What is the perfect press tour? Encyclopedia of Marketing The main question when preparing a press tour

The work of a journalist is interesting, among other things, because various companies periodically conduct press tours for journalists, taking them to some interesting places or to important events. If you are a "shark of the pen" and you are valued at work, then you will certainly be able to periodically go on press tours.

Although I am not a journalist, I am also sometimes invited to press tours. For the first time I went to such an event almost ten years ago - on September 3, 2003. Company<Би Лайн GSM>was the first to cover the M7 highway with its signal, and invited journalists from all regions located on this highway to Moscow on this occasion.

I remember the first press tour very well. I, a simple site editor from the provinces, was invited to Moscow, settled in a hotel, showed the Bee Line GSM headquarters on March 8th Street, was invited to a press conference with the participation of the company's top officials, was given the opportunity to visit some very expensive karting - center and even invited some Moscow show business stars there. It was one very bright day in the life of a person who rarely gets out of Cheboksary and has never been anywhere.

Since then, press tours have been on the rise. At first, Beeline began to conduct them, then MTS and MegaFon joined it. I traveled to Moscow, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod and many other cities. Interesting events of a similar theme were also held in Cheboksary.

Press tours ended for me personally with the onset of the crisis in 2008 - then telecommunication companies sharply revised their relations with journalists and some trips stopped. Or greatly reduced. Yes, and I stopped writing large materials, giving way to such an opportunity, as well as press tours to colleagues.

My relationship with press tours has also been changed by vacation trips abroad. I made them at my own expense, but they did not last 1-3 days, but more time. It became a pity for me to spend two days on the road somewhere, so that later during the day I could take part in some event, even if it was of interest. So in recent years I have refused invitations to visit something hard-to-reach for free for a short time.

Of course, companies call journalists on a press tour, take them somewhere, feed and entertain them for a reason - they expect to get activity at events and an article based on the results of the trip. If there are no particular problems with activity, preparing questions at a press conference and talking on the sidelines with leaders is not so difficult, but sometimes I (not a journalist) sometimes had big problems with writing articles.

Articles should be written immediately, while the impressions have not cooled down. But in fact, you come from the event and everyday worries pile on you. You have to sit down and prepare the material, and you solve the problems that have arisen during the absence. And then you drag out another day, and then until the weekend, and then everything is not remembered so vividly and it is not written right away :) Perhaps, with professional journalists, everything is different.

So for one of the cell phones I wrote a report from the press tour for three weeks. During this time they asked me several times<Готова ли статья?>- first with hints, and then openly and very persistently. I wrote a big beautiful text, but I did it at the wrong time. And since then, the operator has not invited me anywhere to out-of-town events. Although I often wrote articles, and sometimes I prepared a detailed note with my opinion on the past press tour, which the organizers greatly appreciated.

Press tours allowed me to get acquainted with employees of companies in the macro-regions and then get a lot of information directly from them, and not through the Cheboksary branch. It was very convenient. But I managed to get acquainted with journalists on press tours (though not with all of them), but outside of press tours I didn’t communicate with anyone. I do not know why.

Being at the event it seems that "I'll come to Cheboksary now, I'll do THIS and THIS too!" - there are many ideas that inspire. But I rarely ever got to the realization of something from the press tours.

Why do press tours need companies that conduct them?

After all, they spend a lot of money on conducting - each journalist is paid for the road, hotel, food, ordered entertainment. Companies themselves, as a rule, do not organize such complex events - they turn to special agencies, whose services are also not cheap.

I see two goals: Loudly announce something important event . It is very important at the same time that journalists from various regions will come. And strengthen the loyalty of journalists and the publications in which they work. Every major business has to work with the media commercial company- it is very important that they write about the company, in what details they mention it.

As a rule, press tours are carried out by wealthy companies, these events are held at a high level, and a trip to such an event is a kind of award for a journalist. It's nice to go to some city for a prepared holiday instead of gray everyday life. Often, therefore, it was not just journalists who went on a press tour, but the owners or heads of the media. Of course, press tours are different - telecom operators invite us to other cities, journalists from Moscow are taken abroad, and someone is invited to Shemursha for Republic Day.

An increase in loyalty does not mean at all that a journalist or publication will write exceptionally well about the company after the press tour, but to some extent the attitude towards the organizers is changing dramatically, and participants in the press tour will most likely not write absolutely nasty things about the company. Personally, I have never been approached by companies with the words<Мы тебя на пресс-тур возили, а ты нам то-то и то-то не уступаешь!>, although the rule always applied<Поучаствовал в мероприятии - напиши отчёт - отправь ссылку на него организаторам>.

P.S. Just returned from the first press tour after a long break. Wrote this on the way home.

Press tour

Many managers - from plant directors to city mayors and governors - are surprised: why do journalists write about them in newspapers (talk on the radio, show on television) so little? I would like to answer: and you invite them to visit, show them your farm, put them at your table - then you will get the desired result. This kind of organized action is called a press tour. When organizing a full-scale press tour to the region, the following blocks of events should be considered, not forgetting to identify those responsible for their implementation:

a meeting at the station or at the airport, accommodation, briefing meeting outlining the details of your stay in the republic, region, city of Rode;

o escort of journalists along the entire route of the press tour; ° food, evening leisure, cultural program;

□ meeting with representatives of the executive and legislative branches of government;

a visit to the press tour that is specialized for the subject and the most interesting objects of the republic, region, city; acquaintance with their socio-economic development;

□ final meeting, summing up the results of the trip, seeing off to the station or airport.

Whether you invite journalists one by one, or seek help from the structures of the Union of Journalists or a PR agency, anyway, be prepared to answer the following questions:

□ topic and updated program of the press tour,

and the number of journalists that you can receive during the press tour,

□ gathering place for journalists before departure,

□ transport and route,

□ place and conditions of accommodation, and dates and times of departure-arrival,

but security guarantees (if we are talking about a "hot" region).

If you order a press tour and finance its organization, you have the right to ask your own questions:

□ How will media marketing and recruitment of journalists be carried out?

□ Who accompanies the journalists and coordinates their activities on the part of the organizers of the trip?

□ Are the organizers able to offer additional information support for the press tour (preparation and dissemination of reporting materials about the trip to a wide range of media, holding a press conference following the press tour, etc.)?

Below is the text of the information letter for the media about the press tour to the Rostov region, which took place in April 1999. I would like to draw the readers' attention to the fact that this document had a clearly adjusted organizational and methodological nature and was aimed at solving the following tasks:

and to carry out a business presentation of the AGRO Association; but to hold a business presentation of "Yugagrofond" and its project "Arbitration Courts in agriculture";

□ Raise the status of the AGRO Association and its member funds by holding a joint action with the heads of the Administration of the Rostov Region and federal ministries.

It should be understood that all the events and objects included in the program of the press tour (even if they had signs of independent ones) were subordinated to the solution of precisely these tasks.

5. The concept of news. News occasion.

News- this is a message that presents a modern view of reality in relation to a specific issue, event or process. The news traces important changes for the individual or society, which are presented in the context of the generally accepted or typical. The news is framed taking into account the consensus on what the audience is interested in, as well as the internal and external constraints that the respective newsroom has to face. It is the result of a daily revolving game of reaching a collective agreement within the newsrooms, sorting out events occurring in a specific period of time in order to create a perishable product. News is the imperfect result of making hasty decisions in a situation of pressure from outside and inside.

News occasion.-Real events, on the basis of which press releases are built. Events that are significant informational occasions usually include: “- an event significantly affects the life of the locality, region or state where the organization is located; - the event is international in nature; - the event has no world or regional analogues; - the event is in the nature of emergency situations or resulted in loss of life; - the event occurs periodically, but is characterized by a pronounced positive dynamics - an increase in the number of participants conferences times, a significant increase in the profit of the enterprise for reporting period etc.; - the event occurs periodically, but is characterized by a pronounced negative trend (it is undesirable, but possible, as a newsworthy event for a press release of the organization); - the event implies a significant economic or social effect - the creation of new jobs, an increase in the average wages, bringing the direction of activity to the level of profitability; - the event was expected for a long time; - a VIP-person - federal or regional scale participates in the event; - the event itself is insignificant, but within its framework there are entertaining facts or atypical participants are announced - a junior high school student takes part in the olympiad or a competition for students, the general director of the enterprise won the athletics run dedicated to the anniversary of the plant; - the event itself is insignificant, but contrary to the usual course of things - "the egg laid the chicken."

Press conference and press tour

Practical guide

Moscow - 2014

Press conference.

One of the main forms of communication and establishing personal contacts with journalists is a press conference. This is an official meeting with the press, at which journalists are provided with the necessary information and their questions are answered on a pre-announced topic. A press conference should not only be held, but also received required feedback in the media.

When does it make sense to call a press conference?

It is beneficial to convene a press conference if the information intended for the media “pulls” for an extensive campaign in the press and requires communication with a whole pool of journalists at the same time.


Let us give an example of a justified convening of a press conference as part of an anti-crisis campaign.

A few years ago, the St. Petersburg plant named after Stepan Shahumyan was on the verge of a crisis. Demand for the automotive oil the plant produced plummeted. The reason was that the St. Petersburg market was filled with private traders, whose prices for motor oil were much lower. Representatives of the plant conducted laboratory studies of oils - factory and what private traders sell.

The research results were impressive. Automotive oil sold by private traders did not meet elementary standards in quality. And everyone! The information received was in itself suitable for a media campaign. The choice of the form of communication with journalists left no doubt - a press conference.

The announcement release under the heading “Stepan Shaumyan's Plant declares war on the automobile mafia” worked perfectly! The materials received by the media representatives at the press conference from the plant managers, confirmed by the expert opinions, turned into topical articles, television and radio stories. Almost the entire St. Petersburg press wrote about it. Demand for automobile oil produced by the Shaumyan plant has risen sharply. The company has successfully overcome the crisis.

What are the "little things" to keep in mind?

For media representatives, the press conference begins as soon as they are sent to the address indicated in your press release. It is clear that they will certainly find a meeting place. However, the mood of journalists depends on how long they search, which, in turn, may affect the tone of their publications. Therefore, unless the press conference is being held at some well-known location, detailed information or a road map. Also indicate the types of public transport that can be used to easily get to the venue of the event. Make signs in the form of announcements at the entrance to the building with information about where the press conference will take place (floor, room). Make arrows inside the building with the text: "Press conference." Attach appropriate signs to the hall door. Place the “Registration” sign on the table where the arrival of journalists is recorded. The “Wardrobe” sign is appropriate, especially if it is not located in plain sight.

All organizers of a press conference must have badges with their first and last name, as well as the name of the structure (organization) that hosts the event. Journalists should see who they can turn to for procedural and other issues.

On the table at which the hosts of the event will sit, it is necessary to put signs with the last name, first name and patronymic of each newsmaker. You can limit yourself to the first and last name, but in this case name must be set before last name, and not after it (that's right - Pyotr Gradov, not Pyotr Gradov). These data should be indicated large enough and repeated on reverse side signs (so that the participant can easily find his place at the leader's table). It is not necessary to write the positions of newsmakers on the plates. Anyway, no matter how hard you try, the letters will turn out to be too small to be clearly seen from the audience. The positions must be specified in the press release or other documents that make up the press kit.

Very often, in addition to the announcing press release sent to the media, there is a need for an additional personal invitation to a press conference of specific journalists or editors. In this case, a personal invitation is sent to the addressee.


(The text of the nominal invitation to the press conference).

Dear _ _____________________________________

We invite you to take part in a press conference dedicated to summing up the results of the Russian-British seminar "Museums of St. economic conditions", which will be held on September 15, 2011 at 18.00 at the address:.

At the end of the press conference - buffet.

Organizing Committee

(The bus to Pushkin departs at 16.30 from the International Foundation "Cultural Initiative").

Contact Information _____________________

In what case are journalists satisfied with the press conference?

If it is convened in connection with an event that is really significant for target audience printed edition(TV programs, radio programs).

· If influential people take part in it.

· If the organizers of the press conference sent a release to the editorial office at least a week before it was held (in a monthly publication - a month in advance), and reminded about this event a day or two more.

· If the press conference started on time. Without delay.

If the package of materials (press kit) received by a journalist at a press conference helps to navigate the topic, not drown in it.

· If the speakers (speakers) speak briefly, clearly, voice specific facts and do not avoid sensitive issues.

When choosing a venue for a press conference, it is better to give preference to one that is in close proximity to the metro, keeping in mind the fact that most journalists will get to the venue by public transport.

The main interest for journalists at a press conference is "living sources of information", that is, those competent people who have important information on the stated topic. Representatives of the press are always focused on finding new and little-known facts. They may also be interested in additional details, examples, figures that help to reveal the topic. In a word, everything that can make their journalistic material meaningful and decorate it with curious details.

Experience shows that the duration of a scheduled press conference should not exceed one hour.

The number of speakers (speakers opening the press conference) should not exceed two or three people. The time limit is 3-5 minutes each. Maximum 8-10 minutes. The press, as a rule, is already “in the know”, so most of the time should be devoted to answering questions from journalists.

Plan for preparing and holding a press conference.

Determine the purpose of the press conference. Definition of target media. Determination of the place, date and time of the event. Preparing press releases and others handouts. Distribution of announcements, releases and invitations to the media. Negotiations with specific journalists and editors (including on cooperation on commercial basis). Preliminary rehearsal work with the participants who will speak at the press conference. Meeting and registration of journalists who came to the press conference. Distribution of handouts that make up the press kit. Conducting a press conference. If necessary, communication with journalists after the press conference. Distribution of the final press release to the media, whose representatives were invited, but did not come. Practice shows that your material can be published. Tracking the release of materials and preparing a selection of articles based on the results of the press conference.

Press tour.

press tour It is customary to call a complex field event prepared by an organization (company) specifically for journalists, the purpose of which is to familiarize media representatives with the activities of an enterprise, region, etc. etc.

A timed press tour can be designed for both several hours and several days. It all depends on what opportunities the organizers of this event have and what tasks they set for themselves.

Press tours are not carried out without reasons. So, the presence of an appropriate socially significant reason that can at least somehow interest the media is a must. For example, they opened a new production, launched new technology completed construction.

A press tour always involves journalists visiting several sites or events, even if the duration of a press meeting is 5-6 hours.


(The program of the press tour, the planned duration is six hours).

13.10 – 14.10 Coffee break.

14.20 - Departure to the intersection of Moskovsky Prospekt at the address ...

14.50 – 15.20 Donation to the city and installation of LED traffic lights

new generation. The gift is accepted by ___________________.

15.20 - Departure.

Public Relations Department


(The final release of the press tour, designed for three days).

GAZ Group updates diesel engines!

At the Yaroslavl Motor Plant began mass production highly environmentally friendly YaMZ-650 engines under a French license. The design capacity of production is 20 thousand engines per year. The volume of investments invested in the project is 60 million euros.

The YaMZ-650 heavy diesel engine with a capacity of 303 kW (412 hp) and a volume of 11 liters is a Russian modification of the French engineDCi-11, the license for the production of which GAZ Group acquired from Renault Trucks (France) in 2009.

From the 4th quarter of 2011 to the first half of 2012 YaMZ-650 engines will be assembled from components from global manufacturers. From the second half of 2012, the process of production of units and parts will begin at Russian enterprises, including those belonging to the GAZ Group.

The main consumers of the new engine are RUE "MAZ" (Republic of Belarus), (Russia), HC "AvtoKrAZ" (Ukraine), as well as enterprises of the CIS countries.

At a press conference dedicated to the launch of a new diesel engine(carried out as part of the press tour), were: Sergey Zanozin, Chairman of the Board of the GAZ Group, CEO Viktor Kadylkin, Director General of RUE "MAZ" Nikolai Kosten, Chairman of the Government Yaroslavl region Irina Skorokhodova, President of Renault Trucks (France)StefanoChmielewski. The event was attended by journalists from business and specialized automotive publications representing the federal media, as well as the media of Yaroslavl and the Republic of Belarus.

Before the solemn launch of the new engine at the plant, in the presence of guests and journalists, a water-blessed prayer service was served to mark the beginning of a new business. On the second day of the press tour, journalists were invited to the test site, where a test drive was organized in a MAZ car with a new YaMZ-650 engine.

Organizational and informational support of the press tour was provided by the public relations agency Vanguard PR.

Galina Sayapina External relations coordinator of Vanguard PR agency. Tel: ________________________________________ [email protected] ___________ www._________________

We (and any other journalists) are often asked to write about a company. At the same time, they say something like this: come to us (to distant lands) - and you will be happy to tell about us, all of you wonderful ones. In the eco/organic/healthy lifestyle segment, companies often mean that journalists will travel to them at their own expense: they will buy a train ticket or drive their own car 200 km along Russian superhighways. Everything - for the sake of the material, of course, laudatory. And it happens, yes! But still... wouldn't it be better to think about organizing a press tour?

For 2 months of the summer, LookBio journalists visited four enterprises and decided to write a material about what press tours are, thereby, as it were, hinting that a press tour is a necessity for an enterprise, and if organizing a press tour, then make it perfect.

1. Airplane-room-airplane press tour

This is a dying class of journalistic travel. Most often they are satisfied public services who need to bring a crowd of journalists to distant lands, make them turn on the recorder and write one line that sounds from the lips of a representative of the authorities: "everything will be fine."

If the journalist had not been brought so far, he would not have written this line, but since he flew for 6 hours by the Pobeda low-cost airline, then drove for two hours on a Gazelle without air conditioning in the heat, arrived at the administration of the city of N, where they gave him a drink, then it's a sin not to write a line: "Everything will be fine."

Conclusion: there is no need to save so much, what, after all, can a person write after a flight with Pobeda? Correctly! Ten negative reviews about the service. He is stupidly not up to you and your company, he shares his misfortune on social networks.

2. Press tour from Goodwin

Early, early in the morning you go to a distant but beautiful place. The whole description of the press tour beckoned you and promised true life, tasty details and good reporting.

Upon arrival, you realize that you were not expected. Someone really bought a ticket, someone called a taxi and brought you to the place, and someone's name is even indicated in the signature of the invitation to the press tour. But... At the gate you are met by an unfriendly watchman who does not want to let you or a couple of colleagues sent to their destination by the same wizard enter the territory.

And now you all call together and even find that very invisible wizard Goodwin. His voice guides you through the facility, but you're still not welcome here.

I think it was easier to find out information by coming here to buy a cow or repair ventilation than by dressing up as a journalist with a voice recorder and a camera.

Further wandering around the facility in search of at least someone who will give a comment causes bewilderment and irritation: why was it necessary to drag journalists so far, why waste money, even if there is no one to talk to. I understand that if we stumbled upon an unknown masterpiece by Rembrandt in the village of Uryupino, then maybe there is no need to explain anything. But we stumble upon herds of cows, rumbling workshops, harvesters and garbage cans. It won't work without explanation.

After such tours, silent photo galleries are born. This is for those who can take good pictures, and for people like me - winners of the contest "the most ridiculous angle", a saga of the unseen and unheard comes out.

3. You will be with us in Kolyma

This press tour should be classified as spontaneous. An invitation there is obtained at some event and in passing. The owner of factories, cows, meadows, fields will embrace you and, in joy that he will soon take off his tie, says: "You can always come to us, we will be happy to show you everything."

Well, in the summer, when the news and any other information background is scarce, you suddenly see a ticket to Kolyma for 5 thousand rubles. You take it and rush to the far-distance.

There are options here: lucky or not. If you are lucky, then wonderful people will show their wonderful undertakings, talk about the process, and you will slowly delve into the features of breeding worms in organic farming, methods of dealing with aphids and the Colorado potato beetle. This is very important and valuable, because with the onset of autumn, time seems to disappear and you will start at a speed typewriter unsubscribe diving news.

If you're not lucky, the owner won't recognize you. No, did you really think he remembered all the journalists? Well, the man invited. A figure of speech, a rhetorical invitation, nothing more - I will say to myself and go to the nearest hotel to stay, thinking about what kind of report to write from this area.

4. The perfect press tour

Of course, they are fed and driven in it by a regular Lufthansa flight or - so be it - by Aeroflot. A car with air conditioning and an escort who, on the way, tells the basic things that will help the journalist to understand the issue.

Yes, before the press tour, the journalist was sent information about the company or the purpose of the event, as well as the tour program. Ideally, if the tour program is followed without deviations from the schedule.

The journalist always wants to drink and eat. Until 19.00, let's have non-alcoholic drinks, and after that you can also have alcoholic drinks - there will be no limit to gratitude. It is better to feed three times a day. It is also advisable to let journalists sleep. Eight hours is perfect. But note that journalists are people too, and besides eight hours of sleep, they need a little time to wash themselves, call home, contact the editors, and even - and this happens! - be able to go to the toilet.

It is better to provide Internet access or warn where it will be. Sockets for recharging laptops, tablets and phones are very necessary.

If you want a journalist to write material based on the results, then it is better to think about what he can write about and give him data. We cannot come up with material, we really need to know the numbers, objective estimates, your plans, business structure, point of view and a lot of other details that readers love so much.

Be prepared for sincerity and do not tell memorized answers, they cannot be put in an article. If you don't want to talk, don't waste your money on a press tour, send a press release and maybe you'll get lucky and get it published.

Formulate what you want from the press tour, what kind of materials. Journalists, most often, need fresh information. Consider what you can provide. Some new information may be followed by clarifications. Yes, our readers are also very fond of stories. How the great-grandfather of the founder of the company lay down in the forest and dreamed of a bleating goat, and he began to breed goats. Or how the company couldn’t bake kalach, and then someone accidentally added rye flour to wheat flour and the kalach was a success. Do not forget about stories, they decorate the accumulation of facts.

It’s good if there is a photographer on the press tour who can then provide pictures. There are incidents when you can’t shoot during a press tour. Then warn about it in advance and think about what materials the journalist can illustrate his report with.

Set aside time for journalists to chat with the speaker to ask him questions that are of interest to readers of a particular publication.

After a perfect press tour, you always want to come again, write only good things about the company and be friends with the PR department. Of course, we fight for objectivity, but when you have been lovingly devoted a couple of days of your life, how can you not take another comment or check the slander of a competing company?

In conclusion, I will say that today press tours have become rare, which is why I want them to be successful and enjoyable. Curiosity is our profession, so whatever kind of press tour you have in mind, we will come, but the perfect press tour is more useful!

Organization of a press tour

The press tour should have a clear goal of spreading information about the company. During this event, journalists need to get new facts that are valuable to the audience.

As with other media relations events, the press tour must be well organized. It should not be turned into an ordinary outdoor party with great free food and drink (unless it's just an entertaining walk). With poor organization, deceived or irritated journalists can produce completely undesirable stories.

Organizing a press tour starts with planning. First, the tasks to be solved are identified. Next, the type of press tour, place, time (dates and length), transport, route, place and conditions of accommodation are selected, the circle of invited journalists (possibly other guests) is determined, a program is developed, security issues are resolved, necessary materials, responsible employees are appointed, etc.

The program provides for detailed detailing, excluding temporary pauses, delays, inconsistencies, etc. It may include, for example, such items:

– collection (time and place),

– departure (time and place),

– breakfast (time and place),

- meeting with ... (time, place, name, surname, position),

- visiting ... (time, place),

Journalists must constantly feel cared for, from meeting at the gathering place to leaving at a predetermined point. A representative of the company needs to be nearby at any time and be able to tell where you can park your car, which bus (train, etc.) you need to get on, what seats to take, where the toilet is, what time the stop will be, with whom the next meeting is planned, what provided in the evening cultural program, where you can get a route map, other information materials, etc.

The route should not be too long, tiring. It must first be carefully considered. If the journalists will move independently, then it is necessary to place signs-tablets. In order to avoid confusion and turmoil, it is better to organize groups to which guides are attached.

If any equipment is shown, it must be clean enough and safe for journalists. The attendants should also be dressed in decent overalls, be friendly to the sightseers, and be prepared for the fact that one of the journalists wants to ask a few questions.

Place journalists next to company representatives so they can communicate informally throughout the press tour.

Organizers should not have more comfortable places and conditions than journalists. This will not go unnoticed.

It is better not to try to save money on cheap transport, housing, food, etc. This will also annoy journalists. No matter how long the press tour was, whether a light breakfast or a luxurious buffet was organized, journalists will always pay attention to what was on the plate.

Visiting the event site, on the one hand, gives editorial staff fresh impressions, a certain freedom in selecting facts, on the other hand, it requires special responsibility of the organizers - journalists can notice something that company representatives did not pay due attention to.

First of all, company representatives should look at the event through the eyes of journalists. After all, press workers are likely to pay attention to what they are used to or what the company's employees do not want to notice. Any little things can distract journalists from the main thing, "blur" the information picture.

A press tour for a journalist begins with a personal invitation. Even if everyone is invited to the open day and the announcement is published in the media, editorial staff should be invited separately. The invitation describes the essence of the upcoming press tour (information that can be obtained with its help), indicates the dates and place, indicates whether the event is completely or partially free of charge, etc. A detailed program of the press tour is attached to the invitation, as well as instructions how to get to the meeting point, what it is advisable to take with you, how to confirm your participation, etc.

Of course, invitations must be sent out well in advance.

In order for journalists to work with as complete and accurate information as possible, the necessary materials should be prepared for them: lists of people who will meet during the press tour, their biographies, press releases, photos and videos. For each specific press tour, you need to develop your own specific media kit.

At the end of the press tour, gifts are usually distributed to cheer up the guests. These can be samples of products manufactured at the visited site or some branded souvenirs of the company.

If a large number of journalists participate in the press tour, then it is worth breaking them into groups in advance, attaching a representative of the company to each of them.

In order for the press tour to be held at a high level, Special attention should be given to the training of accompanying personnel. Each representative of the company must have a badge with the name and surname. If the press tour takes place in a crowded place, then you need to have a special flag or other identification mark. If it is very noisy around, then a company representative should provide a megaphone. Transport must be equipped with the appropriate equipment so that everyone can hear what the guide says.

All representatives of the company or specially hired guides must undergo the necessary training in order to help journalists at any time. Including answering some questions related to the specifics of the equipment or technologies used at the visited site. Also, company representatives should know what to do in unforeseen situations (accident, illness attack, etc.)


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