Business methodology. Methodological foundations of commercial activities. The Role and Significance of Business in Market Conditions

The concept of the methodology of the organization's commercial activities

Implementation commercial activities is a prerequisite effective work trade enterprise. The basis of trade is the purchase and sale of goods, but the sale and purchase is only part of the commercial processes, since commercial activities in the field of commodity circulation cover the sale, purchase and distribution of goods.

Trade and commerce are interconnected, as changes in trade technology are accompanied by changes in commercial business. This relationship is as follows:

  • ? business strategy is aimed at bringing goods to consumers;
  • ? commercial activity in practice is aimed at the development of trade;
  • ? customer satisfaction, organization of trade service and making a profit;
  • ? commercial processes should be viewed in conjunction with the commercial services of trade enterprises.

All this testifies to the importance of commercial activity and its components for effective activity in the commercial sphere. To master commercial business as a field of practical activity, it is necessary to study its methodology in detail.

It is necessary to distinguish between the methodology of the discipline "Commercial activity" and the methodology of practical activities in trade. Business as an academic discipline is a system of principles, regulations and methods. From the point of view of practice, methodology is the study of structure, organization, methods and means of activity. In short - the doctrine of the organization of activities.

To organize commercial activity in an enterprise means to organize it into an integral system with clearly defined characteristics, concepts, logical structure and the process of its implementation. Commercial activity has its own system of concepts, with the help of which the studied commercial processes are most fully reflected.

Commerce uses economic categories such as property, market, need, resources, etc.

To generalize the basic properties of commercial processes, concepts such as system, organization, enterprise structure, mission, purpose of activity, subjects and objects are used.

Commercial and technological processes in the field of commodity circulation are disclosed using concepts such as purchase, sale, resale, commodity movement and service.

In the implementation of commercial activities, the concept of organization matters. Organization (from Lat. "I report a slender look, I arrange") is considered in three aspects.

Aspect 1. Internal orderliness, consistency in the interaction of parts of a whole, for example, a commercial enterprise or the activities of a commerce specialist.

Aspect 2. A set of processes or actions leading to the formation and improvement of relationships between parts of a whole, for example, between divisions of an enterprise, between employees of an enterprise.

Aspect 3. An association of people who jointly implement the program and act on the basis of certain procedures and rules.

In general, the complex of three components of the organization gives an idea of ​​the activities of a trading enterprise.

Appropriate methods are used to organize the commercial activities of a trading enterprise. Leading general scientific method is a systemic method that allows us to consider the commercial activity of an enterprise as a system with its inherent characteristics. The use of mathematical methods makes it possible to study the performance indicators associated with the purchase, promotion and sale of goods.

In modern conditions, it is widespread to study the commercial activities of enterprises by building models that reflect the creation of commodity stocks, the formation of an assortment, and a forecast of market development. For a commerce specialist, skills in using software to record and analyze the results of trading operations.

Thus, for successful practical activity in the field of commodity circulation, both theoretical knowledge and practical skills are needed.

Entrepreneurship and represent an independent, any initiative activity of individual citizens or groups of citizens, which they carry out at their own peril and risk, at their own property liability and aimed mainly at obtaining economic benefits in the form of profits.

Depending on the main field of activity, there are several types of entrepreneurship and business - manufacturing business, commercial, financial business and etc.

The concept of "commerce" arose later (from the Latin "commerce" - trade). In the broadest sense, it is entrepreneurial activity in the commercial sphere.

According to Dahl's dictionary commerce - this is trade, trade turnover, merchant crafts, according to Ozhegov's dictionary - trade, trade operations. In the dictionary "Language of the Market" (1992), commerce is considered as trade, as any sale of goods in the form of a trade, regardless of whether they are produced by the distributor or purchased from others. Required condition in this activity is that it is always aimed at obtaining commercial (trade) profit.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, commerce was given great importance, and it was even introduced honorary title"Commerce Advisor". (Today - Merited Worker of Trade.)

In modern literature there are many definitions of the concept of "commerce".

In the narrow sense of the word "Commerce" - it is the acquisition and sale (sale) of goods. In more broad sense commerce means any entrepreneurial activity aimed at making a profit, i.e. commerce is, as it were, an integral part of entrepreneurship.

When characterizing commercial activities, the following are used economic concepts: market, needs, property, resources, price, utility, etc. Technological and organizational processes of sales management are associated with the concepts: purchase, sale, supply of goods, service, etc. , organization structure, purpose, subjects, objects, etc.

It is these basic concepts that make up the structure of commercial activity.

When studying the problems of commerce, these concepts are considered in an integrated manner.

Carrying out a commercial activity is associated with an organization. There are many definitions of organization, from which the concept of organization as a rational system aimed at achieving a goal is usually distinguished.

On the one hand, organization is understood as internal orderliness, consistency, interaction between parts of the whole, due to its structure. On the other hand, it is a set of processes and actions that lead to the formation and improvement of the relationship between the parts of the whole.

The organization of the commercial activity of a commercial enterprise includes certain patterns of functioning and interaction of its elements (parts).

The main elements of the organization are:

people who are part of this organization;

the goals for which the organization exists;

management, which sets in motion the potential of the organization to achieve its goals.

Therefore, the concept of organization is closely related to the concept of management.

An organization is a systematic, conscious association of the actions of people pursuing certain goals and acting on the basis of certain rules and procedures.

Thus, the concept of organization is applicable to both objects and subjects of commercial activity.

When analyzing commercial activities, all phenomena are considered in motion, development and change, the positive and negative sides are investigated, internal contradictions are studied, cause-and-effect relationships are identified and analyzed.

The set of research techniques used in the study of this discipline is a methodology that includes both general scientific and special methods of cognition (research).

To research commercial activities, the following are used:

general scientific methods - the method of dialectical materialism, system analysis, mathematical methods, methods of modeling, observation, experiment, analogy, grouping, comparison, etc. These methods are based on the historical development of phenomena and processes, on the study of concepts and the transition from simple to more complex ones, highlighting the tendency of their continuous improvement and development;

Introduction …………………………………………………………………… .... 3

1. Commercial activity as a subject of statistical observation ... 4

2. Objectives and system of indicators ……………………………………………… .5

3. Fundamentals of the methodology of business statistics ………… .11

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………… ..17

List of used literature …………………………………………… 18


The purpose of this test work explore the concept of business statistics. The object of the research is the commercial activity itself.

The formation of market relations opens up space for the development of commercial relations. Market relations involve producers, resellers and consumers in a single and interdependent system. In the market for goods and services, a mechanism is emerging that determines the receipt of profit by a merchant through meeting consumer demand.

The tasks of the test work to consider in detail commercial activity as a subject of statistical observation, a system of indicators for statistics of commercial activity, statistical methodology, methods of collecting marketing information.

A businessman, manager, economist, analyst, in order to become a highly qualified specialist in their field, must master the techniques and methods of statistical accounting, analysis and forecasting. That is why the statistics of commercial activity occupies an important place in the system of training specialists working in commercial structures.

The structure of the work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion and a list of used literature.


The success of commercial activities largely depends on an adequate assessment of the market situation, the own capabilities and potential of a competitor, the validity of the forecast of the consequences decisions taken, the degree of risk in the market. Statistics possesses such information and methodology for its analysis and forecasting. A businessman, manager, economist, analyst, in order to become a highly qualified specialist in their field, must master the techniques and methods of statistical accounting, analysis and forecasting. That is why the statistics of commercial activity occupies an important place in the system of training specialists working in commercial structures.

Business statistics are closely related to marketing and contribute to the development of the optimal market strategy and the adoption of the necessary management decisions in all levels of management, in any business situation. It is an integral part of a new direction in statistical science and practice - business statistics.

As a scientific discipline, business statistics studies the statistical methodology of accounting, analysis and forecasting of patterns and trends emerging in the market of goods and services, the processes of generating income and profits, the state of finances of commercial structures, conditions for effective business investment, and the effectiveness of commercial investments.

The subject of business statistics is the process of generating profits in the field of activities of commercial enterprises in the market of goods and services. Business statistics analyzes the characteristics of sellers and consumers of goods and services, studies the conditions and results of the process of movement of goods from the sphere of production to the sphere of consumption; and also comprehensively researches technologies for the development of commercial processes in an inextricable connection with their quality side.

Commerce is a word of Latin origin (from the Latin "commerce", ie trade).

Commercial activity is aimed at the implementation of specific goods and services and is a set of processes associated with a change in the forms of value, and therefore with the purchase and sale of goods. Commercial processes also include some processes that ensure the normal implementation of transactions for the purchase and sale of goods in the field of commodity circulation: the study of consumer demand, the organization of economic relations between suppliers and buyers of goods, advertising of goods, bulk purchases.

The course statistics of commercial activities in the market of goods and services is based on the knowledge of students economic theory, general theory of statistics, mathematical statistics, accounting... It is closely related to market statistics and marketing.


The tasks of business statistics stem from the peculiarities of the formation of market relations in the sphere of commodity circulation.

The general task of business statistics is to create an information base for studying commercial processes in the market of goods and services.

To form such an information base, it is necessary to develop modern system indicators of business statistics, which would allow the most accurate and complete reflection of the processes occurring in the market of goods and services, since without this it is impossible to conduct a reliable and high-quality analysis of commercial phenomena and processes, and, consequently, to ensure their effective organization, management of commercial activities ...

The main tasks facing business statistics at the present time can be formulated as follows.

1. Study of the state and development of the market for goods and services, which involves the analysis of market conditions, levels of monopolization and competition, research business activity, assessment of economic risk.

2. Analysis of the process of selling goods and services. It not only allows you to characterize the process of meeting the demand of the population for consumer goods, but also provides information necessary to study and predict consumer demand, the state and development of the market for goods.

3. Analysis of the process of commodity circulation. Special attention in the study of commodity circulation, it is paid to the study of indicators of commodity stocks, which, on the one hand, are an indicator of the state of the market for goods and services, and, on the other hand, - the most important factor costs in commerce and, therefore, profit; as well as indicators of turnover.

4. Assessment of commercial risk by statistical methods, using a set of statistical methods for analyzing the feasibility of costs, the method of expert assessments, etc.

5. Analysis of the finances of commercial enterprises and firms, ie. system of indicators characterizing the final financial results their activities, as well as indicators of the formation and distribution of profits, incomes, the level of profitability (profitability), financial condition.

6. Determination of optimality labor costs in commercial activities, taking into account the factors affecting labor productivity and quality.

7. Study of the formation and use of profit in the field of commodity circulation, ie. the final results of commercial and financial activities in the field of commodity circulation, which are characterized by indicators of profit and profitability, as well as a system of indicators of inventory turnover.

8. Analysis of market prices and goods. The transition to free prices necessitates an analysis of the level, structure, ratio, dynamics, variation and elasticity of prices and tariffs. The study of the influence of prices on the promotion of the sale of goods and services is of great importance. When analyzing the structure of market prices, the mechanism of profit formation is investigated.

9. Assessment and analysis of commercial investments. This is one of the global areas of statistical study of business activities.

10. Research of the infrastructure of commercial activity, material and technical base of trade and services. This task, like others, is being transformed in accordance with the requirements of the modern market. There is a need to study small business, assess and analyze the effectiveness of privatization processes, as well as advertising and its impact on the results of commercial activities.

11. Study of labor and labor costs in commercial activities, ie. analysis of the number, composition and dynamics of the labor contingent, analysis of the labor market in the commercial sphere, employment in commercial structures and remuneration of employees of commercial enterprises and organizations.

12. Analysis of the effectiveness of commercial processes. This analysis is carried out at the final stage of the statistical study of commercial activities. It involves comparing the final results with the costs incurred, analyzing the indicators of distribution costs, profit and profitability, taxation, labor cost efficiency, its quality and impact on profit, the efficiency of using the main and working capital, the degree of customer satisfaction and the quality of customer service.

In accordance with the tasks discussed above, the statistics of commercial activity studies commodity circulation using a system of indicators. These indicators are inextricably linked and united, but, at the same time, reflect different aspects of commercial processes.

Such a system of indicators can be presented in the form of the following groups.

Indicators characterizing the type of market and the processes of buying and selling:

Commodity circulation;

Customer demand;

Ratio product offer and customer demand;

Market volume;

Market saturation;

Indicators of the level of monopolization of market competition;

Economic and commercial market indicators;

Market segmentation indicators;

Portfolio of orders;

Indicators of turnover (gross, net, wholesale, retail);

Indicators of the volume of services sold to the population;

Indicators of the volume of services sold per capita;

Indicators of the structure of trade;

Indicators of the structure of services sold to the population;

Indicators of the dynamics of goods turnover;

Stock indicators;

Indicators of turnover.

Indicators of finance and credit statistics:

Indicators of the volume, structure and dynamics of the authorized capital;

Indicators of the volume, structure, dynamics and efficiency of the use of own and borrowed funds;

Indicators of the effectiveness of the use of loans;

Indicators of the volume, composition, dynamics and efficiency of the use of working capital;

Indicators of the structure and dynamics of the balance of income and expenses of commercial enterprises and organizations;

Liquidity indicators;

Financial (credit) risk assessment indicators;

Indicators of insurance of commercial enterprises.

Commercial investment indicators:

Indicators of the volume, structure, dynamics of investments according to their intended purpose;

Indicators of the composition of investors;

Commercial investment performance indicators;

Indicators of the volume, structure, dynamics and efficiency of the use of capital investments in trade and services.

Indicators of market prices and tariffs for goods and services:

Indicators of turnover (gross, net, wholesale);

Indicators of the structure of retail prices;

Indicators of the dynamics of retail prices and tariffs;

Indicators of price competition;

Indicators of exchange quotations;

The indices of the purchasing power of the ruble and the monetary income of the population.

Logistics indicators:

Warehouse link ratio;

Indicators of the need for warehouse space;

Indicators of commodity losses;

Warehouse cargo turnover;

Cost of warehouse processing of cargo;

Indicators of container transportability;

Indicators of the uniformity and rhythm of the supply of the retail trade enterprise;

Delivery rates;

Indicators of the formation of the assortment of goods;

Indicators of the placement of goods in the trading floor;

Indicators of types of sales of goods.

Business Infrastructure Indicators:

Indicators of the material and technical base of trade (number, size, level of technical equipment of trade and service enterprises);

Indicators of development, specialization and concentration of the material and technical base of trade and services;

Indicators of the state and use of fixed assets in trade and services;

Indicators of the density of the network of enterprises;

Indicators of the number, composition and size of specialized commercial enterprises serving commercial activities;

Indicators of volume, structure, dynamics advertising services and the effectiveness of the use of advertising in commercial activities.

Indicators of labor statistics in commercial activities:

Indicators of the size and dynamics of the labor contingent employed in commercial activities;

Indicators of the level and productivity of workers in enterprises;

Working time efficiency indicators;

Indicators of remuneration of employees of commercial enterprises;

Indicators characterizing the labor market in trade and services (employment rate).

Business performance indicators:

Indicators of volume, structure and dynamics of profit;

Indicators of the level of profitability and its dynamics;

Indicators of the volume, structure and dynamics of distribution costs and their deplorable level;

Business taxation indicators;

Indicators of labor cost efficiency in trade and services;

Consumer service quality indicators;

Indicators of the degree of satisfaction of customer demand;

Generalizing indicators of socio-economic and financial-economic activity in trade and services.

The given system of indicators of business statistics provides rich material for their analysis. In the context of improving the economic mechanism in commercial activities, the number of indicators is reduced. They are being unified, some of them are getting new economic content. Part dies off as unnecessary. In the new conditions in the statistics of commercial activity, the development of a generalized indicator for measuring the standard of living of the population is becoming increasingly important. social groups profitability, and for other individual segments of society.


Mastering the statistical methodology is one of the prerequisites for understanding the market situation, supply and demand trends and their forecasting, making optimal decisions at all levels of commercial activity in the market of goods and services.

The general basis for the development and application of statistical methodology is the principles of the dialectical approach to the study of the phenomena of social life. This, first of all, means the requirement to consider the factors characterizing the studied phenomena, as a whole, in interconnection and interdependence.

In business statistics, the method of statistical observation is widely used, with the help of which, according to a predetermined range of issues, the income of the population is monitored, the prices of food and non-food products, the opinion of buyers about the quality of goods, the feasibility of expanding production, etc.

For correct definition the economic significance of the indicators of business statistics, the grouping method is applied.

Grouping is an integral part of any economic research. It allows you to study certain economic phenomena in their interconnection and interdependence, to reveal the influence of the most significant factors, to discover certain patterns and tendencies inherent in these phenomena and processes. With the help of groupings, it is possible to dismember the aggregates according to individual varying characteristics into groups and study the change in their group composition, it is possible to identify connections and dependencies between individual parties and performance indicators of enterprises of various forms of ownership. In this case, typological, structural and analytical groupings are used. The object of study can be both the enterprises themselves or their internal self-supporting subdivisions, and the same type of business operations. The variety of social phenomena necessitates a differentiated approach to the formation and use of typological groupings.

Structural groupings are used, as their name indicates, when studying the composition of the enterprises themselves (by production capacity, the level of mechanization, labor productivity, and other characteristics), as well as the structure of products (by types and given assortment). With the help of structural groupings, for example, the composition of trade by commodity groups is studied; trade network - by specialization; trade workers - by profession, age, work experience, education, etc.

However, in commercial activities, a different type of grouping is often used. So, to study the phenomenon, as well as the connection between individual signs of the phenomenon, analytical groupings are used.

Analytical groupings, covering essentially typological and structural, are designed to identify the relationship, interdependence and interaction between the studied phenomena, objects, indicators.

In the analysis of commercial activities, multidimensional groupings can also be applied, expanding the capabilities of the characteristics of the commercial activities of enterprises.

In the statistics of commercial activities, the summary of materials ends with the calculation of summary indicators: absolute (total), average and relative values. Absolute values ​​expressing the sizes (levels, volumes) of phenomena and processes are obtained as a result of statistical observation and a summary of the initial information. They are widely used in trading practice, in the analysis and forecasting of commercial activities. On their basis, business contracts are drawn up, the volume of demand for specific goods, products, etc. is estimated.

Relative values ​​in statistics represent the quotient of the division of two statistical quantities and characterize the quantitative relationship between them. And analysis is, first of all, comparison, comparison of statistical data. The comparison results in qualitative assessment economic phenomena, which is expressed in the form of relative values.

Average values ​​are equally important in the analysis of commercial activities. In analytical calculations, they are used, based on the need, various forms averages - arithmetic mean, harmonic weighted mean, chronological mean of the moment series, mode, median.

With the help of various quantities (groupings, general), calculated on the basis of mass data on qualitatively homogeneous phenomena, it is possible to determine general trends and patterns of development of commercial processes.

Many indicators of business statistics are interrelated and this relationship is analyzed using the balance sheet method.

Commercial activity in the market for goods and services develops over time. The study of the changes occurring in this case is one of the necessary conditions recognition of the patterns of their dynamics. The dynamism of socio-economic phenomena is the result of the interaction of various causes and conditions, the combined action of which occurs in time. In this regard, in the statistical study of the dynamics of commercial activity, time appears as a collective factor of development. The main purpose of the statistical study of the dynamics of commercial activities is to identify and measure the patterns of their development over time. This is achieved through the construction and analysis of statistical series of dynamics.

Building time series and calculating analytical indicators based on them are the most important statistical method, which makes it possible to study the processes of commercial activity in their development, both over a short period of time and over a long period. With their help, the laws inherent in the development of commercial activities in our country and abroad are studied.

A sampling method is often used to evaluate business activities. Changes in the nature of economic relations, types of management and forms of ownership lead to changes in the functions of accounting and statistics, reduction and simplification of reporting. At the same time, the increasing requirements for management increase the need for operative and reliable information; to obtain it in the economy, the selective method is often used.

The index method is widely used in the analysis of commercial activities. It allows you to obtain a generalized description of the dynamics of prices, the physical volume of goods turnover, labor productivity in the sphere of circulation, the rate of turnover of goods, the relative level of costs of circulation of profit; to identify the factors influencing the dynamics of these indicators.

In the study of commercial activities in the market of goods and services, modern economic and mathematical methods are used: correlation and regression analysis, linear programming, dynamic programming, mathematical game theory, mathematical theory queuing, matrix methods of analysis. Analysis of variance, cluster analysis, the method of expert assessments, etc.

The method is important in the study of commercial activities. graphic image statistical information. It is widely used to illustrate the current state of affairs in the market for goods and services, the conjuncture of supply and demand, and advertising of goods.

The final stage of any research is the conclusions that need to be formulated as a result of the research, and it is advisable to draw up the results obtained in tables, strictly adhering to the rules for constructing statistical tables. When analyzing tabular material, it is necessary to highlight the main thing, without completely retelling the contents of the table. It is very useful to illustrate the conclusions with graphs and diagrams.

Methods of collecting marketing information.

Internal accounting and reporting (it consists of mandatory reporting submitted to statistical organizations and the tax service, and reporting, which is necessary for marketing purposes);

Special consumer surveys, in particular a sample of consumers;

Special surveys of trade workers, in particular trade correspondents;

Direct observation (used relatively rarely, as an additional way to obtain information);

Surveys (as a rule, selective) of consumers and specialists are usually carried out for the purpose of market analysis;

Interview (a form of oral analysis), both individual and group interviews are used;

Questionnaire (form of a written survey); distinguish between the expeditionary method. When the registrar hands in the questionnaire himself and often fills it out with his own hand, and the correspondent method, when the questionnaire is sent and returned by mail; the way when the respondent (the person answering the questionnaire) fills out the questionnaire himself is called self-registration;

Expert assessments are one of the most progressive ways to obtain reliable information or forecast. Their essence lies in the fact that a specially selected group of professionals gives an answer to the questions (questionnaire), and their answers are subjected to statistical processing in order to increase the degree of their consistency and obtain reasonable characteristics. In marketing, the most famous are the Delphi method, the brainstorming method, the synectics method, the method of logical-semantic modeling of problems;

Business meeting - a variant of the method of expert assessments, when the management team of the company gathers and in the process of discussion, agreed business assessments are developed;

Expert method (trial marketing) - a trial batch of goods is offered in a limited area or a certain group of consumers; in the process of implementation, the opinions and preferences of buyers, their demand are revealed; changing the terms of sale, prices, quality characteristics and product design. Demand patterns can be identified and modeled;

Simulation models - data on the selective sale of goods, the main proportions and relationships identified as a result of the research are put into the computer; the reaction of consumers to changes in the implementation parameters is reflected by the computer in the form of the corresponding characteristics of the model.


Let's summarize all of the above.

The main tasks facing the statistics of commercial activity at the present time are: study of the state and development of the market for goods and services; analysis of the process of selling goods and services; analysis of the product distribution process; assessment of commercial risk by statistical methods; analysis of the finances of commercial enterprises and firms; determination of the optimality of labor costs; study of the formation and use of profit in the field of commodity circulation; analysis of market prices and goods; appraisal and analysis of commercial investments; research of the infrastructure of commercial activities, material and technical base of trade and services; study of labor and labor costs in commercial activities; analysis of the effectiveness of commercial processes.

In accordance with the tasks discussed above, the statistics of commercial activity studies commodity circulation using a system of indicators. Such a system of indicators can be presented in the form of the following groups: indicators characterizing the type of market and the processes of buying and selling; indicators of finance and credit statistics; commercial investment indicators; indicators of market prices and tariffs for goods and services; logistics indicators; business infrastructure indicators; indicators of labor statistics in commercial activities; indicators of the effectiveness of commercial activities.

Business statistics methods: statistical observation; grouping method; balance method; sampling method; index method; economic and mathematical method; method of graphical presentation of statistical information.

Methods of collecting marketing information: intra-company accounting and reporting; special surveys of consumers and trade workers; special consumer surveys; direct observation; polls; interview; questioning; expert assessments; simulation models.


1. Statistics of commercial activities: textbook / O.E. Bashin (and others); under the general ed. I.K. Belyaevsky, O.E. Bashina. - M .: Finstatinform, 1996.

2. Glinsky V.V., Ionin V.G. Statistical analysis: uch. allowance / V.V., Glinsky, V.G. Ionin. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Inf. published by the house "Filin", 1998.

3. Godin AM Statistics: Textbook. - 6th ed., Rev. and rev. - M .: Publishing and trade corporation "Dashkov and K", 2008.

4. Social statistics: textbook / ed. I. I. Eliseeva. - 3rd ed., Add. and revised - M .: FiS, 2002.

5. General theory of statistics. Statistical methodology in the study of commercial activities: Textbook. / Ed. prof. AA. Spirina and prof. O.E. Bashina. Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 2003.
6. Statistics of the market for goods and services: Textbook. / I.K. Belyaevsky, G. D. Kulagina, A. V. Short and others, ed. I.K. Belyaevsky M .: Finance and Statistics, 2002.
7. Economics and statistics of firms: Textbook. / V.E. Adamov, S.D. Ilyenkova, T.P. Sirotina and others: Ed. prof. S. D. Ilyenkova: M .: Finance and Statistics, 2003.
8. Yarnykh E.A. Trade enterprise finance statistics. Textbook 2nd ed., Correction and addition / M .: Finance and statistics, 2005.

1.2 Basic forms and methods of commercial activity

The commercial activities of retailers are subdivided into:

Purchasing activity(material and technical support);


Sales activities.

In connection with the transition to market principles of activity, the content of the material and technical support of enterprises has changed significantly: instead of the so-called "implementation of allocated funds", which is an integral part of the centralized distribution of material resources, enterprises freely purchase them from suppliers and other entities commodity market... In these conditions, when purchasing material resources, enterprises should be guided by freedom of pricing, maximum initiative and enterprise, equality of partners in commercial relations, take into account economic responsibility when purchasing raw materials and materials, take into account competition among suppliers and be able to choose an economically profitable supplier. When purchasing material resources, an enterprise must study the market for raw materials and materials, know the dynamics of prices in this market, delivery costs, the possibility of effectively replacing some materials with others. Therefore, purchasing commercial activity at enterprises consists of the following stages:

Research of the market of raw materials and materials and the organization of commercial relations with suppliers;

Drawing up a procurement plan for material resources;

Organization of procurement of material resources;

Conducting settlements with suppliers for purchased products;

Cost analysis of the procurement sector.

Wide application of logistics in practice economic activity is explained by the need to reduce the time intervals between the purchase of raw materials and the delivery of goods to the end consumer. Logistics allows you to minimize stocks of goods, and in some cases completely abandon their use, allows you to significantly reduce the delivery time of goods, speeds up the process of obtaining information, and increases the level of service. The activities in the field of logistics are multifaceted. It includes transport management, warehouse facilities, reserves, personnel, organization information systems, commercial activities and much more.

Sales commercial work is the most important aspect of the commercial activity of the enterprise. Marketing is the process of selling manufactured products with the aim of converting goods into money and satisfying the needs of consumers. Only by selling the goods and making a profit, the company reaches ultimate goal: the capital spent takes a monetary form in which it can begin its circulation.

The sales business at the enterprise is multifaceted and includes such areas as market research, product assortment planning and product sales, establishing commercial relationships with customers and end consumers... The commercial activity of a sales company is a component of the entire system of its functional activities, an integrated function of the enterprise.

Commercial activity is represented by the totality of all functional activities carried out after the completion of the production stage (at the end of the manufacture of products) up to the direct sale of the goods to the buyer, delivery to the consumer and after-sales service. The logistic approach to the organization of the functional activity of the enterprise determines the following definitions of the purpose, subject, subjects and objects, the nature and content of commercial activity.

The purpose of commercial activity is to bring to specific consumers of a specific product the required consumer properties v the required amount, v exact time, in a specific location, at an acceptable cost.

The subject of commercial activity is the products, services of a commercial enterprise.

Commercial entities - trade enterprises and intermediary sales organizations.

The objects of commercial activity are the buyers of the goods.

It should be noted that the definition of objects of commercial activity in this case is given on the basis of the final direction of commercial activity. The subjects and objects of commercial activity should not be identified with the subjects of the transaction (in particular, purchase and sale, lease).

The role and significance of commercial activities are as follows:

1) commercial activity, being in a certain sense a continuation of production, not only preserves the created use value and the value of the goods, but creates additional, thereby increasing its overall value;

2) commercial activity not only realizes the corporate mission, but also determines it to a certain extent;

3) commercial activity is effective, because to a certain extent it determines and ultimately manifests and implements all the economic and financial results of the enterprise;

4) commercial activity as a type of functional activity of an enterprise in the entire chain and system of creating a product is one of the sources of its competitive advantage as direct (within own organization), and indirect (in the system of organizing its economic ties and business relationship with partners) effects.

The main function of commercial activity is the direct sale of products.

Ancillary functions of a commercial nature are marketing and legal functions. Marketing functions of a commercial nature are to determine, study and form a consumer reaction to the economic content of the subject of sale and include the following two main groups: study and formation of demand and communication promotion. The first group of functions involves the study of needs and demand; search and identification of buyers (consumers); market research; the formation of demand, etc. The second group of functions presupposes, respectively advertising activities; public relations; personal promotion; sales promotion.

Legal functions are determined by the processes of legal justification and determination of the legal status of the economic content of commercial activities, legal support and protection. The main functions of a technological nature are also two groups of relatively independent functions: storage - warehousing and distribution - delivery.

The functions of the first group can be carried out by the enterprise itself.

Distribution directly as a functional activity, as a function of commercial activity, an enterprise consists in the implementation of targeted distribution of goods and delivery of goods to specific consumers.

Auxiliary functions of a technological nature are functions pre-sale preparation, after-sales service. These functions are determined by the processes of formation of the material embodiment of the subject of commercial activity, resulting in its economic content (value and use value).

Own system commercial activity involves the implementation of all marketing functions by entities (warehouse, transport, trade, etc.), in organizational, legal, as well as economic and administrative relations dependent on the enterprise - its direct subdivisions, branches, etc. management of their activities.

An independent sales system presupposes the implementation of sales functions by legal and economic independent intermediaries.

The presence or absence of intermediaries determines the following marketing methods:

1) direct, or direct, sales (based on direct contacts with customers);

2) indirect, or mediated, marketing (on the basis of mediated links - services of various kinds of intermediaries);

3) Combined or mixed marketing involves the use of both direct and indirect links with customers.

Information about the work "Improving the organization of commercial activities of a retail enterprise. (On the example of" Tri Kita "LLC)"

A single store has nothing to do with organizing a nationwide retail network. Section 3 Development of programs for the development of the retail trade enterprise "Panda" 3.1 Development of recommendations for the organization trading activities Departments of Women's Clothing IP Kolpakova T.I. IE Kolpakova T. And the department of women's clothing "Panda" is located in mall"Rus" and "Neon" and ...

Goods and services and making a profit on this basis. The subject of the enterprise is: - retail non-food products for children and related products popular consumption; - rendering paid services the population; - development of small-scale retail trade; - organization of exhibitions, sales exhibitions, fairs, advertising events; - foreign economic ...

For fabrics of grade II, no more than one common defect is allowed. Deviations from the dyeing strength standards are not allowed for grade I cotton fabrics. Chapter 2. Analysis of the assortment, quality and competitiveness of cotton fabrics sold by the store "Fantasy" 2.1 Characteristics of the organizational and commercial activities of the store "Fantasy" Store "Fantasy" - ...


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