Mistakes that are made when choosing a profession. A project on the topic of typical mistakes when choosing a profession. Choosing a profession out of spite or in spite of someone

1. Choose a profession without having reliable information about it.

Most young people who are thinking about further educational plans or about employment are generally very little aware of what professions are and what their representatives do. As a result, the guys find themselves in a situation of choosing a "pig in a poke".

According to research data, schoolchildren can name only 20-26 professions, while their number is estimated at 40 thousand.

2. Focus only on such signs as prestige and / or


A common misconception is to consider a prestigious profession itself as a source of income, money is received simply for the fact that a person has it. Here you need to understand the following.

Firstly, it is not the profession that is paid for, but the position, that is, the performance of specific functions in this or that organization.

Secondly, those professions that are perceived as prestigious are in fact far from necessarily the most profitable. After all, there are usually many more people who want to do them than are really required.

In addition, the very concept of "prestige" is very relative: it depends on the circle of communication (in the eyes different people seemingly prestigious different types labor) and changes rather quickly over time.

3. The choice of profession under the influence of comrades ("for the company", so as not to lag behind) .

In fact, behind this position is a departure from personal responsibility for making decisions. But sometimes such a choice can be successful - after all, the company most often gathers people whose abilities and interests largely coincide. However, this is precisely an element of luck or bad luck, and not a consequence of a conscious and meaningful decision.

4. Transfer of attitude to a person, a representative of a particular profession, to herself


When choosing a profession, one should take into account, first of all, the features of this type of activity, and not choose a profession just because you like or dislike the person who is engaged in this type of activity.

And if, on the contrary, your child meets someone unpleasant, repulsive? Sometimes this can turn away from his profession: "I do not want to be like him." But, you see, in the same circumstances, the opposite conclusion is possible: “I will become a good representative of this profession, and not like him”!

5. Passion only for the external or some private side of the profession.

Behind the ease with which the actor creates an image on stage is intense, everyday work. And journalists do not always appear on TV programs - more often they shove through a lot of information, archives, talk with dozens of people - before they prepare a 10-minute message, which, moreover, will be voiced by another (an announcer on television).

6. Automatic transfer of interest in a school subject to the future

profession, when a confident top five in some school subject

are considered the only and sufficient condition for the successful choice of a profession.

It's one thing to love books, and quite another to be a teacher without pedagogical

Abilities. When choosing a profession, you need to evaluate your capabilities.

7. Ignore your own abilities and interests.

It is advisable to make your profession what you like and what you do well. Of course, this sounds trite, but it is surprisingly often overlooked.

Sometimes people consider it unimportant at all (I will do whatever, just to pay well). But after all, a person will not be able to achieve high results in the work that does not correspond to his individual characteristics or which he is simply unpleasant to do. In addition, such a person is unlikely to feel happy, realizing that he “throws out” a huge amount of time and energy in exchange for money.

8. Ignorance / underestimation of their physical characteristics, disabilities,

essential when choosing a profession.

Any profession makes certain demands on the personality and body of the worker, therefore, when choosing a profession, one must take into account the state of health. In terms of the professional suitability of adolescents, parental intervention will be quite appropriate and even necessary, provided that the parents themselves know the medical contraindications for the professions that interest their children.

9. Substitute the choice of profession with the choice of the level of education or its place


A more justified position is when a person first decides what he would like to do, and then considers possible options for obtaining a specific profession, and does not proceed from the desire to study in a certain place or simply get a higher education as such, no matter what specialty.

If, wanting to master a certain profession, your child could not go to study exactly where he wanted to initially, it is more logical to remain faithful to the profession and look for other options for obtaining it. This is better than enrolling in a profession that is obviously uninteresting for oneself, even at a prestigious university.

10. Listen to the opinions of people who are incompetent in matters of choosing a profession.

These are: knowledge of the specifics of the professions in question, as well as the situation on the labor market; knowledge of the individual psychological characteristics of the one who makes the choice; understanding the essence of psychological problems arising at different stages of professional self-determination.

It is clear that either a specially trained professional (psychologist, employee of the employment service) or one who knows you very well and is familiar with a certain group of professions from his own experience can reasonably argue about this.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school number 14"

Project work at the rate "Your professional career" on the topic:

« Typical mistakes when choosing a profession "

Zalyubovskaya Daria,

8th grade student


Olga Nikolaevna Koshubaro

G. Noyabrsk 2017

Project title: "Typical mistakes when choosing a profession"

Project manager: Olga Nikolaevna Koshubaro.

Subject: Your professional career.

Academic disciplines: Economics, technology.

Project type: informational

purpose project: study the mistakes that can be made when choosing a profession

Tasks project:

    Learn what a profession is

    Consider what mistakes exist when choosing a profession

    Consider the technology of choosing a profession

Abstract: At the moment, the project is relevant, since in most cases school graduates make mistakes in choosing a profession

The age for which the project is designed from 13 onwards

Introduction ... Each new generation of school graduates, not wanting to learn from the mistakes of those who have passed this difficult path before them, steadily continues to step on the same rake when choosing an ideal profession for themselves. In this article, we will cite the most common mistakes that schoolchildren, applicants, and adults, too, make when trying to find an answer to the eternal questions "Who to be?", "What profession to choose?" and "Where to study?"

As a rule, all of the following mistakes in choosing a profession do not depend on the age group, but there are also unique options that, for example, can only be made by school graduates, for example, go to study with friends or in defiance of their parents. At the end of the article are useful tipswhich are designed to help prevent most mistakes by presenting a small roadmap describing step-by-step actions to achieve the goal.

What are the mistakes when choosing a profession

    Ignorance of the world of professions

One of the most basic and common mistakes in choosing a profession, from which many others follow. Many schoolchildren, approaching graduation classes and the need to pass unified state exams (USE and GIA), have little idea of \u200b\u200bwhat professions are and what is happening on the labor market at the present time. The situation is aggravated by the need to urgently decide on the set of exams to be passed required for admission to universities and continuing education in a particular specialty.

For a more successful choice and initial acquaintance with interesting and suitable professions for you, you can recommendgo through and familiarize yourself in detail with the rich world of specialties offered. For even more accurate choice, you must definitely use the services of qualified psychologists - professional consultants. In every city and practically every educational institution there are corresponding services and specialists. Public services employment can also help in addressing this issue.

    Focus on the prestige of the profession

A bright representative of mistakes in choosing a profession. Very often young people, when choosing their future career path, are guided exclusively by the prestige of a particular profession. As a result, a huge number of freshly released specialists find themselves on the labor market, who go to work like hard labor, dreaming of Friday and a career change. Usually in the category prestigious professions lawyers, financiers, marketers, bankers, show business and others like that fall. It is indisputable good professions, but they are not suitable for everyone and you should not choose based solely on prestige. At least there are still the same important concepts as the demand in the labor market, interest in the profession, physical and mental predispositions to a particular professional field.

    Choice under pressure from others

Usually, the role of those around them is played by parents who sincerely and wholeheartedly want to attach their beloved child to the best, in their opinion, sphere of activity. Unfortunately, very often the interests, talents, capabilities and aspirations of the child himself are not considered, which leads to quarrels in families or the need to retrain and change profession afterwards.

It’s even worse when parents try to make their unfulfilled youth dreams come true in a child. In such cases, the child needs to be able to defend his point of view while protecting his interests. It is difficult to study against your will, and even more difficult to work.

    Follow in the footsteps of your idol

A common mistake in choosing a profession for schoolchildren, when falling in love or other hobby for another person (like a teacher, actor, singer, etc.) can predetermine the desired profession or field of activity. However, in fact, the interest in a person and interest in the profession correspond even less than nothing, and during training, disappointment can come.

If there is an opportunity, then it is worth talking to your idol, asking him about the job and its requirements, asking if it is worth choosing the same profession and where is it better to go to study. As a program, at least it is necessary to learn as much as possible about the profession, perhaps it will not be as interesting as it seemed from afar. Of course, in this case, it is necessary to sensibly assess your capabilities, interests and aspirations, and it is also desirable to pass several career guidance tests and talk with a competent psychologist-professional consultant.

    Go to study "for the company"

In cases where interesting profession It was never found, but it is urgent to decide on exams and admission to a university, school graduates choose options for the exam for delivery and universities for admission with school friends. Sometimes this option turns out to be not bad, since it is easier and more fun to study in an already established pleasant company, and there, perhaps, you will like the profession.

Alas, much more often it turns out in a completely different way: with interest and success, school friends absorbing new knowledge break forward and acquire new acquaintances with whom you can discuss what you heard at a lecture, organize a joint project or arrange an experiment while a childhood friend, not having appropriate talents, lags behind without the opportunity to participate in joint activities.

In fact, this situation is a departure from personal responsibility and shifting it onto others. But those around them cannot bear full responsibility for such a difficult choice of each person as the choice of a profession. It turns out a lottery, in which you can get lucky, but much more often the ticket is without a win.

Such mistakes in choosing a profession are made due to insufficient work as school psychologists and teachers who did not provide required level vocational guidance classes, as well as parents who let the process of determining the student's profession to take its course and did not actively participate in it.

    The desire to study only in a certain place

The desire to study at a particular college or university is in itself commendable, as it speaks of the interest shown and the collection of information carried out. Another thing is that in the educational institution you like, there may simply not be a suitable and interesting training program. The federal universities somewhat mitigate the problem, which cover a wide range of professions in the humanities and technical fields, and also have an excellent material and technical base for training. But even they cannot teach many narrow specialties, which, as a rule, are taught by separate educational institutions: doctors, teachers, lawyers and many other specialties will be inaccessible with this approach.

Consider whether an old, beautiful building or a swimming pool is worth it for students to go to study in an uninteresting or far from desired specialty.

7. Outdated or incorrect profession information

The world of professions does not stand still and is constantly changing. Some specialties are becoming a thing of the past, others are just emerging. With the development of science and the emergence of new methods, almost all professions available on the modern labor market are constantly changing.

Therefore, in the process of determining, it is necessary to know well what this or that profession is at the present time. Our or you can independently find on the Internet the requirements for specialists, a description of the work process, or go to job fairs and open days at the enterprises of interest. Thus, possible mistakes choice of profession due to ignorance current situation cases will be kept to a minimum.

    Consideration only visible side profession

Many people like to dream about the career of a famous actor, singer or presenter. Indeed, at first glance, representatives of such professions easily collect full houses and receive large fees, but few at the same time represent the real state of affairs and a huge amount of behind-the-scenes work, whether it be endless rehearsals, traveling around the country or training to keep fit. Let's not forget about the forced publicity, which not everyone will like.

Before finally choosing the preferred field of activity, it is necessary to study it in as much detail as possible from all sides.

    Lack of desire to understand yourself

A fundamental mistake in choosing a profession, when, for one reason or another, a person refuses to understand himself, to highlight his strengths and weak sides... One of such reasons may be avoiding responsibility for the choice made and shifting it onto others. Another reason may be general self-doubt and low self-esteem. In any case, the result of the choice is likely to be unsatisfactory, made without regard to objective reality, and the work will not bring joy and satisfaction.

In this case, help in choosing a profession can come from well-known people, such as parents, other close relatives, friends, and colleagues. But a much better choice would be to undergo psychological vocational guidance tests, followed by a voluminous consultation of an experienced psychologist - a professional consultant, with whom it will be possible to highlight the most pronounced and important personality traits and choose a profession based on them.

    Incorrect assessment of your abilities

Incorrect assessment of your strengths and weaknesses can lead to the wrong choice of profession and, as a result, dissatisfaction with the process labor activity and lower quality of life. If you are uncertain about communicating with other people and prefer books to communication, then it is hardly worth choosing the profession of a journalist or teacher.

Mistakes in choosing a profession also occur with low or high self-esteem, which makes it difficult to adequately identify those who have talents and abilities for a particular type of activity. As in other cases, they will help to decideproblem or in writing, as well as an obligatory conversation with a professional consultant.

    Attachment to a favorite school subject

There are many times more professions than school subjects, besides, many specialties in their activities cover many areas and it is very difficult to correlate them with a specific subject.

For example, even if the favorite language at school was foreign language, then the choice of profession is not limited to one translator only. There are many more options: from a guide and translator to a diplomat and intermediary between a domestic company and foreign enterprises.

Decide on the desiredtype of activity and choose a specific specialty will help services such as which contains the most popular professions in Russia with a detailed description and examples of activities. Also, before the final choice, it is worthwhile to study in detail the labor market and the offered vacancies, which indicate the specific requirements and education for each of the vacancies.

    Lack of knowledge of the prospects and requirements of the labor market

The correct choice of profession, among other things, depends on the labor market of the region of residence and the prospects for its development. When choosing a professional path, it is definitely necessary to analyze newspapers and websites with vacancies, descriptions of professions and analytical materials about the expected changes in the labor market in the next 5-10 years.

After the analysis carried out, it may turn out that the chosen profession, after a few years, will lose its popularity or prestige, and it will be difficult to find a job in the specialty. It is also worth considering the fact that very often not prestigious workers and technical specialties are paid much better and more in demand than another young economist with no experience in a saturated labor market.

Thus, by analyzing the labor market of the region of residence, you can avoid the mistake of choosing a profession and make a better choice, taking into account your aspirations, desires and capabilities.

thirteen . Ignoring your own abilities and interests

Very often, when choosing a profession, people deliberately reject the importance of their interests and abilities, highlighting only the level wages or the ephemeral prestige of the profession. However, few people are capable of reaching the heights with such a choice - it is corny and unpleasant and difficult to invest in work that is unpleasant and causes rejection. And in the absence of a noticeable outlet in their free time, such a person will be constantly unhappy, which will lead to a decrease in the quality of life.

A simple solution to such a mistake in choosing a profession would be to choose just such a specialty that you like and will be interested in most of your life.

14. Continue family traditions against your will

It is a very good and right thing when a child follows in the footsteps of his parents. He has at his disposal a wealth of experience, best practices and first-hand secrets of the profession, and the support and advice of close and understanding people at the first steps is absolutely invaluable, useful and timely. It is from such families that talented doctors, engineers, actors, scientists come out.

But in a barrel of honey there may be a weighty fly in the ointment, which will negate all the advantages of this approach. Such a spoon will be the child's desire to follow in the footsteps of his parents and continue the family dynasty. Someone under pressure will break and accept the imposed rules of the game, someone will fight for the right to go their own way. The main thing is that the family does not perceive such behavior as a betrayal and does not begin to put a spoke in the wheels on the way to the profession of a dream. Such actions will only lead to conflicts and a possible breakdown in relations.

15 . Treat the profession as the only one possible

Any field of activity is subject to constant change and with the growth of experience, qualifications and progress in career ladder occupations with areas of responsibility will also change. Naturally, the most successful will be the person who has passed the initial stages perfectly.

In addition to the profession itself, familiarize yourself with career prospects and the state of the labor market. Be prepared for continuous professional development, mastering related and similar professions, or even a radical change in direction. All this will turn you into a valuable specialist who will always be in demand and successful.

Thus, one should not think that the initial choice of a profession is the only chance that will determine the whole future fate. At any time, it will be possible to retrain for another profession or related specialty, and the mistakes made earlier in choosing a profession will help to make the right decision.

15. Underestimating your physical characteristics and capabilities

In some professions, it is necessary to assess your physical capabilities and characteristics as sensibly as possible. Military service, special forces, Ministry of Emergency Situations, service in law enforcement agencies require excellent physical training. Aviation requires perfect vision and quick thinking. For creative professions taste and appropriate skills are required.

Some professions can be mastered with the right attitude and constant efforts on the way to the intended goal, while others may be closed forever. In this case, you can master close or relatively related professions... For example, if you did not succeed in becoming a civil aviation pilot, then you can try to become an aircraft maintenance mechanic, dispatcher, or even a steward.

An incorrect assessment of one's physical capabilities can lead to the need to further obtain another specialty, which will result in a loss of time and finances.

16. Focus only on salary

It is bad practice when choosing a profession to focus only on the size of future wages. Firstly, the salary indicated in the vacancies corresponds to specialists with experience and still needs to grow up to it. Secondly, it will be difficult mentally and physically to study for an unloved or difficult to master specialty. Thirdly, working exclusively for the sake of money, not getting absolutely no satisfaction from work, leads to rapid emotional burnout with unpredictable consequences.

17. Choosing a profession out of spite or in spite of someone

Very often, young people choose a profession in spite of the statements of their parents or other significant people like “Do you find it hard to be a programmer?”, “You can't connect two words, but you want to become a journalist!”, “You can't become a good specialist, you can’t do anything! ”. Sometimes such statements are true, sometimes they are said in a fit of emotion in order to hurt a person.

The choice made in order to prove to others that they were wrong is a bad choice, since people who gave unpleasant comments will not have to work in an unloved or too difficult job.

18. Study just for the sake of a crust about higher education

Among all the mistakes in choosing a profession, this one refers mainly to Russia. We have a situation in which higher education is a necessary requirement for many vacancies, even if objectively it is not needed. Sometimes it comes to absurd situations when a higher education diploma is mandatory for cleaning service employees or other professions that require exclusively applied experience and education.

Another aggravating factor is the threat of military service for guys, the only chance to delay which is entering higher education educational institution and by hook or by crook study in it until the age of 27. As a result, the output is excellently trained specialists with a bias in scientific activities and available dissertations, but who do not see themselves and do not plan to work in this area.

Profession choice technology

Summing up all of the above typical mistakes in choosing a profession, we can say that choosing a profession is a very difficult and responsible step, which is taken as responsibly and seriously as possible.

You can display several simple rules and tips to help you avoid most of the mistakes:

    Understand yourself: your abilities, talents, interests, physical capabilities.

    Determine your strengths and weaknesses in relation to future work.

    Take career guidance tests on the Internet or paper form and get a detailed consultation of an experienced professional psychologist.

    Get acquainted with the diverse world of professions, pay special attention to those that fit the results of the first three tips.

    To confirm the correctness of the choice, get acquainted with specialists from the chosen areas and find out the subtleties and peculiarities of the profession, imperceptible at first glance.

    Based on the above, choose the most interesting educational institution for higher education and find out the required set of USE for admission.

    Prepare well in the chosen subjects and pass the uniform state exams for the best possible result.

    Enter the chosen university and, after graduating, become an excellent specialist who enjoys work and moves up the career ladder.

Conclusion: Choosing a profession is a very difficult and serious matter, so you should take it very seriously. The most important thing is to know about mistakes and avoid them

Dear colleagues! In my last publication, a topic for discussion was proposed about one of the lessons of the career guidance program, with the content of which I invite you to get acquainted. The lesson is intended for students in grades 8-9.


"Typical mistakes when choosing a profession"

Purpose.To reveal to students the possible mistakes that are most often made when choosing a profession (knowledge of these mistakes will help students avoid them in the process of choosing).

Equipment.Table "Typical mistakes when choosing a profession."

Content. The lesson can be structured in the form of a seminar. Prepared learners make messages about different groupsah mistakes in choosing a profession, giving examples from life, literary sources. It is important that all participants are involved in the discussion of the issue in question. As you know, when the personality and profession match, there is a kind of complete fusion professional activity with a person's own being. Such people cannot imagine themselves without their favorite pastime. As an example, we can cite the life paths of famous personalities, about some of them the students prepared in advance can tell themselves.

After considering the typical errors given in the table, students are invited to practical work to identify errors based on the analysis of life situations. The work can be carried out in the form of a round table discussion. The leader is the teacher himself. The discussion presupposes a frank conversation, without smoothing over sharp corners.

Leading:“Imagine that people of different ages, education and profession are gathered at the table. Each of them, like you now, once solved a problem for themselves: who to be? Everyone has their own practical experience, its own life situation. Listen carefully to the stories behind real people. Try to imagine what you could say in response to their confessions, help them with advice, evaluate the correct choice of profession. "

For example, here is one of the stories. Oleg M., 29 years old: “After school I entered the University, the Faculty of Geography. My future specialty - Oceanology - I liked it. If on earth, it seemed to me, everything is walked up and down, studied and described, then the ocean is a world of mysteries. Internship in the senior years, which we took with going to sea, convinced me even more of the correct choice. But after receiving the diploma, it turned out that not a single application for young oceanographers had been received. We were released into "nowhere", given free distribution, and we ourselves settled down as best we could. I was lucky: I nevertheless found a job in my specialty at a research institute, took part in sea expeditions and until recently did not regret my chosen profession. Five years later, the medical commission wrote me off to the shore for health reasons. It was a blow. An oceanologist who cannot work at sea is like a flightless pilot or a non-singing singer ... Now I don't know what to do with myself, what to do. Probably, I could teach geography at school, but my nature is rather closed, there is absolutely no teaching ability. You will have to re-learn to work and look for something for yourself ... ".

There can be eight or nine such stories.

During the conversation, students give their assessments of the correctness of the choice of profession, analyze mistakes. They are convinced of how varied and unexpected life can be, and a person in it should not get confused and orientate correctly.

The presenter concludes: “Many of you will face difficulties in choosing a profession, no one is insured against failures in studies and work. The main thing is not to lose fortitude, not to evaluate the situation with the maximalism inherent in youth. Each meeting, each lesson, each page read makes a person richer, smarter, more experienced. Keep a diary, write down your thoughts about the proposed situations, draw appropriate conclusions that will help you in the future to avoid similar mistakes when choosing a professional path. "

Table Typical mistakes when choosing a profession

Ignorance of the world of professions

Not knowing yourself

Ignorance of the rules for choosing a profession

1. Outdated ideas about the nature and conditions of work in a particular profession.

2. Prejudice regarding the prestige of the profession.

1. Biased assessment of one's abilities (overestimation or underestimation), lack of awareness of the state of one's health.

2. Inability, and sometimes unwillingness to correlate their abilities with the requirements of the profession.

1. Identification of a subject with a profession.

2. Transferring your attitude towards a person to a profession.

3. Choosing a profession “for the company”.

4. Inability to determine the ways of obtaining a profession.

At the end of the lesson, you can review with students examples of career choice situations.

Dear colleagues! I would like to hear your opinion on the proposed occupation. If you are interested in this subject, I suggest you further cooperation.

Choosing a profession is a responsible and very difficult occupation. Not everyone can decide who he should be - especially at a young age. In such situation negative influence can be caused by the environment or their own delusions. In order to prevent this, one should study the typical mistakes made when choosing a profession.

1. A profession is chosen without an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat will need to be done

Young people planning to go somewhere to study or start working careerare rarely sufficiently aware of what representatives of certain professions are doing. In such a situation, the choice is made, in fact, at random. In order not to fall for this bait, you should study the profession in advance, find out what exactly will need to be done, with what tools, at what time and in what conditions. Sometimes high mental capacity is more important than physical strength and good health, and sometimes the opposite. And also it is necessary to take care in advance about how great the demand for the chosen profession among employers is.

2. The profession is chosen based on its prestige or expected profitability

One of the most common misconceptions: if the profession is considered prestigious, then the pay will be high. In fact, the level of income depends on the position held, the size of the company, supply and demand in the labor market. In addition, the idea of \u200b\u200bprestige may differ among different groups of people and in different countries... For example, in many countries the profession of a chef is considered prestigious, and in India, cooks are equated with servants.

3. The choice is made based on the favorite subject.

Schoolchildren or students often face similar problems. Preferring any one subject, they try to choose the appropriate specialty. However, most professions require knowledge from many areas, so this approach will not be effective.

4. The attitude towards the representative of the profession replaces own feelings

Such a mistake can be made by not very independent people, whose minds are clouded by personal attachment to a person of a certain profession. If you like someone, this does not mean that you will be interested in doing the same job as his. The opposite situation is also possible: you do not like someone, and this negative is transferred to his activity. Obviously, there is nothing reasonable in such an approach, and such prejudices must be eliminated.

5. The specialty is chosen "for the company"

Such a scenario is not uncommon when choosing a profession. Of course, it's great to go to study in the same place as best friend... But, in fact, such a position suggests that a person simply does not want to take responsibility for making a decision.

6. Own hobbies, interests and abilities are neglected

One of the principles of finding a profession is that work should bring not only money, but also joy. That is, it should be to your liking. This is an obvious fact, which, nevertheless, is neglected by many. This is often done because of doubts that an interesting job can bring a good income. True, it is usually overlooked and the fact that in an unloved position for high incomes you will have to pay mental suffering... In addition, few people manage to achieve great success in what they do not like to do.

  • Recommended reading -

7. The choice is made under the influence of someone else's incompetent opinion

There are always many advisers around any person. They always know "best" what is best for others. Such advisers can have a negative impact on a person in search of a profession. This can be, for example, parents who have decided for the child that he will definitely become a doctor, teacher or military man. If the applicant does not have a special interest in these professions, then he is unlikely to achieve success in these matters.


1. Treating the choice of profession as unchanging.

In any field of activity, there is a change of occupation, positions as a person's qualifications grow, while the greatest success is achieved by the one who has passed the initial stages well.

Analyze the situation in the labor market. Please note that, that every year more and more professions appear. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to regularly improve your qualifications, master related specialties. But be afraid that the career choice nowwill fatally determine your entire destiny.

Change of choice, mastering new specialty will make you a valuable interdisciplinary specialist in demandr areas of activity. The first profession, even if you later change your mind and find something more attractive, will come in handy in unexpected situations. For example, the first aboutb the development of an art critic will help a lawyer with his second education to understand the complex issues of inheritance of antique values \u200b\u200b...

2. Current opinions about the prestige of the profession.

In relation to the profession, prejudices are manifested in the fact that some important professions for society,and hide unworthy, indecent (for example, a garbage man). An economist or psychologist is no less useful to society than a chemist or locksmith. The prestige of the profession should be taughtand try - but after taking into account your interests and abilities. Otherwise, you will own (if you are) "fashionable", but will not bringi pleasure specialty. Or, what good, havee are unsuitable for performing basic work functions ...

3. Choice of profession under the influence of comrades(for a computer to keep up).

We choose a profession according to our "taste" and "size", as well as clothes and shoes. A sense of group, peer orientation are very positive characteristics of children of your age. They are needed to master the norms of behavior in generale state, the formation of the image of "I" and self-esteem, therefore, ogli reaching out for others, compare (yourself to friends), not blindly repeat. Try to see how you differ from tovand risk and in what they are similar. This will help to understand that if Vasya wants to master the dangerous work of a firefighter (and he is a person, spabout risk), this profession may not suit you (you are very careful and reasonable).

4. Transfer of attitudes towards a person, a representative of a particular profession, to the profession itself.

When choosing a profession, one must first of all take into accountabout benefits of this type of activity, and not choose a professionalfrom this just because you like or dislike peopleabout century, which is engaged in this type of activity.

The charm of the teacher is especially dangerous (if youfrom stealing the soulfulness of a chemistry teacher does not mean that you like chemistry itself).

5. "Romantic" or "intelligent" profession.

They often make a mistake, trying to get the profession of an idol - an athlete, politician, journalist, artist. For successful implementation myself in professions of this kindabout you have to perform a lot of routine, non-romantic and sometimes even unintelligent actions. The flip side of the coin of such professions leads to disappointment, resentment and pain that circumstances do not allow to realize themselves. A typical example: every year, VGIK alone produces several dozen filmmakers. The names of the filmmakers whose creations reach the viewer can be counted on one hand. ... How do the others feel? Perhaps they could have made an equally talented movie, but we will not find out about it ...

6. "Fashionable profession". Passion only for the external or some private side of the profession.

For the ease with which the actor creates an image on stage, artabout it’s hard, everyday work. Journalists do not always appear on television. More often they shove through a lot of information, rummage through archives, talk to dozens of people - before they prepare a 10-minute message, toabout this will be voiced by a TV announcer.

There is a huge risk that after a while there will beand there is an overabundance of not happy owners of this profession, and therefore unemployment and tough jumpingn tion. Pendulum Law: A sharp rise is a harbinger of a decline.

7. "Labor dynasties",or in general case "Profession, like ..." Times and social circumstances, likee difficult to notice, they often change - this is, so to speak, the first surprise. The second surprise is the fact that there are no 100% guarantees of inheritance of abilities and inclinations, and even if someone is similar to the other in everything else, it is in their professional skills.and tendencies may differ.

8. A profession that promises big money.

It turns out that not only something promising, but also requiredyu not small: frenzied performance, risk, fatabout her invulnerability and readiness to give up many other important things for a person. For example, stock market players must constantly keep their finger on the pulse (the tube by the ear),

accepting information from their brokers on the New York, Tokyo stock exchanges ... But this is in different time zones! Premature gray hair, diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system ...

9. Identification of a school subject with prabout confession or poor distinction between theseconcepts.

There is such a subject as a foreign language, and there are many professions where language ability is required - a translator, anfrom course guide, telephone operator of international communication, etc. Therefore, when choosing a profession, one must take into account what real occupations and professions are behind this subject.

For this, it is best not just to study professiograms or vocational dictionaries. It is worth analyzing newspapers with vacancies at the labor exchange (they usually indicate what education is required for a particular vacancy). For example, a person with linguistic education ("Russian language and literature", "foreign language" at school) can work as a teacher, translator, editor, and secretary-assistant. Moreover, keep in mind that there aree there are more than school subjects.

10. Outdated ideas about the nature of labor in the sphere of material production.

In all professions, especially in workers, a complex and interesting technique appears, and the culture of work rises. And the computer is being introduced in absolutely all spheres of activity - up to animal husbandry.

11. Inability and unwillingness to understand their personalitiest qualities (inclinations, abilities).

Professional consultants will help you to understand yourself.and bodies, teachers, comrades. Psycho can be helpfulabout logic tests, as well as articles and publications on the topic of popat lary psychology. However, keep in mind that such informationand tion needs to be treated critically, both to the test results, and to what is written in psychological books. The task of popular tests is to enhance self-education activitiess naniya (self-observation, introspection), and not giving a ready answer to the question of who to be or sticking a label about who you are.

12) ignorance and underestimation of your physical especiallyfrom tei, disadvantages that are significant when choosing a profession.

There are professions that may be contraindicated for you, as they can worsen your health. Of suchprofessions are few and they include, basically, those that require prolonged stress of certain physiological systems. Programmers strain their eyes, and pilots strain their hearts.

I3. Lack of knowledge of basic actions, operations and their order when

solving, thinking about the problem when choosing a profession.

When you solve a math problem, you do certain actions in a certain sequence. It would be wise to do the same when choosing a profession.

Get creative, try to develop your own plan- list of actions necessary for choosing a profession. This may include:

Analysis of offers on the education market;

Labor market demand analysis;

An objective assessment of your abilities, inclinations,

knowledge (using tests or something else), etc. The phrase “choice of profession”, as it were, indicates a decision once made, an event, which in reality is not entirely accurate.


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