Business plan: bike rental as a profitable business. Own business: how to open a bicycle rental. Business plan - bike rental Ready business plan bike rental

Everyone has their own hobby. Someone loves online games, someone likes to go on vacation to the sea, others collect stamps. And if your favorite business also brings income, then this is great!

I have three hobbies: tourism, photography and bicycles. One day I decided to open a bike rental. So to speak, two in one: and for the soul - to accustom people to healthy recreation and sports, and to earn money.

Now about the main thing. The first costs were as follows:

1) The opening of the IP. He prepared all the papers himself, the state fee was 800 rubles. Then for the year you still have to pay in Pension Fund 20727.53. This figure is for 2014. Plus income tax.

2) Rent of premises. I was looking for a room for a long time, but I found it on the central street of the city, not far from the park. Area of ​​squares 15, rent 8,000 per month, entrance from the yard, we are in the basement.

3) Buying bicycles. I decided not to skimp on quality. I bought 8 Mongoose bicycles for 13,500 rubles each. Total: 108,000 rubles

The season started in April and ended in October. Much in this business depends on the weather, if it rains, no one will go for rent, but here you can’t guess. Gradually, bicycles wear out and you need to monitor them, carry out repairs and it is better to be able to do it yourself, otherwise it will fly out a pretty penny. There is a small disadvantage in that the season is not all year round, and the rent of the premises must be paid constantly. You can arrange skate rental as an option, but for this you need to fill the skating rink nearby. Another option is to rent skis and snowboards, but this is a more expensive investment, at least for me.

The first season worked averagely, but the next year there were not enough bicycles! During the year I bought a tandem bike (they are not particularly in demand, everyone is probably afraid, but the company's image!) And roller skates. I plan to expand!

The most important thing is to leave with customers good impressions... And then word of mouth will start working for you, and the money will flow in a stream. Several times I used Biglion's services to expand my audience. With their help, I attracted new users of my bike rental, although for this I had to make 50% discounts.

If we talk about the profit, then on a good day it reaches 4000 rubles, given that there are only eight bicycles. The first year I worked for business, now I work for myself.
In addition to the rental, I am engaged in the repair of bicycles, you don't even need to look for clients. I also opened a shop for rent, and I take the goods on the EBAY website: bicycle racks, gloves, bicycle computers, helmets, glasses, etc.

And do not forget to get help from the employment center for business development. You need to register with them before opening a company, submit a business plan and receive 58,000 rubles for development. There are a few more additional conditions: you do not have to officially work anywhere, provide a report on the money spent and employ one person.

For reading 8 min. Published 07.11.2019

An entrepreneur who decides to open a bike rental business needs to have up-to-date information... To simplify the task before him, we analyzed the activities of bike rentals in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan and, based on the opinion of experts, collected in this article the main points that an entrepreneur should know when deciding to open a bike rental in 2017.

Organization of bike rentals: where to start?

Having decided to go into the bike rental business, an entrepreneur must. For the type of business, registration as an individual entrepreneur or opening an LLC is suitable. If you do not plan to create big network bike rentals, it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur. Documents for the form of ownership are much easier to draw up. An individual entrepreneur does not require complex accounting reporting and falls under a simplified taxation system.

Then the entrepreneur will have to choose OKVED codes... Suitable for the type of business:

  • 71. 40. 4 Rent of inventory and equipment for leisure and recreation.

The group includes services for the rental of sports equipment, including bicycles. The business does not require licensing, however, in order to open a bicycle rental, you must obtain permission from the city administration.

At the rental point itself, the following documents must always be available:

  • Book of complaints and suggestions.
  • Riding rules and conditions for bike rental.
  • Safety journal.

If dispensing is carried out on the basis of a building, a consumer corner should be organized.

Where is the best place to open a bike rental?

Having dealt with the documents, the entrepreneur should think about choosing a place to open a point on the basis of which the bike rental will function.

Suitable for organizing a business:

  • Embankments.
  • Resort centers.
  • Parks.
  • Squares or groves.

Bicycle rental does not require a specialized room. You only need a place to store the equipment. This requires a small room, from 20 sq. m. It must meet the requirements of the SES and fire safety... The collection of bicycles can be carried out directly next to the storage place or located at some distance from it. However, in this case, you will have to take care of the delivery of the equipment to the point and additional rental costs will be required. For this reason, it is best to set up a bike rental shop close to where you store the bike.

The rental price depends on the city and proximity to the center. The average cost of rented space in Moscow parks is 1400 / sq. m., in St. Petersburg - 1000 / sq. m., in Kazan - 800 / sq. m.

The place where the rental is planned to open must have a high traffic. Bicycles must be allowed in the surrounding area. It is desirable that there is a cycle path separating the skiing area from pedestrians.

When choosing a location, one should take into account the proximity of competitors. The further they are, the better. Their complete absence is considered the ideal option.

The selected place is to be rented.

To increase the amount of monthly profit, you can provide services for the delivery of bicycles to the place named by the client. There is an additional charge for this.

What will it take to open a bicycle rental and how much will it cost?

The entrepreneur will need to purchase equipment. Bicycles of different models must be available for rent.

You will need to purchase:

  • Mountain.
  • Road racing.
  • Baby.
  • Women's.

A wide selection of equipment is required in order for the rental point to please every visitor, because customers will contact it of different ages and preferences. Experts advise not to buy more than 2 bicycles of the same model.

Purchase of equipment should be done in autumn or winter. This is not the season for buying bicycles, and manufacturers are cutting the price significantly.

You shouldn't buy cheap models. They will break faster and will not be in demand among rental visitors. It is better to buy less expensive equipment for the same money. It will last longer and bring more profit. For the rental to function properly, at first, you will need about 15 bicycles. Over time, the range should be expanded.

You should be careful when purchasing a bike for rent. It should be a quality model.

When buying a bike, you should pay attention to:

  • Frame size ... 18-20 inches is considered optimal.
  • The metal from which the bicycle is made ... It should be lightweight, but at the same time have high strength.
  • The presence of rear shock absorbers .

They have wheels of increased reliability and have a comfortable low frame.
The price of one reliable bicycle for adults is about 25-30 thousand rubles, and for children - about 15 thousand rubles. In total, the purchase of equipment for bike rental will require about 400 thousand rubles. By purchasing bicycles from one manufacturer, you can get a substantial discount and assistance with delivery.

We draw up a business plan for opening a bicycle rental - profitability and payback periods

To open a bicycle rental business, an entrepreneur will need about 500 thousand rubles.

Bicycle rental opening costs (average):

The average cost of renting a bike is 150 rubles per hour or 500-800 rubles per day. Usually clients take a bike for 1 - 3 hours. Rent for a day is of interest only to visitors who are going to go hiking. About 50 people use bike rental services every day. The number of visitors depends on the weather. On very hot and rainy days, their number decreases. As the summer draws to a close, bike rentals are getting more active. The monthly profit of an average rental is about 150 thousand rubles ... In this case, the net profit will be equal to 90 thousand rubles. With this level of profit, the business can pay off in 6 months.

Rental profitability is at the level of 55%.

P = P / (OPF + OA),

where NS- balance sheet profit, OPF- the average price of the main production fund, OA- the average price of current assets.

Business falls under the simplified taxation system. The entrepreneur will have to give 6% of the earned profit to the state. If it is at the level of 150 thousand rubles, then you will need to pay a tax in the amount of 9 thousand rubles.

Risks associated with organizing bike rental

The bike rental business comes with risks, these include:

  • Bicycle hijacking ... However, you can protect yourself as much as possible from this. An agreement is concluded between the tenant and the landlord, in which all controversial issues are discussed, the full name and place of residence are entered. In addition, a photocopy of the tenant's documents is made. In some rentals, tenants are asked to leave original documents or a large sum of money on bail. In most cases, this is sufficient for the rental company to return the rented equipment.
  • Bicycle breakdown ... This nuance should be discussed in the agreement concluded with the client when issuing the equipment. Experts advise the bike rental owner to take responsibility for the breakdown. In most cases, it is not the customer's fault. Rarely are bicycles broken on purpose. Removing responsibility from the tenant will help to reduce the number of dissatisfied customers to a minimum and increase the prestige of rental in the eyes of visitors.
  • Late return of equipment ... This nuance should also be spelled out in the agreement. A client who neglects the agreed conditions should be fined. Its amount must be specified in the agreement.
  • Tenant injury ... To protect yourself from liability, the agreement should include a clause stating that all responsibility for possible injuries while riding lies with the client. However, a safety briefing should be given to the tenant before the equipment is handed over. This should be noted in the appropriate journal. At the time the bike is handed over, both parties must make sure that it is in good working order.

It is impossible to predict all the risks. However, having secured himself as much as possible from the majority, an entrepreneur can count on making a profit without surprises.

What else to remember when opening a bike rental?

The entrepreneur must remember about the need to repair the equipment. Bicycles periodically deteriorate. Buying new ones is too expensive. It is much easier to repair existing ones. This will require hiring a dedicated person to fix the equipment. The size of his salary must be at least 15 thousand rubles. However, having a specialist on-site is not always beneficial. The cost of salary for a repair specialist will pay off only if the entrepreneur plans to create a large network of bike rentals. If it is planned to open 1 - 2 points, it is much cheaper to conclude an agreement with service center or have a specialist on a "deal" to invite at the place of failure.


An entrepreneur should not forget about the seasonality of the business. Usually bike rentals are profitable only in the summer. In resort cities, it begins to operate in April and ends in September - October, but there is still a period of inactivity. To provide income at this time, it is possible to arrange rental of other types of equipment on the basis of bike rental.

In summer, you can issue:

  • Cycling accessories.
  • Roller Skates.
  • Skateboards.
  • Scooters.

In winter, you can rent:

  • Snowboards.
  • Konkov.

However, to organize the rental of additional equipment, funds will be required to purchase it.

Bicycle rental staff

Work in bicycle rentals must be carried out in shifts. At first, a business owner can work independently. In this case, you only need to hire a salesperson who will take over the shift. The salary must be at least 15 thousand rubles. Over time, you can hire an additional person.

In addition to the employees who issue the equipment, an accountant will be required. Its tasks include maintaining financial issues and reporting. You don't have to hire a part-time person. It is enough if the accountant will deal with the bicycle rental business 1 - 2 times a week. His wage must be at least 5 thousand rubles.

The main ways to promote bike rental are:

  • Outdoor advertising next to the place where the bike rental operates.
  • Distribution of flyers.
  • Creation of a group in social networks or your own site.
  • Advertising in the media.

The opening of the rental can be accompanied by a cycling festival, where you can organize a competition or a bicycle race with small prizes. Equipment rental should be free of charge on citywide health days. This will attract additional customers and increase your profit margins.

With the onset of summer, cyclists are increasingly seen on the streets of the city. Popular is it vehicle both amateurs and professionals. The bike is very practical and comfortable. It is inexpensive, mobile in city traffic jams, and has clear health benefits. However, not everyone has their own bike. At the same time, there are a lot of people who want to ride it. That is why it is worth considering how to open a bike rental service. This business will not only satisfy the needs of those who like to ride, but will also make it possible to make good money.

The first steps

Where is the best place to start? First of all, a business plan must be drawn up. Bicycle rental requires the establishment of a private business. On a small scale, individual entrepreneurship is suitable.

The choice of the form of organization that provides services should be discussed when writing a business plan. Before starting work, the company must be registered with the tax authorities.

Rental location

A bike rental business plan should contain a list of points where the service will be provided. There can be many options. One of them involves the delivery of bicycles to the place indicated by the client. In this case, additional shipping charges will be required. You can also stand outside while waiting for the client. This option should also be considered by the compiled business plan.

In this case, bike rental should be located in the very center of a district or city, in a place where there are a large number of vacationers. Offering mobile vehicles is most beneficial:

In amusement parks;
- in resort centers;
- in squares or groves;
- in the squares;
- in city parks;
- on the embankments.

Having chosen a suitable place, you will need to rent it. It is worth making sure that bicycles are allowed in the surrounding area. It is desirable to have at least one cycle path separating the passage area from pedestrians. But in any case, before starting to provide bicycle rental services, you will need permission from the local authorities.

Purchase of vehicles

How to arrange bike rental? You will need to purchase the vehicles necessary for this. The class, quantity and types of equipment required for the provision of services should include a business plan.

Bicycle rental at first can be carried out if there is a small fleet of equipment, in which there are four to five units. Getting started will show if your service is in demand. In case of great popularity, the bicycle park can be increased. With increased demand, buy in addition required amount labor technique will not be.

As part of your business, you should also provide for the rental of children's bicycles. They will also be in demand.

What kind of vehicles to buy should also include a drawn up business plan. Bicycle rental is unlikely to be of interest to professionals. That is why you should not look at expensive models. However, it is necessary to understand the types of bicycles.

The acquisition of technology must be subject to a certain rule. It says that you should not purchase more than two units of the same type. It is advisable to buy models in order to ride on rough terrain. Cross-country models with a frame of eighteen or twenty inches are suitable for this.

At the rental point, it is advisable to offer the client bicycles for confident riding in off-road conditions. To do this, you will need to purchase models with a rear shock absorber. It is important to have bicycles for women and children in stock for a successful business.

It is worthwhile to provide for the purchase of appropriate equipment. It is more profitable to purchase it in winter, when seasonal discounts are offered.

How to open a bike rental if start-up capital small? You can start small. If you can't buy multiple bikes, try to arrange to rent them from someone you know.


For renting bicycles, you will need to rent a small room. Its main purpose will be the storage of vehicles. It is best if your garage is located near the place where the place of service is supposed to be. In this case, the cost of transporting bicycles will be significantly reduced.

The room where bicycles will be stored must be closed. Only in this case, in winter, your vehicles will not deteriorate from cold and snow, and in summer from heat and rain.

Return guarantee

A contract must be concluded with customers who have rented a bike. Such a document will ensure the safety of your vehicle. The contract must specify the price, as well as the period when the bike must be returned. One of the essential conditions of the agreement will be the indication of the amount of the fine. It is imposed for late return or damage to the bike.

It is advisable to prescribe the amounts of the most common breakdowns in the contract itself. In this case, the client will be aware of the consequences of his unfair attitude to technology.
The contract must contain information about the client - his full name, residence address, as well as passport data.


Entrepreneurs who will deliver bicycles to customers must advertise in local newspapers. You can also paste them on special boards. If the rental of bicycles is carried out in any specific place, then people will find out about the service themselves. However, in this case, advertising will not be superfluous.

The organization of small cycling competitions and competitions can be timed to coincide with the opening of a business. The holiday will show people how interesting it is to spend their free time with health benefits, in a circle fun company or the whole family. As sponsors can be attracted commercial organizations your city.

Tariffs and profits

For bike rental to be popular, the prices of the rented vehicles must be available to anyone. Suppose that for ten hours of rental, you set the cost of one hundred and fifty rubles. The amount is quite acceptable for a client with any financial capacity... Do not forget about the system of fines.

For each hour of delay, charge fifty rubles. Before providing the service, ask for a deposit of, say, three thousand rubles. This will be an additional guarantee of return. In the event that the bicycles were rented from friends, then give them half of your proceeds. The remaining amount should be set aside for the purchase of your own vehicles.

Elementary calculations will allow you to find out the amount of your earnings. With a park of ten bicycles, the minimum income per day can be one and a half thousand rubles. This is in the event that each piece of equipment was demanded by customers. If you give half of your income to bicycle owners, you will receive a net profit of seven hundred and fifty rubles. You will soon be able to purchase your own vehicles. After that, all income will be yours.


To attract customers, you can come up with own system encouragement. For example, for family rides - free distribution of children's bicycles. It will be possible to set a discount for the client who brought three friends, as well as arrange cheaper skiing, for example, on Wednesdays.

An interesting idea - renting scooters, roller skates, child seats that are attached to the trunk of a bicycle, etc.

First of all, it is worth deciding whether a business is right for you, where you will have to work most of the time, especially when it comes to initial stage when the money has already been invested, but there are no clients, you will have to “endure” a lot of things until the moment of the first profits.

The bike rental business is not suitable for all places, it will be especially successful where people want to spend time together for a long time - resort towns will do just fine, bicycles are also in good demand in megacities near parks, alleys and central squares.

Usually people just notice your service and, instead of the usual walking, prefer "rides" on a bicycle, as a result of which you make good money on clients, and they, for a small amount, get a lot of pleasure and return to childhood (after all, in the "usual" life, most have not ridden a bicycle in recent years).

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Such a business is suitable for those who want to start, but are afraid of difficulties, although they are here, they are not catastrophic, and all problems can be solved as soon as they enter short time without much loss. “Ease” is due to many things - first of all, small investments (having only a few thousand dollars “in the bosom”, you can start working for yourself, taking all the income personally, communicating with clients and spending time in nature), small risks - almost no one wants to “steal »Your bike, because it will be caught almost immediately, but in case of breakdowns you will face minor losses (a bike can be repaired for a couple of tens of dollars, in most cases).

Target audience for bike rental business

You need to be accommodated in crowded places, usually parks, embankments, city squares. A lot of "couples" pass by, who may want to use your service in order to bring pleasure to themselves, and to you - a pretty penny that will cover the costs, and even for "tea" will remain. In most cases, in such a specific type of business as bicycle rental, it is the location that "decides", since no one will be able to book a ride in advance for two - the desire to ride usually arises spontaneously, you just need to influence being in sight, as well as provide a pleasant pricing policy and comfortable conditions.

When renting several bicycles, you can make a discount - it is important for those who walk with families, for example, having rented 2 bicycles for yourself, you can offer them 3 for a child for free, thanks to this approach, this C grade can become yours regular customers for the whole season, and next time he will also bring family friends.

Where to open a bike rental shop

Here you have many options, the only criterion that must be taken into account 100% is traffic and crowds. Resort cities are especially good in these parameters, where a thousand or two arrive every day. potential clients who want to relax and have fun during their vacation. There is an opportunity to organize it as a static point, when you simply rent out bicycles to anyone who pays and gives documents, or you can “bring” bicycles to the place - this method is justified for long-term rentals.

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The latter takes place on vacation, for example, in Thailand, or even in our area, a person will gladly pay several hundred hryvnias for renting a bicycle for the entire duration of his stay, because it is much more convenient to go shopping or to the beach, and the fee is insignificant.

For advertising purposes, it is worth coming up with Special offers for clients, and not just hanging flyers - they should also be there, because upon arrival most of the vacationers are for the first time in this area and do not even know about the availability of your bike rental, but creating tempting conditions to get paying consumers will be even easier.

Start-up capital and main expense in the cycling business

One of the undoubted advantages of the bike rental business is the low entry threshold, unlike car rental or any other specialty. equipment, you only need a few thousand dollars to buy bicycles, as well as a little money "in reserve" in case of breakdowns and payment of salaries (it is irrelevant if you decide to personally deal with all issues, including work with clients, with a small number of bicycles this approach is quite justified and will help you save hundreds of dollars).

This is one of the types of business that can be started even on borrowed funds... Money for the purchase of the first bicycles will be given to you without any problems at the branch of any normal bank, since the amount is small - there will be no special requirements for you, as a candidate, to receive funds. As for specific figures - to buy 10 bicycles (which may even be a lot for the first term) you will need about 2-3 thousand dollars, for an employee's salary (if you don't want to work yourself) about 250-350 dollars (depending on the region), Today, a 3-hour drive costs "on average" about $ 5, so if you load at least some of them to zero, you will definitely not work.

Risks associated with the cycling business

Most likely, discerning readers have already guessed all the risks themselves, in fact - there is only one risk, namely, theft of a bicycle, but given the moment that there is an agreement between you and the renter, and plus you have copies (and in some cases original) of the passport, in the event of the disappearance or breakdown of the bicycle, it will not be difficult to make a claim. There are many nuances, for example, a bicycle may break through no fault of a person, so it is best to take over the repair, so as not to produce dissatisfied customers (property is destroyed on purpose, well, very rarely).

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In order to protect yourself - learn all the nuances and laws related to the bicycle business, it is not difficult, but it will help you decide controversial situations quickly and without problems for each of the parties.

How much money does bike rental bring?

Having spent about 3 thousand dollars on the purchase of bicycles, you most likely want to return them as quickly as possible and make a profit. With a good flow of customers, there will be nothing difficult about this, but in case of downtime, the return on investment will increase significantly. For people with little capital and a lot of free time, we can advise you to work alone, so as not to spend precious dollars on your salary, and there is no point in fooling around when you can earn money (after all, it is for this purpose that they do business).

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In April, the “cycling season” begins in all cities, and those who do not have their own vehicle can only be helped by a bike rental business. It is the rental of two-wheeled vehicles that is an excellent solution for everyone who does not want or cannot pay to buy their own bike, and an entrepreneur who offers such a service can make great money in a season that lasts until October.

What should be considered when opening a rental?

A businessman who wants to make money on bicycles must be well versed in the nuances of operating these vehicles. It doesn't hurt to know:

  • which mid-range bikes have the best performance
  • where and how bicycles should be stored (they need a closed room, which will be at least insulated in the cold season, and reliably protected from rain and heat in summer)
  • what are the features of this settlement that allow you to arrange an unusual bike ride (the presence of mountain routes, attractions, remote beaches, etc. will contribute to business)

Generally, successful business at a bicycle rental it may well start with the purchase of 10-12 units (if the work is carried out in a small locality) or 15-20 vehicles (if the rental opens in a city with a population of one million). If the demand is high, it will not be difficult to buy the required amount. It is also advisable to provide for the presence of both adults and children's bicycles - both of which will be in demand. Moreover, the business owner should learn to understand the types of bicycles and purchase vehicles based on the formula: at least two bicycles of the same type. These can be models for:

  • cross-country riding (cross-country bikes with a frame of 18 and 20 inches)
  • dirt and street
  • confident riding off-road (bicycles with a rear shock absorber)
  • skating women (so-called female models)
  • skating children

And, of course, appropriate equipment must be purchased for each vehicle. By the way, it is best to buy it in winter - during this period, buyers will find excellent discounts.

What do you need to open a bike rental?

The first step is the registration of an enterprise (an individual entrepreneur is suitable) and registration of "relations" with the tax service (you can choose the most simple system taxation). Once this is completed, you should take care of finding a job, and it is advisable to locate it in the very center of the city or in an area with high traffic. This could be:

  • spa center
  • amusement park
  • City Park
  • garden, grove or square
  • square
  • embankment

Before choosing a specific place and renting it, you should make sure that cycling is allowed there - there should be at least one cycle path or at least a well-organized space so that cyclists do not interfere with passers-by. In any case, you will need to get permission municipal authorities to open a rental point. The point can work from 9:00 to 21:00, and if the city is a resort, it can be extended work time until 23:00. It should be borne in mind that most of the clients will be in the evenings, as well as on weekends. There will be fewer of them in the morning, but children's bicycles will be more in demand, and you can earn extra money on them.

How to open a bike rental correctly?

There is only one answer to this question - you need to correctly approach the choice of bicycles. It is important to buy the optimal number of reliable and inexpensive vehicles that will have excellent performance, but at the same time, their price will not be overpriced due to the brand or other secondary factors. This is important, because newcomers to the business often tend to buy the most expensive units and then suffer from their failure after being used by a careless client. The task of a businessman is to understand that even after one rental season, it will no longer be possible to sell vehicles: they can almost completely fail, and this cannot be fixed. The optimal cost of a bike is at least 10 thousand rubles. Children's models cost from 3 thousand. There are also vehicles for 20-25 thousand, but they fail at almost the same speed as budget ones, so only a very wealthy businessman who is confident in his capital can buy them. If you are not so sure, it is better to refer to the average prices. However, in this case, in no case should you even pay attention to the "adult" models costing 3-5 thousand - they will fail in a matter of weeks. In addition, before opening a bike rental, you will also need to spend money on:

  • rent of premises for their storage - a dry insulated garage, which can cost from 5-7 thousand rubles per month
  • renting a place for rental - will cost much more, since this place will be located in the city center and occupy a fairly large area (the price depends on the specific locality)
  • tools for the care, repair and maintenance of bicycles - from 50 thousand rubles
  • additional equipment for riding - from 50 thousand.

What kind of income does the bike rental business bring?

The vehicle should be rented out on an hourly basis (if possible - with a deposit from the client in the form of a document or a security deposit of 3-5 thousand). Sometimes the bike rental business is based on the daily delivery of models, but this is not always advisable: clients rarely use such services, preferring to ride for 1-3 hours. Daily rental is interesting only for those who go on cycling trips, and not every locality has such an opportunity. The cost of renting a bike can be 100-150 rubles per hour or 500-800 rubles per day (prices depend on the specific region). Additionally, you can earn money by renting out riding equipment, as well as accessories - from gloves to child seats and pumps. Prices are set arbitrarily. And, of course, the rental of scooters, skateboards, roller skates and other similar accessories will bring excellent profits, but you should weigh the pros and cons before attaching them to your bicycles. The monthly profit, in general, is 50-100 thousand rubles, and these figures by the end of the summer are increasing significantly. In total, investments in a bike rental business can be recouped in the first two months of operation, and by the end of the season you can receive stable income, delighting its clients with pleasant and very healthy entertainment.


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