Buncher do it yourself: master class with photo. Bedroom do-it-yourself: Master class with photo Coloring Skzorets and Buncher

You are in the category Coloring Bedroom. Coloring which you consider described by our visitors as follows "" here you will find many coloring online. You can download the birdhouse coloring and also printed them for free. As you know creative classes play a huge role in the development of the child. They activate mental activity, form aesthetic taste and instill love for art. The process of coloring pictures on the theme of the nesting is developing small motility, prudence and accuracy, helps learn more about the world around, introduces all the variety of colors and shades. We add to our site a daily free Coloring For boys and girls who can be painted online or download and print. Comfortable catalogcompiled by category, facilitate the search for the desired picture, and a large selection of coloring will allow every day to find a new one an interesting topic For coloring.

The third and last cartoon released by the Floridian division of Walt Disney Feature Animation (in March 2004, the studio was closed). Also today it is the penultimate classic disney cartoon made in traditional two-dimensional techniques (in 2004, the studio temporarily abandoned the traditional animation in favor of 3D animation). As a composer, the author and artist for the cartoon songs performed by the former drummer and a vocalist of the rock band Genesis Phil Collins.

The main motifs of the cartoon - the redemption of guilt, awareness of the perfect sin and the knowledge of warm feelings through the transformation of a person in the animal. "" This is the story of the hero, who became a man, turning into a bear.

In 2006, the DVD was released on the continuation of the cartoon - "" created by the Disneytoon Studios division.

Caution! Below mentioned plot turns and even reveals the ending!

Sita brothers, Denahi and Kinai - primitive people living in the after-language North America. The tribe in which they live confesses totemism - at a certain age, each person will find out from the tribe shaman about his personal-patrone-totem - Totem, incarnating any spiritual quality - for example, courage, wisdom or leadership. Young Kinau - the youngest of the three brothers - gets the Totem of the Bear, personifying love. Kinai is extremely unhappy with his totem, as it believes that love is the quality that does not inherent to a man. He becomes the object of ridicule Denahi, but the elder brother of Sitka explains the offended Kinaus that the nature of the totem is not so simple as it may seem at first glance. Kinai can not understand how a bear can personify love, because in his understanding the bear is an insensible and aggressive creation.

After the awards ceremony, Totema Kinai discovers that a basket with fish, which he prepared earlier on the occasion of the rite, stolen by the bear. Despite the pursuit of the Sitka, in the attack of a rage, he goes into pursuit of the beast. Soon he discovers that the basket is broken, and all the fish is eaten. The annoyed, he is binding into a fight with a bear and tolerate defeat. Sitting and Denahi, who came to aid and Denahy are trying to distract the bear from the younger brother, but in the end, all three are trapped on the edge of the ice boulder. In an attempt to protect the brothers from a frightened bear, the Sitka provokes the collapse of the glacier and, together with the Bear, falls into the river. Sh, although the bear can be saved, the Sitka remains forever buried under the ice bard.


Considering that the Bear is to blame for the death of an elder brother, Kinai goes to a new chase for the beast and overtakes him on top of the mountain. After a short battle, Kinai managed to pierce the bear with a spear. The murder of the bear entails a chain of strange events, as a result of which Kinai turns into a young bear - a peculiar punishment for a terrible act. Having met Denahi, Kinaya has to be fleeting, as Brother takes him for the very bear, who in his time killed Sitka. Kinai falls from the cliff to the river and, having come to the shore, falls without feelings ...

All further narrative is set out from the point of view of the Kina transformed into the bear. Waking up in the morning he first discovers that now he can understand the speech of animals, but people, on the contrary, cannot understand his bearish. Tanana - Shaman of the tribe - explains Kinaya that the spell can be removed by visiting the monastery of the spirits - the mountain, "where the lights concern the Earth." Without further explanations, Tanan disappears, leaving a kina alone with the forest.

Most more often, Kinai meets two comic moose - Ratt and Tyuk. Without finding a common language with them, Kinai hurries away, but immediately falls into the trap. It is not able to get out of the trap alone, but by a happy chance there is a lost coder bears nearby. Despite the dissatisfaction of the film trying to portray independence, the code helps him get free from the trap. In the meantime, the feeling of revenge, Denahi overtakes two bears. Kinai in vain trying to convince his brother in the fact that he is not a bear, and as a result it is forced to flee along with the code. For a while they are hiding in a taking glacier, and in the morning they go to the road - the code is in a hurry to get to the salmon stream, where he hopes to meet with his mother, and Kinai - to the mountain of perfume.
Code and Kinai

After spending almost a day on the road and once again, avoiding death from Denahi's hands, code and Kinai get to the salmon stream - the place of peculiar "pilgrimage" of bears. Once in a circle of new fluffy friends, Kinai finally ceases to see enemies and murderers in the bears and learn to enjoy life in the appearance of the beast. However, joy is quickly replaced by shock when Kinai knows the kinai codes that the bear killed by him was not someone else, like mom codes. Copying the heart, Kinai finds the strength to tell the code about his terrible act, and then goes to the mountains in search of the Sitka. There is also directed by the spirit of the deceased brother Denahi.

At the top of Mount Kinai and Denahi enter the decisive battle, but Kinai does not want to harm her brother at all and asks Sitka as soon as possible to return to him the human appearance. Soon, Denahi begins to overcome the kina, but a suddenly appeared code saves him from death. In the rage, Denahi rushes behind the bear, but the blow takes the Kinai. At that time, a miracle occurs - in the evening sky, the northern lights, the snowstorm is replaced by spring blossom, and the sickness spirit turns the cyana back to the person. Denaho understands that all this time he tried to kill not just a bear, but his native brother, and with disgust throws a spear on the ground. Thus, both brothers and Kinai, and Denakhi - aware of their mistakes and begin to look at the world with new eyes.

The unknown remains only the fate of the codes - the rest without mother and without a close friend of the Bear, who now turned into a person again, he does not know what to do. Kinai, with all his heart, loved the bear and who understood his totem's power, makes a decisive act - asks Sitka to forever return to him the appearance of the bear.

Art techniques

One of the features of the cartoon is the use of the aspect ratio as an artistic reception. Before the film transformation into the Bear, the cartoon is shown in 1.75: 1 format, and shortly after the transformation, the format changes by 2.35: 1. At the same time, the style and color gamut change slightly - after the transformation, the world appears before the eyes of a kina (and, accordingly, the viewer) in more brighter, unnecessary tones. These techniques are designed to show the differences in the perception of reality by humans and the bear.

Interesting Facts

    The cartoon premiere was held on Saturday on November 1, as the distributor company considered that the Friday Premiere could be unprofitable due to the coincidence of the date of the premiere with the Halloween celebration.

    Actors who voiced two comic characters Ratt and Tyuk (Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas) had previously performed in similar roles (Brothers Bob and Doug McKenzi) in the Canadian Sketch "The Great White North").

    "Bratz bear" is the first and last role of Jason Reza (he voiced Denahi) in cinema. Before that, the raise was known primarily as the executor of the role of Simba in the Broadway Musical Musicle based on the cartoon "King Lion". In 2004, the actor committed suicide.

    The names of some characters are actually the names of various settlements and geographic objects on Alaska and in Canada. For example, Sitka and Kinai - the names of the Alaskan cities, and Tanana - the influx of the Yukon River.

    The characters of Ratt and Tyuk at different times appeared in the trailer for cartoon Studios Pixar "In Search of Nemo", as well as in the Roller-warning of shutdown mobile phones In the cinema.

    Kina's replicas "I am not interested in how you're from binkings found the biggest bump in the world." It did not exist in the scenario - the actor made a mistake when visible, and the response of the codes was smittered.

    The songs "On My Way", "No Way Out" and "Welcome" were performed by Phil Collins in Italian, French, German and Spanish.
    According to the original scenario, the satellite Kina had to become Grizza - a huge adult bear, similar to the Mudren's Bear Tag. However, this image could not tell the viewer the necessary emotional promise, and as a result of the grizza changed the coded bear.

    The picture that the code draws in one of the short episodes accompanying the final titers is nothing but a canvas of Georges-Pierre Syra "Summer Noon on the island of Grand-Zhantt".

Features of the Russian DVD-edition
In the US, the cartoon was published on two disks containing two cartoon options:
Disc 1: aspect ratio of 1,66: 1 (t. N. Family-friendly). The image format does not change throughout the entire cartoon (in other words, this version is defective and does not reflect the copyright).
Disc 2: dynamic aspect ratio - 1.75: 1 and 2.35: 1 (original cinema format).

On the russian marketUnlike the American, currently submitted only the one-piece edition of the cartoon released by the Videoservice company. The first disk of a special American publication was elected as the starting material - thus, the domestic viewer is deprived of the opportunity to see the cartoon in its original form, reflecting the author's design. Another consequence of the reduction of the number of disks from two to one is the absence of a significant part of additional materials. Even the collector's edition of the Dilogy ("" and "Bratz Bear 2"), released at the beginning of October 2006, does not include the original, cinema version of the cartoon.

Build spring along with children. Bednaments - a long and very useful tradition. First, the birds are needed at home, and secondly - this is a great opportunity to take a child manual labor, in the age of gadgets and electronics to introduce it with the basics of joinery. Pavel Zakharov from the family joinery "Workshop number 13" tells in detail how to make a birdhouse with their own hands, gives a drawing of a nesting room and step-by-step photos.

We will need:

  • pine boards with a thickness of 18-20 mm and width 120, 160 and 200 mm
  • round wand with a diameter of 15 mm
  • electrolovik with a wide saw for long direct saws and a narrow filling for curly sawmills
  • electrode (or drill-screwdriver) with a drill of 4 mm (we also come in handy 8-10 mm drill, but you can do without it)
  • screwdriver Cross format PH2 or appropriate nozzle-bit for screwdriver
  • emery paper of medium grain (80-100 units)
  • rule
  • pencil
  • self-screw screws (ph2) 3.5 × 41 mm - 19 pieces
  • carnations 1.6 × 30 - 8 pieces (for mounting the fence)
  • a hammer
  • acrylic paints
  • clear nail polish
  • synthetic brushes

How to make a birdhouse: photo step by step

To work, we will need pine boards with a thickness of 18-20 mm (for the convenience of calculations in the master class, the thickness is 20 mm) and a width of 120, 160 and 200 mm will appear. Natural wood is an excellent border material, a wooden house will have optimal thermal insulation properties. I do not recommend using Fanur or Chipboard.

In addition to the boards, you need a round wand with a diameter of 15 mm for the sixth. From the scientific point of view of the sixth - the thing is useless, but without him a birdhouse looks somehow unusual.

Work is starting with the markup of the details. On the blackboard, a width of 160 mm is placed the contours of the front (A1) and the rear (A2) of the bench walls. To begin with, we measure two rectangular segments of 300 mm long. And then in accordance with the scheme, we carry out the cross-cross-line two lines so that the angle between them was exactly 90 degrees.

From the board of 120 mm width, we will have two side walls (c) and bottom of the nesting house (C).

A 200 mm width board is designed for roof details. The roof consists of two halves - K1 and K2, and the K2 part is 20 mm longer (exactly on the thickness of the board) so that when assembling it turns out the roof with equal skates.

All the marked parts are drunk using a jigsaw. For figured cuts, a narrow pedal is suitable, and the straight sawmill is better done wide.

Decorative elements of the design of the nesting room as possible are made from cropping boards. Save materials!

Carefully process the face of all parts by sandpaper.

The next step is the markup of the mounting holes. Make sure that the holes are always located at a distance of exactly 10 mm from the edge of the workpiece (half the thickness of the board) so that when assembling the self-assembly, they got exactly in the middle of the end of the adjacent part.

Holes in detail A1 and A2 are located equally. Additionally, on the front wall, placing the outline of the future flyer (round window, which will serve as an entrance to the bin). The diameter of the flyer must be 45-50 mm. Just below it is necessary to make a hole for the sixth stick. The pilot must be located at an altitude of about 200 mm from the bottom of the birdhouse so that the birds have a sufficient safety area inside (otherwise they will be too available for enemies).

In the side walls, place one hole for fastening the bottom.

We make the markup of the roof parts very carefully, since the holes in the roof should clearly fit the sizes of the core. All the placed holes are drilled with a drill and a drill with a diameter of 4 mm.

It remains to make a window-pilot in the front wall A1. To do this, we first drill a thick drill (8-10 mm) an opening inside the circuit of the pilot so that it can be trained in the lobzik's saw. Then drink along the contour, after which we process the edges with sandpaper.

Now we will take the assembly. To the front wall of the birdhouse, we attach the sheel shield. So that the thin stick is not cracked when assembling, you can first drill a hole in it for a self-tapping screw with a thin drill 2-3 mm.

The inner side of the front wall according to the rules for the construction of birdhouses should be rough. If you use rough unstagne boards, then it will be. And in our case, roughness is applied manually using any acute tool (knife, self-sufficiency, etc.). These transverse grooves will help the chicks to get out of the birdhouse outside when the time comes.

We collect a birdhouse housing, connecting in any order of the part A1, A2 and V. For this, we will need self-tapping screws and a screwdriver. Side walls orient in such a way that the hole is at the bottom.

We put in place the bottom and fasten it with self-buildings from four sides.

Then we collect the roof from two halves, imposing a longer part to the one that is shorter, and fix two screws.

Attend the pipe, inserting the screw in the hole from the inside of the roof.

In the ends of the back wall we screw in two loops (if there are no loops, replace them with conventional self-draws). For these rings, the birdhouse will be attached to the tree trunk or the wall of the house.

We set the roof to the place so that it is slightly hung over the frontier's front facade and there was a thief with the rear wall. Fix the roof on the house four self-tales.

Decorative fence nail cloves. For reliability, you can additionally use the joinery glue.

Bedroom is almost ready. If you want the birdhouse not only served the bird service, but also became a stylish decoration of your site (park, square), you can paint it.

Birds are perfectly belonging to the painted benchmarks and will be happy to settle in them. It is only important to remember that acrylic or water-dispersed paints should be used that do not smell. With such as paints and varnish, we complete all our kits for the assembly of birdhouses and on the experience of several years of work we can say that they perfectly proven themselves in the harsh operating conditions in the open air.

Painted birdhouses and serve much longer than simple wooden, and this is an extra plus in their favor.

So, for work, we will need acrylic paints, a jar of transparent varnish and several brushes of different sizes.

Painting will take place in two stages, and it is better to work with a partially disassembled nest. So, the housing itself is easier to paint separately from the roof, and all the decorative elements are also more convenient to paint separately.

After the background color is applied, make a pencil circuit pattern and paint. When the paint is good, we cover all the surface with two layers of transparent varnish. We collect all parts of the birdhouse into one.

Birdhouse is ready - you can hang on a tree and wait for birds.

How to hang a birdhouse

The best time to start hanging the birdhouses, this is the end of March - the beginning of April. But you can do it and in advance, then you definitely do not make the arrival of the first birds.

Bunches hang at a height of 3-4 meters. If it is noisy (as it happens in cities), then you can and higher. Weient the pilot (hole-input) to the side opposite to the prevailing winds. If the western and northwestern winds prevail in Moscow and the surroundings, it means that we try to hang birdhouses in the east or south-east, and so that the birdhouse is not roasted in the straight rays on the midday of the sun. It is not very comfortable for birds.

It is necessary to limit the access of predators to the nesting room. If he hangs on the tree and there are branches, this is a gift for the cat and other villains. Do not forget about security!

Weient the bench vertically either with a slight tilt forward (but not back). So the pilot will be better protected from precipitation, and the chicks will be easily climbing along the inner wall to the exit.

Once a year, the birdhouse needs preventive cleaning. It will need to remove, dismantle the roof and clean inside.


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