How to properly lay out a sausage display case. Sausages. We open a department. Cheese plate decoration

The assortment of sausages and sausages in any store is one of the main ones. Customers want fresh, tasty and inexpensive meat products every day. To get the most out of this direction grocery store you should understand in detail the classification of products, offer the most popular products among buyers, taking into account the capabilities of your store and maximize your profit, lay out the products in such a way that it attracts the buyer.

If your store has been operating for a long time, then it will no longer be difficult to determine the range of sausages and sausage products for it, and for novice entrepreneurs who are just opening their store, it is very difficult to do this. This article will help to simplify the process of choosing the main supplier for the store and determine which assortment in terms of the price segment and the popularity of the product to offer to its customers.

Classification of sausages

What types of sausages exist:

  • Boiled
  • Boiled-smoked
  • Uncooked smoked
  • Dry-cured
  • Meat delicacies
  • Liver and blood sausages
  • Ham, meat loaf
  • Pates, brawn and jellied meat

Boiled sausages

Each species is divided into groups. For example, boiled sausages include:

  • Doktorskaya has a delicate structure due to fine grinding of minced meat, then it is fried, boiled and cooled. It is made from meat of category A, that is, without the addition of offal. Refers to a premium product. It happens in a cellophane casing, natural (made from the intestine), as well as proteinosin (an artificial protein casing made of collagen fibers).
  • The dairy has the same technical data for production, but the minced meat is used in category B, with the addition of udder and skin. Refers to grade 1.
  • Amateur with the addition of bacon. The method of preparation and composition is the same as that of the doctor's sausage, but with the addition of small pieces of bacon. It also has the highest grade for its intended purpose.
  • Russian in composition is close to amateur, only fat is much smaller and contains garlic.
  • The lingual consists of premium pork and beef with the addition of tongue, blood mass and pistachios.
  • The teahouse is made from category B meat, but with the addition of bacon. It belongs to the 2nd grade.

In addition, there are a lot of cooked sausages on the market, made according to technical specifications... These sausages are made cheaper by adding various non-meat ingredients (starch, soy, etc.) to them. To mislead the consumer, manufacturers often make analogs of the previously mentioned sausages and make a small change in the name. For example: "Doctoral in Cherkizovsky", "Dairy in Moscow", etc. They are usually slightly cheaper than varietal sausages, but they may not have anything to do with them.

The development of poultry factories led to the fact that they began to make a large amount of sausage from poultry meat. Such products are also manufactured according to technical conditions, while the cost of sausages from beef or pork meat.

Sausages and sausages

Sausages, small sausages also refer to boiled sausages and are divided into different groups by variety and preparation:

  • creamy sausages consist of pork and beef category A, with the addition of milk cream
  • dairy sausages made from pork and beef of category A with the addition of milk powder, fat in them no more than 28%, come in a natural casing and cellophane
  • homemade made from minced meat of category A, after cooking they are smoked
  • bavarian with the addition of cheese, can be either first grade or second
  • viennese, Munich; they also include pork and beef, but they are thin and long
  • ham, veal sausages, despite the name, are made from beef and chicken, Frankfurt only from ground beef.
  • today, to reduce the cost of sausages, poultry meat or poultry meat from fur deboning is very often added, in addition, sausages consisting entirely of chicken meat have long been presented on the market.

Sausages consist of the same meat as sausages, only coarser minced meat and their shell is from beef and pork belly. They are thicker in shape and look more like small sausages.

  • Pork sausages, respectively, contain more pork
  • Beef contains minced beef with the addition of chicken
  • Lard and minced pork are added to pork pork
  • Meat bread also belongs to boiled sausages, but the cooking technology is slightly different, after boiling it is baked and it goes on sale without a shell.

Boiled-smoked sausages

Products are similar in composition to boiled ones, but the cooking technology is different. It is smoked, then boiled, and then sent back for smoking. Minced meat is not ground into such sausages, but chopped to achieve a clear structure on the cut.

  • The classification is divided into two grades, superior and first. Extra grade: must be prepared according to GOST
  • Delicacy: which contains beef, pork, bacon, various spices and spices, category A meat, without adding offal
  • Granular cervelat, Finnish, Kremlin, the composition includes low-fat and fat pork, premium beef, they differ in the addition of spices and spices. The fat is usually very small, no more than 5-6 mm.
  • Moscow - the composition includes minced beef and backbone fat, rather large pieces of 16-25 mm., More often without adding pork, spices.
  • Cognac by name, you can guess about the cognac included in the composition.
  • Krakow from pork, beef, chopped bacon. Made in the form of a ring.
  • Hunting sausages are made in the form of thin sausages, the composition of pork and beef, but with the addition of hot pepper.
  • Amateur and mutton consists of category B pork and beef, with minced mutton added to the latter.
  • Odessa is also made in the form of a ringlet only contains garlic.

Any sausage of the 2nd and 3rd grades includes meat of the corresponding grade and offal. First grade: can be prepared according to GOST and TU.

Semi-smoked sausages

Semi-smoked sausages are made in the same way as boiled-smoked ones, but at the last stage of cooking they are dried.

Smoked sausage

Only the highest grade are produced. The minced meat is cold smoked and dried. The production of these products takes a very long process, up to 2 months. Each manufacturer adheres to its own recipe, so it is difficult to guess the exact composition of a certain type. But there are still the most common ones.

  • Moskovskaya consists of beef with the addition of pork fat, white pepper and nutmeg.
  • Braunschweig, beef and pork. Due to the observance of the proportions, a rich dark color is achieved. It also includes ground nutmeg and cardamom. Lard in its composition is coarsely ground.
  • Pork, it contains only pork and very large bacon. Various spices.
  • Jewish, which contains only beef and small beef lard.
  • Kremlin, pork and beef, garlic, cumin and chili.
  • Beef also consists only of beef and various spices. Has a very dense consistency.
  • Imperial, with pork, chicken breast and rabbit.
  • Hazelnut cervelat consists of pork and chicken with addition of nutmeg and almonds.
  • Kazy, it contains only horse meat and spices.

Dried sausages

Such sausages are smoked at low temperatures, no more than 30 degrees. The most popular sausages of this type:

  • Home is distinguished by coarse minced meat. Contains pork, beef, garlic and various spices.
  • Salami, which can be either pork or beef.

Meat delicacies:

  • There are boiled and baked: boiled pork, Tambovsky ham, Stolichny ham, pork neck, pastroma. They differ in the composition of the added spices.
  • Smoked-boiled: carbonade, brisket, beef, rolls of various composition, beef and pork tongue, pork ribs and pork ears.
  • Raw smoked: bacon, brisket, carpaccio (poultry), balyk, carbonade
  • Dried: meat chips, beef, ham, brisket, venison, basturma (beef), sudjuk ( different kinds meat).
  • Salted or salted smoked bacon.

Liver and blood sausages:

The name of the sausages speaks for itself. The liverworm contains only internal organs animal (lung, kidney, liver, heart, udder, etc.). There are two cooking methods. After cooking, the product is either cooled to 0 degrees, or heated to 80 degrees.

Blood sausage is made from blood that has thickened by a special preparation. In some types, buckwheat may be added.


Pork meat is used with the addition of various spices. It is possible to distinguish it by its less attractive appearance and more expensive price, a natural product. Unfortunately, ham currently contains a large number of additives: stabilizers, preservatives, thickeners, colorants and flavorings.


Can be prepared from meat or offal. The most popular is liver pate. From poultry liver, pork or beef. With the addition of onions, garlic, horseradish and various spices.


Dish of thick jelly-like mass with pieces of meat and vegetables. Consistency is achieved by long-term cooking of meat products (poultry, pork and beef). It is usually poured into plastic jars and refrigerated.

Selts, saltison, galantin:

Almost the same as jellied meat, but in the composition of offal, more often pork and pork heads. Spices and vegetables. Galantine is produced using the same technology, but consists of lean minced poultry, pork or beef.

Market analysis

The sausage market in our country is developing very actively. It is assessed as promising and there is high competition on it. This is due to the fact that the demand for sausage products is growing. The sausage market is divided into 2 groups:

  • Commonly consumed goods include boiled sausages, sausages and small sausages.
  • Periodic consumption includes uncooked sausages and delicacies.

The upward trend in popularity among the population for cooked sausages is explained by a rather low price category. Such sausages occupy 50% of the market in popularity. The boiled-smoked segment is 40%. Raw smoked sausage cannot be cheap, because the manufacturing process is complex and consists of many lengthy stages. And the meat is of the highest quality. Sales of such products increase only in holidays... On ordinary days, the market for raw sausages is 7%. Other sausages and delicacies account for 3%.

The production existing in the country fully meets the demand of the population. About 99% of the market belongs to domestic producers. And less than 2% is imported. Most large production are located in central Russia. They own 39% of all products. There are about five thousand enterprises on the sausage market, one hundred of them produce 60% of the products.

The first three places are occupied by the capital's giants factories:

  • JSC "Cherkizovo" meat plant
  • JSC "Ostankino" meat processing plant
  • CJSC "Mikoyanovsky Meat Processing Plant"

Large factories can also include

  • "Miratorg" Agro-industrial holding, Moscow
  • CJSC "Starodvorskie sausages", Vladimir region
  • OJSC "Velikoluksky meat-packing plant", Pskov region
  • JSC "Ramenskiy meat-packing plant", Moscow region
  • "Dmitrovsky Meat Processing Plant", Tver Region
  • "Baltprommyaso" Kaliningrad plant
  • "CampoMos" meat processing plant, Moscow
  • "Remit" plant in Podolsk, Mosk. Region

There are also small campaigns that are gaining traction, but they are already quite popular. They enjoy recognition among the population.

  • LLC "Dymov", Krasnodar region
  • LLC "Myasnye Ryady", Lipetsk region
  • LLC "Company Elite Group", Moscow
  • LLC Veles, St. Petersburg
  • LLC "Unit Torg", St. Petersburg
  • PO "Agro Resource", Sverdlovsk region.
  • Borodin's Meat House, Moscow Region
  • LLC "Klinsky", Moscow region
  • LLC "Mortadel", Moscow region
  • ZAO Elinar, Moscow region
  • "Rublevsky Meat Processing Plant", Moscow
  • "Ochakovo" meat processing plant, Moscow region

At the same time, in almost every region the positions of local sausage producers are strong, of which there can be from 3 to 5 pieces, and in some regions even more.

Assortment of sausages

When thinking over the assortment of sausages in your store, you should start from the area of \u200b\u200bthe store or kiosk, and put the sausages most in demand in your region on the counter.

Kiosk assortment

Sausages are practically not sold in the kiosk. This is primarily due to the difficulties in storing products and the instability of demand. After all, if the products are not bought within three days, they will have to be thrown away.

Assortment of food pavilion and convenience store.

The assortment of sausages for a pavilion or a convenience store should not be very large, and you will not be able to expand it greatly if the store is not a specialized meat store. Usually one showcase is allocated in the pavilion in order to display all types of sausages, sausages / wieners and hams.

It is enough to have 3-4 types of sausages by weight and 3 types of vacuum packed. Wieners 2-3 types by weight and 2 types of packaged. 2-3 types of doctor's sausages (by supplier), amateur, Russian and tea, one type is enough. One kind of meat bread. 2 types of ham.

When forming the assortment, it is imperative to take into account the incomes of the population of nearby houses and, taking this into account, display the appropriate brands of sausages, sausages, and small sausages. So, if people with an average income live nearby, then it is better to place products of GOST, 1 or 2 grades, which include:

  • boiled sausages - dairy, doctor's, Russian, Ostankino, tea, amateur, etc.
  • sausages - dairy, Russian, Bavarian, etc.
  • sausages - pork, beef, Tatar;
  • boiled-smoked sausages - Karelian cervelat, cervelat;
  • half-chives - Krakow, etc .;
  • ham - for breakfast;

If your pavilion or store is located in a small town or village, or in an area where people with low incomes are mainly selling, then it is best to leave 1 item of the previously listed sausages in the assortment and supplement it with products of lower price segments:

  • boiled sausages - all the names of the previously mentioned sausages with various prefixes (for example, "Doctor's according to Cherkizovsky", "Ostankinskaya according to Moskovsky", etc.), as well as any other sausages produced according to technical specifications with meat substitutes (starch, soy, etc. etc.);
  • sausages - dairy plus cheaper;
  • sausages - inexpensive types of sausages with meat substitutes;
  • semi-smoked - leave Krakow and add cheaper sausages to it;
  • hams are inexpensive options compared to breakfast hams (they may be called differently by farm)

Sliced \u200b\u200bsausage packed in 150-300 gr will not be superfluous.

Raw smoked sausage should be on the counter to suit different tastes. Plus it has a long shelf life (it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 months, and dry-cured for 6 months). It can have 1-2 types. But first, don't take a lot, see how it goes. Basically, raw smoked sausage is sold on holidays, so you run the risk of being left with leftover products by taking a lot of it.

In addition, you can put salted and smoked bacon on the counter.

Such pavilions usually work with one of the sausage manufacturers or suppliers. This allows negotiating discounts and deferrals for products. Your best bet is, of course, to work with your local supplier or the one closest to your store. This will allow you to receive beautiful products, the shelf life of which will allow you to sell as soon as possible.

Assortment of goods in a liquor store

The assortment of the alcoholic shop is not so great for sausage products. For such stores, it is worth laying out several types of uncooked smoked sausages, it is better if these products are in portioned vacuum packages, or decorated as snacks. the implementation period of such is much longer, and it can be placed in the checkout area or close to the checkout area.

Assortment of goods in a supermarket

The assortment of the supermarket is very large. It must fully meet the needs of various segments of the population. Here, for the sale of sausages, not only horizontal showcases are used (usually 2 pieces - for boiled sausages and for smoked sausages and smoked meats), but also vertical ones, which allow placing sausages in small packages, sausages, wieners and products in vacuum packaging.

The assortment of sausages in the supermarket is quite extensive, usually represented by two or three manufacturers and contains the following product names:

  • Boiled sausages - doctor's sausage (3 types), Dairy (2-3 types), Tea (2 types), Veal (1 type), Russian (1 type), up to 10 types of inexpensive sausages made according to TU;
  • Sausages and small sausages of 10 types
  • Ham - at least 6 types
  • Cooked-smoked sausages - up to 10 types
  • Semi-smoked - Moscow, Cognac, Krakow from several manufacturers
  • Raw smoked sausages and salami - at least 10-15 types, usually lay out the products of local and large Russian manufacturers, while offering products at the highest possible price range.
  • Dried cured at least 5-7 types

On closed showcases from different manufacturers of high-quality carbonade, neck, ham and boiled pork. There is also a large selection of delicacies, both by weight and packaged in portions. Brisket, bacon, balyk. Several types of salted bacon.

It should be borne in mind that the terms of sale for cooked products are only 5 days, storage temperature is up to +5, w / c sausages from 15 to 30 days at + 3 + 5 degrees, depending on the casing. The longest selling period for dry-cured sausages, up to 9 months. Store only in the refrigerator, at temperatures from +4 to +8 degrees.

If you are going to target your store for middle-income people, be sure to put a slicer and a salesperson in it for slicing products.

Laying out sausages

Pledge good sales sausage products are ideal cleanliness, good lighting, competent approach to the buyer and beautiful display of goods. Sausage products are laid out on two types of showcases - horizontal and vertical.

On horizontal sausages should lie one to another according to types, it is better to cut the products diagonally, direct the cut to the buyer and be sure to cover it with cling film, otherwise it will weather and turn gray. Sausages, sausages look beautiful pyramid. To speed up the purchase process, slicing of the most common sausages can be made in advance and placed side by side in a refrigerated display case with direct customer access, or placed in a vertical display case.

Vertical refrigerated display cases are used when it is necessary for the buyer to take the product himself. Boiled sausages and ham with small packaging (usually 400 g), sausages and small sausages (usually 330 g) in vacuum packages, circles of semi-smoked sausages also in vacuum packaging, uncooked smoked sausages cut in packaging and hung with whole loaves are spread on it in a row. Fan out the vacuum packaging, also by type.

It is best to lay out products by manufacturers from the lowest product to the most expensive one. Promotional items can be marked with red / yellow price tags.

A lot also depends on the calculation. For each type of sausage, you must have a separate display case: boiled sausages separately from boiled-smoked ones. Uncooked smoked, separately from boiled-baked delicacies. Jellied meat, saltison and pâté can be put in one vacuum-cut display case.

Location of the "Meat Gastronomy" department in the trading floor.

The sausage section is a traditional magnet. For this reason, sausage gastronomy is located at the back of the sales area, which forces shoppers to go through the entire sales area to purchase the coveted sausage. The butcher's shop is usually organized "over the counter". A refrigerated gastronomic showcase is used as a counter. Sausages in large stores are duplicated in refrigerated slides, but for convenience stores, this method of organizing the meat gastronomy department is not very effective.

Commodity neighborhood with competent layout of sausages: We stimulate complex purchases.

The best neighbors of sausages are the cheeses and ready-to-cook: salads, ready meals". If you are planning a counter shop, then such departments as" pasta, groceries "," alcohol "are highly recommended along the back line. Avoid the immediate commercial proximity of sausage gastronomy with raw products, such as chilled meat and poultry, as this is contrary to SES standards ...

Features of groupings for the correct layout of sausages.

Sausages competent layout allows to lay out in 2 ways: by type of product and by manufacturer. Our experts tend to be more inclined to layouts by type of product, because buyers first think about what kind of sausage they want to buy, and then consider the manufacturer. However, in some retail outlets there is a pronounced inclination of buyers to a particular brand. In this case, it is most reasonable to lay out this brand in a group, and inside it, sort the product by type. If the display is by type of product, then you need to highlight the groups: boiled sausage, boiled smoked sausage, cervelates, raw smoked sausage, delicacies, sausages, brawn and pâtés. First, find out which side your customers are coming from. Cooked sausage and ham should be the first choice for customers; it will probably be good if you start with sausages and wieners.

Varieties of sausages. Cooked sausages (product moisture content - 53-75%). The basic ingredients are ground beef and pork, bacon, flour, milk protein, modified starches and a number of other specific food additives.

One of the varieties of boiled sausage is sausages and sausages... The composition includes minced meat, milk, cream, eggs.

Semi-smoked sausages have a moisture content of 35-60%. They contain a large amount of bacon, trimmed beef, semi-fat pork. If we are talking about the lower grades of semi-smoked sausage, then in the composition you can see meat trimmings, pork and beef heads, protein stabilizer, starch or wheat flour.

Cooked-smoked and raw-smoked sausages... Uncooked smoked products have even lower moisture content - 25-30%. since this type of sausage has a full consistency and undergoes a smoking process, the shelf life of such sausage is longer. Cooked-smoked sausages have a moisture content of 38-43%. They have a more elastic, but less dense consistency.

Liver sausages usually have a humidity of about 48-70%. For production, intestinal casings, meat of various varieties and bacon, various by-products, dairy products, eggs, spices are used. Liver sausage resembles pate in consistency, has a gray color and can be used spread on bread. There is also cold smoked liver sausage.

Meat bread - humidity - 52-70%. Minced meat for meat loaf is similar to raw material for cooked sausages. meat loaf is prepared by baking minced meat in metal molds. This product usually has an attractive rye-like crust. the taste is also very interesting, slightly salted, with a taste of spices and spices.

The pate is close in consistency to liver sausage, but somewhat denser than it. the color can also vary from gray to brown, the amount of spices is much higher than in liver sausages.

Brawn, the product closest to homemade jellied meat. Brawn is made from offal. Brawn is cooked on gelatin or agar. if Zelts is cooked on agar, then it has a clear cut with a glassy sheen.

1. Sales area layout

The layout of the sales area should provide the buyer with the possibility of unhindered access to the goods: ease, convenience and simplicity of shopping, freedom of movement around the hall, rational and understandable arrangement of product groups. In addition, when planning a hall, it is necessary to ensure maximum visibility of the assortment, while applying the placement of signs, price tags, etc.

To ensure maximum traffic, a linear longitudinal layout of the sales area is used. The recommended width of the aisles - main aisles along the perimeter - 1.3-1.9 m, depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe trading floor, internal - 1.2-1.7 m, in front of the ticket office - 1.5-2.0 m.

Model of placement of departments, sections and sections in the trading floor

The most successful is the layout of sales areas close to the traditional one.

In a typical self-service store, shoppers begin their walk around the sales area from the right-hand corner of the façade and move counterclockwise through the area.

The first step in planning a sales area should be to place perishable and fast-moving goods along its perimeter, so that customers move from the entrance through the entire store (Figure 1).

It is difficult to surprise the visitors of an average store with the uniqueness of the sales area design, equipment design or product range. But in some there is no end of buyers, while others barely recoup the money spent on their opening. And the reason is quite simple - unsuccessful display of goods on showcases.

Marketers have developed several general rules, thanks to which consumer demand is really stimulated. Of course, there are features for each product group: the display of meat on the showcase has its own characteristics, confectionery and dairy products are displayed in their own way.

General placement rules

They are compiled as a result of a meticulous analysis of the behavioral factors that store customers exhibit, based on human psychology and concentration. These are not absolute dogmas, since the display of even one type of product may not work the same way in different cases.

TO general rules includes the selection of equipment, the method of placing products on the display surfaces, the quality of goods, methods of additional design. The aim is to achieve maximum service and shopping convenience. In this case, all methods of stimulation should be applied naturally in order to create the impression of freedom of choice.

For example, right-handers (which most clients belong to) tend to walk in trading floor counterclockwise, paying most attention to the right shelves. This needs to be considered, as well as prices. The display of goods on refrigerated display cases should be carried out according to the principle of from lower cost to higher; at the beginning of the exposition it is advisable to place discount and promotional products in order to draw attention to them.

You should also take into account the "golden shelf" rule. According to purchase statistics, the greatest demand uses the products presented on the shelves located at human eye level. This also works for horizontal refrigeration equipment. The display of goods on display cases of this type is made taking into account the fact that the "golden" is the central part of the exposition.

Equipment selection

Shop fittings can only be done by an experienced professional supplier. The company "RigMart", which specializes in the supply of freezing equipment, has almost all models of equipment on the domestic market. This facilitates the selection of equipment, allows you to compare its characteristics, get detailed information about reliability, parameters, working conditions, reviews of previous buyers.

Based on the data provided by the client, RigMart specialists will instantly select a unit with the appropriate temperature regime, cooling method and system, power, climatic class, dimensions and even design. We will make sure that the display of goods on the shelves is as convenient and efficient as possible.

One more advantage of "RigMart" should be taken into account. These are the most low prices on the market, which is due to the rate of sales turnover, and not the margin on the product. Offering the optimal cost for each model of equipment and complex additional services for its installation and maintenance, we develop partnerships with each new client.

Features of laying out a sausage display case

Experts recommend using one of several types of product placement on meat display cases: by varieties (boiled and sausages, semi-smoked / smoked, ham, etc.), by price category or by manufacturer.

In this case, the rule of the “golden shelf” should be taken into account, placing in the central part of the exposition the most expensive or less sold out varieties (including those that need to be sold faster due to expiration dates).

It is imperative to monitor the presence of price tags with information about the product, as well as to ensure that the goods on the display surface are replenished in time. Otherwise, the buyer will have the feeling that they are selling the remains of the goods.

Fish showcase: display and design

This product deteriorates quickly enough, therefore, for its safety, the equipment "fish on ice" is mainly used. The product is placed on crumb ice and partly sprinkled with it in order to ensure sufficient cooling.

When demonstrating this type of product, psychological techniques work well. For example, marketers recommend making the demo abundant by adding a “heap” of each variety, which creates a subconscious sale effect for the buyer.

Usually, such products, with the exception of some varieties, have a rather nondescript appearance in steel-gray tones. Therefore, in a fish showcase, the display should be decorated with additional elements of rich colors in order to attract attention. It can be fresh herbs or vegetables (including their colorful dummies).

It is quite rare to observe the phenomenon when a plate with cheese and sausage slices is missing on the festive table. This is not surprising, because it is these products that become an excellent snack, which usually warms up the guests' appetite before serving the main courses.

Therefore, you should not neglect the slicing of sausage and cheese, it is better to study the ways of how to lay out products so that they resemble a dish from the most expensive restaurant, and then all guests will remember your feast for a long time.

If there are several types of sausages or meat products of different shades, they can simply be laid out in an original assortment.

Thin slices can be arranged in a spiral or in a circle, alternating between dark and light shades, a rainbow layout will also look good, while the pieces are laid out in rows from light to darkest, or vice versa.

Since sausage is more pliable than meat, for example, it can be laid out in a flower shape. This is not difficult to do, one piece is twisted into a tube, after which it must be wrapped in other thin slices.

It is easier to roll a rose from cut slices, securing it with a toothpick.

Another type of original cutting can be made using conventional dough molds, preferably metal. Thinly cut sausage slices need to be shaped to your liking, and then carefully arrange the slices in rows or assemble in canapes.

A sausage of a rather large diameter can be thinly sliced \u200b\u200band folded in half, then all the other slices can be spread side by side in the same direction. You can put additional products in the pockets that have formed, for example, a tomato or cucumber.

Also, the slices can be twisted into a cone that resembles a calla flower or rolled into tubes.

To make a sausage cut in the form of a large flower, spread lettuce leaves on a plate, and then thin slices that will resemble petals; with this layout, it is advisable to lay out the middle with dark products, for example, olives. You can also place a saucer of sauce in the center of the slices.

Here are some examples of beautiful sausage layouts:

Cheese plate decoration

Unlike sausage, it is not necessary to cut cheese into thin slices, although if the cheeses are of different shades or with additional additives, then laying in a spiral with passing colors will look spectacular, the main thing is to lay them alternately from neutral to savory.

Also, this product can be rolled into tubes and cones, if it is soft and does not break and crumble, you can add olive, olive or even a slice of tomato or bell pepper to the middle of each piece. This design will resemble a plate with blooming calla flowers.

You can also make roses from this cheese. Their composition is the same as in the case of sausage.

Soft and semi-soft types of cheese can be cut into large identical squares or triangles and then lay out any shape you like from them, alternating varieties with fruits, berries, nuts.

You can also create original canapes with cheese cubes. To do this, you need to string a piece of cheese on skewers and add a suitable product to it (olives, walnuts, strawberries, and so on).

Canapé-sandwiches with the addition of bread, pickled vegetables, herbs, pickles and so on are also original.

In addition to skewers for decoration, you can use glass containers and multi-level trays.

Also, from pieces cut into small cubes, all kinds of figures will look beautiful.

Suitable for decorating plates and all kinds of cookie cutters.

Here are examples of cheese plate layouts:

Combined cheese and meat platter

According to the rule of serving dishes, cheese and meat platter should be stacked so that meat products occupy ⅔ of the plate, and only ⅓ part is spent on cheese.

Given this rule, in the design of the layout, you can apply all the above techniques regarding cheese and meat products.

Here are some examples of cheese and meat plates:


There are many different tools with which you can create original sausage and cheese slices. To cut especially thin slices, a special device called a slicer is used. Housewives also use slicers with different attachments.

A special knife is usually used for slicing "blue cheeses", instead of a blade it has a strong line. For especially soft varieties, a knife with teeth is better, and for hard varieties, a special spatula is used.

Housewives use curly knives for original slicing of both sausage and cheese. Especially creative people use metal baking dishes to shape the slices into interesting shapes.

The main rule of successful slicing is a well-sharpened knife or any other device.

Slicing products

For a variety of cold cuts, you can take any meat products (balyk, brisket, boiled pork, and so on), the only remark is that the products are not too fatty, that is, it is better not to use fatty species in such a dish.

For the cheese composition, you can use any type of product from blue cheeses to regular processed cheese.

To make the sausage-cheese slices look bright and beautiful, it is recommended to use other additional products as decorations. For example the following:

  • greens;
  • olives and olives;
  • grapes;
  • a tomato;
  • cucumber;
  • pomegranate seeds;
  • nuts;
  • bell pepper;
  • figs;
  • boiled eggs;
  • various sauces;
  • berry jams;
  • boiled and raw vegetables;
  • pickled vegetables;


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