US aircraft carrier Gerald Ford: a unique ship at an unbeatable price. Gerald R. Ford is the new and very expensive aircraft carrier of the United States Nuclear aircraft carrier uss gerald r ford

At present, the construction of the Gerald Ford CVN-78 nuclear aircraft carrier is in full swing in the United States. The ship is being built according to the CVNX-1 project, which provides for the creation of a qualitatively new ship in a slightly modified AB Chester Nimitz hull. I must say that there is not much information on the network, in fact, that's all that we managed to dig up. Love and favor, a symbol of American naval power, the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier CVN-78 "Gerald R. Ford":

Gerald R. Ford (1913 - 2006; 38th U.S. President 1974-1977)

Designing of aircraft carriers of the new type "CVX" began in 1996.

On initial stage During the work on the aircraft carrier project, by order of the Minister of the Navy, an advisory commission was formed, which, in cooperation with experts from the fleet and industry, in particular, on the problems of promising technologies designed to increase the operational flexibility of the new aircraft carrier, developed the following recommendations. The ship must have a displacement of at least 100 thousand tons and a large flight deck for basing a complete air wing on it and supporting the flights of promising aircraft, helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in almost any weather conditions. It was deemed expedient to equip an aircraft carrier with a nuclear power plant (NPP), which makes it possible to carry out its emergency transition to the area of \u200b\u200bdestination on high speed travel without refueling (in this regard, the project received the designation CVNX). The unified electric power system must ensure not only the operation of auxiliary mechanisms, but also the use of advanced systems. In the interests of increasing the survivability of the ship, the commission recommended to take measures to reduce the acoustic and electromagnetic signatures, and in order to save money - to reduce the crew size, construction and operating costs, as well as eliminate the need to recharge nuclear reactors.

The original appearance even had an overly stealthy outlines.

However, this option was also considered:

Nevertheless, accepting these recommendations, the command of the Navy at the same time abandoned the original version of the project due to its high cost (meaning the development of a completely new architectural and structural type of ship) and preferred an evolutionary transition to the design of a new hull after completing additional research and introduction of the latest technologies into the practice of shipbuilding. This, according to the developers, will take about 20 years, during which three ships with the hull of an aircraft carrier of the Nimitz type will be built. Along with the target setting for the creation of an aircraft carrier, significantly superior in combat capabilities to existing ships of this class, the designers were tasked with ensuring cost reduction life cycle ship by 20 percent. Since, with a 50-year service life, it can amount to $ 21-22 billion, the Navy command intends to seek measures that will not only allow, under conditions of financial constraints, to keep the intended number of aircraft carriers in the fleet, but also use the saved funds for the creation and development of other types of weapons. and military equipment... Since up to 40 percent. (about $ 9 billion) of the above amount falls on the maintenance of personnel, a significant reduction in the number of the aircraft carrier's crew is envisaged - from 3.5 to 2.5 thousand people. This requirement will be partially implemented already during the construction of CVN-77, which will become intermediate between the existing Nimitz-type AVMA and the ships of the new project in terms of design, characteristics and technical solutions.

The threat to aircraft carriers can be posed by guided missiles, cumulative ammunition, latest torpedoes, aircraft carrying napalm or cruise missiles with both conventional and possibly chemical-biological warheads. In this regard, along with the improvement of constructive protection and self-defense means, the project developers are striving to reduce the radar and optoelectronic signature of promising aircraft carriers. On modern ships of this class, only one superstructure, towering 30 m above the upper deck, has an effective scattering surface (EPR), equivalent to the EPR of an Orly Burke-class URO destroyer. Research on the CVNX project confirmed the feasibility of replacing a large superstructure with two small ones, using conformal antennas, rounded mating of the sides with the flight deck, special coatings and other measures related to the use of stealth technology, as well as place all or some of the aircraft lifts not side by side, but in the center plane of the ship. ... This is not about making the new aircraft carrier invisible, the task of the developers is to reduce the EPR so much that the AVMA radar image does not differ from the other ships of the marching or combat order.

AVMA CVN-78 (with a Nimitz-type aircraft carrier hull) will be equipped with a new nuclear power plant and an electric power system, which will provide the ship with electromagnetic catapults and high-precision self-defense weapons, power the new radars and switch auxiliary steam systems to power. These and other innovations will be further developed during the design of the AVMA CVN-79, which will have a hull of a new (possibly catamaran) design, which will increase the flight deck area, and a promising electric propulsion system.

For promising aircraft carriers, the operating period will be approximately 50 years. Taking into account past experience, during this period, the ship, as the project developers predict, will be able to take part in three major regional conflicts and at least 20 on a smaller scale, provide 500 thousand aircraft takeoffs and landings, spend 6,000 days at sea and walk about 3 million miles. Taking into account the rotation of crew members, up to 100 thousand people will serve on board during this time.

TTX of the nuclear aircraft carrier "Gerald Ford":

Full displacement: approximately 100 thousand "long tons" (101.6 thousand metric tons.)

Dimensions: Length 317 meters, width 40.8 meters (maximum).

Main power plant: AEU, 2 improved pressurized water reactors with extended service life.

4 GTZA (main turbo-gear units), 4 screws.

Full travel speed approx. 30 knots

Crew (sailors, air group, support personnel): 4660 people.

Air wing: 75 aircraft for various purposes.

Anti-aircraft missile system:

"Enhanced Sea Sparrow" or RIM-116 (RAM-116).

Aviation equipment: EMALS electromagnetic catapults (development is entrusted to General Atomics)

Electronic weapons include the ACDS Bloc 1 BIUS (or its improved version), the Aejis Mk 7 multifunctional ASBU (or an improved version), the Aejis Mk 7 PY-1E or PY-1F + VSR HEADLIGHTS radar, radar systems provision of an air wing, satellite communication systems, navigation systems, etc., etc.

Regarding the composition of the wing:

The strike component will be represented by F / A-18E / F Super Hornet and F-35C fighters.

In the future, strike capabilities may increase due to the introduction of UAVs into the air group, for example, according to the US Navy TTZ, Northrop Grumman is working on the X-47A project.

F / A-18E / F Super Hornet fighters, apparently, are also planned to be used as air defense fighters, at least the specialized F-14 interceptors have been decommissioned, and new ones are not being designed (in the late 90s there was information about the development of a naval version F-22, but, apparently, the topic died out).

Perhaps the air defense of the AUG will be assigned to the EM with ASBU "Aegis", equipped with the SAM "Standard" SM-3.

Thus, the prevalence of the strike capabilities of the air wing over the air defense is obvious.

Electronic warfare aircraft: apparently this will be the Hornet EA-18G Growler version (which is quite good from the point of view of unifying the air group).

DLRO / control aircraft will be presented by E-2D Advanced Hawkeye (by appearance does not differ from ordinary "Hokaev", but it has fairly advanced capabilities; in particular, unlike previous versions, the new aircraft "Edwanst Hawkeye" will be able to coordinate air strikes against air, ground and sea surface targets.).

The V-22 Osprey in the SV-22 variant (instead of the Viking) will most likely be used as an anti-submarine aircraft, plus a multipurpose version of the HV-22 tiltrotor, in the form of an amphibious assault and search and rescue vehicle.

However, this does not negate the presence on board and helicopters, which are likely to remain various versions of the Sea Hawks.

Some milestones of the construction of CVN-78:

The first keel section was laid on November 14, 2009. The laying was attended by Susan Ford Boyles, daughter of Gerald R. Ford, who acted as the patroness of the ship named after her father. Navy insisted on naming the new aircraft carrier America, in honor of the decommissioned Kitty Hawk-class ship). Her initials were electrically welded onto a steel sheet that was inserted into the first keel section.

And here, in fact, is the first keel section in the shipyard dock.

So, if we draw some preliminary conclusions about the features of the CVN-78, then the following appears:

1. Of the new products, in fact, there is the use of an E / m catapult (reactors with an extended service life were first introduced on Nuclear submarine type "Virginia", ASBU "Aejis" with PAR was first introduced on the previous CVN-77 "George H. W. Bush"). On the one hand, this allows you to save a lot of weight (E / m catapults are about 2 times lighter than steam ones, and the weight of steam catapults is about 20% of the standard displacement of the Nimitz-type AVMA), launch heavier machines; again, there is no water (steam) consumption, no wear on the hydraulics. On the other hand, e / m catapult equipment is more sensitive to aggressive factors of the marine environment, the operation of some components can create unwanted deck vibrations; an electro-magnetic impulse during catapult operation can interfere with the ship's radio-electronic equipment.

2.On the other hand, there is criticism of the CVNX program for being too expensive, while opponents point out that to solve the strike missions of the fleet, it is enough to use a ship-based CD, and the Marine Corps F-35B can take over the tasks of air support for the Marine Corps.

The construction of AB Gerald R. Ford is expected to be completed in 2015.

In connection with the need to replace aircraft carriers such as "Enterprise" and "Nimitz" in the United States, the CVN-21 project was created. Its goal was to reduce operating costs and increase combat effectiveness.

It was decided to save money by automating operations and reducing the crew. And the introduction of new technologies will make it possible to use aircrafts of various masses. An increase in flight intensity by 15% will make the ship a more dangerous enemy. The first hull of this project was the Gerald R. Ford multipurpose nuclear aircraft carrier (AVMA). It is planned to build 10 units of this series by 2058.

Development and construction

The main directions of development within the framework of the CVN-21 program were: electromagnetic catapults and turbo-electric air arrestors; increasing the power of the main power plant (GEM); new flight deck with increased area; automation of all processes and, as a consequence, a reduction in the number of the crew.

The implementation of these technical solutions will ensure the execution of 160 sorties per day (urgently - up to 220).

Construction of the lead ship began on November 14, 2009 at the Newport Newshipbuilding shipyard. On November 9, 2013, when the construction was 70% complete, the aircraft carrier left the stocks.

In the summer of 2016, factory tests ended, which showed serious shortcomings of the aircraft carrier.

Ammunition lifters for anti-aircraft missile systems (SAM) were found out of service.

Extremely low reliability of flight support systems. So, the catapult is capable of actually performing 400 aircraft launches (according to the project - 4200). The finisher will provide 25 landings (versus 1600 design). The flight deck needs rework.

Technical problems caused the postponement of sea trials of the aircraft carrier, which began only on April 8, 2017. The entry of AVMA "Gerald Ford" into the fleet took place on May 31, 2017.

Design changes

The redevelopment of the hull was aimed at reducing the horizontal movement of goods.

Aircraft ammunition is delivered from the cellars directly to the deck. For this, lifts equipped with linear electric motors are used.

The number of hangars on an aircraft carrier has been reduced from three to two. The lift of aircraft is carried out by three lifts in the diametrical plane of the hull instead of four installed side by side. In addition, to facilitate aircraft maintenance, the designers have increased the area of \u200b\u200bthe flight deck.

In order to reduce the radar signature of the aircraft carrier, the shape and dimensions of the superstructure were optimized. For this, part of the premises, including the cabins of the command staff (70 places), were moved to the corps. The mast is made using radio-absorbing composite materials. The superstructure itself is now located behind the side line, closer to the stern.

All these changes make it possible to increase the intensity of aviation flights and the number of carrier-based wing to 15%.

The main innovation on the aircraft carrier was the use of an electromagnetic catapult (EMC) to launch aircraft. Its design is based on a linear electric motor. This innovation has determined the following advantages of EHR:

  • power increased from 95 to 122 MJ;
  • power control depending on the mass of the aircraft;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • reduced weight (from 500 to 225 tons) and volume (from 1100 to 425 m3).

EMC provides takeoff of an aircraft or unmanned vehicle in a weaker wind and less load on the airframe structure. At the same time, 35 fewer maintenance personnel are required than for a steam catapult.

The new air arrestor is equipped with a synthetic cable and an electric turbine brake.

Its advantages are low inertia of the electric motor and an automated control system. Thanks to this, the aircraft decelerates more smoothly than with the Mk 14 finisher on Nimitz-class aircraft carriers.

The widespread use of electric motors, including linear ones, increased the ship's power consumption. The power output of the new A1B nuclear reactors has not been disclosed. But it is enough for the steam generators to produce three times more electricity than their predecessors. The A1B design is smaller, simpler, more reliable and easier to maintain.

This is facilitated by another advantage of the A1B - nuclear fuel operations are reduced to a minimum. Its stock is calculated for the entire service life of the aircraft carrier. There is no need to recharge the Gerald R. Ford ABMA reactors for 50 years.

Tactical and technical elements

Aircraft carrier type"Nimitz"Gerald R. Ford
Displacement, t:
- standard
- complete


there is no data
- length, m332 337
- width (by length), m78(41) 78 (41)
- draft, m11,3 12
- height, m73,2 76
Travel speed, knots:
- the greatest
- economic


Power of the power plant, h.p.260000 there is no data
Crew (including air group), people5680 (2480) 4660 (2480)

In terms of its tactical and technical elements, the Gerald R. Ford aircraft carrier differs from its predecessors in its reduced crew. This is one of the measures to reduce operating costs. The cost of maintaining the crew reaches 40% of the total.


The Gerald R. Ford Airborne Wing of AVMA has at least 75 units.

Due to this figure, it can increase up to 90 cars. The air wing will initially include:

  • two squadrons of F-35C Lightning-2 and F / A-18E / F Super Hornet fighters;
  • e-2D Hawkeye early warning aircraft;
  • electronic warfare aircraft EA-18G "Growler";
  • transport C-2A "Greyhound";
  • helicopters MH-60R / S "Seahok".

In the future, the F-35C will replace the F / A-18E / F. In the more distant future, it is possible that most manned vehicles will be replaced by unmanned vehicles.

In addition to the aircraft, the aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford is equipped with air defense / missile defense systems. They include two air defense systems:

  • 2 × 21 RIM-116 RAM with a firing range of up to 10 km;
  • 2 × 8 RIM-162 ESSM (32 missiles), range up to 50 km.

Self-defense of the aircraft carrier is also provided by two 20-mm ZAK Mk 15 "Vulcan-Fallanx".

Obviously, these tools are auxiliary. The main air defense / missile defense load of the aircraft carrier is assigned to escort ships and carrier-based fighters.

At the heart of the electronic weapons (REV) of the aircraft carrier is an automated system combat control Mk7 Aegis. It receives data on the air and surface situation from the DBR radar complex. It includes multifunctional radars AN / SPY-4 (2-4 GHz band) and AN / SPY-3 (8-12 GHz).

The aircraft carrier's DBR complex has the following tasks:

  • detection of air (at a distance of up to 500 km) and surface targets;
  • weapon control;
  • provision of aviation flights.

All radio electronic means of the new ship are digital and have touch control.

Development prospects

The Gerald R. Ford exemplifies the phased development of aircraft carriers. Due to lack of funds, a fundamentally new ship was not created. Its construction cost twice as much as AVMA "George Bush".

The basis for the further development of the aircraft carrier project was a nuclear reactor of an updated design.

Although its capacity is classified, the generated electricity is sufficient for energy-intensive systems with a margin. In the future, the reactor will provide energy to weapons based on new physical principles.

A promising direction will be manning the air wing with unmanned aerial vehicles.


MOSCOW, June 2 - RIA Novosti. The aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford, adopted by the US Navy, has become the most expensive in the world due to the abundance of state-of-the-art technology manufactured for the first time, Russian military expert Viktor Murakhovsky believes.

Expert on the aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford: the Pentagon has already begun to scratch their turnipsThe US Navy has adopted the world's most expensive aircraft carrier. Military observer Viktor Baranets on the air of Sputnik radio noted that after testing the Zircon hypersonic missile in the Russian Federation, further construction of such aircraft carriers remains in question.

According to the American fleet, the Gerald R. Ford will be ready for full-scale operation only in 2020, having made several trips to the sea to test its combat and engineering systems.

"Ships of this kind are not destroyers and frigates, which can be serially built, in dozens of units. Therefore, in fact, each aircraft carrier is a unique ship, and accordingly, the cost of the equipment that is used on it increases," Murakhovsky told RIA Novosti.

According to him, the high price is due to the uniqueness of the fact that the aircraft carrier's equipment has been developed and put into production for the first time, so the entire cost of research and development work is borne by a unit of equipment.

As an example, the expert cited the first used electromagnetic catapults to accelerate aircraft. Previously, aircraft carriers were equipped with steam catapults.

The expert also recalled that the aircraft carrier is extremely complex system with a large number of elements, based on the interaction of marine technology and aviation. According to him, such systems can malfunction with intensive use even without the resistance of a potential adversary.

"It is enough to look at the use of US aircraft carriers during the Vietnam War, where they were very actively used. There were many disasters, accidents, with the death of people, with large fires on ships. Without the influence of the enemy, just with intensive use, there is a serious danger," he noted Murakhovsky.

According to the expert, only the United States currently has the ability to build such ships. "Congress allocates money, in general, the American society, as a whole, is very loyal to this," he said.

"Because it is one of the main tools for projection of power far beyond the borders of the United States. In addition, the United States is a country of two oceans, so they consider it necessary, as they say, to dominate maritime spaces. And an aircraft carrier is one of the key means of such dominance," explained Murakhovsky.

Construction on the Gerald R. Ford, which began in 2009, is estimated at $ 12.9 billion. The ship with a displacement of about 100 thousand tons will be serviced by a crew of about 2500 people. The deck will be able to accommodate more than 75 aircraft and helicopters. In total, the United States plans to build 10 such aircraft carriers to replace the Nimitz-class ships.

The crew of the aircraft carrier CVN-78 "Gerald R. Ford" seized the opportunity before filling the dock with water and took a group photo clearly demonstrating the monstrous size of the ship. ()

On November 9, the launching ceremony of the new American aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) will take place at Newport News Shipbuilding (Newport News, Virginia). Construction of the lead ship of the same name began in 2009 and will soon enter its final stages. The introduction of the aircraft carrier into the US Navy is scheduled for 2016. In the future, the Pentagon is going to build two more ships of this type.

The aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford is one of the most important US military projects in recent times. This attitude to the ship is primarily due to the fact that for the first time since the sixties, American shipbuilding has created and is implementing such a large project. The Nimitz-class aircraft carriers currently in the Navy were built in accordance with a project developed in the sixties. Since then, the project has been repeatedly refined before the construction or modernization of ships, but has not undergone significant changes. The ships of the Gerald R. Ford class, the first of which will soon be launched, are being built according to a new design, created in accordance with the current requirements of the naval forces.

Let's take a look at the construction process of this giant ...

One of the most interesting features of the new project is the approach to equipping ships various equipment... Thus, in terms of its dimensions and displacement, the Gerald R. Ford aircraft carrier is almost indistinguishable from its predecessors of the Nimitz class. A ship with a total displacement of about 100 thousand tons has a length of over 330 meters and a maximum width of 78 meters along the flight deck. At the same time, internal equipment, electronic equipment, weapons, etc. the new aircraft carrier can be considered a big step forward. It is argued that the use of a number of new systems will significantly reduce the ship's crew, but at the same time increase the intensity of the aircraft wing's combat work by at least 30%. The consequence of the latter will be an increase in the combat effectiveness of the ship.

The higher characteristics of the new aircraft carrier in comparison with those currently in operation are due to the use of two A1B nuclear reactors, developed specifically for the aircraft-carrying ships of the new project. If necessary, such a power plant can deliver power 25% higher than the maximum power of the reactors of the aircraft carriers "Nimitz". At the same time, the labor intensity of reactor maintenance has been halved. The A1B twin-reactor power plant is the first of its type to require no refueling during service. The new reactors are designed in such a way that there will be enough nuclear fuel for the entire 50 years during which the aircraft carrier will serve. Thanks to this, among other things, the safety of the ship's operation is increased, since all radioactive materials from the moment of loading and until the decommissioning of the aircraft carrier will be in a sealed volume.

The use of a more powerful power plant made it possible to equip the aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford with EMALS electromagnetic catapults. With the help of new catapults, the aircraft carrier will be able to provide the normal intensity of aviation flights at the level of 160 sorties per day. For comparison, modern Nimitz-class aircraft carriers can only provide 120 sorties per day. If necessary, the promising aircraft carrier will be able to increase the intensity of flights up to 220 sorties per day.

The main element of the Gerald R. Ford radio-electronic system will be the DRB radar system. It includes the Raytheon AN / SPY-3 multifunctional radar and the Lockheed Martin VSR surveillance radar. Similar electronic equipment is supposed to be installed on the new destroyers of the Zumwalt project. It is assumed that the VSR radar will be used to monitor the air situation and target designation to aircraft or ships. The second radar station, AN / APY-3, is intended not only for reviewing or tracking targets, but also for controlling some types of weapons.

When designing a new aircraft carrier, the experience gained during the operation of the previous ones was taken into account. In this regard, the layout of the hangar deck was changed. Thus, the aircraft carrier "Gerald R. Ford" has a two-section hangar deck. To lift aircraft to the flight deck, the ship received three elevators instead of the four used on aircraft carriers of the previous type.

According to official data, the new aircraft carrier will be able to transport and provide combat operations for over 75 aircraft of several types. Initially, the main striking force of the aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford will be the F / A-18E / F Super Hornet aircraft. Over time, they will be joined, and then replaced, by the newest F-35C. The composition of aircraft for early warning radar, electronic warfare, as well as helicopters for various purposes will remain the same. In addition, it is planned to place several types of unmanned aerial vehicles on the new aircraft carrier. In the distant future, such a technique may squeeze manned airplanes and helicopters.

For the air defense and missile defense of the ship, the aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford will be equipped with anti-aircraft missile systems RIM-116 RAM and RIM-162 ESSM. Such armament will allow the ship to intercept dangerous targets at ranges of up to 50 km. In addition, several anti-aircraft artillery systems will be installed on the aircraft carrier to protect against threats in the near zone.

At the moment, all the main structures of the new aircraft carrier have been assembled and the final stage of construction and equipment will begin soon. After the ship is commissioned, scheduled for 2016, the US Navy will again have 11 aircraft carriers. In 2012, after the aircraft carrier Enterprise (CVN-65) was decommissioned, the number of ships of this class was reduced to 10. In the future, it is planned to transfer the structure of the aircraft carrier fleet to the permanent use of 10 ships.

In September, the research service of the US Congress published new data regarding the financial side of the construction of aircraft carriers. According to the service, the construction of the Gerald R. Ford cost the budget $ 12.8 billion (at current prices). At the same time, the financing of the construction was fully completed back in 2011 and since then no funds have been allocated for the new ship. To compensate for the growth in the cost of individual components and works in 2014 and 2015, it is planned to allocate an additional 1.3 billion.

In the short term, the US Navy will place an order for the construction of a second Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carrier, which will be named John F. Kennedy. The laying of the second ship is scheduled for next year. During 2014-2018, it is expected to spend about 11.3 billion dollars on construction, 944 million of which will be allocated in the first year of construction. In 2018, it is planned to sign a contract according to which the shipbuilding industry will build a third aircraft carrier of the same type (there is information about its name - Enterprise). The value of this ship in 2014 fiscal year prices is estimated at 13.9 billion.

The Pentagon's plans for the next ten years include the construction of only three aircraft carriers of a new type. The service life of these ships will be 50 years. What projects the American shipbuilding will be engaged in after 2023, when it is planned to launch the Enterprise, is still unknown. By that time, it is possible to update an existing project or start work on a new one. One way or another, over the next 10-12 years, the United States naval forces will receive three new aircraft carriers, which are superior in their characteristics to the ships currently in use.

Like any other expensive and ambitious project, the construction of new aircraft carriers has come under heavy criticism. In light of the latest cuts in the military budget, the construction of such expensive ships looks at least ambiguous. For example, a retired US Navy officer G. Hendricks, who is a consistent opponent of modern aircraft carriers, regularly makes the following argument against newest ships... The last of the Nimitz-class aircraft carriers cost the Treasury approximately $ 7 billion. The flagship Gerald R. Ford will eventually cost nearly double. At the same time, the normal intensity of flights, provided by an electromagnetic catapult, will be only 160 sorties per day against 120 for the Nimitz. In other words, the new aircraft carrier is twice as expensive as the old one, but the increase in combat effectiveness, expressed in the number of possible sorties, is only 30%. It is worth noting that with the maximum load on the electrical systems, Gerald R. Ford can provide 220 sorties per day, but even this does not allow achieving a proportional increase in combat effectiveness.

The authors of the project of new aircraft carriers regularly mentioned that the operation of these ships will cost less than the use of existing ones. However, operating savings will not immediately have an impact on the financial side of the project. The main reason for this is the double the cost of building ships. In addition, one should not forget that aircraft carriers work as part of aircraft carrier strike groups (AUG), which also include ships of other classes. As of the beginning of 2013, the operation of one AUG cost approximately $ 6.5 million per day. Thus, savings on the operation of aircraft carriers may not have a significant impact on the overall financial performance of the corresponding formations of the US Navy.

Another financial problem is the aviation grouping. During the first years, the F / A-18E / F fighter-bombers will be the backbone of the strike aviation of the new aircraft carriers. In the future, they will be replaced by the latest F-35C. A characteristic unpleasant feature of both variants of the composition of the air group is the actual cost of sorties. According to G. Hendrix's calculations, the entire life cycle of the F / A-18 aircraft, including the cost of construction and pilot training, costs the military department about $ 120 million. Over the past ten years, the US Navy carrier-based aviation, participating in various conflicts, has used about 16 thousand bombs and missiles of various types. Thus, the average amount of ammunition used by each of the operating F / A-18 aircraft over ten years is 16 units. The life cycle costs of the machines show that each bomb drop or rocket launch cost taxpayers $ 7.5 million. The cost of building and operating the latest carrier-based F-35C aircraft will be significantly higher than similar parameters of modern technology. In this regard, the average cost of one bomb drop can increase significantly.

Thus, it is already safe to say that one of the most ambitious American projects of recent times will also be one of the most expensive. Moreover, there is reason to doubt that the applied measures aimed at saving through a number of new systems, etc., will significantly affect the overall economic indicators project. Nonetheless, building new aircraft carriers - even if they are prohibitively expensive - will allow the US Navy to increase its combat capabilities and ensure the ability to carry out combat missions over the next 50 years.

At the center of American shipbuilding, Newport News, Virginia, work is coming to an end on the creation of the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier of a new type, the Gerald R. Ford. This type was created as an improved version of the Nimitz-class aircraft carriers. With comparable dimensions and aircraft armament, it is characterized by a reduced level of automation by the crew and, as a result, lower operating costs. In addition, the new aircraft carriers are distinguished by the introduction of a number of new technologies and design solutions, in particular, stealth elements. The lead ship, Gerald R. Ford, was laid down on November 14, 2009, and is scheduled to enter service in 2015. The planned service life is 50 years.

The cost of building three new class aircraft carriers (CVN 78 Gerald R. Ford, CVN-79 John F. Kennedy, CVN-80 Enterprise) will be approximately $ 42 billion.

The Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) aircraft carrier, currently under construction at Newport News Shipbuilding, has completed the installation of four 30-ton bronze propellers, Huntington Ingalls Industries reported Oct. 3. Each propeller is 21 feet in diameter.

“The installation of the propellers is the completion of 10 months of dedicated work to install the shafts,” said Rolf Bartschi, vice president of CVN-78 program. “The blade configuration, propeller weights and extremely tight tolerances require careful installation. I appreciate the installers and technicians for a job well done. "

Gerald Ford's primary hull structure reached 100% completion in May after three years of assembly work. Work on the ship continues, incl. for the installation of piping and electrical systems, living quarters.

Aircraft carriers are military-useless structures that have no striking power.

The role of modern aircraft carriers as impact force in hostilities close to zero... The aircraft that are based on them are completely unsuitable for any tangible strikes against the enemy: they are not able to carry an acceptable bomb load due to the short runway on aircraft carriers. Therefore, from a military point of view, aircraft carriers are almost useless structures for highly specialized tasks. This whole construction program was most likely colossal. cutting budget moneywhich continues successfully today.

The ship, named after American President Gerald Ford, is the lead aircraft carrier of a new generation. The planes will have to take off from its deck using electromagnetic catapults, and land using electric air arrestors.

Scam of the 21st century. Floating barracks J. Ford.

Launched in November 2013 corpsaircraft carrier CVN78 Gerald Ford, at best, will become a full-fledged combat unit sometime in the future. And under certain circumstances - will never become her.

Three key systems, without which "Gerald Ford" is not functional yet do not exist in nature... And you cannot tell when they will appear. This is a dual band radar system (DBR - Dual-Band Radar), electromagnetic catapults (EMALS - Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System) and turbo-electric landing system (AAG - Advanced Arresting Gear)... All three systems are in prototypes.

Dual band radar DBR excluded from the project of destroyers of the type Zumwalt... Partly due to cost savings, partly because it is not known when a working sample will be received.

Turbo-electric landing system AAG has not yet begun to operate even at the ground-based experimental complex NASC in Lakehurst, New Jersey. Work on this system is 2.5 years behind schedule. Only in 2015, the US Navy expects to complete its ground tests. And on the ship, this installation may appear even later. Naturally, if the tests go smoothly and the system does not require serious modifications.

FROM electromagnetic catapult EMALS the situation is even more hopeless. According to the September report “ watchdog Congress "- agencies GAO (US Government Accountability Office) - readiness degree EMALS in 2013, it remained exactly the same as it was in 2008. For today EMALS is a technology that has proven its practical viability, but does not have a prototype close to a real sample. And this despite the fact that the ground stand in Lakehurst has been operating since 2007. And in 2010 and 2011, planes even took off from it. Americans propose to India to bring to mind together EMALS... But if the Indians are still thinking, then the British have already refused.

In 2012, Britain changed the design of aircraft carriers such as Queen Elizabeth under the usual springboard takeoff. And in the air group replaced F-35C on F-35B (from vertical fit), although this version of the aircraft - no longer a fighter, but only an attack aircraft with a shorter range and a lower combat load. There were two reasons for this very reasonable decision: the cost of the electromagnetic take-off and landing system increased from 1,6 before 3.2 billion... dollars, and the readiness of this system Britain would have to wait until 2023 years (another 10 years). The British did not want to wait 10 years, especially since Queen Elizabeth will be launched next year and delivered to the Royal Navy in early 2017.

Propellers and shark bait are a new trough for flying kettles.

Gerald Ford has already been launched. Apparently, the Americans can wait. And what, in fact, still remains for them? This ship was originally designed for electromagnetic take-off and landing of carrier-based aircraft. It is impossible to simply take and put steam catapults on this ship instead of electromagnetic ones. To do this, you will have to completely redo the project and partially disassemble the hull that has already been launched.

However, it is likely that such a fate awaits "Gerald Ford". According to the report GAO, the likelihood of additional design changes and costly alterations on board the ship's hull, which has already been launched, is very high. At one time, seeing the backlog of work on individual systems for periods of 2 to 4.5 years, the US Navy refused to move the ship's construction schedule. The hull was launched, there are no key systems yet, and this threatens "technical discoveries at the end of the construction of the ship."

Despite the vigorous solemn speeches, the planned start of the tests "J. Ford ”in 2016 can be considered a fantasy. This ship, at best, another ten years to be completed.

Just like here - in dry dock - so as not to sink.

In total, the US Navy should receive ten aircraft carriers of the Gerald Ford class, which will replace the outdated aircraft carriers of the Nimitz and Enterprise classes. Gerald Ford will be the first aircraft carrier of a new type in the US Navy in 40 years. The launch of the last of this series is scheduled for 2048 (!).

Whether the United States itself will survive until this time is a big question.

Why is no one afraid of nuclear aircraft carriers?

An attempt to resolve any local conflict with the help of several aircraft carriers will end tragically - carrier-based aircraft is not capable of to provide the necessary density of bomb strikes, she will not have enough strength to independently organize a decent cover. Some of the fighter-bombers will have to be used as air tankers, which will further reduce the already small number of strike vehicles. As a result, when meeting with a more or less prepared enemy (Iraq of 1991), enemy aircraft and air defense systems will kill the Nimitz aircraft on the very first day of the war.

1,300 sorties a day - the intensity of the airstrikes during Operation Desert Storm is amazing. Every few hours, deadly waves of 400-600 planes swept across Iraqi territory. Obviously, even 10 Nimitz-class supercarriers cannot do that much work; they are weakbefore the power of ground-based tactical aviation.

The key problem with aircraft carriers is that deck aircraft are inferior according to the characteristics of "land" aircraft - the Hornet fighter-bomber is just a model against the background of the multipurpose F-15E "Strike Eagle". Hornet is unable to lift a large-caliber bomb (limitation when flying from the deck), while the F-15E rises in the sky with four 900-kg ammunition (not counting outboard fuel tanks, sighting containers and air-to-air missiles ").

It is understandable why the US Navy's super-aircraft carriers did not dare to intervene and prevent the Iraqi army from occupying Kuwait in the summer of 1990. The carrier-based aircraft showed complete passivity and never once tried to overcome the Iraqi air defense system. "Invincible" aircraft carriers patiently waited six monthsuntil the millionth grouping of the International Coalition is formed in the Persian Gulf zone with the support of 2,600 combat aircraft and 7,000 armored vehicles. The contribution of the US Navy aircraft carriers to world conflicts is simply invaluable: Iraq - 17% of the total number of combat missions of aviation, Yugoslavia - 10% all combat missions of aviation, Libya - 0% .

Rusty Noah's Ark.

Nuclear reactoraboard American aircraft carriers - expensive and useless excess, which negatively affects the survivability of the ship, but has no fundamental significance. Despite all the efforts of the Americans, impact power aircraft carriers of the US Navy still remains at the level of the plinth.

There is more than enough evidence of the insignificance of the military significance of aircraft carriers. The Pentagon understands this better than we do, because in local conflicts it relies entirely on military bases USA in the amount of 800 units on all continents of the Earth.

But how can a war be waged in the absence of foreign military bases? Answer: no way... If there are no air bases in South America, it is impossible to wage a local war on the other side of the earth. No aircraft carriers and landing "Mistrals" can replace normal airfields with a two-kilometer "concrete".

Atomic giants sleep most of their livesat the piers at their base bases in Norfolk and San Diego, or half-disassembled at the docks in Brementon and Newport News. Operation of aircraft carriers so expensivethat the admirals of the US Navy will think seven times before sending the giant on a long voyage. In the end, a visit from one cruiser or destroyer is enough to "bring a show-off".

The only "narrow" niche, in which modern aircraft carriers can be used - air defense of its own squadron in the open ocean. But for the solution of defensive tasks, the power of "Nimitz" is excessive. To provide Air defense of a ship connection a light aircraft carrier with a pair of fighter squadrons and AWACS helicopters is enough. Without any nuclear reactors and complex catapults (A real example of such a system is the British aircraft carriers under construction of the Queen Elizabeth type).

The US continues to live by the standards of the war that ended 70 years ago. And they are going to conserve their lag in the military sphere for the next 45 years. This is despite the fact that 1-2-3 3M54E1 missiles will send such a trough with nuts to the bottom in a matter of minutes, which at the same time will drag away 2500-2700 high-class personnel and especially valuable pilots with 75 aircraft. It will not be possible to save them - the ships of the warrant will rush in different directions if there are signs of a missile attack - it is too expensive a pleasure to save floating shark bait on ships costing billions of dollars. And such a mass of people will turn over any destroyer of the "Arlie Burke" type - there are simply no other types for the STSaki.

Output : The Gerald Ford-class aircraft carriers under construction sank before they entered service. These tubs are a symbol of the dying USA. The dead pulls the dying with him. May they rest in peace.

Fools have one road everywhere.

So we will win!

For the rest, I think the United States should be destroyed.


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