OAO Pharmaceutical Plant Egis Hungary. The activities of the company "egis

Drugs that inhibit the formation of urinary calculi and excrete them in the urine.


The active substance is allopurinol.


Aegis pharmaceutical plant(Hungary)

pharmachologic effect

Hypouricemic, antigout.

Inhibits xanthine oxidase, disrupts the conversion of hypoxanthine to xanthine and xanthine to uric acid.

Almost completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.

The maximum concentration is reached after 1.5 hours.

The half-life is 1-2 hours.

Excreted by the kidneys and through the intestines.

Side effect

Reversible angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy and granulomatous hepatitis, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia, general malaise, asthenia, headache, nausea, vomiting, taste disturbance, stomatitis, fever, vertigo, ataxia, drowsiness, coma, depression, paralysis, paresthesia, neuropathy, disorders vision, cataract, angina pectoris, bradycardia, hypertension, edema, alopecia, furunculosis, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, hematuria, uremia, gynecomastia, infertility, impotence, skin allergic reactions, angioedema.

Indications for use


  • primary and secondary gout, urolithiasis with the formation of uric acid calculi, diseases accompanied by increased breakdown of nucleoproteins, cytostatic and radiation therapy of tumors, psoriasis, traumatic toxicosis, corticosteroid therapy to prevent uric acid nephropathy;
  • malignant neoplasms and congenital disorders of purine metabolism in children.


Hypersensitivity, severe renal failure, pregnancy and lactation.

Method of application and dosage

Inside, after eating.

Start with 100 mg / day, once, then gradually increase the dose.

If side effects from the gastrointestinal tract occur at a dose of 300 mg per day, a fractional intake is possible.


  • 100-200mg per day,
  • in a state of moderate severity - 300-600 mg per day,
  • in severe condition - 700-900 mg per day.


  • up to 15 years - 10-20 mg / kg per day (up to a maximum of 400 mg per day).

With severe renal failure - 100 mg per day or 100 mg with an interval of more than 1 day.



  • dizziness,
  • nausea,
  • vomiting,
  • diarrhea,
  • oliguria.


  • forced diure,
  • hemo-and peritoneal dialysis.


Increases blood concentration and toxicity of azathioprine, mercaptopurine, methotrexate, xanthines (theophylline, aminophylline), hypoglycemic effect of chlorpropamide, anticoagulant - indirect anticoagulants.

Pyrazinamide, salicylates, uricosuric agents, thiazide diuretics, furosemide, ethacrynic acid weaken the hypouricemic effect.

Against the background of amoxicillin, ampicillin, bacampicillin, the likelihood of a skin rash increases.

special instructions

Diuresis should be maintained at a level of at least 2 liters per day and a neutral or slightly alkaline urine reaction.

It is not recommended to start therapy until complete relief of an acute attack of gout; during the first month of treatment, prophylactic administration of NSAIDs or colchicine is necessary; in the event of an acute attack of gout during treatment, anti-inflammatory drugs are additionally taken.

In case of impaired renal and hepatic function, the dose should be reduced.

The use of azathioprine or 6-mercaptopurine against the background of allopurinol allows a 4-fold reduction in their doses.

Combine with caution with vidarabine.

The activities of the company "EGIS" covers all links of the pharmaceutical value chain: from research and development, production of active pharmaceutical ingredients and finished products to sales and marketing. The company's capabilities cover all stages of research and development of drugs, production and sales, allowing you to fully control the quality of products throughout the shelf life and be more sensitive to changes in market conditions. Currently, the product range includes 531 drugs ( various forms and dosages), which belong to 137 drug groups and contain 119 types of active ingredients.

In 2013 CJSC "Pharmaceutical Plant EGIS" celebrated its centennial anniversary of its founding. During these 100 years, the company not only successfully coped with difficulties and competition, but also became one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in Central and Eastern Europe, thanks to activities that cover the entire pharmaceutical production cycle, high-quality products and outstanding research and development potential. All these years have been characterized by continuous renewal and development, but one thing remains unchanged: "EGIS" serves to protect health, life and quality. CJSC "Pharmaceutical plant EGIS" (Hungary) is a vertically integrated company, its activities cover all areas of the value chain in pharmaceutical industry: from research and development, production of active pharmaceutical ingredients and finished products to sales and marketing. The history of the company dates back more than a century, and during these hundred years, EGIS has not only successfully coped with competition, but has also become one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in Central and Eastern Europe.

Activities of "EGIS" in the field of scientific research and development has been going on for eight decades. Annually, 9% of the sales volume is spent - this is more than 40 million euros - on Scientific research and R&D, becoming one of the most actively investing in R&D among all industrial enterprises in Central and Eastern Europe.

According to the results of the financial year 2011/2012, 2822 registration certificates were received, of which 2501 abroad and 321 in Hungary. The excellent results in the field of drug development by EGIS have been recognized and awarded 7 prestigious awards for innovation over the past two decades.

Thanks to the rapid expansion international market in recent decades, EGIS has opened representative offices in 18 countries, the company's products are sold in almost 60 countries around the world. 76% of the 452 million euros of total net sales proceeds are exported. Today, the total staff of EGIS, including foreign representative offices, is 4,000 people, the company ranks 28th in the ranking of the largest employers in Hungary.

CJSC "Pharmaceutical Plant EGIS" (Hungary) is a vertically integrated company, a leading regional manufacturer of high quality generics and high value-added products. We are a recognized international level a company that uses in its work advanced research technologies and highly innovative approaches in the field of drug development.

Strategic goal
companies We manufacture our products to provide state-of-the-art care and help improve patients' quality of life and life expectancy.

Our mission Health is the most important and precious treasure of a person. Over a hundred years ago, we dedicated ourselves to preserving this treasure. By combining our knowledge, we serve people to make their lives long and healthy.


The company's activities cover all links of the pharmaceutical value chain: from research and development, production of active pharmaceutical ingredients and finished products to sales and marketing.

Research and development

The success and effectiveness of new drugs are very important for the future of the company "EGIS", so one of the main priorities of the company is Full time job for their development. Mainly, "EGIS" is engaged in the development of generic medicines, but also conducts research work aimed at the development of new original drugs.
Every year, EGIS spends a significant amount on research and development - 10% of sales - about 43 million euros.


The company "EGIS" manufactures medicines at three modern production sites located in Hungary. Our production system complies with the international Rules for the organization of production and control of medicines (GMP, Good Manufacturing Practice), as well as the requirements of the Hungarian National Pharmaceutical Institute (OGYI) and the US Food and Drug Administration food products and drugs (FDA, Food and Drug Administration).

Sales and Marketing

Thanks to the rapid expansion of the international market in recent decades, EGIS has opened representative offices in 18 countries, including Russia. The company's products are sold in 61 countries around the world. Today, the total staff of "EGIS", including foreign offices, is 4,500 employees.


With more than 100 years of tradition behind it, EGIS, from a small family business, has grown into a large international company, which has been an important and recognized member of the SERVIER group for the past 20 years. We have much in common: a rich history rooted in family business, and common values.

INNOVATIONS The world does not stand still. This is especially true for the pharmaceutical industry, which is constantly facing new challenges. We know this world well, because we move with it. We are changing with it. We believe that the key to success is constant investment and continuous development. With us, everyone can become an innovator.

RESPONSIBILITY There are many of us and we are all different, but we strive with all our might to common purpose. Each of us is aware that the key to the success of the company is in the hands of each of us.

HIGH STANDARDS Our products are manufactured according to strict regulations and meet high quality standards. To do this, we find the best professionals in their fields in all parts of the world.

CUSTOMER ORIENTATION We strive to ensure that each patient receives the most suitable drug for him and in the most optimal form. To achieve this, we strictly control the quality of our products throughout the entire cycle: we ourselves develop, manufacture and supply products to the world market. That's why our medicines are truly reliable.

INTERACTION With our products, we make life easier for millions of people around the world. This requires impeccable teamwork, where each employee knows what role he has in this extraordinary process.


the main objective personnel policy"EGIS": To create such an atmosphere in the company that each employee, without exception, would be satisfied with their work, feel part of a single team and a common result. It is especially important that new employees can quickly and easily join the team. Indeed, in the future, the success of the company will depend on the teamwork of specialists in various fields. By training staff and providing them with opportunities to realize their potential, we get high-level professionals who effectively cope with the tasks and help us maintain a leading position at the regional level.

The main tasks of personnel policy:

  • Search and selection of personnel;
  • Evaluation of the efficiency and effectiveness of employees;
  • Training and development of employees;
  • Ensuring labor safety, health protection and the environment.


work in a large international company with a high level of quality and reliability, friendly atmosphere, ambitious tasks, professional growth, ample opportunities for a successful career.


We consider the main strategic asset of the company to be the specialists working in it - real professionals, people who are passionate about their work. That is why we make sure that employees have been created Better conditions labor, competitive wage and bonus system, a weighty social package that provides health insurance and life insurance, additional payment for sick leave in excess of state-provided payments. We also provide modern facilities connection with the reimbursement of expenses for telephony and the Internet.


For EGIS employees, perspective, diversity and opportunities are important in their work. To achieve this we use effective system learning so that everyone has the opportunity for continuous development and acquiring new knowledge. We provide opportunities not only for the classic career development but also for horizontal professional development.

The main value of our company is human relations based on trust, respect and mutual assistance. We spend a significant part of our lives at work. We are a company for which it is important that the atmosphere in which employees work is pleasant and inspiring.


EGIS is very fond of ambitious tasks. And for this we need ambitious people - professionals who are ready to reach new and new heights together with us.

We are looking for

Those who are not afraid to dream boldly, brightly, making their dreams come true.

Those who want to bring joy and satisfaction from work into their lives, develop professionally, set worthy goals and achieve them.


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