The first main gas pipeline in the USSR. Russian gas pipelines: map and scheme. Gas pipelines from Russia to Europe. History of gas pipelines of Russia

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Gas pipeline - Engineering structure intended for transporting gas and its products (mainly natural gas) with a pipeline. Gas on gas pipelines and gas networks are supplied under definite overpressure.

Types of gas pipelines

Gas pipelines are divided into:

  • Main gas pipelines - designed to transport gas over long distances. Through certain intervals, gas compressor stations that support pressure in the pipeline are installed on the highways. In the final point of the main gas pipeline, gas distribution stations are located, on which the pressure decreases to the level necessary for the supply of consumers.
  • Distribution gas pipelines are designed to deliver gas from gas distribution stations to the final consumer.

By pressure in the highway:

Reserve gas pipelines Construct on strategic reasons, to ensure flexibility in loading gas carriers and to reduce the length of the transport route.

Composite parts of gas pipelines

In composite parts of gas pipelines include:


There are cases of gas use in ancient China in another 2-3 century BC. e. The gas was supplied from bamboo pipes for lighting and to obtain heat, in particular, for evaporation of salt from the salt solution. The joints of the pipes were caught by packles. Gas on them was filed by "self-shot", i.e. due to the pressure of the gas source. The use of gas for lighting and heating in Europe began in the first half of the XIX century, at the same time the first gas pipelines appeared. In St. Petersburg, the first gas plant (producing lumising gas from imported coal) and distribution system were built in 1835, in Moscow - in 1865.

The cost of the construction and operation of gas pipelines is large, so the first large-length gas pipelines appeared with the start of exploitation of natural gas fields.

The first main gas pipeline in the USSR became the Saratov gas pipeline - Moscow, which entered into operation in 1946.

The largest gas pipeline system in the world is a single gas supply system.

Gas pipelines

  • Underwater gas pipeline Norway - United Kingdom (1200 km), GASSCO
  • Nabucco (Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan - EU, 3300 km)

Russian mains

  • Lower tour - Perm - Gorky - Center (more than 1,700 km, 1974)
  • Urengoy - Pomari - Uzhgorod (4451 km, 1983)
  • Yamal - Europe (2000 km, 2006)
  • Yamal - Europe 2 (designed)
  • Dzhubga - Lazarevskoye - Sochi (166 km, underwater)
  • South Stream (underwater, 900 km, underwater)
  • Blue Stream (1213 km, 2003, Underwater)
  • "Northern Stream" (1200 km, underwater)
  • "Power of Siberia" (designed)
  • "Altai" (designed, 6700 km)

see also

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  • Kudinov V.I. "Fundamentals of the oil and gas industry", ed. Iki, 2005, 720 p., ISBN 5-93972-333-0.
  • Shammasov A. M. and others. "History of the Oil and Gas Business of Russia", Moscow, "Chemistry", 2001, 316 pp., UDC 622.276, BBC 65.304.13, ISBN 5-7245-1176-2.
  • Shukhov V. G. "Calculation of the gas pipeline" (technical documentation), 1920, Russian Academy of Sciences, Foundation No. 1508, Inventory 1, Case No. 18.
  • "Industrial Gas Equipment": Ed. E. A. Karyakina - 6th ed., Pererab. and add. - Saratov: Gazovik, 2013. - 1280 p.



Back in 2-3 century BC. There are cases of natural gas use in the national economy. So, for example, in ancient China, the gas was used to illuminate and obtain heat. Gas supply from deposits to consumers was carried out according to bamboo pipes due to the pressure of the gas source, i.e. "Self". The joints of the pipes were caught by packles. Gas pipelines in a modern understanding of this word began to appear widely at the beginning of the 19th century and were used for the needs of lighting and heating, as well as for technological needs for production. In 1859, a 5 cm diameter was built in the US state of Pennsylvania and about 9 km long, connecting the field and the nearest city of Takesville.

For one and a half century, the need for gas use grew hundreds of times, and with it the diameter and length of gas pipelines increased.

Today, main gas pipelines are pipelines intended for the transportation of natural gas from areas of mining to consumption items. Through certain intervals, gas compressor stations that support pressure in the pipeline are installed on the highways. In the final point of the main gas pipeline, gas distribution stations are located, on which the pressure decreases to the level necessary for the supply of consumers.

Currently, from the point of view of efficiency, 1420 mm is considered to be the maximum diameter of the gas pipeline.


To date, Russia ranks first in the world in the explored gas reserves (25% of global reserves), and the Russian gas transmission system is the largest in the world. The average gas transportation range is currently about 2.6 thousand km in supply for domestic consumption and approximately 3.3 thousand km in deliveries to export. The length of the main gas pipelines in Russia is 168.3 thousand km. Such a length is enough to get into the land four times.

The main part of the unified gas supply system of Russia was created in the 50s-1920s of the 20th century and besides the gas pipeline system includes 268 linear compressor stations with a total capacity of 42 thousand MW, 6 complexes for gas processing and gas condensate, 25 underground storage facilities.

Today, the owner of the Russian segment of the ESG is OAO Gazprom.

On September 15, 1943, a gas pipeline with a diameter of 300 mm Buguruslan was put into operation - Pokhvistnevo Kuibyshev with a length of 165 km and a capacity of 220 million cubic meters per year. On this day, the first gas entered the Unlessyan CHP and industrial enterprises Kuibyshev. It is from this gas pipeline that the history of the development of the gas transmission system of our country begins.

Today, the largest main gas pipelines of Russia are:

Gas pipeline "Urengoy - Pomari - Uzhgorod" - The main export gas pipeline, built by the USSR in 1983 for the supply of natural gas from the fields of the North of Western Siberia to consumers in the countries of Central and Western Europe. Bandwidth - 32 billion m³ of natural gas per year (project). The actual bandwidth is 28 billion m³ per year. The diameter of the pipeline is 1420 mm. The total length of the gas pipeline is 4451 km. The export pipeline project was proposed in 1978 from the Yamburg deposits, but later was changed to the pipeline from the Urengoy field, which was already exploited.

Gas pipeline "Union" - Export trunk gas pipeline. The diameter of the gas pipeline is 1420 mm, the design pressure is 7.5 MPa (75 atmospheres), the bandwidth is 26 billion m³ of gas per year. The main source of gas for the highway is the Orenburg gas condensate field. Gas pipeline "Union" Adopted on operating on November 11, 1980. Gas pipeline "Union" It takes place through the territory of Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine on the route: Orenburg - Uralsk - Aleksandrov Guy - GIS "Savenka" (the border of Russia and Ukraine) - Kremenchug - Valley - Uzhgorod. The total length of the gas pipeline is 2750 km, including 300 km through the territory of Kazakhstan and 1568 km through the territory of Ukraine.

Gas pipeline "Yamal - Europe" - Transnational main export gas pipeline introduced into operation in 1999. Connects gas fields of the North of Western Siberia with consumers in Europe. The gas pipeline has become an additional export corridor that has improved the flexibility and reliability of Russian gas supplies to Western Europe (through the Yagal-Nord and Stegal gas transmission systems - Ränten).

Takes its beginning in the Gas Transport Knot in Torzhok (Tver region). It goes through the territory of Russia (402 km), Belarus (575 km), Poland (683 km) and Germany. The final western point of the Yamal-Europe main gas pipeline is the Malnov compressor station (in the city of Frankfurt-on-Oder) near the German-Polish border. The overall length of the gas pipeline exceeds 2000 km, diameter - 1420 mm. Design capacity - 32.9 billion m³ of gas per year. The number of compressor stations on the gas pipeline - 14 (3 - in Russia, 5 - in Belarus, 5 - in Poland and one - in Germany).

"Northern Stream" - Main gas pipeline between Russia and Germany, passing along the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Gas pipeline "Northern Stream" - The longest underwater gas export route in the world, its length is 1224 km. Owner and operator - NORD STREAM AG. Pipe diameter (external) - 1220 mm. Working pressure - 22 MPa.

Russia, Germany, the Netherlands and France are involved in the project; Against its implementation, the transit countries and the Baltic countries were opposed. The objectives of the project - an increase in gas supplies to the European market and decrease dependence on transit countries.

The gasket of the pipeline has begun in April 2010. In September 2011, the filling of the first two thread was completed.

On November 8, 2011, gas supply began on the first gas pipeline thread. On April 18, 2012, the second thread was completed. On October 8, 2012, gas supplies began on two gas pipeline threads in commercial mode.


One of the longest underwater gas pipelines is laid between Norway and the United Kingdom along the bottom of the North Sea. Main gas pipeline "Langled" Connects the Norwegian gas field Ormen Lange with the British Terminal Ishington. Its length is 1200 km. Construction began in 2004, the official discovery was held in October 2007 in London.

Near East

Gas pipeline Iran - Turkey, With a length of 2577 km, it was laid from Tabris through Erzurum to Ankara. Initially gas pipeline "Tabriz - Ankara" With a capacity of 14 billion m³ of gas per year was to become part of the pipeline "PARS"That would allow combining European consumers with a large Iranian gas-bearing field "South Pars". However, due to sanctions, Iran could not start implementing this project.


Chinese gas pipeline "West East", with a length of 8704 km, connects the basic northwestern resources of the Tarim basin - the Chancin deposit, the reserves of which are estimated at 750 billion cubic meters of gas - with economically developed oriental coast of the Middle Kingdom. The gas pipeline includes one main line and 8 regional branches. The design capacity of the pipeline is 30 billion m³ of natural gas per year. Thousands of kilometers of pipes stretched through 15 regions of the provincial level and pass through various natural zones: plateau, mountains, deserts and rivers. Pipeline "West East" It is considered the largest and most difficult project in the gas industry ever implemented in China. The goal of the project is the development of Western regions of China.

Gas pipeline "Central Asia - Center"A length of 5000 km connects gas fields of Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan with industrialized areas of Central Russia, CIS countries and far abroad. The first phase of the pipeline was put into operation back in 1967. For the first time in the history of the global gas industry, pipes with a diameter of 1200-1400 mm were used. During the construction, underwater transitions of the main gas pipeline were carried out through the largest rivers of the region: AMU Daria, Volga, Ural, Oka. By 1985, gas pipeline "Central Asia - Center" turned into a multi-informing system of main gas pipelines and gas pipelines with annual bandwidth of 80 billion m³.

Gas pipeline "Turkmenistan - China" It takes place through the territory of four countries (Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and China) and has a length of 1833 km. The pipeline construction began in 2007. The official opening ceremony of the gas pipeline took place on December 14, 2009 at the Samandepe Department (Turkmenistan). Pipe diameter - 1067 mm. The project capacity of the gas pipeline is 40 billion m³ of natural gas per year.

North America

The first and longest today American main gas pipeline "Tennessee"Built in 1944 its length is 3300 km, and it includes five threads with a diameter of 510 to 760 mm. The route passes from the Gulf of Mexico through Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio and Pennsylvania to West Virginia, New Jersey, New York and New England.

American High Pressure Gas Pipeline "Rockies Express", with a length of 2702 km, paved its route from the Rocky Mountains (Colorado) to Ohio. The last thread of the gas pipeline was launched on November 12, 2009. Diameter 910 - 1070 mm and consists of three threads that go through the territory of eight states. The capacity of the highway is 37 billion m³ of gas per year.

South America

Gas pipeline "Bolivia Brazil" It is the longest natural gas pipeline in South America. The 3150-kilometer pipeline connects the gas fields of Bolivia with the southeast regions of Brazil. It was built in two stages, the first branch of 1418 km long began in 1999, the second branch of 1165 km long began work in 2000. The diameter of the gas pipeline 410 is 810 mm. The throughput of the highway is 11 billion m³ of gas per year.


Main gas pipeline "Transmed", a length of 2475 km, paved its route from Algeria through Tunisia and Sicily to Italy, further expansion of the pipeline supplies Algerian gas in Slovenia. The diameter of the ground part 1070-1220 mm. The current power of the pipeline is 30.2 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year. The first phase of the gas pipeline was built in 1978-1983, the second stage was commissioned in 1994. The gas pipeline includes the following areas: Algerian (550 km), Tunisian (370 km), underwater transition from the African coast on Sicily Island (96 km), Land Sicilian Plot (340 km), underwater transition from Sicily Island to Mainland Italy (15 km), land plot through the territory of Italy with a separation in Slovenia (1055 km).

Main gas pipeline "Magreb Europe" Binds a giant gas condensate Hassi-RMel field in Algeria - through the territory of Morocco - with GTS of Spain and Portugal. From the Spanish city of Cordoba, the area of \u200b\u200bAndalusia gas pipeline through the region of Extremadura goes to Portugal. The main supply of natural gas on the gas pipeline is entered into Spain and Portugal, significantly smaller in Morocco. Construction began on October 11, 1994. On December 9, 1996, the Spanish plot began his work. The Portuguese site was opened on February 27, 1997. The total length of the gas pipeline is 1620 kilometers and consists of the following sections: Algerian (515 km), Moroccan (522 km), and Andalusian (269 km) areas with a diameter of 1220 mm, underwater plot (45 km) with a diameter of 560 mm, as well as the Portuguese section ( 269 \u200b\u200bkm) passing through the Spanish autonomous region of Extremadura (270 km) with a diameter of 28 and 32 inches.


Main gas pipeline "Dapimier Bubbery"The commissioned in 1984 is the longest pipeline of natural gas in Australia. The length of the gas pipeline, the diameter of which is 660 mm, is 1530 km. It originates on the Berroup Peninsula and supplies gas to consumers of the southwestern part of Australia.

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Gas pipeline - construction for transporting combustible gases from the place of production or production to consumption items. There are underground, overhead (on supports), in mound. Gas pressure in the main gas pipeline is maintained by gas compressor stations. In the final points of the main gas pipeline, gas distribution stations are constructed. Maximum diameter of the pipeline pipeline 1420 mm.


The first mention of the gas pipeline belongs to the beginning of our era, when bamboo pipes were used to transfer natural gas in China. At the end of the 18th century In Europe, gas pipelines from cast-iron pipes replaced in 19-20 centuries began to be applied. Steel, providing gas transportation under higher pressure than on cast-iron pipelines. The greatest scope of natural gas production reached the beginning of 20 V. In the United States (20 billion m 3), where the overall length of numerous short gas pipelines reached 22 thousand km (1918). In 1928-31, gas pipelines were built in the United States from 800 to 1500 km, with a diameter of 508-660 mm.

In St. Petersburg, the first gas plant (producing lumising gas from imported coal) and distribution system were built in 1835, in Moscow - in 1865.

The cost of the construction and operation of gas pipelines is large, so the first large-length gas pipelines appeared with the start of exploitation of natural gas fields. The first gas pipeline in the USSR from Dashavsky crafts to Lviv was built in 1940-1941 (the first gas pipeline from Dashava was built in 1924). During the Great Patriotic War, gas pipelines were built from Buguruslan and Pokhvistnevo to Kuibyshev (160 km, pipe diameter 300 mm), as well as from Elchka to Saratov.

The first main gas pipeline in the USSR was the Saratov gas pipeline - Moscow that came into order in 1946.

The largest gas pipeline system in the world is a single gas supply system.

Classification of gas pipelines

According to the method of laying, gas pipelines distinguish:

  • underground
  • terrestrial
  • in mound.

The underground method, the main gas pipelines were usually placed in the European part of the USSR (in the seasonal freezing zone of the soil). In the northern regions, the above-ground gas pipeline gasket was distributed on supports, so on. "Snake." In the zone of distribution of multi-neuroprous soils, gas pipelines are placed in mound or overhead and underground methods. In some cases, the gas pipelines are placed on supports or suspended to cables (large ravines, rivers), and also paved along the bottom of the reservoirs (so-called Duketers).

To protect pipes from corrosion (internal or outer), anti-corrosion insulation is used, as well as cathode and protector protection.

Gas pressure in high-length main gas pipelines is supported

Ukraine was the first of the Republic of USSR, which mined gas. In Dashava (Lviv region), gas began to be produced back in the 20s of the last century. This year is considered to be the year of the foundation of the gas industry of Ukraine.

On April 18, 1921, the first gas well was launched in Dashava. In 1922, a gas pipeline Dashawa-Stryy with a length of 14 km was built. In 1929, a gas pipeline is laid 68 km to Lviv.

Then, during World War II, the Germans began to build a gas pipeline from Dashava through Poland to Berlin, but they lost the war, and after the war, the gas pipeline was dismantled, and the Dashava-Kiev gas pipeline was laid (1946-1948 - at that time the most powerful gas pipeline in Europe). At that time, Dashava-Kiev was the most powerful gas pipeline in Europe, its bandwidth was about 2 billion cubic meters. in year.

1948 Natural gas from this pipe received Ternopil.

The management of the Dashava-Kiev gas pipeline operating was also created, which had 5 district departments in the cities of Ternopol, Krasilov, Berdichev, Kiev and C. Nests. The construction of the pipe began in 1946 and in two years she was ready for the transportation of natural gas. After commissioning of this unique main gas pipeline, a broad gasification of post-war cities of Ukraine began. Even despite the shortage of powerful equipment and qualified personnel.

In 1951, Dashava-Kiev was extended to Moscow (Dashava-Moscow).

Even later, a gas pipeline in Leningrad was laid through Minsk. In fact, Dashava was one of the largest gas deposits in the Soviet Union. In the 1950s - 1970s, Dashava-Minsk-Vilnius Riga gas pipelines and others were built. Then a powerful Shebelinka deposit was opened (Kharkiv region.). In 1967, after the commissioning of the Dolina-Uzhgorod-Western Border main gas pipeline (Gas pipeline "Brotherhood") began the supply of Ukrainian gas to the countries of Central and Western Europe. In 1973, Ukrainian gas mining reached a maximum of 68 billion cubic meters. In the 70-80 years, construction of transcontinental gas pipelines "Union", Urengoy-Uzhgorod, "Progres" and a number of others began.

After that, the fall in production began, and today Ukraine is produced 20-21 billion cubic meters of gas.

Behind the state programs are still Soviet, which envisaged an increase in gas production to 34 billion until 2010. Then the volumes were corrected up to 28 billion cubic meters per year. But these goals were not achieved, because the financing of geological exploration, financing the development of new fields, the overhaul of existing wells - all this was, in fact, stopped. In Western Siberia, huge deposits of oil and gas were opened. And in independent Ukraine, a course was taken to import gas. And at first Ukraine consumed even 120 billion cubes, then 76, then even less, somewhere up to 50, but everything was a huge waste.

Because according to expert counts, Ukraine would be enough to produce and consume 40, or even less cubes. In fact, Ukraine per unit of gross products consumes gas 4 times more than European countries. If Poles for utility needs consume 4 billion cubes of gas, then Ukraine is 32. If we consider these indicators to the number of the population, and if the Ukrainians consumed as Poles, they would need six billion cubes.

Today, Ukraine does not produce gas in sufficient amounts not only because the deposits were partially exhausted, but also because nothing is investing in the development of new deposits. In addition, the new fields themselves, except for the Black Sea, actually did not open. No means - and that's it. But even such a task was not set - to put into operation new deposits. New Black Sea deposits were also "failed" - from the need for even in government programs, only 10% were financed.


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