arises: whether the same assessment of the labor of social workers performing different services in terms of labor intensity is fair. Also, the indicator of the number of people served has led to a formal recruitment of recipients of social services. Not all, of course, but there are those who are able to perform labor-intensive work themselves (cleaning the premises). This, in turn, made it necessary to regulate the working hours of social workers. Rationing showed that (from the words of the served) social. workers come to them mainly in the morning on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (although there is Tuesday, Thursday in the working week). We allow trips to Chesma, but this is not every week. All this confirms the conclusion that not all work time effectively used to fulfill official duties. The register of quantitative and qualitative indicators of social services for the month shows the result: On average, for all served out of 12 people, there are from 9 to 12 services per day. On average, there are 16 services per month for one served out of 247 registered users. If you take 21 working days in July, then services are not provided every day. Currently, recipients of social services have the opportunity to choose the required service for the current day. And the total cost for the services provided may be less than the fixed amount they paid for the 3 services indicated in the contract. This allows you to provide the right to choose the service and the right to confirm the performance of the service with the personal signature of the served.

Another reason for the transfer to the new payroll calculation for social workers is the desire to increase the number of recipients of social services, not only registered in the department of social services. home services, but also pensioners and disabled people in need of one-time social assistance. Currently, the demand for the provision of one-time services will grow. Today they call us what needs to be done general cleaning, just sit with a sick person so that a loved one caring for a sick person can get enough sleep.

The next goal: to increase the income of the institution from the provision of paid social and additional services, which will be used to undergo annual medical examinations of social workers, training, purchase of overalls and additional material incentives.

And one of the equally important goals of the transition is that social workers are given the opportunity to increase their wages. The incentive salary fund of the institution is designed to pay bonuses to all social workers on a monthly basis, subject to the implementation of the number of social services corresponding to the highest assessment of labor efficiency.

At the end of May 2016, a trip was organized to the Uysky district in order to study this work experience. Then there was the preparation of documents, which were subsequently familiarized with all social workers against signature. The groups were trained on working with documents. During the month there was also individual work with each social worker. It would seem that everything was clear, we were waiting for reports and the result was obtained, that very few realized that on this stage it was necessary to try to do as many services as possible, which in fact did not happen. However, social workers began to provide additional paid services, which before that did not appear during the whole year, and this was taken into account when calculating wages. Apparently, the majority of social workers were convinced that we would have to pay them the wages they had received before. If earlier part of the wage fund was intended to stimulate only social workers by decree of the President and you received almost equal wages for both 12 people and 5 people served, now this is the general payroll and I repeat once again the incentive part of wages will be paid for high quality of the work performed, taking into account initiative, creativity and the use of modern forms and methods of labor organization in work.

So, in accordance with the regulation on the procedure for determining the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the provision of services by social workers, an analysis of the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the provision of services by social workers is carried out through the completed sheets.

For each service, the significance of the indicator is set in points, the total number of services provided for all served citizens is calculated, correlated with the significance and an assessment is given. Responsible for the accounting of indicators summarize the estimates obtained for all sheets of accounting, correlate with the final table.

To assess the results, a commission was created to assess the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the provision of services by the social workers of the center. Within 3-4 days of each month, the commission analyzes the statements. The decision of the commission is drawn up by the final protocol. Based on the final protocol, the director of the institution issues an order on bonuses by Decree of the President Russian Federation dated 07.05.2012 No. 597 "On measures for the implementation of state social policy»

Analysis of the reports showed that social workers have the opportunity to provide a greater number of social and additional paid services during a month and a working week, taking into account the use of new technologies in work with senior citizens and disabled people and new forms of work (we offer a team contract, during general work the result counts for everyone).

We have been working in this direction for only a month, naturally, difficulties arise, misunderstandings on the part of social workers, unwillingness to provide additional paid services. There are also our shortcomings, but we intend to continue working in this direction.

Today we are thinking about how to evaluate your work based on the time spent on the provision of one service and the distance to the infrastructure for the service. The center's specialists keep records of recipients of social services for the lack of infrastructure in locality, the degree of self-service of clients, the presence of relatives, which should help in assessing the quality of social services provided.

The main request to social workers is to calm down, organize your work with recipients of social services so that there is time during working hours to provide the maximum number of services, including additional services.

We will try to bring information to the residents of the Chesme region through the newspaper and official sites that the employees of the complex center and social workers can come to the rescue if there is a need for one-time services. To do this, you can contact our center, or the administration of rural settlements.


The effectiveness of social work is a multifaceted phenomenon. The content and technology of its definition largely depend on the position of which science and with which specific scientific and practical purpose social work is considered. Efficiency assessment can be carried out on the basis of both general and specific criteria, with general ones serving to assess social work as a whole, and specific ones - to assessing specific social services, certain types and methods of social work, the activities of individual specialists and institutions. The difficulty in assessing the effectiveness of social services lies in the non-commercial nature that they carry. Most of the services provided are free, and the sources of profit are budget funding and the activities of charitable organizations. If we consider the efficiency of a social institution in terms of income and expenses, then the economic loss of such institutions is obvious, but they are an integral and very important part of the life of society. The article provides a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of social service institutions, which takes into account such criteria as the number of the served population, the presence of queues, the range of the served population, awareness of the population about the services provided and the conditions for receiving them, the availability of qualified staff, and employee satisfaction with working conditions. The proposed methodology was tested in the course of assessing the effectiveness of the MCU "Center for Social Services for the Population of the Kemerovo Municipal District" availability.

social service institutions

assessment of the effectiveness of social work

organization and management of social services for the population

socio-economic processes

1. Methodology for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of health care institutions in the Irkutsk region. - Irkutsk, 2009 .-- 89 p.

2. The theory of social work / edited by E.I. Single. - M .: Jurist, 2012 .-- 456 p.

3. Pavlenok P.D. Theory, history and methods of social work. - M .: Dashkov and K. - 476 p.

4. Panteleeva T.S. Economic foundations social work / T.S. Panteleeva, G.A. Chervyakov. - M .: Humanitarian ed. center VLADOS, 2009 .-- 160 p.

5. Shamarova G.M. Efficiency of adoption management decisions in municipal management systems // Personnel management. - 2008. - No. 1. - P. 32–35.

6. Shinder I.G. Methodology for the formation of a system of remuneration and incentives for employees of state institutions // Budgetary institutions education: accounting and taxation. - 2007. - No. 11. - P. 12-17.

In conditions modern economy the development and formation of socio-economic processes is a key element in the formation of regional systems. Man is the central link in any socio-economic process, and the realization of his rights and interests is an integral part of political and economic reality. The well-functioning and smooth functioning of the social protection system allows ensuring normal living conditions for all members of society. The most important link in the territorial systems of social protection are municipal institutions of social services to the population, as a mechanism that makes it possible to practically solve complex issues of the life of society, the family and the individual.

Performance efficiency municipal institution social service is a multifaceted phenomenon. Determining the criteria by which you can evaluate the activities of such an institution? a rather complicated process, since the standard performance criteria in this case are not indicative.

The difficulty in assessing the effectiveness of social services lies in the non-commercial nature that they carry. Most of the services provided are free, and the sources of profit are budget funding and the activities of charitable organizations. This situation excludes the possibility of considering the efficiency of a municipal institution from the point of view of income and expenses, since its economic loss will be obvious, but these institutions are an important part of the socio-economic status of the region.

Therefore, to assess the effectiveness of the activities of municipal social service institutions, it is necessary to use criteria that take into account not only the financial component. These criteria can contain quantitative and qualitative indicators. On the one hand, they represent a system of normative criteria reflecting the effectiveness of this process, on the other, a system of indicators reflecting the state of clients of social services (individuals, families, social groups).

In the first case, they serve as an important tool for researching the effectiveness of the provision of social services to the population, in the second, they are a system of benchmarks aimed at achieving concrete and effective results in social services that are adequate to the real needs and needs of various categories of the population, and therefore can act as standards of social service, system of standards.

The effectiveness of the activities of municipal institutions of social services to the population can be determined on the basis of both general and specific criteria, with general ones serving to assess its effectiveness as a whole, and specific ones - to assessing specific social services, certain types and methods of social work, the activities of individual specialists and institutions ...

We propose to assess the effectiveness of the activities of municipal institutions of social services on the basis of the following criteria:

1. The number of people served. This criterion refers to exclusively quantitative indicators, does not always reflect the real efficiency of the work of a social institution, since it is influenced by too many factors: the population of the territory, the composition of the population, the availability of social services, the organization of the work of the social institution, etc.

2. The presence of queues. If a client cannot receive timely assistance due to constant queues, the work of a social institution cannot be called effective.

3. The range of categories of the population served. The wider the range of categories of the population receiving assistance in a social service institution, the more effective the activities of such an institution can be considered.

4. Awareness of the population about the services provided and the conditions for receiving them. The population's awareness of the possibilities of social services is often at a very low level, which, in turn, leads to a slowdown in the work of specialists.

5. Availability of qualified staff. This criterion is actually one of the leading, since the subject and object of the social sphere is primarily a person.

6. The presence of crisis situations both in the client-employee system and in the staff of the institution. Crisis situations increase the stressful state, which affects the atmosphere in the team, affects all facets of professional activity.

7. Satisfaction of employees with working conditions. This indicator affects the quantitative and qualitative results of work, the urgency and accuracy of assignments, commitment to other people.

8. The system of incentives. Difficult issue in the field of social services, since the material incentives for employees are limited. Therefore, the built-up system of motivation in a social service institution is one of the significant criteria for the effectiveness of its activities.

9. The level of communication in the team. Team cohesion is an important indicator, since the client's case is often associated with the work of several specialists at once, sometimes even from different departments, therefore it is necessary that employees have the skills of working in a group.

10. Possibility to improve the qualifications of employees. An employee's lack of certain skills and knowledge leads to ineffective work and the performance of assigned tasks, also contributes to an increase in the employee's stress and energy costs associated with work, as well as a decrease in motivation.

This list does not contain any fundamentally new criteria, but their consolidation into a single methodology and reduction to a single performance indicator makes it possible to comprehensively assess the results of the work of social service institutions.

The proposed methodology was used to assess the effectiveness of the activities of the MCU "Center for Social Services to the Population of the Kemerovo Municipal District".

The assessment of quantitative indicators was carried out on the basis of statistical data reflected on the official website of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Kemerovo Region. A qualitative assessment was obtained using a questionnaire survey of visitors and employees of the center.

Standard value of the criterion and assessment normative value criterion was calculated by ranking on a 5-point scale.

When score in the range from 0 to 4 points:

4 points - assigned to the result, which is defined as a target, i.e. the result to be achieved;

3 points - assigned to the result, the value of which corresponds to the best indicator in the region;

2 points - an indicator of the norm;

1 point - the result is assessed, the value of which is 1–25% lower than the norm.

0 points - a value that is 26% or more below the norm.

After evaluating each criterion in points, the efficiency coefficient (Kef) of each criterion is determined, which is calculated as the ratio of the result to the target. Overall efficiency (Coeff) is calculated as the ratio of the total result to the total target.

For a qualitative assessment of the result obtained, the boundaries

identified points:

Coefficient up to 0.4 - low efficiency;

Coefficient from 0.4 to 0.8 - average efficiency;

Coefficient from 0.8 to 1 - high efficiency.

The results of a comprehensive criteria-based assessment of efficiency, carried out on the basis of the MCU "Center for Social Services for the Population of the Kemerovo Municipal District" are shown in the table.

The approbation of the methodology in the conditions of the activity of the MCU "CSC of the Kemerovo Municipal District" showed that the work of this institution is more effective, but there are problem areas that need to be improved.

In particular, it is necessary:

1. Develop a website containing the necessary information about benefits and the conditions for obtaining them.

2. Create a call center as an opportunity for people without Internet access to get the necessary advice by phone.

3. When recruiting personnel, take into account the specifics of institutions of this kind and do not allow “random” people to work with clients, heads of departments should clearly define the role and place of each employee, avoiding conflicts within the working team.

Comprehensive criteria-based assessment of the effectiveness of the MCU "Center for Social Services for the Population of the Kemerovo Municipal District"



Target landmark

Number of population served


The range of served categories of the population

Public awareness of the services provided

Qualification of specialists

Employee satisfaction with working conditions

The presence of crisis situations

Form of assignment of tasks between employees

The level of communication in the team

Incentive system

Total indicators

4. To optimize the personnel motivation system, taking into account the limited possibilities of material motivation, to increase the importance of organizational and social motivation in order to attract qualified employees.

The implementation of these measures will make it possible to rationalize both external and internal information flows, to more clearly define the responsibility of performers and managers, and also ensure the achievement of the maximum level of quality of social services, increase the level of its availability among the population.

The technique can be used to assess the effectiveness of any municipal institution of social services for the population in these specific conditions.


Bereznev S.V., Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department production management Kuzbass State Technical University, Kemerovo;

Starikova L.N., Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor of the Department of Economics and Management at the Enterprise, PRUE. G.V. Plekhanov (Kemerovo branch), Kemerovo.



Final qualifying work


Totma 2010



1.1 The concept of the effectiveness of social services

1.2 Criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of social services


2.1 Organization and conduct of research on the example of the MU "Mezhdurechensk complex center of social services for the population"




In connection with the introduction of the National Standards of Social Services for the Population, the requirements for the activities of social services and specialists of social institutions are increasing.

The main requirements are:

Improving the quality of services provided to the population, ensuring their availability;

Improving the efficiency of social services for clients of social services.

Among the factors contributing to improving the efficiency of activities, an important place is given to the professionalism of personnel as an important component of social work.

There are different understandings of the effectiveness of social work. The first assumes that the goal of the work is a pre-programmed result. Therefore, the effectiveness of social work is understood as the ratio of the results achieved and the costs associated with ensuring these results (goals).

But in order to assess the effectiveness of the institution as a whole, its individual structural unit or an individual specialist, you need reliable criteria and performance indicators.

To determine the effectiveness, the achieved result is compared with the accepted standards of social services for the population. Since various types of activity differ from each other, and in the process of social services, different tasks are solved, insofar as when assessing the effectiveness of social work, its results should be taken into account both in quantitative and qualitative characteristics. But to assess the effectiveness of the work done, you need reliable criteria and developed indicators.

The criteria and indicators of social services were described in their works - S.I. Mikhailova, T.V. Cherpukhina and T.V. Chuyanov.

Determination of criteria and indicators for assessing the effectiveness of social services is today an urgent research problem.

Research practice shows that there can be no single approach to determining the structure of criteria and indicators that are suitable for all cases of assessing the effectiveness of social services. Their composition will vary depending on the object, subject and tasks of assessing the studied phenomenon, process.

The practice of quantifying activities in social service institutions now prevails. Efficiency is measured by the number of clients served, services provided, etc.

The effectiveness of solving the client's problem, his effectiveness, largely depend on the specialist himself, his skills, experience, personal characteristics and qualities. Because professional tasks, recruitment and reasonable personnel policy in general - another factor in increasing the efficiency of work on social services.

Human needs are being met by providing a whole range of social services. And their quality depends on the presence or absence of certain conditions.

Proceeding from this logic of thinking, the subjects of study, analysis and evaluation of efficiency can be: informational provision of social services; volume, form and quality of services provided; organization of staff work in social service institutions; the level of professionalism of employees; control system for their activities

The aim of the study is to study ways to assess the effectiveness of the provision of services in the department of social services to the population at home for elderly and disabled citizens.

The goal of this work can be achieved by solving the following tasks:

1. Analyze the literature on the problem of the effectiveness of social services.

2. Give a concept of what the effectiveness and quality of social services is.

3. To reveal the methods of assessing the effectiveness of the provision of social services on the example of the department of social services at home for elderly and disabled citizens.

4. Analyze the performance of the department of social services at home for elderly citizens and disabled people, make recommendations depending on the results obtained.

The object of the research is the effectiveness of the provision of services in the department of social services at home for elderly and disabled citizens.

The subject of the research is ways of assessing the effectiveness of social services in the department of social services at home for elderly and disabled citizens.

Hypothesis: if we determine the most optimal ways to assess the effectiveness of the provision of social services, then it is possible to identify directions for improving the quality of services provided.

Practical relevance: intended for social workers and consists in generalizing the experience of social services for the elderly and disabled in the department of social services at home for elderly citizens and disabled people.

Research methods: theoretical analysis of the subject content of literature on the specified topic; empirical interpretation - assessment of the effectiveness of the department of social services at home for elderly and disabled citizens.

CHAPTER 1. Theoretical aspect problems of improving the efficiency of social services

Information about the work "Study of ways to assess the effectiveness of the provision of social services in the department of social services at home for elderly and disabled citizens"


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