Whale at the mouth of the river. "tired and sighs loudly": in the Khabarovsk Territory, a whale got stuck at the mouth of a river (photo, video). How the animal ended up in captivity

In the Khabarovsk Territory, since the morning of August 10, they are deciding how to save the 13-meter bowhead whale on the island of Bolshoi Shantar.

The mammal got into the "trap" because of a flock of killer whales. But she cannot turn around and go out to sea on her own, because because of the low tide she was stranded. Scientists estimate the weight of the whale at about 30-40 tons.

According to the most optimistic forecasts, he can hold out in such a situation for a maximum of three days.

Deputy Director for Security environment FGBU "Zapovednoye Priamurye" Dmitry Grankin, commenting on this situation on the air of the TV channel, explained that the whale entered the mouth at about 5 am (August 10) for about a kilometer.

“You can enter the mouth during high tide, and then it bifurcates, and there is a shallow, on which the whale ended up.

According to him, it is impossible to drag a whale weighing tens of tons by dragging - the skin will be ripped off. Plus, you need a technique that could approach the water, which is also unrealistic.

Now next to the whale, inspectors, reserve staff, and dozens of volunteer tourists are on duty. All of them are trying to alleviate the fate of a stuck whale, which is only half in the water. Waiting for the tide to rise, they water it with a hose.

Experts say - the main thing is that his eyes do not dry out. At the same time, the volunteers believe that the employees of the national park are not doing everything possible to alleviate the whale's plight. In their blogs, they write that the animal is very tormented, bleeding, and small fish have already begun to eat it.

According to the most recent data, the whale was still able to independently advance to a depth of about 200 meters. It is now completely submerged in water, so there is no need to water it anymore.

However, the animal is injured and bleeds out. Apparently, the whale scratched heavily on the pebble bottom while trying to turn towards the sea.

Attacks by killer whales on whales are not uncommon. Their English name at one time comes from the Spanish "killer of whales".

Killer whales live in flocks. And in the same way, with the whole flock, they pounce on a large whale and simply tear it to pieces.

In addition, they also feed on dolphins, seals, penguins, and can hunt sharks. Killer whales are distributed almost throughout the world's oceans. In Russia, they usually hunt near the Kuril ridge and the Commander Islands.

The bowhead whale or Arctic whale is the only species of the suborder of baleen whales that lives in the cold waters of the Northern Hemisphere.

The total number of bowhead whales does not exceed 400 animals.

The maximum length is 20 meters, and the weight of an adult animal is from 75 to 150 tons. Such a whale dives to a depth of 200 meters and can stay under water for up to 40 minutes. Life expectancy is about 40 years. It is the only baleen whale species that spends its entire life in polar waters.

This is how a whale trapped on the island of Bolshoy Shantar in the Khabarovsk Territory looks like. © Photo Instagram @sansaraband

A 13-meter bowhead whale got stuck at the mouth of the river on Bolshoy Shantar Island in the Khabarovsk Territory, media today. This is how the Russia-24 TV channel told about it, for example.

The Shantar Islands are an archipelago with an area of ​​2.5 thousand square kilometers in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

It is home to 240 bird species, 30 of which are included in the Red Book of Russia. On the islands there are rookeries for the Red Book seals - the sea lion and the seal, and bowhead whales are regularly seen near the archipelago. Big Shantar is the largest island of the Shantar archipelago. Together with other islands, it belongs to the Shantar Islands National Park.

According to experts, the worst thing is that with his weight he transferred himself internal organs... How long in such a situation he can hold out is unknown.

Publication from Sergey Dolya (@sergeydolya)

Aug 9 2017 at 11:51 PDT

Instagram travel blogger Sergei Doli.

“We have already spoken with scientists who specialize in whales, they are all quite pessimistic,” Dmitry Grankin, deputy director for environmental protection at Zapovednoye Priamurye, told Vostok-Media-Khabarovsk.

The whale self-mutilates.

Rescuers do not have enough equipment; there are only two boats on Bolshoi Shantar. You can use them to deploy the whale with a kilometer-long cable. Dmitry Grankin says that even if such a cable were found, hardly anyone would dare to attach it to the tail of a mammal. The whale weighs about 70 tons and is about 13 meters long.

“The whale is constantly beating its tail, one movement and that's it. We have no technical ability to help him. We thought about moving it with a helicopter, but it threatens to crash the aircraft, ”Dmitry Grankin emphasized.

Scientists doubt the whale will survive until morning. “I hope he still makes it to the morning tide. This is a very big trouble for us. Besides the fact that the animal is under great threat, there is another problem. If it remains across the mouth, the Bolshoi Lake will suffer great damage for a long time, ”summed up Dmitry Grankin.

Video: a whale stuck at the mouth of the river in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk near Khabarovsk

“It's dusk here. It gets dark. The water continues to drain. The whale doesn't even twitch anymore. Tired. He just lies there and sometimes “sighs” loudly. Still nobody does anything. Everyone just sits on the shore and watches, ”says travel blogger Sergei Dolya, who found herself on the island of Bolshoi Shantar as part of the expedition“ Mamont Cup 2017 ”.

By the way, the frontman of the Yekaterinburg musical group"Samsara" Alexander Gagarin. They also post pictures of the situation on Instagram.

Publication from Sansara / Sansara (@sansaraband)


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