Marketing system for automating MLM business. MLM system and team building automation. What helped me automate my business

Hello friends! I continue the series of articles on the topic of business automation. In the last article, I tried to sort out all the elements present in the activities of every networker involved in increasing their structure. The first step that we discussed in the previous post was the preparation of tools, but we will start with something else, since tools are prepared when it is clear what functions they are destined to perform.

What you read today has nothing to do with abstruse Internet strategies, everything is ingenious, as they say simply. And the methods used on the Internet, which I will describe below, are built on the same principles. And we will start today with those things that take up the most of your precious time invested in network marketing.

Remembering that period when I see in my head only hours-long pictures of constant presentations, at home, in halls, one on one. All this was accompanied by sour and dissatisfied faces of approximately 80% of the participants, who were clearly bored and did not feel much enthusiasm for such a pastime.

I wasn’t delighted either, since I spent several hours every evening after work communicating with people who didn’t need anything from life. There was simply not enough time to enjoy business or any kind of normal training and self-development, and it was also not possible to remember about rest often.

My principles in network marketing

Now I have 2 principles that, in my opinion, a network marketing business should satisfy, it should:

  1. Gives pleasure. And this is only possible if the majority of people with whom you are in contact also experience it.
  2. Allow learning. Network marketing is a way in which, starting on a small scale, we train for the big game and develop all the necessary skills of a businessman. In a word, network marketing is a school.

Based on this, my goal was to get rid of those actions that do not bring pleasure. As a rule, the same processes that take the most time do not bring pleasure. That is, saving time on the first, we add it to the second point, killing two birds with one stone.

The largest volume of useless actions occurs when working with obviously unpromising candidates, precisely with that part of the audience that will never become your partner. The advantage is that they are easy to determine using several simple techniques, spending no more than a few minutes.

Agree, it’s pointless to spend an hour and a half on a presentation if your opponent definitely won’t come to the business. It's like trying to sell sneakers to someone without legs.

So the first task appeared: Throw away the rotten apples, and not drag them home, that is, automate the screening of people unsuitable for business at the very beginning. The task turned out to be not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

It is known what qualities a person suitable for network marketing should have:

  1. He must be purposeful, that is, to have a great desire and inner desire for changes in life.
  2. He must be curious, that is, open and ready for new opportunities.

For success, of course, a lot more will be required, but without this even a start in the race to better life will not take place. The additional link that I propose to add to the chain of your actions will allow you to immediately throw out people who do not possess these two traits and not waste your precious time and emotional energy.

Do you remember this happened to you after presentations and meetings?

  • “Thank you for the presentation, but I’m not interested.”
  • “I thought you invited me for something serious.”
  • “Give up this crap, it’s all a scam.”
  • "I don't wear makeup."
  • “I buy vitamins at the pharmacy, and not in some pyramids.”
  • “I’d rather buy shampoo at the store.”

Have you ever heard similar statements? How much time is enough to receive such a response to your proposal?

Take as much time as you allow. You can spend less than a minute, or you can drag out the rubber for months, beating around the bush. It doesn’t matter what product you have, what company you have, and everything else, most likely, when you receive such an answer, you are standing in front of a person who simply does not accept business in general or network marketing in particular. This is not bad, he just has his own opinion that is different from yours. But you will lose time.

What helped me automate my business:

2 things that helped me significantly reduce the number of empty shots when conducting my presentations will probably help you too (this is not counting). The first point is just a couple of words that will be more important than many actions, as they will save your precious time. Below I will give a couple of examples of what a conversation can look like, but for now I will convey to you the meaning that these magic words carry:

It is important for you to determine whether your offer may be of interest to your candidate, in principle, it does not matter what you offer - a business or a product. Does he have problems that it solves and does he want to solve these problems himself?

Fundamentally a diagram of such a conversation might look like in the following way:

If a person has problems with money, he realizes this and is ready to somehow solve the problem, he will answer:

- Yes, I wonder what the idea is?

– No, I’m happy with everything in my life.

Feel free to end the conversation. As an additional bonus to the time saved, you will also maintain your emotional comfort, since you did not receive a refusal. Words, emotions and everything else may be completely different, but the meaning will remain the same.

Similarly, you can create a certain template for conversations on product topics (if you are building network marketing according to a system that puts the product at the forefront).

Persuasion and presentations to those who will say “no” in any case will not give any effect or the effect will be so small that it is not worth the effort. Do you need it?

Even from those who say yes there will be plenty of people with whom your business is in network marketing will never cross paths, but at least you can talk about something with them.

So, using just this one method, you can reduce the ineffective use of time by tens of percent by getting rid of contacts with people who, in principle, have no desire to consider new opportunities or are simply skeptical about everything around them. And reducing the cost of your time is automation.

Next time we'll talk about one more step that will allow you to put your work on autopilot with that part of the audience of your business candidates who want something, but do not accept network marketing as a way to achieve their goals. This also happens, you just don’t get along with them, so why torture them and yourself?

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Friends, I welcome you to my blog! In this article I will tell you what an MLM system is and where you can learn to work in the network industry. After reading this article, you will learn how to build thousands of teams in a network business.

Here on my blog I have articles where I tell my entire story of how I started making money in MLM. Naturally, nothing worked for me, there was only spending money on all kinds of products from network companies.

Then it seemed to me that it was possible to undergo training in MLM business in the company itself. Everywhere there are educational webinars and webinars to which you need to invite people to get interested.

But it was a grave mistake. This is not the MLM training system that should really exist. No matter how hard I tried, I could not invite partners into the business.

I was already starting to think that I was simply not given the ability to build teams and that nothing would ever work out, so I started throwing money at investment projects, in the hope of getting there additional income from the Internet.

As a result, huge amounts of money are lost, but no money can be made. Although you can see how others register referrals every day and build teams of thousands. What do they do that's so special?

With my persistence, I began to study in detail all the actions of leaders. The very fact that they went through MLM training from scratch to the full result was visible to the naked eye. But where did they learn to recruit?

Of course, you can learn recruiting by recruiting personal experience, so I thought then and continued to find my own tricks for attracting partners.

At that time, there was no such thing as paying and completing MLM training. At that time there was only Ruelsoft, I studied there, but this was not what was needed. Such training does not give the required result; I needed an automation system.

Without automation you can’t build a team of thousands in short time. If everyone sits and writes in in social networks, then talk to him on Skype, it will take a lot of time. So it would be good to register at least one referral per day.

But friends, we need an MLM system where we will register dozens of people per day! And a few years later I finally found such a system.

In his article " how to set up an invitation to a project automatically“I’m telling you where you can get training in mlm business, get tools to automate your workflow and start earning money.

Also in that article I show which teams I started building in short periods of time. Those who don’t understand that recruiting requires a system are surprised and ask where I found the magic wand with which people are attracted to my teams.

I answer such people that there is nothing secret or magical here, you just need to undergo MLM training, get a system and tools for automation.

Having heard that there is no magic wand and that you just need to learn how to use the necessary tools, people immediately become disappointed and continue to look for magic buttons and wands for recruiting referrals to the project.

Guys, you always have a choice: either, like me before, continue to make mistakes and lose money, or register right now here in this training system and start earning money from the first day.

After you learn everything, you will simply configure the tools for any project, turn off the computer and go about your business. Your computer itself will build thousands of commands for you in any network company or Internet project.

I want to show my results from the first day I started training and began to put them into practice. In 4 days I earned $92, and what I did for this was to set up the received tools.

Friends, for those who read my blog, I am doing a promotion - I am giving each of my partners in this training service a personal blog as a gift. This is also a powerful tool and will give you maximum earnings results, our team will be the best on the Internet!

By the way, ordering a personal blog on the freelance exchange costs 5 thousand rubles, and from me you receive it as a gift for the fact that you will also learn how to invite to any projects and earn money. How do you like this business proposal?

Today MLM automation business allows you to get partners into your team on full autopilot

It certainly sounds very attractive and tempting, but how are things really going? Let's figure it out

First, let's see what automation of an MLM business on the Internet looks like visually

MLM business automation

In this article we will be able to look only superficially at what each of the elements in this diagram means, if you want to find out in more detail, at the top right or immediately below this article you can get my new book where I put literally everything on the shelves

So, traffic. This is the flow of visitors to your site. It is generated thanks to advertising - your marketing messages that are scattered throughout the Internet

Website serves only one purpose - to take the visitor’s contacts (to qualify a candidate). I know the leader of one network company who paid 300,000 rubles for a site, but in the end it was of no use to her at all, since it was just informational

I repeat once again, the purpose of our site is one - to take the visitor’s contacts (Name, Email)

Since we now have the candidate’s contacts, we can methodically send him necessary information, to create trust and carefully lead to the sale of our business

The last stage is the sale itself. There are many nuances here, because depending on what level you are at now, the automation structure should be completely different. Let's see what the difference is

3 MLM automation options

  1. You have knowledge and experience, it’s up to the technical issues
  2. You get turnkey automation
  3. You're starting from scratch

First option

If you already have successful experience, good results on the ground, a sufficient amount of knowledge in sales, you simply take and integrate your work scheme into the Internet

If you are at this level, then automation is not a problem for you. Write me a personal message that you have knowledge, successful experience and I will help you with technical issues

Second option

Today on the Internet there are already many working teams that provide their partners with ready-made, proven automation

But as you understand, the downside is that you will have to change the project

This option, if you are a beginner, is the most optimal. It is always beneficial to start from a certain level rather than from scratch

The third option, the most common

Do you want to build a business using new methods in your company, work with hot candidates, without a list of acquaintances, without cold calls, but you have little knowledge and experience both in business and on the Internet? What to do in this case?

  1. Benefit from experience successful people

As I mentioned before, it is much more profitable to start at some level. But even if you don’t have anything yet, this doesn’t stop you from watching strong players in the market

You will get many times more results if you do it exactly as successful people do than if you do it your own way without experience and sufficient knowledge.

Start, for example, with my book or join our closed community “online networkers” where for a whole year we study all the intricacies and nuances of MLM automation and the practical construction of a network business via the Internet

  1. Start with minimal automation

Automation of MLM business by 99% and partners on full autopilot is, of course, our goal, but in order to achieve this you need to create a fairly large flow of traffic to your website, and statistics show that it is very difficult for beginners to do this at the beginning of their journey

Therefore, we need automation that will produce maximum results with minimal traffic flow

As soon as a person has registered on your website, immediately involve him in a personal consultation, since the conversion rate during personal meetings is many times higher

There are also other advantages:

  • This scheme will let you immediately understand if you are doing something wrong, errors will be visible instantly
  • A simple scheme is easier to convey to your partners. You can even do everything turnkey for new partners (second option)
  1. Use advertising methods that give quick results

But they do not take into account several important facts:

  • People use social networks to have fun, not to look for new business.
  • Small coverage cannot give at least some result
  • This is off-putting because it looks like pure advertising.
  • As a result, to create a result it takes a lot of time and a huge amount of effort that is not comparable to the result!

This will allow you to get your first result “for pennies” because your information will be shown only to those who are already looking for what you offer!

Let's summarize:

  1. MLM automation is needed 100%
  2. Initially, it is better to start with minimal automation (until you learn to walk, there is no point in learning to ride)
  3. Learn from the experiences of successful people. If they do this, it means it works!

In conclusion I will say this. If you want to work only with hot candidates and consistently receive 10 partners or even more per month, you definitely need to automate your MLM business as early as possible

My A new book where I tell everything in detail

Or if you are ready to immediately move on to practice, then welcome to our closed business community and closed training system “Online Networkers”, go to the “training” section (top of the menu) and connect

And of course, leave your comments, write questions and share valuable material with your friends, click on the social network buttons

Good luck and success to you in business

See you

MLM automation. How you were deceived!

I think you will agree with me that when you come to the Internet with the goal of building your business, the main question arises: HOW?

And most importantly, where to start? And I will say that for many Internet users this remains a mystery to this day.

Since no one comes to the Internet with full knowledge and skills to work in global network, basically everyone comes, as you know, “dummies”.

And the ANSWER for today is in RUNET!

Eat clear step by step system or clear step-by-step instruction building a successful MLM Business on the Internet. It has already been invented, there is no need to invent anything - it just remains take it, apply it and go to Success!

What is its essence? This system comprises 3 revolutionary new ways effectively creating a profitable and lasting business.

3 factors on which this SYSTEM is based.

1 factor
MLM on the Internet: this Personal Brand. This factor is precisely the principle of creating YOUR OWN STRONG BUSINESS!

Remember how a networker from real life, when recruiting a candidate, says: I am a distributor of a company, hiding my name behind the name of the company, then an Internet networker positions himself first of all, and not the company, saying: I am a brand that cooperates with company “X”.

Remember people go first on people (a well-known brand), and not on business. A traditional Real Madrid networker is part of the company, a small cog in a large and complex mechanism.

An Internet networker is not a part of a company, but a brand (a separate company) that cooperates with a network company.

It is important to understand that you are an attractive person.

You are your own business.

You, your name, your personality. Your words, actions and energy are your business. It is important to realize that you are unique and no one can compare with you, no one can repeat you, no one can have the same abilities as you.

The entire business of people is shaped by their uniqueness and attractive personality.

The key word here is unique and attractive.

Appearance plays a role, but is not the main, unique factor. On the Internet, your appearance and age are essentially not important.

All successful leaders, everyone big companies– You know very well that you and many of us are going for the brand. If a person is successful and others talk about him, this is what attracts us to successful people.

When you are a strong, strong Brand, there is practically no competition for you, because there are always people who are interested in your information and in your personality.

Your Brand will stick around you no matter how high the competition is.

2 factor MLM SYSTEMS Business on the Internet is business automation, automation of candidate search.

MLM Business is the promotion of information. Whoever promotes information wins.

Automation ensures that information is regularly supplied automatically. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Automation allows you to perform effective screening, when only those who are interested in you and your information begin to contact you.

Those. the screening process is automated and you do not waste time on it.

You don't have to hear NO. Working through automation is very comfortable.

You must make effective use of tools such as autoresponders and Email in order to build and maintain long-term, trusting relationships with potential clients.

Your potential partners will look for you and pursue you if you have automated the process of recruiting a subscription base and have a free training course ready.

In this, traditional network business loses to Internet network business, because in traditional network marketing, 80% of time and effort is spent on finding new partners: meetings, presentations, etc., which in itself is low-effective, tedious and tiring.

A well-designed Internet system allows you to automatically find new candidates interested in your offer.

3 factor establishment trusting relationships with people. Those. It is necessary in the process of your activities to create such values ​​and benefits for people that will be in demand by your target audience.

To reach the target audience that interests you, bring the values ​​of your activities to people and the benefits of cooperation with you. Therefore, learn to create in the process of your activities such values ​​that will bring real benefits to people.

Thus, you can build trusting relationships with your target audience (those people who have similar life values and who share your views on life). When there is a trusting relationship with people, they accept your offers to become a business partner or a client of the company.

The target audience should be the basis of ALL your efforts.

Working with your target audience will allow you to reach your goals much faster.

Finding your target audience in real life it’s quite complicated, on the Internet it’s all simplified.

Therefore, the most effective way to do this is to use the Internet.

There will be information about the main Secrets of psychology in MLM and their specific 6 principles of Success in MLM in 3 days.

Good luck and prosperity to you!

Best regards, Victor Minailchenko.

Let’s take a concrete look today at what you can offer people to make them interested in coming to your business.

People don't care about your business. Honestly.

It could be lack of money, lack of time, stress at work. And the only thing they care about is how the hell your offer can help them.

Moreover, they are interested in the fastest and effective ways achieving goals.

Therefore, it makes sense to position yourself as an expert who knows these methods and can teach them.

And to do this, you will need to very seriously upgrade your skills in network business and the atomization of recruiting in network marketing. You won't be able to ride here for free. There will really be a lot to learn.

A) any skill can be mastered and
b) learning is a very interesting process.

So, how can you be interesting to people? What can you offer them?


There are many skills that people want to learn.

A few examples:
how to make money on the Internet, how to do effective advertising, how to write selling texts, how to give free advertising.

How? How? How? How?

Millions of people search the Internet every day for answers to these questions. And you yourself, probably, have signed up to ask yourself similar questions.

Become the person who can teach these skills and getting people into your business will be an easy task.

On initial stage building a business, this advantage can be quite difficult to demonstrate. Although one simple fact plays into your favor here: people are lazy.

And in fact, if you decide to master a certain topic (video shooting, contextual advertising, advertising on social networks), then literally after 2-3 days of intensive study and practice, you will know this topic better than 80% of theorists.

After a month of practice, you will know more than 95% of people. No cheating. From my own experience.


While you are learning and improving your personal skills, you can be very interesting in that you have access to the team's skill base.

And you can offer these skills to people without even having them yourself.

These could be the skills of the person who invited you into the business. And this, by the way, is one of the reasons why you should upgrade yourself - it will be easier for your partners to build a business if they have a powerful
support from a specialist in network business.

It can also be a team base for training courses and trainings.


My heart begins to pound when I realize what things can now be done using the Internet.

In fact, now you can put 90% of the work on selecting and training your potential partners on stream.

A personal website will replace the distribution of business cards and flyers. And it will do it much more effectively than if you were handing out flyers near the metro.

The smart mailing service can train your potential partners and clients for you.

And after setting up the system, you are left with the most enjoyable part of the job - talking with people about their goals. And not with all people, but only with the most active ones. in your opinion, are more potential leaders in the network marketing business.

If their goals and your business are a good fit, consider yourself a new partner.

The system is the foundation of your business. Therefore, it makes sense to either create your own automated system, or join a team that already has such a system.

As you may have guessed, you are now inside our command system


You can start increasing your value in the market today. Create a newsletter, make a website, start setting up an automatic system.

First, of course, it is advisable to have a business for which this system will work.

Receive the most to your email:


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