Template for a presentation about sand therapy. Sand therapy presentation. The purpose of this therapy is not to change and

Animals that inhabit all natural areas –Jungles, deserts and forests. It can be any mammals, amphibians, rodents, prehistoric animals and necessarily animals from cartoons. 2.Birds, wild and domestic, as well as prehistoric dinosaurs. 3. Insects - butterflies, beetles, spiders, flies and grasshoppers. 4. Inhabitants of seas and oceans - sharks, whales, dolphins, crabs, octopuses and all kinds of fish. 5. Figures depicting people of different professions, as well as people of different sex and age. This group also includes figurines of characters from favorite children's fairy tales. 6 houses: dwellings different nations (tents, tents, etc.) This group includes all kinds of furniture for the kitchen, living room, bedroom and bathroom. 7. Dummies of food and dishes - pans, plates, cups, spoons, etc. 8. Figures depicting all kinds of transport - land, air and water. 9.Trees and plants (real plants can be used).

- one of the methods of psychotherapy that arose within the framework of analytical psychology. This is a way of communicating with the world and yourself; a way of relieving inner tension, embodying it at an unconsciously symbolic level, which increases self-confidence and opens up new ways of development. Sand therapy gives you the opportunity to touch the deep, true Self, restore your mental integrity, collect your unique image, picture of the world.

Method history

The sand therapy technique originated within the framework of the Jungian analytical approach and is largely based as a source of internal growth and development.

What does sand therapy give?

Opens up the child's creative potential, arouses a desire to experiment, stimulates cognitive activity.

"Reveals" deep feelings, helps to survive the traumatic experience in safety, to face fears again and cope with them.

Develops tactile sensitivity, attention, memory, thinking, speech and motor skills.

Teaches communication skills and role-playing games.

  • It "grounded" negative energy, relieves stress, anxiety, and promotes relaxation.
  • The child receives the first experience in the game, which he then transfers into his real life.
  • Sand therapy is most indicated for children with the following problems:
  • deep psychological and birth trauma;
  • aggression, anxiety, fears, hyperactivity, behavioral;
  • problems in the relationship between the child and parents, peers.

  • observe silence, do not interfere with the child from creating a picture;
  • listen to the feelings of the child, he must feel the safety of the space; watch the process, do not invade the child's world without his consent, do not rush him, do not ask him questions.

Alfiya Rakhmatullina
Sand therapy presentation

1. Sand - natural materialwith its own energy. Its tiny grains of sand activate the nerve endings on the fingertips and palms.

Games with sand can interest, distract, relax the child, and, therefore, ensure the most successful completion of the task or effective method submission of material.

Sand therapy helps in the development of attention, perception, memory, thinking, imagination. Sand is ideal for sensory education and fine motor skills. In sand therapy lessons, you can touch on all aspects of speech development: phonetics, grammatical structure, vocabulary, coherent speech.

2. Taking into account the peculiarities of visual perception, it is proposed to use a wooden box measuring 50 * 70 * 10 cm (for individual or subgroup work).

The bottom of the box, painted blue, heavenly, denotes water, sea; blue sides - air and sky.

At the bottom, fine sand is poured in a layer of about 5-7 cm. Following the sanitary and hygienic requirements, the sand used must be certified.

3. An obligatory component for working in a sandbox is figurines or their images: people of different sex and age, diverse animals (the Far North, hot countries, etc.; wild and domestic; animals, birds, insects, fish, dinosaurs, etc.). etc., symbols of socialization (at home, different kinds transport, fences, bridges, etc., plants (trees, shrubs, flowers, fruits, vegetables, etc., symbolic objects (beads, buttons, crystals, shells and much more).

4. Necessary to discuss with children general rules behavior in the sandbox. You can learn a verse with children:

You can't bite here, fight

And throw sand in your eyes.

You can build and create

Mountains, rivers and seas

To have life around.

Sand is a peaceful country

Here is goodness and beauty!

5. Development of fine motor skills:

Actions with sand: squeeze it in a cam, open it; grab a pinch of sand and unclench;

rub sand between palms, etc.

Find items in the sandbox.

Diverse touches to the sand surface.

Drawing in the sand.

6. Work on the phonetic side of speech:

Select figures with a specific sound.

Select figures with a specific sound at a specific place in the word.

7. Work on the grammatical side of speech:

Formation of new words using suffixes and prefixes: add, add, add, add, add, etc.; pour, pour, cover, write, etc.

Activation of understanding and use of prepositions

8. Work on the lexical side of speech:

Expansion and activation of vocabulary associated with the sandbox: sand, grain of sand, sand, dunes, dunes, caravans, etc.

Enrichment of the dictionary with verbs: pour, iron, row, transform, wet, etc .; as well as adjectives: sandy, sandy, light, free-flowing, dry, wet, wet, gold, golden, quicksand, etc.

Consolidation of activation of the dictionary, using the plots of the games "Zoo", "Shop", "Buying food", etc.

Development of classification operations: different departments in the store, animal zones, etc.

9. Work on the formation of phrasal speech:

Dialogue, conversation between characters


10. Thank you for your attention!

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Sand therapy methods in the work of a preschool educational psychologist

Is there such a child's game that can harmonize the picture of the world, put a barrier on the path of cruelty, give a sense of the diversity of nature, relieve one of internal conflicts and fears, and reveal the concepts of good and evil?

Yes, there is such a game!

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Sandbox is great, because sand is that amazing natural material that can convey a lot at the same time. And the feeling of the diversity of nature, and the feeling of the possibilities of your body, and the essence of life in general with its fluidity, unexpectedness, and many forms.

What is the principle behind the creation of this game?

The child, as it were, builds bridges between the inner and outer worlds.

What is the main advantage of this game? The main advantage of the Sandbox is that it allows a child or a whole group of children to really create a picture of the world in a living three-dimensional space.

The child is given the opportunity to build his personal world, a model of his microcosm, feeling himself to be its creator.

Sand often acts like a magnet on children.

Before they even know what they are doing, their hands begin to sift through sand, build tunnels, mountains, etc.

And if you add miniature figures, toys to this, then a whole world appears, dramas are played out, and the child is completely immersed in the game.

Figures - no more than 12 cm high in groups: vehicles, people, animals, natural material, dwellings, trees, fairy-tale heroes, decorations, tools for working with sand (spatulas, scoops, sticks, brushes, seeders, etc.)

Choosing figures

To play, you will also need water (in a jug, in a spray bottle (better!)), Give water in doses.

OWNER-HOST for preschoolers should be nature-like, sand-like (turtle, speedworm, camel, lizard ...), familiar to children (according to age).

Which kids especially need this game? Children with difficulties in mental development, conflicts in relationships, fears, etc. especially need a Sandbox. Studies have shown that the Sandbox has a psychotherapeutic effect, helping a child get rid of fears, shyness, conflict in communication and many other problems.

What effect does this play have on the child? The sandbox not only develops the child's creative potential, activates the spatial imagination, figurative-logical thinking, trains fine motor skills of the hand, but unobtrusively, gradually adjusts children to comprehend the moral truths of good and evil, builds a harmonious image of the world.

The forms and options for sand therapy are determined by the characteristics of a particular child, specific tasks of the work and its duration.

Game methods can be used: - for the purpose of diagnostics; - in order to provide primary psychological assistance; -in the process of short-term psychotherapy; -in the process of long-term psychotherapeutic influence.

The goal of such therapy is not to change and remake the child, not to teach him some special behavioral skills, but to enable the child to be himself.

Didactic games (stage of touching and playing on the sand surface) "sand rain" "sand wind"

Exercise "unusual footprints" "hares jumping" "bear cubs are coming"

"Snakes are crawling"


Wet sand prints

"Patterns in the sand"


Mine game

Exercises to develop phonemic perception

Psychoprophylactic games: "palms",

"Winner of anger"

"Sand circle" or "circle of joy"

Personal space

"Mine, yours, ours"

Educational goals: orientation on the "sand sheet" ("treasure trip"),

Jung argued that the process of "playing in the sand" releases blocked energy and "activates the self-healing capabilities inherent in the human psyche."

The sand play cannot be interpreted. The psychologist must play the role of an attentive spectator. The position of the psychologist is "active presence", not leadership of the process.

Thank you for attention!

"Fantasy is the mother of all possibilities, where, like all psychological opposites, the inner and outer worlds unite together." K. Jung Purpose: Theoretical and practical familiarization of teachers, teachers - psychologists in the direction of art - therapeutic and health saving technologies in preschool educational settings, ensuring the harmonious development of the child's personality. Objectives: 1. To reveal the psychotherapeutic advantages of sand therapy. 2. To acquaint teachers - psychologists with the methods of sand therapy as a means of effective correction and development of the child's personality. 3. Give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe very process of sand therapy with preschoolers. 4. To acquaint with the peculiarities of Jungian sand therapy. 5. Practically familiarize with visual aids and methods of sand therapy when working with children with cerebral problems.

The transfer of traditional pedagogical classes to the sandbox gives a greater educational and educational effect than standard forms learning. the child's desire to learn something new, experiment and work independently increases significantly. in the sandbox, "tactile" sensitivity is powerfully developed as the basis for the development of "manual intelligence". in games with sand, all cognitive functions (perception, attention, memory, thinking), as well as speech and motor skills, develop more harmoniously and intensively. the development of subject-playing activity is being improved, which further contributes to the development of plot-role-playing games and the child's communication skills. sand, like water, is able to "ground" negative energy, which is most important when working with "special" children. In playing with sand, the child learns concentration, relaxation skills, and becomes more inquisitive. In children, both emotional and mental reserves are activated. Creating mental images, working with your hands and getting new impressions and pleasure all this together and underlies the healing effect of playing with sand for a child, in which the head (mind), hands (body) and heart (soul) are harmoniously combined, the resolution of family conflicts , harmonization of parent-child relations, stabilization of the current psycho-emotional state. Dima, 6 years old, ONR, ZPR.

Creating a natural, stimulating environment in which the child feels comfortable and protected is creative. To do this, we select tasks that match the child's capabilities; we form instructions in a fabulous form; we exclude a negative assessment of the child's actions and his ideas; we encourage imagination and creativity. "Animation" of abstract symbols: letters, numbers, geometric shapes and more. The implementation of this principle allows you to form and strengthen a positive motivation for classes and a child's personal interest in what is happening. Real "living", playing all kinds of situations together with the characters of fairy games. Aliya, 7 years old, ONR I st, ZPR.

Sand therapy methods can be used: for the purpose of diagnosis, correction and development; provision of primary psychological care; in the process of short-term psychotherapy; long-term psychotherapeutic impact; psychoprophylactic, as a health-saving effect. Classes for the adaptation of children to the conditions of preschool educational institutions.

Organization conditions quality work: Consent and desire of the child. Special training of a psychologist, his creative approach to conducting classes in a sandbox. Children are not allergic to dust from dry sand, skin diseases and cuts on their hands. Artem, 5 years old, stuttering, anxiety.

Equipment: Waterproof wooden box 50 x 70 cm or a plastic basin, the bottom and sides of which should be blue or blue (the bottom symbolizes water, and the sides symbolize the sky). The sand should be unpainted, certified, with an average fraction of 0.3-0.6. To perform the sand animation technique, dust-free sand of 0.1-0.3 fractions is used. For art therapy techniques, colored industrial-colored sand of different fractions is often used. Set of game material Camera. Veronica is 4 years old, neurodermatitis, a latent form of aggression.

Sandplay Adaptation games and activities with younger children preschool age... Didactic and cognitive games. Working with a limited number of objects. Family games. Psychoprophylactic sand games. Fairy tale games in the sand. Sand mandala. Sand vessels. Drawing with colored sand. Sand animation.

Until the moment the child is born, the mother's body is his primary habitat. During sand therapy, children fill the molds with pitch, then leave them upside down, like some kind of slides that need external support, or make "pies". Making "pies" using molds and a bucket can be considered as a kind of "birth". Purpose: reduction of psycho-emotional stress, correction of anxiety and impulsivity.

The use of containers, containers, molds ... If a child's image is distant, not clear, dangerous, then he fills the containers with sand, sculpts Easter cakes and puts them in containers, thereby containing anxiety. Purpose: reduction of psycho-emotional stress, structuring of "internal disagreement", increase in self-esteem.

Creation of mountains Mountains, hills, high hills can have multiple loads in pictures. They serve as protection, obstacle, home, and the central figure of the composition. The mountains also symbolize a person's desire for social realization, asserting oneself in social affairs and achievements. Therefore, when the psychologist knows that the child lacks social confidence and masculinity, he, with the help of modeling instructions, asks the child to create a composition with a mountain in the center. Veronica, 4 years old, neurodermatitis, "Birthday".

Use of the landscape ... The symbolism of the landscape reflects the relief of the inner world of man. What is he like? Flat, hilly, mountainous, forest, water? The landscape reflects the dynamics internal processes... Rivers often transit through the whole picture, symbolize the central highway. At the same time, rivers can divide the space of the picture into several parts. Thus, we will be dealing with autonomous parts of personalities that are relevant to the author at a given moment in time. Objects of the human environment (fences, bridges, gates, portals, signs ...) are attributes of the child's socialization process, They can tell about the features of the client's communication. Fences emphasize territorial boundaries, bridges create connections, signs introduce social restrictions, assumptions ... Yegor, 5.5 years old. oncoporez, violation of family communication.

Color therapy is a color treatment method that has become very popular today for psychosomatic illnesses. Exposure to color is not only able to restore mental balance, but is also a serious healing factor for numerous physical and mental ailments.

Creative work with mandalas can help the child strengthen the connection between the conscious and unconscious self. Due to its concentric shape, the mandala is an ideal model for meditation that helps to relax, relieve stress and tension. The child calms down, the state of his inner world improves.

Characteristics these techniques are: orientation educational activities on the general development of the child, and not on communicating the amount of knowledge to him; creation of a favorable, confidential creative atmosphere, stimulation of activity and independence in visual activity.

The main directions for development: cognitive processes; outlook and general awareness; speech; creativity, imagination and fantasy; fine coordination of movements and fine motor skills of hands, tactile sensitivity, which subsequently has a beneficial effect on the development of speech and thinking in general; skills of constructive communication and self-regulation, the ability to empathy.

On the sand, the child has the opportunity to act out a traumatic event he has experienced, using figures from the collection. The child can. Play the same plot several times, thereby reducing its intimidating meaning and restructuring the emotional experience. In addition, the child can model the denouements of stories by expanding the internal boundaries of the perception of trauma (rigid fixation on a certain sequence of actions in the event decreases) and gaining the opportunity to successfully resolve. It is often easier for children to express their experiences by replacing real objects with animal figures. Lisa, 6 years old, night fears, shyness.

“The goal of Sandplay is to activate healing energy at the deepest level of the psyche through the use of miniatures and sand to reflect the inner world of the child. Through this symbolic activity and through the experience of free and creative play, unconscious processes become visible in this three-dimensional view, just like the experience of a dream. " D. Kalff.

The main stages of playing with sand in children according to J. Allan: The first stage - "Chaos". On it, the child chooses a large number of figures, often simply dumps them into a patch of sand. Figures can be from different categories that are not related to each other by any plot. This stage reflects and objectifies the emotional turmoil and chaos that dominate the child's life. At this stage, the child expresses anxiety, fears. This stage can last from one to several sessions. Lena, 6 years old, DPR, neurosis.

The second stage is "Struggle". Opposing forces begin to appear on the tray: good and evil heroes, predators, Indians, pirates, etc. at this stage, the child should not be rushed by introducing a helper or a kind savior. The child must conquer his inner conflict at his own pace. As soon as life is saved to the enemy, freedom is given, armistice agreements are concluded, then the "Struggle" stage comes to an end. This stage can be repeated for quite a long time. Ilya, 6.5 years old, violation of family communication. "Opposition"

The third stage is “Exodus”. There is harmony and balance in the worlds reflecting this stage. There are connections between all objects, they play authentic roles, there is a lot of greenery and fruits, animals are arranged in pairs. At this stage, the appearance of images of squares, triangles, circles is also observed, which at the symbolic level gives a feeling of completeness and integrity. Ivan 6 years old, stuttering, withdrawal.

The sand worlds are analyzed according to the scheme developed by Dora Kalff and supplemented by her students. It works only in the situation of using the classic direction of Jungian sand therapy - Sandplay. In a sand play situation, it is not needed. The analysis is carried out at three levels. Discussion with the child of the sandbox, after the creation of What a world, a fabulous country. What creatures inhabit it, what is their character, what they can do. Where did they come from to this country. In what relationship they are among themselves. Is it good for all beings in this world, in this country, if not, then what could be done to make them better, what can be changed. What events will take place in this country, what will the heroes do next. Since the image has a form, meaning is conveyed, therefore, throughout the course, the psychologist follows the child and does not make his own interpretation.

Purpose: prevention and correction of negative emotional states, normalization of the emotional-volitional sphere of the personality, contributing to spiritual, moral and physical recovery, presenting such a system of health-saving influences, which is based on art therapy, as well as with the aim of preserving and restoring children's health. Disruption of family communication. Sand animation "Draw your family". Diagnostics, correction.

The process of drawing with sand has a beneficial effect on hyperactive children, children with CRD, as well as children with muscle hyper- and hypotonia. An excellent and natural environment for the development and enrichment of sensorimotor potential, which further gives impetus to the development and formation of HMF, such as attention, thinking, spatial perception, imagination, observation, visual and motor memory, speech. Sand mandala construction (aggressive behavior).

The purpose of the technology: prevention of disorders of the psychoemotional and psychophysical state of children, teaching the peculiarities of the technique of drawing with sand, the development of cognitive processes and creative interest. Tasks: create conditions for relieving psychoemotional stress, develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, consolidate knowledge of the season, form cognitive processes and stimulate creative interest. Equipment: sand tables, dust-free sand 0.1-0.3 fractions, laminated pictures depicting: bullfinch, fox, wolf, bear; colored pebbles, needle rubber balls of different sizes and surfaces (su-jok balls) .. Seminar "Health-saving technologies in a preschool educational institution"


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