Game with Baba Yaga on March 8. The song is performed: "About mom." a. Filipenko

Natalia Spiridonova
Scenario matinee for March 8 "Baba Yaga visiting the spring festival"

Scenario« Baba Yaga visiting the spring festival»


Leader - educator middle group S.N.N.

Woman- Yaga - educator junior group V.I.F

Spring - assistant cook G. I. V

All middle school children and their parents


educational: -Create holiday mood for kids to consolidate the knowledge gained in the academic year.

Educational: development of creative and acting abilities of children.

Educational: - education of love and gratitude to mother and grandmother.

Preparatory work:

List of all mothers, their portraits with children on large flowers.

Posters with sayings about mom.

Prepare surprise gifts for mothers and grandmothers (flower baskets).

Prepare characters suits:(broom to Baba Yaga)

Tambourine for playing " Merry tambourine»

Petals for the game "gather a flower"(daisies, carnations, cosmos - different in color and shape)

Flowers (planar according to the number of children, to reverse side candy attached) deranges on the bench

The celebration takes place in the hall, decorated with balls, spring flowers prepared by the children. mothers, grandmothers, guests sit at tables.

Holiday progress:

Leading: Dear mothers, grandmothers, girls! We have gathered in this hall today to celebrate spring Festival, joy and beauty - International Women's Day 8 Martha. The most beautiful and touching word in the world is mother. This is the first word that the baby utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Children are the most precious thing for a mother. Mom has the kindest and most faithful heart, the most affectionate and gentle hands that everyone can do. And in the right and sensitive heart mothers never extinguish love for children. Our dear women, let me heartily congratulate you on this holiday and wish you on this solemn day good health, family well-being and harmony, perseverance and patience, peace and longevity, as well as always good mood!

On this day, it is customary to give flowers to all women, but with us they will be unusual, but alive - look how beautiful everyone is! And they all want to please their mothers.

The children enter to the music. They hold gifts for their mothers in their hands behind their backs. Walk in a circle, stand in a semicircle.

Child: Nikita S.

AT March Spring starts on the first day

The whole country celebrates.

And although it's still cold

And icicles under the window.

But fluffy mimosa

Selling all around.

drops of sunshine,

Splashes of sunny summer

We carry mimosa into the house.

We give to grandmother and mother.

Congratulations on Women's Day.

Child: Anya D.

Spring to you is blue and gentle,

Happy days and joyful dreams!

Let March will give albeit snowy.

Your smiles and flowers!

The song of the stream is not yet heard,

The lark trill does not pour,

But the sun is brighter and drops

Broadcasts to us: "Spring is coming!"

Spring is coming.

And let it not be hot

But with her, like a summer shadow, -

He- holiday of affection, beauty,

Love, hope and dreams.

Child: Anton S.

holiday morning

Knocking at our house

Our mothers holiday

Outside the window a song

Heard all day long.

Who came up with the song?

Sun and Spring.

Icicles drip.

It's warm outside.

From mother's smiles

Joyfully. light.

I will hug in March my dear mother I will give her a gift festive-

And I'll sleep quietly.

Child: Sophia D. and Nastya K.

Here are our mothers!

We are always proud of you.

Smart and cute.

Kind. beautiful!

Child: Nastya S.

I help my mother

Every day I work

I'm clearing the table

My sex with pleasure!

Child: Ilona P.

Mom, I love you so much

I don't know right!

I am a big ship

ladies name "Mother"!

Child: Slava Sh. and Varya. G

I love my mom very much

Her hello hot slut!

But not only to her,

And my grandmother too!

Child: Lena W.

The drops are ringing fun, they call themselves spring,

They are tapping out a song about my mother.

And the sparrows chirp, poems about grandmother,

And in this joyful holiday congratulations to you and we.

Child: Roma P.

invited to guests to us

We are grandmothers and mothers!

We promise, we promise

You won't get bored here!

Everything is ready for holiday,

So what are we waiting for?

We cheerful song

Let's start our holiday!

A song is being performed "We sang a song"

Child: Lily W.

Don't forget that mom

has his own mother.

Why is my grandmother for me?

Grandma must lie down

drinking coffee and doing nothing.

Well, my grandmother

wasting everyone's time in vain:

She will wash the dishes

and rub the floors everywhere

And what kind of pies does she have - well, just - in!

(Pulls out hand with thumb raised.)

To you, friends, I will tell you directly,

That her profession is a double mother!

Child: Lera O.

I draw the evening - dark houses,

I light the lights in the windows myself.

Lights up red, yellow, blue.

I draw rain, puddles under a pine tree.

It's not at all difficult for me to draw in the evening.

Only very sad - mom to wait a long time.

Child: Roma S.

Many mothers in the world

Children love them with all their hearts.

There is only one mother

She is dearer to me than anyone.

Who is she? I will answer:

This is my mommy.

Child: Margaret M.

I kiss my grandmother

There are gray hairs in your hair,

I will breathe on them, I will blow,

Like snowflakes in winter.

And maybe a little

From the heat they melt

Like flowers on the window

Grow at night in winter.

Child: Vanya S.

Our grandmother is very kind.

Our grandmother is getting old.

If a lump appears on the forehead,

There are no buttons, the coat will tear

Or some other trouble -

Grandma always helps us.

Grandma will knit warm mittens,

Grandma will tell a fairy tale in the evening,

We are ready to listen to it for hours!

What will be forgotten - we will tell her ourselves.

Child: Yarik P.

I am with my grandmother

I've been friends for a long time.

She is in everything

Along with me.

Clearly I do not know boredom

And I love everything about her.

But grandmother's hands

I love everything the most!

Child: Alina S.

There are many friends around

But I think.

That my best friend

My grandmother.

Sunday and Saturday

She doesn't need a job.

Two special days are coming for me.

she says: "Climb!"

It means we rise

We spread the rug smooth,

Let's recharge together.

And then for breakfast together

We eat semolina.

washing dishes with grandma

And we go where we want.

Child: Karina G.

My grandmother is with me

And that means the main one in the house

I can open cupboards

Watering flowers with kefir

Play pillow football

And clean the floor with a towel

Can I eat cake with my hands

Slam the door on purpose1

But it won't work with mom.

I already checked.

Child: Dima K. and Timur S.

Girls and boys!

Let's go with us

Thank you grandmother.

thank you mom:

For troubles, for affection,

For songs and stories.

For delicious cheesecakes,

For new toys.

We are our mothers and grandmothers

Congratulations on Women's Day.

For them today fun

Let's dance and sing!

A song is being performed "To us the guests have come»


a knock is heard from the door.


What's with the noise and chatter?

Someone in guests are rushing to us!

Well, let's sit quietly.

Who is this? Let's see!

Riding a broom to the music "flies in" Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga:

In the dark thicket at the edge

I live in my hut.

I can conjure

It's good to fly on a broomstick.

I see it's full of guys...

What is this?

Children: Kindergarten!

Baba Yaga:

So, I didn't get lost in vain!

So I got there!

Hello kids,

Girls and boys! And their parents.

Leshy brother told me: -

You fly to kindergarten!

Children meet Spring there,

FROM congratulations on the holiday:

Grandmothers, girls, mothers ...

And you won't be there!

You didn't invite me

They forgot about beauty! (points to himself).

Long to you I

was going to

And dressed up beautifully.

Scraped off the dirt. From the body

I put on the best dress

I combed my hair with a fork,

Picked her teeth with a match.

There are no scissors in the house - Found,

Bit my nails

I had to.

Here, on the holiday has arrived and now.

I will not forgive insults

I will take revenge on you now!

Wow! I fun cancel,

I'm kicking everyone out of here! (Threatens the guys, scares them).


Stop, Yaga, get angry!

Well, where does it fit?

Don't waste your energy in vain

We are not afraid of you!

Baba Yaga:

Oh, you're not afraid of me?

Okay, then hold on!

Now I'm screaming (shouting,

How I will knock with a broom (knocking).

And I won't let Spring come to you -

I'll let the evil boredom go!

We are bored friends

Us you can't cheer!

Boredom won't let you laugh

Run, jump, tumble...

You can't get spring

You won't wake up Spring!

Well, without Spring, everyone knows

Mom there is no holiday! Here!


Cheerful people we are,

Drive boredom out of the gate!

If we only want

Instantly you cheer up!

Hey, naughty guys and laughter girls,

Come out and play a game "Merry tambourine"

Baba Yaga:

Get out, get out!

So that I can laugh

You will have to try!

The game "Merry tambourine"

While the music is playing, it is necessary to pass the tambourine from hand to hand, to each other.

The music will stop, and the one who has a tambourine in his hands will dance with a tambourine in his hands to the cheerful music. Clear?

(Children sit in their seats).

Baba Yaga:

How can I fun! And you?

OK OK! We won!

You me cheered!

But I won't give up so easily. Not! This is not to be!

With the help of the game I will. Your ... dexterity to test!

Are you not afraid?

Well, then take apart the petals for the game "gather a flower"

The game "Collect a Flower"

Children must collect the unfolded flower. Whoever collects faster wins

Baba Yaga:

Oh, and clever people

Lives in this garden!

But I want to ask you

Are you good at making friends?

Do you quarrel? Are you cursing?

Or maybe ... calling names?

Okay! I still don't believe it!


I'll prove it now. Mom teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us, protects us. Play with us too Baba Yaga in the game"Mommy".

I will ask questions, and you answer in unison with one word


Who came to me in the morning?

- Who said: "Is it time to get up?"

Who managed to cook the porridge?

Who poured the tea into the cup?

Who braided my hair?

Did you clean the whole house?

Who kissed me?

Who childish loves laughter?

Who is the best in the world?


I propose to dance

Show your friendship! Do you agree?

Performed - Comic dance "Boogie Woogie" (children dancing baba yaga)

Baba Yaga:

You danced amazingly very amicably and beautifully!

I rejuvenated my soul, I used to dance, sing songs!

But it's time to know the measure, you need to run into the forest as soon as possible!

Wake up the red spring to please you all!

Don't forget me henceforth

More often in invite guests!


To the music Baba Yaga"flies away",


Hello my friends!

Came to you holiday i.

Heard your songs...

But did I get there?

Does everyone here sing, play

And they meet me, Spring?

Children: Yes! Here!


We were waiting for you, Spring!

We all really need you!


Grandmothers, girls, mothers!

I wish you happiness, joy

Both big and kids.

You girls and boys

Fidgets, rascals,

I want to give flowers

Unparalleled beauty!

To see them first

Everyone needs to close their eyes!

Children close their eyes, Spring lays flowers on the bench (flat, sweets are attached to the back) music sounds.


Once! Two! Three! Four! Five!

You can open your eyes!

Leading: This is a miracle! Look, guys, what a beautiful flower meadow!


And these flowers are not simple, they are with a surprise

Well guys, don't yawn

Take it apart by flower!

Music sounds, children sort flowers.


I congratulate you again

To be I wish you merry!

It's time for me to return

Goodbye, kids!

Spring leaves the hall to the music.

1st Child:

Our dear mothers,

We are always proud of you

Smart, calm.

We will be worthy of you!

2nd Child:

Let the songs ring everywhere

About our beloved mothers!

We are for everything, for everything, dear,

Children (in chorus): Thank you!

Leading: A word for congratulations to the head of Sh. N. A.

Leading: Parents, do you have wishes for your children, second mothers? Parents say wishes.

Leading: Dear women, we also congratulate you on holiday! I wish you all the best! Be merry, healthy, all give good light, come to guests again and live to a hundred years.

Compiled by the teacher primary school– Kozlova Svetlana Mikhailovna

(based on the holiday from the site "Sun", author Yulia Leutina)

Entertainment part (with Baba Yaga and her daughter)

Exit with a dance-improvisation to the song of Baba Yaga from the disc "Byaki-buki".
In the verse the music is slow, melodic, in the chorus - dynamic, dancing.
The words are like this:

B.Ya. song

Yagoa scare the kids
Like, eat, leave no bones.
Fantasies seem to be overkill.
They're pretty smart people.
And I used to melt a bathhouse,
And I used to drink tea.
And I will give a ball of thread to the track.
Why don't they like Grandma Ezhka?
Eh, why don't you love Grandma Ezhka?

BABA YAGA with her daughter:

B.Ya. Yes, yes, yes, yes!
D.I .You didn't expect us!
B.Ya .You didn't invite us to your place?

"Let the old women sit on the stove,
And burst some dry kalachi.
We'll do well without them,
Let's make fun of them!"
D.Ya. What kind of injustice is this?
Now I will give you all a trepak!
Where has it been seen, where has it been heard,
To treat elders like this
And they were not invited to the holidays?

TEACHER : You, dear Yagushki,
We all ask for forgiveness!
Please accept our apologies.
As a sign of the deepest respect for you.
After all, she brought us a magpie on the tail,
As if you, Yagusya, were on a business trip with your daughter ...

BABA YAGA (interrupting):

Something weak excuses you have,
Answers like from a fairy tale!
Here I will catch that magpie,
Yes, I’ll fry it, but what’s the use in it !?
And don't you dare offend me!
There are many things I want to tell you...
I am an enviable woman
Beautiful, visionary!
Don't hurt grandma
And I still agree with you!
Can I sing and dance
Tales to tell, cross embroider,
I can do catch-ups, jump ropes, tags...
I can entertain all honest people,
Yes, build everyone in a round dance.
In general, who is with me,
He's just a superhero!

D.Ya.( noticing mothers)
What a miracle lady
super moms,
Beauties of Frolovograd,
Look what you need!


And men are just class

You can't take your eyes off...
But we won't talk
We will entertain you!
Oh, how it will find inspiration for me,
I'm all poems and poems ....
And just now I couldn’t sleep, so I ... that I just didn’t compose,
All sorts of tasks for you and tests!
Why not enough mothers? Did Koschey eat them for breakfast?
(children's answers)
D.Ya. Too bad everyone couldn't come. And let's draw a collective, well, a common portrait of our mothers!

Competition "Collective portrait" (2 drawing paper)
2 teams line up in columns in rows.
For the competition you will need: 2 sheets, 2 markers, cheat sheets, tips on what to draw, on small pieces of paper.
Which team is faster, that one wins.

A piece of drawing paper is attached to the board. A participant from each team comes out and draws one element of the portrait. The number of elements is equal to the number of children:

BABA YAGA : Well, it's not the first time I see that your moms are just class!
I heard from Forest Kikimora that a mother can recognize her child from a thousand. So?
Here we will check. Go to court (invites mother), do not forget to take your child.
I'll conjure now. I will make the mother blind and the child speechless.

Competition "Find a child".
A blindfolded mother is looking for her child among others.You can fool around - change the child's clothes.

BABA YAGA : Oh, they really found it, that's what a mother's heart does! I wonder how hard it is to be a mom? And what is the most difficult? (answer of mothers and children) How do we deal with this? And this box will help you understand everything.

Competition "Family Chronicle"
Each child takes a question from the box, the presenter reads this question addressed to the mother. Mom should write an answer on a piece of paper, namely, guess what the child will answer, give the piece to the host. Then the child answers the same question orally, after which the mother's answer is read. If their answers match, then they get 5 points, if the matches are inaccurate, then 1 - 4 points, depending on the answer.

QUESTIONS (to children):
1. What is the name of your mother's mother?
2. Did you have a vest on when you came to school in 1st grade?
3. How many sisters and brothers does your mother have?
4. What will mom do in her free time?
5. What is the name of your mom's dad?
6. What kind of flowers does mom love the most?
7. Name your mom's favorite color.
8. Your mom's favorite dish.

B. I: Yes, to raise children is not to go mushrooming, not to destroy good fellows (addressing, lowering his voice, to the children)

I suspect, children, dear girls and boys, that your mothers are not always so white and fluffy.

DAUGHTER YAGA: I suppose, both picky and clingy-talkish, the horror of how harmful they can be. Here, confess, you hear in the morning: "Hurry up, hurry up! .." And go and call them boobies? How!

B.Ya. Your words are like a balm to my soul. So, they are slandering me, Yagusya, that I am the most disgusting. Well, my sweet little children, I will avenge you on your mothers. And my revenge will be terrible! I'll give them a task, let them try to cope!

Competition "Collect a portfolio" (participants are blindfolded)
BABA YAGA:So, do we have daring and agile 2 beautiful maidens with sons or daughters? (to remove these children from the class).

Imagine that the lights were turned off in the morning (well, the candles in the house ran out), and you really need to collect your portfolio, otherwise the teacher at school is angry .. (looks at the teacher) kind, of course, kind. In short, collect a briefcase, but blindfolded, as if you had not woken up!

For the competition you will need: 3 boxes, 3 briefcases, 3 blindfolds, 3 diaries, 3 pens, 3 erasers, 3 rulers, 3 textbooks, 3 notebooks, 3 diaries and other unnecessary items that are not needed at school, each mom has five (for example: soft toy, a gun, a toy from a kinder surprise, seeds in a package, better different in texture and to make you think).

First, two mothers participate, and then they are replaced by children.

B-Z: Well, now let's ask the heroes with papules here.

Competition: "Treat daddy with candy"
You need to unwrap the candy when you are wearing boxing gloves (in extreme cases, mittens) and treat your dad to it.

BABA YAGA : We got tired a little,
I have a pain in my leg.
Hear, others, help out,
You sing ditties!

Chastushkas are performed(Attachment 1)

BABA YAGA: Oh, it's hot! Why sit down like stumps? Do something, blow on me! Oh, little ones, you need to learn everything! Now we will train.

Contest "Give a flower to mom"
For the competition you will need: a rope and a flower drawn on paper with a hole in the core through which the rope is stretched. Boys are participating in the competition.
We hold the rope at the level of the face so that an angle is formed (two mothers for the ends, for the middle - the teacher).
At my command, the participants begin to blow as hard as possible to "give a flower" to their mother.
(The attraction game is played several times so that mothers, children, and children with their mothers participate)

BABA YAGA: That's good, that's refreshed. And now there will be a test of mutual understanding. Here again, Gorynych's gift came in handy (takes out a stopwatch).

Competition "Explainers".
For the competition you will need: a stopwatch, cards with words from different groups(transport, fairy tale characters, different items, products, etc.).

Mother and child couples participate. Mom explains the word written on the card, and the child must guess what it is about. The time is set for each pair, when explaining, you cannot use single-root words, point to an object if it is in the room. If the card with the word is not guessed, then it is put aside.

For example:
"grandmother" - mom's mom
"two" - five upside down
"tears" - sometimes, when they are upset, they are poured
"grandfather" - there is a grandmother, and there is ...
"plate" - they eat from it, it beats easily, it can be deep for the second.

Entertainment "Witch Tables".

BABA YAGA: And what are we all about you and about you? I'm a woman too!

DAUGHTER YAGA: I hope no one here is confused about the personality of my mom and her qualifications? And then look, I'm showing for the especially gifted a document freshly issued by oh-ho-ho! (shows a certificate "Baba Yaga is local, specially trained for holidays t 61903") And she is an excellent fortune teller, hereditary, and a seer. Can easily guess the age of any of those present or the hidden number! I'm learning a little from her...

Six tables are attached to the magnetic board, they are all numbered. These tables contain numbers. The participant is invited to think of a number and name the numbers of the tables in which the hidden number occurs. To create an atmosphere of mystery, you can say some spells, mysteriously wave your hands over the tables and the participant, or come up with a short ritual of funny manipulation movements.

I invited the children, one of the parents and the teacher to participate. This entertainment is going well. Everyone is interested to know how it turns out to correctly guess the number. Everyone is trying to unravel the secret or solve the mystery. In no case do not go on about the audience, let the focus remain the focus! And immediately limit the number of participants, three times is enough for a demonstration to prove your ability to possess magical telepathic abilities and not stretch the competition because of the huge number of people who want to participate.
The trick is this. After the participant in the entertainment has called the number and the numbers of the tables in which it occurs (ask to look again carefully to see if he named all the tables, especially if the child guesses, otherwise the trick will fail), you look at the numbers located in the upper right corner each of the named tables, then all the numbers are added up and the result is said aloud. This will be the intended number.

For example, the number 55 is guessed. It is found in tables No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 5, No. 6.
We add the numbers located in the right corners of these tables: 1 + 2 + 4 + 16 + 32, it turns out 55.

BABA YAGA: Well, have you convinced yourself of my witchcraft power?

BABA YAGA: Supermoms played here, the girls gave you a head start,
You keep up with your mothers, looking at them, light them up.
I'll show you the class now, I'll teach you to dance!
Dance "Washing". (Using "Happy Boys and Girls" by Aqua)

The movements themselves are simple, imitating the movements of washing, as the name of the dance tells us.

During the introduction, we stamp our feet and create a mood.

The first move is washing.
Starting position: arms bent at the elbows, palms clenched into fists, located at the level of the abdomen. We imagine that we are washing skirts (boys - shirts). The hands move down until the arms are straightened at the elbows and up to the level of the navel to a position where the arms are bent at the elbows, that is, the hands seem to slide first along the left side twice, then along the right.
Repeated two times. Count up to eight. Twice on the left, twice on the right, and again on the left, twice and again on the right.

The second movement is rinsing.
The arms are parallel and move from side to side, the movements are sweeping, up to shoulder level. In general, we imitate rinsing, standing straight. The count is also eight.

The third movement is the squeeze.
We imitate squeezing with the hands, then on the left, then on the right side. The count is also eight.

These first three movements are energetic, repeated several times.

The fourth movement - we hang up the linen.
We calmly raise one hand first and fix it in the air, lowering the brush down, depicting how it was hung on a rope. Also with the other hand. Count for 4.
We hang with one hand (we count: one, two). We hang another (three, four).

Fifth movement - wipe the sweat from the forehead.
First with one hand (count five, six), then with the other hand (seven, eight).

DAUGHTER - YAGA : We sat up with you.
Your moms are just awesome!
Cheerful, nimble, beautiful,
Well, not moms - just a miracle!


Well, dads ... well done!

No hesitation, no laziness.

You keep up with dads,
Imitate them well.

We're talking to you all!
B.Ya.: Your dear Yaga.
(leaving, already from behind the classroom door)
Prepare a meal
I can come uninvited.

Attachment 1


Yesterday was a holiday for the girls,

The holiday was with our mothers.

We need to sing ditties

Yes, a bear stepped on the ear.

I won't sing! - Me too!

I'm shy! - I'm afraid!

And let's sing together

Let them laugh!

It's not easy being a girl

Gotta get up early

Half an hour every morning

Braids must be braided.

We envy girls

They love to play

And for this, guys,

Need to buy dolls.

While mom is at work

To beautify your face

Her red lipstick

You can color your lips.

Also in my mom's closet.

Can I take her shoes?

And secretly from mom at school

Show off your heels.

On Women's Day March 8
Dad cooked dinner himself
And I'll tell you a secret
Made a lot of trouble.

We sang ditties to you,

Don't be offended

Clap your hands louder

Smile wider!

Municipal preschool educational institution

Kindergarten "Rosinka"

(with Shapoklyak and Baba Yaga).


Musical director

Matveeva Z.Sh.

P. Pionersky 2006

The leader enters.

A day of joy and beauty.

All over the earth he gives to women

Your smiles and flowers.

We are gathered here today

To congratulate our grandmothers and mothers,

Great happiness and health

We sincerely wish you!

May this day be wonderful, snowy,

Will be remembered as the most gentle!

As the most joyful and sweet,

Cheerful, kind and beautiful!

To the waltz, children with balls (flowers) run into the hall and dance.

(after the dance they give balls (flowers) to mothers).

Stand in a semicircle.

Child. Spring sang: "Women's Day",

We called guests.

Beloved grandmothers and mothers

We've been waiting all day.

Child. Let the sun shine gently

Let the birds sing today

About the most wonderful thing in the world

I'm talking about my mother.

Child. How many of them, kind and gentle,

Today is the holiday.

A snowdrop blooms for them

And the sun brings warmth.

Child. We are the mothers of our smiles

We will collect in a huge bouquet.

For you, dear, beloved,

Let's sing the song now.

Song. "Necessary Words"

(children sit down) the hall enters grandmother B. Yaga disguised)

Grandmother. Hello guys,

B.Ya. You are our joy

I would like to introduce myself:

My name is Grandma Masha.

Have you seen my friend Dunyasha here?

Children. Not!

Baba Masha (shouting) . Dunyasha, my dear, where are you?

Dunyasha-Shapoklyak enters. Dancing Charleston.

Dunyasha. I'm here!


Masha. And where are you? You don't know

What is a holiday today?

Dunyasha. I don't know, today is Army Day.

Defenders of the Fatherland Day!

Masha. What are you, Dunyasha, or you don't know

That today is not this holiday at all?

Dunyasha. Whose holiday is it?

Masha. Don't you guess?

Dunyasha. Not!

Masha. Yes, you look at women: there are mothers and grandmothers,

And employees of the kindergarten, and girls.

All women are elegant and beautiful.

So what holiday is today?

Dunyasha. And, I guessed, today, of course,

Masha. Well, that's right now! Today all mothers, grandmothers

They want to congratulate these, well, those who jump, jump.

Dunyasha. Balls?

Masha. No, they still fight sometimes.

Dunyasha. Roosters?

Masha. No, they are still in short pants and bows.

They run.

Dunyasha. And these are children.

Masha. That's right, children.

Masha. Dunyasha, look how many congratulatory telegrams we received. Even my head is spinning.

Here, for example, is what the Serpent Gorynych writes to me .. (reads).

“Dear Granny - Yagulya is a beauty! I congratulate you! Your Serpent Gorynych.

Leading. Something is wrong here. Well, take off your headscarves.

Guys, this is B.Ya. and Shapoklyak came to us for a holiday(grandmothers take off their robes and headscarves).

Baba Yaga. Don't be surprised and don't be afraid! After all, we are the most

Charming women in fairy tales, so today is our holiday!

Shapoklyak. We are not evil old ladies. and Baba Yaga We are kind now

(sing) Just look us in the eyes.

For any man

Wrinkles will disappear in an instant

And these words will be born:

Oh, grandmothers are beautiful.

Better is hard to find

Oh, come on, grandma,

Kiss your hands!

(look in the mirror and ask in two voices)

Our light, mirror, tell me

Yes, tell the whole truth:

Are we the sweetest in the world,

All blush and whiter?

You beautiful, no doubt

But there are mothers in the world -

Impossible to take your eyes off!

Everyone is cute and everyone is beautiful

And still hardworking

Everyone is sitting in front of you.

They pet their children!

Shapoklyak. Oh you stupid glass!

Baba Yaga. It can not be! You lie out of spite!

(sit down with their mothers. Looking in the mirror

comparing yourself to them).

Oh yes, they are all beautiful!

And everyone is kind! And loved!

Shapoklyak. (Baba Yaga ) We are now them - me and you

Let's do some kindness!

Baba Yaga. (sings) I'll call Koshchei right away,

I'll call right here!

Me with such a mobile connection

Even a mortar is useless!

(picks up phone, calls)

Hello! Koshcheyushka? Hello dear!

This is Yagulya. The bug came out. It turns out that the ladies-mothers who painted me and Shapoklyak will be.

Yes, not a gag, but Shapoklyak! Well, yes! It's a shame, Koshcheyushka! So I say kindness to them to reduce ... What?(hangs up slowly)

Doesn't want to help. I, he says, today is gel .. zhen ..

Gentleman, here! And who didn't say that?

Leading. Do you want to know who the gentlemen are? Listen to our boys.

(Gentlemen boys exit)

Child. We want to tell you the rules of real gentlemen.

A gentleman is always neat and tidy.

child 2. The gentleman is polite and considerate.

Child 3. A real gentleman is modest and well-mannered.

Child 4. And the gentleman respectfully, touchingly respects all ladies and especially mothers.

Child 5. When we get up at home in the morning,

Let's say everything in chorus to mom: "Good morning"

Child 1. If you can't eat anymore,

Let's say to mom we all "Thank you"

child 2. When she scolds for pranks,

Let's tell her: "I'm sorry!"

child 3 . Leaving at parting

Let's say softly: "Goodbye!"

Child 4. In the evening my mother was very tired.

Tell her affectionately "Good night!"

Leading. With the help of these magic words, you can even return a good mood to a sad and offended mother,

And cheer up. And our gentlemen boys

Give you this wonderful dance.

Dance. "CHA, CHA, CHA"

Presenter ( refers to Sh. and B.Ya.) You understand who the Gentlemen are.

Baba Yaga. Think gentlemen.(whispering with Shapoklyak).

Now you call one of your friends

Which are worse! (holding out the phone to Shapoklyak)

Shapoklyak. (hesitantly picks up the phone)I don't have bad friends.

I am the worst! So, should I call myself?

Baba Yaga. ( picks up and hides the phone) Okay, kindness and beauty cannot be reduced, so at least we will spoil the mood of mothers! sing along!

They sing to the melody "You pissed me off."

Your children are disobedient

How to enter the house from a walk -

All smeared like pigs

Don't wash them off!

Children help mom

Only in March, once a year,

Prepare for the holiday

Inedible food!

They took the children to the holiday,

And for the festive beauty

Mothers ironed clothes

Dads powdered their noses!

Moms holiday gifts

Not found under the pillow:

Mother's Day - March 8th

Moved to June!

After the performance of each verse, the presenter asks those present: “Is this true?”(answers)

Leading. Your songs are just teasers, and you didn’t spoil anyone’s mood, because the holiday continues anyway! Well, if you want, you can stay on our matinee.

Shapoklyak. Okay, Yagusya, let's see what they have next.

Baba Yaga. And I know I need a dance

In concert your foreigner.

Boy. You don't need a foreign number

And we need our native, folk.

Girl. The performance of the orchestra will delight you now.

Musicians - orchestra players will try for you.Enthusiasm and fire do not need to be occupied

We will play Kamarinskaya for you.

Orchestration. "Kamarinskaya"

Leading. Well friends good number?

Baba Yaga. Yes, I almost died laughing

I thought you would sing

And you play - well, you give!

Leading. In work on a glorious concert,

We must not forget the main thing.

Child. We love mothers and grandmothers so much

And we will never forget.

Leading. What will we do next, I wonder?

Child. We will sing a song about grandmother.

Song "My Grandmother".

Girl. We don't get tired of singing songs

Let's sing about spring!

Song. "Spring" (children sit down).

Boy. In the spring for many, for girls

Freckles on the nose are on fire!

They decorate them

The boys know this.

How "Freckles" are good

Now you will dance from the heart.

Dance. " Freckles"

Shapoklyak. Yes, you have the whole range of numbers,

Child. You will not find a better garden than ours in the world.

How can we dance

We can show you all.


Baba Yaga. You all dance, sing

Well, when will you read the poems?

Leading. Poems - humoresque children will tell

They will show their talents to us.

one . Mother : Where is the apple, Andryusha?

Son: Apple? I've been eating for a long time!

Mother. You didn't wash it, did you?

Son. I cleared my skin!

Mother. Well done, you have become!

Son. I've been like this for a long time!

Mother. And where is the cleaning of cases?

Son. Ah, cleaning? Also ate!


2. Child. There is a girl Natasha in our apartment.

Her mother brought her a box of chocolates.

And she said sternly: “Eat a little now,

The rest are tomorrow. Put it in the buffet."

And Natasha sat down, ate all the sweets.

Eating and laughing.

Girl. “Mom, do not scold!

I haven't forgotten. Remember you taught

"Never leave things for tomorrow."


3. Girl. “Our chandelier went out ..-

Mom sighed sadly.

What a pity that dad is not at home!

And who will fix the light for us?

Boy. And I said: “What am I for?”

And climbed onto the table in the dark.

And immediately I, like dad, became,

How did he get the light bulb?

She was hot

She burned my hand

But I didn't show

After all, I'm big, like dad, I have become!

I put in a new bulb..

Together. And, like a magician, the light returned.

Shap. and B.Ya. How can I not look at you (to the audience),

You are all sitting...

How smart we are - just look.

The game. 1st "Sway ball"

2nd "Tie the Bows"

B.Ya. and Shapoklyak. We didn't waste time either.

Prepared in advance, tried.

Take a look at us

And dance merrily with us.

Dance. "Grandmothers"

(children after the dance, give B.Ya. and Sh., a new broom and a hat)

Leading. This ends the concert.

We wish you not to get sick,

Stay young forever

Over the years, the soul does not grow old.

Child. Drops drip, drip, drip.

Thank you, we say to you

Thank you for the warmth

For tenderness and beauty.

We want to scream now

All. Thank you for having us.


(children give gifts)

Witchcraft Koshchei

Holiday for children of the preparatory group,

Evil Koschey wants to ruin the holiday and turns all mothers into frogs. To return their mothers, the children go on a journey. Script would be helpful music directors and educators in kindergarten in preparation for the holiday dedicated to March 8.
Target: organization of a festive event in honor of International Women's Day on March 8.
form ideas about International Women's Day;
to develop the creative abilities of children, performing skills, physical activity;
to cultivate love and respect for mother, grandmothers, a benevolent attitude towards each other, a desire to come to the rescue, to bring joy to relatives.
In one corner of the hall there is a house, in front of it is a flower bed and a watering can. In the other corner there is a large chest, it contains gifts for mothers prepared by children. Also needed:
frog masks according to the number of mothers;
a ball of bright threads;
flowers for dancing.
Adults play the roles of the host, Koshchei, Kikimora and Baba Yaga.
The role of the Mouse is played by a child.

Boys enter the festively decorated hall to the music in a column, pass through the center, disperse in different directions and, meeting, form a “gate”. Girls enter through the “gates”, pass through the center, disperse in different directions and, meeting, line up near the central wall. At the same time, the boys disperse into two lines at the side walls.
Among the warm spring days
March 8 - all the more expensive.
All over the earth, for all people
Spring and woman are similar.
Good luck to you, health to you
And we wish you happiness
And with the first holiday of spring
Dear Mom,
You are not sweeter.
I want to say so
About your love.

Just the right words
Where can I find
To love you
Mommy, say?

I ask for ringing words
Take it from the stream
Light, fast please
I'm at the moth.

With the gentle scent of words
They give me flowers
So that on a clear spring day
You smiled.

I have a birch from the branches
Weaves soft words
Warm, radiant
The sun will send.

I will put these words together
your song,
And you, my love
Mommy, I'll sleep.
The song "Congratulations to mom on Women's Day"
Children in order:
What a gift for mom
We will give on Women's Day?

There are many for this
Fantastic ideas!

After all, prepare a surprise for mom -
It is very interesting.

We'll knead the dough in the tub

Or wash the chair.

Well, I'm a gift to my mother
I'll paint the closet with flowers
It would be nice if the ceiling
Too bad I'm not tall.

We thought for a long time, decided:
What to give our mothers?
After all, a gift, we said
Should be the best!

And then we remembered how mom
She read us a bedtime story.

And how then can we sleep sweetly,

And the magic is dreaming all night.
Song "Mother's Tale"
At the end of the song, the children slowly sit on the chairs and “fall asleep”.
Everything around was so quiet
Both grandmother and mother are sleeping ...
Children, albeit not in cribs,
They also sleep pretty well.
Educators and nannies
See for yourself -
Everyone fell asleep! Sleep sweetly
Only noses sniffle.
Koschey the Deathless enters the hall to the music.
Oh, you want a fairy tale?
I'll arrange a fairy tale for you!
Come on, answer
What is your holiday?
We have Mother's Day today.
But who came to us?
Don't you see - Koschey!
Perhaps this is a dream?
Ah, a dream? Now I'll show you!
I'm not in a dream, but in reality
I will turn all mothers into frogs
And I will teach you to live in a swamp!
Koschey, I beg you, do not
Children cannot live without mothers!
Not! I'll ruin your holiday!
I am evil Koschey, and your mothers
You will never see.
Always be them frogs!
Moms put on frog masks.

Koschey, laughing, leaves.
And what should we do now, guys? ..
We need our moms back!
We'll get through this,
Get on the road soon!
To the song “Lukomorye is not on the map”, the children snake around the hall and sit on the chairs.
Kikimora enters.

Kikimora sings:
I am Kikimora swamp,
I'm so carefree.
Notices children:
Ouch! Who are you?
And where did such a miracle come from?
Kikimora, hello!
How are you doing?
Today is a holiday
Don't you know?
Don't know. Tell me which one?
Women's Day!
Well, well, where are your gifts? Where?..
Well, at least to hear a kind word.
I don't need anything else.
After all, I have no friends, no girlfriends,
And only one only leeches around.
Guys, do you know kind, gentle, affectionate words?
The children answer.
Let's please Kikimora.
Children say kind words to Kikimore.
What kind words!
Oh! How dizzy!
Today is Women's Day
And I'm not too lazy to dance!
Come on, pretty girls,
Tell me, are you my friend?
Eh! We are on holiday on our
Let's dance merrily today!
The girls line up.
Happy Women's Day
Our grandmothers and mothers.

We will dance for you now
You clap for us!
Song-dance "And we are laughter girls"
1. And we are laughter girls,
We are all Kikimora girlfriends.
And we will drown in heels
And let's dance with you!
And shura-mura, containers-baroches,
Ah, those benny-gibberish.
Congratulations to all women today
We want to cheer you up!
2. Today is Women's Day
And we are not too lazy to dance.
And you clap your hands
Let the legs dance more cheerfully.
The girls sit down.
What cool girls!
They are now my girlfriends.
You, boys, protect them,
And never offend!
The boys line up in a semicircle.
Boys and I fight
We cock sometimes.
But girls, we swear to you
We will never offend!

We are friendly guys
We congratulate you.
Today we are very happy
We will sing a song for you!
Song "Pigtails"
Girls, congratulations on your holiday.
We wish you the very best.

If we teased you offensively,
Honestly, we are very ashamed.

And not out of anger, but out of habit
We often pull your pigtails.
All boys:
Please, forgive us
And accept our congratulations.
The boys sit down.
Oh! What wonderful children!
Better not to find in the world!
I'm glad to be friends with you
Stay with me live!
Dear Kikimora, thank you
But we can't stay with you.
It's time for us guys
Go on the road.
Angry Koschey in frogs
Turned all mothers.
Without a mother, children are bad,
We need to save them!
Ah, that's what! .. I know, I heard ...
I will reveal the secret to you!
Lives in the world Mouse
In a teremka with a pipe,
In the garden of this Mouse
Miracle flowers are growing.
They will break the curse
And your mothers will be returned.
Kikimora, thank you very much!
Well, what are you. Thank you!
Happy roads to you.
And come visit
Don't forget about me!
Kikimora leaves.
So guys, let's get back on the road!
After all, we need to return moms as soon as possible!
To the song “Lukomorye is not on the map”, the children snake around the hall and sit down.
"Flies" Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga:
I feel! Smells like a Russian...
Who complained here?
Hello Grandma Yaga,
How are you, how are you?
Today is a holiday - Women's Day,
We want to congratulate you!
Baba Yaga:
Congratulate with celebration? Me?
And in honor of what? After all, I am Yaga!
But you're also a Grandmother!
Accept congratulations!

There is a very kind person
Who thinks for everyone
He will tell us a story
And spread jam on bread.
This person is a grandma
I love her with all my heart.
The song "Stay, grandmother, such"
Baba Yaga:

Oh dear, thank you
They sang a song for me.
I'm even a little bit
Got better.
I heard about your trouble
The crow whispered to me.
You pleased Yaga,
I will help you for that.
But first a test
You must pass mine.
And complete the task
Terem will help you find it.
So tell me guys
And could you hand in hand
Even in the form of frogs,
Get to know your beloved mothers?
Children's answers.
The game "Know Mom by Hands"
Mothers come out and stand in a circle. The child is blindfolded. The child by hand, by touch, should recognize his mother.
During the game, the girl playing the role of the Mouse hides in the house.

Baba Yaga:
Well, well done! Passed the test!
Here, hold my ball
Yes, take care of it!
He is magical, not simple -
Any way he will point.
Thank you Grandma Yaga!
Baba Yaga:
Please! Bye Bye!
Baba Yaga flies away
Well, now, we are almost at the goal,
It remains to find Teremok.
A magic ball will help us,
And we will definitely save moms!
Well, roll-roll ball,
Bring us to Teremok!
The leader rolls a ball. The Mouse comes out of the little house, waters the flowers and sings a song.

Mouse song:
You are my flowers, flowers,
buttercups and cornflowers,
Grow up quickly
Bloom with lush color.
I planted you at dawn
And poured water
Blossom for everyone
So elegant and pretty!
Mouse, mouse, help me out
Give us flowers for mom.
Moms need to be saved!
Can we have flowers?
Well, of course, take them
And dance with flowers.
And then I'll tell you
You will bring your mothers back!
Dance with flowers
After the dance, the mothers take off their frog masks.
The spells have fallen
And our mothers are with us again!
The children line up.
Everyone tried in vain
The story ends well!
And now it's time for all of us
Congrats again mom.
There is no one dearer than mother in the world,
There is nothing more tender than her hands
There is no one kinder and more beautiful.
She is my best, true friend!
Children in order:
I love your sonorous laugh, Mom!
You are the best in the world, Mom!
Open the doors to a fairy tale, Mom!
Give me a smile, Mom!
If you sing a song, Mom!
Then the rain will be heard, Mom!
"FROM Good morning!”, - tell me, Mom!
The sun will flash in the window, Mom.
Stars are watching from above, Mom!
It's good that you are near, Mom!
Smile, sing songs, Mom!
All children:
I will always be with you, Mom!
Song "Waltz for Mom"
To this bright holiday
Remembered by all of us
Let's go guys
Let's invite moms to dance!
Dance with moms: "Two stomps, three slams"
After the dance, everyone sits down. Out of breath Kikimora and Baba Yaga run in.
Oh, we were in a hurry!
Baba Yaga:
The guys got it right
And everything ended well.
Miracle! .. Moms are with them again,
Everyone is so happy!
So we don't care anymore
Give moms gifts?
Baba Yaga:
Where are the gifts?
At your place!
They look at each other in surprise.
No... Koschei is nasty...
Nothing will come of it, will it?
Baba Yaga:
Where is my ball?
Here you go…
Baba Yaga:
Right now, I'll arrange everything in a moment!
Or am I not Bab Yaga?
I will conjure over the ball ...
Throws the ball into the chest.

The scenario of the holiday dedicated to March 8 for the middle group No. 3

"For mother dear"

Characters: Spring and Baba Yaga.

The hall is beautifully decorated. Under fervent music, children enter the hall in pairs. Perform the exercise. Behind them enters the host - Spring

Spring: Hello guys, hello dear guests.

I wake up in the morning and look
What kind of day is today, I don’t understand.
Smiling passers-by
And they bring bouquets of flowers with them!
Children, tell us!

Children: ( together ) Today is the holiday of our mothers!

I congratulate beautiful women:
And grandmothers, and mothers, and naughty girls!
And let the sun shine every day
Stronger warms from freckles and smiles!

I am Spring-Red, I give you joy.
The house will be full of happiness.
Spring days bring goodness
Not a single cloud in the blue sky!

1st child: The sun shines stronger
The day is getting longer.
Melting white snow
The first flower is waking up!

2nd child:
red number on a piece of paper
Shines big 8,
And all over the mainland
Bring gifts for moms!

3rd child:
cute, beautiful, loved
Our mothers!
A song for you, dear ones,
Let's sing, and then we'll dance!

Song "Today is an unusual day"

4th child:
Outside my window a song sounds
Then one titmouse says to her girlfriend:
“On Women's Day, congratulations to a beautiful mother!
Do not shawl in vain, help around the house!

5th child:
And her friend answered her:
“There is no one better than mom in the world!
We play games with her fun,
I love reading with her!

Spring: And we are cute grandmothers
With all our love, congratulations!
Moods of good and good health
We wish them!

6th child:
I love my grandmother very much
And with her I don’t scream and I’m not rude.
I'll put all the toys in the closet,
I'll give my grandmother a drawing!

Spring: And as a gift, accept a magic bell!
It is very useful for making wishes come true!

Looks in pockets and does not find.

Spring: Oh guys, here's the problem!
I was in such a hurry to get here
Dropped the bell
I forgot to look back!

To the music, Baba Yaga enters the hall, she sings and dances. She wears a decorated bell around her neck.

Baba Yaga:
I walked through the forest alone
And then I hear a bell on a branch!
The call brought me to you
And as I see it did not disappoint! Op-la!
Let me introduce myself,
Yagunya is a beauty!
All day jokes, but I tell jokes,
I never punish kids! Op-la!
No harm in me
I am open-hearted to everyone!
But I love to fool around
I can get back a little salty! Op-la!
And where did the bell lead me?

Spring: We welcome you, Baba Yaga, to our holiday!

Baba Yaga: How? What? What is the holiday in the yard?

Spring: Guys, tell grandma!

The children answer.

Baba Yaga: Oh, so it's my holiday too! I'm the most mischievous girl in the world! And are congratulations waiting for me?

Spring: Come on guys, stand around Baba Yaga! Let's congratulate her and give her good words! Let's take turns praising her!

Children give compliments. Yaga gives a candy for the most beautiful wish.

Baba Yaga: Grandmother was so pleased, so amused that I even wanted to dance!

Dancing to the music in a circle with a bell in his hand.

Spring: Grandmother Yaga, where did you get such a wonderful bell?

Baba Yaga: Lying in the forest
Didn't belong to anyone!
And I found
And became mine!

Spring: Do you know that this is a magical spring bell? All wishes come true!

Baba Yaga: Magic?! It's possible to arrange so many pranks!

Spring: Grandmother Yagushka, what did you come up with on such a joyful day? Better give the magic bell to mothers and grandmothers, let them make their wishes!

Baba Yaga:
Oh, today I will not offend anyone!
It is better to have fun and together we will continue the holiday!

Passes the bell to the 1st mother.

1st mom: ( rings the bell )
Kids, dance out
And take the good Grandmother with you!

Dance of the girls "Fashionistas"

2nd mom: ( rings the bell )
Let the bell ring more cheerfully
Calls everyone to the game soon!

1. The game "Catch up with me!"

Spring: Guys, which team will collect more oranges in a basket, that one wins! Only, chur, collect oranges only with spoons!

After the oranges are distributed to the children. Baba Yaga also participates, but loses all the oranges.

Baba Yaga: ( puffed and fanned ) Oh, they killed my grandmother! Phew, tired!

Spring: You, Grandma, sit down and guess with our children, different riddles about spring! Parents can also suggest answers!

2. Riddles

1. A beauty walks,
Lightly touches the ground
And she will look into the forest and into the meadow,
Easily melts the snow around

2. Whose house is hanging on a branch?
Nobody will open the door for you.
But it's so warm in this house
There are plenty of chicks inside.
And this house is called (Nest)

3. Noisy and jumping streams.
And the sky is already high.
And the old rook is glad of the weather -
A month flew to us ... (March.)

4. Born from under the snow,
He quickly became friends with us.
The first one, very gentle,
White small (Snowdrop)

5. Fluffy balls,
yellow, fragrant
Hides gently from the frost
In their branches (Mimosa)

Baba Yaga: Oh yes, smart kids,
Good riddles!
And I would listen to the glorious singing
For a festive mood!

Children sing a song or perform spring calls.

Baba Yaga: ( clapping his hands )
How joyful at your holiday!
But all the kids are pranksters!
Tell a secret to Babus-Yagus,
Do you help around the house or not at all?

Spring: All our children are smart and well done! And we will present and show everything!

Boys dance "Big wash"

Girls' song "Three Wishes"

3. The game "Glube" with moms

Three grandmothers and mothers, as well as their daughters, are invited. Each trio is given yarn. In turn, the grandmother begins to wind it into a ball, and on a signal, passes the skein further to the mother, and then to the daughter. Those who collect the ball first win.

Spring: Baba Yaga, did you like the helpers?

Baba Yaga: ( respectfully ) Good! And I had an idea-desire! May I ring the bell?

They give Baba Yaga a bell.

Baba Yaga:
I wish to hear many congratulations,
But so that everyone would like to laugh without hesitation!
Wonderful bell ring a song,
Make my wish come true!

Now listen to ditties about grandmothers!

1 Our grandmothers and mothers
Congratulations on Women's Day!
No embarrassment, no hesitation
We'll sing ditties to you!

2. Once with my brother we became obedient,
Cleaned the house, washed the dishes.
Some house became immediately complacent,
We washed away all the sadness from the house with foam!

3. You, granny, do not get sick,
Don't go to the pharmacy
Better run more often
To the disco club.

4. And granny is a champion!
After all, her "Napoleon"
Takes on the attack of all guests.
The most delicious of all kings!

5. We sang ditties to you
The best.
And let's dance
with our girls!

General dance "Sailor"

Baba Yaga: Oh, kitty boys
I stayed with you, it's time and honor to know!
But before parting, I will reward you for your kindness and friendliness!

Distributes food to children.

Spring: Goodbye, Babushka Yaga, come back for a visit!

Baba Yaga waves to everyone and leaves.

1st child: Spring is red, open the gate!

Winter is leaving, the bird is starting a song!

2nd child: And we congratulate our grandmothers and mothers

And we wish them to live in goodness!

3rd child: For the most dear and beloved

We made our own gifts!

The song "Better than the dawn"

Dance with mothers "Turn to the one who ..."

Children take out a basket with craft flowers and give it to their parents. The holiday ends.


It might be useful to read: