Become a top manager of a large company. Who is a top manager? Rational and creative thinking

  • 1 Who is a TOP-manager?
  • 2 Tasks of the top manager
  • 3 How to become a TOP-manager?
  • 4 How much do top managers get?

Top management is usually understood as the top management of the company, whose main responsibility is to effectively manage the work of all its structural divisions. Who is a TOP manager, how to become one and what is his role in the development of the company? Let's try to figure it out.

Who is a TOP manager?

It is customary to call top managers the key figures of a large organization who carry out work to manage the company's activities, take measures to promote the business and improve the efficiency of interaction between all structural divisions. By definition, a senior manager is an outsourced specialist who is endowed by the owner of the company with a number of powers necessary to manage its work, influence each employee, resolve a number of issues and interact with partners.

As a rule, by top managers large holdings, banks or corporations are hired employees who hold the positions of heads of management or CEOs. Along with this, manage the work commercial organization maybe a team of senior managers who share authority and are responsible for a specific type of activity.

What is the role of top management in the development of companies? First of all, it is necessary to highlight the search for the most effective tools for doing business, as well as options for its organization. In addition, the responsibilities of managers include competent positioning of the company in the market.

The owners of large enterprises set several main goals for the top managers. The responsibilities of managers include the creation and development of strategic steps of the organization, which are aimed at increasing the amount of the owner's capital. Managers must arrange the activities of the enterprise in such a way as to increase its authority in the market among consumers and competitors, as well as increase the volume of production and improve the quality of products.

Often, company owners demand from the management staff to increase their own authority in the eyes of all employees of the organization. That is, the TOP manager must form a positive opinion about the owner, based on objective facts. But often such ambitions lead to the fact that managers do not pay due attention to the functionality of the enterprise, as a result of which there is a slowdown in the development of the company, which can lead to bankruptcy. In this case, the obligation executive director is the prevention of doing business based on the emotional goals of the owner.

Be that as it may, the owners of large companies have 2 basic requirements for hired managers: the ability to add value to the enterprise and realize their own goals. As practice shows, only those managers who, in addition to specialized higher education, have the ability to think outside the box and deviate from the stereotypes prevailing in business, achieve success in the field of managing organizations and increasing the efficiency of their work. This allows us to find new solutions for the implementation of the company's tasks of varying complexity and successfully develop in a highly competitive environment.

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Top manager tasks

Many people want to get a higher education, get a job high-paying job, make a career and become TOP managers. What tasks does the head of the enterprise perform?

First of all, it is worth noting that he is responsible for checking the work of all structural divisions of the organization and analyzing its effectiveness. In addition, the manager is obliged to make efforts to ensure their smooth functioning. Also, a TOP manager should be able to:

  • objectively assess the activities of the company entrusted to him;
  • make proposals to promote the development of production;
  • identify negative and positive points in the activities of the enterprise;
  • competently implement and control the work of changes in structural departments;
  • defend their own point of view about the ongoing processes within the corporation.

One of the key tasks of the director of the company is the ability to select personnel and adapt new personnel within structural divisions. The top manager must understand the features of employee training and check the quality of the implementation of the knowledge gained in the production (labor) process. It is clear that if an employee, for example, cannot learn how to sell a product or quickly calculate the interest on a loan, the task of monitoring the knowledge and skill level of personnel should be set to the immediate head of the department. The responsibilities of the management staff of the enterprise also include:

  • making operational decisions on current and unforeseen (crisis) tasks;
  • production planning;
  • the ability to communicate with subordinates;
  • the ability to describe goals to employees and how to achieve them.

Also, top managers plan the work of the entire enterprise and develop innovations that will improve the activities of structural units. If in the course of the organization's work a violation is revealed and the head of the department is not able to solve it, the general director assumes this responsibility. He can also initiate a check in the company to identify the culprit of the incident.

One of the most effective methods of improving the performance of each structural unit of the company is the motivation of their leaders, which is dealt with by top managers. In turn, this tool allows you to stimulate the rest of subordinate employees and increase efficiency in work.

Important: if the organization plans to introduce any new products, the possibility of their introduction is accepted by the top managers. Their responsibilities include considering the feasibility of the proposed project, calculating costs and potential profits. It is the innovations (the purchase of high-performance equipment, optimization of the customer loyalty program, changes in the work within the departments, etc.) that contribute to the development of the organization, increase productivity, increase the profits of the owners and all employees in general.

How to become a TOP-manager?

Top managers are not born, but they achieve success thanks to their extraordinary abilities, self-organization and, of course, the ability to think strategically. Every specialist has a chance of success, who by his labor has proved that he is worthy of promotion or already manages a structural division of the company. If you do not know how to become a leader, you need to strictly adhere to certain rules that will allow you to conduct your professional activities as efficiently as possible and increase your chances of getting the desired position.

So, the first thing to start with is increasing your own authority with subordinates. It is important to show perseverance and firmness of character in working with personnel. Many department heads earn popularity with colleagues by turning a blind eye to the quality of their performance of their duties. But such connivance leads to the fact that in the end the head of the unit works on an equal footing with his colleagues, and they cease to perceive him as a leader. The activities of the department should be structured in such a way that each subordinate unquestioningly fulfills his direct duties and observes the subordination with the head (this rule applies to top managers of both large corporations and ordinary companies).

Subordinates want to see a leader next to them, who does not just sit in his office, but spends time at the enterprise and studies its activities from the inside. People are always drawn to such a boss and respect him as a manager. In addition, it allows you to objectively assess the activities of the organization and adequately respond to various changes. If a person is closed from employees, a negative opinion develops about him that, they say, he does not work and is not interested in the life of the team. In this case, the respect of subordinates will have to wait for a very long time. This means that the "boss" did not succeed as a leader, and his dismissal will soon follow. You need to constantly prove your authority in the enterprise, for which you should:

  • work actively;
  • introduce various innovations in production;
  • be interested in the activities of employees;
  • to speak to colleagues with proposals for improving the quality of work;
  • report regularly on the unit's achievements.

Each manager of a large corporation works with his own team, which helps to implement the developed business strategies, as well as manage structural divisions. Only professionals and highly qualified specialists in a certain type of activity should be attracted as assistants. These people know their job well, so they will be able to cope with the responsibilities assigned to them with a high degree of probability. Without a team, a top manager of even the highest class will not be able to deal with his work. For example, a person was promoted to general director of a dairy plant. The team needs to involve specialists who know all the nuances production process, sales of finished products, work with suppliers and buyers. These can be technologists, sales specialists, logisticians, mechanics, accountants, environmentalists, suppliers and other employees.

An important quality of every top manager is the ability to make independent decisions and implement their own management methods in the organization's work. The main thing is that the result should be an increase in the volume of sales (rendering of services), coordinated activities of all structural divisions of the company and the implementation of the wishes of the business owner.

How much do top managers get?

The amount of income of top managers largely depends on the company's activities, its dominance in the market in a certain niche and a number of others. important factors... For example, the remuneration of the head of Gazprom based on the results of work for the past year amounted to about $ 25 million, and the chairman of the VTB board - about $ 30 million (according to Forbes magazine).

Deputy largest russian companies receive from 300 thousand to 3-5 million dollars annually. The income of the heads of the board of some commercial banks fluctuates in the range of $ 2.5-11 million, taking into account bonuses. Top managers of heavy industry enterprises receive significant sums for their work, the size of which reaches $ 9 million per year.

On average, managers of various Russian companies earn about 150-500 thousand rubles a month. To the most profitable industries includes the telecommunications market, the construction sector, retail, pharmaceuticals, insurance business and the production of consumer goods.

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Summing up, we note that there is very high competition in the labor market today, therefore, in order to obtain a leadership position, candidates need to stand out among the applicants. To do this, you should be a professional in a specific field, have extensive experience in management and organizational activities, demonstrate their achievements in promoting enterprises, have an impeccable reputation and positive reviews from previous places work, and also have lateral thinking.

This is an interesting, but by no means the easiest job for those who know how to organize and organize, make decisions and assess situations from a risk perspective. This is a game ... for the survival of the company.

A top manager is not a profession, it is a certain level of knowledge, skills, abilities and awareness. These are not only high positions, but also a wide range of problems for which such a specialist is responsible.

Look inside yourself and assess the odds

It would not be entirely correct to call only the management teams of companies “top” managers. In fact, a top manager is a person who is able to take on a greater share of responsibility in comparison with others; he is a person who is capable and authorized to make decisions on his own. More often than not, it turns out that these are managers or directly from enterprises or large departments of a particular company. But do not forget about the specialists who understand a certain issue at the expert level. Often, such professionals do not need high positions, but their salary level is comparable to management and for the company they are so valuable employees, in whose hands almost all the threads leading to the success and prosperity of the company are concentrated, that it would not be entirely correct to call them other than top-level specialists.

It is also true that not everyone, even those who strive for this, can become a top-level specialist. This requires certain personal qualities combined with a constantly growing body of knowledge.

The first of the necessary - basic education, optimal - in the area in which you plan to work. But theory is important, but not the most significant part of success. You need practical experience, you need real knowledge of processes and mechanisms, live skills of personnel management, your own vision of business situations. And also personal activity, ambition, courage. All this together forms the basis for further development; without this minimum, specialists will simply not be ready to perceive the flow of information at a qualitatively new level.

If you meet these requirements and want to achieve more, then keep in mind that for admission to programs for top managers, you may also need GMAT test results, confirming that the future student is in agreement with mathematics and logic.

By the way, not only young people tend to learn. Some, seemingly successful leaders, are not going to give up their place to the “young and early”, but prefer to study on an equal basis with them. True, they often choose “cooler” programs, for example, the Executive MBA or the Global MBA. Meeting such a manager during their studies is a great success for future managers. Indeed, in addition to the desire to learn, he already has a solid store of knowledge. Although for the leader himself, a meeting with young careerists will also not be superfluous: after all, they look at many familiar things differently. The exchange turns out to be mutual: a new vision of the situation combined with solutions proven more than once gives tremendous results.

Learn at your desk, not on your own mistakes

Undoubtedly, there are nuggets among top managers who “made themselves”, who slowly but very surely walked towards their goal, acquiring along the way and necessary knowledge, and useful contacts and connections. Those who took risks and tried to avoid mistakes, showed patience and perseverance and achieved a lot by a certain stage in their lives.

Modern top managers are noticeably younger in comparison with the leaders of the past. Today, the younger generation is literally “stepping on the heels” of their predecessors, clearly and methodically building a career line.

It is worth noting that the passage of business education programs for top managers gives tangible results if the knowledge gained is immediately applied in practice and the specialist chooses which of the techniques proposed by the teacher or colleagues are suitable for him in a particular company in a particular position. This is a very important aspect. After all, it is no secret that knowledge that is not used becomes passive and over time can simply ... be forgotten. So if you plan to study, then choose the right time by assessing your own maturity and readiness for such a step. The money spent should be an investment in your career.

There are many programs for top managers. For example, most major language schools and centers include executive courses on their offer lists. Of course, these are language courses, but they differ from standard ones by a greater focus on business and on the needs of a particular student. After all, knowledge of a foreign language, sometimes more than one, is necessary for those who "plunged" into international business. Do not forget about business courses in foreign languages: they are sometimes cheaper than executive courses, and in a group of students you can meet a future colleague or business partner.

For those who need certain knowledge of a specific specialization and, preferably, obtained in a short time - short business courses and trainings. They are open, organized for everyone, and closed - for employees of one company. The advantage of such programs is that you can pick up almost any, the most unusual specialization. And even if such is not found, then you can develop a course "to order". For a busy person, such programs are also attractive because the time gap from direct work can be very small, for example, a week. The contingent on such programs is selected who is passionate about one problem and trying to understand similar situations, which, undoubtedly, becomes a very useful experience.

The program that will definitely take you to the top management level is the MBA. According to statistics, graduates of Western business schools significantly improve their positions and level wages... True, it is worth remembering that the demand for such specialists differs from country to country. The American MBA model is a two-year program, the main goal of which is to teach students how to navigate and understand real-life business situations. A European MBA may be shorter in time and the program is more focused on comparing different business models.

Do not forget that this program was created for potential “tops”, so the requirements for admission can be very, very strict and not everyone can master them.

Certainly very important events for all students there will be meetings with recruiters who very often organize Western business schools. After all, the result of such a meeting can be not only the beginning of a foreign career, but also getting a top-level position.


Before you ask the question:how to become a top manager, first you need to decide on the term itself. Who is a top manager is a representative of a company or organization who influences decision-making regarding the development, promotion of interests and the success of the corporation. An excellent top manager will make the most seedy company developed in the shortest possible time. Its opposite is bad managerthat will ruin even a very successful company. However, these are rare.

There is a concept of top management. This is already a group of persons belonging to the highest degree of the hierarchy in the company, endowed with the same powers, but making decisions by voting on the board of directors or shareholders. As a rule, only the largest corporations need them, where the risks are too great to be assigned to one person. In this case, there is a need for a close-knit team.

To the question how to become a manager in a better understanding of the word, several important aspects should be understood. A successful employee of a company always bears full responsibility not only for its success, but also for a possible fiasco. This rule applies to absolutely everyone, the future top manager, and in this, it is worthwhile to be aware of. So, what qualities should a professional manager have?

Management skills and professionalism

A serious manager is, first of all, a leader. A real boss must have a nearby professional qualities, with ease to understand the case, make informed, sometimes risky decisions. At the same time, be as competent as possible in any issues related to the development of a company or organization. Also on his shoulders will lay down and work with personnel, because the efficiency of the entire management mechanism and the corporation as a whole depends on the cohesion of employees.


In addition to the ability to speak beautifully, a senior manager is also required to direct his oratory skills in the right direction. The concept of sociability (from Latin, joint) - implies the installation and networking through communication, passing the necessary information to others. In world practice, there have been no successful managers who avoid communicating with staff or business partners.

Asking the question: how to become a senior manager and be selfish, think only about your own benefit, you will never get an answer. An American proverb says: a competent and well-coordinated conversation is already 50% of a successful transaction. The ability to establish contact with the interlocutor will bring significantly greater results in the development of one's own interests.

Correct thinking

To know how to become a successful sales manager, you need to have a creative and rational way of thinking. Despite the widespread stereotype that such skills are needed only for pioneers, this is far from the case. This type of thinking helps to take unusual, at first glance, actions that, with a share of risk, can bring positive results.

for example:

    the most creative employee, has much more chances to move up career ladder;

    rational thinking, will help in development managerial qualities, thereby increasing the capital of the company;

    everyday problems or frequent troubles will not be time-consuming, with a developed sense of a creative way of thinking.

With similar skills, the task is: how to become a good sales manager will be solved in an instant. Strong character and extraordinary train of thought will greatly simplify it. The main thing is to develop these skills constantly.

Sincere interest

Without a real desire to work and create in this area, nothing will work. You have to want it. There may be several reasons.

After analyzing many surveys conducted among specialists who have already become managers, a number of goals were identified:

    a person wants to have a high, financial ceiling;

    achieve significant, professional status in life;

    move from the category of subordinates to the area of \u200b\u200bthe manager.

Thinking about how to become a sales manager, in most cases, a person is guided by these three desires. Not having such goals and sincerely not wanting to strive for this, a chance for successful career in a similar sphere is zero.

Responsible risks

The ability to be decisive and accept the consequences is the path of a real, professional top manager. Of course, blindly relying on luck when a firm's reputation is at stake is foolish. It's not so much about risk as about mature miscalculations.

Conflict situations that have arisen, problematic issues, extraordinary actions - all this is an integral part of the profession. In any case, a successful manager bears full responsibility, hence the risk must be justified. Without this quality, it is extremely difficult to take this path. Make decisions carefully and quickly.

Event - manager

Another interesting choice is the Event Manager. In the Latin abbreviation, it sounds likeevent,which means - the seller. It is also called a promoter. To know how to become an event manager, where to start and what not to do, several features of the future profession should be taken into account.

Know your own interests

The areas in which a manager of this rank can be involved are extremely diverse. The lifestyle of modern cities and megacities puts forward new requirements for events, including festive celebrations. To master this direction easier and faster, decide on what you like best. This can be concerts, private parties, birthdays, opening of establishments.

Gain experience

It sounds extremely corny, but without it, you can't. Try to find a job at a radio station if you have good diction and competent speech. Discover promotions. Starting from distributing flyers to friends, acquaintances, and then to strangers. This is where the formation of a future top manager begins. It would be useful to get a job in the trade sphere for a while. There you can gain significant experience in communicating with clients and apply it in practice in the fieldevent -management.

Bachelor degree

Specialization training will also play a role. Although this is not a mandatory item, it is not superfluous to call it. A four-year training program followed by an internship will provide more information in the field of promotion and its elements. It's not a bad idea to attend electives, even if they are not related to your specialty.

In the future, you will have a clear picture of what public activity looks like, what is needed to open own business and what marketing is based on. The only thing you will spend is 4 years of life. In some cases, the end justifies the means. Over time, it will become easier to understand how to become a sales manager from scratch. Nice to learn foreign languages, which will contribute to career advancement in the future.

Event associations

Such organizations are aimed at exchanging experience in the field of novice managers. As a rule, such groups can even be in social networks, after all modern facilities communication allows it. Never hesitate to use them. A lot of valuable information can be gleaned from these meetings and events. Take the initiative and invite participants to a crowded place, showing your own organizational skills.

First, you will learn a lot. And secondly, you can find companions. Joint management and organization will be a good help in the future. When talking to people who have chosen the same path, it is a good idea to discuss mistakes, innovations, and the experiences of others. Be bolder, more assertive, enter into discussions. It will bear fruit.

Perseverance is your companion

Any profession consists of difficulties that must be overcome. The main rule is to learn from mistakes and correct them. In management, your assertiveness will sow the seeds for future development. This area implies frequent conflict situations where quick decisions are required. Sometimes, perseverance will be simply necessary. For example, to defend your point of view, or vice versa, to concede in something.

Stress level

Reputable companies around the world are increasingly conducting so-called stress resistance trainings. The purpose of such events is simple - to knock out the maximum amount of emotions from the employee. For what? To the futurePRor a top manager, could easily overcome non-standard situationskeeping yourself in complete control. It's like rubbing with snow to build up your fighting spirit. Conducted scientific research showed: a person who is often exposed to stress finds a way out of unpleasant situations more easily. Simply put, it does not get lost and does not panic. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Have you ever seen a surgeon who, during an operation, panicked and then ran away from the operating room in frustration? The field of activity of a successful manager is similar to that of a doctor. Moreover, in both cases, career can be threatened. A surgeon killing patients is dangerous to society, and a confused manager will split any corporation at once. If he is afraid of difficulties, then why does a successful company need him?

Pay money

This method involves training in a specialty from those who have excelled significantly in this area. As a rule, it is paid and the higher the teacher's rank, the higher the cost. However, there is one but. Sacrificing own funds on the lessons of an influential manager, you gain much more valuable knowledge than money. This practice is carried out throughout the United States, Europe, Australia and the countries of the post-Soviet space.

The main thing is not to fall for charlatans posing as gurus. Before attending such a master class, make sure of the identity of the examiner. Isn't he, a swindler with a developed oratory? Many modern Ostap Benders practice their "sessions" for a small but trusting audience of desperate people. Beforehand, do not be lazy to make inquiries about the coach to avoid trouble.

Smart top managers conduct their master classes to increase their own rating, popularity and financial situation... This is absolutely normal practice. It will save you time, point out other people's mistakes and add incentive. Plus it's a great opportunity to work en masse.

Forward →

Many people dream of getting a profession that would be well paid and would help to correspond to a prestigious status. One of these types of work is a top manager. The profession has many benefits. The salaries of top managers in Russia today are quite high, people in this profession receive at least 50,000 rubles, and the upper ceiling is determined only by the company's policy. For example, what are the salaries of Gazprom's top managers, one can only imagine. Indeed, in 2014 the company allocated more than 1,117 million rubles for the maintenance of the management staff. Therefore, getting such a position is the dream of thousands of people. Many have heard about it, but not everyone knows what it is. Before becoming a top manager, it is important to understand the most important thing: who is he, and is it worth striving for such a job? There is a lot to comprehend. So, top manager - who is this? Let's take a closer look.

Who is a top manager?

Top manager - who is this? The most important thing to remember: representatives of this profession are the first persons of any company. This is not only the CEO, but also any other employees included in the management. Unlike the usual one, a manager with the prefix "top" means involvement with the highest level. This is an unspoken, but well-known rule. A top manager of a bank or any other organization may have subordinate employees such as:

  • Financial director.
  • Commercial manager.
  • Production director.
  • If available, director of development of the company.

If the company is very small, there may be only one top manager in it. But such a position is usually spoken of only in relation to large companies and corporations. For example, the words "top manager of Roscosmos" are regularly heard. After all, Roscosmos is the largest company with a large staff of employees.

Main functions and tasks: top manager - who is this?

The main task of all top managers is to ensure the implementation of the company's strategic goals set by its owners. They can be divided into two categories: functional and emotional. The first is an increase in profits, an increase in the available capital. Thus, the top manager of the enterprise should direct his efforts to increase the company's prime cost, its importance, and improve production. The owner's emotional task is to increase his own authority within the state. To do this, top managers must form a positive opinion of the owner among employees, based solely on reliable facts. The preponderance of the second goal over the first one very often leads to the fact that enterprises lose their capital and reach the stage of bankruptcy. Top sales managers and any other issues should also not allow this. Balance in solving all existing problems is one of their main functions.

Let's summarize

Based on this information, we can say that a good top manager must have two qualities: the ability to increase the value of the company and contribute to the realization of the personal goals of the owner or founders of the production. At the same time, a specialist must maintain the ability to constantly learn in order to master new methods, techniques and technologies that are relevant for solving these problems. Therefore, the answer to the question "top manager - who is this?" constantly changing in modern realities.

Only facts

Training of top managers should be conducted regularly in the form of courses professional retraining and advanced training, visiting forums and conferences. Not all companies pay due attention to this. In fact, the real employment of a top manager during the day does not exceed 20% of the total working time, which makes the activity ineffective. Self-respecting organizations will never allow this, thanks to which they will develop rapidly, bypassing competitors.

What kind of education to get?

The education of a manager of the highest rank should be the highest technical. As practice shows, the greatest chances of getting such a high position are possessed by people who have received a diploma in physics, chemistry, mathematics and other exact or those on the verge of exact and natural sciences. Getting into top managers from the humanitarian sphere is much more difficult. Also, the chances of people who have received "fashionable" specialties "management" and "personnel management" do not guarantee a place in the best management echelons of the company. With this education, it is much more likely to get a job as a middle manager.

What do you need to know?

The second requirement is knowledge of finance and entrepreneurship. Even specialized education does not always allow one to acquire all the necessary skills. The best combination is a good degree in a specialized field and impressive work experience. There are practically no chances of getting a top position from scratch. More often than not, success is achieved by those who have risen from ordinary employees and know everything about the work of the company from inside and outside.

Keep afloat

Even after taking the desired position, you cannot stop development. You will still need to gain a lot of knowledge necessary for successful work. Most often, a variety of trainings and business seminars are used for this. They not only provide basic management principles, but also deal with specific situations that top managers deal with in their professional activities.

Who to focus on?

The best opportunity to get a role model in the work of a top manager is to select a well-known specialist and take his methods of work as a basis. There are many classifications by which the best in this profession are distinguished: the most popular, the highest paid, the most effective, etc.

So, in terms of efficiency, one can name such specialists as:

  • Steve Jobs - Legendary Chapter apple, under his leadership, the funds invested in the development of the company gave 3188% of the profit.
  • Yoon Jung Yong, CEO of Samsung Electronics, which brought her 1,458%.
  • Alexey Miller is our compatriot who helped Gazprom raise dividends by 2,000 percent.

Among the most famous world-class top managers are:

  • Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. Known for his intuition - he made a fortune on investments, buying only what seemed to suit him.
  • Lawrence Ellison (Oracle). The secret of his success lies in his leadership qualities, successful distribution of personnel in the organization and high perseverance.
  • Mukesh Ambani, employee of Reliance Industries. The income of the organization under the management of Mukesh Ambani reached 4% of the total GDP of India.

Women - top managers are also successful today. If a few years ago, without exception, all positions in this regard were occupied by men, today we can name such successful representatives of the beautiful half of humanity in the management of large companies as the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook Sheryl Sandberg or the CEO of Yahoo! Marissa Mayer.

There are a number of important rules to keep in mind to learn how to become a top manager. By observing them, you will maximize your chances of a successful career and effective professional activity.

So what do you need to remember?

  • It is not worth earning cheap popularity among employees by allowing them to not fulfill their direct responsibilities. A top manager of Roscosmos or a small provincial company in any case should only manage, and not do work for others. If people in your organization see that you are working on an equal footing with them, they will respect you more as a person, but they will lose respect as a leader. Subordinates should remain subordinates, and the boss should remain the boss.
  • You don't need to lock yourself in your office. Better to go through the enterprise, check its work. Employees of the company should see how you conduct your business. In addition, it allows you to assess the situation from a different point of view, to find new ideas and understand where to innovate. Managers who command without getting up from their chair will not be respected by employees.
  • People always consider a good top manager a leader. If you cannot win the respect of the people in the company, you are unlikely to develop an interest in the organization that you inherited, or in its owners.
  • A boss cannot work alone, which is why he is a boss. The team of closest assistants must be recruited not on the basis of personal relationships and any connections, but their professional competence... Without a team of assistants, no top manager can do most of his work. It is best to choose specialists in the fields that you are least familiar with. They will help fill in the gaps and provide advice in situations that will cause confusion.
  • Feel free to try new things, innovate, or use your own solutions. The world today is changing very quickly, so sometimes it is your own brilliant ideas that make an ordinary top manager successful and allow him not only to keep his place, but also to achieve great efficiency.

Resume for a top manager

What can you do to achieve professional success? To find a job for top managers, it is not enough just to have the qualities for implementation in this profession. It is important to surpass all competitors and appear as a more profitable candidate. And for this you need to fill out your resume correctly.

The executive resume should:

  • Include basic information about education, work experience.
  • Pay attention to core skills, benefits, qualities and professional knowledge.
  • Describe achievements in the specified field of activity.
  • Create a unique value proposition.
  • Contains a list of tasks that the candidate can handle.
  • Contain key keywords that will help HR specialists find your resume faster on the Web.

Be special

The job market is very competitive today, so it is important to know how to present yourself in order to gain an advantage over other candidates. A resume should be special - an essay composed according to a typical scheme is lost and is not remembered when choosing. Recent trends force us to focus on the benefits and achievements, which, in turn, can tell about both the experience and professionalism of the candidate.

Your resume should represent you as someone worthy of a leadership position. Your benefits must be demonstrated convincingly. Empty praise of yourself will not persuade any employer to you. We must not forget about unique offer... How exactly are you different from all other job seekers? Why should the company prefer you? It doesn't have to be written directly, but it should be clearly readable.

Thus, representatives of this profession must necessarily be confident, persistent people who are least afraid of difficulties.

There are many companies in Russia that are looking for employees. According to some estimates, the market volume exceeds 25 billion rubles - this is thousands of jobs.

The largest in terms of number are recruiting companies, they can employ more than 500 people. This is a streaming business, employees of such agencies can employ 10 or more people per month. The agency commission is on average 1-1.5 monthly salary of the candidate. If you need an accountant or sales manager, you can contact one of these companies.

The elite of the market are executive search agencies that fill the vacancies of top managers in the largest companies (most of the companies involved in the Forbes list, as a rule, are clients of executive search agencies). This is an exclusive and expensive service, each search is unique in its own way and is carried out only on a prepaid basis. The agency's commission is on average 4-5 monthly salaries of the candidate, that is, an invoice of 5 million rubles for the service of selecting a top manager is a common thing. A good indicator for an executive search agency consultant would be 8-10 closed positions per year.

Management selection is a fairly new phenomenon that combines elements of executive search and mass recruitment. Such agencies are looking for top managers in medium and large companies, as well as second line managers in large companies. As a rule, such a search is carried out without prepayment, the agency's commission is about 3-4 monthly salaries.

The agency's commission is on average 4-5 monthly salary of the candidate, that is, the bill in 5 million rubles for the service on the selection of a top manager is a common thing

As a rule, executive search and management selection do not exist in their pure form. Since these directions are very close, most companies carry out both those and other orders, perhaps more gravitating towards one of them. If we are talking about a classic executive search, then the customer pays for each of the stages of the search - as a rule, 1/3 before starting in the form of an advance, 1/3 after providing a short list and the rest after the candidate leaves for a new job. Since this process is complex, long (from two to three months to a year), expensive and not always justified, recently the services of management selection companies are in great demand.

The executive hiring market is highly segmented. Large companies are considered to be employing 30-50 people. There are about five of them in Russia. At the same time, there are a lot of small agencies (from 5 to 15 employees). They work in the same market and with the same clients, specializing in several sectors, in contrast to large companies that have many industrial practices.

I am a consultant Purehunt is a small company that specializes in working with investment, management and holding companies, as well as with large banks. We are looking not only for financiers: the holdings include a variety of businesses, from retail to the oil industry, so that I can simultaneously be engaged, for example, looking for an investment director for a fund and a general director of a transport company.

The main difference in executive search is in technology. The task of a recruiter is to find the best candidates on the market, while most of them are not actively looking for, and in general, top managers rarely post resume on career sites.

List of candidates

The direct search technology used by executive search agencies looks like this. First, the agency's consultant meets with the customer and discusses all the details of the search in detail with him in order to form a position profile and discuss the search strategy.

Then a long list is drawn up - this is a kind of market map, a rather impressive (100 or more names) list of professionals, often from various industries, who, according to the agency, may be suitable candidates for a vacancy. When compiling a list, many factors are taken into account: company size, ownership and corporate governance structure, internal culture, and others. The process is creative and time consuming.

The reason for looking for a top manager is very important. For example, if this is a replacement for a person who has gone to competitors, then the list will primarily include those companies that are similar in size and structure to the client company. It happens that a company hopes to “buy” some kind of expertise in a new manager - then you need to look for a company where it is present. For example, if the IT sphere is sagging, try to lure the IT director from a technologically advanced company. It happens that companies are looking for leaders for a specific task. When the owners want to sell the company to a foreign investor, they will look for a person who knows how to communicate with investors and understands their psychology well for the role of the first person or financial director, which will ultimately provide a higher price.

Social networks, especially LinkedIn, are very helpful in drawing up a list of candidates. The search is rarely carried out "in the open field". Many candidates end up on the long list from the agency's extensive database. It is updated based on past searches, in addition, agencies receive information on graduates of leading business schools, collect data from professional communities, from conferences, and so on. Good headhunters need to keep up with all the career news. They are often asked for advice or recommend strong candidates.

Communication with applicants

After the long list is approved by the customer, the actual headhunting begins. Agency consultants call the candidates, whether the information about them is true, conduct interviews with those who fit the description and are now open to options (or are simply ready to find time to meet with the hunter).

In 90% of cases, they do not refuse a conversation with a headhunter. As they say, they don't take money for demand, and we rarely hear the answer “I'm not interested in anything, thank you”. An open question "are you looking for a job?" it is impossible to ask, since, most likely, the answer will be "no, not looking." The consultant can call “just to get to know”, ask about plans and prospects, ask what vacancies may be interesting now and in the future. When the conversation starts, you can already discuss the specifics.

Of course, there are anecdotal cases. You can often hear the question "where did you get my phone number?" But the best response was the candidate (whose phone, by the way, was publicly available in one of the social networks), who said that my call was an infringement on his personal life and he would be forced to transfer my contacts to the security service of the presidential administration. I don’t know whether he handed them over or not, but “people in civilian clothes” did not bother me.

However, one of the clients a prerequisite set the candidate we were looking for to be handsome

Based on the results of all meetings with candidates (there may in some cases be more than 50), the client is provided with a report on the work done - a short list. It includes those who are most consistent with the original brief - ready or not ready to consider job offers. There are times when a client wants to communicate with someone from the list of “refused” - and here everything depends on the skill of the headhunter. With a 90% probability, a good hunter will bring any person to a meeting, but, of course, he cannot guarantee that he will not refuse again after a meeting with a client. After all, we are mediators, and decisions are made by the participants in the process - the candidate and the client.

Together with the resume, the agency provides a detailed report on the candidate, with a description of strengths and weaknesses, successful projects, and collects recommendations, if possible. The short list usually includes about ten people who have to go through several meetings (their number varies from 1 to 10 or more) on the client side. Upon completion, a pool of finalists is formed (usually no more than 3-5 candidates). As a rule, the decision to hire a top manager is made by the board of directors.

Headhunters are recruited to find the most professional employees on the market. The element of personal sympathy is also important, but usually not determinative. However, one of the clients made it a prerequisite that the candidate we were looking for was a handsome, and handsome man. From them, we received, for example, such feedback on the results of meetings: “he squints his eyes very much,” “proud of his connections and education,” “full, his leg twitches,” “good work experience, meticulous, obligatory,“ looks very slow, and plump ”,“ drank three whole cups of coffee with cream ”. We work in the client business and always respectfully and with understanding treat any requirements of customers, but we decided to refuse further work on this project.

How future bosses are assessed

A headhunter's job is largely about sales. First, myself as a consultant to the client, then vacancies for the candidate and finally - the candidate for the client. Top managers, as a rule, are not looking for work and have a fairly tight schedule. How can they be interested? There can be many options: someone is attracted by the opportunity to run a larger business, someone is bored in a stable company and wants rapid growth and development, someone has outgrown their position as a deputy and dreams of a position of the first person. Nobody canceled a higher salary as a motivating factor either, but usually for top managers money does not come first. Cases when a person is exactly outbid, offering income two, three, five times higher than the current one, are rare.

In turn, the consultant during a personal meeting should try to assess the candidate most objectively. Tests, cases and similar tools are rarely used, in most cases they are provided by the client himself.

Basically, an interview for a CEO position is not much different from an interview for a sales manager. The devil is in the details. It is important to understand that most top executives have excellent self-presentation skills developed through countless meetings. There is no clear algorithm that will allow to assess the competence of a candidate with 100% probability. There are many different tests that help assess leadership potential, teamwork skills, stress tolerance, etc. However, tests are not a panacea. Firstly, for a qualitative assessment, it takes about three to four hours, which means that they are definitely not suitable for the first filter. They can be used in the "second round" when you need to choose from three to five strong candidates. So the main working tool of a headhunter now, as well as a hundred years ago, remains interviews and collection of recommendations.

The questions and the structure of the interview itself depend on the specific position, but there are several basic things that need to be found out about the candidate: what the person has been doing for the last ten years and how can a new employer attract him, what result he has brought to the business, how much he is able to think strategically, take long-term decisions, lead people, to which corporate culture used to.

One way or another, there is always a certain element of information manipulation: candidates tend to exaggerate their merits, clients may not talk about certain disadvantages within the organization, but cases of outright scamming are rare. If a strong candidate comes to the company and sees that all the golden mountains that were painted during the interview exist only in the fantasies of shareholders, then he will very quickly start looking for a new job.

The headhunter's task is to eliminate these discrepancies, although you can't foresee everything, of course. There was a case when a person made the decision to move to the position of vice president in a very large and well-known company. He spoke all possible details job responsibilities, compensation package, corporate car brand and so on. The discussion dragged on for a couple of months. The company also approached the choice responsibly, we collected recommendations from all past jobs. On the very first working day, the candidate found out that he was not entitled to a separate office (he forgot to ask about it earlier), and in the evening the manager spoke to him in a sharp manner. This was enough for him to quit the next day. The story ended well: we were able to quickly find a replacement for him, and the candidate was helped to get a job in another place where he took root and has been working for a long time.

How much do top managers get

It makes no sense to talk about the numbers “on average for the hospital”, since the spread will be too large, from several hundred thousand rubles a month to millions. As a rule, the income of top managers consists of a salary, an annual bonus (on average, from 0.5 to 1 annual salary) and a long-term incentive program (may consist of an option on a block of shares, an additional bonus for fulfilling certain KPIs, for example, achieving target by revenue). Separately, there is a social package: a corporate car, insurance for family members, compensation for accommodation, if a move is expected, etc.

When you see messages that “the manager of company X earns 10 million rubles a month,” you should understand that most of this money is just a bonus.

What happens in a crisis

There are no mass layoffs of top managers yet. It makes sense to wait until the end of the year - perhaps then the crisis phenomena will already be noticeable, especially in those industries that are at risk (retail, mechanical engineering, retail banks, real estate, consulting, etc.). The process of hiring and firing managers is time consuming and expensive. Leaders usually get good payoffs when they leave, so companies take their time. And companies that were less affected by the crisis (for example, export-oriented manufacturing or some investment companies) may even raise executive salaries to compensate for the change in the ruble exchange rate.

The agencies themselves, as well as all consultants, have a hard time in the crisis: orders are decreasing, competition is growing, so that weaker players lose their positions or completely leave the market. A good reputation helps to cope with difficult times, strong team, the correctly chosen strategy and the ability to reduce costs without reducing the quality of services.


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