Musical fizminutka sparrow. Fizkultminutka about birds. Directly educational

After the garden and training, D. with dad made tasks from DM.

Today the theme of the day there were birds. They repeated those whom we see every day + bullfinch, whom D. Just knows and wanted, so that he was also.

at first I made a riddle, and D. gone out.

Bird black sits
On the shaggy tree.
- Car! - all the time says.
The beak is scary needles. -


Long-step she
From the back of black-black.
Belco white and shoulders.
Tightening instead of speech.
Though to see - VMY
Raises a shock cry.

This little Ptashka
Wears a gray shirt
Picks up quickly crumbs
And saves from the cat.


Small bird -
Just small.
Single neck,
And herself like a sun.

All trees with interest
Learning Doctor Forest.
If the tree is eating a beetle,
Doctor immediately: Tuk Tuk Tuk!


This bird is a symbol of the world,
Attic her apartment
Where area, fountains,
Looking for crumbs constantly!

Then played in the moving games:

Fizminutka "Crows"

Here, under the Christmas tree, the fun crows jumps.
Car-Car-Car (loudly)
Car-Car-Car (loudly)
Only by night is silent and all fall asleep together.
Car-Car-Car (quiet)
(Children jump, fly, then sit and calm, close their eyes)

Fizkultminutka "Sparrow"

Among the white pigeons (children go in a circle)

Rides Shuster Sparrow (In the center, a child who jumps like a sparrow).


Gray shirt (Children stand face in a circle, go with an appropriate step).

Out, sparrow!

Flying, not Roby! (Sparrow is trying to fly out of the circle, and the children, holding hands, do not allow him.)

Look how many birds flew to the feeder.

What are all the birds like? (Birds have a beak, wings, feathers).

What is the difference? (Magnitude, tail shape, wing size).

And why do birds need feathers?

Is the bird feathers in the same?

In the wings, fly feathers - help while flying.

In the tail steering feathers - send flight

Down feathers - protect against bruises, scratches, from heat, from cold, from wetting, drying.

And the habits of birds are different. In winter, the crows love to sit on the trees, sparrows - on the bushes, pigeons - on the cornices of the roofs. They sit, fucking, hide the beaks and paws, fluttering feathers. So they are saved from the cold and frost.

Discussed than people differ from birds.

. What do we eat? (Mouth.)

And birds? (Beak.)

. Human body is covered with skin, and in birds than? (Feathers.)

. We have legs. And birds? (Foot.)

. We have hands. And birds? (Wings.)

I tried to figure out how the birds talk - it was D. not at all interesting:

Tell me, how do birds speak? Crow - car! So what makes a crow? (Karkayet.)

Forty - Tr-Tr! So what makes forty? (Shocking.)

Dove - Urr-Urr! So what makes the pigeon? (Worship.)

Owl - Troy! So what makes owl? (Few.)

Sparrow - Chick-Chirik! So what makes the sparrow? (Tweet.)

Look, birds flew out - they lost their house. It is necessary to help them. (numeric houses). It was something. We never didn't do this before and did not understand the baby at all that I want from him. But surprisingly ended in surprise (I was ready to stop the occupation at any moment, because I saw that the interest was not that there, but a complete misunderstanding in response).

Then they disassembled that birds eat. D. Drew and attached a magnet to the bird.

Then they read the story about boys and the feeder and made tasks for the development of speech (in the first post I wrote, for which book). Also, surprisingly sat patiently - she walked out, but I answered questions (sometimes I rolled my eyes and spoke, "Negotchki, well, how much can you!"))).

For goodbye with birds, they decided to make a picture "Bin".

For entertainment, transferred balls with a spoon from one nest to another.

After daytime sleep, we have enough for us to fulfill the tasks from DM, and then my head began to break out again and all further plans were canceled.

During the last couple of days, D. with dad mastered the feeder. Dimka, of course, only occasionally participated, but saw-drill helped. The feeder came out the good, but did not have time to hang it))))

Did a postcard for the grandmother and the task of DM.

Deer day and letters about

Started with riddles:

Although believe, even though you do not believe

Ran through the forest beast.

Carried on his forehead

Two raw bush.

Thought and guess. Deer promised D. to help find another letter. But you must first make his portrait. D. from cut-off rectangles under sensitive guidance did ovals and glued deer. I did not intervene in the globe process)))

Then the deer asked to help him deal with gifts - to decompose them correctly (Sudoku).

As decomposed gifts deer offered to fly in search. First, on the magic cloud, where it is necessary to circle all the letters about until the rain went.

Then they worn with a deer around the room until the deer is not tired. He asked D. to feed him with words where there is a sound "O" (such exercises are not yet particularly followed, sometimes D. Easily determines whether there is a star, and sometimes you have to say a very clear word, focusing on sound). We discussed that on actually eat deer, what they are born, how they grow.

Then it turned out that there were already whole herds of deer - we considered them.

We helped these deer to reach Sanok (register). And here the donkey came completely unexpectedly and of course very hungry. He asked to shake him bagels. Here we immediately understood that these letters about and occupation ended - to sculpt it for a long time. The donkey gave us the letter and D. happily attached it to our poster.

Did a postcard for grandmother.

It turned out a bee-Roma (so it called our dad). But the child with such an effort did everything that I did not dare to say enough. It turned out as it turned out)))) There was still a plasticine salute and still confidence ....

That was the second week of waiting. Tasks from DM DM makes sure enough and diligently - I did not even expect. Grows))) Performs tasks that I thought would cause difficulty - but no, does. Well, well done!

Physical attacks for preschool children

Classes with children on learning diploma, mathematics, visual activities, etc., board games, and just watching television programs, cartoons often occur at the table, on the floor or in a chair, that is, in a stationary state. But long-term stay in one position, one position for children, especially preschool and younger school age, is a very heavy load, since they are characterized by the instability of nerve processes. They are quickly tired, attention decreases, interest in the game or occupation is lost, which, of course, negatively affects their effectiveness.

Especially tedious for children of this age. Long-term monotonous work or tasks that do not cause live interest from them, and volitional efforts necessary for their fulfillment are still not developed.

During classes with children, it is often necessary to change the activities of activities, to interest them with some bright, unusual subject or diversify often repeated actions, tasks some new, attractive element for a child. Therefore, it is important to prevent the occurrence of fatigue, timely detect signs of its appearance and as soon as possible, it is more effective to remove them, as fatigue, accumulating, can grow into overwork and cause the occurrence of various nervous disorders.

Signs of fatigue in children 3-4 years old appear after 7-9 minutes of classes, in children 5-6 years old - after 10-12 minutes, 7-8 years - after 12-15 minutes. They can be expressed in different ways: zoo, scattered attention, distractions, irritability, advent of automatic, involuntary adverse moves (scratching, tapping, swinging on a chair, sucking fingers, etc.), violation of posture and coordination of movements.

One of the effective ways to prevent fatigue, improving the overall state of children, the change of their activities is considered short-term exercise, so-called fizminuts.

They remove the tension of the muscles caused by a fixed state, switch attention from one activity to another, giving the rest involved in nervous centers, restore the health of children.

Fisminists are held in the middle of the lesson within 1-3 minutes in the form of gaming actions. We like the children imitative exercises, accompanied by verses and, if possible, related to the theme and content of classes. But the main thing is that the movements were simple, affordable and interesting child, quite intense, affecting many muscle groups, but not excessive.

The Fizminutka complex usually consists of 2-3 exercises for hands and shoulder belt type of sipping - for straightening and relaxing the spine, breast expansion; for the body - slopes, turns; For legs - squats, cock and run in place.

We give examples of fizminuts for various classes.

Fisminists for board games and speech development

Fiziminutka "Charging"

Leaned first

Book our head (tilt forward)

Right - Left we are with you

Show your head, (slopes to the sides)

Hands behind the head, together

We start running on the spot, (imitation of running)

I will remove and me and you

Hands because of the head.

Fizminutka "Masha-Rastery"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Looking for things Masha (turn one way)

Masha-crawling. (turn to the other side, at the start)

And there is no on the chair, (hands forward, to the sides)

And under the chair there, (sit down, dilute your hands to the sides)

There is no on the bed

(Hands lowered)

(head slopes left - right, "pursue" by index finger)


Fisminet "Jumping"

Rise, girls, go up, boys! Jump like bunnies! Jump like balls! Jump-skok, jump-skok, on the grass, tight: we listen to silence, you attempt the carrot. Some rest and then go. Above higher, jump high! Do not be lazy, jump on the socks is easy! Jump high!

Fiancut "How Balls"

Movements are performed along the poem.

Girls and boys jump like balls,

The legs are stupid, clap knobs, nickname, everyone is resting together.

Fizminomka "Forest"

Movements are performed along the poem.

Once, the children went to the forest, they walked around the Polyana, the old fir came up, there was a huge mushroom. So our guys were glad! And home run back.

Fizminutka "Winter"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

How interesting to us in winter! (Show thumb up)

We go to sleds, we are gourby, (imitate skating on sledding)

Then in the snowball we will play, (imitate the smearing and throwing snow)

Everyone's skiing dressed, ("dress" skis, "take" sticks, "rut")

Then everyone stood on skates, (depicting ice skating)

Winter funny days! (Show thumb up)

My ball is fun jumping, (movements, imitating tapping hand on the ball)

My car rides without gasoline, (imitation of steering wheel)

My brother still baby, (show his height)

My cat will sleep a little bit, (tilt the head of the side, hands under the cheek)

Fisminutka "Zamri"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

We are writing legs, (toleate)

We clap hands, (clap)

Swing your head, (swing your head)

We raise hands, (hands up)

Then they lower them, (hands down)

We feed hands (hands in "Castle")

And run around, (work in place)

Once, two, three, (three cotton)

Any figure of Zamri! (portray any shape)

Fisminet "Cabbage"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

We are cabbage ruby \u200b\u200bruby, (smearing movements with hands, like an ax)

We cappusty Many meters, ("mnut cabbage")

We caught Solim Solim, ("take" a pinch of salt and "salt")

We cappist with clamps, clamps, (flexion and extension of hands of hands)

Fiancut "Tsar"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

The wind blows to us in the face, (movement with hands to yourself)

The village was hardened, (swaying with arms with arms)

The breeze is all quieter - (gradual squat)

The village is all above, (stand up, stretch on the socks)

Every day I do a charge in the morning, I really like it to do everything in order: fun to walk, fun to play, hands lifting, putting hands. Lack and get up, jump and jumping.

Fisminet "Teremok"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

It is in the field of teremok, (palm of both hands are connected at an angle)

The castle hangs on the door, (fingers are compressed in the castle)

Opens his Wolf-Derg, Derg-Derg. (hands squeezed in the castle moving forward - back, left - right)

Pete-Cockerel came and opened the key to the key, (the fingers are squeezed and connected to each other, forming "teremok")

Fizminutka "Beetle"

Children imitate movements in the course of the text of the poems.

On the lawn, on the chamomile beetle flew in a colored shirt. Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu, I'm friends with daisies. Quietly in the wind sharing, low-low at least low.

Fisminet "Bunny"

Movements are performed along the poem.

A bunny to sit coldly, you need to warm my paws. Paws up, paws down. Tightening on the socks, put the paws on the barrel, on the socks of the SCOC-SCOK. And then printing, so as not to fribe the paws. Jincon jumping Most, he jumped ten times.

Fizminutka "Burastio"

Movements are performed along the poem.

Pinocchio - reached out

Once - bent,

Two - got rooted

Hands on the sides spread

The key can see, did not find it.

To get the key to we, you need to get up on the socks.

Fisminutka "Birds"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Birds in nests sit down (kids sit on chairs)

And look out on the street.

Fly suddenly wanted,

And everyone immediately flew, (children run on the group. For the words of an adult "birds in nests" children occupy their places)

Fisminet "Clock"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Tick-so, tick-like

All the clock go like that.

Tick-so, tick-like. (head slopes to shoulders)

See soon, what time is it.

Tick-so, tick-like. (torso screaming)

Left - once, right - times

Tick-so, tick-like. (tilting torso left - right)

We can also so.

Fiancint "Three Bear"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Three bears walked home: (children go like bears)

Dad was big-big, (raise hands up)

Mom with him - smaller growth, (hands at the chest level, stretched forward)

And my son is just crumb, (sit down)

Very little he was

We went with rattles, (get up and imitate the game on rattles, raise hands up and utter words: Din-Ding Ding)

Fizminutka "Swans"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Swans fly, mahut wings, (smooth movements with hands with a big amplitude)

Flashed over water

Swing your head, (tilting forward, rushing)

Straight and proudly know how to stay

Quietly quiet on the water sit down (squats)

Horse awaits me on the road, (hands behind the back are clicked in the castle)

Hits a hoof at the gate, (rhythmic alternate lifting legs bent in her knees)

In the wind plays mane

Lush, fabulously beautiful, (shaking head, then sloping to the sides)

Quickly at the saddle

I will not go - I will fly, (plugs in place)


CSC - CCC - CCC, (Hands semi-bent in the elbows in front of them)

There for the Foreign River

I will help you with your hand, (plugs on the spot)

Fisminet "Bear"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Bear in more often lived, his head was twisted. So, that's how your head was twisted, (circular movements head alternately in different directions)

Medicate honey was looking for, a friendly tree swing. So, here's so friendly tree swing. (slopes to the sides, hands forward)

I went to go and drank water from the river, like this, like the river drinking water. (walking "in bearish", tilting forward)

And then they danced, the paws raised above. So, so above the paws raised.

Fizminutka "Grasshopes"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Raise the shoulders (energetic shoulders)

Jump, grasshoppers, jump-skok, jump.

Stop! Sat down, Herbury attended,

Silence listened, (squats)

Above, above, highly jump on socks are easy, (on-site jumping)

Here is the motor turned on, the propeller twisted, Zh- (rotational movements by hand in front of them)

Clouds rose, and the chassis was removed, (alternate lifting of the knees)

Here is the forest - we will prepare a parachute here, (shaking hands, divorced in different directions)

Push, jump, fly, boyfriend, (jump up, hands on the sides)

Parachutes all revealed, children mildly landed, (squatting, hands on the sides)

Fisminet "Birds"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

As a head between the foliage of the woodpecker, trees are hammering. (moving head up - down)

How fishing and goose goose for goose. (running on the place with breeding hands)

How were you surprised, geese near the river

Water drunk, wings opened (tilt forward, hands back)

And slowly went, (steps in place)

Fisminet "Horses"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Hey, horses, all for me!

Hurry up on water! (hands forward, spring foot traffic)

Here is the river, wide and deep,

You will not get to the bottom. (smooth breeding of hand to the sides, tilting forward)

And the water is tasty! Drink! Good water! Let's knock down! (pouring foot)

Hey, horses, all for me! (hands on the sides, smooth movements up - down)

Stressed home, (on-site jumping) Gop gop gop!

Fizminutka "Parts of the Body"

Children should show parts of the body in accordance with the text of the poem.

Here with the sound [l] words: forehead, head, head, fists, palms, elbows, sound [l] No in the word "nails". Eye, body and blades, sound [l] No in the word "heels".

Fisminet "Morning Charging"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

We are cheerful guys, we are the guys-reached, (go in a circle)

We do sports sports, we do not know with diseases.

Once - two, two - just, a lot of power we have! (hands on the sides, to shoulders)

We will lean now, (sloping down) admire on us!

Once - two, do not yaw! Together with us squat! (squats)

Once - jump, two - jump! Jumping fun, friend! (jumping on both legs)

The nose is deeply inhaling - "Sh-sh-sh" Let's say everything later, (inhale the nose, without raising the shoulders)

Fiziminutka for visiting activities

The text is pronounced during the exercise. All movements are running sitting.

Fisminet "Fingers"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

1 option.

We drew today, our fingers are tired. (active flexion and extension of fingers)

Let it be a little rest, it will start drawing again. (Shake your hands in front of you)

A friendly elbows we will assign, (energetically take the elbows back)

Repeat again begin.

Option 2.

We drew today, our fingers are tired, we shake our fingers, draw again, (smoothly raise your arms in front of yourself, shake with brushes)

Feet together, put apart, smooth nail, (breed and cut your feet, pouring)

3 option.

For a long time, we left long, our fingers were tired, (shaking with brushes in front of them) Let it be a little rest, and sculpt again. A friendly hands are divorced and sculpt again, (take your hands back - down, devastating on the back of the chair)

4 option.

In the hide and seek, the fingers played and the heads were cleaned, (compressing and squeezing with brushes)

So, like this, so the heads were cleaned, (flexion and extension 1 and 2 Falling of the fingers)

Fizminutka "Trees in the Forest"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Hands raised and shocked - these are trees in the forest, (smooth shaking raised up with their hands)

Hands buried, brushes shook - the wind knocks the dew, (shaking hands in front of him)

On the sides of the hand smoothly, this is a bird to us fly.

As they sit down, we will also show - the wings folded back. (2 times)

Fizminutka for mathematics classes

The text is pronounced prior to the start of exercise.

- Up to five we believe, the Giri squeeze, (and. N. - Standing, legs slightly placed, hands raise slowly up - on the sides, fingers are compressed in a fist (4-5 times))

- How many points will be in a circle, raise your hands so many times (on the board - a circle with dots. Adult indicates them, and children think how many times you need to raise your hands)

- How many times he hit the tambourine, so many times the firewood crammed, (and. N. - Standing, legs on the width of shoulders, hands in the castle up sharp sloping forward - down)

- How many Christmas trees are green, so much to perform the slopes, (and. N. - Standing, legs apart, hands on the belt. Tops are performed)

- How many cells up to the line, so many times joined you (3 5 times), (on the board depicted 5 cells. Adult indicates them, children jump)

- Sat as many times how many butterflies with us (and. P. - Standing, legs slightly put. During the arms of the arms forward)

- on the socks stand up, get the ceiling (and. N. - Main rack, hands on the belt. Lifting on the socks, hands up - to the sides, stretch)

- How many drops to the point, so much stand on the socks (4-5 times), (and. N. - Basic rack. When lifting on socks, hands on the sides - up, palm below the shoulder level)

- I leaned as many times as clarified with us. (and. n. - Standing, Pour Out, when there are no legs, not bend)

- how much I will show the circles, so much you will run jumps (5 3 times), (and. N. - Standing, hands on the belt, jumping on socks)

- We consider the berries together together, (and. N. - Main rack, hands on the belt. Head is not omitted, back straight)

Abstract directly - educational activities in the elder group on the topic: "feed the birds in winter."

Gorchakova Julia Alekseevna, Educator MBDOU "Irdanovsky kindergarten" Kolosok ", Nikolsky district, Vologda region.
Description of the material: this abstract of directly educational activities is designed for children of senior preschool age, and may also be useful to educators engaged in the problem of environmental education of preschoolers. Children are very attracted by non-traditional drawing techniques, with which you can consolidate the knowledge gained about the world, about birds.
Integration of educational areas: artistic creativity, fiction, knowledge, communication, music, ecology.
Purpose: Continue acquaintance with non-traditional drawing techniques - Plasticine drawing (Plasticography).

- clarify and expand the presentations of children about the winter birds of our region, about the peculiarities of the appearance, hawves of birds, adapting them to the habitat, learning to find signs of similarities and differences;
- Continue to learn to follow the rules of the composition, carefully work with with plasticine, improve the ability to pinch a small piece of plasticine and stretch it according to the silhouette of bulk.

- intensify attention, memory and thinking; develop a fine motor skill, produce the skills of the conscious and relevant use of words in accordance with the context of the statement, improve the dialogic speech;
- Continue to develop aesthetic taste, color perception, the ability to see excellent in the outside world.

- to educate the interest and love of the nature of the native land, to form an emotional and non-uniform person in a child who can understand and regret the "brothers of our smaller";
- To cause the desire to take care of birds, help them.

Wordwork: tit, crow, bullfinch, forty, sparrow, woodpecker.
Preliminary work: heading poems about birds, viewing illustrations with the image of birds of our region, guessing puzzles of birds, talking about winter, as a hungry and difficult time for birds.
- Demonstration material (pictures and photos of winter birds in the presentation; records of votes of birds on a CD-disk; work sample - dynamic table, multimedia equipment, basket with riddles);
- Handout (Plasticine, modeling boxes, stacks, paper sheets with a bulk of a bulk on a rowan branch, cut pictures, medals).
Logic of directly educational activities:
Organizing time.

Song sounds "Winter Tale". Children with an educator enter the group.
Hello, girls, good afternoon, boys!
I played in the dolls, the books looked.
And now we will rest together a bit,
In a good way, guys, in a good road!
I looked at me, met with eyes with me. And now say hello to each other.
To the sun stretched, the ray took,
He pressed to the heart, gave a friend.
Introductory conversation. Actualization of children's knowledge.
Showing illustrations with the image of winter landscapes.
I went to the expanses to walk frost,
White patterns in brazes at Berez.
Snow paths, naked bushes
Snowflakes falling quietly from height. (E. Avdieenko).
What time is it written about this poem? (About winter).
Strict order brought the winter in his possessions. Everything is caught, glitters whiteness. And today I invite you, children, for a walk in an amazing winter forest, which can give you interesting meetings.
We go with you into the forest, full of fairy tales and miracles,
We will watch together, the magic to notice everything.
Close your eyes and imagine that we have found yourself in the Winter Forest. (The record of the "Voice of Birds" sounds).
Tie to hemp. Who presented what? Whose voices did you hear? (Children's responses).
As amazingly and beautiful here! In frosty silence, curious forties are shifted. Why are you, man, came to the forest? With good or not? Behind the trees on the white snow, traces of animals and birds imprinted. Forest glads are smooth pages of a large book - forest books.
Where the wind is sweet in pines
Where for the field Bohr with a wall,
I collect riddles
In the Breštian Body.
Who guess the riddle
That picture gets.

1. Looking for a whole day he crumbs,
Eats bugs, worms.
Winter does not fly away
Under the cornice dwells. (Sparrow).
(Show a presentation with birds of birds).

2. back greenish,
The tummy is yellowish.
Black hat
And strip of scarfic. (Tit).

3. Black vest, red takes,
Nose, like an ax, tail, as focusing. (Woodpecker).

4. Coloring - grayish,
Krivunya hoarse.
Famous person.
Who is it? (Crow).

5. Verune, Beloboka,
And the name is her ... (magpie).

6. Drinking Rowan Brush,
Red light bulbs lit up.
Wings every has!
Who to name it will be able? (Bullfinch).
Look at the screen and tell me, about whom we will talk today? (About birds). How can all these birds be called in one word? Completely, it is winter birds.
Let's see about them a small film.
View video about the life of winter birds.
Winter is a very difficult time of year for birds, especially if it is frosty and snowy. Birds wake up with a sun and all day looking for food. Hungry bird with a cold night may perish.
Relaxation exercise "Sogray Bruk".
Let's imagine that you have found a freezing bird. (Expression of surprise, chagrin). Children fold the palms, imitating that they keep the bird, breathe on it to warm, pressed to the chest, stroke on the head, produced on the will. (Face expression joyful).
Fizminutka "The bird came to life."
Bird wings waved,
Bird feathers smoked
Wings removed back
Having made a very important look.
Looked to the right - left,
Surprised what cause?
There is no birds none,
I can fly home.
And which of these birds flies to us only in winter? (Bullfinch).What is she? What do you think, why did she name it: bullfinch?
For the right answers you received pictures. Try all together to make a bird image of them.
Didactic game "Collect bullfding."
What kind of bird turned out? Tell the poems that you know about bullfinch.
Wielded over the window
Everything is in the snow, what shirma.
Like a rosy matryoshka -
On the porch live bullfinch.
Snegrey See the window:
Hello, Cute Winter Guest!
You will soon leave the porch
Give them ripe green handful.
Did you like a walk through the forest? And now let's go back to our group.
You have unwashed pictures on the tables. What is this bird? True, this is a bullfinch. What else did you notice on the tables? (Plasticine).
What we can do? (Give color picture with plasticine).
Summary of bulk.
What is in bulk? (Torso, head, paws, wings, body covered with feathers, there are beaks, eyes on the head).
What color is the breast of bulk? And wing?
Phased display and explanation of the sequence of work.
We are already familiar with the plasticography technique. Let's remember how to paint the picture? (Children's responses). And first prepare our hands.
Finger gymnastics.
Fly, birds!
Sala ladies cinema.
Prepare crumbs,
Bread a little.
These crumbs are pigeons,
These crumbs are sparrows.
Dusty yes crows
Eat pasta!
(First, the "calling" movements of the fingers, then the "cutting" movements of one palm on another.
Follows pinch - "crumbling bread", rub the pillows of the fingers on each other.
Pull the right hand with a palm opened, the same - left hand.
Rub the palm about the palm, "rolls from macaroni bread").
Watch very carefully, I'll show you again. I take in the hands of plasticine, pressing a small piece, put it on the left palm, with the right palm from above covering and riding the ball, then I apply this ball to the picture and a thumb and stretching my right hand. Note, I begin the bottom, a row for near the feathers to be seen. For the image of the berries of Rowan, I just press the ball with a thumb. Here I got the picture.

I believe that you will get even better and brighter. Where will start work?
Artistic creativity, individual assistance.
Analysis and evaluation of children's work. Reflection.

What are bright, beautiful bullfinings you got! Like live, real, very cute and fun! Guys, what did you like? What do you think it turns out to paint a bullfin with plasticine? Who believes that yes, it turned out, attach a green ball into the upper left corner of the picture, and if someone thinks there was a lot of difficulties, attach a red ball into the upper left corner. Here is smart!

A flock of birds flies south,
Sky is blue around. (Children make hands, as if wings.)
To fly rather,
It is necessary to wave wings. (Children make hands more intense.)


Swans fly, mahut wings (children make hands)
Flashed over water, swing heads (swing heads)
Straight and proudly know how to stay (straighten the back)
Very silently on the water sit down (sit)

Fizkultminutka migratory birds

Birds jump, fly (children jump)
Chips birds collect. ("Pee")
Pynes cleaned,
Claws cleaned (depict)
Birds fly, sing (they make hands)
The pieces are peeling (leaning)
Further flight
And at the place of the village (fly away, "sit)

Fizminutka Rides Shopping Tit

Rides Shuster Tit, (jumping on the spot on two legs.)
It is not sitting on the spot, (jumping on the spot on the left leg.)
Jump, jump-skok, (jumping on the spot on the right leg.)
Photographed like a top. (Twisted in place.)
Here sat for a minute, (sat down.)
Scratched the beak breast, (stood, head slopes left-right.)
And from the track - on the woven, (jumping on the spot on the left foot.)
Tir-Tiri, (on-site jumping on the right leg.)
Shadow-shadow-shadow! (Jumping on site on two legs.)
(A. Barto)

About birds

We smeared the feeder.
We opened the dining room.
Sparrow, bullfinch - neighbor,
Will you have a winter lunch!
On the first day of the week
Two tits flew
And on Tuesday - Snegiri,
Brighter Morning Dawn!
Three ravens were on Wednesday
We did not wait for them to dinner.
And on Thursday from all edges -
Ten greedy sparrows.
On Friday in our dining room
The pigeon was rummed by porridge.
And on Saturday to the cake
Seven forty arrived

Fizminutka Gymnastics for Eye

Bird flew up (kids raise eyes up)
The bird flew to the right (look to the right)
The bird flew to the left (watch left)
And hid on the floor (looking at the floor)

Finger gymnastics "Little birds"

Little birds
Birds are small
In the forest fly
Seeds are assembled
Here's a violent wind flew
Birds wanted wanted
Birds hid in the hollow
There and dry and warm
(Children perform actions according to words)

Fizkultminutka "Snegiri"

Snegiri fly, mahut wings.
They are not sitting on site,
Spinning like a top
Jump - Skok, jump.
Fly dine
But there is only snow and snow.
Well, that they have a feeder,
Did a good man!

Fizkultminutka Aist.
(Back straight, hands on the belt. Children smoothly and slowly raise the right, then the left leg, bent in the knee, and also smoothly lowered. Keep your back.)
- stork, stork long-legged,
Show home the road. (Stork answers.)
- Tops of law,
Tops left nagu
Again - the right nag
Again - left nagu.
After - the right nag
After - Left Nego.
And then come home.

Released clarops on the meadow
Released clarops on the meadow,
Varya-Varya-Kry! (Stepping.)
Flying cheerful beetle,
Gh ...! (Masha hand-wings.)
Geese neck strifting
Ga-ga-ha! (Circular rotation necks.)
The beak feathers straighten. (Tilting turns left-right.)
Wind branked? (Swing up with hands.)
The ball also buried,
R-R-R! (Hands on the belt, leaned forward, look in front of them.)
He whispered in the water of reeds,
Sh-sh-sh! (Raised up hands, stretched.)
And again came quiet,
Sh-sh-sh. (Sat down.)


Heron gray nosed (hands to the nose)
All day costs how the statue (hands on the belt, blades reduce)
On one leg waiting, (hands on the belt raise the left leg)
If you are a solid soldier.
Now, wait for the right, (hands on the belt, raise the right leg)
If you are brave soldier.
Heron gray nicked, (on two legs, hands to the nose
All day costs how the statue. (Hands on the belt)


Here on the branches, gri! Do not shout! (index finger on the lips)
Black sit graphic (sat down)
We are located in the nestschka, (show the nest arm in front of you)
Fucking the dogs, (stand up, hands on the sides)
Heat in the sun, (stroke yourself by hand)
Head vertyat, (turns head to the right, left)
Flying want. (Hands on the sides - wave)
Kysh! Kysh! Fuck! (Cotton, hands on the sides, running on the socks)
Flew, flew (fly)
And again everything in the nests sat down. (sat down)


Birds began to descend
In the meadow, everyone sit down.
Will have a long way to them,
We need to relax the birds. (Children sit in a deep cried and sit for a few seconds.)
And it's time to go on the road
We need to fly a lot. (Children get up and mashed "wings".)
So south. Hooray! Hooray!
Time to land.

Birds in the nest sit down

Birds in the nest sit down
And look out on the street.
They want to walk
And quietly all fly. (Children "scatter", make hands like wings.)

Well, birds, flew

Well, birds, flew,
Flew and sat down
Broke the grains,
Played in pelle
Drove water
Pries were waved
On the sides looked
Away flew away. (Walking, turning into running.)

Fizminutka swans

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Swans fly,
Wings are mashed, (smooth movements with hands with a large amplitude)
Flashed over water
Swing your head, (tilting forward, rushing)
Straight and proudly know how to stay
Quietly quiet on the water sit down (squats)

Game Fizkultminutki for preschoolers

Classes with children on learning diploma, mathematics, visual activities, etc., board games, and just watching television programs, cartoons often occur at the table, on the floor or in a chair, that is, in a stationary state. But long-term stay in one position, one position for children, especially preschool and younger school age, is a very heavy load, since they are characterized by the instability of nerve processes. They are quickly tired, attention decreases, interest in the game or occupation is lost, which, of course, negatively affects their effectiveness.

Especially tedious for children of this age. Long-term monotonous work or tasks that do not cause live interest from them, and volitional efforts necessary for their fulfillment are still not developed.

During classes with children, it is often necessary to change the activities of activities, to interest them with some bright, unusual subject or diversify often repeated actions, tasks some new, attractive element for a child. Therefore, it is important to prevent the occurrence of fatigue, timely detect signs of its appearance and as soon as possible, it is more effective to remove them, as fatigue, accumulating, can grow into overwork and cause the occurrence of various nervous disorders.

Signs of fatigue in children 3-4 years old appear after 7-9 minutes of classes, in children 5-6 years old - after 10-12 minutes, 7-8 years - after 12-15 minutes. They can be expressed in different ways: zoo, scattered attention, distractions, irritability, advent of automatic, involuntary adverse moves (scratching, tapping, swinging on a chair, sucking fingers, etc.), violation of posture and coordination of movements.

One of the effective ways to prevent fatigue, improving the overall state of children, the change of their activities is considered short-term exercise, so-called fizminuts.

They remove the tension of the muscles caused by a fixed state, switch attention from one activity to another, giving the rest involved in nervous centers, restore the health of children.

Fisminists are held in the middle of the lesson within 1-3 minutes in the form of gaming actions. We like the children imitative exercises, accompanied by verses and, if possible, related to the theme and content of classes. But the main thing is that the movements were simple, affordable and interesting child, quite intense, affecting many muscle groups, but not excessive.

The Fizminutka complex usually consists of 2-3 exercises for hands and shoulder belt type of sipping - for straightening and relaxing the spine, breast expansion; for the body - slopes, turns; For legs - squats, cock and run in place.

We give examples of fizminuts for various classes.

Fisminists for board games and speech development

- Fiziminutka "Charging"

Leaned first

Book our head (tilt forward)

Right - Left we are with you

Show your head, (slopes to the sides)

Hands behind the head, together

We start running on the spot, (imitation of running)

I will remove and me and you

Hands because of the head.

- Fizminutka "Masha-Roaster"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Looking for things Masha (turn one way)

Masha-crawling. (turn to the other side, at the start)

And there is no on the chair, (hands forward, to the sides)

And under the chair there, (sit down, dilute your hands to the sides)

There is no on the bed

(Hands lowered)

(head slopes left - right, "pursue" by index finger)


- Fizminutka "Jumping"

Rise, girls, go up, boys! Jump like bunnies! Jump like balls! Jump-skok, jump-skok, on the grass, tight: we listen to silence, you attempt the carrot. Some rest and then go. Above higher, jump high! Do not be lazy, jump on the socks is easy! Jump high!

- Fiancut "like balls"

Movements are performed along the poem.

Girls and boys jump like balls,

The legs are stupid, clap knobs, nickname, everyone is resting together.

- Fizminutka "Forest"

Movements are performed along the poem.

Once, the children went to the forest, they walked around the Polyana, the old fir came up, there was a huge mushroom. So our guys were glad! And home run back.

- Fizminutka "Winter"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

How interesting to us in winter! (Show thumb up)

We go to sleds, we are gourby, (imitate skating on sledding)

Then in the snowball we will play, (imitate the smearing and throwing snow)

Everyone's skiing dressed, ("dress" skis, "take" sticks, "rut")

Then everyone stood on skates, (depicting ice skating)

Winter funny days! (Show thumb up)

My ball is fun jumping, (movements, imitating tapping hand on the ball)

My car rides without gasoline, (imitation of steering wheel)

My brother still baby, (show his height)

My cat will sleep a little bit, (tilt the head of the side, hands under the cheek)

- Fisminet "Zamri"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

We are writing legs, (toleate)

We clap hands, (clap)

Swing your head, (swing your head)

We raise hands, (hands up)

Then they lower them, (hands down)

We feed hands (hands in "Castle")

And run around, (work in place)

Once, two, three, (three cotton)

Any figure of Zamri! (portray any shape)

- Fiancons "Cabbage"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

We are cabbage ruby \u200b\u200bruby, (smearing movements with hands, like an ax)

We cappusty Many meters, ("mnut cabbage")

We caught Solim Solim, ("take" a pinch of salt and "salt")

We cappist with clamps, clamps, (flexion and extension of hands of hands)

- Fiancnut "Tsar"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

The wind blows to us in the face, (movement with hands to yourself)

The village was hardened, (swaying with arms with arms)

The breeze is all quieter - (gradual squat)

The village is all above, (stand up, stretch on the socks)

Every day I do a charge in the morning, I really like it to do everything in order: fun to walk, fun to play, hands lifting, putting hands. Lack and get up, jump and jumping.

- Fizminutka "Teremok"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

It is in the field of teremok, (palm of both hands are connected at an angle)

The castle hangs on the door, (fingers are compressed in the castle)

Opens his Wolf-Derg, Derg-Derg. (hands squeezed in the castle moving forward - back, left - right)

Pete-Cockerel came and opened the key to the key, (the fingers are squeezed and connected to each other, forming "teremok")

- Fizminutka "Beetle"

Children imitate movements in the course of the text of the poems.

On the lawn, on the chamomile beetle flew in a colored shirt. Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu, I'm friends with daisies. Quietly in the wind sharing, low-low at least low.

- Fizminutka "Bunny"

Movements are performed along the poem.

A bunny to sit coldly, you need to warm my paws. Paws up, paws down. Tightening on the socks, put the paws on the barrel, on the socks of the SCOC-SCOK. And then printing, so as not to fribe the paws. Jincon jumping Most, he jumped ten times.

- Fizminutka "Burachia"

Movements are performed along the poem.

Pinocchio - reached out

Once - bent,

Two - got rooted

Hands on the sides spread

The key can see, did not find it.

To get the key to we, you need to get up on the socks.

- Fisminist "Birds"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Birds in nests sit down (kids sit on chairs)

And look out on the street.

Fly suddenly wanted,

And everyone immediately flew, (children run on the group. For the words of an adult "birds in nests" children occupy their places)

- Fizminutka "Clock"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Tick-so, tick-like

All the clock go like that.

Tick-so, tick-like. (head slopes to shoulders)

See soon, what time is it.

Tick-so, tick-like. (torso screaming)

Left - once, right - times

Tick-so, tick-like. (tilting torso left - right)

We can also so.

- Fiangunnut "Three Bear"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Three bears walked home: (children go like bears)

Dad was big-big, (raise hands up)

Mom with him - smaller growth, (hands at the chest level, stretched forward)

And my son is just crumb, (sit down)

Very little he was

We went with rattles, (get up and imitate the game on rattles, raise hands up and utter words: Din-Ding Ding)

- Fisminet "Swans"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Swans fly, mahut wings, (smooth movements with hands with a big amplitude)

Flashed over water

Swing your head, (tilting forward, rushing)

Straight and proudly know how to stay

Quietly quiet on the water sit down (squats)

Horse awaits me on the road, (hands behind the back are clicked in the castle)

Hits a hoof at the gate, (rhythmic alternate lifting legs bent in her knees)

In the wind plays mane

Lush, fabulously beautiful, (shaking head, then sloping to the sides)

Quickly at the saddle

I will not go - I will fly, (plugs in place)


CSC - CCC - CCC, (Hands semi-bent in the elbows in front of them)

There for the Foreign River

I will help you with your hand, (plugs on the spot)

- Fisminet "Bear"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Bear in more often lived, his head was twisted. So, that's how your head was twisted, (circular movements head alternately in different directions)

Medicate honey was looking for, a friendly tree swing. So, here's so friendly tree swing. (slopes to the sides, hands forward)

I went to go and drank water from the river, like this, like the river drinking water. (walking "in bearish", tilting forward)

And then they danced, the paws raised above. So, so above the paws raised.

- Fisminet "Grasshopes"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Raise the shoulders (energetic shoulders)

Jump, grasshoppers, jump-skok, jump.

Stop! Sat down, Herbury attended,

Silence listened, (squats)

Above, above, highly jump on socks are easy, (on-site jumping)

Here is the motor turned on, the propeller twisted, Zh- (rotational movements by hand in front of them)

Clouds rose, and the chassis was removed, (alternate lifting of the knees)

Here is the forest - we will prepare a parachute here, (shaking hands, divorced in different directions)

Push, jump, fly, boyfriend, (jump up, hands on the sides)

Parachutes all revealed, children mildly landed, (squatting, hands on the sides)

- Fizminutka "Birds"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

As a head between the foliage of the woodpecker, trees are hammering. (moving head up - down)

How fishing and goose goose for goose. (running on the place with breeding hands)

How were you surprised, geese near the river

Water drunk, wings opened (tilt forward, hands back)

And slowly went, (steps in place)

- Fisminist "Horses"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Hey, horses, all for me!

Hurry up on water! (hands forward, spring foot traffic)

Here is the river, wide and deep,

You will not get to the bottom. (smooth breeding of hand to the sides, tilting forward)

And the water is tasty! Drink! Good water! Let's knock down! (pouring foot)

Hey, horses, all for me! (hands on the sides, smooth movements up - down)

Stressed home, (on-site jumping) Gop gop gop!

- Fizminutka "Parts of the Body"

Children should show parts of the body in accordance with the text of the poem.

Here with the sound [l] words: forehead, head, head, fists, palms, elbows, sound [l] No in the word "nails". Eye, body and blades, sound [l] No in the word "heels".

- Fisminist "Morning Charging"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

We are cheerful guys, we are the guys-reached, (go in a circle)

We do sports sports, we do not know with diseases.

Once - two, two - just, a lot of power we have! (hands on the sides, to shoulders)

We will lean now, (sloping down) admire on us!

Once - two, do not yaw! Together with us squat! (squats)

Once - jump, two - jump! Jumping fun, friend! (jumping on both legs)

The nose is deeply inhaling - "Sh-sh-sh" Let's say everything later, (inhale the nose, without raising the shoulders)

Fiziminutka for visiting activities

The text is pronounced during the exercise. All movements are running sitting.

- Fisminet "Fingers"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

1 option.

We drew today, our fingers are tired. (active flexion and extension of fingers)

Let it be a little rest, it will start drawing again. (Shake your hands in front of you)

A friendly elbows we will assign, (energetically take the elbows back)

Repeat again begin.

Option 2.

We drew today, our fingers are tired, we shake our fingers, draw again, (smoothly raise your arms in front of yourself, shake with brushes)

Feet together, put apart, smooth nail, (breed and cut your feet, pouring)

3 option.

For a long time, we left long, our fingers were tired, (shaking with brushes in front of them) Let it be a little rest, and sculpt again. A friendly hands are divorced and sculpt again, (take your hands back - down, devastating on the back of the chair)

4 option.

In the hide and seek, the fingers played and the heads were cleaned, (compressing and squeezing with brushes)

So, like this, so the heads were cleaned, (flexion and extension 1 and 2 Falling of the fingers)

- Fizminutka "Trees in the Forest"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Hands raised and shocked - these are trees in the forest, (smooth shaking raised up with their hands)

Hands buried, brushes shook - the wind knocks the dew, (shaking hands in front of him)

On the sides of the hand smoothly, this is a bird to us fly.

As they sit down, we will also show - the wings folded back. (2 times)

Fizminutka for mathematics classes

The text is pronounced prior to the start of exercise.

- Up to five we believe, the Giri squeeze, (and. N. - Standing, legs slightly placed, hands raise slowly up - on the sides, fingers are compressed in a fist (4-5 times))

- How many points will be in a circle, raise your hands so many times (on the board - a circle with dots. Adult indicates them, and children think how many times you need to raise your hands)

- How many times he hit the tambourine, so many times the firewood crammed, (and. N. - Standing, legs on the width of shoulders, hands in the castle up sharp sloping forward - down)

- How many Christmas trees are green, so much to perform the slopes, (and. N. - Standing, legs apart, hands on the belt. Tops are performed)

- How many cells up to the line, so many times joined you (3 5 times), (on the board depicted 5 cells. Adult indicates them, children jump)

- Sat as many times how many butterflies with us (and. P. - Standing, legs slightly put. During the arms of the arms forward)

- on the socks stand up, get the ceiling (and. N. - Main rack, hands on the belt. Lifting on the socks, hands up - to the sides, stretch)

- How many drops to the point, so much stand on the socks (4-5 times), (and. N. - Basic rack. When lifting on socks, hands on the sides - up, palm below the shoulder level)

- I leaned as many times as clarified with us. (and. n. - Standing, Pour Out, when there are no legs, not bend)

- how much I will show the circles, so much you will run jumps (5 3 times), (and. N. - Standing, hands on the belt, jumping on socks)

- We consider the berries together together, (and. N. - Main rack, hands on the belt. Head is not omitted, back straight)


Perhaps it will be useful to read: