Online magazines for photographers. Club "Russian photo" is. Russian Photo takes a leading position in search engines for key queries related to photography

Photo magazines - websites for photographers about the news of the photo industry, manufacturing companies, announcements, tests of cameras and lenses, software, ratings, background information.

Everything new and interesting about photography and photo art.

Magazine about art photography and photo art. news professional photography. Modern creative photography.

Poster of photo exhibitions of Russian cities, the history of Russian photography, the work of classics and modern photo artists.

Russian photo

The portal continues the history of the magazines “Russian Photo” and “Photo-making”. During this time, the team organized dozens of exhibitions, hundreds of photographic projects and published thousands of materials.

From the first issues of the magazine Russian Photo, the constant headings “Photo School” and “Master” have contributed to the growth of photo-skill of readers. Pictures become more beautiful, meaningful and more emotional. On the pages of the magazine are always only the most interesting photographs of the best photographers.


Magazine about photography and photographic equipment.

Prophotos are several projects united by a common idea of \u200b\u200blove for photography. The community is a space where the world in all its manifestations is studied using photography.

Daily collections of interesting photos, stories about famous and not so photographers, photos that have gone down in history and much more. Join, it will be interesting!


Cameralabs is a site about photography, cinema, creativity, inspiration, society, culture and education.

The magazine is replenished daily with resources for free self-education and online archives, interesting historical and thematic photographs, inspiring collections of works by masters of photography, cinema and fine art.

Posts about photographs, movies, books, innovations, etc. A selection of works by contemporary photographers and artists. Photobook, reviews of photographic equipment.


PhotoCASA is Russia's first free PDF magazine about photography. PhotoCASA Photo Magazine - These are Lessons and practical advice for photographers.

PhotoCASA Magazine has a permanent free subscription. For its design you need to fill in only 1 field of the electronic form. It is convenient and fast. All subscribers receive a once every 2 month notice of the release of a new issue of PhotoCASA magazine.

Our goal is to reveal the secrets of photography mastery to our reader and do it for free. - news in photos. All the most interesting from the world of photography, photo reports about events in the world.

A professional team of editors, photojournalists, and journalists who daily in 24/7 format talk about the most striking and non-banal events and phenomena that occur in Russia and around the world.

Collaborate with many well-known world-famous photographers, have implemented dozens of unique special projects. is a magazine dedicated to the world of photography. Hardware Reviews, best lessons From professional photographers from around the world, industry news.

The online magazine almost daily offers its readers new, relevant and interesting articles about photography. The materials are designed not only for professionals and advanced amateurs, but also for beginners who have just picked up their first camera.

Sections: basics of photography, retouching and processing lessons in Photoshop and Lightroom, tests and reviews of photographic equipment and new products from the photoworld, news, art, information about trends, links to useful resources on photography.

Virtual photojournal XE (Hooligan Element).

The main goal of this nonprofit project is to post articles, stories, and thoughts on topics related to photography.

A large number of materials: smart, entertaining, useful.


An online magazine for professional photographers and people aspiring to become one.

The team is trying: it finds interesting information, writes articles, communicates with many authors, tests equipment, i.e. makes the magazine interesting, and most importantly, useful for readers.

History in photographs - cities and countries, events and people.

The founders of the online magazine took the liberty of preserving historical evidence in the form of photographs. After all, photographs are the simplest, and at the same time, the most reliable imprint of the event.

Here you will find photographs of the early XX century, and 50-60 years, and pictures of our contemporaries. All times there is a place in history, and what is happening before our eyes is also a part of it.

Take a trip through the pages of history - the history of planet Earth.


The Internet portal "Fotogora" is open specifically for photographers, for those who dream and seek to engage in photography.

On the site you will learn about shooting methods, about studio equipment and about studio shooting, or how to choose a studio light, useful materials on subject photographyhow to shoot for catalogs, photography lessons and tips on organizing a photo business.

This site is for everyone who loves photography. - an information portal about photographic equipment, photography, consumer electronics and design.

The pages of the site talk about the basics of photography, the latest in photographic equipment, famous and aspiring photographers, publish quality tests and reviews of photographic equipment and consumer electronics, help in choosing equipment, communicate on interesting topics with interesting people.

On the site "World digital photography»You can read the latest news from the photo industry. Submitted reviews, tests and press releases.

Comparative characteristics of goods and technical specifications help you choose which product is right for you and which is unreasonably expensive.

News of the photo industry and photographic equipment, free on-line photo school, tests and reviews - everything for the photographer! - reviews, news of photographic equipment, articles on digital photography.

The latest and latest news. Comprehensive features of each new camera model, lens, software and camcorder news. Prices and release dates of the next devices.

Tips in the field of photography - a huge number of lessons, examples and tips in the field of creating high-quality photos.

Photographic Reviews and Tutorials professional processing and retouching. Biographies and collections of works of the best world photographers.

Digital camera

Digital Camera World of Photography is an information portal dedicated to the art of photography.

Photographers have the power to stop the elusive and beautiful moment, touch hearts and change the course of events in the world. Photography is just one way to capture the beautiful and bring something of your own to the comprehension of the world. But this is exactly what interests us.

Without making any distinction between shooting on film and digital media, we carefully weigh the pros and cons and share our experiences.


Magazine about street culture and urban photography.

Magazine is created based on snapshots. good photographers and texts of interesting authors. We talk not only about urban photography, but also about all modern and street culture.

In each issue you will find many beautiful photographs and entertaining texts about modern society, architecture, sports, fashion and music.

455 archived issues of the magazine "Soviet Photo" from 1926 to 1995.

“Soviet Photo” is the Soviet, then Russian monthly illustrated magazine of the Union of Journalists of the USSR. It was founded in 1926 by the Soviet journalist Mikhail Koltsov with the help of former journalistic workers, editors of the magazine Photographic News, published in the period from 1906 to 1916 in St. Petersburg, scientists and professors Yermilov Nikolai Evgrafovich and Sreznevsky Vyacheslav Izmailovich.

The magazine was designed for amateurs and professionals in photo and film art. On its pages were published works of Soviet and foreign photographers, as well as articles on the theory, practice and history of photography. In 1976, the circulation of the magazine reached 240 thousand copies. In the same year he was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor.

Since 1992 it became known as the "Photography". In the last years of its existence, the circulation and editorial staff were significantly reduced. He stopped printing in mid-1997.


The digital photography magazine Fotoexperts talks about the latest in the photo industry, publishes copyright tests and reviews of photographic equipment, video tutorials and educational materials, travel reports with the camera.

The photo gallery is open to all users, you can publish only author's photos and no more than one photo per day. - a guide to the world of photography.

The latest news from the world of photography, reviews of the latest photographic equipment news, help in choosing. Cognitive lessons in photography, reviews, interviews.

Friends, modern technologies opened up a lot of new opportunities for us. Now, every owner of a phone with a built-in camera can be the first at the scene, do the work of a photojournalist and get a fee due. Owners of advanced cameras can count on free admission to exhibitions, museums and almost any entertainment events.

Creating the Russian Photo Club, we unite in the largest community of photographers. Each of our participants falls under the protection of the law on the media, receives legal support and a sense of shoulder of their colleagues.

Self-organization ability is what distinguishes a developed society from savages, idiots and lucky ones who managed to be born somewhere in North Korea. It always requires effort - mental and strong-willed, and it is always very nice to see when they are taken to make life better - yours and those around you.

This fully applies to such communities as the Russian Photo Club, so I gladly accepted the invitation to join it. But this is not the only reason. There are about 834 of them, from free admission to museums, legal support, education to the opportunity to promote your name and amuse your photographic ego. Discounts, perks and privileges - solid gingerbread cookies and no whips.
So welcome to the club, friends, and may the force be with you!

I am very glad that finally an organization appeared, ready to unite photographers and amateur photographers of different genres, work for the common good, negotiate with manufacturing companies and protect the interests of everyone who is in a difficult situation. I regularly participate in the projects of the magazine “Russian Photo” (once “Photo-making”), I remember how the guys came up with “Photographer's Day”, did projects on Family and Wedding photography, raising the popularity of photo services in our country. I am sure that the next initiative of the Russian Photo team will be very useful to each of us.

It seems to me that the Club is generally great! Well, it’s so good when you can chat with like-minded people, and again prove to them that you, if not paradoxical, are again better than all of them combined. Well, as is usually the case in places where more than one photographer gathers at a time. Here is a completely different story. Here you can prove nothing to anyone just to use the privileges of membership in the club to calmly go your own way, waging your own war with yourself on the way to your personal drop dead photograph. So enter and read articles about modern photography, disassemble, understand, go to lectures and master classes at discounts and grow with us. After all, only photographers who understand what it means to be modern have a place in the future!

There are so many problems in the photographic market, more precisely, we have some problems here - from the low level of some professional photographers and the urgent need to establish a process of fundamental photographic education, to a culture of copyright compliance by all those involved in using the results of our work. It's time to debug the system of relations between photographers and customers. Today, neither the state nor the existing public organizations the problems of photographers are not seriously addressed. I want to believe that the team of "Russian Photo" will be able to budge a huge mossy boulder of problems that torment photographers, change attitudes towards photographers and to photography in our country.

In my opinion, it is a great idea to create a Club of Russian Photographers on the basis of the famous magazine Russian Photo. I can’t boast of some special acquaintance with this magazine, I can’t tell some success story related to the publication in it, I can’t tell about some special feelings that I feel when I join the project. But! I know for sure that for a long time it was time for photographers to unite in a community, with the help of which they can solve their most diverse issues. Not to the formal trade unions, which do not solve anything with us, alas. And in the current community, which will actively work for the common good. Knowing the people who started the project, I’m sure that everything will work out.

good good good !. And there was no art of photography, and there was nothing at all - here I am so old. And all this time I spoke about the magazine "Russian Photo" with great respect. And the other day I was given a photographer’s ID (apparently, so as not to forget who I am) and now I can have a whole bunch of nishtyaks from the publisher. Well, apparently you’ll have to share your “writing talent” with a huge audience of the magazine. What I will do with pleasure.

It’s a good idea to create a Club of Russian Photographers based on the famous Russian Photo magazine. I started my acquaintance with the magazine a long time ago: held master classes, tested photo equipment, published my photos and articles, the editors supported my photo tours informationally, invited me as a jury - which wasn’t there.
Each year, the magazine team offers us all new opportunities. It's great! This year was no exception. The photographic world is changing very quickly and everyone who works or is just starting to get involved in photography needs help and support. I support such an initiative and joyfully join you!

Once upon a time I had a sharp question of accreditation. What I just did not try! Traveled with letter of guarantee from the editors of the now defunct Digital Photo magazine, he used Nikon laminated paper and even became an official journalist for the Inform Exchange newspaper from Kazakhstan. Then I got a crust, becoming a member of the Union of Photographers of Russia, and many even envied me. But against the background of these acquisitions, it became increasingly clear that these crusts do little for the good. And I wanted support, some projects and, as it is now customary to say, dvizhuhi. In general, I quickly realized that there was no movement and ... abandoned this business. I abandoned it, and until recently I did not think at all about any unions and crusts, considering this topic completely hopeless.

It’s hard for me to say what more influenced my decision to support the Russian Photo club and join it: a personal acquaintance with Ekaterina Elizarova or a decent list of those who supported this topic, among whom I personally know a few people and I can say with confidence that their opinion is worth listening to (George Rozov, Peter Lovigin, Anton Martynov, Sergey Militsky and others). Among other things, the club "Russian Photo" gives participants all kinds of discounts, at the same time opening up all opportunities for development.

Speaking globally, then with two hands I am for such undertakings as the Russian Photo Club. Let all the flowers bloom in our native Russian meadow. It is from these bricks that our new Civil Society is made up. If you don’t dig so deeply, then I AM THREE hands, such a club brings a lot of useful to each of its participants. All preferences and benefits are described in detail on the site, but I want to say about one little thing that is also pleasant. I just returned from a train in Switzerland, where I took with me a brand new green card of the Club. So all the museums of Geneva, Basel, Davos and Sant Moritz opened their doors to me for free when I pulled this green book from wide trousers. For which I thank the organizers of the club.

To be friends with the magazine Russian Photo once was a dream for me. And in 2011, I became the photographer of the year in the “Family Photography” nomination.
“Russian Photo” has been supporting family photography for more than six years, including my photo festival “OBJECTIVELY ABOUT CHILDREN”. How can you not appreciate it.
Another is strange. Realizing the usefulness of associations and clubs, I still have not been in any. It is all the more pleasant to become a member of the Club of Russian Photographers at the very beginning of his birth and formation. Pluses. This status, support - legal and informational, discounts, in the end! I have no doubt about the prospects of this step, so I do it with pleasure.

I consider the portal site to be one of the most interesting and authoritative publications on photography in Russia. I am pleased to work together and collaborate with the editors, to come up with new materials.
Them new idea - The club of Russian photographers is a global project, which is designed not only to unite professionals in their field, but also to give good site for beginner talents, create healthy competition and communication that always promotes movement and growth.
After the incident with the photographer Denis Sinyakov, when he went to prison for performing his professional duty, many said that photographers, as a class, remained defenseless against threats. Together, we can competently defend our rights, protect colleagues, work together and help each other.

We are all talents here and in some places even geniuses, vibrant individuals and Creators. They have long grown out of the desire to measure with lenses and have learned to search and find their view of the world, to show it to the audience. And when the photographer leaves the teenage photo-age, he discovers what he needs: legal and marketing support, a platform for publishing articles and PR in social networks, thirty-three more various useful things and new lens (well, he is always needed!). (Smile) ...

The Russian Photo Club will provide all of the above. And besides, it will give another delightful opportunity: not to prove to everyone their professional viability. Now it’s enough to wave a little book under his nose - a photographer’s certificate. By the way, the letters written in it are understood all over the world.

I met with the magazine Russian Photo in 2012. Then, in the May issue, an article was published about my then photo project Leningrad 2012, which I worked on together with the stylist Katya Stool. Pleasantly struck by the print quality, an interesting selection of materials in the magazine. It was great to be in such a good company. Somewhat later, I learned with pleasure that there is a Club that allows like-minded people to communicate. I wish the club and the magazine further success and I am very pleased to have the opportunity to become part of the community.

I congratulate the team of the magazine "Russian Photo" on the launch of an interesting and most importantly useful project!
I visit the site with pleasure, the resource always blows warmth and positive, and this is very rare in our time. I have no doubt that the club has a great future! I am sure that with the help of the club I can meet interesting people!
Legal support, discounts, bonuses, and ID - so much more! "Russian Photo" is always at its best, you feel thoroughness in preparing the project, and this is a guarantee of a great future! I believe in the club of Russian photographers and am proud to be a member of it!

Once I only dreamed about work related to photography. And in just a few years, I went from a freelance writer to the editor-in-chief of the Russian Photo portal. Work in the magazine fills me with strength and inspires creativity. I participate in exhibitions, attend events, and recently visited Norway as part of my first press tour.
Photographers, both beginners and recognized ones, have repeatedly noted that our publication has a special “emotional” energy. I think the point is in a special approach - we really love what we do. Photography is an infinitely interesting world full of surprises and discoveries. Ahead - new projects, new prospects, new heights. Join us! Let's create the future of photography together!

About ten years ago, fate brought me together with the magazine "Photodelo". No, I read it before that, but then I was offered. Since then, many years have passed, but from time to time I continued to work with my favorite magazine. Time, however, made adjustments, first the magazine changed its name and now we know it as “Russian Photo”, and then, based on the dictates of the time, it became electronic.
Now the third period has come, on the basis of the magazine a club of photographers has formed. The magazine decided to unite under its wing both old friends of photographers and those with whom photographers periodically communicate and intersect. The club has just emerged, we are on the initial path of his life, and I hope that we will still have many interesting events and meetings in our club.

The Russian Photo portal continues the 13-year history of the magazines Russian Photo and Photodelo. During this time, our team organized dozens of exhibitions, we took part in hundreds of photographic projects and published thousands of materials on our pages.
We gave the country a “Photographer's Day” holiday and held five photo festivals of the same name that were attended by over 50,000 people.

Our publication is one of the most widely read in its segment, the monthly audience of the portal and the official pages of the magazine is more than 500,000 people.

The better a person takes pictures, the more interesting he finds for himself in our magazine

The Russian Photo portal is visited to:
communicate with the world of photography
develop aesthetic perception
find new directions for self-expression
keep abreast of new achievements
and most importantly - it’s better to take pictures

The Russian Photo portal (Russian Photo magazine) combines on its pages all the most important things from the world of photography:, and, as well as reviews, news and. In addition, our readers and our readers post on the portal, including in the framework of various photo contests.

Russian Photo takes a leading position in search engines for key queries related to photography

Lecture hall

The monthly audience of the portal is more than 300 thousand people (from the accounts of social networks - more than 1 000 000).
More detailed statistics can be found at

we are in social networks

The Russian Photo portal has one of the most powerful support in social networks among all Russian photographic resources.

Portal Sections

Photo events

Events, events, exhibitions - all that the photo community lives on; everything that is interesting to a wide circle of amateur photographers.


Meeting-interview with an outstanding photographer of our time. Each material is a fascinating story about the life of the Master, illustrated by his the best works. Tips, secrets and photography techniques.

In the world

Interview with a foreign photographer who showed interest in Russian photography and realized any of his projects in our country - a seminar, a master class, a photo exhibition.


Interview with famous personwhose personality is interesting to our readers. Regardless of profession, each media person is not indifferent to photography.


Publications of materials about famous classics of photography: stories about life, the creative path and, of course, their work. Also in this section we present the most interesting projects in the field of historical photography, which are implemented in our country.


The best work of amateur and professional photographers. Interesting people, bright ideas, amazing images. There is something to read here, but most importantly, there is something to see!

Photography lessons

Materials that help to understand the basics of photography: what is composition, exposure, depth of field, emotional perception of the frame, camera design, working with light and much more, without which it is almost impossible to start your career.

Photo practice

Practical recommendations for shooting various objects - from airplanes to pets; shooting outdoors, including in the mountains or under water; in a club, in a studio ... in a word, as much as possible useful tips taking into account the features of a particular shooting.

Digital art

Digital art is a symbiosis of photography and computer technology. Computer artists present their projects and vision of the world by combining reality and fiction.


Interesting trips to the most beautiful places in Russia, near and far abroad. Recommendations on the choice of places for photography and the advice of experienced photo travelers.


The section contains the most complete information about all the announced technological innovations and everything that happens on the photographic market in Russia and the world.

New items

A more detailed story about the most interesting and technologically advanced cameras, in which the editors express their point of view on a particular product.


Survey materials that are prepared by the editorial staff with a personal acquaintance with a particular photographic technique. This section details the advantages and disadvantages of the technique.


Individual and comparative tests of photographic equipment with detailed analysis consumer qualities and a visual demonstration of technical capabilities.

Photo Services

Survey materials related to photographic services - photographic education, rental of photo studios, printing and production of photo books, etc.

Now let's move on to the shooting process and the equipment that I use. Depending on the planned result, I shoot in different ways. For example, if I do not want to tint a photo afterwards and understand what color I need in the end, then I use color filters. If I want a haze in the frame, I use a smoke machine or Photoshop. Of course, I am in favor of immediately shooting cleanly, but it also happens that in the final version other color combinations look great. In this case, it is better to tint in Photoshop, so it will be at least more logical. So, were used: ...

Good afternoon, dear readers! My name is Alla Maslennikova, I'm a jewelry designer self made and photographer. I shoot my work most often. A feature of such jewelry is the variety of volumes and textures in one subject. It’s difficult to shoot them, but the invested efforts are rewarded when the result is beautiful and expressive photos!

Professional subject shooting is carried out in the studio, however, at home you can achieve great shots. The first
the stage in creating a good shot is a beautiful composition, the second is competent shooting, the third is processing. In his works, the maximum
i put the effort into the first two stages, and in the processing I follow the principle of minimal intervention.

I position myself as a portrait photographer, but I also really like to shoot the report. And if reporting is always a moment, movement
and dynamics, the portrait for me is calm and static. Most of all I like to shoot a production portrait, I like to fit the model into the space that surrounds it, and this helps me in the knowledge of light and composition.
Light is a separate story in portraiture. You can decorate a person with light, emphasize his beauty and set the mood for the frame.

Today we are reviewing a monitor for designers with a diagonal of 31.5 ’’ and a resolution of 4K - BenQ PD3220U. However, not only the presence of 4K
important for professionals working with the image, and color accuracy. And here in this BenQ company, as always, is at its best!

The monitor covers 95% DCI-P3, as well as 100% sRGB and Rec. 709. High-quality IPS-matrix gives an excellent image regardless
from the viewing angle. Distortion is almost invisible to the eye, even at the maximum viewing angle. This is convenient for team work in the studio and demonstrating work to the customer.

"Hello! I’m Luda, I’m a photographer! ” - I have been saying this for more than 10 years, and this makes me happy. Winter is on the calendar, which means the New Year photo shoots will become the most popular. Today they are very popular, the images have already gone beyond sweaters with deers, and the studios boast of a variety of creative decoration christmas trees and, of course, all kinds of garlands that create special
mood in the photo. These are the magic lights that will be discussed today.

Today in our review, a useful thing for anyone who has a shortage of ports on their MacBook or laptop, or who needs a card reader, is the Nucleum USB-C Hub. By the way, it is also suitable for smartphones and tablets.

With it, just one USB-C connector turns into 7! It is possible to simultaneously connect a mouse, keyboard, monitor, projector, SD and microSD-cards, HDMI wire, smartphone ... A thing that is certainly useful for the photographer. After all, most modern cameras shoot on SD cards, and the Nucleum Hub can also be used as a card reader.

In the process of photographing, I am not limited to one lens, the main thing for me is to get the result. Successfully captured material, which is a kind of sketch for the artist, is further processed in a photo editor. The retouching process can take from 10 minutes to several days, depending on the complexity of the scene. Subsequently, you will have to apply the accumulated experience, knowledge and skills to obtain a harmonious photograph.


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