75 years old man is an interesting scenario. Games and contests for the anniversary of the man. Urgent medical examination

So, birthday for each of us is the most beautiful, joyful and best day of the year. But there are days that are twice expected for us, the days of the best holiday anniversaries. They want more and more fun than just your birthday. The article will be devoted to exciting games and contests that can, or better, should be held on your anniversaries. Today we will focus on games and contests for the men's anniversary.

1. Competition "Vasnetsov"

Our competition requires several participants. Participants go to the center of the hall, assistants blindfold them so that they cannot see anything and give clear sheet paper or whatman paper, and 5 different colored pencils (felt-tip pens). The presenter standing in front of the contestants describes the birthday man, for example: "narrow eyes, wide nose, small ears, thick hair ...". Artists should only by ear and imagination depict our birthday boy on the canvas given to them. The winner is the one who most accurately draws the hero of the day.

2. Contest "Keep to yourself"

The presenter chooses 4-5 men from the guests at will, to his stage. On the stage there is a table with glasses, in which mineral water is poured, except for one glass, where vodka is poured. At the same time, after the countdown to the presenter to 3, the participants of the competition drink one glass, but the one who got the vodka should not show with his emotions that he drank an alcoholic drink. Guests in the hall, observing what is happening on stage, must guess who drank not mineral water? The most intuitive guest from the audience wins the competition.

3. Competition "Gather your wardrobe"

The presenter calls three or four girls to his stage. After turning on the music in the hall, each participant needs to find in the hall and pick up a certain item of the man's wardrobe and have time to run back to the stage before the music is over. The beauty of the competition is that the items selected for the search by their participants can be very interesting.

4. Competition "Man of Steel"

The presenter invites six men from the audience who want to test their courage and courage. Each participant is required to break one egg, chosen independently from the six offered on his "steel forehead". But the whole interest of "Man of Steel" is that five of the six eggs are boiled, and one is raw. Victory is awarded to the bravest man who breaks an unboiled egg.

5. Competition "Driver of the 1st class"

It is necessary to choose three people with a driver's license for the host. For the participants, toy cars are prepared, to which a handle is tied with a very long thread. Cars are on the start line at the other end of the hall. It is necessary for the participants to wind the thread on the handle as quickly as possible so that the car comes to the finish line first. One nuance, obstacles such as a chair, a table are waiting for cars along the entire length of the road ... The diploma "Driver of the 1st class" and a chocolate medal are waiting for their driver at the finish.

6. Competition "Cheerful round dance"

The presenter selects 6-7 volunteers from the hall and invites them to the center of the hall. In the center of the hall there is a round table, on the table there are glasses one less than the participants with different alcoholic beverages. At the command of the leader, music is turned on, and the participants begin to dance around the table. As soon as the music stops, you need to have time to take your glass and drink it, who, alas, did not have enough glass, drop out of our "Merry Round Dance". The round dance continues until one participant remains who drank the last glass.

7. Relay "Toast of the hero of the day"

The host invites 9 willing guests, who, in turn, are divided into 3 teams (3 people in each team). At the beginning of the scene, there is a table with a bottle of alcohol, a glass and a snack. Starting line as far as possible. The relay begins to music, participant number one from each team runs to the table and pours a full glass of vodka, after which he returns and passes the baton to participant number two from his team. Running to the table, he makes a toast to the hero of the day and drinks a glass of vodka, after which he passes the baton to a member of his team at number three. In turn, the last competitor must run to the table and take a snack for the second competitor. The team whose second number is the first to eat its snack wins.

8. Competition "Non-existent obstacles"

The host invites two of the most active guests of the hero of the day. A mini track for our participants has been prepared in the hall. It consists of obstacles such as bottles, an empty iron bucket, chairs, ropes stretched at knee level. After familiarizing the participants with their route to victory, they are blindfolded. Once they are blindfolded, the facilitator's assistants remove all obstacles. After the team leader, our members try to overcome the obstacles that do not exist. It turns out very funny.

9. Dance competition.

The presenter invites 6 participants to his stage, where there are chairs in such a way that all guests can see what will happen on the stage. Participants sit on their own chair. Meanwhile, the familiar dance melodies come on. Our participants need to show the audience all their skills in fiery dances without getting up from their chairs. The one who deserves it will win by voting with applause from the public. The winner will receive a diploma "The best dancer of the evening".

10. Competition "Pop the opponent's ball".

The host invites 5 people who wish to participate in the competition. The assistants tie a balloon to the right foot on a string no more than 25 centimeters long. It is necessary for the contestants to burst the opponent's ball by stepping on it with their left or right foot, but they need to be careful to keep their ball. Participants, whose ball bursts, leave the game. 11. Competition "The most patient". The host invites 4 male volunteers to the stage. Chairs are prepared on the stage, to which one ball is tied. Our participant needs to try to sit on a chair with a ball without using his hands in order to burst it. This is very difficult as you might think at first glance, so it turns out very fun. The winner is the one who is the first to burst the balloon without the help of his hands; he is awarded a medal with the inscription “The most patient”.


“75” is undoubtedly a big jubilee, which should be celebrated solemnly and beautifully. There should be a large number of guests, from relatives to neighbors, and you can celebrate anywhere, both at home and in a cafe, and depending on weather conditions and in nature. It is important that not the Anniversary himself take care of this holiday, but his children and grandchildren. And of course, he must follow a good script.


"(Name, patronymic) day." The script should fully praise and congratulate Yubilyar himself, because he is the center of attention, he is the main one on this day. We will definitely decorate the place where everything will take place, this can serve balloons bright colors, greeting garlands and posters. So you can please grandfather and take a photo of him in Photoshop in an interesting way, and print it in the largest size, and hang it in the middle of the hall. Also, if there is an opportunity, you can order a portrait, now this service is quite relevant.

The years go by, they go by
The date of birth is raised up,
And the main thing is that the soul
I was as young as before,
And we know one such
(name, patronymic) we call him,
And his applause,
On his day, in his hall, we invite!

(Anniversary enters to applause)

What can I say ?! You are like a groom
And I will read you this verse:
75 and there is no better date,
This is a mysterious dawn for happiness,
When you are a husband, father, a good grandfather,
And great-grandfather after a couple of years,
When there are close relatives and friends,
When the whole world is familiar to you
And now it only remains to live
And as long as possible in this happiness to be!


And of course men's gifts,
Sweets, cognac and golden shots!

(someone close to him brings these gifts to the Anniversary)

Well, so that life is sweet,
You pour a glass of cognac right away,
And bite it all with candy,
And take the applause from us!

(The hero of the day drinks a glass, has a snack and goes to his place with applause)

Well, the guests and you are tired of waiting,
Then we all drink together for an encore
For our dear Anniversary,
So that joy and happiness are not visible to the edge!

(musical break, meal)

To cheer you up
I was able to compose a competition,
On the most attentive
Smart and conscious!

The competition is called "Find five differences." Three people are involved. Each of them is given two large photographs, which depict the hero of the day, they are the same, but the other has five small differences from the other, which is what the participants need to find. And so, whoever is the first to cope with the task wins. Prize: beautiful photo frame.

Celebrating 75 years today
And you (name, patronymic), congratulations on this,
And we drink wine for you,
Let absolutely everything please you!

(musical break, meal)

Someone came there,
Who wants to perform here
To congratulate the hero of the day ?!
Nikolay Baskov himself so to speak!

(the song is rehearsed in advance, performed by one person)

Song-alteration based on Nikolai Baskov's motive “Sharmanka”.

Verse # 1

I came here to congratulate you,
I came here to you, and I will praise you,
Came here to you, for your smile,
And I will sing to you with a string of flexible violin!

Jubilee your birthday,

So that in "75" were joyful,

Verse # 2

Alla Borisovna and Philip Kirkorov,
They sent a lot of greetings and bows,
They congratulate you on this date,
And I sing along all the same winged!

Jubilee your birthday,
Let him give you - admiration,
So that in "75" were joyful,
And the days are all beautiful and sweet!


Thank you, thank you, my dears!


Basque himself came to congratulate you,
And you deserve all these praises,
Let's have a drink then
And then we will all congratulate together!

(musical break, meal)

That the guests stayed too long
You are probably full?
So you need to get up,
And congratulate the hero of the day,
Come on, all one at a time
By gift and by request!

(the guests congratulate the Anniversary in turn)

Now let's go to the table
And we'll all pour a glass of wine
And for the dear Anniversary,
For our good and dear,
Standing we'll drink everything to the bottom
May your wishes come true!

(musical break, meal)

Now I suggest new competition conduct,

Fun and laughter awaits all of us ahead!

The competition is called: "Greetings from the glutton." Everyone is welcome to participate. Task: the presenter brings out a pallet with caramel sweets, the participants take turns filling their mouths with them and must solemnly say congratulations to the Anniversary, all sweets are counted. The winner is the one who picks up more candies, but his congratulations will be beautiful and understandable. Prize: a bag of sweets.

The sweet tooth said everything
And we haven't had a drink for a long time
So come on pour it out
To the health of the Anniversary, all, all drink!

(musical break, meal)

The holiday is just flaring up
But someone says goodbye to you,
My work has come to an end
And I'm leaving you,
But I give instructions:
Have fun, sing songs
Celebrate the holiday together
Congratulations to the hero of the day,
Don't let him be sad!

(the presenter leaves, but the holiday continues)

The script came in handy! Great!
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Anniversary scenario for a man 60 years old


The table is set and everything is ready

It means an anniversary in the house!

Hey, master, pour

Bowls full soon

Open your ears wide

Congratulations to accept,

Sit up straight, get ready to listen

Well, it's time to start.

By right, the first word for congratulating the hero of the day is given to the mistress of the house, beloved wife of our birthday boy LYUBOV MIKHAILOVNA


My dear, beloved, gentle, dear

You are fully worthy of all these words.

I hasten to tell you that the past years

There are doubly roads next to you.

I wish you good health and luck,

What would you and I live on earth for a long time,

With an open heart and a cheerful mood

I wish you all the best.



Our hero of the day has the only son... He also wants to congratulate his father on his birthday.


Daddy beloved you are not relatives

You are so beautiful on this anniversary.

And although the whiskey is silvering with frost,

There is no sadness, sadness and longing in the eyes.

As always, you are wise, young at heart,

We are always safe and easy with you.

We wish you vigor and strength,

To make the business a lasting profit.

"The daughter-in-law joins the son's congratulations." Anna Innokentievna

We wish you health, our daddy,

What would raise grandchildren

Brought to the people by grandpa,

Have fun on your anniversary, don't be bored

And in the morning with a hangover we'll come for tea!


Toast to the hero of the day!

We wish you so much health

To last a hundred years

So that on the hundredth birthday

We came here for lunch!


Our dear hero of the day has very good acquaintances, one might say friends, they have prepared a surprise for him, welcome!


(To the tune of "Grandmothers an old woman from V. Dobrynin's repertoire")

We dressed up in the morning

In a bright sarafan,

Slightly smothered

They brought gifts.

Our young hero of the day

Although not a boy anymore

And look in the circle

Jumps like a bunny

Grandpa, grandpa "

Grandpa, grandpa,

Are dancing around you

Drunken grannies

We are with you until the morning

Let's have fun

On your jubilee day,

You can get drunk.

Everything is alright with you

Home, family, work,

He did not call us in vain,

Hunt to dance.

Play music louder

Let the walls shake

You dance well

At least now on the stage.


Attention! Competition!

For this relay competition, two teams must be created.

The competition is called “Swim the Stream”.

Each team is given a boat: "basin". Your task, putting one foot in a basin, as quickly as possible to cross the stream, in which there are stones (any obstacles), they must be bypassed without touching and return to the team, passing the baton.


The guests prepared another song for our hero of the day.


(The motive "If I were a Sultan")

We gathered here today for a reason

Friends came together on your birthday

On your anniversary day, sing and dance

Happy birthday to you, we will congratulate

Today is a holiday, a big anniversary

Come on master, pour it tight

Today we want to wish you

Pistol tail

Hold tight

You are so beautiful, oh, you are Ivan,

There are a lot of women around, like you are a sultan.

Everyone's looking at you, sweet peach you

Everybody smiles and brings flowers.


Dear birthday man, everyone present at your holiday, wish you fabulous happy life and therefore now there will be real fairy-tale heroes.



Once upon a time there were grandmother and grandfather,

Lived together side by side

Once on a birthday

The grandfather asks to bake a pie.

The grandmother is playful from her youth,

Cheerful and talkative ...


No money for pie

I'll bake a bun

So that I spend less

I will mix flour and water.

Okay grandma, I agree

The bun will be beautiful

You cook it with your soul

And at the same time sing songs.


(bailiff to grandfather)

Oh, you, dear old man,

Let me touch the barrel.

Get off, go and cook,

Don't touch me yet

The night will be ahead

Then come


(Rolls "bun" - a balloon or a ball, while humming)

Gingerbread man, gingerbread man,

Will be your ruddy side

How the old man will eat you

Will become strong like a bull

He is young again

Have fun with me

I will be happy then

And forget about the years.

(Grandma made a bun, put it on the window and left)


(blows the ball off the window)

Hello guys everyone!

I am grandfather's old lunch.

For birthday as pie

And I am called - Kolobok,

I have a hot side


A bun is rolling through the forest, and a hare is meeting him.

(Runs, shivers, empty bottles jingle in the bag)


Hey hello!

Who are you?

Where are you going, scythe?


I'm running to the stall on business

Koresh has sent for the white one.

I wanted to drink heavily

I quickly flew.


(walks around the hare)

Who is your friend, spine?

A goat or a cockerel?


What are you, what are you not, of course,

My friend is so sinless.

Grey Wolf his name is.

A real woman's rogue.

He walks with Kuma - Fox,

Well, the heifer lures,

He loves to have fun

Free to get drunk.


Okay, okay don't shake

Well, relax, smile ...


(sniffs, touches the kolobok)

What's your name buddy?

Oh, what a hot side!

The spirit of bread is all around ...


I am called kolobok

You can only listen to me

But do not try to eat me,

They didn't bake me for you

Where you went, go there.


Into the forest, why are you stupid rushing,

What will they eat, are you not afraid?


I know the remedy from enemies

I invite everyone to the holiday

Grandfather's birthday

Come and you for dinner.


Well then I'm leaving

I will warn everyone in the forest


What are these miracles

Not pie, not sausage?

There are no arms and no legs ...

Hey who are you?


I am Gingerbread Man.


you billiards with eyes

Let me touch the barrel ...

(tries to touch the kolobok)


Immediately feel, what a ilk!

Are you blue for an hour?


For your words now

I'll eat you ...


These are the times !?

I'll eat it right away,

Wait a wolf

Come visit my friend

Do you know grandma's house with grandfather?

Come there for dinner.


Okay, persuaded.

Well, for now, I've got some dust.


What is this ball

Rides in my clearing?

Hey, rosy, who is he?

(Gingerbread man avoiding, wants to pass by)


I'm not tasty ...


Hey, wait!


Who are you clubfoot?


I am the Bear, the storm of animals!


Okay, Misha, don't growl,

Better come visit

To grandfather for his birthday

I invite guests

Come and you soon.


Okay, since this is the case,

Then I will come, go, not brave.

(looks flaunting in the mirror, walks through the forest)


Who else is this?

Oh, what bodies!


Oh, ruddy gingerbread man

Wow, what a fragrant side!

You come to me friend

I remember you a little.


Oh, beautiful Fox,

Gray wolf damsel,

I won't walk with you

I'm afraid of your friend.


Do not be afraid of his friend, I'll deal with the wolf.

I'm afraid of him myself

But I'll have fun with you

And then I'll help myself.


Oh, you are a cunning cheat,

Well, I'm not sewn with a bast,

You will come to my grandfather,

You will spend the night with me.


Okay, I'll come, of course ...


Amuse myself, who is not sinless?


(comes out to see if the bun has cooled down or not, but it is not)

Strange, where is the bun,

Birthday cake?

What to treat grandfather with

How to lure by night?

Are the treats ready?

For my birthday?


(runs out to grandfather and woman)

Hey hosts, hello!

Have you prepared lunch?

Guests will come to you now

I called them ...


These are the times !?

Grandfather, look at miracles

Gingerbread man opened his eyes

I cooked a bun,

We got a son

Oh yes grandma, well done!

At least back down the aisle

Gave me my son

Can we make a daughter too?


Oh, you are a cute old man,

Is your "pod" still alive?

Oh, you are all naughty old woman,

Set it on the table soon

Get out the plates, mugs

I went for champagne.



Unfortunately birthday, only once a year

(comes with a bottle in runes)

Kolobok, where are the guests?


And here they are.

(A drum roll is heard, noise, din. A squad of congratulations appears)


(steps in front of the column)

Who walks together in a row ?!


Congratulations to the cyclists!


One, two, three, four, five

We will congratulate grandfather


We came to congratulate grandfather

Happy birthday to the whole crowd ...


You are the mistress, do not be shy, Sing a song with us!

(Everyone is singing)


(to the tune of the song "Wonderful Neighbor")

Grandfather's birthday

The table is set for all guests

You are the owner, smile

Pour us some champagne

Toasts for you today

Raised everything more than once

You have a holiday today

So we have a holiday too.

Pa-pa-pa-pa-raru-pa, etc.

Happy birthday

And we wish you many years

Because you are darling

Wonderful neighbor

Dance with us,

The song is ringing drunk

We celebrate your anniversary

Cheerful crowd.

Chorus: the same


(and all the participants in the tale)

Take it, birthday boy,

Instead of a bun, pie

What would he be your birthday

He could cope with us.

(Give a cake or pie).


Here the fairy tale ends,

Who was with us, well done.


Meet another famous guest.

Vitas! And his team!


I came to you, but not alone

My dancer is with me

Someone on the road

For no reason

Friends poured them vodka.

I told them

What do you want to perform

So you can't drink so much

So they can't dance now,


Okay, you have to take the rap yourself and sing without dancing.


(To the tune "Love while you love")

Let this day be remembered

And let everyone smile at you.

And my song for this

It is sung with the chorus

Love bye, love

Jealous bye, jealous

Suffer while suffering,

Dream for now, dreaming.

I wish you joy

Health and just good luck,

No need to be sad about old age

You are alive, which means

Chorus: the same


Anniversary is a short word,

But, and in it many years lived

Life goes by with an inaudible gait

Leaving only a trace in the memory.

But you don't need to regret the previous years,

Many new ones are yet to come

Spread open your boundless wings

And fly bolder like a bird.

Happy birthday to you

You are a good father, a good grandfather

All dear friends with admiration

They wish you new victories.

Be healthy, happy and affectionate

We wish you dear

To many more birthdays

We celebrated together with you.

End of the jubilee script.

Preparing a birthday is always a bustle and takes a lot of time, and when it comes to a special 75th birthday, the pre-holiday bustle reaches its peak. But for each hero of the day, not only amazing gifts and special treats, a huge gift cake are important, attention sometimes plays the most important role. Therefore, it is worthwhile to allocate a little time and prepare a script for the 75th anniversary of the man, so that the holiday turns out to be unforgettable and touching. The older generation most of all appreciate this kind of attention.

How to celebrate a man's 75th birthday

For the holiday you will need.

Take on the lead
print the text of each participant on a separate sheet of paper
pick up a few postcards with congratulations
decorate the room where the event will be held with balloons, posters, banners with congratulations.

The simplest scenario is to prepare several holiday greetings, which are laid out on the table in the form of small cards. Each invitee reads his own text during the celebration.

But 75 years is a serious date and I want to make the holiday special, so it is better to take seriously the preparation of this event. Moreover, a real festive evening can be held even if there are no professional artists among those invited. The main thing is to distribute all the roles in advance and conduct at least one rehearsal.

Be sure to appoint a responsible photographer to capture this joyous occasion. After the celebration, the photos will make a wonderful memorable album, and the words for the captions under the photo will be the script for the 75th anniversary of the man.


This script itself contains different congratulations from relatives and friends, so each congratulation sounded can also be said in the form of a toast.

Leading. Hello dear guests! Today we have gathered to heartily congratulate our dear hero of the day on his birthday! 75 years is a special date!
Today, on the anniversary celebration, we are looking for unusual words,
To make everything always easy and clear
To make life happy
So that health never fails,
And everyone was close by.
We will invite loved ones to the holiday!
We bring all our friends together!

A small excerpt from Vakhtang Kikabidze's song "My Year" is played.

Leading. Years, in fact, are real wealth for our hero of the day. We know how strongly the whole life of (the name of the hero of the day) is filled with noble and good deeds. All relatives, friends and relatives can confirm that our birthday man is a persistent, wise and noble person whom each of us respects and loves infinitely. Therefore, now I want to give the floor to the closest person, the wife of the hero of the day.

Wife. I will never forget the first time I saw you. Now we can already say for sure that it was true love at first sight. From our first dates, I wanted you to become my husband, so that we have a happy family. My wishes have come true! We have lived with you a lot happy years, we had wonderful children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren! There was all kinds of joy and sorrow in our life, but we were always together, always next to each other. Today, when all relatives and friends have gathered for your anniversary, I want to wish you, my dear, health and long life! After all, we have already earned money, achieved success, but we have happiness and love! You are very dear to me, my dear!

Leading. Look dear guests at the children of our hero of the day. They are in full complement gathered at our festive table, and each of them wants to congratulate their beloved dad!

Daughter.For me, your family, dad, has always been an example to follow. Your love, your devotion to each other have become a real guiding star for me. I dedicate this poem to my parents.

My daughter reads a poem by Vasily Fedorov "And I once thought that gray-haired ..."

Daughter. Dad, be happy, healthy, live a long, long time!

It is good if all family members participate in the holiday, even the smallest. After all, almost any child can learn a small quatrain. At the same time, you should not arrange a grandiose performance with kids, unless, of course, the children are engaged in a music school, ballroom dancing or in a drama club. The older generation has a special attitude towards grandchildren, and it is best for a man to include the performance of his grandchildren and great-grandchildren in the scenario of the 75th anniversary. All grandfathers are proud of the achievements of their grandchildren and it is especially pleasant for them to watch the performance of each of them. But in any case, even the most enchanting number should not last more than 5 minutes. Not only the performers themselves, but also the audience get tired of a long performance, and the holiday should be dynamic.

Leading. Now is the time for the youngest guests of the celebration. They have prepared a special gift for grandpa!

Poetic congratulations from grandchildren

My dear grandfather
We are all proud of you.
I will always try
To look up to you
And I'll tell everyone a secret.
There is no better grandfather!

My kind and attentive,
My best grandfather in the world
You are the most wonderful,
Live for another hundred years!

Who knows everything in the world
Who understands grandchildren
Who in the world is no better
This is my beloved grandfather.

My grandfather is dear
My dearest,
Looking forward to our adventures
Stories and communication!

Each of these small poems can be broken down into small passages, or you can read the entire poem to one child. After the performance, all the children come up, hug and kiss the hero of the day.

Son. Dad, I want to wish you all the best in everything! May your health never fail! May your faithful friends be next to you! May every day be happy! On this day, I also want to congratulate my mother, the hostess of the celebration!

Our beloved mommy,
A hostess you can't find.
Beautiful, kind, glorious.
We want to wish you
May your love and respect be kept in the family forever.
Health of smiles, patience and happiness for all times!

Leading. Imagine a scenario for a 75-year-old anniversary for a man without the participation of friends of the hero of the day, therefore the next congratulations are congratulations from the closest friends.

Friend. I want to congratulate my friend, whom I have known for many years, happy birthday. Happy anniversary to you (name of the hero of the day)! Our friendship has been tested by time, it is stronger than granite, we are always a mountain behind each other. And may it always be so!

When preparing the ceremonial part, one should not forget about the age of the birthday person and the invited guests. A too long holiday can simply tire an elderly person. Therefore, it is better to conduct various contests and quizzes if there is confidence in the strengths of each of the participants in the identity.

Anniversary is a great holiday. Many are trying to celebrate it on a large scale. A wide feast and many guests are meant. Here are not only relatives, but also friends of the hero of the day with children and spouses, his colleagues, colleagues, bosses. It turns out a very diverse company - by age, hobbies, interests. So that guests do not get bored, you need to think in advance what entertainment you can offer them. Best suited for this are scenes that will periodically "dilute" the feast, entertain guests and delight the hero of the day. Scenes can be very different - costumed or not, short or long, with one "actor" and more ambitious. There are also many ideas for them. Any plot from already existing books, films and somewhere peeped mini-productions, to those invented by yourself, will do. However, they all have to have one thing in common - to be funny.

Costumed performances

The main difference between them from the rest will be only the costumes, in which, for plausibility, the participants-actors are dressed. Usually the guests themselves are the actors. Their participation is coordinated in advance by the relatives of the hero of the day, who are preparing the holiday and want to make an additional gift.

Traffic inspector and hunters

Three men are participating. It is necessary to choose the appropriate suits - the uniform of a traffic police officer for one and a gun, boots and bandoliers for the other two. "Hunters" can be exchanged for fishermen, fans, or anyone else. It depends on the interests of the hero of the day.

Scene progress

Two friends-hunters, accompanied by a traffic police officer, enter the hall where the feast is taking place. They were just on their way to today's anniversary to congratulate their friend, but they broke the rules. road traffic and were stopped by the inspector. We explained the situation to him - well, you can't help but congratulate good man! Of course, the inspector agreed to take them to the place of celebration. After congratulating friends and presenting gifts, the inspector comes forward and himself joins in the congratulations. He reads out, and then hands over to the wife of the hero of the day a certificate of passing a technical inspection of a special vehicle - the birthday man himself (his name and surname are announced) on the occasion of his 50th birthday (the number can be any) and the corresponding conclusion.


Conclusion of the traffic police

  1. The condition is excellent.
  2. The owner claims that this vehicle can still be driven and driven.
  1. Refueling only with high-quality fuel - octane number is not less than 40. If the octane number is less, more fuel is needed.
  2. Lubrication of the filler part is shown on a regular basis: on vacation, after hunting and bathing, on birthdays, etc.
  3. It is not allowed to use the vehicle under a power of attorney.
  4. The owner must remember that for normal operation vehicle affection, love and regular lubrication are needed.
  5. The next MOT is recommended after 50 years.

Italian guests

This scene also requires three participants - two men who will be the Italian guests and a woman translator. The costumes are quite simple, you don't even have to completely change the actors' clothes, but just choose the appropriate accessories - dark glasses, black wigs and mustaches, hats with brim. For the translator - eyeglasses and a stack of paper. As gifts - pasta, olives, wine. In the midst of the fun, the actors of the scene quickly enter the hall and head to the hero of the day. They take turns congratulating the birthday man, and the translator repeats each phrase in Russian. 1st guest: Nashente zdravizhilento yubelento and drusente - lyubente alkolento drunkento! Translator: We want to greet our hero of the day, as well as his dear friends. 2nd guest: Coming to the devil on kulichkent narrator at least something! Translator: We have come to your wonderful city to join everyone in the congratulations. 1st guest: Pozhelanto not glotanto tabletanto and not known healer! Translator: We would like to wish you the best health. 2nd guest: There is a lot of money in your wallet and the belly was always full! Translator: May I accompany you through life financial well-being and lasting happiness. 1st guest: Puskaento druzilento nikogdento in rasento! Translator: Let there be reliable friends nearby. 2nd guest: We handed the hotetto figinetto and yurundento! Translator: These wonderful gifts from sunny Italy for you. 1st guest: Do not overeat and do not blivante, pusento not lopnento. Translator: Eat to health and enjoy. 2nd guest: Memories of our visitor - Italian donation. Translator: Remember us, always your Italians.

Strange salaries

A small fancy-dress scene that should accompany, and possibly open the gift-giving ceremony. There are two actors. It is desirable that these were women - thin, vertically challenged and high dense:

  • The small one is "weighted" with a small amount of money - it can be both coins and small denominations. They can simply be drawn on large sheets of paper to be clearly visible.
  • A tall woman is dressed richer - there are no coins at all, but there are many large bills.

Before presenting gifts, they take turns approaching the hero of the day and congratulate him.

Little Salary Congratulations

Do not look, dear birthday boy, that I am still so small. I wish you all the most beautiful in the world. May with my help you can secure a life worthy of the king himself! To make this happen, I invited my older sister here. Hope together we can please you.

Congratulations Big Salary

Maybe I'm not very much like winning the lottery, but together with my little sister we are the best gift that will come in handy in any situation, take you on vacation and bring many pleasant minutes! Congratulations! After this performance, all the guests who decided to choose an envelope with money as a gift present them to the birthday boy. You can prepare a large envelope in advance and fold the entire amount into it at once.


These scenes usually don't take long. They are staged with the help of one or two actors. More is rarely needed.

It is convenient to insert them before the next toast in order to somehow diversify the usual course of the feast and entertain the hero of the day with his guests.

Urgent medical examination

A man enters the room fully dressed as a doctor. He is wearing glasses, a white coat, a stethoscope, shoe covers. In his hand he holds a small "medical case". Doctor: Let me, let me! Before congratulations are sounded, I have to examine our today's hero. He goes straight to the hero of the day and begins the examination: he examines the face, ears, pupils, asks to touch the tip of the nose, listens to breathing with a stethoscope, and performs others medical manipulations... During this impromptu medical examination, the doctor comments on his actions with various remarks: "Okay," "Let's see what we have here," "aha, aha," "so I thought," and the like. After that, he makes a short speech.

Doctor's speech

I have performed a full examination of our patient and am ready to make a full report on his health! So…

  • Anniversary (surname, name, patronymic).
  • Age is in its prime, that is, blossoming.
  • The pulse is a real fountain, there is no way to measure it.
  • The blood group is only red bodies, sometimes white ones are also found (in strictly measured quantities). This is real "blood and milk"!
  • The heart rate - as it should be on one's own anniversary - then jumps, then freezes from a complete overabundance of feelings.
  • Vitality is completely versatile.
  • Vision is perfect. So you can notice any little thing.
  • Hearing is truly universal, and this is a great rarity.
  • The sense of smell is very subtle, with a probability of an error of 3% it can determine with whom the spouse spoke today. Such an acute reaction occurs only in males.
  • Chronic illness - unexplained hibernation after a delicious meal, lovingly prepared supper. More often it manifests itself next to a working TV.
  • The regime of the day is mixed: walking-sitting-lying.
  • The general conclusion is only the beginning of the life of a given organism. It is recommended to take everything from life that you want and that was not received.

Urgent telegram

A man with a bag over his shoulder, a hat with earflaps and a glued mustache enters the hall. He depicts a well-known character - the postman Pechkin. Hello! This is me - the postman Pechkin. I brought you an urgent telegram. It must be read aloud. To do this, I need to get my throat wet. Demands a full glass, drinks, then reads the telegram. You can write it down on a real letterhead.

Telegram text

I dreamed of coming, I couldn’t tour. I sincerely congratulate you. I wish you well. I dream to be near your point. Alla Pugacheva This scene can be put instead of another toast. And in conclusion, you will find one cool tale-tale about forest animals, a hunter and dragonflies in love - watch the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dXGYrT25fwqc


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