Booklet on the topic Safe Internet. Information Security. Proper position of hand

Evil people on the Internet
Set their networks.
With strangers
You are not going to meet!

Do not meet without parents with people

from the Internet is live.

On the Internet, many people tell about themselves.

6. Be friendly

With grubes online
The conversation does not start.
Well, and do not stare -
Do not hurt anyone.

Communicating the Internet, be friendly with others.

Do not write rude words!

You can inappropriate to offend a person,

7. Do not tell about yourself

So that the thief does not come to us,
And someone else did not find us
Your phone, address, photo
On the Internet do not put
And others do not tell.

Never talk about yourself unfamiliar people:

where do you live, learn,

my phone number.

It should only know your friends and family!

Booklet Compilers: Grade 8-9 Students

MOU "Mamonovskaya Oosh"

Prison district of the Ryazan region

Memo for students


  1. Ask adults

If something is incomprehensible

scary or unpleasant
Quickly adult hurry,
Tell me and show.

Always ask parents

on unfamiliar things on the Internet.

They will tell that it is safe to do, and what not.

2. Install the filter

As everywhere on the planet,
There is a danger on the Internet.
We exclude danger,
If you connect filters.

Not to face unpleasant

and the disastrous information on the Internet, install the filter on your browser, or ask you to make it adults - then you can safely enjoy your interest in your online page.

3. Do not open files

I do not want to get into trouble -
Antivirus head!
Everyone who goes online
Our advice will be useful.

Do not download and do not open unknown to you

or sent strangers files from the Internet.

To avoid infection with a computer with a virus, install a special program on it - Antivirus!

4. Do not hurry to send SMS

Sometimes you online
Suddenly they are granted.
You do not believe fraudsters
Information Check!

If you want to download a picture or melody, but you are asked to send SMS - do not rush!

First check this number on the Internet - is it safe to send SMS to it and do not deceive you.

You can do it on a special site.

5. Caution with unfamiliar

Security of your children on the Internet. What are the real solutions?

Filter programs:

Power Spy 2008 ( It is convenient to use the program to find out what children are busy in the absence of parents.)

iProtectyou Pro ( The program is the Internet filter,

allows parents to limit

by different parameters, sites viewed by children.)

KidScontrol ( The purpose of KidsControl is to control the time that the child spends on the Internet.)

CyBersitter ( Cybersitter gives an adult with the ability to restrict children's access to unwanted resources in the Internet.)

Cyberman 1.0b ( Cyberman will follow over time of work, warn the child that he will soon need to relax and suspend the work of the computer when the time you set)

Secure Internet Center in Russia

Protection of children from harmful information on the Internet

Baby Security Directory on the Internet

Safety ABC / site is designed for children, youth, adults.


The behavior of children B.


The Internet is an excellent source for new knowledge, helps in studies, occupies leisure. But at the same time,Network pays a lot of dangers. remember, that security of your children on the Internet, 90% depends on you.

Malefactors on the Internet are trying to attract attention and place a child. Usually they are well aware of the musical innovations and modern hobbies of children, try to listen to the problems of adolescents and sympathize with them. The features below may mean that your child in the attacker's attention field:

Your child spends a lot of time on the Internet.

It sometimes closes the door to his room and hides what he is doing, sitting at the computer.

Family Computer has a frank content.

People who you do not know, or he calls the numbers that you are unfamiliar to you.

Your child receives letters, gifts or parcels from an unknown face.

Your child will keep track of family and friends and quickly turns off the computer monitor or if an adult enters the room.

In order to secure your

family from Internet hazards, follow the following general rules for use:

- Take a rule to get acquainted with sites that visit your children. Make sure they do not attend sites with offensive content, do not publish personal information or their photos.

- Explain that illegal copying of someone else's work - music, computer games and other programs - is theft.

- Insist that adolescents are informed if anyone on the Internet threatens them. Never allow children with personal meetings with familiar on the Internet without control by adults.

- Create a set of home rules for the Internet with the participation of children and require its strict compliance. Change it according to age and children's requests.

- Require from children never to issue personal information on the Internet, including the last name, name, home address, phone numbers, school number, email address, friends or relatives, date of birth, photos. Remind than it can turn into.

- Tell children about the responsible worthy behavior on the Internet. Guys in no way should use a network for hooliganism, spread woven or threats to other people.


To use the preview, create a Google account and log in to it:


To use the preview, create a Google account and log in to it:


To use the preview, create a Google account and log in to it:


To use the preview, create a Google account and log in to it:


Parent-teacher meeting

" Information Security"

Tasks of the parent meeting:

1. Watch with parents the problem of the dependence of children from the Internet;

2. To know the parents with threats, with whom children may face on the Internet;

3. Find ways to solve this problem.

Powder of the parent meeting

Good afternoon, dear parents!

Today, more and more computers are connected to the Internet. At the same time, an increasing distribution is obtained by high-speed channels, both at work and at home. An increasing number of children gets the opportunity to work on the Internet. But at the same time, everything is sharpering the problem of ensuring the safety of our children on the Internet. Since the Internet was initially developed outside of any control, now it represents a huge amount of information, and far from always safe. In this regard, and so that the age in which a person begins to work with the Internet is becoming younger, the problem of ensuring the safety of children arises. And who can help them, if not their parents and adults?

Can your child become internet-dependent? Do not forget that the Internet is a wonderful means of communication, especially for shye, experiencing difficulties in the communication of children. After all, neither age, nor appearance nor physical data here have no meaning. However, this path leads to the formation of the Internet dependence. Realize this problem is very difficult until it becomes very serious. And besides, the fact of the presence of such a disease as an Internet addiction is not always recognized. What to do?

It is very good that the guys spend their free time in sports sections.

Nevertheless, the students most free time spend on the Internet.

Let's imagine the situation: the child came from school, quickly completed his homework, got at the computer to play. It seems that everything is fine, safely. It takes half an hour, an hour, two, the child is dinner dinner and again wants to return to the computer. What do you do in this situation? Can your child become internet-dependent?

So what should competent and caring parents do: allow or prohibit communication with a "metal friend"?

Let's figure it out in this problem. After all, these are our children .......

Existing Russian legislation does not establish any restrictions on information to information.In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Art. 29), everyone has the right to freely look for, receive, transmit, produce and disseminate information by any legitimate way. This is the provision of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in accordance with Art. The 17th Convention on the Rights of the Child provides each child with access to information and materials that are aimed at promoting its social, spiritual and moral well-being, as well as the healthy physical and mental development of the child.

Of course, computers are now used in various branches of science, technology and even art, so the ability to contact him became necessary so that the child will in the future mastered any serious profession. At the same time, leaving for hours behind the monitor, the child ruins his health, misses the chances to talk with friends, play sports, simply run in the yard in the outdoor air.

The Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences conducted a study and revealed the nine millionth children's audience of the Internet, and only children under 14 were taken into account. Of these, three quarters use Internet resources without control by parents.

Among the whole children's audience there are users under five years old, and about 90% of them browse sites only under the supervision of the elders, or together with their parents.

Approximately 20% of children saw on the Internet video containing violence scenes, as well as other unwanted materials. Only half of the children did not meet in the network of links or resources, the content of which is not intended for viewing by children.

Experts tried to classify the main types of threats that are subject to children encountered with the Internet. Main points are allocated from all identified:

- The threat of malware infection. After all, a whole range of methods is used to distribute malware and penetration into computers. Among such methods, you can mark not only mail, CDs, floppy disks and other interchangeable media or downloaded from the Internet files. For example, instant messaging software today are a simple way to propagate viruses, as it is very often used to direct file transfer. Children who are inexplicated in matters of social engineering can easily get caught by the attacker's persuasion. This method is often used by hackers to distribute Trojan viruses.

- Access to unwanted content. After all, today things are in such a way that any child leaving for the Internet can browse any materials. And this is violence, drugs pornography, pages pushing young people to suicide, anorexia (refusal of food), murders, pages with nationalist or frankly fascist ideology and much more. After all, all this is available on the Internet without restrictions. It often happens that viewing these pages does not even depend on the child, because in many sites there are pop-up windows containing any information, most often a pornographic nature;

- Contacts with unfamiliar people Using chats or email. Increasingly and more often attackers use these channels in order to force children to issue personal information. In other cases, it may be pedophiles who are looking for new victims. Having granted himself for the peers of the victim, they can reveal personal information and look for a personal meeting;

- Uncontrollable purchases. Despite the fact that buying over the Internet is still exotic for most of us, but not far from the distance, when this threat can become very relevant.

How old can you start discussing the security issue?

Start when your child is still small. After all, today, even preschoolers have already successfully used the Internet, and therefore it is necessary to teach them to separate them as early as possible;

Do not forget to ask the child about what you saw on the Internet. For example, start with questions, for which this or that site is served.

Make sure your child can independently check out information on other sources (on other sites, newspapers or journals). Teach your child to consult with you. Do not disappear from their child problems.

Encourage your children to use various sources, such as libraries or give them an encyclopedia on a disk, for example, "Cyril and Methodius" or Microsoft Encarta. This will help teach your child to use third-party sources of information;

Teach the child to enjoy searching for the Internet. Show how to use various search engines to search for;

Explain to your children, what is racism, fascism, an interethnic and religious feud. Despite the fact that some similar materials can be blocked using special software filters, you should not hope that you will be able to filter all such sites.

If your children want to visit the Internet, you should develop an agreement on the use of the Internet with them. Please note that in it you must definitely describe the rights and obligations of each member of your family.Do not forget to clearly formulate answers to the following questions:

What sites can attend your children and what they can do there;

How much time children can be on the Internet;

What to do if your children bothers something when visiting the Internet;

How to protect personal data;

How to follow safety;

How to behave politely;

How to use chat rooms, newsgroups and instant messaging services.

Do not forget that the formally compiled agreement will not be fulfilled! Regularly, as necessary, make changes to this agreement. Do not forget that you must check the fulfillment of the agreement with your children. Set the rules for using a home computer and try to find a reasonable balance between finding the Internet and physical exertion of your child. Also, achieve the computer not in the nursery, but in the room adults. In the end, look at yourself, whether you spend a lot of time on the Internet.

What safety rules need to be performed:

Never fill in graphs related to personal data, after all, each can view them;

Never speak online with unfamiliar people;

Regularly check the contact list of your children to make sure they know everyone who they communicate with;

Carefully check requests for inclusion in the list of new friends. Remember that on the Internet a person may not be at whom he gives himself;

Be sure to explain to your child that communication in the Internet is not real life, but a kind of game. At the same time try to send his efforts to the knowledge of the world;

Add children's sites to the Favorites section. Create a folder there for sites that visit your children;

Use special children's search engines, such as MSN KIDS Search (\u003dychm);

Use unwanted content to blocks as an addition to the standard Parental control;

Teach your child never to issue information about yourself and your family on the Internet;

Teach your child to inform you about any threats or anxieties associated with the Internet.

Your children grow, and, therefore, their interests are changing.

Age from 7 to 8 years

As psychologists consider, for children of this age absolutely naturally the desire to find out what they can afford to do without parental permission. As a result, being in the Internet, the child will try to visit certain sites, and possibly chats, permission to visit which he would not receive from parents.

Therefore, at this age, those reports that will provide parental controls will be especially useful; Vista).

As a result, your child will not have the feeling that you look at his shoulder on the screen, however, you will still know which sites your child visits.

It is worth understanding that children at this age have a strong sense of family, they are trusting and do not doubt the authorities. Children of this age love to play network games and travel on the Internet. It is possible that they use email and can enter websites and chat rooms that are not recommended by their parents.

Regarding the use of e-mail, I would like to note that at this age it is recommended not to allow you to have your own email box, but to use family, so that parents can control the correspondence.

Do not think that the Internet is a safe place in which your children can feel protected. I hope that you understand that the use of only educational work means without organizing effective control is a practically useless occupation. Just like the use of repressive controls without organizing educational work. Only in the unity of these funds you can help your children feel safe and protect them from the influence of intruders.

Internet security prompts for children and adolescents - always be careful when using the Internet. If the image or text that appears on the screen is annoying you, report it to parents or teachers. - Remember that you will not have trouble if you tell adults about potentially dangerous information with which I encountered the Internet. "If you hear or see that your friends come to" unsafe zones ", remind them of possible dangers and advise how to do it. - Hold all personal information with yourself (including photos, name, family members, phone number). - Remember that not all you read on the Internet is the truth. Be ready to independently make decisions about what is good for you, and what is bad. Ask the opinion of parents or loved ones if necessary. - Be careful when downloading free files and games to the computer, you can deceive: by clicking on the link, you can get into the "unsafe zone" or download the virus to your computer. - Leave your mobile phone number only to relatives and friends. If you got insulting messages, tell your parents about it. - Always accept help from adults or friends disassembling the safe Internet. Mom and dad may not know the answers to all the questions you are interested in. Discuss the proposed security preservation ideas on the Internet with your friends. Perhaps you will come up with new and add a list of prompts! Popular computer slang living in a teenage medium. Aibolit - Antivirus Program Damn - CD Glitch - Some Failure in the Program, Error Letter - Book or User Guide Hang - Stop reacting to external eye stimuli, looked - Emel Monitor (on Emeyl) - Email Email Combination of three fingers - Get out of the program by clicking the three Ctrl + Alt + Del keys to send the file - roughly deny a dog, Pelmeni - Icon @ Seraphim - SIM-card Work schedule Monday Tuesday from 9.30 to 18.30 Wednesday from 10.00 to 18.00 Sunday From 10.00 to 17.00 the library works without a break Saturday - day off last Thursday of the month - sanitary we are waiting for you at the address: Dir, ul. Lenina, 30 Phone: 2-10-34 E-mail: [Email Protected] Compiler and designer: Akulinina N.S. MBU "Centralized Library System" Central Children's Library Tips for Children G. Rezh 2012 Dear Friend! The Internet is largely similar to real life. To find something new, communicate with friends, exchange videos and photographs and, perhaps, to make new acquaintances - great and interesting. But, as in real life, on the Internet you need to comply with simple security rules. How to protect yourself from the negative use of personal information on social networks? 1. Personal - it means only for you take care of your personal information. Do not disclose such personal data as the name, school number, age, home address or phone number. Passwords are very personal information - keep them secret. Choose a password that no one can guess. If possible, use pseudonyms. Think before placing material on the Internet or open access to it. On the Internet there is a principle "All you posted can be used against you." For example, a video of a fight can be proof for the court, the demonstration of wealth will bring robbers on you, and detailed information will be prompted by them, where and how best to rob you. 2. Respect myself many forget that insults on the Internet hurt the same as in real life. Do not crap aggression in your address. Block or do not answer those who humiliates you. Do not insult other users. For rude behavior, you can block or exclude from the report. If something on the Internet seems dangerous to you, tell the adult about it to whom you trust. 3. Be vitrate on the Internet looks like a big city with different areas. Do not lose common sense on the Internet. Be careful with the new people for you who you meet on the network, even if they seem friendly. Carefully approach your friends choosing, do not take all applications in a row for quantity. The joy of a large number of "friends" quickly overshadows troubles. A friend in the social network can only be one who is well known - preferably in real life. If you decide to meet with a person with whom we called only on the Internet, appointed a meeting in a public place. Do not open access to your personal pages of unfamiliar people. Remember: * Do not disclose personal data. * Do not crap aggression in your address and do not insult other users yourself. * Be careful with new acquaintances. * The smaller you give information about yourself - the safer.

Currently, during the period of rapid development of information technologies, the Internet has become an integral part of our life. That is why today the attention should be paid to Internet security both in the educational organization and houses (in the responsibility of parents). Our main task is to teach the guys to evaluate the content, understand which sites and materials of the global network will become an indispensable assistants for them, and which threaten are in themselves a real danger.

Your attention is offered a report on the "Week of Information Security", as well as developed materials for parents and children of various age categories.


on holding a "Week of Information Security"

Purpose: Enhancing the information security of children on the Internet, the formation of the culture of the responsible, ethical and safe use of information technologies

Dates: 09/09/2016 - 09/09/2016

Participants: 2-11 classes

As part of the "Week of Information Security", events were held, covering all participants in educational relations (pedagogical workers, students and their parents (legal representatives)):

Raising the level of awareness of students and their parents about modern information threats

Class hour "Safe Internet":

2-4kl. (presentation + video + conversation);

5-11kl. (video + conversation about modern information threats)

Informatics lesson "Safe Internet":

2-4kl. (presentation + video + conversation);

5-9kl. (presentation + conversation);

10-11kl. (Presentation + Questions for discussion)


2-4 cl. Children's drawing "Computer - My friend, computer - my enemy";

5-9kl. Children's story "Computer - My friend, computer - my enemy"

Educational course for children

5-11kl. "Security on the Internet" on the site

Production and distribution of booklets and memo "Safe Internet"

Test "Safe Internet" + profile for 5-11kl.

Checking the organization of protecting children from information causeing their health and development

Pedagogical Meeting on the topic "Fundamentals of Information Security"

Checking the quality of providing the provision of access to the Internet access to the Internet for educational organizations with the provision of content-filtering Internet traffic

Verification of anti-virus protection of computer equipment in an educational organization

According to Russian legislation, the information security of children is a state of the protection of children in which there is no risk associated with the causation of information, including the Internet disseminated on the Internet, harm their health, physical, mental, spiritual and moral development (Federal Law of December 29, 2010 No. 436-FZ "On the protection of children from information causeing their health and development").

Such security to the child should ensure, above all, the family and educational organization (hereinafter - the school).

To increase the level of awareness of students and their parents about modern information threats, computer science lessons were held, classroom hours, training course, contests and competitions were distributed.

When conducting thematic class hours, pedagogical workers paid the attention of studying the importance of providing information security on the Internet. Pedagogical workers introduced the guys with the rules for selecting information on the Internet, told how competently and safely behave in social networks. When conducting classrooms, we used presentations, video, organized communication.

In the framework of extracurricular activities of the 7-11 classes, it was proposed to undergo a training course "Security on the Internet" on the site, where the guys saw what dangers can occur when working on the Internet and passed testing for testing information security. This independent activity was very effective in the formation of information literacy.

In order to form a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe rules of behavior on the Internet with studying 1-4 classes, pedagogical workers of the art was held a drawing contest, with students of the 5-11 classes of pedagogical workers of the Russian language and literature the competition of stories. Distributed booklets and memo "Safe Internet". In the informatics lessons, students became acquainted with the culture of the responsible, ethical and safe use of information technologies.

Winners of the drawing contest "Computer - My friend, computer - my enemy"

Winner of the contest of stories "Computer - My friend, computer - my enemy"

My friend is a computer.

It is unlikely that our time you can find a person who would never deal with a computer. Fifteen years ago he was not in every family, but today his absence will cause surprise. Personally, I can hardly imagine the usual life without a computer. This is an assistant and adult man, and a child. The keeper of a large amount of useful information, as well as a means of communication, obtaining new knowledge. Plus, computer games are one of the fascinating ways to spend time.

I dreamed of my computer for a very long time. And finally, a year ago, my dream was realized - I bought a laptop! "Hurray, dreams come true!" - It was the first idea when I saw it. There was no fortune limit, but then I did not know that the computer would become my friend. Of course, my acquaintance with him was traditionally: I pumped up with a dozen games and played, played, played. Parents told me that I was constantly "freezing", and later I began to more rationally distribute my time working with a laptop. After all, it is impossible to constantly live with computer games, a lot of time leaves for lessons, and to school, and at home, and a meeting with friends is not "online" much more pleasant. Well, and if you do not control yourself at all, you can spend all your time, playing at the computer. My computer does not disappoint me and does not fail. He has a wonderful ability, to act, and it allows you to save time and strength. It helps to print texts, emphasizes unsuccessful phrases, checks orphographic errors ... He is just an indispensable friend!

Sometimes I think: "What happens if all-all computers on Earth disappear?" Most likely, people would have become hard, or rather unusual. If I need some information, then how it is easy and just to find it in the Internet! If my friend is sad, you can always chat with him on Skype, cheer it at any time! And movies! And music! All in general, no need to buy in the store discs. From this, we can conclude that I have more free time and it is not unavailable. Yes, and knowledge of elementary office programs is necessarily useful in life.

I believe that every thing has its pros and cons, but my computer consists of one advantages!

Malkin Vladislav.

Booklet, memo to parents

To explore the security problem on the Internet and attitudes to her students in school, classified 5-11 classes were conducted by a survey (+ test) of students. The proposed questionnaires allow you to analyze the current situation in the educational environment.

An account analysis showed that

98% of students have free access to the Internet through various devices (cellular telephone, home computer), spend in the Internet space for more than 2 hours a day;

96% of the student use the computer and the Internet mainly for training purposes, 2% for games and communication on the Internet;

96% of the student did not disclose personal information about himself, their family, try to follow the rules of "Safe Internet", but there are those guys who consider social networks not dangerous.

As part of the "Information Security Week", students acquired new knowledge about Internet threats, learned to distinguish and prevent their consequences, protect themselves from them and their loved ones.


Perhaps it will be useful to read: