The tale of the goldfish converted about teachers. Scenario Fairy Tale "Goldfish" for adults on a new way. What are you needed, older

Ekaterina Abramova

Theatrical view

« Goldfish on a new way»

Amounted to: Music director Abramova Ekaterina Sergeevna


Creation of favorable conditions for the most complete realization of the potential human development opportunities by means of art (artistic self-expression).


1. Ensuring the variability and diversity of organizational forms of training and education and correctional technologies;

2. Continue to acquaint with fairy tales;

3. Develop artistic abilities;

4. Develop in children figurative thinking, fantasy, creative abilities;

5. To form cooperation skills.

The storyteller comes to the music

STORYTELLER: Lived an old man with his old woman

In the very blue sea;

They lived in a dilapidated dugout

Exactly thirty years and three years.

Old man caught a non-child fish

The old woman has nailed its yarn.

Time went old man to the blue sea

And threw his networks into it.

Since he threw the native to the sea, -

Came a nemid with one tina. He threw the nem to another time, -

Came a nemid with.

No, not even with fish, and with. Puratelase dragon!

(Dragon appears)

How the dragon is puchalase

THE DRAGON (These words of the dragon says a man behind the screen):

Let you go, fear, I'm in the sea,

To small my dragones.

Dear ladies otkup:

I bite off than just wish.

STORYTELLER: The old man was surprised, frightened,

Wow, that's how it is!

He fishes for 30 years and 3 years,

And the sea dragon did not see the live,

Only fairy tales went to the people.

OLD MAN: And what's wrong with you, dragon, do I do?

Do not roam you, the ears do not cook.

Your sputum is not necessary for me,

Go to myself in the blue sea,

Walk there yourself on the square.

STORYTELLER: The old man has grogied

He told her a great miracle.

(At that moment Kloep goes to the screen)

OLD MAN: To her, listen to me, old woman!

Today I caught the sea dragon,

Home in the blue sea asked

Promised to do everything I want.

OLD WOMAN: What about you?

OLD MAN: I did not take a redemption from him,

Let's just let go of the sea.

OLD WOMAN: Foolishness you, duplicate,

I failed to ask the tribute from the dragon.

From him, I suppose I will not dare!

Well, come back to the sea

Yes, ask me a new fur coat.

Not a simple, but like lisitsy:

Golden, fluffy and to the floor!


(Sea, old man throws the neport.)

My old woman will be angry!

OP! Caught! (pulls out the dragon)

THE DRAGON: What are you needed, older?

OLD MAN: Smoom, wonder-yudo sea.

My old woman broke me

Does not give an old man rest

She needs a new fur coat,

Not a simple, but like lisitsy:

Golden, fluffy, yes to the floor!

THE DRAGON: Not sad, go to yourself with God,

There will be a new fur coat.

OLD MAN: Oh, I will go home I am,

Here is the house. Open, old woman,

Yes show me you update.

Is the new fur coat?

Golden, fluffy and to the floor?

(Leaves fox.)

A FOX: Oh, you, old Prenok with a beard!

What did you ask for a dragon?

I asked a new fur coat,

And he most turned into a fox!

OLD MAN: Ha-ah ha, well and dying!

Oh, funny to you, old woman!

Got what she wanted

And now also dissatisfied!

You are now a new fur coat,

She will definitely not be demolished!

A FOX: Here's how to give you a pan,

You will know how to laugh at me!

Come back quickly to the dragon

Yes, let me return my appearance to me.

Yes ask me to make beautiful

Better former and young!

OLD MAN: Well, I'll go, since you need to.

(Sea, old man throws the neport.)

Oh, if the dragon does not catch,

My old woman will be angry!

OP! Caught!

THE DRAGON (irritated): What are you needed, older?

I broke away from an important thing -

I chased the sea mermaids.

OLD MAN: Smoom, wonder-yudo sea.

The forest of the old old woman was screamed,

Does not give an old man to me

Requires to return her human appearance,

Yes, asks to make her young!

THE DRAGON (irritated): Do not be sad, go to yourself with God, will she all want.

OLD MAN: Oh, I will go home I am,

Only here is restless on the heart ...

Well, show as soon as

What kind of you became beautiful

Yes, how do you grind out there!

(Girl comes out of the house.)

GIRL: Oh, you're hot! Watched one hundredmanized!

What did you say from Dlacon?

I'm not covered with clouded,

And became a manic girl!

I now only need to need to need to need in the dolls.

Loading, and well, to the deacon

And I have something to be flat.

I have a hoce to become a Volsopacker, yes so,

I knew how to conjure myself.

And then I do not need a dragon

I myself want to say!

OLD MAN: Did you now have an old woman in the mind?

Oh, that is, the girl!

Where is it seen to people

How wizards koldovy!

GIRL: Melt! And I lazay -a-ah-a-!

OLD MAN: Well, I'll go, since you need to.

(Sea, old man throws the neport.)

Oh, if the dragon does not catch,

My old woman will be angry!

OP! Caught!

THE DRAGON (Rarely): What would you, an old man, was empty!

Just chose to dine

You drag me out of the water again!

What is the old woman now?

OLD MAN: Sorry you, Miracle Yudo,

But the old woman now wanted

Become a wizard, yes so,

So that the challenge itself knew how.

THE DRAGON: Yes, she will get everything he wants

Just leave me you alone!

OLD MAN: Well, I will go to a beloved old woman.

What is so restless on the heart?

Not to good to ask for a dragon.

Covily quickly, old woman,

Show, koldy you know how!

(Baba Yaga comes from the house.)

Baba Yaga (putting to indignation): Oh you. Here I am right now.

Yes, right now like ...

Well, you, the worsen one, ponadel!

What did you ask for a dragon?

I now, look, grandmother Yid!

And my leg is bone!

And the green I, as if mold,

And in my mouth I have only two teeth!

Go back to the Sea Dragon,

Tell him what I wish.

I wish. Fly, like a bird!

Yes, see overseas countries!

OLD MAN: Well, and how not to laugh here?

But I will not make an old woman.

Oh, I'll go again to the blue sea.

I will throw the network again,

Corge the seabed dragon. (throws the neport)

So I threw the network, and two already.

Where is the dragon? Do not see it in mom.

OP, caught!

THE DRAGON (in quiet rage): What do you want again, old man!

Only sleep I rushed to the stones

So you drag me again from the water!

OLD MAN: What should I do with the nasty old woman!

She again magic is not to taste.

Wants now fly like a bird!

THE DRAGON (maliciously): Like a bird? We will arrange it.

OLD MAN: Oh, thanks. I'll go to the old woman.

Oh, I'm tired. My legs hurt.

Come on the case, just 10 per day

Run to the Blue Sea

Yes, pull out a marine miracle!

Tuk-Tuk ... the old woman does not answer.

Hey, where are you, dear old woman?

(Crow flies from the house.)

CROW: Car-Car-Car, and what did you run?

I am not an old woman now, but a bird!

You can't do anything

You can't talk about the dragon.

We go to the dragon,

I myself will ask myself,

All that will now be pleased now.

(Musical Screensaver in 15 seconds. At that moment, cool came from the screen.)

STORYTELLER: Here they went to the blue sea.

Only how much the dragon was not called,

How much the network did not throw older

And the dragon - as it did not happen.

It can be seen, hid under the root,

It does not want to get out of there.

(Pause, passage of music in 15 seconds)

Living an old man with his old woman

In the very blue sea;

They live in a domestic house.

The old man catches the Navy,

And the old woman. Voronene flies!

End of a puppet play.

The old man of the guys help, what should I do, how can I be, as I need to do so that the old woman is buried.

Klepa guys I think I came up with how to help my grandfather. Let us try to throw the nem to the sea, can we pull the dragon?

Once in the sea threw a nemid, -

She came a nemid with one tina.

Another time they threw the nemid

He came nemid with herbal grass.

For the third time they threw the nemid -

Needid came with one thing fish,

With not easy fish, - gold.


"Let me go to the sea,

Dear ladies otkup:

I will bother than just wish. "

Leading help us fish, Tell me how to help us my grandfather, return his old woman.


Three illers for you to fulfill you, then the old woman will be brought to her grandfather

1 In my maritime kingdom, there are many marine inhabitants, and they all dance for me and there are no equal. And you know how to dance, so I like it? With my friends together show the sea figure, so it seems to be.

Dance - Game: The sea is worried about dance

Leading well, fish, did we get?

Fish Yes, you performed the desire of mine, pleased me.

Here is my next desire. In the kingdom, my Songs sing my subjects, but they sing that no one can sing them better. Well, so that you better do? Yes, not just a song, but my favorite.

Leading: Guys, and what goldfish Favorite song What do you think?

Song O. goldfish


well, you surprised you, pleased me. Listen to the third a wish:

In my kingdom representations are suitable, performances show and no better actors than my subjects. If you show me a performance, let me please help you, I will execute that. What you asked.

Musical Wolf and 7 Cats

Fish: Well, you pleased me, all the desires of mine you performed, well, I keep my word. Turn the crow again in the old woman. Well, I'm time ...

Comes out grandfather with old woman:

Old man: Thank you gold fish

Grandma: Thank you guys, but I don't need anything more, it would be happiness in the house, and my old man is near.

It's time for us, goodbye!


He lived an old man with his old woman

At the most Mother Volga.

They lived in a new cottage

Exactly 30 days and 3 nights.

Old man caught a mesh fish.

The old woman went to the market,

She sold fish there

And the money brought home.

Here the old man went fishing

And he put in the river network.

And when he became a catch to watch he,

It turned out - there are banks and flasks.

He put the network another time,

But the catch is only empty bottles.

Took the old man dynamite 2 packs

And threw them in the river water,

But here I did not see the fish.

And in tears grogied to the old woman.

Old woman.

Foolishness you, dust,

Here are the mobile phone,

Call goldfish,

And the old man went again to the river,

He began to call the golden fish.

Saying a fish to him, asked.

gold fish. What are you needed, older?

Old man.

Listen you, the sovereign of the fish,

Something river revealed today,

Doesn't give an old man catching me.

I wanted to buy a car,

Golden fish was angry

And the tail on the water splashed.

Gold fish.

Do you want fish? Well, try -

On the other, you become a fish too.

Did not have time to look back

In Karasia, the same moment turned

Found himself in river it waters,

And he decided to swim in his depths.

He did not have time to swim and the meter,

Saw over the network

Barely alive our crucian stayed

And the water in the river is not simple,

Contaminated, barely live.

Year an old old man seemed

Finally, at home he was.

The old woman saw him.

Old woman. Well, how did the fish help you?

Old man.

Yes, the Golden helped,

Helped to understand our greed!

Look around - nature moaning,

She is a lot from year to year!

We forget to take care of it,

Killing animals around

We climb the reservoirs.

Old woman.

Sorry if you can, nature!

We will correct our mistakes,

We ask for forgiveness from the fish.

And we will become her friends,

And the miracle we hung and ourselves.

Old man, old woman and goldfish.

After all, it is not necessary to be a wizard,

So that the Earth is native to protect and love.

Do you know that water is needed to all living organisms? A healthy person consumes about 2 liters of water every day. People get water not only in the form of beverages, but also contained in food. For example, an apple contains 80% of water, on watermelon water even more. A person can not live for a week without water.

And where does the water go to the cranes?

Did you hear about the water?

They say it everywhere:

In the pool, in the sea, in the ocean

And in the water tap.

How icicle freezes,

In the forest fog crashes,

The glacier in the mountains is called

The silver ribbon goes.

On the stove you have hugs,

Ferry teapot boils.

Dissolves sugar in tea,

We do not notice her.

We are accustomed to water -

Our companion is always.

Without it, we do not wash

Do not get up, do not get drunk.

I dare you to report

Without water, we can not live.

N. Ryzhova

How do you need to take water?

According to statistics, fresh water is less than 3% of all water on Earth.

No, probably, such a person who did not like to relax at the water, at the river, at the lake, at the pond.

So, you came to visit nature, to the shore of the beloved Kamyshiki. What for?

Yes, you never know why you came to visit nature. But do not forget, you are visiting. You are in someone else's house in which many of your tenants and rules. What is the rules?

Do not shout, do not speak loudly, do not turn on loud music.

Do not take the water.

Do not bloom frogs.

Do not tear the pita.

Do not break the branches of trees on the banks of the river.

Do not leave garbage after rest.

There are good words to which it is worth listening to: "You came to visit nature, - do not do anything that I would consider indecent to do at a party."

IV. Outcome.

What interesting learned from the oral magazine?

What is remembered?

What will tell at home parents?

Who and for what you want to say thank you?

What did you learn?

What touched on this holiday your souls?

Nomination: Kindergarten, scenario of Russian folk fairy tales, preparatory group

Tale of fisherman and fish on a new way.
(Staging for children of the preparatory group.)


Fairy Tale

Gold fish.

Fairy tale:

Lived - there were an old man with an old woman

At the very blue sea,

They had a villa and yacht

And lived, I do not know the burden.

They did not like working

But sweetly fir and drank.

After all, the fish they have golden

Served without knowing.


"Lambada" danced.!

(Grandfather and Baba appear to the music in modern outfits and dance "Lambad". According to the end of the dance sit at the table.)

Fairy tale:

And he says the old man of the old woman ...

Old woman:

Why do we have a hunger?!

Kalmarov trembled and sushi ....

What did your ears fasten?

Click fish, let him not sleep

And with meal hurry!

And deliver lunch

To us at the villa to this moment!

(Grandfather, nodding head, gets up, goes to the seashore)

Fairy tale:

The old man went to the blue sea,

He began to click gold fish.

Fish! Fish!

Gold fish!

Where are you, fish?

Wake up quickly!

(A goldfish appears to the music, sips, yawns)

Gold fish:

Well, what shout so?

Do not let sleep in the morning ...

What to make noise at the dawn?

The crisis is now in the yard.

What? Do you want to lunch?

So pay the money!

Where to take them something?

No money…

Gold fish:

All ... Your lunch is complete.

Who will work to the sweat,

That and take hunting!

These are like this ...

Fairy tale:

Fish in the sea sailed ...

(Grandfather, dropping his head, returns to the grandmother)

Fairy tale:

Sat down near the grandmother with grandfather,

Do not have fun lunch.

Began to think and guess

Where they reach the money.

Can a yacht sell?

Grandma: (indignantly)

And do you add all the money?

We will think how to be ...

Can a company open?

I have not gone

All farm with hammer?

Firm, you say, open ...?

Well, well, so be!

Firm "New Village"

From this day we are open!

Fairy tale:

Took a drink and hammer,

Wooden took a bar,

(Grandfather takes tools and "makes" trough)

All day planing, sawd,

And cheaper chisser!

(Grandfather takes ready-made trough and carries his grandmother)

The grandmother went alongside

And cheat sold.

(Grandma takes a trough approaching the audience and "sells" it)


That's money at times

Appeared with us!

While lazy will disk

And do not sleep, and not lazy!

The work of honor!

Be in the work in the first place!

Grandfather and grandmother together:

And then day after day

Crisis we will survive!

Name: Staging "Tale of fisherman and fish for a new way"
Nomination: Kindergarten, old fairy tales on modern way, scenes fairy tales

Position: Music Head of the highest qualification category
Place of work: MDOU Kindergarten combined species №40 "Droplet"
Location: G.O. Podolsk, Moscow region

Author: in the thirtie kingdom, in some abandoned corner of the planet lived a servant grandfather and grotesque grandma (all of themselves). The lives of them went either Shalko nor Valko. Next to the marsh stood a broken house, and the frogs were jumping in the house, and once 500 years ago there were noble graphs here ... But even though the years, the house would not be in such a deplorable state if the grandmother, loved clothes, fashion And a gorgeous life, did not miss idleness and did at least something for the improvement of the monastery. One grandfather hut all night and day long to please my beloved wife.

We will move to the atmosphere of their being.

Grandma: what are you sitting without a case? Would go better disassembled the trash in the attic.
(Grandfather, without saying a word, leaves, bowing his head)

Grandma (dreamily and turning in front of the mirror): Here is a dacha on a ruble, a fur coat, clothes from Dolce and Gabbana, Armani and Valentino, shoes and a clutch from Gucci, perfume from Dior and Chanel.
(The grandfather enters with a smile, shouts, runs up to the grandmother, hugs her, raises his hands)

Grandma: what are you yelling? Dream prevent!

Grandfather: I found a super treasure here. It sits the spirit of Gina. He promised me to fulfill three wishes of cherished.

Grandma: oh! (rejoices) Let's rather give here, I will become all-in-room right now.

Grandfather: But here there is one snag, I can make a desire to make it only, because I found this gin.

Grandma: But my desires, since I have a commander here.
(Grandfather with a lowered head gives a lamp with Gin)

Grandma (snakes): Oh, you're my joy, the lamp is a wonderful, native, how did I wait for you.
(Grandma and grandfather sit on a shop)

Grandma: Saying you to Ginu: "I want to serve Stas Mikhails under the window with a bright clear evening with a dancer"

Grandma: This is wonderful, just a class, I can not hold back admirations. (Hugs Stas Mikhailova) Well, the old chrych, pass the second desire (walks, thinking) Oh! Invented! You tell Ginu so: "This is an important decree, I want to rule the whole world, so that I was not equal to me in everything so that the husband is rich, smart was, and not that my fool! So that the beauty was, and did not hear dismount. Shocking, fur coats all with me, I and my husband at the height "(grandma grows foot)

The grandfather sat down on the old stump, and decided to wave now, because it does not need anyone, only God alone. Gin felt sadness, grandfather became sorry for him ...

(Talking Gina and Grandfather)
Jin: What happened? You tell, maybe I can help and trouble your dispel ...

Grandfather: I stayed alone, I don't need anyone, my grandmother is my, the one who is loved, I have forgotten about me, because now she is rich, spooled and her husband is not what I ...

Jin: I can help you, only you close your eyes, do not spy ...

(Jin covers grandfather bedspread, sodes, grandfather becomes enviable young handsome)

And now go to my wife, show in all its glory, let it look at you, cares for you myself ...

(Grandfather leaves, Jin disappears, the conversation of grandmother and grandfather)
Grandma: (pops up from the arms of a rich handsome, runs up to the smooth grandfather) Who is this? Where does it come from?

Grandfather: my husband is yours, no doubt

Grandma: (knees) return to me, I correct, I promise ... And I will love you, I will rebuild the house by the river, we will live rich we

Grandfather: I will not tolerate anything else, I don't need the wealth of the mountain, I needed only you, but now I understood the truth and morality I caught: Without a treasure, life is beautiful, if you love and love, but you only appreciate money, and you value Do not see beauty in people of good and love.

He lived a man with his wife

Far from the Black Sea.

They lived in a removable apartment

Exactly five years and three years.

Guy caught fishing fish

The spouse knit for sale.

Once he threw a fishing line in the river, -

I got a hook with one tina.

He threw the fishing line another time, -

I got the hook with the grass richer.

For the third time he threw a fishing line, -

Pulled out a hook with one fish,

With not easy fish, - gold.

How the goldfish will be cheating!

"Let you go, a man, I'm in a river,

I will give a lot for myself.

I bite off than just wish. "

The man was surprised, frightened:

He fishes twenty years and three years

And I did not hear the fish spoke.

He let go not easy fish

And she told her for sale:

"God with you, Goldfish!

Do not cook me from you and soup;

Swatch yourself back into the river,

Go down the meat on the square. "

Brown man to spouse

Told her about what happened:

"I caught a fish today,

Goldfish, not a simple;

In our opinion, the fish spoke,

Home in the river a blue asked

The expensive price was bought off:

I was bought off all than just wish.

I did not dare to take a ransom from it:

Painfully skinned was a fish,

So let her go to the river. "

The peasant of the spouse counted:

"Durachina you, dive!

You did not know how to take a redemption from the fish,

Do not weld with her delicious soup!

At least you took a trough from it,

Not a simple trough - automatic

So that the lingerie was erased for me,

Ringed it and squeezed. "

Here I went to the man again to the river,

She sees - the river spiked slightly.

He became called the Golden Fish,

Says to him fish and asked:

"What a man is needed?"

"Grose, goldfish,

My spouse broke me

Does not give me a peasant to me:

It is necessary for her new trough,

Not a simple trough - automatic

So that the lingerie itself was washing,

Ringed it and squeezed. "

Goldfish answers:

There will be a difficult trough. "

Brown man to the spouse;

The spouse has a difficult trough.

Even the spouse is still married:

"Durachina you, dive!

I scored, foolish, washing!

Looks a lot of korear?

TURN, Durachina, you are to the fish;

Book to her, flaking apartment. "

Here the man came to the blue river.

(Blue River clouded)

He became called the Golden Fish,

"What a man is needed?"

"Smoom, Fishman's Selfary!

Still the spouse is scared,

Does not give me a peasant to me:

Apartment asks for the grumpy woman. "

Goldfish answers:

"Do not twist, go to yourself with God,

So be: the apartment will you ".

He went to his house,

And came out to the house another.

The peasant's spouse meets

What light stands the man scolds:

"Durachin you, straight outfil!

Screamed, sorry, odnushku,

No, to ask her two!

Boots, bow fish:

I do not want to live in a studio apartment,

I want to live in a two-room! "

I went a man to a blue river.

(Not calm blue river)

He became called the Golden Fish.

Says a fish to him, asked:

"What a man is needed?"

She is responsible for her with a bow:

"Smoom, Fishman's Selfary!

The former spouse repeatedly,

Does not give me a peasant to me:

No longer wants to live in odnushka,

Wants to live in a two-room apartment! "

Goldfish answers:

"Do not be sad, go to yourself with God!"

Brown man to the spouse.

What does he see? Big flat,

On the sofa sits his spouse,

Next to her - a satisfied mother-in-law.

He says the man's wife:

"Hello my darling,

Now your dotty is pleased? "

The spouse shrits on him

He sent him to work soon.

Here is a week, the other passes,

Even the spouse was still swept:

Again, the man sends a man again.

"Boots, bow fish,

I do not want to live in a two-downt

I want to live in a trick in the center! "

Man was afraid, prayed:

"What are you, Baba, whlen are smoked?

Why do we need so much square meters? "

Purchased of the spouse;

Husband struck her cheek.

"How dare you, a man, argue with me,

With the owner of a new apartment? -

Go to the river, tell you with honor,

You won't go, they will be mistaken. "

The guy went to the river.

(Blue River has soaked)

He became called the Golden Fish.

Says a fish to him, asked:

"What a man is needed?"

She is responsible for her with a bow:

"Smoom, Fishman's Selfary!

Again my spouse rebuilt:

I don't want to live in a two-downt

Wants to move in the center in the center! "

Goldfish answers:

"Do not twist, go to yourself with God!

Good! You will have a three-bedroom apartment! "

A peasant to the spouse has grown.

Well? In front of him a three-bedroom apartment.

In it he sees his spouse.

At the table she sits the owner,

Serve her brothers and sisters;

Pour to her overseas wines;

She is covered with a gingerbread printed;

Do not face mom and dad,

Grozno on the son-in-law are watching.

As the man saw, - frightened!

On his feet, he bowed to his spouse.

The spouse did not look at him,

Only with the soles to drive him ordered.

Ran the brothers and sisters

The man was shrouded in frosting.

And in the doorway, a mother-in-law ran

The ax almost cut the ax.

Here is a week, the other passes,

Even the spouse was still swept:

The testing of her husband sends

They found a man, led to her.

Says the peasant of the spouse:

"Boots, bow fish.

I do not want to live in a three-bedroom apartment,

I want to live in the apartments of the presidential! "

The man did not dare to twist

I did not dare across the words to call.

Here he goes to the blue river,

Sees, on the black storm river:

So, the angry waves sank,

So go, so we will be treated.

He became called the Golden Fish,

Says a fish to him, asked:

"What a man is needed?"

Her man with a bow replies:

"Smoom, Fishman's Selfary!

What should I do with a curse woman?

It does not want to live in a three-bedroom apartment,

Wants to live in presidential apartments! "

Nothing said the fish,

Only the tail on the water splashed,

There is no such loan in the bank

Yes, debts from spouses the sea.

Long at the river, the man waited for a response,

Did not wait, to the spouse grown -

Look, again before him a removable apartment,

On the threshold sits his spouse,

And before her old trough.


Perhaps it will be useful to read: