Biography Rano Juraeva. Dmitry Rogozin started upgrading "Roskosmos. Competing with mask

Ranohon Juraeva led by three billionaires from the Forbes list, but the main career challenge was the reform of the "daughter" Roskosmos, managing all Russian cosmodromes
"After [Dmitry] Bricklayer and [Oleg] Deripaska, no work is not terrible," says early Jurayev about the former employers. The owner of Domodedovo, she was engaged in the development of East Line, the owner of Basel was responsible for the large-scale reconstruction of southern airports. In 2015, after a 20-year-old career in a major business, she suddenly led the state enterprise in the sphere, traditionally distant from business.

In the management of the FSUE "Cenni" - Baikonur cosmodrome, Plesetsk and East, branch in Guiana, the center of elimination of intercontinental ballistic missiles and several manufacturing branches (research institutes. Barmina, Design Bureau "Motor" and a number of others). All this got a Jurava in the form of an inefficient structure with a bloated state, confusing management apparatus and cash rupture of 8.5 billion rubles. But it could not accept the invitation of the general director Roscosmos Igor Komarov. "I dreamed of a cosmonautics since childhood," Jurayev admits.

Take off from Domodedovo

After graduating from School, Juraeva, having passed the contest of 16 people in place, entered the famous Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrumentation, one of the main universities preparing frames for the Space. But the climate of the Northern Capital did not come up with a native of Tashkent, and a year later she was translated into the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI). In 1986, the owner of the Red Diploma of Mai Jurayev began a career in the Research Institute of "Aeronautics", where the competence of a young specialist was the program of modernization of air traffic organization systems. "Communication, observation, navigation and landing," lists the Jurava zone of responsibility in research institutes.

In 1995, Dmitry Mason was invited to business in 1995, at that time the cargo terminal of Domodedovo airport was held under the control. "There were no rules, everything was abandoned, old, dirty," recalls Juraeva. The airport served only 2 million passengers per year. In the sphere of Jurava Tasks, as director for the development of the East Line management company, a variety of issues was included - from interaction with government agencies and attracting investments and airlines to control the quality, marketing and reconstruction of the terminal.
"School of Mason" Head of Cenni recalls with gratitude: he said that it was necessary to work for 24 hours a day seven days a week, at the same time under its control there were from 40 to 70 projects. Former employee East Laina, who worked in the company with Jurava, characterizes it as a "purposeful and authoritarian leader", which loves ambitious tasks.

Juraeva admits that it is still not indifferent to Domodedovo: "I flew here the other day from abroad, I look, a person 300-400 [on passport control] on the border. I wanted to call the bricklayer, say: "What is it? Where is the quality system? " The owner of Domodedovo Jurayev responds with tenderness: "He is his native, like a younger brother. We worked a lot, we survived a lot and achieved a lot together. "

When in 2005 she left Domodedovo, the airport was already serving about 14 million passengers per year. The new place of work of the top manager became the Developer Holding COALCO Billionaire Vasily Anisimov. With him, Juraeva met when territorial disputes settled with the owners of the land adjacent to the airport, the Landlord Domodedovsky district was just Anisimov. An impressed by the business qualities of Jurava, he invited her to the position of COALCO General Director.

In 2005-2006, the holding under the leadership of Jurava built the Business Center "White Square" (construction was completed in 2009) and a number of other facilities in Moscow and the region. In May 2011, Coalco sold a share (47%) in the "White Square" Foundations "VTB Capital" and TPG Capital. According to experts from the newspaper Vedomosti, the amount of the transaction was $ 470 million.

Anisimov told RBC magazine that "I am very sorry" when Juraev decided to leave. "She led not only" White Square "- all our land plots, all projects up to one. If in a nutshell, it was workable to madness and at the same time a honest person, "Anisimov doesn't bother to praise.

After several months of work, the general director of the Synthesis Group Leonid Lebedev (in Sinteza, Jurayev oversaw the construction of Southern CHP in St. Petersburg and the development of a number of shelf projects), she took a time out for personal circumstances. She returned to work in 2007: Oleg Deripaska invited her to create an Aviation Division of the Basic Element Holding - "Basel Aero".

So, Juraeva returned to the aviation industry: under its start, it turned out to be infrastructure in the form of airports of Sochi, Krasnodar, Anapa and Gelendzhik and Airlines "Airlines Kuban". She wrote the development strategy "Basel Aero" related to the preparations for the Olympic Games and Tourism Development in the south of the country: as part of the strategy, it was planned to invest $ 500 million in South airports.

According to Jurava, she fell to Deripask in the "hot" moment when Russia won the right to hold the Olympics in Sochi. Under her leadership, the Sochi Airport was reconstructed, and the railway branch stretches to it from the Red Polyana. Juraeva remembers what efforts she was worth defending his route in disputes with Russian Railways.

"Development of a strategy, thinking of a bone of a business, which can, inviting specific managers, increase the operating" meat ", - Jurava's Konkoy," said Oleg Panteleev, head of the Aviaport Agency's Analytical Service.

In 2009, the crisis struck, the financing of projects stopped, Juraeva decided to interrupt their employee's career and engage in his own business, creating a consulting company "Innovation Center for Civil Aviation". The key project has become the introduction of an international standard of electronic document management in Russia when cargo - E-Freight. Today, this standard is introduced by Aeroflot, AirbridgeCargo, Airports Domodedovo, Sheremetyevo and Tolmachevo. After the care of Jurava in Cenni, this business is engaged in her son-in-law.

Task by 750 billion

The appointment of Jurava to the post of Chapter Cennie preceded personnel turmoil in the organization's leadership. The founder of the center Alexander Fadeev, who headed him for 14 years, resigned in December 2013. Sergey Lazarev replaced him worked less than a year: In August 2014, Roscosmos leadership sent him to resigning "for health state."

But a few months later, according to the newspaper Izvestia, the Investigative Committee started a criminal case on Lazareva on the fact of abuse of powers in the procurement of fuel for the Baikonur cosmodrome, which caused Cenni's damage to 13 million rubles. For a long time, the former deputy general director of Almaz-Antea, Alexander Sirotkin, was launched shortly as Chapter FGUP, who was headed by Tenni in November 2014, and in February 2015, Igor Komarov was dismissed in February 2015.
Juraev for the post of head of Cenni Komarov appointed in May 2015, but because of the bureaucratic wires, it still remains I.O. General Director. According to Jurava, she was not familiar with Komarov, her "General Familiar", whose name does not call it. In Roscosmos, the RBC magazine did not respond.

Juraeva says that at the first meeting, the head of Roscosmosa put in front of her the task of solving the financial problems of Cenni: pay off debts before enterprise suppliers and reduce costs. "You can try to be a leader [in the space industry], not counting money, but you can do business," says Jurayev. Igor Komarov - also a person from business, to Roscosmos worked in Sberbank and Norilsk Nickel, headed AvtoVAZ.

The financial situation of Cenni has deteriorated due to a decrease in the number of commercial starts. In 2015, Komarov estimated the "scale of financial problems" Cenni at 12-15 billion rubles. And he stated that extrabudgetary funds should be used to solve them.

Cennie works within the framework of immediately three federal targeted programs. Two of them are already valid: in March, the Federal Space Program was adopted for 2016-2025 in the amount of 1.4 trillion rubles, in September, financing for FDP "Space Activities of Russia" was approved until 2020. For Cenni, the third is more relevant, not yet adopted by the program "Development of Russian Cosmodromes" for 2016-2025, notes Juraeva.

A year ago, in an interview with Izvestia, the head of Cenni said that this FDP will be approved in the amount of 750 billion rubles, of which about 50 billion were planned to invest in Baikonur, 180 billion rubles. - to the Military Cosmodrome Plesetsk, and the rest of the money - more than 500 billion rubles. - In the construction of the infrastructure of the East. But in June 2016, the head of Roscosmos in an interview with the same newspaper spoke of a reduction in the financing of the program to 550-560 billion rubles. The program must be accepted until the end of the year, it argued.

The main contractors on the cosmodromes and the recipients of money on their development will be Specstroy and Cenni, depending on the specifics of projects. "If construction is Specstroy. If equipping and manufacturing equipment, then Cenni, "explains the head of the Space Policy Institute Ivan Moiseyev.

Orbit reform

According to the Jurava, the financial problems of Cenni were associated with ineffective consumption of funds. "Such a chic office is not all major commercial companies. And we only have six of them in Moscow, "she explains, rubbing the spacious office by hand. Some people, "who did not understand the difference between their and state pockets", were fired, she says, "law enforcement agencies are engaged in someone."

Juraeva decided and the problem with a swollen staff: at the time of the arrival in Cennie only she had 28 (after the reduction was left 14). All these people had cars with personal drivers, which multiple raised executive expenses, says Juraeva. "We had 13 levels of chiefs, now six," she says. The state of the head office for a year and a half is reduced by more than double - from 1500 to 650 people.

The abbreviations touched on the main enterprise of Cenni - the South Space Center, whose specialists are serviced by the starting complexes of Baikonur, reported in the fall of 2015 with reference to its own sources "Interfax". According to the agency, about 10% of experts from 8 thousand people got under the reduction of state. In total, during the work, the Jurava number of Cenni staff decreased by 2 thousand people, up to 14 thousand. Reducing administrative expenses and personnel reduction allowed to save 3 billion rubles. In the first half of 2016. "Today, all payments pass through me. I see who is what and where pays, "emphasizes Juraeva.

At the time of the arrival of Jurava, FGUPA was a huge cash gap - about 8.5 billion rubles. To a large extent, he arose due to debts to third-party companies for servicing infrastructure facilities, including unused, says Juraeva, leading as an example of Baikonur.

It has about 3 thousand facilities in renting Russia, but approximately 1.7 thousand. For a long time, the programs have long been closed, under which these objects were built in Soviet times. But for their contents of Cenni for many years continued to pay. Refusal of servicing part of sites and other savings measures allowed the results of the first half of 2016 to reduce costs of 1 billion rubles, and the cash rupture as a whole - four times. Government helped to cope with financial problems: the state, according to the Jurava, allocated Cenni 2.5 billion rubles. in the form of a subsidy.

Excessive infrastructure - the legacy of the Soviet era, when the country launched more than the defense satellites many times, says Moiseyev from the Institute of Space Policy. After in the summer of 2015, Roscosmos was transformed into a state corporation, the company began to deal with the problem assets, which should be reformed back in the 1990s, so "the hands came" to Cennie, he explains.

Another source of economy is the transition of all enterprises to the electronic procurement system. Cennie tried to get away from the only supplier at the maximum number of purchases. Due to this in 2015, it was possible to save 2 billion rubles. With the total procurement of 18 billion rubles, clarifies Juraeva. For the first time for the first time for the first time, a supercharged budget was for the first time: with planned income of 50 billion rubles. The company plans to spend about 45 billion.
Tsenka has many problems common to the entire industry, low labor productivity, a large number of unused infrastructure, the aging of employees, lists Moiseyev. The results that have already been achieved, for example, the reconstruction of the airport is destined in Baikonur, are a positive illustration of Jurava's activities, Oleg Panteleev believes.

Competing with mask

Cennie plans to earn more on commercial projects - while this is a minor part of the enterprise economy, about 10%. The main part of the income of FGUP is about 60% - orders of Roscosmos, about 30% of the Ministry of Defense. Much of the technologies that are being developed in the branches of the Center can be used in the "most unexpected fields" - from the production of airport equipment to medicine, Juraeva believes. In an example, it leads to the development of aircraft spare parts: Initially, this industry was not close to the Branch of Cenni - KB "Motor". But as a result of the initiative work of young engineers, Cenni managed to win the Competition of the United Aircraft Building Corporation on the development of spare parts for Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft (the amount of the contract in Cenni and OAAC did not comment).

In the future, it is calculated by Juraeva, Cenni will manage to combine the production facilities of four branches within the universal production base. Now they are scattered - in Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod and other cities: some power are overloaded, others are idle. The union could guarantee uniform loading and attract orders that are not related to the space industry. The course for "commercialization" of space was taken with the transformation of Roscosmos from the Federal Agency to the State Corporation in the summer of 2015, says Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics Andrei Ionin.

The agency lived as part of the budget, which was to fulfill, the state corporation is more flexible and sharpened to achieve commercial indicators, an expert explains. The same tasks are haunted by the planned price of Cenni: from the FGUP organization will turn into a joint-stock company whose owner will be Roscosmos, says Juraeva.

Competition in the industry today is growing at the expense of not only other states, but also private investors. "[Founder Spacex] Ilon Mask is a very talented person, we carefully look at what he does," says Juraeva. It is positively assessed by the owner of the airline S7 Sergey Filey Space Project "Sea Start". Cennie will continue to manage the project infrastructure and at File, she notes.

In 2016, the Balance of Cenni should be transferred to the East Space. Cennie is already managing several houses for industry workers, an external energy supply system and a cosmodrome railway, as well as an eastern command and measuring point. But the starting and technical complexes of Specstroy still did not pass: did not eliminate the remarks of the supervisory department. Some objects have to be completed in the "urgent" mode until the end of the year, and part in 2017, says Juraeva. In 2017, two launches are planned from the East, to prepare for which Cenci is starting this year.

The Cenni Strategic Transformation Program is scheduled to 2018: by this time, Juraeva expects to provide an enterprise with a balanced budget, electronic document management and project management. It formulates its mission in the new industry by analogy with the principle of medical ethics "not harm": "It is important to keep everything that is done here correctly, which works as a Swiss watch. At the same time, I want to bring the elements that I used in the business so that the state as an investor in this sphere remains pretty. "

It does not contradict the delicate handling of the strategic industry, it emphasizes: "I must understand the soul of the company than she lives why she is so, and remove everything that frosho, poured on this huge ship called Cenni."

Marie Claire: early Frunzeevna, which of the projects was the most difficult?

Early Juraeva: All the projects that I dealt are interesting. And all interesting projects are complex. What is the most difficult? I think the one I am now. I have not had such large-scale tasks. Cennie - the center of operation of objects of ground-based space infrastructure is a thousand business processes at the same time.

No such difficulty that can scare you?

Any difficult task consists of dozens, hundreds of simple. The main thing is to understand its structure, from which it consists, and not lose one of the elements. If you know that, the difficulty does not scare. All as in mathematics. I, when I went to the institute, was engaged in a tutor - a magnificent mathematician, whom I still thank you for taught me to solve the tasks of any level of complexity. It was useful to me at the Institute, when defending the dissertation, and then, when it began to work in the field of management of complex technical systems.

It was like that you did not cope? Or the task turned out to be so complicated that it was not even worth trying?

I will say on my own experience, and he is quite serious, sometimes under management was simultaneously 30-40 projects, it is not possible to solve the task if there are no resources. I don `t want. No financing. And, most importantly, if there is no team. The team is the most important thing. And if all the ingredients are, you can cook any dish.

That is, nothing is impossible?

Yes, and the whole history of human development does this demonstrate it. First of all, the development of space. This is a quintessence of the best thing that the man did. And it's good that we are here in the first roles. Russia asks the bar where there is talking about the expansion of human capabilities, about the work of thought.

Do you experience some of your projects a special sympathy? Maybe to the first or, on the contrary, to the latter, how does it happen to children?

You know, perhaps, to the current. There is something karmic in it. Long ago, when I only decided, who I want to be, I started from this. Of course, I did not say that I want to be a cosmonaut. Although in my time everyone said so: "Who do you want to be?" - "I want to be a cosmonaut." But I wanted to work in the cosmic sphere. Preparing for the Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrument - the only university in the country, which produced specialists for the space industry. The competition was in place was 16 people, and I, having arrived from Tashkent, he was held.

Mason, Deripaska and Anisimov are stunning businessmen. They didn't regret me very much. Put the barriers that I took. And I became those who now have

Why did everyone want, and you became?

I was some kind of purposeful. From the eighth class, she was engaged in this topic, he was written off with the institutes, solved any course tasks. I was very interesting, and my mother supported me. Although parents are not related to the technique. They are people of art. Mom graduated from the Leningrad Conservatory in the class of vocal at Antonina Andreevna Grigorieva. By the way, Elena Exodzova is also her student.

What a twist. Tell about the family.

It all started with the evacuation of the Leningrad Conservatory in Tashkent in 1941. There, teachers were selected guys with good data. My mom, then another teenager, passed the selection and, as soon as they removed the blockade, went along with the musicians to Leningrad. There graduated from school, music school and entered the Leningrad Conservatory. The teacher on vocals, Antonina Andreevna, and her husband, also professors of the Conservatory Grigory Mikhailovich Buz, there was no children. They actually focused mom. When I arrived in Leningrad, they accepted me as a native, settled at the 15th line of Vasilyevsky Island. But, unfortunately, not for long. After Tashkent, I could not live in the St. Petersburg climate and was translated in the Aviation Institute in Moscow. He graduated from him. For more than 30 years, he was engaged in civil aviation, when he suddenly rang: "Do you want to meet with Igor Anatolyevich Komarov?" I actually still do not understand what happened. Something divine, above human understanding.

Probably 30 years in aviation - it was a kind of training.

For sure! To come to this industry prepared.

What gave you a "school" Bricklayer-Deripaska?

These are stunning businessmen who have done themselves and have done a lot for the country. I learned a lot with them and just now I am implementing. They did not regret me very much, loaded, not believing with my capabilities, put the barriers that I had to take. But in this way I became the one who I am now.

Do you have a place for emotions?

When for something you feel with all the soul, it is impossible without emotions. The whole business, in my opinion, is moving due to the energy that emotions give. All the successes that I had in life are marked by the desire to make the project the most beautiful, best, most successful. Moreover, I as a manager should freeze the team. But emotions can be negative.

Can you give a catch?

Can. I can knock on the table: "So. Got up and got out! " Or vice versa: "Listen, come on, do it! It's not hard! I'll show you how! Just do not sit back. " You can apply a different approach. The main thing is to convey to people thirst to achieve the result. Indifference is the worst. In my opinion, very many of our industries and enterprises are destroyed. And the gipam is generally typical. There as? I came to work at nine, went to six. Do you have questions? No questions.

They say you are fantastically efficient. Where do you take strength and time?

Yes, one thought that I will do it, already gives me strength! And I save time. For example, discuss some working questions for lunch - what is it just so? With dinner, the same. Of course, 24 hours in the days are not enough. But if you calculate that this is 1440 minutes, it is enough to solve all the questions.


Well, not all, of course. Usually I am writing a work plan for a month, for a week, for a day, and if at least 30-40% of this plan perform, it means that I move well.

Why are you so few women in your business?

Since all designers, all engineers must represent what they do, to the smallest detail, they must have tunnel thinking. And this, of course, is mostly a man.

Is it all about biology?

I think yes. Men need to walk to essence. Thorough knowledge of the subject gives them strength to move forward and make discoveries. And women basically have fan thinking. They have more interests in life, family, friends, life, concerns about appearance. They lack concentrations. And then, some things require endurance. Including - physical.

Is it only about space or career buildings in principle?

I am not a supporter of the theory of a glass ceiling. On the contrary, I believe, a woman has more potential to be successful. Nature gave her the opportunity to quickly adapt, quickly learn, move away from stress, to be energetic, beautiful, trick, rich, bright, always young in the shower. In my opinion, for a woman who seeks to create a career, there are no barriers.

What makes you in your work?

Complex tasks. It is like in sports. When you trained the muscles and you can take a six-meter height from one jump, and you are offered 20 cm, it certainly does not start. And if 6 m 20 cm is already quite another matter.

Do you have a certain overall, mission?

It seems to me that this approach is peculiar to everyone who was born in the Soviet Union. And then, if you do not set missionary tasks, it is not interesting to live. I want to leave something to children and grandchildren so that they are proud of.

Did you get? Grandchildren are proud?

I have two grandson - ten and six years, Peter and Leo. Somehow they visited the start, and then the eldest decided to make a presentation on the school on the topic "How the Pilot Start is carried out." Done. Showed. The teacher then causes mom and says: "You know, you have something wrong with your son. He says his grandmother all controls all this. " Then apologized, of course. Senior grandson calls me "Grandma early". And the youngest hit him: "Fruunzyevna is early!"

What is in your life there is except for work?

I try not to forget the sport. I go to the fitness room for energy and to forget a little. We often travel with the whole family. Here recently were in the film. I was struck by this place - what nature is amazing how much inspiration. I have not yet coming to the film, along the way there, I already presented myself with Levitan and wanted to draw. It is a pity that I do not know how to do it.

Take this to the category of "complex, but possible." What else would you like to learn?

There is a dream that I even dream sometimes. That I drive the car. I will definitely master it. It is time.

Principal moment?

Yes. It is important for me not to go, I need to learn.

And the love of music from parents was passed?

Naturally, I can't hike in the theater. Parents attracted me love for Opera and Ballet. I will frequent Moscow performances, and in Mariyinka often go with our director of Piary Maria.

Now you will say that you have time to do homemade. I do not believe.

Why? I can cook something delicious. Grandson love my pilaf, and I do it on a big holiday. I generally love life, but honestly, I'm sorry to spend at this time.

You will be surprised, but this is my daughter. When she was born, I immediately understood that it would be a friend who would always support me. In addition, I have many friends - absolutely different - with whom I am friends for a hundred years. There are techi, businessmen, creative people. For example, the same Masha is a famous writer and a very creative girlfriend. We work together for many years and come up with stunning things ... She is a guru in its field. I am in my own. And here we, two guru, unite, and it turns out a guru in a square.

What in addition to professionalism do you expect from your employees?

I need living people. It is necessary that they want to do something. Do not be at work, but to carry out some movements from point A to point B. There are very few such people. But when I came here, alone, without my team, I saw people here who are burning. They just did not have a conductor, coach that could send them. Then I managed to collect someone from those with whom I worked in other places. They also became interesting, they all dispersed and came.

What is the magnet in your aura or decent salary?

You know when you look at the rocket that flies down, and you hear this "rocker of the cosmodrome", as in the song it hits ... This is a romance in its pure form. Many people from those workers here are not working for money, but for involvement in this topic.

I am a perfectionist, and if something goes wrong at the airport, it annoys me. In the restaurant - it annoys me. And I am such a person - no day without a line - I will definitely speak

In your projects there is such a format as a "quality system". It sounds promising, and what is it really?

Well, for example, when I worked in Domodedovo, I had to create this system there. Everything is simple. If you serve a person in the terminal, it must be pleased with the service. And you can't feel humiliated and offended because you serve someone. This is your job, and you have to do work with pleasure. And here, in Cennie, of course, the quality is important. We make a full cycle of all works, from the creation of ground-based space infrastructure of starting technical complexes before creating components of rocket fuel, start-ups, disposal, transportation. I was very surprised that for the entire period of development of space activities in Russia, starting in 1955, when the Baikonur cosmodrome was built, and to date, the tradition of compliance with quality has been preserved. Moreover, they are transmitted from generation to generation, from person to man. And there were still those who worked with Queen.

How with a quality system in ordinary life?

I turned on this topic. I am a perfectionist, and if something goes wrong at the airport, it annoys me. In the restaurant - it annoys me. And I am such a person - no day without a line - I will definitely speak. I can not pass by not to fix it. Maybe this is something even a bore.

Humor does not save?

Only this and live. On the cosmodrome, they definitely meet the fresh joke. Here the meeting begins with a joke. And if a person does not understand humor, if the question "can the toothpick?" He is told: "You can, as soon as you liberate, ladies," and he is offended and tapering: "We have a one-time toothpicks," it will be hard for him.

I offer a small blitz poll.
I never admit ...

Haltury and indifference.

I easily go to risk if ...

I'm wondering. As, for example, this project with Marie Claire.

I can not imagine...

That I am five days in a row rest and do nothing.

In any incomprehensible situation ...

I'm leaving to think.

Do you always see manipulation?

I had to work with thousands of people, and many, in general, predictable. Especially in the fact that they want to manipulate me. But sometimes you want to be smubilate (laughs).

Is it difficult to achieve something from you?

I do not feel sorry and not too lazy. I, as in that fairy tale about the ferrous coast, when you need to freeze the stove from the pies, the apple trees shake, - I try to do everything that depends on me. But I can forget and then worry because of this.

What do you advise those who begin to make a career?

I will say this: every person must do the job that he is interested. In the unloved case, never become successful. And yet, I think you need to constantly develop myself as an asset. It is necessary to be competitive, modern, expand the erudition. And if something really wondered you, you naturally want to learn more about it. It is interconnected.

And it's all about her

Early Juraev
FSUE "Center of operation of objects of ground-based space infrastructure"

Education: Moscow Aviation Institute
Career:worked in the state "Aeron Navigation", Director of Business Development in Airport Management Company Ltd., engaged in the implementation of projects for the development of the Domodedovo airport complex and its non-aviation activities, General Director of Synthesis Group, head of the aircraft sector in the "Basic Element", General Director of the Airport Systems Development, President of the Innovation Center for Civil Aviation, General Director of Tornenfotech LLC, Executive Director of the International Airport Association
A family: daughter, two grandson
Perfume: Cartier VIII.
Dessert: Chocolate "Rakhat" (Kazakhstan)
Book: I love my diary or "and longer than a century last day" Chingiza Aitmatova



General Meeting Shareholders

"Aviation Lines of Kuban"

according to the results of the work of 2007

krasnodar city

General provisions ................................................................................................................. ..

General information about society .............................................................................. ..

The main activities ................................................................

The position of society in the industry ............................................................... ...............

Report on the main areas of the Company's activities ........................

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Report on financial results ..................................................

Indicators of liquidity and financial stability ........................ ..

Personnel policy ..................................................................................

The main risk factors associated with the activities of the Company ...... ...

Prospects for the development of society ............................................................................

Information about large transactions, to which the procedure for apparentia of large transactions is distributed ..................................

Information about transactions in which there is an interest ..............................................................................................................

Information about the compliance with the Company of Corporate Legislation .................................................................................................................


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2.1. Complete proprietary name:


2.2. Abbreviated name:

2.3. Location and postal address:

Krasnodar, Pashkovsky-2, airport

2.4. Information about state registration:

Registration was manufactured by the Registration Chamber of Krasnodar, Certificate № 000 dated 21.g.

2.5. Taxpayer Identification Number:

2.6. Industry:

Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, Civil Aviation

2.7. Executive Organ of the Company:

The management of the Company's current activities is carried out by the Director General of Juraeva Ranohon Frunzievna, the year of birth of 1957.

Higher education.

He graduated from Mai. S. Ordzhonikidze, 1980,

From 01/01/1997 to 12/20/2004 - Director of Business Development ErpoT Management Company Limited, Representative Office in Russia.

From 01/24/2005 to 03/01/2006 - Managing Director Representation Koalko AG JSC

From 30.06.2006 to November 30, 2006 - Executive Director

From 02.05.2007 G - Head of the Aviation Sector "Basic Element"

06/19/2007 G - by the decision of the Board of Directors was elected general director of the Kuban line "

2.8. List of members of the Board of Directors of the Kuban line

Full Name

Position held

Date of birth - 01/29/1964

Higher education


Date of birth - 04/22/1962

Higher education

He graduated from: Chelyabinsk Higher Military Aviation School of Shturmanov, 1983

Development Director -Yug

Date of birth - 06/29/1951

Higher education


Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, 1987

General Director Sochi Airport "

Date of birth - 05.06.1971

Higher education


Military Red Banner Institute of the USSR, 1994

Deputy General Director for Legal Affairs - Head of Legal Department

Date of birth - 01/01/1969

Higher education

Finished: Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, 1995

Leader: general director of the south

Full Name

Position held

Jurava Ranohon Frunzievna

Date of birth - 07.03.1957

Higher education


1.Ma and them. S. Ordzhonikidze, 1980

2. All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade, 1995

Head of the Aviation Sector "Basic Element"

Date of birth - 01/29/1964

Higher education


Moscow State University. , 1988

General Director -Aasian Investment Company "

Date of birth - 12.07.1973

Higher education


1. Nizhny Novgorod State University. , 1995

2. State University - Higher School of Economics, 1998

Deputy Director of the Department Department of Mergers and Acquisitions "Basic Element"

Date of birth - 21.10.1974

Higher education


1. Moscow State Institute of International Relations, 1998

2. Central European University, 2001

Lawyer "Basic Element"

Date of birth - 10.12.1971 g

Higher education


Moscow State University. , 1994

Deputy Director of the Financial Department

"Basic Element"

All the above members of the Board of Directors do not own the shares of society.

Transactions between members of the Board of Directors and Society did not commit.

2.9. Information on the amount of remuneration, benefits and / or compensation for expenses on the Board of Directors and the Director-General paid for 2007:

Remuneration (compensation of expenses) of a person who occupies the position of the sole executive body and each member of the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) of the Company or remuneration (compensation of expenses) of persons paid on the results of the reporting year in 2007 was not made.

2.10. Information about the Company's Auditor:

"Faber Lex",

location: Krasnodar,

license No. E 003080 dated 01.01.01, issued in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, for a period of five years.

2.11. Registrar information:

Branch interregional recorder "in Krasnodar,

Postal address: Krasnodar, car 5072

License to carry out registry activities

№ 000 Series 03

2.12. List of the media in which information about society is published:

newspaper "Kuban News"

2.13. Branches and representative offices of the Company:

No branches and representative offices

2.14. Brief information:

· Revenues for 2007: 2 thousand rubles

· Profit before tax for 2007: thousand rubles.

· Average number of employees in a joint-stock company: 820 people

3. Main activities

Priority areas in the Company's activities to the degree of importance of income are:

1. Regular passenger transportation on domestic and international airlines;

2. Charter domestic and international passenger traffic.

In addition, the airline provides a number of services related to priority activities - aviation transport, including the carriage of goods and mail, and also provides terrestrial maintenance services at the airport Krasnodar and so on.

4. The position of society in the industry

The position of society at the modern Russian aviation market is determined by indicators characterizing the scope of work and services. On the pages of the Information Bulletin of the Rusaero-Info Analytical Agency, such sectoral materials are regularly published, which can be the basis for a comparative analysis determining the state of society.

In addition, Rusaero-Info monthly with a growing result during the year is ratings of 35 leading domestic airlines in terms of passenger and cargo transportation.

According to the agency for 12 months of 2007, the rating was determined by the following positions:

Passenger Transportation


Transported passengers, people

Passenger turn, thousand pass. km.









Freight transportation


Transported cargo, mail, t.

Cargo turnover, thousand TCM.









From the given data it follows that the airline in 2007 retained its position in the field of passenger air transport. In the segment of their priority activity - passenger transportation on internal air lines - the growth of the rating position from the 11th to the 10th in terms of passengers transported was noted.

Principal moment?

Yes. It is important for me not to go, I need to learn.

And the love of music from parents was passed?

Naturally, I can't hike in the theater. Parents attracted me love for Opera and Ballet. I will frequent Moscow performances, and in Mariyinka often go with our director of Piary Maria.

Now you will say that you have time to do homemade. I do not believe.

Why? I can cook something delicious. Grandson love my pilaf, and I do it on a big holiday. I generally love life, but honestly, I'm sorry to spend at this time.

You will be surprised, but this is my daughter. When she was born, I immediately understood that it would be a friend who would always support me. In addition, I have many friends - absolutely different - with whom I am friends for a hundred years. There are techi, businessmen, creative people. For example, the same Masha is a famous writer and a very creative girlfriend. We work together for many years and come up with stunning things ... She is a guru in its field. I am in my own. And here we, two guru, unite, and it turns out a guru in a square.

What in addition to professionalism do you expect from your employees?

I need living people. It is necessary that they want to do something. Do not be at work, but to carry out some movements from point A to point B. There are very few such people. But when I came here, alone, without my team, I saw people here who are burning. They just did not have a conductor, coach that could send them. Then I managed to collect someone from those with whom I worked in other places. They also became interesting, they all dispersed and came.

What is the magnet in your aura or decent salary?

You know when you look at the rocket that flies down, and you hear this "rocker of the cosmodrome", as in the song it hits ... This is a romance in its pure form. Many people from those workers here are not working for money, but for involvement in this topic.

I am a perfectionist, and if something goes wrong at the airport, it annoys me. In the restaurant - it annoys me. And I am such a person - no day without a line - I will definitely speak

In your projects there is such a format as a "quality system". It sounds promising, and what is it really?

Well, for example, when I worked in Domodedovo, I had to create this system there. Everything is simple. If you serve a person in the terminal, it must be pleased with the service. And you can't feel humiliated and offended because you serve someone. This is your job, and you have to do work with pleasure. And here, in Cennie, of course, the quality is important. We make a full cycle of all works, from the creation of ground-based space infrastructure of starting technical complexes before creating components of rocket fuel, start-ups, disposal, transportation. I was very surprised that for the entire period of development of space activities in Russia, starting in 1955, when the Baikonur cosmodrome was built, and to date, the tradition of compliance with quality has been preserved. Moreover, they are transmitted from generation to generation, from person to man. And there were still those who worked with Queen.

How with a quality system in ordinary life?

I turned on this topic. I am a perfectionist, and if something goes wrong at the airport, it annoys me. In the restaurant - it annoys me. And I am such a person - no day without a line - I will definitely speak. I can not pass by not to fix it. Maybe this is something even a bore.

Humor does not save?

Only this and live. On the cosmodrome, they definitely meet the fresh joke. Here the meeting begins with a joke. And if a person does not understand humor, if the question "can the toothpick?" He is told: "You can, as soon as you liberate, ladies," and he is offended and tapering: "We have a one-time toothpicks," it will be hard for him.

I offer a small blitz poll.
I never admit ...

Haltury and indifference.

I easily go to risk if ...

I'm wondering. As, for example, this project with Marie Claire.

I can not imagine...

That I am five days in a row rest and do nothing.

In any incomprehensible situation ...

I'm leaving to think.

Do you always see manipulation?

I had to work with thousands of people, and many, in general, predictable. Especially in the fact that they want to manipulate me. But sometimes you want to be smubilate (laughs).

Is it difficult to achieve something from you?

I do not feel sorry and not too lazy. I, as in that fairy tale about the ferrous coast, when you need to freeze the stove from the pies, the apple trees shake, - I try to do everything that depends on me. But I can forget and then worry because of this.

What do you advise those who begin to make a career?

I will say this: every person must do the job that he is interested. In the unloved case, never become successful. And yet, I think you need to constantly develop myself as an asset. It is necessary to be competitive, modern, expand the erudition. And if something really wondered you, you naturally want to learn more about it. It is interconnected

For Russian cosmonautics, the current spring has become anomalously emergency. The wreck of the Proton-M missile at take-off with a Mexican satellite, the loss of controlling the "Progress" cargo ship, failure using another "progress" to lift the ISS orbit. April 28 was an emergency launch of the Soyuz-2.1a rocket with the Progress cargo ship for the ISS. If you also consider any problems that have arisen during orbital tests on the Condor-E satellite, developed for South Africa, the Russian enterprise "MIC" NPO Engineering ", then conclusions are disappointing.

What salary is such a job!

Regarding ChP on May 16, I will say unequivocally. "Progress" with a Mexican satellite started the 16th, then the final assembly and preparation were held on the 15th, on Friday. I am not superstitious, but from the first course of the aviation institution I remember the Golden Rules of Sergey Queen: "Do not do a responsible assembly on Monday, Friday, 15th and 30th." This is by the way is not superstition, but just a normal penetration into industry social psychology.

During the work by the engineer and warfold in the 1980s at the Kuibyshev Plant "Progress" (now it is the Samara JSC RCC "progress") I have repeatedly participated in the analysis of abnormal situations and accidents. So: I almost did not have stupid nurses. In order for the angular speed sensors upside down or the accelerometer - I do not remember this. It was a case, I myself dropped the carrying on the onboard power supply unit of the Space Series Satellite, broke the connector. Immediately reported to the head of the site. They did not punish, but simply sent on a business trip to the manufacturer in Izhevsk for a new device.

There was a case when the most experienced mechanic of the 6th category accidentally drilled a hole in the "Energy" rocket section, where necessary. Naturally, instantly informed the authorities. Have deprived award. So he walked his own for a whole month, experiencing. Not that the ruble was punished, but the fact that the expensive detail spoiled.

Those times have shown in the fly. You know, what proverbs and sayings are walking in the industry. Well, for example:

"The rocket took off - fell into the swamp! What salary, such work ".

Here is another pillary folklore sample:

What to do an employee if you pay only 15 000 rubles?

Nothing. Even a little harm.

The sectoral folklore reflects the unsightly reality that after the accident "Proton-M" (and all others) it is already impossible to hide: "poor-quality and inattentive assembly of blocks of the Proton-M carrier missile, insufficient qualifications of personnel working for a low salary could become The reason for the next accident "Proton-M", which destroyed the Mexican satellite, told RIA Novosti source in the space industry.

"Systemic degradation in the production of domestic space technology, in particular the Proton carrier missile, which had the minimum level of failures in due time, is obvious," the agency's source said.

This is partly, however, partly the sunburn. Is only personnel to blame? Only low-qualified collectors?

In the Russian cosmonautics, as nowhere is the saying that the fish rotes from the head. This applies primarily by the "Moral Blood" of its leaders. In recent years, the boulevard editions have been protected by this topic.

On March 7, 2012, on the corporate party Roscosmos, his leader Vladimir Popovkin "damaged the head of a bottle from under champagne. Repaired in the hospital. Burdenko. The media reported that it happened during the "gentlemansky" dispute due to the lady.

Director of the Flight Department of Vladimir Lobachev, being on a business trip to Florida, in a state of extreme signpipe, came up with the sanitary workers who wanted to give him a medical care. For a thousand dollars, the cosmic deboshir was released on bail.

Star of espionage and semi-clutter Anna Chapman was introduced to the Board of Directors of the Federal Summary Industry. After that, Chapman inspired by developing a new form for astronauts. Well, what to say about the appointment by the press secretary of the Roscosmos of the former model, the scandalous photos of which in no case can be shown to the younger generation?

Truly, where the cosmonautics is read, discipline ends.

Dmitry Rogozin was extremely outraged by the abuses in the construction of the Eastern cosmodrome. Even I was going to shoot the perpetrators. But all the problems of "Eastern" were programmed before the start of its construction. And on the rank itself.

In 2011, Specstroy Russia was forced in order to start work without design and estimate documentation. An ambiguity with the project and the estimate was led to the fact that in the summer of 2013, the construction lag was reached 18 months.

Dalssetstroy - a structural division of a specialist - built watchdogs, mobilized people, taped equipment. But the first batch of design and estimate documentation, revealing the essence of the project, entered the "Eastern" only six months. Moreover, the estimated documentation laid rates, which absolutely did not correspond to the realities of the Far East and the complexity of the object of the object.

The basic salary of workers Moscow financiers identified as much as 17 thousand rubles. No matter how knowing that the average remuneration in the region was already 34 thousand. Or maybe initially taking the calculation of the work of Asian migrant workers?

The cost of organizing the watch construction shift was not laid. Apparently, it was considered that highly skilled workers can be found in the devils of the Ussuri region, and even for 17 thousand rubles.

Did not laid money in the estimate for the delivery of complex equipment from the central regions of Russia. Immediately calculated for deliveries from China? But what about import substitution?

If it is not sabotage, then what? And is it not clear that "low-qualified personnel" has nothing to do with it?

Far Eastern abuse and direct theft seem to me derived from the metropolitan.

And at this very time, Dmitry Rogozin dreamed that "the new cosmodrome will play a magical and magnetic role in the development of the Amur region and the entire Russian east, in the Eastern and Pacific regions of Russia of ambitious young scientists and engineers."

Even now the builders of the "Eastern" continue to bring the missing drawings and project-estimate documentation, in which new and new refinements and adjustments are made during the case.

What is interesting is, almost all equipment for ground starts and the infrastructure of the cosmodrome on approved documents should have been purchased abroad. While domestic cosmodromes have historically equipped with domestic equipment.

Now for the construction of "Eastern" additional funds from government reserves were mobilized. Looking for the perpetrators of waste and delay. But they will reach the highest government officials, authorized this disgrace, is unknown.

There is a veteran - there is a problem. No veteran - no problem

About "Proton". It's no secret that GKNPTS them. M. N. Khrunichev, where they are released - de facto bankrupt. From there, there is long been the outflow of experts. In business, in abroad, to nowhere.

This outflow does not bother anyone, moreover, it seems to me that the leaders of the Russian cosmonautics are pleased. Here at my native Samara "progress" just fired 900 people. A quarter of the staff of the Moscow Region Flight Management Center is also reduced. The reason for abbreviations is a course on frame rejuvenation, therefore, in the overwhelming number of cases, the staff of the retirement age leaves. And this is, by the way, the golden personnel fund of the Russian cosmonautics, people who are heirs and carriers of great traditions.

On the profile forums of Runet already Vanguyut: they say, mass layoffs will cause massacre.

But after all, the youth is already on space plants and CB does not go. Today, the salary of a young engineer on "progress" - 20-22 thousand rubles. Previously, young people went to space enterprises for deferred from the army, now there is no. A graduate of the prestigious (yet) technical university to find a job with paying thousands of 10 more, and without a regime pass, where the mobile phones should be given - not a problem.

Last year, I specially visited several Moscow employment fairs and asked in detail the personnel of defense enterprises, primarily the cosmic, which were sitting there in quality. Do not go to them youth. Mortar middle-aged people are treated, the youth prefers a building complex, where a highly qualified bricker receives 100 thousand rubles, and sometimes above.

If you build a hierarchy of the problems of Russian cosmonautics, then corruption and venture in the tops are not the most difficult of them. They are treatable in the presence of political will at the very top. Now she is. A combined rocket-space state corporation was created, an experienced financier, Igor Komarov, who had previously worked in large banks, was raised, who had previously worked in large banks and guided financial and personnel order at AvtoVAZ.

All terrestrial activities, including the construction of spacecraft, will oversee the center of operation of objects of ground-based space infrastructure (Cenni). This structure was recently led by Ranohon Juraeva, a graduate of the Harvard Business School, who was not led by anyone who did not lead the International Association of Airports.

And to the mosquito, and to the Jurava residents of the veterans of the industry attitude, to put it mildly, unfriendly. If Komarov is still recognized for a competent financier, then Juraev is generally considered a person absolutely random. Cognitive dissonance will be dialectically removed - veterans will soon not be in the industry. At all.

Completely, both of these managers will pursue a policy of violent rejuvenation, and how the top-managgers of the post-Soviet era are cynically expressed, optimizing social responsibility. That is, they will implement hard and, as they seem to be a market approach. Top managers - SuperZarplats, engineers and workers - subsistence minimum.

This approach can make Russian astronautically less costly, but it is not able to return the ability to develop it. Although, no doubt, the production of the Rocket "Angara" will be able to establish. Now this carrier is two and a half times more expensive than the "proton". Of course, when moving to the serial release, the cost will decrease, but we cannot even compete with foreign competitors.

Today, four ships can be delivered to the ISS: Russian "Progress", Japanese HTV, as well as private American Dragon (Spacex) and Cygnus (Orbital Sciences). Dragon is the only space cargo ship that is capable of returning cargo from orbit to the Earth.

The decline in prices for space launches today is the world trend: everyone is waiting for the beginning of a full-fledged launch company Rocket Falcon Heavy from Spacex, able to bring to the geo-order to 19.5 tons of payload. The launch price of the device using Falcon Heavy will be about $ 78 million. This is 25% lower than the launch of the Protons, the most affordable media carriers today. But they are only available because of the fact that in pursuit of the profit center them. Khrunichev began literally kleu "Protons", reducing the quality of assembly and reliability. That was the once most reliable rocket carrier champion in the accident.

If in the Russian cosmonautics, do not produce radical (and not organizational) changes, then with the high probability of Falcon Elon Mask, it will be out of the launch market.

Falcon is created on the basis of a new manufacturing model for rocket people, providing its competitiveness at a low price.

Until now, all rocket carriers - Russian, American and Chinese - were made on the basis of a production model created by Queen and the von Brown in the 50s of the last century. The basis of this model was also a narrow specialization of manufacturers. This made it possible to solve problems in a short time. The reverse side of a narrow specialization is a unique production and the highest price. Mask refused narrow specialization. And minimized cooperation. Therefore, his rockets are cheaper than others. And compete with a mask within the old production model is impossible.

American rocket-space giants, such as "Boeing" and Lockhid, are completely quietly relate to the phenomenon of Elon Mask and his missiles. We have the appearance of such a private space company excluded. Orcc will crush it in the bud.

Losing already in the cost of launch, we will inevitably lose and in the reliability of our missiles. Here, let's say, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 681n dated 09.10.2014 approved the professional standard "Specialist in the Defecting Products of Rocket and Space Technology" and established requirements for education under this profession: secondary vocational education under training programs for qualified workers. Ptiverhnik-flaw detection of space technology is masterpiece!

In essence, the reform of the space industry is plotted by the liberal recipes. And soon it will become indistinguishable from the same Rosneft. So what's wrong with this, the reader will ask? Yes, that it relies on Western technologies and Western techniques, not being the most interested in developing their innovations.

Thus, effective financiers will quickly quickly lead the Russian cosmonautics to the full brake. "Angara", which is currently made by the rate, developed and brought to the first launches not young graduates of Russian universities, and engineers of the Soviet school, from which today the new space bosses are so convulsive. Hopes for the fact that new carriers are enough for another twenty years, or even more, ghostly and illusory. International competition will be thrown from the launch market in the coming years.

By the way, the launch market is relatively small - only 2-3 billion dollars a year. An order of magnitude more global market of ground equipment. But we are not present on it, as well as on a huge 300 billion satellite market.

It remains to hope that the rapid change in the conjuncture of the space market will force the Russian leadership to change the approach to the development of the space industry and it is understood that the social partnership is not an empty sound that the ultra-high differentiation of industry income deprives incentives to work, and massive dismissal can cause massacare.

It would be better if this understanding came in the near future. Space clocks come with space speed. We can forever be lagging behind our competitors.

P.S. Information flashed in the media that the employees of the FSB found that the cause of the "Proton" accident is a direct sabotage, an intentional damage of the engine. But one of the managers of the Khrunicopene Center this version immediately denied. But even if the sabotage, or sabotage, the system degradation of the industry does not cancel.


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