Customize work after vacation. When to get out of vacation to work? When went to work after the holiday

If the phrase " I do not want to work after vacation"Everything often spins in your head, and thoughts on how to go to work after vacation, they do not give rest, then you are close to post-tab syndrome.

How to tune in to work after vacation

  1. Try to plan your vacation so that 2-3 days remained before going to work. During this time you can get used to the climate, the hour belt, and just sleep if you spent the holidays, like a real tourist, examining the sights and visiting the excursion.
  2. Spend the last days of vacation calmly. You do not need to rush to meetings with friends, attend secular events or soaring the permutation. The best option is now leisurely and measured fulfillment of pleasant things: walks in the parks, long sleep, care for yourself.
  3. Displays memories. Nothing can knock out the rut as a return from fabulous places to gray scenery of the hometown. Try to save the feeling of the holiday as long as possible - disassemble the photos, re-read the track notes, write a new acquaintance, leave for fresh impressions on resources for travelers.
  4. First day after vacation. The main mistake of the first day after vacation is to enter the work from Monday. Monday and so the day is heavy, and Monday after the holidays even the most rested employee can plunge into the ugliness. If you can, try to return to the office closer to the middle of the week - on Wednesday or Thursday. The idea that the legitimate weekend just a couple of days is not only a beneficial effect on the general condition, but also warned post-tab syndrome.
  5. Do not attempt to immediately begin the fulfillment of duties. Job with colleagues, find out current news. Implementation of important cases requiring attention is better to postpone for later (you have only two days before the weekend, something serious should not be treated, right?). In no case do not deprive yourself of daily workers of rituals - a cup of coffee, the afternoon walk will be the "hooks", hacking for which you will return to working rhythm faster.
  6. At home, as at work, it is better not to accept important solutions and hold the first weeks in a relaxed atmosphere. It is not necessary to immediately take on yourself and relatives at once all home duties. Household routine can be the same serious stress factor, as well as postpascular Avral at work. If there is no desire to cook lunch - go with your family to a restaurant or order food to the house, and a weekly cleaning can wait - your good mood for households is more important than the absence of dust and adhesive shirts.
  7. Take yourself. Your body will be grateful if fresh fruits, vegetable salads and a lot of pure water are added to the diet. Remember that the easier the food is, the better, besides, it will save it from many hours of standing at the stove. If you really want to remove the stress of the first week with the help of alcohol, then do not care too strict. Only positive emotions will bring evening memories of the holiday over a glass of wine.

As for the sport, then, oddly enough, the first days after the holidays are not the best time to resume intensive training. Even if you have gained several extra kilograms for the holidays and you will not wait to return to the form, try to enter the sports mode gradually - instead of aerobics - yoga or pilates, instead of anti-cellulite massage - sauna or relaxing wraps. And finally, the main advice is in the last Days of vacation are just what you really want, not paying attention to the recommendations that diverge with your desires. If you do not wait to meet with girlfriends and boast an even tan, you should not close in the house. If you feel that the mountains are ready to roll at work - boldly strip into battle. Just do not forget that the primary enthusiasm can quickly fire, so you will try on all the undertakings with the mind.

During the whole year, working people are looking forward to vacation. This is the most beautiful time when you can relax, communicate with friends, walk. Going to rest on the sea, in the mountains or go abroad, where everything is turned on and you can forget about everything. Vacation gives us the opportunity to relax carefully, relax and forget about work. But sometime everything ends and comes the day when you need to go to work. After a long rest, this is not very difficult. How to tune in to work after vacation Consider in our article.

How to cope with stress after rest?

Tune in to the work process and return to the usual mode is very difficult. Many people even experience stress, psychologists call him "post-table syndrome." This is a type of stress that appears after a relaxing and pleasant period in life. To get rid of this stress, you need to attach significant efforts, sometimes even people turn to specialists for help. In various institutions, studies were conducted which showed that 67% of employees experience stress to return to the workflow after the holidays.

The most common signs of such stress:

  • headache;
  • sadness;
  • fast fatigue;
  • despondency;
  • yearning;
  • anger;
  • nervousness.

In order to cope with stress you need to do yourself and not to lower your hands. Tune in for labor regime after vacation will help:

  • gradually, start returning to your working mode, do not dive immediately to work with your head;
  • on the first working day it is desirable not to plan serious and business meetings;
  • try to play sports or perform at least the easiest exercise, because Sport helps to fight stress;
  • treat yourself, buy a gift, go to the cafe, Meet friends.

In the first days, try not to dip fully in the work process, pay time close, friends and yourself in particular. You must have harmony inside. Take away from negative emotions and thoughts. And most importantly, start thinking where you will spend the next vacation, it will help you to tune in and enter the rhythm.

Yesterday you enjoyed the freedom in full, warped the beach on the beach, splashing in the pool and did not know any worries at all, and today you are already dusting in a stuffy office, looking at the silent faces of colleagues and the mountain of the accumulated work, which you think you do not have time to do And until the next vacation. Of course, it is a huge stress for the body. Uncle Psychologists even invented the term characterizing this state - post-tab syndrome. This ailment suffer about 40% Workers who returned from vacation. Let's look for more detail what kind of beast is so - "Postpotpusk syndrome"And with what they eat.

Statistics tells us that 80-85% Applications for dismissal are written by workers who have just returned from vacation. This is due to the fact that having arranged a breather in the form of a vacation, and then, returning to the work of rested, it is easy to look at your work on the part, to analyze how the road you and how much she satisfies you. I would not recommend writing a statement next week after vacation. The fact is that against the background of post-type depression, it may seem to you that your work is not suitable for you, but it the feeling can be deceptive. Therefore, to postpone this decision at least until next week, and if the intention to leave this work will not disappear - it means, really, it is worth writing a statement.

Causes of postpask depression

The cause of this ailment is that during vacation the body is rebuilt on a new schedule. All change biological and psychological rhythms, emotional background, power and sleep mode, changes the volume of mental and physical exertion. And if you rest in another climate and in another time zone, you can add everything else and acclimization. When you go to work, the body has to be rebuilt back to the rigid schedule. For this you need a certain time (usually 2-5 days). At this time, your body and spirit will be protesting against you to suit your such stress. From here and there are physical and psychological ailments, the name of which - post-tab syndrome.

If you are consumed alcohol, it is quite possible that on vacation you will often abuse, that too negatively affect the body when you enter the work.


Post-tab syndrome is accompanied by weighing unpleasant sensationsThe most common of which are:

  • Irritability
  • Tired
  • Lethargy
  • Diffidence
  • Hot temper
  • Headaches
  • Pressure jumps
  • Besonian

A person can even get sick any Orz - The body may well refuse to extend their vacation.

Risk group

can fight any employeeBut there are some categories of citizens who are more at risk to experience all the charms of this syndrome on themselves.

Dissatisfied with their work. If the work does not bring any pleasure, and the person has to force himself to go to work only for money, then after a few weeks, full of positive emotions and vivid impressions, the return to the unloved work will be a very serious test.

Mentally unbalanced people. The sharp change of the rhythm of life, first of all, leads from the equilibrium of people prone to rampant and impulsive actions.

Men. Men get into work, as a rule, more difficult than women. This is due to the fact that women have a more flexible psyche and they often go to work, anticipating how they will tell colleagues about their wonderful holidays and travel and adventures that took place on this vacation.

People who have long holidays. The brightest example - teacher. The longer the vacation lasts, the longer it takes time to get into working rhythm.

People aged 40-45 years. At this time, many are experiencing, the so-called middle age crisis. A person overwhelm thoughts about his own purpose, he is trying to analyze the years lived years and mistakes committed in his life. On vacation, he may well indulge in these philosophical reflections, but at work there may be problems. Therefore, at this age, the return from the heavenly pleasure in the harsh truth of life is especially painful.

So if you mentally unbalanced man a little over 40, working as a teacher and hate work - I have bad news for you 🙁

But do not despair, friend! I prepared several recommendations for you about how to go to work after vacation If not with pleasure, at least minimizing unpleasant sensations, depression and stress.

How to go to work after vacation

Get out of vacation in the middle of the week. Try to plan your vacation so that the first working day falls on mid week, not at the beginning. Otherwise, the first work week may seem unbearably infinite.

Returning from a holiday 2-3 days before going to work. During this time, you can slowly cool from the impressions, draw in urban rhythm, adapt to the weather and morally tune in to the working way.

Do not waste the last days of vacation by household matters. After returning from holiday home, many try to remake the accumulated homemade business in the last days of vacation, thereby poisoning themselves these days. Especially the women sin. No, I do not urge in the last days of vacation to wallow vegetable on the sofa, but also excessive activity. Try to find some balance. Small cleaning will be more than enough. With the rest of the affairs, you can cope somehow later.

Think about work in a positive key. Remember that you love your work. Scroll into your head some positive moments related to your work and with your colleagues. Imagine how going to work, you will share impressions with colleagues, show photos and video from rest, possibly, give someone brought souvenirs. This positive mood will help you enter the workforce easily, easy to and with pleasure.

Purge. To facilitate post-tab syndrome, pour out, as it should. Try to sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Plan your working time. During your holiday, a lot of work has been accumulated. No need to take a panic for everything at once. Better paying your working time. First of all, understand the main affairs, and the secondary will do later. And do not forget every hour to be distracted, especially if you have a sitting job.

Post off the adoption of important decisions. All responsible and important decisions try to postpone until the time you get into the work.

First working days try to hold "On the relaxation". Do not overload yourself in the first days. Make a small cleaning, Move order on the desktop, check the mail. No labor feats in the first days! No need to linger at work. If it is possible, try to leave early. And in your first weekend try to relax well.

Do not worry if the mental processes are difficult. In a person who was in the sun for several weeks, intellect coefficient Decreases paragraphs by 20 . Such discovery made German scientists. So that if it seems to you that you are a little undressed after the holiday, do not worry it in the order of things. A few days later IQ. Recover.

Burn the body endorphins. Turn on in your diet a bit gorky chocolate And more vegetables and fruit. From fruit is better to take oranges and bananas. These products will be saturated by your body. endorphinsWhy will you feel a little happier. Do not forget also about morning exercises and walks in the open air. Peah more clean water. From other drinks, pay attention to green tea and mineral water. But Ot strong tea and coffee Better to refuse.

No fundamental changes during this period. If you decide to globally change in your life, the first week after vacation is not the best time. After all, such changes require high energy costs and, accordingly, can not be reduced to no positive effect obtained from recreation. But if the hands are so cushed to change something in your life, start with the little things, and when you get into working rhythm, then you can think about global changes.

Analyze your condition

Silent post-tab syndrome is a sure sign that you are not in our place. People who work what is called "In its place," The post-tab syndrome is either weakly, or they are not familiar to them at all.

Personal experience

Personally, it is harder for me that the last days of vacation are given, and when I go to work - quite quickly drawing. But in the last days of vacation, the mood is always on zero.

As for the duration of the vacation, then I i love to go on vacation for a whole month. A few years ago he worked at the enterprise where I was provided additionally 14 days vacation. I also took a vacation once a year, right away - on 42 calendar days. I do not like to go on vacation on 2 weeks - the subconsciousness does not perceive it as a vacation 🙂. Moreover, in order to rebuild from working rhythm on vacation vested, time is also required - 3-4 days. And the latter 3-4 days I'm already starting to think about work. So there is only a week of full vacation. Whether it's a vacation on 4 weeks! 🙂


Cutting transition from a relaxed statein which there is no discipline and obligationsand present joy and pleasure, in a state of rigid discipline perceived by the body as strongest stress. The human psyche perceives the end of the vacation, as a huge loss. Stress from such a sharp restriction of freedom can be compared, except, with parting with a loved one.

Smooth you move from vacation to workdays! And let your work delivers you as many positive emotions as possible! Then no post-tab syndrome threatens you!

To begin with, I will understand what decree is and with what it is eaten. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 255 and 256), the entire period that we simply call "Decree" consists of two parts.

  • The first is pregnancy and childbirth. Granted for a period of 140 to 194 days, depending on the course of pregnancy. In fact, this is an analogue of the hospital.
  • The second is to leave the child to the child up to three years. And up to one and a half years, the manual is charged, after a year and a half - not accrued. This holiday can take advantage of not only mom, but also dad, and grandmother or grandfather of the child (if they actually carries out the child's care).

You you can To go to work on any day, warning the employer in advance with the relevant statement, and do not wait for the child three years.

And you obliged Go to work the next day after the third birthday of the child was celebrated. From this day, vacation ends, the failure to appear on the workplace will be considered a break.

Can you dismiss you

Someone is afraid to go to work, because it does not want to part with the child. And someone is experiencing that on the very first day after the decree will receive an employment record in hand.

During the maternity leave, the employer cannot dismiss you during the maternity leave, while the organization itself is not liquidated.

If you went to work earlier and your child has no three years, you, too, in relative security. According to Article 261 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, to break the employer with you on its own initiative, if the organization is liquidated or if you have grossly violated work discipline.

But when the child Doros is up to three years old, the employer of you at least the next day (exceptions are single parents, the breadwinners of large families and parents of children with disabilities).

It is only necessary to worry about women who have entered into an urgent employment contract. If its action is over, you can receive a notice of termination. Extend the term of the contract The employer is obliged only for the time of pregnancy, and for the period of leave for child care - no.

How to go to work and stay on it

From the point of view of the head, the situation with the mother who came after the decree is ambiguous. An employee who worked for three years in the desired position was mastered and showed himself from the best side, and a worker after a long break is still needed to restore qualifications and enter the working rhythm. A new position to issue "Decaders" can not be issued by law, Mom returns to the same work that went on vacation. In addition, everyone is afraid that young mothers will most often disappear on the hospital and to ask for paintings.

What does this mean? What will have to reach the workplace in advance and talk with the bosses, and not wait for the end of the holidays.

Indicate your desire to return to work and defense, talk about the conditions on which you will start anew. Perhaps after such a conversation you will make conclusions, it is worth it from the cabinet office costume or it's time and look for a new place.

Find out what has changed in the workplace during your absence. Who came to the team, which of the old men remained in his place, who received an increase. Ask how things are going from the organization: it is planned to expand, access to new markets or, on the contrary, ahead of the period of rigid savings on everything.

Read professional literature. This is useful not to miss important information and to force the brain to function in working mode.

Look for professional communities, watch the video. So you can keep your hand on the pulse in your sphere.

How to prepare for a new regime

If, after the third birthday of the child, you first assign it to a kindergarten, and you yourself will beat a job yourself, everything will be bad, though. A week after a sharp start of the new mode, you are waiting for a catastrophe: the house of the mess, the child is upset, you are squeezed as lemon, at work is unhappy. Prepare the body and family to change before they put on your head.

Decide the question with the kindergarten and nanny in advance. The child will need to get used to the new setting and to the regime. In 99.9% of cases you are waiting for morning tears. Prepare a child to new circumstances and give him evenings.

Stop earlier. If you were going to work before, let's say, in 15 minutes, and you can collect a child in 30 minutes, then the formula for calculating the time will be like this: (15 + 30) × 2. And this is another minimum stock. You will always have something like that, because of what you can be late. Because the law of meanness works without interruptions.

Distribute duties. Care leave usually assumes home care. Now you will not have enough time for everything and immediately. Request assistance and distribute duties between family members in order not to go crazy from the load.

Post down new things for later. If the new mode is given hard, no one is thinking about additional activity. But sometimes women are tested by a mad tide of strength. Finally, you need to have so much time! A desire to visit all exhibitions, go to workouts or foreign language courses every day. Especially if you were fully focused on maternal affairs.

The body's resources are not infinite, a couple of months you will fly and flutter, and then such fatigue will fall on you, that even the necessary forces will not remain.

In this situation, the principle of "quieter you go - you will continue to" open in all our glory. Want to roll the mountains? Roll, but gradually. First learn how to distribute the time between the house and work, and when you feel that there is a lot of energy, look for use.

How to behave at work

After a long break, the access to work seems to get into another world. You will be afraid and worry about the quality of your work and your knowledge. Try to calm down. You go out on the same place of work from which you left. You have already begun to work in this organization. And nothing horrible with you will not happen.

Ask questions And do not be afraid to show that you do not know something. It is better to ask and make it right than then redo. And the more questions you will ask, the faster catch up with colleagues.

Learn to be silent about personal.Everyone says that he worries him, and you will be worried about the child.

I remind you. To the question "How are you?" You need to answer: "Thank you, good! What about you?". And not to tell how you really are.

Do not tell the details of your family life every colleague, not everyone is interesting to listen when your child made the first steps (honestly, it's not interesting for almost anyone).

Observe the dress code. Even if the company has a free form of clothing, the business image will help tune in.

What to do if the child is not left with

The reality is such that with the kindergarten even for three years is not lucky. Sometimes to leave a child with no one with whom, or a trip to a preschool institution will appear in a few months, and you need to work. Unfortunately, in such a situation there are few options:

  • Search for a nanny.
  • Contact an employer about the possibility of remote work.
  • Write an application for unpaid leave for the right time.

You can get started before the end of the child's leave on an incomplete working day. Of course, you need to agree on the issue with the employer.

It will be necessary to calculate only on good relationships with the bosses and its value for the company. So all the advice given above will fully fit and in your case.

And I will not go to work!

And what if you are not going to work? Usually women who were on leave to care for a child, causing the opposite question. Therefore, those who decided for any reason to postpone shock labor turn out to be overboard.

How to part with work right? Try to keep warm relationships at work. Suddenly you still decide to return.

The most professional way out would be to say about your intention in advance so that the employer can prepare and find a replacement employee. Or did not drive anyone who already works in your place.

Prevent news personally. On the one hand, everything is sharpened entirely under the paper, and by law you can communicate with the employer solely with the help of applications and "". And moreover, notify the decision to leave the position you are obliged in writing. But it is humanly important that a conversation is made to the letter and the application. Personal conversation is not always possible (for example, you moved or you do not leave a child with anyone), but at least call.

Consider payout. If you decide to quit after your childcare leave, make sure that you pay all compensation if you did not go on vacation before going to the maternity leave. And the first part of the decree (maternity leave) is included in the vacation experience, the rest is not.

Challenge the feeling of guilt. If it seems to you that your decision you bring someone that work without you will not cope - it seems to you. While you were on the decret, everything functioned without your presence, your dismissal will not destroy the organization.

Vacation came up to an end. It would seem that you can go to work with new forces and fresh thoughts, but for some reason I don't want it! You feel strong fatigue and dissatisfaction with the work. There is no desire to work. Many at this time are even thinking about leaving. Well, there is postpask depression.

How to tune in to work after vacation? Make sure that the work is in joy, and did not seem like a cortica? Some advise not to leave on vacation more than two weeks so as not to fall out of the working atmosphere and after the vacation quickly return to the familiar schedule. Others and are not recommended at all to disappear from affairs even to be convened with colleagues and what is called, keep your hand on the pulse. But is it worth following such recommendations? After all, to relax and relax, constantly thinking about work, almost impossible. In addition, your regular telephone calls with colleagues are likely to hurt who you went to rest. How to relax, forgetting about work, and then make it so that the employment go to work after the vacation has become painful?

  1. To begin with, decide how much you will relax and how to spend your vacation. If you want to go to the tropics, take your vacation at least 2 weeks. The fact is that, being on vacation, you will have to go through acclimatization, which will require several days. Imagine your body only became accustomed to wet air and high temperatures, and you are subjected to re-stress (and acclimatization is stress for the body), returning too early. Naturally, going to work after such a vacation will be painful. If you can afford to take leave to somewhat in the usual climatic belt. You can go to the cottage, visit relatives or friends;
  2. Remember the rule: "At work - I work, on vacation - rest." If you can separate these two types of activity, then after the vacation you will be easier to tune in to the business way. At the same time, it is not necessary to forget that rest is not everyday walking until the morning ... You can, of course, allow yourself a little drink, but if you don't know the measure, then after a two-week alcohol marathon, you are not at work, and in the hospital there will be ! So it is better to send the strength to the restoration of the body after;
  3. Try to return from vacation 3-4 days before you go. It will help you pass reachatimation and tune in to work. These days, try to rest more. Do not charge yourself with urgent households. Visit friends, give brought souvenirs or make at home it will be possible at the end of the new labor week;
  4. A couple of days before the end of the vacation, try at the same time as on working days. This will help customize the body after vacation;
  5. In the first working days after vacation, it is not necessary to take on new projects or too complex tasks. Better, if you are improving the already started project, because it is much easier to finish than to start doing something from scratch. If there is no such classes, then deal with planning. Note a list of cases you need to fulfill in the coming days. By the way, this can be done a few days before the end of the rest, then after vacation you can safely begin to perform the planned.

To avoid post-type depression, you need to adhere to these recommendations, allow your body to gain strength, energy and vitamins. Then it will be much easier to go to work after the vacation. After all, you will not feel broken and empty. Work will be in joy, and new forces will help in implementing any ideas and projects.

And remember, the right vacation is the key to productive work.


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