What is ogrn for legal entities. Decoding and checking ogr codes. The difference lies in such nuances

Main state registration number (OGRN, read as "ogereen") assigned when making an entry about state registration legal entity into a single State Register legal entities(Unified State Register of Legal Entities) and is issued by the tax authority at the place of registration of the legal entity.

Only legal entities have OGRN. If you decide to check the OGRN of a company, organization or partner enterprise, you can do this on our website. Do you want to check a company by OGRN online? Fill out only one field and all the necessary information is in front of you.

OGRN is the most important means of individualizing a legal entity (organization, company, enterprise)

OGRN must be indicated on official seals, and on ordinary seals and stamps - at the discretion of the management of the legal entity.
In Russia OGRN was first introduced on July 1, 2002.

The following goals were pursued when introducing this identifier:

  1. systematization of legal entities in Russia through the main state registration number;
  2. creating the opportunity for market participants to verify, with the help of OGRN, the reliability of information about counterparties and their integrity;
  3. strengthening control over existing legal entities and newly created ones issuance of OGRN at the tax authority

OGRN of the organization

Before the introduction of OGRN Federal law“On registration of legal entities” it was possible to identify a company only by TIN: this number indicates that the organization belongs to a certain body of the Federal Tax Service and registration information in this department. The OGRN number contains more complete information about the enterprise.

The OGRN of an organization is a combination that can be verified. It is enough to divide the first 12 digits of the identifier by 11. The remainder must coincide with the last (check) digit. This way you can quickly verify that the organization’s OGRN is valid.
In the case of OGRNIP, the check is carried out in a similar way: the correspondence of the remainder of dividing the first 14 digits by 13 and the check digit is checked.

Using our service, you can check the registration data of a legal entity and protect yourself from interaction with fly-by-night companies.

The organization's OGRN, OGRNIP and TIN are the main identifiers of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. They are assigned once and remain unchanged until the organization is liquidated. Therefore, using the OGRN you can easily find out the TIN, and vice versa, and then view the information about the organization available to everyone.

OGRNIP - main state registration number individual entrepreneur. Unlike the OGRN, this identifier consists of 15 digits, the last one being the control number.

The 13 digits of the OGRN carry certain information.

The first digit indicates the nature of the entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities - initial registration or change of data. The second and third are the last two digits of the year the entry was made. The fourth and fifth are the number of the subject of the Russian Federation in which issued by OGRN. The sixth and seventh characters correspond to the number of the interdistrict tax office, issued the OGRN. The next 5 digits of the OGRN are the number of the record of registration of a legal entity in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in the year the record was made. The last 13th digit of the OGRN is the control digit.

OGRN is indicated:

  • in all entries in the state register related to this legal entity (organization, company, enterprise);
  • in documents confirming the entry of relevant entries into the state register;
  • in all documents of this legal entity along with its name;
  • in information on state registration published by registration authorities.

Why is the OGRN checked?

Verification of information about the OGRN of a legal entity (organization, company, enterprise) is carried out:

  1. to confirm the existence of a legal entity;
  2. checking the accuracy of documentation received from the counterparty;
  3. obtaining information about the last name, first name and patronymic of the director of a legal entity;
  4. finding out whether a legal entity is on the so-called “black list” of tax authorities, which includes shell companies;
  5. finding out whether the director of a legal entity (enterprise, company, organization) is on the so-called “black list” of tax authorities, which includes persons who have ever held the position of directors in shell companies;
  6. finding out the TIN of a legal entity;
  7. clarification legal address companies.

The certificate of receipt of the main registration number is one of the most necessary documents for a legal entity. It indicates that the company is registered with the tax service. This certificate is issued by the Federal Tax Service after registering an enterprise and making the first entry about it in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Entrepreneurship and business in modern Russia are flourishing, with a sharp increase in the number of new organizations at the beginning of the 21st century, the tax service was forced to take new measures to control and account for firms. T Since OGRN was introduced in 2002, which allows the Federal Tax Service to systematize data about each organization according to the Register.

OGRN(main state registration number) - state registration number of the record on the creation of a legal entity or record of the first submission in accordance with the Federal Law Russian Federation“On state registration of legal entities” information about a legal entity registered before the entry into force of this Law.

The OGRN number is a kind of code containing information about the enterprise. Knowing how to decipher this code, you can find out basic information about the company. We will tell you what the OGRN code is in our article.

How to decipher the OGRN code

The main state registration number of a legal entity consists of thirteen digits. Each of them has its own meaning, knowing which it is possible to find out initial information about the organization.

OGRN looks like 1-22-33-44-55555-6.Let's take a closer look at what each number means:

  • 1 – sign of reference. For the OGRN of a legal entity, the number should be 1 or 5. For an individual entrepreneur, the number 3 is indicated, in which case the document is the OGRNIP. If the number 2 appears in this place, then the document belongs to a state organization.
  • 22 – indicates the year of the first entry in the Register about the opening of this organization (13 – 2013, 15 – 2015, 07 – 2007, etc.).
  • 33 – Number assigned to the region in which the legal entity is registered (subject of the Russian Federation). These numbers are indicated in Article 65 of the Russian Constitution.
  • 44 – code of the interdistrict department of the tax service in which this legal entity received the OGRN certificate.
  • 55555 – the number of the entry in the State Register about the establishment of this organization. This number will be unique and will not be repeated even once.
  • 6 – a control number with which you can verify the authenticity of the Main Registration Number of a legal entity. The check is carried out as follows: the number formed from the first twelve digits of the OGRN must be divided by 11. When divided, a remainder is formed, which is the control number. If it is equal to ten, then zero is written as a check number.

Thus, the data contained in the OGRN code allows you to find out much more necessary information about the organization than is provided by the TIN - a document that was previously the main one for the registration of legal entities by the Federal Tax Service.

Cases in which it is important to know the organization’s OGRN code

In addition to deciphering the registration number of a legal entity, it is important to know the scope of application of this code.

In what cases can it be useful:

  • The presence of the required number in the State List of Legal Entities confirms the legal existence of this organization.
  • Thanks to such confirmation, you can be confident in the legality of the company’s documentation.
  • OGRN is closely related to other basic information about the enterprise and allows you to find out the necessary data. For example, through OGRN you can find out the TIN of a legal entity.
  • Also, knowledge of the OGRN code allows you to obtain information about the location of the organization.
  • The information presented on the website of the Federal Tax Service allows you to find out which companies are dishonest in paying taxes. You can obtain such information using the OGRN code.
  • Also, the main registration number provides access to information not only about the organization itself, but also about its general director - through the OGRN you can find out his last name, first name and patronymic, and also find out whether the director himself is a malicious tax evader and whether he is registered in blacklist of the tax service.

It turns out that these 13 digits contain such an amount of information about the legal entity that cannot be obtained by knowing only the TIN of the organization. Therefore, this unique code is one of the most important documents of the enterprise.

OGRN of an individual entrepreneur or OGRNIP

IN labor relations entrepreneurs are a separate group of persons, standing apart, because according to the terminology of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an individual entrepreneur is an individual.

However, keeping entrepreneurial activity also requires mandatory registration and control by the tax authorities, therefore the individual entrepreneur is also issued a certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service. For individuals, another accounting act is maintained - the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

Obtaining an individual entrepreneur's registration number follows the same procedure as for any legal entity. OGRNIP suggests a slightly different decoding:


  • A – OGRNIP always has the number 3, but other entries regarding an individual entrepreneur begin with the number 4.
  • BB – year of registration individual as an individual entrepreneur or making the first entry in the register of individual entrepreneurs (last two digits).
  • CC is the code of the subject of the Russian Federation in which the entrepreneur is registered.
  • DDDDDDDDD – unique number of the entry in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs made during the year.
  • E – check number for verification.

OGRNIP- main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur. The number is assigned by the tax office upon state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur (IP) and entry of an individual entrepreneur into the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

As you can see, the difference between OGRNIP and the main registration number of a legal entity is that the registration number of an individual entrepreneur contains not thirteen, but fifteen digits, and seven digits are allocated for the account number of the entry in the register of individual entrepreneurs in this code versus the five-digit number in the OGRN of the legal entity. This is necessary due to the larger number of records relating to individual entrepreneurs.

Also, OGRNIP has a slightly different authentication rule. To do this, you need to divide the number made up of the first fourteen digits by 13. The remainder will be the control number.

How to find out the OGRN of an organization

To find out this universal identification code legal entity, you need to go to the official website of the Federal Tax Service.

  1. On the main page of the site there are three links dedicated to individuals and legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs. If you need to find out the main registration number of a private legal entity, follow the link “Legal entities”. For information on OGRNIP – link “Individual entrepreneurs”.
  2. In both cases, a page will open containing a list of available services provided in in electronic format. You need to select the menu item “Check yourself and your counterparty.”
  3. In the window that opens, you must fill in one of the fields(Name, Address, Subject of the Russian Federation, Date of registration, OGRN/TIN). Based on the received request, the system will provide the missing information about the organization. If the user only knows the name of the legal entity, then you need to enter it without specifying legal form. You can enter only one word from the name, the main thing is to choose the least common one. If you have knowledge about the subject of the state to which it is attached this organization, it’s better to specify it; this will narrow down the search area.

Data regarding the OGRN of each legal entity and individual entrepreneur is stored in an open form and freely accessible for each user; just go to the Federal Tax Service website and fill out the search form.

How a future company can acquire a OGRN

When registering a new company, each legal entity must obtain a certificate of registration from the tax service. To obtain such a document, it is necessary to officially register the company with the tax office.

To obtain a OGRN you must:

  1. Contact the territorial division of the Federal Tax Service with a complete package of documents for registering a legal entity.
  2. Fill out a tax application to open an enterprise.
  3. After these simple steps, the tax service representative himself will issue a certificate to the legal entity, which will indicate the Main Registration Number.

The Federal Tax Service may also refuse to provide the applicant with a Main Registration Number. The refusal must be provided in writing with a mandatory indication of the reasons why the person cannot be provided with a certificate, containing the Main State Registration Number.

Cost of obtaining OGRN

Many beginning businessmen turn to private lawyers for the procedure of registering a legal entity, who do everything documentary work. This kind of help will cost a certain amount money, but at the same time the businessman himself saves a lot of personal time.

To obtain a OGRN certificate, you must pay a state fee. Since July 22, 2007, its size has been 4,000 rubles. If a document is lost or stolen, you can obtain a duplicate from the territorial tax authority that issued the certificate. In this case, the state duty for a copy of the document will be 20% of the cost of its registration, that is, 800 rubles.

Thus, every entrepreneur or legal entity officially registered with the Federal Tax Service has a main state registration number. The number of the first entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities regarding a specific company is its OGRN. Knowing the OGRN code of the legal entity or individual entrepreneur of interest, you can obtain information about its details, director and status with the Federal Tax Service.

The OGRN code is a non-random combination of numbers, but the main data is encrypted into this number. It contains information about the ownership of the legal entity, the time and place of its opening, and the tax authority that issued the certificate. This information is easy to obtain if you know how to decipher the OGRN code.

The OGRN also has a check number that allows you to verify the authenticity of this code. Each main registration number of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur is unique. They cannot be repeated.

To verify the authenticity of the OGRN code, you only need a calculator. You just need to divide the number from the first 12 digits by 11 and make sure that the remainder matches the check number. D For OGRNIP, the number from the first fourteen digits is divided by 13, the check is carried out in the same way.

Information about the main registration number of each organization is freely available. Anyone can, to do this you need to go to the website of the Federal Tax Service and fill out the search form.

This resource also provides the opportunity to use the OGRN number to find out information about the company, such as its TIN, address, full name general director, tax status.

The issuance of a certificate of assignment of OGRN to an organization is carried out by the territorial department of the tax service after registration of a legal entity. This document is subject to state duty and can only be issued upon presentation of a receipt for payment of the duty. If necessary, a representative of the enterprise can request a duplicate of the OGRN certificate.

The main state registration number is assigned only once and is not subject to change until the liquidation of the company.

The essence of registering an organization is that as a result, an entry about the registered organization is made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE). All entries are made in order, i.e. have a unique numbering, uniform throughout Russia, i.e. Each organization has its own state registration number for the creation of a legal entity, which is called OGRN.

OGRN— main state registration number on the creation of a legal entity.

Law 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ “On State Registration of Legal Entities” establishes that the state registration number of the entry on the creation of a legal entity is the main state registration number (OGRN) and is used as the registration file number of this legal entity.

Structure of the main state registration number of the organization

The state registration number of an entry entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities consists of 13 digits arranged in the following sequence:

  • S G G K K X X X X X X X H

C (1st character) - sign of assignment of the state registration number of the record:

to the main state registration number (OGRN)* - 1.5

to another state registration number of the record - 2

to the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP) - 3

YY (2nd to 3rd digit) - last two digits of the year the entry was made in the state register

CC (4th, 5th digits) - serial number of the subject of the Russian Federation according to the list of subjects of the Russian Federation established by Article 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

ХХХХХХХ (from the 6th to the 12th character) - the number of the entry entered into the state register during the year

H (13th digit) - check number: the remainder of dividing the previous 12-digit number by 11; if the remainder of the division is 10, then the check number is 0 (zero).

(Appendix No. 1 to the Rules for maintaining the Unified State Register of Legal Entities).

Structure of OGRN of an individual entrepreneur

OGRNIP— main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur. Consists of 15 digits, the last one is the control number. It differs from OGRN in that:

seven rather than five digits are allocated for the entry number in the register;

the check digit is equal to the last digit of the remainder of the division by 13, and not by 11, of the previous 14-digit number;

Each legally significant action when registering a legal form needs to be formally secured. It is not easy to distinguish OGRN from GRN: at first glance, they mean the same concept. But upon closer analysis, the difference becomes obvious.


OGRN– this is the main state registration number of the record, which is indicated when creating a legal entity and consists of 13 digits. It, among other things, encrypts the number of the subject of the Russian Federation on the territory of which the entry was made, the tax inspection code and other important data.

GRN– number of the record on making changes and additions to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE), individual entrepreneurs (USRIP) or on state registration of a legal entity. It consists of 13 numbers arranged in a certain sequence.


Thus, the most important difference between these concepts lies in their meaning. OGRN is the state registration number of a legal entity, which is assigned only once. Accordingly, it remains constant throughout the entire period of the organization’s activities. GRN is the number of each change in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs; accordingly, there may be several of them.

Another important difference is the presence in the structure of the tax office code number (sixth and seventh digits). Only OGRN has this attribute, while GRN has the first two digits of the record’s serial number in this place. Moreover, the authenticity of both groups of numbers can be verified even without accessing the database, using simple arithmetic operations.

Records were selected based on the specified search criteria. The first ones are shown. If the person you are looking for is not on this list, please specify the search details (indicating OGRN, OGRNIP or INN).

No data was found for the specified search criteria.

The essence of registering an organization is that as a result, an entry about the registered organization is made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE). All entries are made in order, i.e. have a unique numbering, uniform throughout Russia, i.e. Each organization has its own state registration number for the creation of a legal entity, which is called OGRN.

OGRN- main state registration number on the creation of a legal entity.

Law 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ “On State Registration of Legal Entities” establishes that the state registration number of the entry on the creation of a legal entity is the main state registration number (OGRN) and is used as the registration file number of this legal entity.

Structure of the main state registration number of the organization

The state registration number of an entry entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities consists of 13 digits arranged in the following sequence:

  • S G G K K X X X X X X X H

    C (1st character) - sign of assignment of the state registration number of the record:

    • to the main state registration number (OGRN)* - 1.5

      to another state registration number of the record - 2

      to the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP) - 3

    YY (2nd to 3rd digit) - the last two digits of the year the entry was made in the state register

    CC (4th, 5th digits) - serial number of the subject of the Russian Federation according to the list of subjects of the Russian Federation established by Article 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

    ХХХХХХХ (from the 6th to the 12th character) - the number of the entry entered into the state register during the year

    H (13th digit) - check number: the remainder of dividing the previous 12-digit number by 11; if the remainder of the division is 10, then the check number is 0 (zero).

(Appendix No. 1 to the Rules for maintaining the Unified State Register of Legal Entities).

Structure of OGRN of an individual entrepreneur

OGRNIP- main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur. Consists of 15 digits, the last one is the control digit. It differs from OGRN in that:

    seven rather than five digits are allocated for the entry number in the register;

    the check digit is equal to the last digit of the remainder of the division by 13, and not by 11, of the previous 14-digit number;


Each new company is subject to a mandatory registration process, which is recorded by a mandatory entry in the Unified Russian Register of Legal Entities as a new registered organization.

The accounting of all records has a certain order, i.e. all of them have a unified numbering, consistent for all Russian regions without exception. To put it simply, every organization receives an individual state registration number regarding the formation of a new legal entity.

    OGRN (state registration number of a legal entity);

    OGRNIP (state registration number of an individual entrepreneur).

The concept of OGRN and interpretation of the OGRN code

Often people use abbreviated versions of concepts or abbreviations in their vocabulary, unaware of the exact interpretation and meaning. The widespread, and so familiar to everyone, abbreviation OGRN can be attributed to this category.

The abbreviated name OGRN is literally revealed: the main state registration number. That is, in meaning, this concept itself means the serial number of the record regarding the registration of a legal entity, or the very first provision of the necessary data about a newly formed legal entity, which was recorded before the time the Draft Law “On State Registration of Legal Entities” came into full force.

OGRN has standard view a number of thirteen characters, which is intended for mandatory registration of registered legal entities in the annals of the Unified State Register (USRLE).

Each OGRN has its own specific ordered structure:

    Start character- the same in all numbers, it is equal to one and determines the code or sign of the OGRN.

    The next two digits of the number carry information about the two final digits of the year in which the entry was made in the state register.

    More the next two digits of the number reflect the code of the region of Russia according to the official regional list, which is recorded in Article 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

    Finally, the final digit in the number– this is the test code of the state number of this registration; a control number that is logically obtained by dividing the entire previous twelve-digit number of a given number by eleven. In cases where the remainder of this division is ten, the control number is written as zero.

The issuance of certificates with main state registration numbers is the responsibility of the tax office, which is located directly at the place of registration of a private entrepreneur or organization.

For an enterprise, the notorious state registration number (OGRN) is an important source of information, with the help of which more extensive data can be obtained about the legal entity itself, for example, from public sources.

This information may be as follows:

    Who is the direct founder of the organization, who is the director;

    Is this registered company active for a given period of time;

    Legal address (that is, the actual place of registration) of this company.

OGRNIP - what is it and how to decipher the OGRNIP code

The abbreviation OGRNIP is revealed as the main state registration number (OGRN) of an individual entrepreneur. This number, in turn, is made up of fifteen digits, which means it is the record number of the official registration of an individual entrepreneur in the Unified State Register.

Let's look at what the numbers in the OGRNIP number mean:

    Initial sign in the number is a sure sign that the state registration number of this entry is related to the main state registration number of a private entrepreneur.

    Next two digits, that is, the 2nd and 3rd, these are the last two digits of the year in which the data was entered into the state register.

    Next two digits of this number (namely the 4th and 5th) reflect the serial number of the subject of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the list of official subjects of the Russian Federation, recorded in Article 65 of the Russian Constitution.

    The code number of the interdistrict tax inspectorate that issued the OGRN to a legal entity can be seen under sixth and seventh digits of the number.

    The next seven digits in the number(namely from the 8th to the 14th) is nothing more than the number of the entry that is entered in the state register during the year.

    15th final digit is a check digit obtained by dividing the entire previous fourteen-digit number by thirteen.

How do OGRNIP and OGRN differ in practice?

The main and important difference between the main state registration number and the main state registration number of a private entrepreneur discussed above is that:


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