Mig fifth generation: What will be the new Russian fighter? Mig fifth generation: What will be the new Russian fighter? MiG 5 generation

Moscow, Jan 27 - RIA Novosti. The new Russian generation fighter "4 ++" MiG-35 after the completion of public testing will update the park of the air-space forces (VKS) of Russia and can be offered to foreign buyers.

New "MiG" will be represented by the world

On Friday, MiG-35 was held on the basis of the manufacturing complex of the Russian aircraft construction corporation (RSK) "MiG" in the Moscow Region Lukhovitsi. The summer tests of the fighter began on Thursday.

Russian President Vladimir Putin during video conferencing on the occasion of the start of the test expressed the hope that the new fighter would significantly strengthen the Russian army.

The MiG-35 shown in Lukhovitsi is a multi-purpose fighter of the "4 ++" generation, which is the further development of MiG-29K / Cube combat aircraft and MiG-29M / M2 in the direction of improving combat efficiency and universality, as well as improved performance.

According to open sources, the aircraft is able to carry on 10 nodes of suspension to seven tons of combat load and develop the speed of 2.25 mAha (more than 2.7 thousand kilometers per hour). The combat radius of the fighter is a thousand kilometers, a practical ceiling - 17.5 thousand meters.

As the General Designer stated - the Vice-President of the Joint Aircraft Corporation (UAK) on Innovation Sergey Korotkov, the MiG-35 combat radius is doubled (compared with MiG-29), including due to the possibility of replacing the second pilot chairs for fuel tank. The aircraft cabin is uniform with the calculation of the possibility of re-equipment under its piloting both in one and two pilots.

First contract - after state test

According to the Commander-in-Chief of VKS Viktor Bondarev, the first contract for the purchase of 30 fighters of the Ministry of Defense will conclude with the MiG corporation immediately after flight tests of the aircraft, which should be completed in the summer of 2017.

"We will take these aircraft, we need them ... it will take a little time, and we will change all the easy fighter aircraft on this class," Bondarev said during the presentation MiG-35.

In total, at least 170 of these fighters planned to replace the fleet of light milk aviation.

MiG-35 flight tests are scheduled to be completed until 2019, then he will go to the series, said RIA Novosti during the Presentation of the aircraft President Yuri Slyusar.

At the same time, the first cars can enter the air force of the Russian Federation of Russia in 2018, clarified the CEO of the RSK "MiG" Ilya Tarasenko.

Local conflicts and laser development

"Thank God that there are no large armed conflicts now, there are only local, as in Syria. We need aircraft that that could solve this task, and 3.5 thousand kilometers who can fly MiG-35 - we are very It suits, "said Bondarev.

The fighters of the fifth generation will place a lightweight missile "Bramos"The rocket really should be on the dimensions of the torpedo apparatus and by weight almost one and a half times less. The rocket carries the usual warhead weighing from 200 to 300 kilograms and has the same configuration for various starting settings.

Thus, he confirmed said on the eve of the President of the President of the President that MiG-35 would be able to use promising armaments, including laser weapons.

As Slyusar emphasized, the fighter is designed specifically for battles in conditions of intensive conflicts and a high air defense density.

"High rates that have achieved due to the installed complex of on-board equipment, a new optical location station, reduced at times of radar notice, we increased from six to eight number of suspension points, which allows the use of current and promising samples of aviation lesions, including laser weapons. "He added.

Large export potential

Vladimir Putin at a meeting of the military-industrial complex expressed the hope that the new fighter would have a good export potential.

"I mean that more than 30 countries are actively operated by another machine - MiG-29, and a good infrastructure has been created in these countries to use this fighter, there are trained personnel," the head of state clarified.

Putin stressed that "industry and all that is connected with the operation of these machines should be prepared to offer our potential partners the most necessary services for the maintenance of this technique in the modern world."

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin explained to the TV channel "Russia 24" that MiG-35 has almost the same radar equipment, avionics, engines, like the latest developments of KB "dry" - Su-35 and T-50 (Pak Fa) But its operational costs are much lower, and therefore it must be achieved abroad.

According to Tarasenko, now the volume of orders of the corporation is about four billion dollars.

RSK "MIG", according to Korotkov, is ready to open a service center for servicing MiG-35 fighters on the territory of potential foreign customers, which is unified with MiG-29 fighters operating in 56 countries of the world.

According to the deputy head of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation Anatoly Punchuk, the fighter will be in demand in Europe, primarily by countries such as Bulgaria, Slovakia and Poland. According to his information, Russia is now executing contracts with these countries for the repair and modernization of MiG-29 aircraft. At the same time, he clarified that Bulgaria allocated the necessary means for repairing engines for MiG-29, each of which costs about five million dollars.

In Russia, they also hope for the renewal of the Indian tender for the purchase of fighters already with the latest MiG-35. This was told by RIA Novosti Advisor of President Oak Konstantin Biryulin.

He clarified that earlier Russia participated in the tender with the MiG-29 fighter and potentially with MiG-35. "However, then MiG-35 was only on paper. Today there is an international presentation of this fighter, which we are ready to offer including India, if it resumes this tender," said Biryulin.

India closed the tender in 2011 after the victory on it France with the Rafale fighter. The tender assumed the purchase of 126 fighters for national Air Force in the amount of more than 10 billion dollars. In January 2016, the contract of France prisonered in January 2016 involves the purchase of only 36 Rafale fighters on the same amount - more than 10 billion dollars.

Biryulin stressed that MiG-35 will be interesting first of all to those countries that still exploit the line of fighters MiG-21, MiG-23, MiG-29. "All these fighters, for example, are still in service with the Air Force of India," he said.

Next "MiG" - fifth generation

The design bureau "MiG" will be engaged in the development of fighters of the fifth generation, said Rogozin.

"The fighter of the fifth generation of Pak Fa is now on government tests (developer - Dry Corporation). MiG Corporation will also do the fifth generation fighter (light)," he said during the international presentation of the MiG-35 fighter.

Now only 4 ++ generation fighters are in service with Russian VKS. Fifth generation fighters - F-22 and F-35 - equipped solely US Air Force.

At the presentation of the MiG-35 multifunctional fighter Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said that RSK MiG will create a lightweight fighter fighter. About how this plane will be and why he need a Russian VKS, read in the material of the site "Star".

The first information is that MiG Corporation will create a fifth generation fighter appeared in 2015. At the same time, at the Max airplane, the only instance of the MIG 1.44 was presented to the general public - the prototype of the fifth generation fighter, which was created in 1980.

First Soviet "Stealth"

Work on the creation of the fifth generation fighter began in the Soviet Union in the late 1970s, even earlier than in the USA engaged in creating F-22 fighter. Already then in general terms it became clear what this aircraft should be. The basic requirements were reduced to five points: the machine must be multifunctional and super-supersay, have low visibility, cruising supersonic flight speed and internal suspension of controlled weapon. The development of promising technology was engaged in the OKB. A.I. Mikoyan and OKB them. P.O.Suhogo, and as a result, the projects of the MiG 1.44 and Su-47 appeared (C-37).

Work on the new fighter on "Miga" was not easy: during the design, the tests of the models were made to the design. The result of many years of work was the prototype of the aircraft embodied in the gland, which due to financial difficulties rose into the air only on 29 February 2000.

Tragedy number 1.44.

Unfortunately, there was no case more than several flights. The problem was that after 1991, the entire defense and industrial complex of Russia with a discharge "drove" into a deep crisis, and if the US government continued to invest billions of dollars in the creation of the fifth generation fighter, then in Russia the financing of this program was discontinued at all. Not a single design bureau, but the decision to create a Pak Fa finally buried the MiG 1.44, was not capable of pulling such a project.

The prototype of the fighter was in Lii them. Gromov in Zhukovsky, where he was actually abandoned in the open sky. Later, it was decided on its storage in the hangar, but no work on this project did not go. Among some specialists there is an opinion that the Chinese fighter of the fifth generation J-20 was developed as used using the drawings of the MiG 1.46 (further development of 1.44), and it really reminds of the Mikoyan plane. However, no official information on the transfer of development of China does not exist, and even if you look at the J-20 attentive, it will become clear that this is a completely different car.

But the fact that in the early 2000s was ready China chose exactly such a scheme as the first Russian "Stels" says that it is still in demand and has the right to life.

Light "MIG"

Speaking about the aircraft of the fifth generation from RSK "MIG", Rogozin said literally the following: "Development of the OKB" Dry ", the fighter of the fifth generation Pak Fa is undergoing government tests. The MiG Corporation will also make a light fighter fifth generation. " What exactly did he mean?

First, we are talking about a light plane because it needs a fleet. In many respects, for this reason, the F-35 fighter program was launched in the United States.

Secondly, according to Rogozin, a lightweight fighter has a higher export potential than heavier.

"Small countries with a limited budget may well do without severe fighters of such Su-30, they are quite suitable for MiG-21, MiG-29 and the possible continuation of this line. Most likely, in the future, the situation is unlikely to change. For example, at the moment India plans to start assembling a hundred lung fighter fighters by a foreign license, choosing between the American F-16, Swedish Gripen and the Russian MiG-35. It should be noted that MiG-35 can rather attribute to the middle class fighters, "says Aviakspert Vladimir Karnoz.

This means that in the future, RSK "MiG" can make it possible to create a lung and, possibly, a single-tog aircraft of the fifth generation.

Thirdly, there has been a long-established concept that the number of light fighters should exceed the amount of heavy. This applies to the Air Force of all major countries, including Russia and the United States.

This is due to the fact that the use of an expensive and heavy machine, which has redundant opportunities, is not beneficial to perform a specific task.

"Many years ago, a concept was adopted in the USA, which implies the presence of 20% of heavy and 80% of light fighters in the park. In accordance with it, a heavy F-15 fighter and light F-16 were developed. A similar approach was accepted by the Soviet Union, which led to the creation of a pair of SU-27 and MiG-29, "said Carnost.

It is worth noting that this ratio may vary in favor of heavy machines with a large radius of action, which over time and occurred in countries with large territories, such as Russia and the United States. Currently, the ratio between F-15 and F-16 in the US Air Force is 1 to 2. At the same time, the theory of the complementarity of heavy and light fighters so far no one disputes.

"A light fighter is needed primarily to protect, this is not a means of attack. Most likely, it will be a plane that will be able to solve the same tasks as Pak Fa, with the only difference that it will have a smaller radius of action (without refueling in the air), "says the Military pilot of the 1st grade, the Hero of the Soviet Union, Deputy of the State Duma Nikolai Antushkin.

According to Antoshkina, one of the main goals of the program is to create an aircraft including for promising aircraft carriers of the project 23000 "Storm" the construction of which is planned in 2025-2030. In addition, this fighter can become a cheaper version of Pak Fa.

French assumptions

In February 2017, the French magazine Air & Cosmos published the projection of a promising light multifunctional front-line aircraft (LMFS), the development of which allegedly leads RSK MIG JSC. As far as they correspond to the reality, it is difficult to speak, since the authors of the material did not refer to any official sources.

Judging by the image, the aircraft will have an aerodynamic scheme "Duck". The text indicates the maximum take-off weight of 25 tons and 1.8 - 2 mAh speeds, a range of flights to 4000 km. The engine is specified by the VK-10M of the development of KBOV CB with a burden of about 10 tons each. Recall that MiG-35 has a maximum take-off weight of 29.7 tons, the maximum speed is 2,700 km / h at height and range without refueling about 3,500 km.

Competition, but not an enmity

It is important to note another aspect, which in the 1990s and 2000s in our aviation industry went to the background. In 1992, a press conference was held at the Farnborough International Aviationon with the participation of two general constructors of Rostislav Belyakov (OKB. Mikoyan) and Mikhail Simonova ("OKB dry"). One of the American journalists asked Simonov about why in Russia they do not want to unite two leading fighter bureau, because it, in his opinion, "could save a lot of money for the Russian people." Responding to this question, Simonov answered:

"It's nice and very interesting that the American press is interested in vital issues for us. However, it is forced to make one small remark. Americans believe that we have done SU-24 at one time, competing with General Dynamics and their F-111 bombarder. They are also convinced that Su-25 attack aircraft we built in opposition to your A-10. And in the case of SU-27, there is nowhere to go here - competed with your F-15 Eagle ... All this is nonsense! These aircraft are created in the "dry" OKB with one single goal - to win the competition ... The General Designer of Belyakova! "

It is the competition between these design bureaus inside our country moved ahead aviation equipment. And the fact that in the 1990s such a tradition ceased, is associated with the financial crisis and other aspects, but not with the fact that the aircraft firm turned out to be better. But it is necessary to understand that without this, the dynamic development of combat aviation will be difficult: it is not always necessary to compete with foreign cars, because they are created for the Air Force of another country, which themselves are often intended for other tasks than domestic.

Political will

In conclusion, I would like to say about the difficulties that RSK "MIG" will have to be solved in the near future. In the 1990s and 2000s, this enterprise has experienced serious problems that concerned almost everything: ranging from equipping with new equipment and ending with the framework of designers and engineers. In recent years, the situation as a whole has changed for the better, which clearly showed the presentation of the MiG-35 fighter, but many problems remained.

"Collective of the OKB. A.I. Mikoyana succeeds in pretty successfully engaged in the modernization of the fourth-generation aircraft, but the creation of a fifth generation fighter is a substantially more complex task, which will be difficult to carry out without serious strengthening of personnel composition and material base, "said Vladimir Karnois.

According to the expert, to fulfill this task will require the will of the leadership of Russia, supported by significant financing.

But one thing that can be said exactly: "RSK" MIG ", as well as PJSC" Dry Company ", should be engaged in promising developments and move forward, because the abbreviation" MIG "continues to be synonymous with the concept of" Russian fighter ".

Photo: Sergesky Instagram / NickiInst / Instagram / Vadim Savitsky / Ministry of Defense of Russia / Mod.Gov.cn / Defense.gov

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said that RSK MiG will create a lightweight fighter fighter. What will be this plane and why he need a Russian VKS, read in the material of the site TRK "Star". First information that MiG Corporation will create a fifth generation fighter, appeared in 2015. At the same time, at the Max airplane, the only instance of the MIG 1.44 was presented to the general public - the prototype of the fifth generation fighter, which was created in 1980. First Soviet "Stealth"Work on the creation of the fifth generation fighter began in the Soviet Union in the late 1970s, even earlier than in the USA engaged in creating F-22 fighter. Already then in general terms it became clear what this aircraft should be. The basic requirements were reduced to five points: the machine must be multifunctional and super-supersay, have low visibility, cruising supersonic flight speed and internal suspension of controlled weapon. The development of promising technology was engaged in the OKB. A.I. Mikoyan and OKB them. P.O.Suhogo, and the resulting projects of the MIG 1.44 and SU-47 (C-37). The work on the new fighter on the "Mig" was not easy: during the design, the tests of the models were made to the design. The result of many years of work was the prototype of the aircraft embodied in the gland, which due to financial difficulties rose into the air only on 29 February 2000. Tragedy number 1.44.Unfortunately, there was no case more than several flights. The problem was that after 1991, the entire defense and industrial complex of Russia with a discharge "drove" into a deep crisis, and if the US government continued to invest billions of dollars in the creation of the fifth generation fighter, then in Russia the financing of this program was discontinued at all. Not a single design bureau, but the decision to create a Pak Fa, who came out in 2002, was not capable of creating a PAK FA finally buried MiG 1.44.Trototype of the fighter was in Lei. Gromov in Zhukovsky, where he was actually abandoned in the open sky. Later, it was decided on its storage in the hangar, but no work on this project did not go. Among some specialists there is an opinion that the Chinese fighter of the fifth generation J-20 was developed as used using the drawings of the MiG 1.46 (further development of 1.44), and it really reminds of the Mikoyan plane. However, no official information on the transfer of development of China does not exist, and even if you look at the J-20 attentive, it will become clear that this is a completely different car.
But the fact that in the early 2000s was ready China chose exactly such a scheme as the first Russian "Stels" says that it is still in demand and has the right to life. Light "MIG"Speaking about the aircraft of the fifth generation from RSK "MIG", Rogozin said literally the following: "Development of the OKB" Dry ", the fighter of the fifth generation Pak Fa is undergoing government tests. The MiG Corporation will also make a light fighter fifth generation. " What exactly did he mean? First, we are talking about a light plane because it needs a fleet. In many respects, for this reason, the F-35 fighter program was launched in the United States.
Secondly, according to Rogozin, a lightweight fighter has a higher export potential than heavy. "Small countries with a limited budget may well do without severe fighters of such Su-30, they are quite suitable for MiG-21, MiG-29 and the possible continuation of this lines. Most likely, in the future, the situation is unlikely to change. For example, at the moment India plans to start assembling a hundred lung fighter fighters by a foreign license, choosing between the American F-16, Swedish Gripen and the Russian MiG-35. It should be noted that MiG-35 can rather attribute to the fighters of the middle class, "says Aviaxperspert Vladimir Karnosov. This means that in the future RSK" MiG "can engage in the creation of the lung and, possibly, the Single-Generation Single-Generation Aircraft. Third, there has been a long-established concept that the number of light fighters should exceed the amount of heavy. This applies to the Air Force of all major countries, including Russia and the United States. It is so that the use of an expensive and heavy machine, which has redundant opportunities, is not profitable for performing a certain task. "Many years ago in the USA a concept that implies The presence of 20% of heavy and 80% of light fighters in the park. In accordance with it, a heavy F-15 fighter and light F-16 were developed. A similar approach was accepted by the Soviet Union, which led to the creation of a pair of SU-27 and MiG-29, "said Carnost.
It is worth noting that this ratio may vary in favor of heavy machines with a large radius of action, which over time and occurred in countries with large territories, such as Russia and the United States. Currently, the ratio between the F-15 and F-16 in the US Air Force is 1 to 2. At the same time, the theory of the complementarity of heavy and light fighters is so far no one disputes. "A lightweight fighter is necessary primarily for protection, this is not a means of attack. Most likely, it will be a plane that will be able to solve the same tasks as Pak Fa, with the only difference that it will have a smaller radius of action (without refueling in the air), "says the Military pilot of the 1st grade, the Hero of the Soviet Union, deputy of the State Duma Nikolai Antoshkin. According to Antoshkina, one of the main goals of the program is to create an airplane, including, in addition, this fighter can become a cheaper version of Pak Fa. French assumptionsIn February 2017, the French magazine Air & Cosmos published the projection of a promising light multifunctional front-line aircraft (LMFS), the development of which allegedly leads RSK MIG JSC. As far as they correspond to the reality, it is difficult to speak, as the authors of the material did not refer to any official sources. The plane will have an aerodynamic scheme "Duck". The text indicates the maximum take-off weight of 25 tons and 1.8 - 2 mAh speeds, a range of flights to 4000 km. The engine is specified by the VK-10M of the development of KBOV CB with a burden of about 10 tons each. Recall that MiG-35 has a maximum take-off weight of 29.7 tons, the maximum speed is 2,700 km / h at height and range without refueling about 3,500 km.
Also, according to the author's author, the alternative version of the aircraft with one unknown engine is also being worked out, including the so-called "product 30", developed for the Fa Pak fighter. Competition, but not an enmityIt is important to note another aspect, which in the 1990s and 2000s in our aviation industry went to the background. In 1992, a press conference was held at the Farnborough International Aviationon with the participation of two general constructors of Rostislav Belyakov (OKB. Mikoyan) and Mikhail Simonova ("OKB dry"). One of the American journalists asked Simonov about why in Russia they do not want to unite two leading fighter bureau, because it, in his opinion, "could save a lot of money for the Russian people." Responding to this question, Simonov answered:
"It's nice and very interesting that the American press is interested in vital issues for us. However, it is forced to make one small remark. Americans believe that we have done SU-24 at one time, competing with General Dynamics and their F-111 bombarder. They are also convinced that Su-25 attack aircraft we built in opposition to your A-10. And in the case of SU-27, there is nowhere to go here - competed with your F-15 Eagle ... All this is nonsense! The named aircraft were created in the OKB "dry" with one single goal - to win in competition ... the general designer of Belyakov! "It is the competition between these design bureaus inside our country moved ahead of aviation technique. And the fact that in the 1990s such a tradition ceased, is associated with the financial crisis and other aspects, but not with the fact that the aircraft firm turned out to be better. But it is necessary to understand that without this, the dynamic development of combat aviation will be difficult: it is not always necessary to compete with foreign cars, because they are created for the Air Force of another country, which themselves are often intended for other tasks than domestic. Political willIn conclusion, I would like to say about the difficulties that RSK "MIG" will have to be solved in the near future. In the 1990s and 2000s, this enterprise has experienced serious problems that concerned almost everything: ranging from equipping with new equipment and ending with the framework of designers and engineers. In recent years, the situation as a whole has changed for the better, which clearly showed the presentation of the MiG-35 fighter, but many problems remained. "Collective of the OKB. A.I. Mikoyana succeeds in pretty successfully engaged in the modernization of the fourth-generation aircraft, but the creation of a fifth generation fighter is a substantially more complex task, which will be difficult to carry out without serious strengthening of personnel composition and material base, "said Vladimir Karnois.
According to the expert, to fulfill this task will require the will of the leadership of Russia, supported by significant financing. But one can say quite exactly: "RSK" MIG ", as well as PJSC" Sukhoi Company ", should engage in promising developments and move forward, because abbreviation" MIG "continues to remain synonymous with the concept of" Russian fighter ".

At the moment, the army of the world use 4th generation fighters. The mass production of more advanced 5th generation machines has been established only in the United States, but there are already talk about the devices of a new class.

Few people know that 5 generation fighters were developed in the Soviet Union before the construction of the first F-22 Raptor, which the Americans enjoy. If an American la (aircraft) began to be developed in the 80s, the Soviet combat machine appeared on paper in the late 70s in the OKB. Mikoyana. Fighter index - MiG 1.44 MFI. The first collected copy rose into the air in 2000.

The main installation was based on new engines with a variable thrust vector. In the design, innovative solutions that reduce radar visibility were used, also intended to integrate the latest electronics and equip the novelty in advance.

On the same new Mig, the 5th generation ended everything, because the priority was given by the car Pak Fa to the OKB. Dry. Thus, since 2002, 1.44 forgot.

Historically, MiG was the answer to the appearance of Raptor. Experts emphasize that some characteristics of the Russian car were an order of magnitude higher than the American.

The start of development was given from the moment the formulation of the three principles, which was supposed to answer a new project:

  • secrecy;
  • cruising speed should be supersonic;
  • special attention was paid to maneuverability, which was to be at the highest level.

Since the project of Americans ATF (Advanced Tactical Fighter) at the time of creation of the MIGA was already known, the initiative supported the Central Committee, the corresponding decision of the Council was issued.

In 1979 OKB. Mikoyana began work, the project received the name I-90, it was previously decided that it would change the Su-27 and MiG-31. An aircraft equipped with the most advanced electronic systems. The device was to be multifunctional, in particular, to affect both ground targets and air.

The new aircraft program was created and approved in 1983, the requirements were formulated for the following parameters:

  1. Power point;
  2. Boil electronics.

The document also refined requirements from the country's air forces and air defense.

The set of requirements was difficult to implement, so research work began. As a result, a scheme was obtained, significantly different from the 4th generation of fighters, who set up at one time with the development of new items.

Fighter design

Part of the solutions was chosen on the basis of the already existing experience, workers were used for fighters of the fourth generation. However, the usual forms were subject to change. So, the influx of the wings, which had SU-27 and MiG-29, was removed. The resulting sample had common features with MiG-25, which was distinguished by very high speed qualities.

The designers applied the "Duck" scheme, which is distinguished by the family accommodation. This choice made it possible to obtain improved characteristics of maneuverability and strength, carrying capacity.

Power point

Fighter MiG 5 generation is equipped with two engines TRDDF AL-41F turbojet, double-circuit, with an afternoon chamber. Layouts with a variable vector of thrust, which improved maneuver characteristics and take-off qualities. The air intakes were placed under the fuselage, which had a positive imperceptibility for radar.

At the initial stages of creating a car, engineers were inclined towards the use of plane nozzles engines. This allowed to create an effective screen for turbines, as well as reduce the visibility for the enemy.

From flat nozzles had to be abandoned, since the technologies of that time did not allow to realize the transition from round engine nozzles to rectangular. On the knock of the walls could quickly burn due to inadequate distribution of temperature fields.

During the search for solutions, the schemes of the controlled vector of thrust were worked. This technology was applied in 1991, after which they were immediately included in the finished scheme of the machine.


A large percentage of composite materials in the design was used, their share reaches 30%. As details of aviation, they are inconvenient to the complexity of integration and fastening with the main design. If they are damaged, it is impossible to repair, you have to change the entire nodes completely.

Most of the fuselage make up metals:

  • aluminum alloys - 35%;
  • steel and titanium - 30%.

Selected the location of the air intake under the fuselage: it is divided into two sections, one on each engine.

It was assumed to include in the general scheme for refueling in the air.

7 control planes are constructively, a digital electrodistant system is used to control.

In the finished form of the surface of the aircraft, it was supposed to be treated with a special coating to reduce to a minimum radar visibility. Presumably, it was possible to achieve an effective scattering area - 0.3 m2.

Keeles used, having a collapse outside of 15 degrees. This is also designed to improve the plane secury.


The chassis is three-way, one wheel is located in the nose. Two racks under the wings are folded forward, on each of them one wheel. The front stand is back up, two wheels are installed on it.

Wings of the aircraft

There is no influx on the front edge, it is made direct, which was the main difference from the models of the fighters of the previous generation. Aerodynamic forces arising in flight investigated in detail. For example, vortices arising on the front edge of the new design have improved the stability of the machine, and at large angles it did not take place at the expense of them. Drowen appeared thanks to the beams of the front horizontal plumage (PGO). Their position was selected by an experimental way to achieve optimal characteristics.

I had to analyze a whole complex of characteristics:

  • position of beams relative to the horizontal plane;
  • height relative to the plane of the wing;
  • exceed relative to the front edge of the wing.

It was possible to achieve optimal demolition of the flow and waste of curvatures, due to which an aerodynamic profile was formed.

The design of the wing is adaptive, that is, varies depending on the flight mode. Changes are flophed and socks that may deviate.

It was possible to achieve an increase in maneuvering characteristics due to the installation of a whirl-forming tooth on the edge of the PGO. A similar solution has already shown its consistency in the modernization of MiG-23.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe final construction was small, the angle of deviation was within 40-45 degrees.


Armament machines also had to rearrange, compared with the fighters of that time. Initially, it was proposed to install compartments in the upper part of the fuselage, which would be opened before starting the rocket. This would make it easier for the start by targets above the aircraft, as well as on maneuvering with large overloads.

Refuse such a situation and use classic niches under the wings due to the need to use new means of movement and installing missiles when equipped with a fighter. It was necessary to develop a new principle with cranes and trolleys to upload 300-400-kilogram rockets. The final position made it possible to use ordinary carts and the simplest means to raise goods.

Engineers were going to establish a MiG 5 generation an innovative radar system, which was based on a set of independent emitters, which had an area of \u200b\u200bseveral cm2. Such a layout possessed increased protection against mechanical damage.

Another innovative solution was the placement of the radar in the rear, which allowed the opponent in the rear hemisphere, and specify the goals of rockets, in particular, with the reverse start.

As a result, it was supposed to be installed on board an air -20-millimeter gun, as well as rocket inside the case on the catapults.

Tactical and technical characteristics

Many decisions were not worked out in practice on the prototype, since this did not allow this single sample. For example, the radar coating was not applied to the aircraft during the test.

The parameters could change, for example, depending on the set of weapons. So, the machine was supposed to use several basic schemes.

To defeat the enemy in the air - 12 × P-77 or P-73. To combat terrestrial targets:

  1. 2 × x-55, x-61, x-41;
  2. 8 × x-29, x-31;
  3. 12 × Cab-500, ODAB-500.

Special built-in containers were used for weapons. Suspension points are somewhat: 12 inside the housing, 8 - on the outer part.

Advantages and disadvantages of the fighter

Among the advantages of the innovative car, you can allocate a great automation of the battle, which the Soviet engineers first applied in practice. It was assumed that the bulk of rockets would act without control from the pilot after starting.

The main disadvantage of the MFI, including those who influenced the fate of the unique car, became high cost. The development of a new fighter is too expensive even on the scale of the country, because during the collapse of the Soviet Union, it simply did not have money for financing.

Cause of the project stop

There are two main versions of the MIG 1.44 project. Moreover, there are controversial opinions regarding their justice.

It is reported that the project was closed due to:

  • intrigues in the leadership and the highest composition of engineers working on the machine;
  • banal high cost and complexity of production.

A simple analysis shows that a fairly second version of the development of events. Money in the army began to flow in 2000, the developments on a new aircraft did not go anywhere. It was necessary to update the fighter park, which was much easier and cheaper to do with the help of LA such as Su-30, modernization of MiG-29 and 31. The price of the finished MiG of MFI was equal to $ 70 million, almost like "Raptor", while still required Adjust the production base and mass production of modern composites.

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MIG Corporation Develops a lightweight fifth generation fighter. This project can be an addition to the PAK FA, developed by the OKB dry, and perform tasks in conflicts of type "Arab Spring".

The Russian aircraft manufacturing corporation (RSK) "MiG" is considering the possibility of building the fighter of the 5th generation. As a basic platform, the MiG-35 fighter can be selected for the implementation of this program, which will be integrated by promising technologies, reports Arms-Tass with reference to the British Weekly "Flyt".

As stated general Director of RSK "MiG" Sergey KorotkovThe corporation experts are already working on the concept of a new fighter.

"I know that this is one of the ideas, one of the directions over which the design bureau works. I really hope that we will soon be more seriously developing this direction," -noted short.

The top manager did not detail how the corporation has advanced in his research far, but considers the "very likely" appearance of a new combat aircraft.

"The most important thing is to develop an order", - he said.

At the same time, the head of the corporation is confident that the work on the fifth generation fighter will not cause the conflict between the RSK "MiG" and the Sukhoi company, which is currently developing its own version of the fifth generation aircraft Pak Fa.

"These are two completely different aircraft that will solve different tasks. We believe that" MiG-35 "is the platform that can in the future to become the basis of the fifth generation fighter," - stated short.

With the fact that for aviation you need promising aircraft of different types, experts agree.

"I understand that the same type of aircraft gives certain economic efficiency, but the fact is that aviation tasks are constantly expanding. We need to prepare the appropriate types of aviation under these tasks. I think that such a task, from the point of view of the state, is justified completely. Moreover, the light fighter is necessary, first of all, for maintaining small-scale wars or conducting active operations, because it is impossible to close all the tasks that the country's defense capability are"- commented On the eve of.ru.development "MIGA" vice President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, Colonel of the Air Force Vladimir Anokhin.

According to the expert, it is possible that the setting of the task of developing a new fighter was associated with the growth of limited local conflicts in which light airplanes can be used.

"Of course, such aircraft can be used in such limited conflicts that we are seeing lately. I think such a task has been delivered to have drum heavy speed aircraft, and light aircraft types that could carry out operations in local wars", - He assumes.

According to the officer, from setting the task before the delivery of serial aircraft in the troops may pass at least five years.

The Fighter "MiG-35", on the basis of which, is likely to be developed fighter fighter, belongs to the generation of fighters "4 ++", and is a deep upgrade of fighters "MiG-29K / Cube" fighters, but significantly exceeds them in many respects. "MiG-35" has been expected to start delivery in troops for several years, however, the terms of concluding contracts are constantly shifted, although shorts do not lose hope and says that the contract for the supply of troops can be concluded in 2014.

Recall that the project of Pak Fa is developed since 2002. In 2004, a layout was ready, and in 2005 the project financing began. In 2010, the first flight of the aircraft was held and flight tests of the sample began. Currently, a group of five fighters is undergoing government tests. In addition, a contract was concluded with India to jointly develop an aircraft of the fifth generation for the Air Force of this country on the basis of Pak Fa.

In fact, the only fifth generation fighter is adopted in the world - American "F-22 Raptor". The tests are also tested by the American "F-35" and Chinese "J-20". As for the "F-35", it is constantly reported on the problems of developing this aircraft - a year ago, the project closure was seriously discussed, which was spent hundreds of billions of dollars. Due to the problems and appreciation of aircraft, a number of American partners refused to purchase promising aircraft, or significantly limited their quantity. Representatives of Japan, Turkey and South Korea spoke about the development of the fifth generation aircraft, but only as the projects of a remote future.


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