Antiutopia or taxes as a fee into a common boiler. The COP recognized the legitimate contributions to the overhaul in the "Common Boiler" examples of the use of the word Pai in the literature

The norms of the overhaul law "are not perfect", but the constitution does not contradict, they decided in the COP.

Commmatates economist Alexey herds:

Many it seemed that "contributions" or "fees" for major overhaul will be canceled, but the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation (COP) actually answered the hard "no" on complaints from the Duma factions of the Communists and Fair Russia. He voiced this "No" Deputy Chairman of the CS Sergey Mavrin.

After that, most likely, not only the constitutional court, but the press is to be long and tedious to the public why she will still have to pay, and why someone will be able to dispose of money by money, no one asking anyone. Although, who will tell me how to clarify a pensioner from Kamyshin who receives thousands of seven per month why she is also ready to "pick up" 600-700 "blood" rubles with a promise to make repair of years in 15-20. As they say, "It's a pity, just to live at this time is beautiful, I can't have ..."

It remains to hope that even after the decision of the CS of veterans and pensioners, they will still guessed to free from the "untimely" collection. And the timing of future repairs will be, let's say so intelligently visible. In the same way, it remains only to hope that local "public utilities" will understand and with the size of contributions, and from the federal center they are "strictly monitored" for the validity of the tariffs.

However, to spend "contributions" without asking, it does not mean at all - to spend them on something other than overhaul. Just someone else will have to be repaired earlier, and for this money can be taken as if borrowed from those who "lucky" to get under the repair somewhat later. And just to ensure that the funds do not go to the address, and the notorious "common boilers" are created, where there will be more precisely - each penny. Ours with you.

Now we will remind you exactly did not suit the deputies from the opposition fractions. It must be admitted that the doubts of the Communists and Sunov are very significantly different from the doubts of ordinary citizens.

The applicants' deputies appealed the constitutionality of the very fact of establishing fees for overhaul and the storage location collected from each particular home. This, we recall either a special private account, or the account of the regional overhaul operator. The permit was also challenged to use the funds received by the regional operator from the owners of the apartments in some apartment buildings for overhaul in others.

In response, the Constitutional Court first acknowledged the collection of contributions to the overhaul of apartment buildings legitimate. And by the way, it is obligatory for citizens that for some reason no one does not confuse anyone - neither the citizens themselves, nor folk chosennes, and - at that same "common boiler". The COP concluded that the idea of \u200b\u200bholding overhaul due to, including the means of owners of residential premises, does not contradict the Constitution.

We add that after almost the ubiquitous refusal of the practice of living in the "state", that is, in fact, in drawn homes and apartments, along with the ownership of housing, most of us have gained a number of responsibilities. Including in maintaining housing in the appropriate condition. When we trust the degree of necessity of the same major repairs to determine specialized utilities - they ourselves and pay it. Well, the need to collect contributions to overhaul, recall, and originated, first of all, because the modest means that were laid on it earlier, including through various types of deductions, simply ate inflation. Of course, many now do not have confidence that new fees she, damned, will not eat.

Practice of fees with housing owners is the norm and where the housing is private, and where it is mostly rented. Often, such contributions are simply entered into the apartment fee or in housing tax. The latter applies, for example, in the Scandinavian countries and in the former Soviet Baltic republics, which, however, immediately complicates the system of allocating specific funds to a particular overhaul. Although they cope somehow, and judging by the appearance of the local houses, they do not well. The Deputy Chairman of the CS, commenting on the decision of the judiciary, noted that "those mechanisms that the state elected to implement this idea, they are basically the constitutional. Although they recognized that they are" of course not perfect. "

So, according to the decision of the COP "Contributions to the overhaul cannot be considered tax, since it is consumed solely in the target." This, as you can see, already "judicial" consolidation of the fact that citizens more than once, as they could have clarified immediately from several departments. In the same decision, it was noted that "the obligation to take care of the preservation of the common property of an apartment building follows from the right to ownership of residential premises." And the fundraising system in the "Common Boiler" in itself "does not contradict the Constitution, since it allows you to quickly accumulate funds for urgent work in emergency buildings."

The CS RF ruled that in connection with this, the sequence of overhaul should be determined on the basis of the objective state of the houses and may be challenged in court. At the same time, the cessation of the activities of a particular regional operator does not exempt the authorities from obligations to citizens. "The legislator must establish a mechanism that ensures the continuity of their execution. In addition, the transparency of the implementation of regional overhaul programs should be guaranteed, "– It is noted in the materials of the COP.

The COP directly ordered the legislator to ensure not only the transparency of the implementation of regional coamont programs, but also the continuity of their execution in the event of termination of the specific regional operator. Also, the CS stressed the need to comply with the obligations of the state in front of the residents of houses that demanded overhaul at the time of privatization. Such buildings, noted by the COP, should be included in the relevant regional program in priority.

Especially for the "century"

People often addressed people with the question of the feasibility of the opening of a special purpose on the overhaul of an apartment building. Some in principle do not want to save funds for these purposes in the total boiler, i.e. The regional operator - the Foundation of the Bearemont, and do not pay for his accounts. Others believe: only a special place can provide transparency and targeted use of accumulated money. Thirdly sure: the opening of the specialist gives them the opportunity to choose - pay or not to pay. What is the advantage of this form of accumulation of money, whether to fulfill the owners of the ICD to form the funds of the overhaul on a special account, and is there pitched stones here? We talk about these topics with Deputy Director of the Governing Companies "Service Plus" and "Lysvommuncomfort" by the hope of Soboleva (in the picture).

Further, but not everyone
"Nadezhda Evgenyevna, let's start with the question of whether the owners of which houses are currently profitable to save money in a common boiler, and what - on a special purpose?
- Since February 2015, all owners of residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings have come to pay contributions to the overhaul. At the same time, where to pay, and most importantly - how to control the expenditure of funds and the quality of the works carried out depends on the owners themselves, from their activity. They have the right to choose the method of formation of the Foundation of the overhaul at the general meeting: the score of the regional operator (total boiler) or a species of a particular home. Specialists of our Criminal Code work very closely with homes tips on this issue. Knowing all the disadvantages and advantages of two ways, they help determine the feasibility of choice. If the house is small (up to 30 apartments), besides, with a large percentage of wear, shape the winmont foundation in the special purpose is inappropriate. Judge for yourself. For the year, the owners of the house, in which 24 apartments, provided 100% of payment they collect 154.6 thousand rubles (7.58x 12 months x 1700 sq.m). In the case of the formation of the overhaul fund, it is possible to start work if you have enough funds on the score. To accumulate at least a million, owners will need at least six years. If the money is listed in the overall boiler, the regulator is obliged to conduct a overhaul in the deadlines established by the regional program. If the house is big and not very old, it is better to open a special. Then the owners appear additional opportunities. What kind? They can determine the timing of overhaul. Either at the General Meeting, decide on the work on earlier time than is scheduled in the regional program, but provided that there is a certain amount on the score. Or, if in the house of the network, roofing, facade in good condition, the owners have the right to move the period of overhaul at a later period, and the money continue to save on the special.
- How can they determine if the building needs repair or not? In appearance, it may be in good condition, and in reality the inner "filling" of the house is already winding ...
- This is determined as a result of technical monitoring, which is carried out by the specialists of the management company. They decide, the overhaul is needed in this period or not.
- - Okay. Owners entrusted the Criminal Code to open a special. Who is his owner in this?
- The management company, since it opens it, but the cash on the score belongs to the owners. I must say, at first the right to open a special purpose legislator provided only the regional operator and the HOA. Then (from January 1, 2015), changes were made to the legislation, and the right to open and conduct special councils received and the Criminal Code. By the way, in 2014, our owners of 29 apartment buildings showed activity, deciding to form a coaront fund on a specialist of the regional operator. After the management companies received the right to open such accounts, the owners began to change the owner. At the moment, we have already opened about 20 special councils in the credit institutions chosen by the owners themselves, and the regional operator returned the money made on its special account. It is clear that for the Criminal Code is an additional set of events. It is necessary to print receipts, to reconcile with a regulator about the accruals and payment of contributions by each owner, and this is sufficiently false. It is necessary to organize acceptance of payments, collect debt. Now we already have about 80% of the owners are debtors for overhaul. All these are additional costs, and on average they make up 70 kopecks from the square meter of the apartment. Currently, the winmont Foundation has stopped sending payment documents to the house, where the regional operator's counsels are open. Not receiving receipts, people do not pay contributions and become debtors.

Money is returned with debts
- According to the law of the Criminal Code - the owner of the specialist. The question arises: who will dispose of the assembled funds?
Only cash owners can dispose. Their receipt (arrival) on a special purpose costs without additional documents. When we are talking about expenditure operations, the protocol of the General Meeting of Owners should appear, and in it - the decision on what goals will be written off by money: to pay for the cost of estimates, materials, contracting work, etc. Only after these documents appear in the bank, it will work on calculations. Consider money without a decision of the owner's owners can not.
- You open a specialty, the regional operator returns the money collected. How to deal with those who fundamentally did not contribute contributions to the overall boiler all 2015, waiting for the opening of a special account of the house?
- These are the debtors. They are obliged to make funds in full. Countdown comes from February 2015 - from the moment the winmont program is launched in the Perm Territory. Debts - old and current - no one will forgive. Payment of contributions to the overhaul is the obligation of owners, enshrined by federal and regional laws. We understand: people did not pay, and the amount of debt formed a considerable one. Agrees with the chairmen of the Board of Houses on installments of debt repayment. Determine the period during which we do not charge penalties. In addition, any owner of the Special Council provides information on the accrual and payment of contributions to the overhaul for each apartment into the state housing inspection. Why? Because according to the legislation as soon as payment is less than 50% than the amount of charges, the house can return the regional operator in the "Common Boiler", if the debt will not be repaid within six months.

About pitfalls ...
- With a shared boiler, it is clear: people pay bills, and if they lack money to the term defined by the program of overhaul, the regulator is entitled to use the means of owners of other houses. With a special situation, the situation is different. For example, on the house you need to repair the roof, and there is little money on the score. What to do? Take a bank loan?
- There are different options. It can be repaired, for example, not all the roof, and its part is within the framework of the assembled funds. Credit funds can be attracted. Naturally, they will have to return the jar with interest. In this case, the fee will not grow up - it is established by the Government of the Perm Territory. But the loan and interest will have to return to the owners of the house. There is another option. Owners at the General Meeting may decide on a greater amount of contribution to overhaul. For example, not 7 rubles. 58 kopecks. from a square meter of the apartment, and 8, 9, 10 rubles, etc. They have such right.
"Most likely, they will take advantage of a few - you need to really look at things. But the special place increases the responsibility of owners for their home.
- Yes, it's not even in special purpose. If we do not take care of the common property and do not realize that no one, besides us, does not respond for its safety, it will not have to live in better conditions. How many cases we have, when the entrance is repaired, and a week later, the walls are painted or dirty stains ...
- There is such. Unfortunately, many still do not understand that the house has long been no municipal, but they are the owners not only their apartments, but in the whole house.
- You know, I would like to pay attention to two points. First, it is still necessary to go to meetings and not to stay away from the problems of the house. It's time to take more active participation in the issues of overhaul, and in the approval of plans for the current repairs, the use of common property. Today, the comfort of living, and the mood depend on it. Secondly, passive owners who did not make decisions about the opening of special councils and funds for overhaul in the total boiler should be understood: their house will repaired in turn, but the missing funds of the overhaul will allocate only those of the money from the owners of other Lysva houses . If the Lyusventians do not pay a regoperator, he will not hold the overhaul that. These are the rules.

Source - newspaper "Spark"

Contribution to the overall boiler

The first letter "P"

The second letter "A"

Third letter "y"

Last beech letter "y"

The answer to the question "Contribution to a common boiler", 3 letters:

Alternative questions in crosswords for the word Pai

Share introduced by a separate participant in a common cause, partnership

Part, share of participation in any partnership, joint-stock society with which certain property rights and obligations are related to

Exemplary child

Village in the Prionezhsky district

Definition of the word Pai in the dictionaries

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. IGOV, N.Yu.Shvedova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. IGOV, N.Yu.Shvedova.
Neism. (talk.). About children: obedient, quiet (often irons.). P.-Boy. P.-Girl.

Dictionary of Financial Terms The meaning of the word in the dictionary Dictionary of Financial Terms
Part, the proportion of participation in any partnership, joint-stock society, with which certain property rights and obligations are connected. Pai in the authorized capital of the economic society or partnership can be made in the form of cash or subject to ...

Economic Dictionary Terminov Meaning of words in the Dictionary Economic Dictionary of Terms
The amount of money contribution or share in the total capital of the company, the company, society, the cooperative, which comes to this individual or legal entity. The income depends on the share, dividends received by the shareholder, and the part of the property or cash that ...

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov
Paj, MN. Pai, m. (Tour. Rau-Part, Share) (ECON.). The share contributed to the capital of any. Societies (cooperative, joint-stock, etc.) each of his member. Cooperative Pai. Opening Pai. Share, part belonging to someone. On the pays - on the basis of the contribution of the feut ....

Wikipedia The meaning of the word in the Wikipedia dictionary
Pai - River in Russia, proceeds through the Mulezer district of Karelia. The mouth of the river is 8 km on the right bank of the Termant River. The length of the river is 11 km.

Examples of the use of the word Pai in the literature.

Now the biased copied money to buy share In gambling business, as among themselves, Deltsi called gaming machines that filling the capital.

God and we are in us, and we do not see, rightly happy, and God will be with us, and when we are not share, then boring, and God shifts.

The mouth of John Jesus gives share For all future events, waiting for us in spiritual life and takes us to awkwardly, I keep our clothing unparalleled in sin and lawlessness.

In Demrare, the daughter of the judge just went crazy about it, and then this beautiful quartersonka Miss Share In Saint Vincent.

Share It can be made by spouses partially due to the general, and partly due to the peopic agents or means of one of the spouses obtained by him during the marriage as a gift or in the order of inheritance.


Alternative descriptions

The share contributed to the capital of any society (cooperative, joint-stock, etc.) every member

In the right, part of participation in some trading, cooperative organizations

Contribution to joint stock company


Small exchanged coin of India and Pakistan before moving to a decimal monetary system (India in 1957, Pakistan in 1961)

Settlement in the Prionezhsky district

A variety of chinese shield

Apple pie

View of Piroga

Its share in the pip

Small coin of India and Pakistan

Part, share

Share in general

Contribution to AO

Share in business

Coin Pakistan

Part, share of participation in any partnership, joint-stock society with which certain property rights and obligations are related to

Contribution to joint stock company

Share introduced by a separate participant in a common cause, partnership

Small coin of India and Pakistan

Outdoor sweet cake, mainly with apple filling

M. Tatarsk. Part, share of the station or section, Sobina, Delianka in the fold, artel, partnership. His two shares in golden fishery. The partnership on the pays, the folding, where everyone makes a share and gets commensurate with her baryrs. The action takes who wants, and the PAIs are dealt with comrades. Hang, dropping me out, give me my alcohol. Happy in all Pai. Get into Pai, Tver. psk. fit or by the way. In your Pay itself, industrially. It did not fall in a fistboard! My fees, your weld (Soldt.). We have a paw in battle, and not in mining (i.e. it is not known whether Barysh will be). Wash, divide on the pairs. Let's start on the stone to lean (Naumov). Pie wishland, artel, community, partnership on the pays. Scheduker m. - Wits Participant in the Web, in the Paus, in the share. The share affair is shatovo, it's not univen. Paving income, with feud. Password. Walk to whom, impersonal, happy, carry, succeed. He's all pat. To whom Pit, so and the bull doit! Pailo would have a century and lucky to you, and it was taken out the cozy wish. Let her happiness did not like, only B (if only) Pailo! Watching cf. Action., Sost on the verb. Pike to whom, Olon. (Or is it. Karelsk.?) advise. Torture to solder him, yes he is all his steadets. Dracks, soldering M. Messina, cottage bread, especially the soldier's swabs, Harch from the treasury, the share of flour and cereals, etc. Soldier soldiers. Soldering getting, sending (needed). Rubber, oscillate, relating to the soldering. Power, - Features receiving lads. Crimean war these bottles overcame, wives warriors

Painka, St. Petersburg. Chukhonsk. Melik, obedient, talk. Detention. You will Pai Child. Wrap a child on the head, iron and pamper

Small coin of india

Son on the joy to parents

Participation in the cooperative

Dmitry Kuznetsov asked me an interesting topic - "Tell me, please, from where, from your point of view, money should be taken in the budget. In particular, to pay policemen who look after the car does not bother.
In the utopia of Roshi about meganizia, taxes are charged according to what expenses are borne in connection with the activities of each family - the protection of public order (that is, the protection of laws), defense from external enemies, the construction of municipal roads, etc.
How would you do if they built a social system from scratch? "

NEP (new economic policy) of our (Georgian) authorities involuntarily makes it return to the almost already forgotten topics of taxes. I have my own, long-established opinion therefore about the occasion, and formed not only and not even so much from the books of your favorite economists, how much of the practical activity that I had to do. I will try to convey it as simple as possible.

Of course, taxes are necessary to form the budget of any state, but let's decide what these are taxes. Taxes, in my opinion, nothing else as a contribution to the common boiler of public needs.

1. Payment of taxes and the definition of their size should be a consensus solution to all taxpayers of the country. That is, it is necessary not to just develop a new tax code, but this code must be adopted by a referendum by most taxpayers of the country

2. It would be quite good to develop a targeted tax distribution system, that is, the taxpayer himself must decide what his money will go, or even a department must convince the taxpayer that it is how it needs his money most. The introduction of mandatory limits, of course, will be necessary - a certain minimum on solving issues of ensuring the national security of the country or the protection of law enforcement. But all that, moreover, only on a competitive basis in the conditions of a tough competition between budget departments.

3. I would cancel all taxes from legal entities and left only taxes from individuals, thus pampeting the process of paying taxes. Of course, it would have to change the entire structure of taxation, but it would solve the main problem - the problem of perception by citizens of state money. In this case, they would not have just theoretically knew that budget dengue was their money, but in a literal sense it would be felt.

4. Of course, with this tax system must be absolutely simple and transparent. That is, the person knows exactly how much and from the income received by him, he must give a common boiler for public needs, and nothing more.

5. At least 60% of all taxes should fall into local and regional budgets, no centralization and subsequent transfers. Where people work better, there they are better and live. Moreover, people in a particular place choose themselves that they are more important for them, a new road or a public municipal library

6. Centralized defense expenses, construction and maintenance of national importance (such, by the way are very few), central authorities (how many of them will remain with this approach, the conversation is different), as long as the Pension Fund. Everything else on the regional and local level

7. Well, the last thing that follows from the whole of the previous ones, choose people who will spend money laid in the overall boiler, of course, should be the people who make money to this same boiler. Otherwise.

Schematically, perhaps controversy, but somewhere. If someone has questions about the technical implementation of the written above, then this is in vain. With modern communication technologies, this is real enough. Well, the fact that taxes should be minimal, and the administrative treatments of states are modest, I think is not discussed. Does the representatives of today's political establishment go? No, of course, they will not go, for such a scheme deprives the authorities of the very co-investigation of the word power, and turns officials from large bosses in the account.


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