Games and entertainment in the new year. New year contests and games for the company and the whole family. Competition for the company of adults

Oh ... Agree, a complex character. In the eastern horoscope, the Rooster has a strong position, but with us this hero is not very popular. Although ... One can also recall in Russian fairy tales the brave defender of the hare's hut, who threatened: "I want to cut the fox, get off, fox, from the stove."

I decided to dilute the rooster theme with chickens, chickens and eggs to make the contests more diverse. I write a selection of ideas for each new year, I hope to disappoint my readers this time too.

New Year's contests "Year of the Rooster"

As prizes, you can give out cockerels in the form of lollipops and chocolate medals. A selection of the more essential gizmos that are awarded for participating in contests are painstakingly collected in separate articles with links to stores. , and . I advise you to see if you need to quickly resolve this issue.

Lady in red or all to Pushkin?

The Internet is replete with good advice on what to wear on New Year's Eve in the Year of the Red Rooster. In my opinion, there are no special rules, everyone comes up with their own ideas. We need something else - just to have fun, so I propose to announce some dress code for the guests.

Option 1
Let all the ladies and girls come in red to match the Red Rooster (or have some kind of red accessory - a clutch, scarf, earrings, headband with a red feather, cape, bracelet) Men can decorate themselves with a red tie.

Option 2
If you like fancy-dress holidays, I suggest taking the characters of Pushkin's "The Golden Cockerel" as a basis. Well, not everyone can dress up in roosters and chickens on New Year's Eve! Let there be the Tsars of Dadona, the Shamakhan queens, the Astrologers-wise men, Russian soldiers and the governor in armor.

Option 1. Fun photo session
You can take pictures at the Christmas tree or come up with another photo zone from simple materials (). If only not against the background of furniture and wallpaper. Your guests will have something to brag about on social networks.

Option 2. Defile
If everything is only in red, do a fashion show to the song "Lady in red" (Chris de Burgh). If everything is according to Pushkin, you can take something like "Marusya" from the movie "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession" for the exit of Tsar Dadon and "rati". And for the Astrologer and the Shamakhan queen, something oriental will be needed.

Prizes for the most artistic.

Collage "Cockerel 2017"

Now it is very popular at events to create one memorable art object for all. Someone paints a general picture with oil, someone paints a large plaster figure, someone builds monumental structures from cardboard. At home, you can also repeat something like this.

For example, you can create beautiful collage in the form of a cock and arrange it in a frame.

Option 1
Before the start of the feast and in between the gastronomic blocks, your guests can come up and choose fragments for a collage, glue and write next good wishes... I would suggest replacing the red paper with pictures from glossy magazines (I found large pages with examples of New Year's decorations in the old Domashny Ochag). Handsomely?

The outline of the cock should be visible. It is better to print right away on a music or newspaper background. A layout on a white background can be downloaded from my Yandex Disk (A3 format), but a layout on a translucent musical background. All details must be circled and cut in advance.

Option 2
Using the picture, you can win-win lottery prizes. There are only 28 fragments. Arrange the pieces in envelopes, offer to draw them at random. On the main background, number all the "pieces" and stick the same numbers on the gift boxes. Why children and adults like it so much, I don't know, but they all open their packages anxiously and rejoice at every little thing.

Option 3
If you do not want to involve adults in the creative process, download coloring pages with cockerels, let the children color the pictures for the New Year's exhibition. Also good.

Bean kernels

Oh, remember that tragic story from the fairy tale "Cockerel and a seed of beans"? He was in a hurry, choked, the chicken had to work hard to lubricate the neck with butter. We can fantasize on this topic. My ideas:

Option 1
Speed \u200b\u200brelay. We call two players. In one hand we give an empty plastic bottle, next to it on a plate are beans. Beans, in other words. Well, whoever shoves all the beans in the narrow neck faster will get the prize.

Option 2
We call 5-7 guests, put them in a row. At a family holiday, it is better to mix children and adults. Remember how in that fairy tale, each character came up with a task for another character to make butter for the chicken? That's how we need to come up with. In the role of a chicken - LEADER.

Presenter for the 1st player: "Vova, wish me a Happy New Year!"
1st player: "Let my grandmother hug me, then congratulations"
Leading to the 2nd player: "Hug your grandson, then he will congratulate me on the New Year"
2nd player: "Let Katya give me her purse, then I will hug you"
Leading to the 3rd player: "Katya give the handbag to your grandmother, then she will hug her grandson, he will wish me a Happy New Year"
3rd player: "Let my mother pat me on the head, then I'll give it back"
Leading to the 4th player: "Pat Katya on the head, then she will give her handbag to her grandmother, and the grandmother will hug her grandson, and he will wish me a Happy New Year."

You can also take a selfie, scratch your back, massage your ears, give a ball, etc.

Chicken memory

Option 1. All to the garden. Kindergarten!
I must say right away that the finale should be filmed. In a year you will laugh even harder. The bottom line is that all guests from 3 to 93 years old need to distribute simple nursery rhymes about the new year.

Turn on joyful New Year's music for 3 minutes and ask you to memorize the verses by heart. For recording on video, it is better to distribute accessories (funny glasses, ears, horns, caps, red noses, masks). Line everyone up as in kindergarten (here it is also better to alternate tall uncles with kids), make the music a little quieter and ask to read your quatrain. Okay, you can pry. Only expressively !!!

Oh, yes ... For each correct answer we give a caramel cockerel on a stick!

Chickens do not peck money

I like the name of the competition ... Basically, you can come up with anything for a cash prize of even 100 rubles. I hope someone in the comments will throw in a couple of ideas. So far, here's an idea from the "classics of the genre".

Show guests a transparent jar with a bunch of small change and ask them to name the amount. Whoever is closer to reality gets a cash prize.

Chicken brains

We read a fragment from "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel" by A.S. Pushkin and put a code on it.

The first number is the line number (I have numbered for convenience)
The second number is the ordinal number of the word in the line.
The third number is the ordinal number of the letter in the found word.

You need to encrypt the place where the next portion of gifts is folded. For example, this is how I encrypted the word "Windowsill"... There are only four of them in our apartment, let the children look for which one a surprise awaits them.

If there are more than 8 guests, it is better to divide into two teams and give different codes. In the end, everyone needs some little surprises. Even cakes for tea. So you and I even have a small quest ...

1. “Plant this bird, -
2. He said to the king - on the needle;
3. My golden cockerel
4. Your faithful watchman will be:
5. If everything will be peaceful around,
6. So he will sit quietly;
7. But only slightly from the side
8. Expect war for you,
9. Or a raid of abusive force,
10. Or other uninvited trouble
11. Instantly then my cock
12. Will lift the scallop,
13. Will scream and start up
14. And it will turn to that place ”.


Comic divination

Option 1. Fortune telling on "Kinder"
Well, these are eggs, so it suits us on the topic. You need to buy them from different series in order to get different figures. Children and adults alike are interested in unwrapping and examining toys, then making assumptions about events in the new year. Someone got a mole with a trowel? Well, the construction is ahead, what else. A pretty doll in pink? It really depends on the fortuneteller. We predict a lot of toys for the girl in the new year. The girl is successful and has many fans. Adult family park - the birth of a daughter or granddaughter. Something like this.

Option 2. Here is a subject, and in it - a hint
Keys, magnifiers, screwdrivers, pacifiers, coins, key chains, stationery, kitchen gadgets, vitamins, concert tickets, hand expanders, music sheets, comic banknotes, cosmetics, etc. are wrapped in opaque paper. We usually put the basket on the floor and ask the youngest children to pull a “year prediction” for each guest. Everything will be good for everyone, with health, and with work, and with creativity, and with prosperity. Love, luck, home comfort, theater visits, sporting successes.

Cook-river by notes

Option 1
You could have seen such a competition in the program "Moscow Nights". One player is shown a card with a name famous song, he must replace all the words with crowing, and the rest are trying to guess. For example, "Two funny geese lived with a grandmother" will sound something like this (imagine that I am singing to you): "Well, etc.

The songs should be very popular: "Sunny Circle", "Kalinka", "Katyusha", "A Christmas tree was born in the forest", Jingle Bells, "Somewhere in this world", "Antoshka", "We don't care", " Call me, call me "," Three white horses "," It's time to be happy ", etc.

I advise you to give the players the most significant phrases from the songs, otherwise they may remember for a long time how the chorus begins in the song of the Musketeers.

Option 2
I also spied on this in some entertainment program. They took several lines from the chorus of a famous song in advance and translated them into English, Chinese, French, etc. via Google Translate. The resulting text was again passed through this service in the opposite direction, i.e. translated into Russian. The result is always funny, sometimes it's hard to guess what song it is.

For example, I posted an example of the song "About Hares", starting with the words "We don't care," in Google Translate. First she translated into Hebrew, then from Hebrew back to Russian. Here's what happened:

And we don't care.
And we don't care.
Let's not be afraid of the wolf and the owl.
We, by any chance, no?
In a chilling hour.
We are magic.
We mow the lawn tryn.

Or here. It was I who took the chorus of the Dolina song “Weather in the House” and translated it first into Romanian, then into Armenian, then back into Russian:

Basic weather at home
And more and more noise
Me and you, and everything except
Easily fix with a drop to the side of the removal.

In my opinion, it's funny! So you can translate 4-5 famous songs, amuse your guests. It takes no more than 5 minutes to get ready, you just need to pick up songs that your family knows for sure.

White and yolk or Everybody dance!

I don’t know about you, but it’s difficult to get our guests out of the table to warm up and dance. You must always come up with some kind of situation when they simply have nowhere to go.

At the same time, there is no place to dance in an ordinary apartment, so we arrange a minute out for each couple for a solo performance to different music.

How to pair up guests? This is the most fun. Everything should turn out by accident. Only in this case there will be a grandfather and a one-year-old granddaughter, two siblings over 40, a grandmother and a 16-year-old grandson in one pair.

To support the theme of the cock, I suggest making simple pictures in the form of an egg with different centers. Print duplicate identical egg halves and distribute to guests. A pair is made up of guests with the same picture.

The halves will form pairs by themselves, everyone will dance.

We select bright and short musical fragments. I don't even download now, I just turn on in a row from (in the search on this site, type "dance competition")


Crowing under the table is a classic of the genre. This year we have such fun more than ever.

Fantas are now sold ready-made in a beautiful design, this entertainment is carried out by children from 8 to 12 years old. They are already strictly watching that all adults have honestly punished. The assignment cards can be downloaded from the Internet, even bookstores offer digital format.

Ryaba chicken

If you are celebrating at the dacha, why not break up on New Year's Eve. This is the first thing that comes to mind when recollecting a simple plot about Ryaba Chicken. "Grandfather beat and beat, did not break", "Baba beat and beat, did not break." And we will break! As you know, a bunch of sweets, confetti and small toys are poured out of a hollow toy. New Year! You can immediately use crackers.

In the apartment, such a number will not work, you need to break something else. For example, to burst at speed small balloons... They are very similar in shape to eggs.

Chicken tabaka

People of my generation remember well the scene performed by the young Leonid Yarmolnik on the program Around Laughter, where he showed a fried flattened chicken.

You can offer guests a version of the game "Crocodile" (where they show the names of objects and phenomena without words). Let the guests guess the most common New Year's dishes: Olivier, herring under a fur coat, jellied meat, cake, champagne, tangerines, shashlik, etc. For a demonstration, call the active player, and show the names themselves to him alone on pre-prepared cards.

What else can you think of?

I really didn't want to repeat myself! In case you weren't spending your family New Year according to my scenarios, here is a short list of the best articles. I assure you, there are a dozen more ideas out there that can easily be drawn to the celebration of the Year of the Rooster.

Games and contests with the symbol of the "rooster" will certainly decorate more than one New Year's corporate party or fashionable party. This is a guarantee of good health, good mood, excitement, and just real courage. Games are an excellent medicine, help in building relationships, resolving conflicts, and communication between people.

The most "creative rooster"

It is necessary to count the number of guests and divide into pairs: man - woman. We will call women “chickens”, and men, of course, “cockerels”. The task for the chickens is to make her cock look catchy, as bright, beautiful, fashionable, cooler as possible. Time for dressing is 1 minute, with cheerful, perky music. You can use any materials at hand: scarves, bows, hairpins, elastic bands, decorations, Christmas tree tinsel, shatterproof toys, streamers, rain threads, and even candy. More bright, juicy colors, shades of fire, fireworks!
The winner is chosen by the audience themselves, preference is given to the most original, irresistible, with a creative idea "rooster"!

Be careful! Rooster or chicken?

You can involve the whole company of invited people into the game. It will even more amuse, amuse. A circle is formed. The player, turning to the neighbor on the right, whispers one word in his ear: "rooster or chicken" and so on until the last participant. Next, the presenter asks to remember the word they heard and try to portray it.
"Rooster" - stand on the left leg, and bend the right leg at the knee
"Chicken" - you can't stand on your feet at all. Note: do not leave the circle!
You will see something interesting! Players will begin to look for various ways to fulfill the rules, all around bustle, tights, The result of such an action can be assumed: a friendly fall to the floor, and maybe such an original invention of a multi-tiered figure. But all the guests are happy, there is complete mutual understanding and close communication with each other.

Proud rooster

The guests of the holiday are divided into two teams, each coming up with its own name. Three members per team are invited. Pairs of opponents line up opposite each other, depicting a proud, important, extravagant, bully rooster. And what is noteworthy: they straighten their shoulders, proudly stretch their neck, tilt the body slightly backward, move their arms along the body, slightly spreading their fingers, one leg, slightly bent, put forward. Keenly looking into the eyes of the opponent, loudly, expressively pronounce the name of their team. The one who does not laugh wins.

Night blindness

Three couples are called, each a man and a woman. Ladies are blindfolded, and the gentleman attaches clothespins with the help of a leader to his clothes, and the same amount for each of them. Music sounds, the lady is trying to find and remove all the clothespins from her gentleman, who was the very first to complete the task. He is considered the winner.

Mister X-Rooster - 2017

Roosters love their person so much, they just want to show their I, and show off!
The competition "Mister X - 2017" among males is announced. - Defile of an exquisite man, dandy, “ruffy cock”. On an impromptu podium, in front of a female audience, a line of imposing gentlemen walks with a proud gait. Assessment criteria: ability to present oneself, confident gait, costume details, facial expressions, gestures, positive attitude.

Rooster toast

Five participants are called. It is required to come up with a toast in the form of a verse or in prose, and dedicate it to the symbol of the New Year 2017 - the fiery Rooster.
Give each player a piece of paper with one letter from the word "PETUH" Only five sheets. The task is as follows: come up with a New Year's wish with the letter that he got. The first participant starts with the letter "P", and the second participant starts with "E", clearly capturing the thought of the previous one, etc. In general, it should turn out, an original toast-wish.

Ay, yes Rooster!

It is desirable to attract as many guests as possible who form a circle.
A box or bag is brought in, in which items of clothing are placed: hats, scarves, laces, skirts, socks, decorative elements, details of underwear ,. etc.
Music sounds, everyone dances, passing the bag to each other. Stop! The music is over! The participant, in whose hands the bag, quickly, without hesitation, takes an object out of it and puts it on. Here is fun! That's where the fun is!
When all the items of clothing run out, the result is summed up: “Ay, yes, a rooster! Ay, well done! Just a dandy!

Rooster greed

How the rooster rejoices when it finds something shiny, a luminous object, for example, gold!
He jiggles, spins, tries to rake with his paws, help with his beak. How can such wealth be missed?
The essence of this competition is to determine and count the largest number of gold jewelry for the team members. The richest team is awarded a prize - a golden pen and nib. By the way, a pen of this type can be made of golden paper.

Rooster of many children

The rooster is undoubtedly the head of the family, attentive, conscientious, loving.! How else? He is always responsible not only for himself, but also for those who are with him. His family is the best in the world!
Below are the options for the competition:
1. The host asks the guests present - who has the largest family? For the winner the prize is a toy COCK
2. Who has photos of children in their wallet, wallet (do not forget that a rooster can have a large number of chickens). Winner prize - magnet COCK

Practical family man

The rooster knows what efforts must be made in order for his family to live in abundance. Participants in the evening are given a piece of paper in a circle, where they make notes, advice, suggestions, recommendations to ensure the prosperity in the family. The only condition is that you cannot repeat yourself. The winner is the one with the last entry on the piece of paper. The presenter is obliged to read out all the notes, advice. The prize is a large chocolate coin on a ribbon that is hung around the neck.

Multicolored rooster

The rooster is in a hurry, jingling spurs, with multi-colored patterns. The outfit thinks out well, does nothing hastily. The plumage sparkles with all shades of flame, flaring up, then dying out, then violently raging. For the competition, it is necessary to select the captains of two teams. Participants give the colored, vibrant objects they possess to their captain. After a short period of time, dressed up "roosters" come to the center. According to the audience, the winner is "The Most Colorful Rooster"

Anyone can participate in the competition. The facilitator distributes cards with no more than 5 different words written on them. The word COCK is always present.
Within 1 minute, you need to come up with an unusual information message for the New Year, using all the words. The speaker's intonation, facial expressions, gestures are taken into account.
There will be plenty of humor and fun! © "SuperTosty"
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New Year's fun "Cockfighting"

In the avian world, the rooster has a reputation for being a desperate brawler and badass. The man, knowing this, came up with a special fun for himself - cockfighting. For cock fights, a special breed of fighting cocks was even bred, distinguished by special endurance. They are tall in legs, wiry and very pugnacious. The militant ardor of fighting cocks cannot cool either fatigue, pain or hunger. It is believed that the punch of a fighting cock is one of the fastest movements in nature.

Taking into account the reputation of the rooster, you can invite guests to arrange gambling "cock fights" on New Year's Eve, for which to form 3-4 teams. Cockfighting is based on the plot of a military battle, therefore the names of individual stages of the game action and its rules are played out with the involvement of military vocabulary. Cockfight consists of a semi-final and a final. Two teams meet in the final. In a cockfight, a "draw" is unacceptable, therefore, in case of an equal score, additional questions are introduced in pairs. As a result, the winning team is revealed.

The semi-final includes four rounds:

1. Cock reconnaissance.

2. "Volunteers go into battle ..."

3. Crossfighting.

4. All-round defense.

All teams play simultaneously in the semifinals. A minute is given to think over the question. Early responses will not be accepted.

Each team is joined by a mediator appointed by the leader (commander-in-chief), whose main function is to oversee the discussion of the issue, the advancement of versions in order to prevent the repetition of other people's versions in the oral response.

As many questions are played as there are participating teams. The order of the first answer is determined by lot. In the future, the right to answer goes to the next command clockwise. The responses of all teams are listened to and accepted without any comments from the facilitator. If necessary (if none of the teams gave a complete answer) explanations of the answer are made after the points have been awarded.

All teams that gave correct answers are awarded a point. All disputes that arise are resolved by the "general staff", which includes the leader and his assistants, who assume the duties of an arbitration tribunal.

1. Cock reconnaissance

1. How can you explain that in an exquisite Parisian restaurant the dish from the left chicken leg is much more expensive than the right one? (The menu gives an explanation about this: "Chickens stand on their right leg during sleep, so the meat of the left leg is more tender.")

2. Thanks to what ability of the roosters did the Americans take them with them to Kuwait, where there were hostilities? (Roosters are capable of detecting the presence of toxic substances in the air and signaling this.)

3. Name the time of day that corresponds to the concepts of "first roosters", "second", "third". ("First roosters" - midnight, "second" - before dawn, "third" - dawn).

4. How does the rooster sing? Are people in all countries unanimous that he shouts a crow? (Of course not. The Germans believe that the rooster cries ki-ke-re-ki; in Turkey, the song of the rooster is perceived as "ko-ko-ri-ko"; in the Netherlands - ku-ke-lu-ku; the British are sure that the rooster is constantly talking kokey-doodle-doo.)

5. What is common between the roosters and the ancestors of the French - the brave Gauls, from whom the Romans suffered greatly? ("Gaul" is Latin for "cock".)

6. What weather forecast does the chicken predict when it roosts early? (Frosty weather.)

7. For what purpose did the famous Greek commander Themistocles, getting ready for the war against the Persians, include cockfighting in the combat training program?

(So \u200b\u200bthat the soldiers, looking at the fighting cocks, learn from them fortitude and courage.)

8. What was the name of the boy who fought bravely on the barricades, singing this song:

They have blue uniforms

And sabers on the side.

Fire down the line


(Gavroche from Victor Hugo's novel Les Miserables.)

9. What drink is translated from English as "cock's tail"? (Cocktail, the appearance of this drink is associated with fun drinking after the end of the cockfighting. The owner of the winner treated everyone by mixing alcoholic drinks indiscriminately in one glass, appearance this mixture was very reminiscent of the multi-colored tail of the hero of the occasion.)

10. Which is easier: a hen's egg during the incubation period or a freshly hatched chicken with shell remnants? (Chicks with shell debris are lighter, as some of the energy has been consumed during the shell breakdown.)

2. Volunteers go into battle ...

Volunteers with fighting qualities from each team take a "fighting stance": they stand on their right leg, bend their left knee and support it with their left hand by the shin. In this position, jumping on only one leg, the roosters try to force the opponent to stumble and stand on both feet - the loser is eliminated from the fight. The neutral battle zone, about half a meter wide, is clearly marked on the floor. The task of each cock fighter is to push his rival out of this strip into his territory. The price of each victory in a battle is one "grain".

3. Cross fight

In this round, participants will give their versions of the answer to a common question for all: how can eggs be used in life, in addition to their main purpose (to give life to a chicken or use as

write)? Answers are accepted as soon as they are received. Each new version is a new "grain" in the team's account. Who will collect the most of them?

Answer options

A chicken egg can be used:

- in construction, to give strength to the solution;

- as a shampoo:

- for making New Year's toys and other crafts;

- to improve the vocal capabilities of the singer;

- as a "heating pad" for warming up the sinuses of the nose;

- for the manufacture of egg mosaics;

- in pharmaceuticals, where the shell is used as a source of calcium;

- for copying stamps and other impressions using hard-boiled, peeled and still hot eggs, etc.

4. All-round defense

In the center of the circle, a representative of each team takes a place in turn, and the rest of the teams form a circular defense from among their players (one from each team). All participants receive a hard-boiled egg after being blindfolded. Then the circle "starts to move", and the center tries to strike at random chicken eggin the hands of one of the opponents. Each player in the circle tries to do the same (with respect to the participant in the center). The winning "seed" is awarded to the team whose representative manages to hit the target first - to break an egg from the opposing team. New members from each team take part in each successive round-robin defense stage. The leader is in charge of the hostilities, at the signal of which the fight begins and stops.

Final battle

The two teams with the best results participate in the final. The battle is organized with the participation of all the intellectual forces of the team according to the rules of "cock reconnaissance"; an odd number of questions (5-7) are played out dedicated to the outstanding Rooster-generals, which are invited to be recognized by the description.

1. Count of Rymnik, Prince of Italy. He created an original system of views on the methods of waging war and combat, education and training of troops. I have not lost a single battle. He won victories with a huge numerical superiority of the enemy. Contemporaries wrote about him that "he put his hand on the heart of a Russian soldier." They were ready to follow him into fire and water. Received the rank of field marshal, and was later promoted to generalissimo. Who is it? (A.V.Suvorov.)

2. “The beauty of the Russian troops,” the officers said about him. A prince, a military leader, a general, he came from a Georgian royal family. During the war with the Tuoks, Brailov and Ishmael took. Brilliantly proved himself in the war of 1812. He was mortally wounded at the Borodino field. (P.I.Bagration.)

3. Great builder of the army. IN Patriotic War 1812 chief of staff of the 1st army, in 1813-1814 - division and corps commander. The famous conqueror of the Caucasus. For patronage of the Decembrists in 1827, he was dismissed. (A.P. Ermolov.)

4. Hero of the Civil War. He commanded a detachment, a brigade and the 25th rifle division, which played a significant role in the defeat of A.V. Kolchak. Killed in battle. His image is captured in the story of D.A. Furmanov and the movie of the same name. (V.I. Chapaev.)

5. Political and military leader who possessed the qualities of an outstanding military leader. In 1909-1910 he was twice sentenced to death. During the Civil War, he was the commander of the army, the Southern Group of Forces, the Eastern and Turkestan Fronts. In 1924-1925, Deputy Chairman and Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR, then People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs, at the same time Chief of Staff of the Red Army and Chief of the Military Academy. He was engaged in the formation of the Soviet military doctrine. (M. V. Frunze.)

Dance of love

Roosters are gallant gentlemen, let's learn from them good manners. By lot, choose a rooster from the male half of the guests, and a chicken from the fair half. Their task is with the plasticity of the dance and with the help of clucking to show the scene of courtship and declaration of love. You can hold such a competition among several couples. When determining the winner, the variety of gestures and the accuracy of imitation of the cock's manner in the manifestation of subtle feelings are taken into account.

"Grain to grain"

They say about roosters that they will always find precious grain in the manure. Do you remember in Krylov: "While tearing a pile of dung, the rooster found a pearl grain"? Guests who prefer quiet board games... In the center of the table there are "seeds" - separate words, from which the participants must make up "pearl seeds" - proverbs and sayings about roosters and hens. The rules for this fun are as follows.

The presenter distributes to all players one card with a written basic word (as a subject) from a proverb. If there is no subject, a card is issued with one of the words related to the words "rooster" ("chicken"). The card also indicates the number of words of the phrase, excluding conjunctions, prepositions and particles as independent words. The rest of the proverbial parts lie alternately in the center of the table (each preposition, conjunction and particle are written separately). After the distribution of the leading words, each participant takes three cards. Having considered the lexical material on hand, each player is obliged to throw one extra, that is, inappropriate in meaning, card into the general heap. This continues until the "seeds" are added to the original proverb. To control the course of the game, they are written out from the game manager.

Game material

(6) Rooster / unwillingly / will sing, / if / cannot speak /. The rooster / will tell / the chicken, / and she / the whole / the street.

The rooster / slash / carry, / and he / shouts: / crow. Aliens / roosters / singing, / on ours / pips / attacked. To the chicken / yield / ridge - / she will take / and the whole / garden. The chicken / water / because / scolds / because / cannot swim. The chicken / grain by grain / bites, / yes / full / lives.

(5) From the young, / yes / early: / rooster / cries. Each / chicken / its / roost / knows.

And / the rooster / on his / ashes / is brave.

With / chickens / lie down, / with roosters / get up.

Hungry / chicken / everything / millet / dreams.

Pop / and / cock / do not eat / sing.

Chicken / one by one / egg / carries.

Cock anecdotes

We have not instituted that the object of New Year's persecution is anecdotes.

Several funny stories from the Master of the Year will add a cheerful mood to everyone present at the New Year's feast.

At the fabulous New Year's table, guests can also get bored. Having tasted the goodies offered by hospitable hosts, both adults and children feel the need for festive entertainment, funny scenes, funny games, magic tricks, fortune-telling and other miracles ... It's time to invite family and friends best contests for New Year 2017. They will perfectly entertain a small cheerful company and raise the degree of mood to an unprecedented height. For a large work collective, for family and friends at home, for classmates at school and kids in kindergarten - on our pages you will find the most successful games and entertainment for any age category to celebrate the New 2017 of the Rooster. Choose, experiment, improvise, have fun!

Thematic contests for the New Year 2017 in kindergarten

Not only educators, but also parents can turn a children's festive matinee into carefree fun. To do this, it is enough to tell the host a couple of thematic contests for the New Year 2017 in kindergarten in advance. Throwing artificial snowballs, a tangerine relay, role-playing humorous scenes and much more will easily amuse the kids, relieve tension and excitement before the performance, plunge into the stunning atmosphere of New Year's magic and winter wonders.

"Quick smart guy"

Santa Claus is a cheerful old man? - Yes. - Loves jokes and gags? - Yes. - Do you know songs and riddles? - Yes. - Eat all your chocolates? - Not. - Will he light a Christmas tree for the guys? - Yes. - Hide the threads and needles? - Not. - Doesn't he grow old in soul? - Yes. - Will it warm us on the street? - Not. - Youlupukki - brother of Frost? - Yes. - Has a rose blossomed under the snow? - Not. - Is the New Year coming closer? - Yes. - Does the Snow Maiden have skis? - Not. - Does Santa Claus carry gifts? - Yes. - Are all masks bright on New Years? - Yes.

"Mandarin Relay"

For the New Year 2017 competition, you need to put two stools in the hall with a distance of 5-6 meters. On the first chair, place two bowls of tangerines, on the second, two empty plates. A pair of participants, armed with tablespoons, must transfer the same number of tangerines from full bowls to empty ones as quickly as possible. The winner of the competition is the one who copes with the task more quickly than his opponent.


Such a competition is suitable for the smallest kindergarteners. The kids take hold of the handles and dance around Santa Claus. And the old man, in turn, threatens to freeze everyone and everything. To the music, the grandfather says loudly: "Freeze-freeze-freeze ears." In response, the kids should let go of the neighbor and take hold of the ears. Then Santa Claus continues: "I will freeze-freeze-freeze the heels." The kids react accordingly. The game continues for another 5-6 sets (with cheeks, knees, noses, etc.).

Funny contests for the New Year 2017 for schoolchildren

Unlike other school concerts that are upcoming to students during the school year, the New Year's celebration is not aimed at a massive demonstration of talents, but at the entertainment and amusement of children, parents, teachers. This means that you cannot do without funny contests for schoolchildren for the New Year 2017. Given the standardized annual school scenarios, parents have the right to intervene in time and advise the organizer on several options for suitable games and contests. Successful proposals will certainly diversify the classic matinee with unprecedented fun, sincere children's laughter and real magic.

"We answer in chorus"

IN fun game for younger students, the whole class can participate at the same time. The leader asks questions, the students answer in unison. Whoever made a mistake drops out of the game.

Santa Claus is known to everyone, right?

He arrives at seven sharp, right?

Santa Claus is a good old man, right?

Wears a hat and galoshes, right?

Santa Claus is coming soon, right?

He'll bring gifts, right?

The trunk is good at our tree, right?

It was felled with a double-barreled gun, right?

What's growing on the tree? Bumps, right?

Tomatoes and gingerbreads, right?

What, our tree is beautiful, right?

Red needles everywhere, right?

Santa Claus is afraid of the cold, right?

He is friends with the Snow Maiden, right?

Well the questions are answered

You all know about Santa Claus.

And that means the time has come

All the kids are waiting.

Let's call Santa Claus!

"How to decorate a Christmas tree"

The guys and I will play interesting game:

What we decorate the tree with, I will call the kids.

You listen carefully, and be sure to answer,

If we tell you correctly, say "Yes" in response.

Well, if suddenly it is wrong, say boldly "No!"

Colorful firecrackers?

Blankets and pillows?

Cots and cots?

Gummies, chocolates?

Glass balls?

Wooden chairs?

Teddy bears?

Primers and books?

Multicolored beads?

Are the garlands light?

White cotton wool snow?

Satchels and briefcases?

Shoes and boots?

Cups, forks, spoons?

Are the candies shiny?

Are the tigers real?

Are the cones golden?

Radiant stars?

The coolest contests for the New 2017 Year of the Rooster for a fun company

The coolest and frankest contests are usually held on New Year 2017 in a fun company of adults. Where children and adolescents are absent, and adults are already a little tipsy. If the boss is a cheerful and creative person, he will also gladly take part in humorous parodies, funny New Year's relays, sweepstakes and lotteries with symbolic prizes.

"New Year's chimes"

To do corporate party in honor of the New 2017, even more fun and humorous, we recommend holding a simple competition. At the entrance to the festive hall, you need to place a ticket holder with homemade lottery tickets. Each new guest must buy a ticket with a task for the minimum amount and exact time for its execution. There is also a symbolic amount of winnings for a task completed on time. Participants do not confer with each other about missions received. Secrecy and punctuality are the most important rules... The prize fund is formed from the box office from the sale of lotteries. The essence of the competition lies in unexpected curiosities and unplanned fun. It's funny, however, if in the middle of the toast, at exactly 22.43, accountant Vasily Arkadievich gets up and starts crowing loudly in the whole room or dancing "can-can" at the bar.

"New Year's turnip"

Turnip - claps, hits the knees with his palms and says "both-na";

Grandfather - rubs his hands with the words "Tek-s";

Grandma - shakes her fist at grandfather and says "I would kill";

Granddaughter - shrugs her shoulders with the words "I'm ready" (it's better to give the role to the most brutal man);

A bug - scratches behind the ear, saying "The fleas got it";

Cat - wags her hips with the phrase “I am on my own”;

Mouse - shakes his head and says "Got it";

The presenter arranges the characters in a row and begins to read the tale. The participants perform the roles in the appropriate way: Grandfather planted ("Tek-s") Repka ("Oba-na"). The Turnip ("Oba-na!") Has grown big, big. Grandfather ("Tek-s") began to pull the Turnip ("Oba-na!"). Pulls-pulls, cannot pull. Grandfather ("Tek-s") called Grandma ("I would kill"), etc. The full apotheosis begins from the moment "Grandfather for Turnip, Grandmother for Grandfather, Granddaughter for Grandmother ..."

Comic contests for the New 2017 for a small friendly company

A friendly company at home for the New Year 2017 is the most successful atmosphere for holding funny and comic contests... Friends, as a rule, are not shy, not embarrassed, genuinely show emotions and have fun. Active and mobile humorous games and contests for the New Year 2017 are a real find for a small team that knows how to "come off to the fullest"!

"Drunken Checkers"

A real board for checkers is used for the game, and glasses are used as figures. On one side are stacks of red wine, on the other - white. Then everything is as in a regular game: he chopped off a pile of the enemy - he drank it. The strongest masters of international class can pour cognac and vodka. But even they will not be able to master more than three games of a drunken tournament.

"Drunken reciter"

Once upon a time in the cold winter time,

I left the forest; there was a severe frost.

I look, slowly rises up the hill

A horse carrying brushwood.

And, marching importantly, in a calm calm,

A little man leads the horse by the bridle

In big boots, in a sheepskin sheepskin coat,

In large mittens ... and with a fingernail himself! ...

Each of the participants should read funny lines using the intonation of one of the characters:

  • a commentator for a football match;
  • a guest reading a toast to the hero of the day;
  • a young romantic who confesses his love;
  • a strict judge who announces the verdict;
  • scared little child;
  • a director lecturing an employee;

"The most agile"

Three girls are participating in the competition. At the command of the presenter, the ladies put on men's gloves, then shirts. The task for the participants is to fasten the buttons on their shirts as quickly as possible without removing gloves. The winner of the competition receives a prize - a set of needles and threads or a nail file. There is not much difference, as both options would be appropriate.

Moving contests, games and entertainment for the family for the New Year 2017 of the Rooster

As you know, on New Year's Eve we eat a lot of delicious and satisfying food. After that, we feel laziness awakening and a feeling of exhausting heaviness. To drive the passive mood away, we recommend that you lead funny mobile contests, games and entertainment for the whole family on New Year 2017. So the festive night will become much brighter and more fabulous, and the calories eaten will melt in a matter of minutes.

"Grab it"

This competition is very similar to the traditional game - a round dance around the chairs. Simply put, its funny variation for New Year 2017. But in this case, there are no chairs. An exceptionally round table or stool with a tray, on which cool attributes are laid out: huge glasses, fake mustaches, etc. The participants move around the table to the music, and after a pause they take apart and put on funny things. Those who have not gotten anything are eliminated!

"To the chimes"

All family members and guests of the holiday are divided into two teams. The presenter distributes to the captains a box with Christmas decorations. The smallest member of each team will play the role of a festive tree, the rest will have to dress up. Toys, garlands and tinsel can be hung on fingers, ears, buttons, etc. As soon as the presenter turns on the recording with the chimes, the participants rush to decorate their impromptu Christmas tree. The competition is won by the team whose creation will turn out to be the brightest and funniest until the last strike of the chimes.

"Candy under the snow"

The presenter chooses two participants to participate in the competition. Previously, the lady hostess hides chocolates in deep bowls of flour so that only small tails of the wrappers stick out "from under the snow". At the command of the leader, the players must get the maximum amount of sweets from the flour using any part of the body ... Except for the hands!

Intellectual contests for children and adults at home for the New 2017 Year of the Rooster

Intellectual New Year's contests for the whole family at home are good because they can be held without leaving the table. Such entertainment will set the guests in the right mood before the start of outdoor games, warm up and stir up children and adults. These include humorous riddles, song competitions, funny fortune-telling and other contests for the New Year 2017, which we proposed below.

"Toast alphabetically"

Such a funny competition for the New Year 2017 will be a good warm-up before active games and a great opportunity not to get bored at the table at the very beginning of the meal. The organizer of the party may invite guests and family members to take turns talking short funny toasts "alphabetically". For instance:

  • "A fragrant tangerine-orange New Year 2017 for everyone!"
  • "Impeccable order in the house, in the family, in the head, in the heart!"
  • "Let's drink to great achievements and fun events!"

"All the way around"

In this competition, guests can participate without getting up from the festive table. The rules oblige the participants to answer the facilitator's questions quickly and WRONG. In fact, the task is not difficult. But only if we are not talking about typical popular questions, to which the answer breaks out by itself. For instance:

  1. What's your mom's name?
  2. What holiday is it today?
  3. What color is the sky?
  4. What does New 2017 smell like?
  5. What time of year is it?
  6. Whom did the children make of the snow?
  7. The name of Santa Claus's granddaughter?
  8. What's under the tree?

Funny contests, games and entertainment for the whole family for the New Year 2017

New Year's Eve is still in full swing, and all the gifts are open, toasts have been said, surprises have been received? Keep running fun New Years contests, games and fun for the whole family. Have fun and amuse yourself while there are people willing to participate. When are adults still able to fool around with children, if not on a magical New Year's Eve 2017.

"New Year's podium"

The number of participants in this competition should not exceed half of those present. Each player draws a secret card with the character's name. For example, Santa Claus, Snowman, Rooster, Drunk Horse, etc. After evaluating their character, players must parade him by walking on an impromptu podium. And the audience - to guess the hero as quickly as possible. The winner will be the participant who will be declassified before the others.

"Deer and Santa"

In this competition, participants compete in pairs: one of the duo is the Deer, the second is Santa. The deer is blindfolded and attached to the belt with two laces. Santa stands behind and picks up the ends of the laces - the reins. With the help of pins or empty bottles, the presenter organizes two tracks. At a signal, the couples start: The Santas control the Reindeer using improvised reins. The duo that knocked down the minimum number of obstacles on the way wins.

The traditional and still the best solution would be to spend the New Year with the family, where only the most beloved and close people are present. Still, it will be boring to just sit at the table and watch an endless stream of entertainment TV programs. It is much more interesting to arrange some exciting New Year's contests for the whole family at home, in which both adults and children can participate on an equal footing. By arranging New Year's contests for children and adults, you can unite the family even closer and make this winter holiday even more magical and unforgettable.

"Relay of Memories"

Usually, before celebrating the New Year, people see off the outgoing year, summing up its results. This can be turned into a game. Let everyone quickly and briefly name the most pleasant moments that happened to him in the past year, and pass the baton on to another. Anyone who could not quickly catch it and continue with their memories becomes a loser, but for this he is awarded the title of "lucky 2017". At the same time, the participants are encouraged to show a sense of humor.

"Draw a dream"

When choosing New Year's contests for a small company, you can pay attention to the following. Its participants are provided with sheets of paper and felt-tip pens, crayons or pencils. Then they are blindfolded, and then they must blindly try to draw their dream. When all the participants have finished their work, they take off their bandages and, together with other guests, try to guess what kind of dream was depicted on each canvas. The winner of the competition receives a small prize, and the rest of the artists can only believe in the realization of their dreams in the coming year.

"Funny drawings"

You need to get a large sheet of corrugated cardboard, in the middle of which you make two holes for the hands. Then the participants of the competition must put their hands in these holes one by one and, not seeing what they are doing, try to draw something, for example, Santa Claus. This fun New Year's competition for adults is won by the one with the most beautiful or funniest drawing.

"Not a word of truth"

The host for this competition must prepare in advance many questions on the New Year's theme, for example:

  • which plant is most often decorated for the New Year;
  • whom it is customary to sculpt out of snow;
  • what is our most "New Year" film;
  • that on New Year's Eve rushes into the sky;
  • whose year is coming according to the Chinese calendar;
  • whom we see last on television in the past year.

You can include questions about the habits of guests or New Year's traditions among different nations in family table competitions for the New Year. In general, the more questions there are and the more diverse they are, the more interesting it will be for everyone to participate in this competition.

The presenter should quickly and in a major way ask his questions, and the guests should answer them so that there is not a word of truth. A gape player who has told the truth is waiting for a phantom - to sing a song, read a rhyme, or fulfill the wishes of one of the participants, just as it happens in the classic game of forfeits.

"New Year's talisman"

Thinking over a script for the New Year in the family, contests can be chosen with a creative bias. For example, make a New Year's mascot from stationery (tape, pins, paper clips), plasticine and even food. Each participant of the competition is offered the task of making a talisman for one of the participants of the feast from the proposed materials in 2-3 minutes. The winner is the one who not only designed the most impressive talisman, but also accompanied it with the most convincing or original explanations about why it is needed.

"Remembering the alphabet"

Such entertainment can be included in New Year's contests for an adult company. In the midst of the feast, the host turns to the guests and says that he has taken so much that he has already forgotten the alphabet. On this occasion, he proposes to raise glasses and toast to the New Year, which should begin in alphabetical order. Next comes the turn of the guests, who must invent toasts, starting with the letter "A" and then alphabetically. For example, such:

  • Shouldn't we repeat it for the New Year?
  • Be healthy in the coming year!
  • To your health!
  • Brilliant thoughts to everyone this year!

When the audience fizzles out and the last toast is delivered, everyone should vote for the most successful or funniest toast and drink to the health of its author.

"Make your favorite cabbage"

Agree that the funniest novelties of adult contests for the New Year should be conducted with the participation of couples. The essence of the entertainment is that one of the couple is blindfolded, after which he must blindly dress his partner. This will require preliminary preparation - in a large bag you need to put a variety of clothes, preferably incompatible in style, color, etc. Thanks to this, the "outfit" will turn out to be very funny, it will cause fun for all guests.

You can add competitive principles to this game by forcing different pairs to compete in dressing speed. And at the end of the competition, until the wonderful outfits are removed, you can pose in them in front of the camera.


Especially beloved by everyone, such funny New Year's contests for children and adults, like playing snowballs. Moreover, you can give yourself such pleasure without going outside. In front of each participant, you need to put a large pile of old newspapers, after which the presenter marks the time of 1 minute, during which the competitors must make as much snow as possible.

There is also a more dynamic version of the game of snowballs, which is designed for accuracy. At the same time, place the participants in a row and place a personal bucket at an equal distance from each. Then, on command, everyone begins to crumple newspapers, forming "snowballs" and throwing them into their basket. After a minute or two, the game is stopped and the baskets are checked - the one with the richest catch wins.

"Frosty breath"

For this fun entertainment, you need to line everyone up in front of an empty table on which to lay out small snowflakes cut out of paper. Then, on command, all participants begin to blow as much as possible on their snowflakes, trying to make them fall from the opposite end of the table. As soon as the last snowflake falls from the table, the competition ends. And the winner is unexpectedly the one whose snowflake lasted the longest on the table - all thanks to his frosty breath, because of which it froze to the table.

Be sure to take a couple of contests from our article "Children's contests for the New Year", then neither adults nor children will be bored.

"Secret name"

Competitions for the New Year with the family on this topic may have two options. On the back of each family member participating in the game, you need to attach a piece of paper on which his new name will be written (you can use the name of an animal or the name of a well-known person). And then throughout new Year's Eve all those present can hint each other on new names. The one who is the first to guess his name now will become the winner of this fun competition.

In the second version of this game, everyone can ask leading questions about their name, but should only receive monosyllabic answers like "yes" or "no". In the end, he will be able to guess his new name and then the turn of guessing goes to the other player.


Choosing intelligent and funny New Year's contests for the family at the table, one cannot pass by such entertainment:

A volunteer is selected from among the participants. The rules of the game are explained to all participants of the game - the guessing person can ask any questions to any of those sitting at the table in any order, but he will receive only the answers "yes" and "no". You also cannot try to guess what the MPS is by letter. Then for a minute the player leaves the room, and all the participants are explained what the MPS is - this is my right neighbor. That is, each person sitting at the table should, when answering a question, keep in mind his neighbor on the right. Since each participant in the game has his own right neighbor, the answers to the same questions from different participants may be different (for example, some have a man, and others a woman), which only confuses the guessing player. By the way, not everyone, in the end, manages to guess what the MPS is.

Look at our article "Competitions for a New Year's corporate party" - perhaps in it you will also find suitable contests for the family circle.

"Ball with a surprise"

Fun contests for the New Year for the family can play on wishes. To do this, you need to place scraps of paper with written wishes in rubber balls in advance and then inflate them. Each household member will choose a balloon they like, burst it and read a wish for everyone for the coming year.

"Funny numbers"

All those who celebrate the holiday need to be given a piece of paper and a pencil so that everyone can write any number. After that, the presenter begins to voice questions addressed to each specific person, and the answer will be the number written on the sheet. This requires appropriate questions such as:

  • What time do you get up?
  • How old are you?
  • How many chili peppers can you eat in one sitting?


This game can be attributed to the funniest New Year contests for the family. Couples of different generations should participate here: mom and son or dad and daughter. The couple hugs the waist with one hand, while the other two hands remain free. In this state, the "Siamese twins" will need to cut out a figurine: one will have to hold the paper, and the second will have to manipulate the scissors. The winner is the "Shiva" whose figure is more successful.

Do you organize New Year's contests for the whole family? Which of the following contests did you like the most? Share your opinion in the comments.


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