Sample resumes in English

Anna Kovrova

At first glance, translating a resume into English is a simple matter: I picked up the matches from the dictionary - and you're done. Every HR manager has seen hundreds of these interlineators. Do you want text that looks like it was originally written in English? We have already discussed the plan and general recommendations for compiling a resume, and now we will tell you what exactly to write in each of the sections and what vocabulary to use.

After reading the article, you will be able to independently create a successful resume on English language.

Bonus: review sites with over 450 samples!


This section is also called "Job Objective", "Career Objective", "Career Goal" or even "Job Goal". In other words, the place you want to take.

English resume writing expert Susan Ireland advises staying away from generic phrases like “seeking a position in a growth-oriented company” (“looking for a job in a growth-oriented company”), “looking for a challenging position” (“ looking for a promising job”), “utilizing my skills and experience to advance my career” (“use my skills and experience to advance my career”). “All these empty words say nothing to the reader. We only need facts,” Susan is sure.

The specialists of the Monster recruiting portal also insist on brevity and accuracy. By the way, they recommend indicating career goals not under the “Objective” heading, but in the “Qualifications Summary” section, for example:

"It's better to say 'This is who I am' rather than 'This is what I want to be when I grow up'," the experts explain. But at the same time, the completed “Objective” column is required in some cases. For example, if you:

  • change the field of activity:

  • enter the labor market for the first time:

  • want to apply for a specific job:

Career Summary

This is the answer to the question: “How can I help the employer achieve their goals?”.

an expert in... expert in...
accomplished executive with a proven ability to... qualified leader with undoubted ability...
respected leader respectable leader
able to build highly motivated teams able to create highly motivated teams
keep up-to-date with changes in the industry keeping up with developments in my field
with over 10 years of experience with over 10 years of experience
successful in project management successful in project management
10 years of administrative experience in educational settings 10 years of management experience in the field of education
good at establishing rapport with people from diverse backgrounds I am able to establish contacts with people from different spheres
highly organized and detail-oriented highly organized and attention to detail
engineer with over three years IT industry experience an experienced engineer with over three years of experience in the IT industry
five years of project management experience in... 5 years of project management experience in...
strong background in... Good knowledge and experience in...
ability to find innovative solutions ability to find innovative solutions

Employment History

“Prove that you are worth something”, “Describe achievements, not responsibilities” - these are the slogans of this section. In the following examples, you will see how different things can be said about the same thing:

The second option is more convincing, right?

Useless phrases like “responsible for” or “duties include” should be avoided in favor of active, energetic expressions.

Education (Education)

Indicate the name of your academic degree and do not forget to underline if you were successful in your studies or wrote term papers on relevant topics. This is especially important for former students.

If you haven't completed your course yet:

If a diploma of higher education you do not have, the mention of trainings, courses, seminars will help out. Title the rubric "Professional Development" or "Relevant Training". If you have any advantages at your disposal, for example, you have practiced conversational English with a native speaker, they should be noted here.

Skills (Useful skills)

Enough 10-15 points. For the most important skills, it would be good to indicate the level of proficiency: beginner (beginner), intermediate (intermediate level) or expert (expert).

in-depth knowledge of... deep knowledge of...
excellent written and verbal communication skills excellent written and oral communication skills
ability to talk and conduct business in 2 languages ability to speak and conduct business in two languages
speaking in public ability to speak in front of an audience
easily solve technical problems easily solve technical problems
editing newsletters, letters editing mailing lists
in-depth understanding of... deep understanding
well-developed skills in... well developed skills
with broad experience in... with extensive experience in...
fluently read and write in English fluently write and read in English
keep alert to new computer hardware stay up to date with the latest in computer hardware
keep abreast of new software applications follow the release of new computer applications

However, even the most attractive resume is easy to spoil - a couple of mistakes are enough. If you are studying with an English tutor via Skype or in regular courses, it makes sense to give him the text for verification: grammar and spelling will definitely not suffer from this!

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with our webinar "The Perfect Resume in English". Our expert Anna Gradoboeva with experience in HR departments foreign companies talks about the secrets of writing a resume from the point of view of a professional recruiter:

Sample resumes in English

  • - about 150 examples. There are options even for pilot, fashion designer and composer!

outside TOP 3000 words

  1. resume
    1. [ ˈ ] verb
      1. resume, continue (after a break);
        to resume a story to continue the interrupted story;
        well , to resume

        Examples of using

          Next morning a message reached us inquiring if Professor de la Paz was well enough to resume discussions?

          The next morning we received a letter asking if Professor de la Paz was in a position to continue negotiations.

          The moon is a harsh mistress. Robert Heinlein, page 214
        1. For time being, Complex was cut off by phone and Mike did not permit capsules to stop at any station in Complex even after travel was resumed, which it was as soon as Finn Nielsen and squad were through with dirty work.

          The complex was cut off from telephone service, and Mike wouldn't let the pods stop at his stations, even when the subway resumed traffic, just after Finn Nielsen's squad had finished their dirty work.

          The moon is a harsh mistress. Robert Heinlein, page 166
        2. "In that case, let our friendship be a caprice," he murmured, flushing at his own boldness, then stepped up on the platform and resumed his pose.

          If so, let our friendship be a caprice,” he whispered, blushing, embarrassed by his own boldness. Then he ascended the stage and stood in a pose.

          The Picture of Dorian Grey. Oscar Wilde, page 25
      2. receive, take back;
        to resume one "s health get better

        Examples of using

        1. Realizing that she had turned over, Margarita accepted normal position and, turning around, she saw that the lake was no longer there, and that there, behind her, only a pink glow remained on the horizon.

          Master and Margarita. Mikhail Bulgakov, p. 245
        2. "Gentlemen," continued Florizel, resuming the ordinary tone of his conversation, "this is a fellow who has long eluded me, but whom, thanks to Dr. Noel, I now have tightly by the heels.

          Gentlemen,” continued Florizel, dropping into his usual conversational tone. - Before you is a man who has eluded me for a long time. And finally, thanks to Dr. Noel, he is in my hands.

          Suicide Club. Robert Louis Stevenson, page 76
        3. The upper teachers now punctually resumed their posts: but still, everything seemed to wait.

          The head teachers took their places; however, everyone seemed to be waiting for something.

          Jane Eyre. Charlotte Brontë, page 46
      3. to sum up, to summarize

        Examples of using

        1. "This horse is decidedly, or rather has been in his youth, a buttercup," resumed the stranger, continuing the remarks he had begun, and addressing himself to his auditors at the window, without paying the least attention to the exasperation of d"Artagnan, who, however, placed himself between him and them.

          This horse is really bright yellow, or rather, it once was, ”continued the stranger, turning to his listeners who remained at the window, and wordlessly not noticing d’Artagnan’s irritation, despite the fact that the young Gascon was standing between him and his interlocutors.

- [rezyme] n. m. 1750; de resumer 1 ♦ Abrégé, condense. ⇒ reduction; digest(anglic.). Faire, rediger un resumé. Resumé des episodes precedents. Resumés d histoire pour le baccalauréat. ⇒ abrégé. 2 ♦ « Au fond, le résumé de la sagesse… … Encyclopédie Universelle

Summary- Résumé Voir "résumé" sur le Wiktionnaire ... Wikipedia en Français

resume- resumé, ée (ré zu mé, mée) part. passe de resumer. 1° Resserre en peu de mots. Une leçon résumée avec précision. 2° S.m. Ce qui est resserre en peu de paroles. Voici un petit résumé de tous les changements faits à la pièce, afin que, s… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d "Émile Littré

resume- ré su mé [ˈrezjʊmeɪ ˈreɪ ǁ ˌrezʊˈmeɪ] also resume noun HUMAN RESOURCES a short written account of your education and previous jobs that you send to an employer when you are looking for a new job; CV BrE: Like hundred … Financial and business terms

resume- v.t. resumed, resuming 1. a) to take, get, or occupy again b) to take back or take on again verb to start to do something again after a period of rest or an interruption: Profit taking resumed as the yen began to lose ground . The company said it won tresume its efforts to sell… … Financial and business terms

resume- for 1, also [rā′zo͞o mā΄, rā′zyo͞omā΄] n. 1. a summing up; summary ☆ 2. a statement of a job applicant s previous employment experience, education, etc.: also written resume or resumé … English World dictionary

Summary- Re*sume, v. t. summer. See (Assume), (Redeem).] 1. To take back. The sun, like this, from which our sight we… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

resume- , resume (REH zoo may) A summary; a written account of a person’s educational and professional background, for use in applying for a job. Also written summary. See also curricula vitae … Dictionary of foreign words and phrases

resume- ((/stl 13))((stl 7)) ((/stl 7))((stl 8))rz. n ndm ((/stl 8))((stl 7)) krótkie podsumowanie; streszczenie: ((/stl 7))((stl 10))Resumé referatu. fr. ((/stl10)) ... Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

Resume- Resumé, 1) die nochmalige Zusammenfassung der Hauptpunkte einer Verhandlung od. Begebenheit; bes. 2) die Schlußdarstellung des Assisenpräsidenten über die Hauptergebnisse der Verhandlung, bevor die Geschworenen (s.d.) sich in ihr Berathungszimmer … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon


  • Resume of observations made at the Kanayama meteorological station, Kanayama, Japan for the 20 years 1898 to 1917, under the direction of R. Sano , Sano R. The book is a reprint edition. Despite the fact that serious work has been carried out to restore the original quality of the publication, some pages may show up ... Buy for 1640 rubles
  • Resume De Repetitions Ecrites Sur Le Droit Administratif (French Edition) , Boeuf Francois. The book is a reprint edition. Although serious work has been done to restore the original quality of the publication, some pages may show ...


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